Clinton News-Record, 1958-06-05, Page 1- -V -, - .......... .I'P- �._. _ ..... - .: _.... ,,.. ... ..... _. ...._.._-...•..._ ...,.w. -,,,.,.m. ­..-..„ ... ,,.:,.,,.... ..,,,a�,•.... a ,,,�� �„ ua, a..w ww1-, uyly,.«• Zoe( fist (Os x', 1), q,) THf U 'CiU'ACA%MS OF SMWO A bright recd duel -t may seeT few and far bet'w'een! , .. but of YOU do see one . the Depart t 'of Lands %41 forests would like to (hear ab'caut it , , . Apgar mW they have been downg a blit of bapAng, and 'dyeWng :of ducks !at `.l'IF,U4vifie an the ceotral e'as't coast of klltori:da , , A kamd krOM as "scau!p" bsrue been, died- a bright, red . , , $o If you see, one, report it and the department v4a be happy to receive the h nfonm0pn. OVA C0RffWS'PONPWT FROM $'aDdiv$d, is- iiia 3,n, Victoria Hvs- % itaJ, . xoom X1.4 Colborne Bvia'ding, snauild. you wish to pay Ther ,a call . . and in her ab - sense Ms. R, H, F. GaIrdner has been nobly carrying an . . . i.YT,ass wooas is pro!grassio•'g .quite ifavclsuratyLy, we' undemtaml!d, and d1,s.��h.,�o,lpinig to be home again before MS SiPANI O AND HARDLY the nimble f'or har aht comment ... - but the +pa'ace where our own PUC dug across, ,the pavement to gave; firnotmsed water 'service do the Da4vy is; a much poorer job, of re- pair -thatn ,tbe, town expects and receives ftum the Bell Telephone Company fbRowing dmilar ex- cca'v+ati�mi . - . tk :k :k VIStLTED g1HE! STOA3,RNG SU- n?mner nw trapollis of Grand, Bend recently . . . finr4y believe be(f€ of Clinton was; ,theme as: well as half of London, Stratford, avid all ,the • sm! l towns) of South Westt- ern! Ontario , Sand, stud people raand carts and sun: . . , Elanner ,said "Darned wand, only :good for trees," . The, folk of Grand iBend, prodded by ever-inmeasing nunbezrs+ of sun -worshippers, have pamlleyed sand! and .trees into many !thousando of dolllara B A,M POINT FENS APX THE most frustrating writing .equi0- memnt s"ui'ce, sthae squeaky slate p'e!n- CA... nto- co, • THF NFW F1ZA_9'lyd YEAR THE NEW$,REC_OR0---77th YEA Great harness horses have come from this area, and many of them received their early training on the Clinton track. The young colt 'above may well be another great horse. His mother is Nyyda Hal, daughter of the great Joedale, whose father was I SHOULD, THINK T IA(f' IF the famous Adios, the highest priced stud in the United States. anyone ever funds the place Where Nyda Hal and her first foal belong to Ross "Punch" McEwan; lost pencilsgo, lee! will be able and when this picture was taken on Saturday, the young colt 'to Make his fortune .... rye -selling was nine days old. Mr. McEwan, along with all members. of ,them to people whta have forgot- the Clinton Turf Club are preparing for the club's harness race tear they ever owned one meet at the Clinton track on June 25. (News -Record Photo) ATIENDIiNG PUC MEETING, an unusual' pMeasure west a dem- onstration of a., car+b;on arc lamip . wiled% was'bace In; u5e•.at MorhiOr Clathmntg s�ioar!e•'• 'YTt wktis, `' � . �.�lar ��hooI Area,a:n- +good harp when I was a •fray» , said Jabez !Rands . ,� _ Of Gode'rich Low High Low t be druvaT opin6ouv Is that Jabe lis; at 1958 1957 May. 29 ;Le+ast ,as aid as Jack Benny ad- 33 mits to . . .) Beside It mw one Members of -the council of the of the six-foot 2iluorescent lamps Towm i;p .of Gu& -r ch, are con - for +the new sativet lights . .:sidering the advantages of having Strange ,thdhg is that the olid •art s!choods in the area beaiongung Vamp uses' up about four dimes to the Towagh tp, School Area. At as Much power as the new street ,the present there are only six Alagtnts of the -ten sdicol's belonging. 05 .Recent amendments to the po4- Local Girl Graduates icy of the Department of Educa- From Alma College tion, bas increased the amount of special. -grant to schools an - Mw lords+ Johnston graduated cludeid in an Area,. but only when'', from Alma Calle(ge at St. Thomas a1l+Z s'ehaals, or a; minimum of ten thus •weep, in a colourful' ceremony sch!ootls, belong, will, .they be el - het d in ,the natural amnphltheatre igi;bl'e. At present +sill schnols+ in of the college; Mr. and Mrs. Har- the area 'get a grant of $300. If vey Johnston,, RR: '5, CaInton, at- they were eligible forthe increas- tended the event, at which- :their ed' ,grant they would get $500. i daughter received the Sisk Mem- This means to the Township, a' orchil award for progress made In ,possible $3,200 a year gain. music, and also 'a gold pin for The school se!etions not belong - proficiency In ,Pagano. Mins John- ing to the area, have alll held meet-' starn will ,teach music on, the staff Ed, Boyer celebrated his 85th of the pub1te school at Human•. grant available 'on the inspector's Park, the tpenn,anent married qu- artems at RC.,A'F Station Centralia. The Week`s Weather Public Speaking Finals In Legion Hall Here On Saturday Afternoon D,is'tricat C ,final's In. the Legion, sponsored public speaking contest will be h'dd In the -Clinton Legion. Memonial Hall this Saturday aft- emnaon, commencing at ,two. o'- cl'ock. The publio' is Invited to attend, Competing from the Clinton school will tae Muss. Barbara Inder, in the senior public school divi- sion. Brother and Sister Graduate M WM, 'SJi PAiICi;,xN0 wh6 tetaived his B, Se, ,ire Me- xc'hanicatl' Eftgand" Mma!g at oueeh a• 000"4016rk exeralses at R A9. Mott, ori May 17. Vwtaftalit .$heari7ng !is attached to ithe Twp. to Ten Ings, and a very poor turnout of ,ratepayers was recorded, In Sec- tion 8, where over 200 are can- cenned', only 15 a'ttend'ed, alit were alga hst the change. In Section 2; 30 were againsit, and seven in, fav- our; In Section. 5, 214 were against, and seven were in favour; in Sec- tion eo-tion 9, 24 were against the move, and .eight were for it. According to G. Glen Gardiner, Giodeni'ech, the inspector for public schools in that area., this special _grant to school areas, is an at- tempt -by the, government of Ont - aria to equalize costs to ratepay- ers throughout the, province: Th- rough the schootl area plan, re- sources are pooled, amid children tun .a section which may have a dower assessment than neigh- bouring one, are not •penabl .ed by having 'less money spent upon their education, Township council :plans another special meeting to consider the matter further. Special Meeting In ail the township co'unci'l held five special meetings in, the past month.. Gerald Mite was hired at $1.10 anhour to retplace Bert Harris: as operator of the road grader. Mr. Harris resigned from the posdtdon atter trine years. of service. Henxiy Young is at work on construction of a new bridge at Lot 80, Mainland Concession. This is' R- !own as "the, Hopkins Bridge". It is expected this $10,000 struct- are' will !be ronvpleted shortly. Kinsmen Learnt from Pair of Linesmen Demnonstxatic>tnsi on: drtificied respiration were ,given the mem- bers, of the 91mmn.eft Club- of Olin- ton, on, Tuesday night at the reg- alar meeting, by Jam Ora'hamri at the Rural Hydro and, Gordon Datl!g- leis+ch, Brill Telaphane Company. Guests, were Noboru Terror and Geottge Johnston, dboth of RMF S'tathnr Clinton. PrAIdent Donald Xay Presdodo for the meetft Announoeatrent was• made of a a4 wer tvopby pmseented by the Miami News•Recot d for annual, cotrmpetitiori 'by ,the' Peewee Bast - ball, Town L:ealgue, This, year them are five teams from town, and tW6 from RCA' Station Ciintom! In this league. Local merchants are suppotting with ddonatTiont fir the parC!h'ase of un!iforr Ag for :bhe All Star team: '111"`111g part "I flit 'WOAA base - 'hath gaaiiies. xinsmPien! are ,p!1'a'rrnirtg a Ladies Night Oft '11mo 21, A fterno.on And tviening tyents J+wnte A If; t+be dote for the This has always •-been, an, interest Chinon ,Spring' Show, wh4oh Witt I nlg hart of the day, And, for those Sets Season's be held 7dn tae Comnn-punity t1F'ark, Who cannot 'get out itv the daytime, I Reeve g3urton Stanley was re- ool: students, high soh'ool pupUs before the covered gra!ndst4r4, proves to be a very -good t lle appointed .cha'irma'n of the Clinton and atdui'ts; as well as fam Uv sea - which Meeh: joust this week received to we the 'Livestock. Included do Community Swimming Po011' Board soot's -tickets. !go on sale Monday, some attention,. The fipaees be. the program. are the •unique four- at the cnau+g!ura1 mneeting Monday June •9. These may be picked up i>Jind ,the seats in the, stands, have horse and -six -horse bitches. Some- evenin'g'. Town c clerk Jdhn Liver fromJ,cihn LWerm'ore at �tbe town; !been: cAosed: in. 2t �shoulidt help times the fair -,goer gets an added more was also ,reappointed sere hall, and from 'Cameron Proctor conswdema,baly to the ' cozaOrt a thtriO, when a oomoetely furnish- re+tary-treasurer. Mr. Livermore at the PUC QUIce. ,those, who make use :of •them. ed elghtt hie hitch is, 'trotted is also treasurer of the Clinton. Membem discussed.. the setting ,Char';es M'aeiNaugbton, iVlf..,A for out on the track, There Wald; tae Comnmmni'ty 'Sw'Immin'g Pool Fund. .up of vul.:es and reguil;a+tbons gto!v- 14uman! -County, wild fie on hand ptoniels', light horses, heavy borses', O'bhem, present were Cameron ern'ing the pool, but nothing def-. to open the. ,fair, To�y Gnigg its etc, Proctor, Maitland Edgar, A. L. indte wags decided ulpon until more expected -,to emcee in;.front of the Cattle of ail 'breed's and types, ;Oolquhoun, Ed, -dale and R, J, information Is a,vaidable fmomn the stand-. the 4-H Club calves sheep and "Bud" Schoenhals : eneral chair, k.is soheduledl swine, a�Ll, 'waft' b'e on show. , g the Department programseoAbranch of +1'amaxle t'o t'he ,par , man of the pool fuun�d, t!la?e De!patrtmnentt of A'grrloulture. for one a'sock, 'as as• customary, Yes., tbere's: a midway, too, with The, setting of rates for the One decision was made: that no end a4 school: cchldreO in the pax merry -,go• -round, etc., etc. coming swv n ing season at the child! under six years of age will ado m�enceesharcrp free, at an.e o,ck, is to variety show put on 1the ' completed pats, was -the main ord. be aLlawed' an the swimming pool. JudgingP y - ►ng', ' er of •tNUsi'nesS, 1'00l Ytates too, sothat the many entries can Junior Flaxmew, and they lianre Seasomi�s tickets lar public sch- 'be handled before data, imported a quartet from, .London, For Zai! cen'ts admFor school ion, ,ba pool, r ora sea- lictem There do a. return tbis year to Which s'inoulld be very worth -while, � the: evening, performance, which Then the Fair Night Dance, to Queer. $ Scout son's- ticket for $1..50. Only three - wast omitted tfrom di,6 1957 fair. .round the evening off. chk1dre!n from one: ftanvi,l'y need' buy ;> seasanPst tI&ets,,w the fourth and --- r% additional tickets are free. Bayfield Guide Hosts For Huron High,school student's . Sint el y �' � tirokebs will sell fiat $3.00. S!in'gle admisstion to the pool Is 25 cents iAdal'ts. also must spay 25 cents District Field Day Held n Villagei every time they use the ;pool or mayet ,Huron Dlvisiion tof ;the Girl' Guild- tCom"ss$oner, Mrs. Crocker, Ex- mtb'uy a season's c ase for $4.00. •Families ay' purchase twa e5 held their first annual field eter ,District and District Com- adullt se'asonrs tickets, and two +clay In Ba!yfieaid; on Saturday, May m Wsloner Miss Una MacDona!1?d, chiadrents tickets for $10.00. 31, - It is the first field day since' Goderich District. Tile strove season's ticket rates thePerth-Huron Divds.ibn was s!p- There were .events far compet- are For blas season only, C;lafkmes, Jolt up, None companies attended. dtibn in all phase's of Guide work. � cheu. irig baskets are -included in; Inspection of the gompanues and, This. year -a new• cup had been. the ;above• prices, but will not be Hams'eshoe F-orun ,ti%4was: conduc- donated by the ,Huron Divasaon avoidable until the (bath, house is ted! by Division, itommissioner by Mrs. Bruce Connell, Area Com- : • completed later this summer. Par - Miss; Laumett , Saegner; District missioner. It Is ,given tannual!ly en!ts are assured that abIldren's. to the, company with the highest belongings wd!lll 'be- well looked aft- . points!. This year It was won by er by the life-,gua!rds and assist - $740 Damage In Pirs!t Goid'erloh Company ants at the !pool. Two, small trophies were award- Appoint Supervisor TWO -Car Crash ed to first and second' place com- Only one applloa.t'ion was re - A two scar collision, at the corn- pariesfor them, to keep. Second William Wild, ceived for the job of supervisor er of -p rinces's and Raglan streets place was earned by Second God- son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph of ,th:e :pool, that of Mait Zdgar.. early +Surcnday morning. Douglas erich. Company. Wild, last month became the Mn Edgar -and the board wild Jones, 2a, JluTov Street drSAbg Lunch was served In the Guide third ,boy tto, become a Queen's seek capable tli;fe-+guards and odder a 1956 'car was, in ca'lAds!ion withcircle, and the Ladies Auxilr.'ary Scout at Clinton, when he re. students to supervise stwimn-Ang a 195,1 car driven by Kenneth, Gserved ice cream, dhocdiate mild- ceived his, certificate :un Calling- and keep order at the pool, The Merner, 17. Total -damage was es- and co'ffe'e ,to ail present. Mrs. wa l at a special' ceremony. new :supervisor As a teacher at tamated at $740. John Lindsay 'and Mws.. Alf Scat- Awards were made •by the pro- A/V/M Hugh Cam pbelt public - chmer, Jr., deserve rmch credit vinclal commniss;.roner Frank school, .and one of the town's London Boy I _xe ,for their work in this regard'. • WOLtk. (News -Regard. Ph6to) most !popular athletes. But Returfi4-,- �t4,nw he Sinnillnr awarded the cups to the wnnnr.'ng coanpames: ,A ted - P. ata were alerted in this area n&l, was •ead from r Con - on Saturdaynight, wliem. 1.2 -year- ne+ll, expressing!her re regrets at odd James Stutt, London, was not 'being able to attend Miss Bound to !be missing from liis home. Sie'gner showed the silver plate • He' had! not been seen there since with, Inscription, vvhhic�h was, Pres- Seaf orth Fair, Sets Water Rates twda a'etlock Saturday afternoon. ented to Mrs'. Monteith, Stratford, Tuucke_r_mItth Munici•pa1 Council A fetter from the Brucefield.. Apparently :the buoy, who had when she, retired- as Huron-rPe7 th. met in the• Town Hall, Seafortih, Fire Department, requesting that spent some time with! a -family in Division Commander, and read, on June 3. Alli members were the said department be set sip Godemich Township last summer, a letter from Mrs. Monteith in .preSert and. Reeve Ivan Forsyth under the name .of Stanley and had bitch!h'ikedl his way here, He thanks. presided. The en'gineer's report on Tuckersm-i!th, was read and a 'by - did not find hiis friends at home, Miss Una MacDonald received the Sindair Mu, nuc'pal Drain was !law will be.prepared accordingly. and so spent the night An the, !Bay her Long Service 'Citation and read, ,and provis omil,ly • adopted, Awouunts :passed• !i;ncluded: Dur np Scout camp on. the Maitland River. ribbon ;bar :for !long and! fa tbfua •Clerk wars instructed to prepare $22.5.0; .Fox !bounty, $15.00; ad - Observers reported seeing ;the service nn' Guiding. Campfire was' a cash :bylaw' on: the same. vertising Land supplies', $22.2.7; boy headed sawth. again .on Sun- conducted by the Exeter Company. Robert Campbell on behalf Of hospittaalization, $1:53•; legal, ,$92:25; day morning, and he was ,back at Standings Of the other compan- ,the, ,Sea'forth Agricultural Sooie'ty supplementary allowance-, $35.00,•. his London. home, again that aft- Ies were as .fosiows: rthird, Rdnsaa ; attended; the meeting and council roads, $7,672:47; salary and al- ernoon. then Eketer, Bayfield, Zurich, made a .grant at $225 for 1958. i bwances, $234.48; ,Rec.-Gen. of - o --: First C'entra!lia RC F, Second By-i'aw. No. 3, 1958, :re Union Gas' Canada, $7.1.5; postage, $5..00; dr- + Cll t .-A "Horticulture Group Goes to Goderich :A. capacity crowd at ,the Goder- ich Horticultural meeting on! May 29, ,greeted' the genial Bob Turn- bull, mated London ifllorustt. Clinton Ilorbi�cultura1119ts .who attended! the meeting ,t'hrii8'ed .to seethe beauti- tfu and exotic flower arrange- ments that Mr. 'Turnibuald produced before -their eyes. Posy clay and oasis made it possible to create some of the most artistic arrangem:en;ts inma!g- Suable, All the !lovely bouquets, were ,given as. -door prrizes. Duds ing the, -tea hour Mm. T,tarn- bul!1 mingled w.ith..the, enthusiast - le crowd answerring many ques- tions, and::ggiving valuable informva- tion:, he. all!sa gave a cord'i'al a vlta- do!n -to visit , 'their stare ,to see their many designers at work in the back shop. Plower arovers, wail again have the priwd+lege of viewing modern falower arrangements on June 18 alt London wben Mrs. Rod'g5tissomi, London, ;Englund, will give a dern- ons�tration at the South Co1,leg- la;te• at 8 o'dock, Mothers of Scouts ,, Heeded Badly 'Mrough: lack of interest, the Ladies' Aux'id!tary to the Scouts and'Cubs has ineen :abllg0d' to $W - pend n ootn!n:gss. Leaders: who have filled ,offices itn •the past, but no longer have boys' in the- angamnxabl&%, can mro aongge¢� serve � officla,l!g of ,the group, New mothers i•ntt'rested JA cair*mg twit ,the AUxiliitary sh- otil'd dodtabt Mrs. Tom, DWRAV or but, grew nfemnbers •are urgentlly, neerdod to .final! :the. off oc 4. The Auxdi aray to, the S�oou.ts and, cubs kxistat for the !purpom of raiiscng tnone!y for the Cubs and Scour hast dear $160 was ralsed, which was: 'ovdbly di%dtld between the,two ggrogps, In; addatiah, kinch wds prov'idod for thea ings, e+tc, Ce:ntradia RCAF and Elimst n - on RCAF High Low High Low sealed. 1958 1957 May. 29 62 33 70 39 30 74 47 75 53 31 72 57 78 50 June 1 70 59 70 46 2 05 48 61 37 3 72 44 71 39 4 7$ 54 7.5 42 Rahn- A7 ins. Rain; ,none Public Speaking Finals In Legion Hall Here On Saturday Afternoon D,is'tricat C ,final's In. the Legion, sponsored public speaking contest will be h'dd In the -Clinton Legion. Memonial Hall this Saturday aft- emnaon, commencing at ,two. o'- cl'ock. The publio' is Invited to attend, Competing from the Clinton school will tae Muss. Barbara Inder, in the senior public school divi- sion. Brother and Sister Graduate M WM, 'SJi PAiICi;,xN0 wh6 tetaived his B, Se, ,ire Me- xc'hanicatl' Eftgand" Mma!g at oueeh a• 000"4016rk exeralses at R A9. Mott, ori May 17. Vwtaftalit .$heari7ng !is attached to ithe Twp. to Ten Ings, and a very poor turnout of ,ratepayers was recorded, In Sec- tion 8, where over 200 are can- cenned', only 15 a'ttend'ed, alit were alga hst the change. In Section 2; 30 were againsit, and seven in, fav- our; In Section. 5, 214 were against, and seven were in favour; in Sec- tion eo-tion 9, 24 were against the move, and .eight were for it. According to G. Glen Gardiner, Giodeni'ech, the inspector for public schools in that area., this special _grant to school areas, is an at- tempt -by the, government of Ont - aria to equalize costs to ratepay- ers throughout the, province: Th- rough the schootl area plan, re- sources are pooled, amid children tun .a section which may have a dower assessment than neigh- bouring one, are not •penabl .ed by having 'less money spent upon their education, Township council :plans another special meeting to consider the matter further. Special Meeting In ail the township co'unci'l held five special meetings in, the past month.. Gerald Mite was hired at $1.10 anhour to retplace Bert Harris: as operator of the road grader. Mr. Harris resigned from the posdtdon atter trine years. of service. Henxiy Young is at work on construction of a new bridge at Lot 80, Mainland Concession. This is' R- !own as "the, Hopkins Bridge". It is expected this $10,000 struct- are' will !be ronvpleted shortly. Kinsmen Learnt from Pair of Linesmen Demnonstxatic>tnsi on: drtificied respiration were ,given the mem- bers, of the 91mmn.eft Club- of Olin- ton, on, Tuesday night at the reg- alar meeting, by Jam Ora'hamri at the Rural Hydro and, Gordon Datl!g- leis+ch, Brill Telaphane Company. Guests, were Noboru Terror and Geottge Johnston, dboth of RMF S'tathnr Clinton. PrAIdent Donald Xay Presdodo for the meetft Announoeatrent was• made of a a4 wer tvopby pmseented by the Miami News•Recot d for annual, cotrmpetitiori 'by ,the' Peewee Bast - ball, Town L:ealgue, This, year them are five teams from town, and tW6 from RCA' Station Ciintom! In this league. Local merchants are suppotting with ddonatTiont fir the parC!h'ase of un!iforr Ag for :bhe All Star team: '111"`111g part "I flit 'WOAA base - 'hath gaaiiies. xinsmPien! are ,p!1'a'rrnirtg a Ladies Night Oft '11mo 21, A fterno.on And tviening tyents J+wnte A If; t+be dote for the This has always •-been, an, interest Chinon ,Spring' Show, wh4oh Witt I nlg hart of the day, And, for those Sets Season's be held 7dn tae Comnn-punity t1F'ark, Who cannot 'get out itv the daytime, I Reeve g3urton Stanley was re- ool: students, high soh'ool pupUs before the covered gra!ndst4r4, proves to be a very -good t lle appointed .cha'irma'n of the Clinton and atdui'ts; as well as fam Uv sea - which Meeh: joust this week received to we the 'Livestock. Included do Community Swimming Po011' Board soot's -tickets. !go on sale Monday, some attention,. The fipaees be. the program. are the •unique four- at the cnau+g!ura1 mneeting Monday June •9. These may be picked up i>Jind ,the seats in the, stands, have horse and -six -horse bitches. Some- evenin'g'. Town c clerk Jdhn Liver fromJ,cihn LWerm'ore at �tbe town; !been: cAosed: in. 2t �shoulidt help times the fair -,goer gets an added more was also ,reappointed sere hall, and from 'Cameron Proctor conswdema,baly to the ' cozaOrt a thtriO, when a oomoetely furnish- re+tary-treasurer. Mr. Livermore at the PUC QUIce. ,those, who make use :of •them. ed elghtt hie hitch is, 'trotted is also treasurer of the Clinton. Membem discussed.. the setting ,Char';es M'aeiNaugbton, iVlf..,A for out on the track, There Wald; tae Comnmmni'ty 'Sw'Immin'g Pool Fund. .up of vul.:es and reguil;a+tbons gto!v- 14uman! -County, wild fie on hand ptoniels', light horses, heavy borses', O'bhem, present were Cameron ern'ing the pool, but nothing def-. to open the. ,fair, To�y Gnigg its etc, Proctor, Maitland Edgar, A. L. indte wags decided ulpon until more expected -,to emcee in;.front of the Cattle of ail 'breed's and types, ;Oolquhoun, Ed, -dale and R, J, information Is a,vaidable fmomn the stand-. the 4-H Club calves sheep and "Bud" Schoenhals : eneral chair, k.is soheduledl swine, a�Ll, 'waft' b'e on show. , g the Department programseoAbranch of +1'amaxle t'o t'he ,par , man of the pool fuun�d, t!la?e De!patrtmnentt of A'grrloulture. for one a'sock, 'as as• customary, Yes., tbere's: a midway, too, with The, setting of rates for the One decision was made: that no end a4 school: cchldreO in the pax merry -,go• -round, etc., etc. coming swv n ing season at the child! under six years of age will ado m�enceesharcrp free, at an.e o,ck, is to variety show put on 1the ' completed pats, was -the main ord. be aLlawed' an the swimming pool. JudgingP y - ►ng', ' er of •tNUsi'nesS, 1'00l Ytates too, sothat the many entries can Junior Flaxmew, and they lianre Seasomi�s tickets lar public sch- 'be handled before data, imported a quartet from, .London, For Zai! cen'ts admFor school ion, ,ba pool, r ora sea- lictem There do a. return tbis year to Which s'inoulld be very worth -while, � the: evening, performance, which Then the Fair Night Dance, to Queer. $ Scout son's- ticket for $1..50. Only three - wast omitted tfrom di,6 1957 fair. .round the evening off. chk1dre!n from one: ftanvi,l'y need' buy ;> seasanPst tI&ets,,w the fourth and --- r% additional tickets are free. Bayfield Guide Hosts For Huron High,school student's . Sint el y �' � tirokebs will sell fiat $3.00. S!in'gle admisstion to the pool Is 25 cents iAdal'ts. also must spay 25 cents District Field Day Held n Villagei every time they use the ;pool or mayet ,Huron Dlvisiion tof ;the Girl' Guild- tCom"ss$oner, Mrs. Crocker, Ex- mtb'uy a season's c ase for $4.00. •Families ay' purchase twa e5 held their first annual field eter ,District and District Com- adullt se'asonrs tickets, and two +clay In Ba!yfieaid; on Saturday, May m Wsloner Miss Una MacDona!1?d, chiadrents tickets for $10.00. 31, - It is the first field day since' Goderich District. Tile strove season's ticket rates thePerth-Huron Divds.ibn was s!p- There were .events far compet- are For blas season only, C;lafkmes, Jolt up, None companies attended. dtibn in all phase's of Guide work. � cheu. irig baskets are -included in; Inspection of the gompanues and, This. year -a new• cup had been. the ;above• prices, but will not be Hams'eshoe F-orun ,ti%4was: conduc- donated by the ,Huron Divasaon avoidable until the (bath, house is ted! by Division, itommissioner by Mrs. Bruce Connell, Area Com- : • completed later this summer. Par - Miss; Laumett , Saegner; District missioner. It Is ,given tannual!ly en!ts are assured that abIldren's. to the, company with the highest belongings wd!lll 'be- well looked aft- . points!. This year It was won by er by the life-,gua!rds and assist - $740 Damage In Pirs!t Goid'erloh Company ants at the !pool. Two, small trophies were award- Appoint Supervisor TWO -Car Crash ed to first and second' place com- Only one applloa.t'ion was re - A two scar collision, at the corn- pariesfor them, to keep. Second William Wild, ceived for the job of supervisor er of -p rinces's and Raglan streets place was earned by Second God- son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph of ,th:e :pool, that of Mait Zdgar.. early +Surcnday morning. Douglas erich. Company. Wild, last month became the Mn Edgar -and the board wild Jones, 2a, JluTov Street drSAbg Lunch was served In the Guide third ,boy tto, become a Queen's seek capable tli;fe-+guards and odder a 1956 'car was, in ca'lAds!ion withcircle, and the Ladies Auxilr.'ary Scout at Clinton, when he re. students to supervise stwimn-Ang a 195,1 car driven by Kenneth, Gserved ice cream, dhocdiate mild- ceived his, certificate :un Calling- and keep order at the pool, The Merner, 17. Total -damage was es- and co'ffe'e ,to ail present. Mrs. wa l at a special' ceremony. new :supervisor As a teacher at tamated at $740. John Lindsay 'and Mws.. Alf Scat- Awards were made •by the pro- A/V/M Hugh Cam pbelt public - chmer, Jr., deserve rmch credit vinclal commniss;.roner Frank school, .and one of the town's London Boy I _xe ,for their work in this regard'. • WOLtk. (News -Regard. Ph6to) most !popular athletes. But Returfi4-,- �t4,nw he Sinnillnr awarded the cups to the wnnnr.'ng coanpames: ,A ted - P. ata were alerted in this area n&l, was •ead from r Con - on Saturdaynight, wliem. 1.2 -year- ne+ll, expressing!her re regrets at odd James Stutt, London, was not 'being able to attend Miss Bound to !be missing from liis home. Sie'gner showed the silver plate • He' had! not been seen there since with, Inscription, vvhhic�h was, Pres- Seaf orth Fair, Sets Water Rates twda a'etlock Saturday afternoon. ented to Mrs'. Monteith, Stratford, Tuucke_r_mItth Munici•pa1 Council A fetter from the Brucefield.. Apparently :the buoy, who had when she, retired- as Huron-rPe7 th. met in the• Town Hall, Seafortih, Fire Department, requesting that spent some time with! a -family in Division Commander, and read, on June 3. Alli members were the said department be set sip Godemich Township last summer, a letter from Mrs. Monteith in .preSert and. Reeve Ivan Forsyth under the name .of Stanley and had bitch!h'ikedl his way here, He thanks. presided. The en'gineer's report on Tuckersm-i!th, was read and a 'by - did not find hiis friends at home, Miss Una MacDonald received the Sindair Mu, nuc'pal Drain was !law will be.prepared accordingly. and so spent the night An the, !Bay her Long Service 'Citation and read, ,and provis omil,ly • adopted, Awouunts :passed• !i;ncluded: Dur np Scout camp on. the Maitland River. ribbon ;bar :for !long and! fa tbfua •Clerk wars instructed to prepare $22.5.0; .Fox !bounty, $15.00; ad - Observers reported seeing ;the service nn' Guiding. Campfire was' a cash :bylaw' on: the same. vertising Land supplies', $22.2.7; boy headed sawth. again .on Sun- conducted by the Exeter Company. Robert Campbell on behalf Of hospittaalization, $1:53•; legal, ,$92:25; day morning, and he was ,back at Standings Of the other compan- ,the, ,Sea'forth Agricultural Sooie'ty supplementary allowance-, $35.00,•. his London. home, again that aft- Ies were as .fosiows: rthird, Rdnsaa ; attended; the meeting and council roads, $7,672:47; salary and al- ernoon. then Eketer, Bayfield, Zurich, made a .grant at $225 for 1958. i bwances, $234.48; ,Rec.-Gen. of - o --: First C'entra!lia RC F, Second By-i'aw. No. 3, 1958, :re Union Gas' Canada, $7.1.5; postage, $5..00; dr- + Cll t .-A "Horticulture Group Goes to Goderich :A. capacity crowd at ,the Goder- ich Horticultural meeting on! May 29, ,greeted' the genial Bob Turn- bull, mated London ifllorustt. Clinton Ilorbi�cultura1119ts .who attended! the meeting ,t'hrii8'ed .to seethe beauti- tfu and exotic flower arrange- ments that Mr. 'Turnibuald produced before -their eyes. Posy clay and oasis made it possible to create some of the most artistic arrangem:en;ts inma!g- Suable, All the !lovely bouquets, were ,given as. -door prrizes. Duds ing the, -tea hour Mm. T,tarn- bul!1 mingled w.ith..the, enthusiast - le crowd answerring many ques- tions, and::ggiving valuable informva- tion:, he. all!sa gave a cord'i'al a vlta- do!n -to visit , 'their stare ,to see their many designers at work in the back shop. Plower arovers, wail again have the priwd+lege of viewing modern falower arrangements on June 18 alt London wben Mrs. Rod'g5tissomi, London, ;Englund, will give a dern- ons�tration at the South Co1,leg- la;te• at 8 o'dock, Mothers of Scouts ,, Heeded Badly 'Mrough: lack of interest, the Ladies' Aux'id!tary to the Scouts and'Cubs has ineen :abllg0d' to $W - pend n ootn!n:gss. Leaders: who have filled ,offices itn •the past, but no longer have boys' in the- angamnxabl&%, can mro aongge¢� serve � officla,l!g of ,the group, New mothers i•ntt'rested JA cair*mg twit ,the AUxiliitary sh- otil'd dodtabt Mrs. Tom, DWRAV or but, grew nfemnbers •are urgentlly, neerdod to .final! :the. off oc 4. The Auxdi aray to, the S�oou.ts and, cubs kxistat for the !purpom of raiiscng tnone!y for the Cubs and Scour hast dear $160 was ralsed, which was: 'ovdbly di%dtld between the,two ggrogps, In; addatiah, kinch wds prov'idod for thea ings, e+tc, Ce:ntradia RCAF and Elimst n - on RCAF dms!tri+butnan was ,given its tihm Teadnng 'and .passed, signed -and awns, $.1x,090.00; Warble Elly can- tral, $1,440.59; ,tire tdraiarage loans, —a ---- sealed. $(1,700. Three -Year -Old Lost B,y-Xaw No:. 6, 1,958, .governing Water Rates, etc., in; the hamlet On account of July 1 falling on >a holiday, council,will meet on For over An Hour of E;gmn!ondviilfte was passed, sign- July 2 at '8 :p.m. ed and sealed. A three-year-old !bay, missing By -draw No, 7, 1958, including on CltintoiWs main street for over SS No. 10 in the Township Schod) Over g4 Birthdau,Club BirthdayClub an !hour .on Tuevday' afitern,00n, Area ways. given ;its required read- returned safely to his mother, ings, and. passed. This By-law will, Miss Rose -Snowden, who is, a. with .the aW of Chief H. R. Thrown- coupe into force December 25, p'atie'nt in Clinton Pub!1!ic Hospital, pson and, other searchers, 1958. was 82 years 'old on May 30. Miss Mrs. Vic Hapg!reaves, Bruce- Wilmer Broadfoot, Warble My Snowden dnj'ure;d 'a hip in a fall field, had deft young Bradley- in Inspector, completed his return of several wevk's ,ago. the car, while she went shopping coalecttions' and was paid wages of Mrs. William J. Stinson, Bay - In Bea!ttie's itiurntture -store. Some- $325.50 and, mileage of $163.90, field, now a patle+nt in, Clintomi how he !had managed to get out, this 'included notal sprays of 6,897 Public Hospital, celebrated her and -when she came from; the store, and 720 cattle' brus!bed, The caerk 94th 'birthday .there :on May 23. was nowhere in sight, was !nstruc'ted to apply .for the Ed, Boyer celebrated his 85th The boy was found on the vac- grant available 'on the inspector's birthday an Wednesday, June 4, ant d'at neNt -to the Roxy Theatre, wages and mileage cost of warbi- Ile enjoys ltife, Is an, best of health, playing with, obh'er children. I cid'e. + and is still tdriviing his car. 49 Confirmed at Malden. Jubilee Year Event This is the confirmation class at St, Joseph's Roman C athollc Church .presented on May 26. Most ileo, John C. Cody, Nghop of the Diocese of London, conferred confirmation and eele'btiated mass in honour of the golden jubilee of the church building. (Photo by Macl..riirees) �4 R