HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-05-29, Page 10'AGE TEN
fish and GameClub
Sponsor Bantam Rall
Bantam baseball' is off to a
goodstart with the 041 toai rteaan
euitered against y'oungstens fronn
RCAF •St!ation C2!inton, Seaforb
xeiter, New Hamburg, Matchell,
Sponsors far ,the! local' +teaan. am
'tile fius~an Fish and Game Icons-
erveN.bu Association,
First home glaRne will be on
JGtne a, when 1vPut�hell comets to
.the Clinton'diamond. 'Mere will
lbe, a Baotaaxr practice on Frllda!y
m>ti',gh!t, May 30, and; all, Oam Mem-
bars sholulld be present, at 6,30
Tlnroarlghonit the schedule there
W44•be home umpires rolnfty, and
during pllayoffs�, inhere w!. be an
umpke from each ,team. Semi-
finals axe to bebest two out Of
three'.. Finals .are best !three out
Of fa!ye. The famt fourteams will
be I� the Play-offs.
Bantam Schedule
June 9 Seaforth vs. RCAF Clin-
June 11. IEkv ter vs,. New Hamburg
Mitchell! vs, Cl inton (thas
gamma Waal be cha'ng'ed
4Nvaalg ,to, Sprang Show)
Juane) 18 RCAF Clanton vs, Mit-
Clinton vs. Eketer
June 20 New Hamburg vs. Sea -
.Tune 23 Mitchell tchell vs. New Ham-
JAme 24 Clinton vs. RCAF C111iiiton
June 27 Exeter vs,, Seaforth
July 2 rMmtehell vs. Seaforth
RCAF Cahntan vs. Exeter
New Hamburg vs. Chin.- !I
July 5 Clinton vs.. Mi'tchdi,
Judy 7 RCA=F d6nton vs. New
;E ester vs; Clinton
July 9 T&Iltchelll vs. Exeter
Jul=y 11 Seatorth. vs. Clinton
New =Hamburg vs. RICAIF
July 14 Fhceter vs. RCAF Clinton
C i nton+ vs. New Hani-
Juay 15 M➢tohell vs. Seaforth
•duly 17 Exeter vs. Mitch'eaT
July 18 Seaforth vs. New Hami-
July 21 iSeaUfmith, vs, Exeter
" Clinton vs. Chn-
July 28 New Haniburng vs. Exet-
M7.t'cheR v's'. RCMP' Caan-
July 25 CVintm vs. Seaforth,
New Hamburg vs. Mit-
July 261RCAF Clinton vs. Sea-
Kinsmen Peewee
Baseball League
Has Seven Teams
The s'easen' a . r Peewee (base -
bawl look
U pamt<iota% l+y good this
year, as an excellent turn -but .of
the yciLwg lads ensures a seven -
team league. There will be 'five
(teams frown Clixutan and two from
IR:C14F Station Cdhit!on,
,Games will' start at six o'clock
toav+radar land Monday evenings,
nVulUh Matland :Edgar ovrera;Cl ch-
airman in chgrlge of the league;
An a!ll-sitar teams will go 0", into
WOA'A competition.
Elach Thursday the News-R.ec-
and w!1111 carry the, schedule for the
fdRowing Ori;da+y amid Monday, l;is+t-
a+Ng teams, Which will compete.
+Folllowtinlg 'arse mown teams, list-
f?rng !first ltrhe captain of each.
YANKEES: Laurre 'Colquh!aun,
Randy Glsew, Jima Lkvermlorfe, Greg-
ory Crowe, John Powell, Ball St-
rong, Wayne Dupee, 1mrav, Pear-
son, Barry Glazier, Pieter Black,
H'arVely HdRand', Doug Delano,
(Rollie Steep, Finn Frank Cook and
Ray Bienian, managers.
DiQDGERG.: Bob Liverni'on'e,
John, (Cooper, Paul' Ladd, Peter
Staaaarfontth, Jeflery Dixon, Uun,
Picketlt, Doug; Proctor, Bobby
Pearson, Kenmry Clarke, Jim Hby,
Jackie, McMichael, Baal Sarong,
Russell Ingram; Kin Ken Gibb -
in gs, m anvager.
BRAIVES: Bayne Boyes> Doug
Frem!lin'Bryan Lavas, Robert
Glazier,Rallph Cook, ,Bradley D.nut-
ot, Gary. Fleet, George Elliott,
(Bobby McMachaa Allia n! Lower,
John Sbvkanson, Nbrnnan Ronny -
man, Gary Black; Kugi Don Young,
JNDSAiNIS': Doug 4VFachaulW,
Doug Pawkier, Bernie Scott, Bob
Batkianl, Keith,,Burton, Ken Snaith,
Ken, Slade, Doug McPhemon, Har-
ry Curnmlianrgs, Paull Daxom Meh-
ael 'Bellinger, Dennis,Shipp, Char -
Iles Switzer; Kray M- Wt Edgar,
WHITE SOX: Borden, McRae,
KerJth Ashton, Robert Lee, Ball�ie
Barnes, Johne 'Lox, Bruce E nmer-
ton, Mw+i7n: Wingtswell, Bruce Bet -
biles, Phiaap White, Paul Shorey,
Mark +Scaioanh+aals, Jimmy Coop-
er, Jimmy E&k r'ds1; Kin Gored
Pruitt, manager_
May 30 Yankees: vs. Dodgers,
Braves) vs. h-Alans
June 2 Whtte :Sox vs,. RCAF
Team I
RCAF Team I1 vs. Yan-
Bayfield Ontario
Situated just north of Bayfield on Highway 21, this
popular resort park which has become famous as a fav-
ourite family cottage location has nine, three-bedroom
cottages, all completely furnished, located on the top of
the bank overlooking beautiful Lake Huron, which are al-
ready, almost all rented for the coming summer season
and one comfortable cottage for the owner's residence.
A private sandy beach is only a few feet from each cottage.
An excellent motel site is included with the property and
there is still space for additional cottages to be built on
the lake bank.
Here is an exceptional opportunity to invest in summer
rental property with a very high return on your capital,
and possession is available immediately. Please contact
this broker for complete information.
Exclusive Agent
38 Hamilton Street, Goderich--Phone 766
End of Line which we are discontinuing:
Bronson "Comet" Casting Reel
Reg. $5.00 .................... Sale $2.98
Bronson "Altoona" Casting Reel
Reg. $3.59 .................... Sale $2.29
Bronson "Fleetwing" Casting Reel
Reg. $5.50 Sale $3.49
Hacking "Spin -Master" Spinning Reel
Reg. $3:75 .................. . Sale $2.49
Nylon Casting Line 10 & 15 lb. test
Reg. $1.00 spool ............ Sale 69e
Silver Streak Nylon Braided Line
25 Ib. test, 50 yds.
Reg, $1.50 spool ............ sale 75c
Monofilament Line --6 16. test,
100 yds. spools .... reg. 70c for 59c
Legal Minnow Pail
Reg. $2,95 .................... Sale $1.95
Vinylite Floating Minnow Pail
Reg. $2.49 .- ................ Sale $1.79.
Spinners; Goldfish, Flatfish, Leaders, Hooks
MeEwan 10
01oton - Dial 1IU 2-9766
Clinton. Turf Club
New Hardware 'Sign Goes Up
To Revive Racing:
I arsness lno>rs'e Ir ntg As Ibein
reisumed 4'n ICl'iunitpn' after a. I+apse
Gi'bbinrgs, president, Mrs; Neville
of Davey one year.
Forbes+; f+irtst vice-presd,deant, ours,
Paeans were drawn up last night
Geodge Waaglnit; itreasurer; Mrs
to bold an aft+exm cu meet on
Earl Baal.0; slecmetary, IMrsI Nora
Wednesday, June, 2b with, $1,300
mark. Wmnght; lumrah0 Mms. WodUfred'
jai' .purses'. Five races or a notal
a t'
of ,teal' heats' are planned, .Classes•
Wfili+aan Jen'itins in, Mr=s. Cum-
will be; 2.30, 2.25, three-yealr olds,
2x22 and a free-for,aal, class.
rilll; 1*aWst, Mrs, lAoyd Stewart
Th!e Tiurf Club members have
Abd Mrs, Ross Dovett; buying
kept' the haalf-anile ftra lk at Clain-
ton Coainunnrnity Park nn racing
condition. CA!iaiton races,were, Goal-
sa!derred tops in this part of West-
a vehicle ..................................................
ern Ont'armoa a few years ago.
Dr. (George S. Elliott is, pres-
,udent !and Art, M. Knights, sec-
Automatic transmission. Radio.(tj]5
avtamy of the,. Clinton Turf Chula,
paint .................................„,,...............
Pontiac Sedan
Legion Midget Baseball
" ,
Begins Next Monday<
Sponsored by !the C oton Bran-
ch of ,the =Canadian; Legion, the
Midget Baseball (team], already has,
(games sched=uled. 'First one om
the. Clinton, diam=ond as on June
• � � s
2, next Monday everimig, whew
> ' K
Mitchell tr4ve%i here. Then, on
June 4 the; lb -cal teamplays at
+S'eafor:tlh, �•,
� k � : i
Stewart Taylor us manager of
?� : <: •>... ; ; �< "
the teams, and Norman Livermore,
coach. #§�s
. ! r '' { rya v
` 1 k' ✓*
Clinton Soccer Team
-ern, 4`'
H One Win, One Tie
h; a
Clinton Flootballl teambar. start-
ed out .the season an thews cusp-
omary fame sityle, with one win
and, one 'tae in ,the +two games
played, so for.Last week, they,
tied, 1-.1 with, St. Columban, wglt!h
Jlalce Roorda. responsalbae for the
Finishing touch to the outside of their hardware store, was
tieing score,
this brightly coloured sign being placed in position by Douglas
Last avighit the •lbcals claimed
a 1-0 victory over Walton on the
Ball (left) and William Mutch. This completes as far as
CU.nton (p'la'ying fae➢rd, with Jahpi
customers are aware, the general renovating which has recently
T-1hMerkannp the hero of -the game.
takers place at Ball and Mutch Hardware. (News -Record Photo)
Over 200 Junior Farmers Participated
In Livestock Judging Competitions
An) attendance, of 215 at the
Huron County Lives=tock Judg-
ing Competition held in Seeforth
last Saturday, (took part in clas-
ses hrvbW1ng )cattle, s=heep and
hogs. Accord=ing 'to Arthur Bolton,
assistant .agricultural representat-
ive )for the county, there was ev-
idence that (the starndwd of judg-
ing has, .been stead -Ely ilacreasanlg
throughout ,the past years, and
Was again s+hown on Saturday,
Champion senior jwdige, among
six competitors, was Murray
Gaunt, RR 1, Lucknow, with a
score of 647 ;points out of a pos•
sable 700. Runnier up was Ray
Canny RR 3, Exeter with 645
Age, =group was, 23 to
30 years.
C=hampion imltenmedaafe judge
,among 31 competitors, was Ken-
neth, Alton, RR 7, Lucknnow, with
649 points. .Runner up was 1klar-
mon Broa+dh+agen, RR 2, Brussels,
Goderich Township
Oil dhbllers are now at work ori
the John Wain farm, Blue Water
The Wumen's Auxiliary of St.
James' Church, Middleton, will
meet on Wednesday, June 4 at
.tile home of Mrs. Gordbnl Steepe.
Miss' Lenore McGuire, London,
was home last week aololcimg after
her mother, who as ,under :the doe-
tor's care. With her father, she
called on f lernrdls In the TbwnsMp
on Thursday, and left on, Satur-
day by pa>ane for New York, where
she as ltalkinig a month's special
Has New Job
Beret Harzis, whicr has been
grader operator in Godeauch Town -
shaky for the, plant hen years has
resi=gned and, ➢s now employed= by
Dominion Roads' Mach!ineay Co.
Ltd., Godlera;ch.
Ratepayers- of SS No. 5 God-
er+ich Township (the Porter's Hill
schobll) met fast Thursday night
to consider the idea .of jointing .tone
Goderich Taw nsbAp School Area,
WImer Hawk islon was; elected
ch•al:rman of the meeting, and he
introduced G. Glen Gardiner, God-
erich, inspector of public schools,
to expllaa+n the workannrgs of the
S=chool. Area phone. Rob'an, E. TThlom-
+pslon also was' called on: to, speak,
a.'nld a number oif questions were
asked! by :the ratepayers,
A vote was taken which result-
ed In seven voting for, and 23
against joining the area.
Mrs. N. Forbes Is
President of
Summerhill Club
The Sirmnnien Al=l Uidiesi Club
me't at the home of W. s. Don Me -
Lean w1th the president Mrs,. Per-
cy Gibbings 5,n the char. Bool1
dally wase answered by 212 rmnbexs
and; ,three visitors, Jean Vlodldeal
gave the tiva>sunt is report. Mrs.
Norman Bala and Mrs, Chester
,Farquhar were appodnted' to at-
tend the next d3ospRaUl AuxilWV
with 629 points.
Comrpetligg from this area in
-the antcrmned� ante class were John
Jewitt, RR 1, Clinton-, 611 points
(sixth) ; Charles MacGregor, RR
2, �Seatcoth, 608, tied in seventth
place; Donald Lobb, RR 2, Cliint-
on, 606, tied in ninth. with ,Ken-
neth. Coleman, RR 4, Seaforth.;
Bob 1Broadfioot, Brucefiibld, 578,
stied, in 16th place; Jack +Dunn,
RR 3, Bayfliel�d, 569; Doulgl+as.
Jarriieson, RUR 4, Sea iortaz, 559;
Laurel Dale, RR 1, Clinton, 545;
and Peter B.rommer, RR 5, Clan-
ton, 50'4.
Champion jun,,or judge was Ilv-
an� Howatt, RR 1, Bedigriave, who
shored 61'9 points. Tfh'ere were
104 comlpetAng, and Peter Doig,
Wroxeter came second with 616
Othe2 Junrions +from this urea
included Ba-ebara, Watkins, RR 1,
Londe,siboro, eighth with 594; Rob-
ert 1Fotheranghamy RR 3, Seafotft
5191 an !tenth place; Jack Broad -
foot, Bruceflield, tied far 12th With
1588; Wil ma Dale, +died for 15th
wilth 586; Donald kji ie, RR 1,
Rayfield, tied for 19th, Willi 583;
Garry Jewitt, RR 1, Clanton, 579;
Douglas, Dunn, RR 3, Bayfilead,
573; Betty Ann! Gibtii�nlgs, RR 4,
Clinton, 569; Cecil B+ruinsma, RR
4, Caiait�on, 567; Gloa'ia CSarter,
RR 2, Seaforth, 565; Harry Bak-
ker, RIR 1, Auburn; 562; Brill E1-
Idott, RR 1, Zurich, 561; Dennis
Jewitt, RR 1, Gammon, 558; Sandy
Kolknnaln, ARE 2, Vippen, 556; Jo-
seph, Babcock, RR 1, Londesbaro,
5514; Anthony VaniLoon, RR 2,
Seaforth, 549;
.Blob •Grii,gg, RFL. 3, Clinton, 547;
Wayne HugdA., RR 2, Seaforth,
546; Brill Crawford, RR 1, Auburn,
545; Barry Pipe, Londesbbro, 542;
1B!11A Baaeker, RR. 1, Clinton, 541.;
John +Brrigrnan+, RR 1, HensAR,
540; Bambara, Yeo, RR 1, Goderich,
538; Merlyn Hough, RR 4, Clinton,
5125; Myrtae'Collins, RR 4, Clinton,
5'22'; Frank Yeo, RR 3, Clinton,
5122'; Ken Gal+braath•, RR, 2, Mp-
pen, 51;9; Edgar Hough, RR 4,
Clinton, 443.
Champion novice judge (those
entering 'for first time') was Kath-
ryn S+:Impson, RR 1, Listowel, with
584 points. Second' place was
Jet -rid Cartwright, Blyth, with:
581. Torp placer in this, earned
the, CNE, slii!eM.
Other lbcal entries included
Billie, Buff nga, RR 1., Londesboro,
tae'd for Ofth with 574 points,
Bev, Doll., Varna, eighlth, Mth 5612;
Jean Addison,, Lbndesboro, 556;
Gerald Van Nnnhuuys, RR 2, Bay-
field, 5318; David' Walsh, RR 2,
Bayhold, 532; Tarn Collins, RR 5,
r0l�imton, 529; Allan. Hayter, RR 1,
Varna, 5'25; Da nnie, Evans, 12UA 1,
Londes'boro, 525; MargaVet Seanip-
le, RR 2, B:ayffeld, 51+4; Douglas
Dawson, Varna, '5412; 'Gaff Me-
Bn9 de; Zurich, 5'112; Torben Ha-
arbye, .RR •4, Clinton, 507; Loreoh
Addison, Londesboro: aon!d Alber
Buf,fIniga, hondesboro, 505; +Donna
Y-eo, RR 1, Goderich, 502; Corrie•
Brand; RR 2, Bayfae'lld, 499; Mur -
,ray Armstrong, Varna, 498; Shir-
ley Addison, Dond'esboiro, 4911; Jiro.
Sproul, RR 3, Anuburn, 467; Bruce
I Collins, M5, IClilnton, 405,; Lois
Ra,tihwel t, RR 3, Clliniton:, 399 and
Greg 'Brandon, RiR. 4, Cliin+ton,
meeting hh CA➢fn,tom
mglteBf'r Score
Um. Willllilam Murch, presented
Kenneth Alton earned, the fro -
,the siMe of officers! las folllows,
1phy for highest scare in the mitt
h notary ip'mi'ldennt, Mm. :Percy
are Competi!t!ion, and runner up wa's
Gi'bbinrgs, president, Mrs; Neville
Murray Gaunt. lgeln Storey, RR. 2,
Forbes+; f+irtst vice-presd,deant, ours,
Brw,zd%o eamned the. trophy !for
Geodge Waaglnit; itreasurer; Mrs
lughest score in; swine Section,
Earl Baal.0; slecmetary, IMrsI Nora
and tru+nmers-,up were Iiarnnon
mark. Wmnght; lumrah0 Mms. WodUfred'
:Broadrh igen, Douglas Hugri➢IL wined
Penfoumd; tservin1 and quints, Mansx
F'nrannctis Hurst.
Wfili+aan Jen'itins in, Mr=s. Cum-
on Alton, also earned the tro-
mngs,caat+s Mrs Caamlft Mer-
py for hlgh�st score 4n the, dairy
rilll; 1*aWst, Mrs, lAoyd Stewart
section, but dniivjar`tg' Avon a trophy,
Abd Mrs, Ross Dovett; buying
-it went to rubner-up Murray
camanaltbee, INTM. rdfl Rlake anld
Gtawnit. Next were G,ara'y MWOUl,
Afms, Percy iGtibbings,
Whe:'teeinutdi sited Gloria; Boyd,
4c a word, minimum 715e
Goderich Pavilion - Cabaret
dancing every Saturday an ght.
Music this week by Paul Cross
and his Orchestra. 22b
Sat., May 31 -Blossom tea and
baazar, St. Paul's Parish Hall,
from. 3 t 5 p.m. Auspdces: Fsiend-
ship Club. 21-22-'b
Sat., June 7 --Bake Sale. Coun-
cil Cl=ambers. 2.30 p.an. Auspices
Ladies Auxiliary, Canadian Leg-
ion No. M. Everybody Wellcome.
Wed., June 11 -Ladies. of Maat-
land Golf Club, annum Spring Tea,
at the. Club House, from 3 to 5
p.m Conte and .bring your friends.
Admission, 50c. 2:1-2-3-b
Sat., Junes 14 -Bake Safe, in
Town Mall. 2:30 p.m. Sponsored
by the C.W.L. 22-b
,Kinsmen Honour
Peewees; Present
Trophies, Jackets
(Continued from page one)
manager of the league winning
Canadians team, made presentation
of crgarette lighters to Kin presi-
dent and hockey manager Don
Kay, coaches Frank McEwan and
Terry O'Neil.
George Hayes, National Hockey
League linesman, from Ingersoll,
was guest speaker. He was intro-
duced by Harry McEwan,
Mr, Hayes briefly reviewed his
hockey officiating career and some
l of the unusual incidents he has
run into. Only 37 years old, he
has been in the NHL for 12
years. He began his hockey ref-
ereeing career in this part of On-
The speaker said: "The televis-
ing of professional hockey games
is the greatest visuad-aid coaching
device of today for young hockey
players." He deplored the boys
of today who buy cars while in
their 'teens, and ruin a career in
sports. He also talked on physical
In the question period that fol-
Ilowed the peewee players showed
a lot of hockey knowledge and
hockey history. Mr. Hayes was
i very careful in his answers, not
committing himself on many of
the questions. He answered by
naming several players who were
tops in certain positions, not just
one man. Comparing Howe and
Richard, he said they were two
different type of players.
Some of the questions were:
Who is best centre, best defence -
man, goalie; smartest coach; your
most difficult game, etc, Borde;an
McRae and Doug Macaulay led the
peewees in the, qu.estdom asking
Mr. Hayes was thanked by Geo-
rge Rumball,
Other guests at the banquet
were Mayor W. J. Miller; W02
George Johnston, Mayor of Adast-
ral Park, RCAF Station Clinton;
Kinsman Bill Chapman, Simcoe,
District No. 1 secretary; Bill
Campbell, Ingersoll; F/O Bud
Hayter, sports officer at RCAV
Station Clinton and fathom of
most Of the peewee hockey play«
ers present.
9R 2, Walttoai.
Murray Gaunt w'as stop in_sheepo,
foT e
law dI �eai .lett Robert
by Dai, Ra
L,yolns•, RR 1, Emcknow, was hmgh'
ilhl beef, with, -rui,
nners-up,. To
Eastlorn', -Exacter' Ua.nd Gerald Wallis,
THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1%s;
(One Cartoon)
�. ® Q
Two Shows Nightly - Rain or Clear
Box Office Open at 8 p.m. - First Show at Dusk
Let's Get Acquainted -- Soon!
'54 Plymouth Station Wagon
Has had a careful owner :............ $550
'55 Hillman Sedan
Radio. Completely Qn
reconditioned........................................................ $800
'55 Oldsmobile 88 Sedan
Smart two-tone. Radio. Power Brakes. nn
Automatic. Whitewalls ..... 4V4•2V�
'55 Fargo 1/2 Ton Panel
Has never carried a heavy load. Q�/11(�..7995
in very nice condition ...... ......................... X11
'53 Chevrolet 1/2 Ton Pickup
Needs some work, but there are Many, many
miles left. We're offering it "AS IS" for 1
Considering a New Chevrolet, Oldsmobile,
or New Truck? - Try Us!
Financing Arranged in Absolute Privacy
NLorne Motors ltd.
Your triiendly . :4%140#4
CHEM. -OLDS. Dealer
Winter 2.g32� -CLINTON
Ideal for your holiday trip. New paint,
seat covers, radio, etc. A good ...........,
Plymouth Sedan
Positively no rust. Smart dark green finish.
Radio. Whitewalls
1 C�011.
Chevrolet 8 Sedan
Sharp! Black and
Oldsmobile Sedan
Standard transmission.
Lovely family car ..............................................
Plymouth Station Wagon
Ideal for the family -A7
a vehicle ..................................................
Pontiac Sedan
Automatic transmission. Radio.(tj]5
paint .................................„,,...............
Pontiac Sedan
Execellent motor. Automatic Trans,
Austin Sedan
Has had a careful owner :............ $550
'55 Hillman Sedan
Radio. Completely Qn
reconditioned........................................................ $800
'55 Oldsmobile 88 Sedan
Smart two-tone. Radio. Power Brakes. nn
Automatic. Whitewalls ..... 4V4•2V�
'55 Fargo 1/2 Ton Panel
Has never carried a heavy load. Q�/11(�..7995
in very nice condition ...... ......................... X11
'53 Chevrolet 1/2 Ton Pickup
Needs some work, but there are Many, many
miles left. We're offering it "AS IS" for 1
Considering a New Chevrolet, Oldsmobile,
or New Truck? - Try Us!
Financing Arranged in Absolute Privacy
NLorne Motors ltd.
Your triiendly . :4%140#4
CHEM. -OLDS. Dealer
Winter 2.g32� -CLINTON