The Wingham Times, 1889-03-29, Page 8t
OlAjtv'Y ITIggitill (41110
FRIDAY, MAROH 29-, 1889
VIE PLAIN op nin SuRe,
It was perhaps a year lifter this
marriage, that Will evae awakened
late mei uigh ay the souud ef a horse
galloping on the .road, followed by
preeipitated,knocking at the inn door.
He opened. Me• window and eaw
farm servatt, nonrated and holding
led horse by the bridle, who told h
to make what haste he could and
along with him ; for Majarie was d
ing, and had sent urgently to fet
him to her bedside. Willwas
horseman, and made so little spe
Aipou the way, that the poor yout
wife was very near her end before
arrived. But they had some minute
talk in private, and be 'Wag prose
end wept very bitterly while s
breathed her last
The dav broke aa he walked ,hom
wards. One by one the stars ,melt
and disappeared ; oue by ate ti
hilltops kindled and grew brigb
The river sang in the hush; and Wi
felt an immense contentment swa
lowing up a little sorrow, as the se
covers a grain of sand or the day e
tineuishes a star. She had loved hi
as be had loved her, as something s
apart over life ; end henceforwar
they might continue to love eac
other, -without jar or diffieulty, witl
out doubt or after -thought, amass ti
gulf of death. He had been content°
in his love when they were two mile
apart; he might have been coneepte
if all the seas had flowed hetwee
them; and should he not be content('
now, when she canghi up hien an
,other world, immeasurably far mdeec
but perfectly secure and happy ?
Year after year went away int
nothing, with great explosiors an
outcries m the cities on the plain;
revolt springing up and being suppre
sed in blood, battle swaying hither an
thither, patient astronomers iu obser-
vatory towers picking out and christ-
ening new stars, plays being perform-
ed in lighted theatres, people being
carried into hospitals on stretchers,
and all the usual turmoil and agita-
tion of men's lives in crowded centres.
Up in Will's valley steely the' wind
and seasons made am ePoch; the fis
lungiu hit swift stream, the birds
circled overhead, the pinetops rustled
underneath the stars, th,e tall hills
stood over all ; and Will vent to an
frooniudine nis wayside inn, mitt
railty, but kept stalwart and Arm to
the last, but they say be grew leis
talkative towards the end, int would
listen to other people ay the hour in
-and an amused and sympathetic en
lence, oniy, when b olid speak, it
Ivies more to the point andenons
god with old experience. He drank a
bottle of wino gbeily, .above all, at
sunset on the hilltop, or aunts late at
night under the stars in the arbor.
The sight of something attractive and
unattainable seasoned leis enjoyment,
he would say; and he professed be
bad lived long enough to admire a
• pantile all the more when he could
• .compare it with wt1 a planet,
im One night, in his seventy second
e0 year, he awoke in heti in suolt un
easiness of body and mind, that be
ch rose and dressed himself and went out
no to meditatein the arbor, lt was pitch
ed dark without a start the river wall
w swollen, and the wet woods and mead
he ows loaded the air with perfume. It
et had thundered during the day, and it
et promised more thunder for the mar.
he row. A murky stifling night for
man of seventy-two ! Whether it was
ee the weather or the wakefulness, er-
ed some little tuuch of fever in his old
ie limbs, Will's mind WAS beseiged
tumultuous and crying memories.
Uis boyhood, the night with the fat t
le young man, the death of his adopted hititticeT7MTPIPPLMIMITIT"MITI-171715—ErMfrdr1
• parents, the summer day with Maja clumsily, or there was a dimness over
x, rie, and many of those small drown. his eyes ; but he con d make out little
re stances, which seem nothing to an- more than shadow at table with him.
et other, and are yet the very gist of a He stared and stared at this shadow
d mates own life to himself—things as be wiped out the glasses, and began
h seen, words bearde looks misconstrued to feel cold and strange -about the
1, —arose from their forgotten corners heart, The silence weighed upon him
le and usurped his attention. The dead: for he could hear nothing ffow, not
d themselves were with him, not merely even the river, but the drumming of
• taking part in this thin show of mem- his own arteries in his ears.
d cry that defiled before his brain, but Here's to yell said the stranger,
turnel in time to meet estranger, who feet,
was edvaneing to meet lihn acmes the L have no no for you, said WM
court. There was (something like the A time come for all men, Matte
outline of a great carriage discernible Will, replied' ti e dean., WIA ,n the
on the road behind the straugerand, beim is taken ont of their bands
above that, 4 few black pine -toes, like For you, because you were prudent
so many plumes. and quiet, it has been long of mining
Master le ill ? asked the new -center and yonlieve had long to discipline your
in brief military fashion. self for his receptiun You have seen.
That same, sir, answered Will. whet ts to he seen ehout pier mill
Can 1 do anything to serve you ? you have sat clue alt your nays like
have beard yeti witch epoken of, a into in Its form ; but zes, thin it is
Master Will, returned, the other; at an end; and, added the docter,
mush ?spoken of, and well. And gettiogeon his feet, you must arise and
though I have both hands efull—afiemeseasielialsaseamere........--
mat nuroli rooms' rustitlite.
A meeting of this Inetitute Wa4
r held in Illyt • i Tuostlay las:sprlizit.
* Among the prominent faren.
dent JohnK, iighiiii• was in the chair,
Were, lloht, Medd, Rolf, Ouiele, Robt.
NI cOlowan, M ems.Cigit,rni. i,161411?.rnilltenrit,
Govier, %VAshington, Brm
iglie. Nate),
Dili:?..rSrillio'aT11"11141.ii!sirl'iilient Nernightio gin n
Caantflioantlor fUlf.rairt:guertao. 441.111ir14.11141;12
Morris, of Colborne, de'egate to last
Oeutral Institute 'held iii Toronto.,
reported of 71 District Institut,
mierieing it membership of eeme.
'ling over 5,000 The seoretcry read
p per an FiCirtiom" by Thomas
rieveS, of Goderiell township, Air.
afire of East Waivalioeh, gave seine
d.vice to farmerItIn Currie of East
useful 'hiots on the topic, and astreed
'teevery le/dialler with the paper.
Mr, Robert Medd, geve Home eXeelleet
ruAnd the heat sleigh, and it seems are
awanosh, made some practical
eroarks regarding economy an the
arm. He said a few years 'ago the
umber wagon and bob -sleighs were
fficiont, but now they are being
Shoved aside for the covered buggy
if Ilio letter were "carne to Stay.*
Some other remarks were made on
this matter and the subject was
dropped. An interesting discussion
was that of "Restering fertility to the
ground " Several plans wore propos
ed, The two most prominent were,
"Rotation" and "Manuring." • Mr
Currie thought manure ought to he
kept under cover, It was decided In
bold the next meet hig in Clinton he
Julie. Toe evening meeting was
prinbipally dealing with shielt raising,
Messrs. Grangen Washington, Chaves
flamilten and others took part in the
discussion. ,..
n 1 revisiting bis bodily senses as they roughly.
d do in profound and vivid dreams. The Here is 'myself, sir. replied Will.
I fat young man leaned his elbows ou 'sipping his wine, which somehow tasted
1, the table opposite; Mete* came and oddly. .
went with an apron full of flowers Will made epswer with a smile of
between the garden and the arbor, he some satisfaction anda little nod,
O could hear the old parson knocking So am 1, continued the other;
d out his pipe or blowing his resonant and it is the ,delight of my heart to
d nose. The tide ef his conscience ebbed tramp on people's corns. T will have
e, anal flowed, he was sometimes half nobody positive but myself ; not one '
d asleep and drowned in these recollece 1 have have -crossed the whims, in my '
g a y. caustic), and some.
times °freed people at first sight ; but
I am a good frieud at heart to Beatles
Since Marjarie was taken from me
returned Will, with a break in his
voice, declare before Ood you were
the only friend I had to seek for.
So the pair went arm.iinarne tome
courtyard. •
"-One of the servants awoke about
this time and beard the noise of horses
pawing before lie dropped asleep again;
all (Iowa the volley that night there
was a rushing ns of a smooth and
steady wind descending towards thb
plain, and when the world rose Next
morning, sure enough Will o' the Mill
had gone at last upon his travele.
Tete E.
nge ons. of the pest, and sometimes he, time, of kings end generals. and great; • eraeo02 BtratnESS.
was broad ewake, wondering at • him. artists And Whet would tem
. . say,
self.: But about the middle ;of the' he w;ait on, it I had come up here on
night, he was startled by the voice .of purpose to crosa yours.
the dead miller calling to him out of Will had it on his tongue to make a
the house as be used to do on the eharpe rejoieder ; but the politeness
arrival of custom. The hallucination of en old innkeeper prevailed ; and
8 was so perfect that Will sprang from he held his peace and made answer
nis seat and stood listening, for the with a pita] peters of the hand.
summons to be repeated, and as he 1 have, said the stranger. Aaid if
listened, be became conscious of an. I did not had you in, a particular
other noise besides the brawlingof the esteem 1 should make no words abbot
d river and the ringing in his feverish the minter. , It appears you pride
the snow began to thicken on his
bend His heart was young and
vigorous: if his pulses kept a sober
time, they still beat strong and heavy
in his wrists. Re carried. a giddy
stain ou either cheek, ripp
apple ; he stooped a ' litite, bat his
steps was still iirtn, and his sineWY
heads were reached out to alt melt
with a friendly pressure. Eis face
:wee covered with theee tentacles which
are got ib the open air and which,
rightly looked at, .are no more than
a sort of n permanent sunburning;
such wrinkles heighten the stupidity
,of stupid faces, bet to a person like
Will, with late (dear eyes. a»a smiling
mouth, only give, another chaeta tet
testifying to a eimple and easy life.,
His talk wais full of wise impinge.. ne
tittd a taste f ir other people, and other
p.opIe had a taste for hire.' When
the valley wits full of tourists in the
season, theta Yeere merry nights itt
Will's artier, and his views which
tteemed whimsical to hie neighbore,
were ciften enough ed mired by learned
eeitple out of the towel)) and colleges
Laced, he It id a very amble old age,
awl grew daily -better known ; so that
I fame was beard in the cities on
the el .in; and young men tvho had
epee intonate trate-here -spoke to.
getli-,t- in cafes of Will o' the Mill and
le, -430 pili;Oelplly Many and
ete. • v invitetien, you limy be mire,
e but net:tong eou'Al telipt him
te ) eat upland va RC Would
;it head and smile over hie
teb et -to -pipe With a deal at meaning.
Nam came too Jitter be weuld sewer,
I am rl.r.arl man eetir t have lived
end died already. Fifty years ago'
yeti w old lave brought my heart into
toy In iv -h, and new you de riot even
fm-" nie. Det that is the object Of
Ion,- flying, that a num shneld cease
eitr shoot lifie again : There
ie reify one difference betets a long
elfe end agora" dinner : that, hi the
sterner, the ditititiee omits late, Or
maw mere : Whati I was a, hy, f trio;
4i III 1:::110.1ettarld hstIyIVIN'thfir
if A+ myself or the Wor d that Wa4-
and twotth ';•e ik,.•,4 into, NoW
. IN • t it ie myeelf ft:al al.iek to that..
)eV! ettiewe4 (*ay my eettern
ears. It was like the stir of horses yourself on staying where yon are.
and the creaking of harnees, as though You mean to stick by your inu.
a carriage with an impatient team had Now I mean you shall ceme for a turn
been brought up upon the road before with 'me in my barconohe ; and -
the courtyard gate. At snob at hour ,before this bottle's . empty,' so' you
upon this rough and cianeeroue pass, shall.
the supposition was no better than That would be an orad thing, to be
abstire, and Will dismissed it from his sure, replied Will, with a chuckle.
mind, and resumed his seat upon the Why, sir, I have grown here like an
arbor cbair, and sleep elosed over him 'old oaktrce; tine himself tould
again like running water. He was hardly root me up ; and for all I'per-
oec4 again awakened by the dead erive you are very entertainheg old
miller's call, thinner aed more specter gettletaan, I wonld wager you •inothe
ral than before; and once again. he er bottle you Witte your pains with
heard the noise of an equipage upini me.
,the road. And so thrice and four - The dimness of Will's eyesight had
times, the same dream, or the same been increasing all tide while; but
fancy, prestinted itself to his senses ; though he was now. as good as blind -
.until aelengthesmiling to himself as he was somehow conseions of a sharp
when otp humors a nervoni, child, be and chilling scrutiny which irritated
peoc•e towards the'gate to set his and yet overmastered him..
uncertainty at rest.
From the arbor to the gate- was no
great clistauce, and yet it took Will
some time, it stiemed as if the deed
thickened (trolled him in ,t the court,
aud crossed his path at every step.
For, first, he was suddenly surprised
he an overpowering sweetness of hell.
otropeseit wee as if bis garden had
been remind with .this flower from
end to end, and -the hot and damp
night toad dtawn forth all their per,
fumes in a breath. Now the helitro
pet lied been 'efajarie's favorite flowers
and since her death not one of Thom
staid ever beet planted ft \ViIt's
I must he going erazte lie thouglit.
l?oor Mejarie and bar heliotropes
And with that he raised hie eyes
towartie the window that had once strangely in Will's beart
Won hers. If he had been bewildered beg your Pardee, he said, with
before, he was now almost tertified, g°111° ,diecoloPosore. Whot do yoe
fqr there was a light in the room, the mean 7
window Wag WI ttrange oblong as of Look at inc4 and yon Will find yosr
vire the c' rtser of the blind was eyesight swim, Rinse your band . it
lifted and let fall as soon ais on the is dead beavy. This is your last bottle
night when he stood and sheeted to -,of wine, Master Will, and your last
the stars in his perp'exity. The Wipe night open earth,
ion only endured inetant. but it You are a (teeter t quavered
left hien somewhat unmanned, robbing The beet that ever was, w/plied the•
his et s and St/trilel At t1t otdlho P other; for 1 cure both mind and body
the Loise and the black night bI.hid1 with the seine preseripeion. I take
it While he nags aloft and it seem I all paiu and forgive all sine
ott as if he meat have atonal thereand wbaret my patiutelitivego»e wrong
pipe5. long time, there mire a renew- lin life, X am loth out ail camplcations
the noises on the rm4 ; andhe laid set the free again Upon their
" Messrs Anderson & Elder have a,
very Ane brick buidiug on the corner
of Queen and Dinsley streets where
they handle dry goods, groeeries, boots
and shoes, Millenery and crockery.
'[bis firm has been established for a
slumber of years and hy ,heir gentle.
manly ways, uncreesieg efforts and
coeustent atteetiot they have built up
a Wittiest, reputation which is second
to none in tne county.—The niam.
moth pouSe—Mr D J3 Mckinnon has
se ected. the above as his motto. Mx
McKinnon is a brother uf Mrs 1' Me.
Kinnon, of Toroeto, and commenced
business here away back in the pieties
and 'no( worked up a splendid trade,
A. large and well selected stock of day
good, groceries, boots and shoes ready
made clothing, crockery, glassware
and peillipery are the leading lines
bandied by this busy firm. Ur hicK,
alee a large grain, produce and pork
buyer and is ably assisted by his new
partnit. Mr Geo Powell, of Witigham.
—The Bight Roue -'-Messrs Herring-
ton McKellar proprietors of the
above house carry on businesa oti
Queen St, This is a new houae. Both
members of the firm are pestling
young men and deserve sucess, They
carry on business in a way that is
Yoe need not think he broke but convincing cOnincingo the heYer, that their
suddenly, in an explosive, febrile ,
manner that startled and alarmed
himself, that I am a stay at home
because 1 fear anything under God.
God knows I am tired , enough of it
alt; and whet the time emnes for a
longer journey than ever you, dream
of, I reckon I shall myself
The stranger emptied his- OM and
pushed it away trona hire, lie looked
down for a little and then Laming
over the tables tapped 'Will • three
times upon the forearm with a single
duple Tbe time has come, he said,
solemnly wegeing hie head.
A nasty thrill spread from the spot
he touched. The tones of his, voice
were dull and startling and echoed
goods are right their prices right and
that,they have the Right House.
Miss Dolly Ross, who has been
spending the winter in Detroit, has
returned h. --.Mr Geo Ring, of the
firm of Boat's' & ging, who has been ill
was in town last week first time in Ave
months, We were pleased to see Geo
again.—Mr Williams, 0 1' R. agent of
Wingham, was in town on Friday.—
, The town presented a very lively ea
Saturday.—Eggs are coming in a grea
rate, We learn one firm alone took
in no lest than 250 dozen eine day
last. week.—Mr Geo Powell has pur
chased Mr J' alisafillan's storehouse
which bee been used for graiu.---A lso'
time is expected when the Iieenses are
granted here. There are five appli•
cants, someote must get left,•—The
hopefill Gleaners Entertainmett on
Thursday night was largely attended.
The ammint realized was itt the neigh
hothead of $38.-411. Robt Taylor,
who has been home during the winter
svith . a ive.t, icift or Portage la
Prairie last week. --Mr McMillan has
decided not to sell his greeery business
and will continue in business.—Mr S
Oidley was presented with a
daughter lett week, and mother rand
babe ate doing well. --Mr Jot Dwyer,
of Detroit, i here visiting relatives.
Wo regret to learn that Mr John Mo.
Gee is tierititudy 111, Mr McGee has
the proud tomtit of being one of the
oldest Ortingpmen iuCatuula,
On Tuesday hist, in his sixty third
year, Mr. Rubert Cochrane died at his
home itt the township of Howick.
He was one of the early settlers of
Elms and well known and highly
reepected. Htt was buried at the Wirying ground on the 8th of Fhne,—
Robert Baird an old and esteemed
resident died on Thursday in his 58th
year. Deceased was a native of
Alloway, Scotland, end clime to
tiovvick over 20 years ago. He was:
a. consistent member of the Presbyters
jar, church and was always knoWn as
a good and honorable man. Hie
remains were entered itt the Wreakei.
cemetery ori Saturday last. —Mr.
James Ritchie leaves this week with
three fine imported young stallionfor
Slanitolni Messrs. John Johnston anti
Win. Redden also go along with er
stallion caoh. We hope they may
have a pleaut and successful trip.
.U11Stilvr.erjtsityC.-.-t%°1B1 is IrnmptlreintItIorlsitrnawn- oti2kf
Reused', occupied the pulpit in. tbeP
Presbyterian church here last Sunday
in the piece of Mr. Stewart --A very
enjoyable titue. was spent at the house
of Mr. 14cA1urchie by the members of
the I'reskteriati enurch choir on
Thursday evening of last week. The
object of the party being to showthe respect and esteem in which , one
of the most distinguished members of,
the choir was held. The person
referred to Is Mr. T. •Grahatn, who
will leave this week for Manitoba.
Ho takesle bet wishes of
large irole of acquaintances...._.
_public entertainment will bit givenla.
- the Town Hall on Friday evening the
29th inst, under the auspices of the
Clinton Inst. A good tinaa ia
Sioton'sColtair and Consumption cure itte
sold by as on a guarauteo. I cures Cone
suumtion, For sate by G. E. 'Williams.
Hugging socials are becoming pope -
lar, the seals of prices fixed according
t to age, oireumetances, looks and style.
Ministers end editors are n.ot
charged." The former, we suppose
evade payment on (moonlit of looke ,and
style, the latter on aceoune of the
freedom of the pros.
Sevesexenss ratans, made rnesetable by
that terrible cough. Shiloh's Oire is the
Remedy for you. ror sale ley
The Exeter TiSiat says A young
man said he was compelled to plant a
grove to obtain the girl he loved. Thia
curious grove he moat compotte of 10.t:
root in 9 straight rows in every row -
5 trees, h0 must awe, before he itt
ever allowed to see her pretty_ face.
So young men of art
coma and lend
him yonr aid to /misty titles outdate
maid—.Please show us that we may
have the pleasure of asiother wedding
in town.
Gamna enoan, health and matt breath
secured by 61111(403 Catarrh Iteruody.
PriooOG (Ants, N Mal Injeotor 1A4%
sale by 0. E. Williams,