HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-05-29, Page 6PAGE SIX PORTER'S MILL Sunday Sch+ooT Anniversary ser- vices wall behlead qn Grace United' Church ron, +Su'rudaly, June 1, with George 1-I, Jefferson, retired prin deal of ailniton Public School, as ,Gnestt .s+peaker. Service twill be at .9.4$ rami. ,Howwe"ft CIO you Rnow oNrnAllu v Check your knowledge by identifying this map G 41 However well you know Ontario, you'll -enjoy getting to know it better. Make a point this year of exploring its highways and byways, visiting its. lovely lakes and vacationing, at one of its modern resort areas ... like the Halib'ii Highlands shown above. Take the first step now, by filling out and mailing the coupon below. ONTARIO BETTER ONTARIO TRAVEL, I 852 PARLIAMENT OLDGS., I TORONTO, ONTARIO i Send FREE Literature and Road Map. I iName .................................................. II Address .............................................. jPost Office .......................................... Ontario Department of Travel & Publicity Hon. Bryan L. Cathcart, Minister I---------------_� >, News of Bayfield By MIS$ LI OY ii$. WOOD13 PRONE: 13 A:YI! iLD 4.5r3 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Mrs, Bruce. 1V%enery, .10t on Mrs, and, Mrs, C. A. Clavena4u9b, Tueslda , to. spend, the Mem:ar all Lonidiang with tthedr' randamig W y r' i le Nichol, and her . areaalt's n in Ytaile MLc'hnt n, Valfer Nall Ih P SDI weekend ga Day ,Jinn Higgins, Toronito, spent sev- Mrd• anile) Mrs. Eyoni Nichol, stpent ema' da s tbh� week wIt�h his Par- Saturday and ,Sunday at 'their 1 y tom. emis, Mr. and Mrrs, Brown Ilzggins• cotOwin t Vw Wiress of Mrs. Mr. •and Mrs'. L. M, Spra 4e, Reg, , B�l lothils weei{, :the upper Detroit, spent S�atuirdaly and Sur ode am school are In,the chavve day at 'tihleir oo:btage Holley Lotd- ge„ ;off Mists Jacqueline Guff, ,who, fin- Mlis e Margaret sand Rhea fished her' course, at Londfln Norm- T1heH s s M all School, this; year, irulce, Dearborn > Mi'chdgaln!, were Jean M ers, +gmanldtaughiter of guesibs of Mr, u nld 'Mrs. H, H. Or- Mr. end, Mrs. StanleyBryanut, m'onld ;this, week. spent the weekend, with, her Mn*. and Mrs. ClEvaxlltie Harrison, gwamldparents, and returned to Sarnia, have been, the, guesits, of Londono with 4ilnern on Sunday, their blather, It'he Rev, E• J. B. The Dayfield Fare, Department Harrison 'this week. was; called out, On Sunday even - Mrs•• C. L. Guest, T'oron'to, and Ing at 10,30 P.M, to the, farm Mrs. iFadl. Weston, Goderiich, were ,on the Bil lewater Highway own - guests of athedr sister, Mrs. 991- ed by Keen Etue. A large barna, ,com Tams, this week, chicken house! aria pals, pen were Mass. F. E'. MacFaddeia, (return- totally destr"ayed, ,aid hiotmet from ithe Goderich hos- 'Me, W'oanaun'cst W siionary Soc- pultal on: Thursday, with her baby ietty of Knox Chlurch. Bayfilead, eln- ,daughlter, Shanley Anne,it,enntalhe'd ithe executive of HuronMr, and Mrs, Wilftm Eariber, f'sesbytemial, on Friday 6fte+rnaon. Sit, Thoreau', with Bill, Sheila, Sh- After .their business session and aeon, +Bobby and Maiureepn, spent reports rfronrn the visittoa's; a social the weekend' at their cottage, hour followed with danmity ref - .Mr, and Mu'sl George FellowLsl, reshments+ served by the local, and: fatbher Fa"adl ,7♦'a' L , Windsor, branch,. allisoi, iPaim, Fraser and, Kim, were Ch- at tthdr cottage) over theweekend. The Junior tlluodr ,of !)tinct, Cln- M!lss AlnlnJet Drouin, Detroit, Mats lursch, were entertained at the joined, her sds'ter as+ one of the h'omte of Mrs!. E. A. Featherston,, early, summer vdsitowis, who have after 'their weekly rehearsal Fria- eL4 their cattiage for the sea- ;day evening. Gaines and spec- cal retfireshn ignts+ were' served by Members sof Knox Presbyteraanr the hosites4ses, Mrs. Featherston, Ctumq), regrehtti ulay lelarn, that Mrs. R. Lawson, land :the clhoiar their, • minister the Reny. Donald ileaider, Mrs. Brown Higgim MadDonalld, . has accepted 'a caM The sympathy of the whole, viil- tbl tMosia Burns, Ontario. l!age as extended to Mrs;. William R. Rory Fitzsimmons, and M. F_ Q. S!19imon in, the Clintan hoslpit- Melrner, attended the Ayttnua!1 Ma- gal, her dvaiglhit'er, Mrs. A. H. Fur - sonic Church: service, held In the ;ter, Losnid'on, Mrs, George, Reld, ontaltoi Siireett Uniiitetd Church ,FII axcombe, •S+as+k., and her s! n, +Clitnt'ori', on Sunday worming. HarOld 'S+ttinsion, Bayfield, in, Ithe Mr, and Mrs. Warren Cook, •d'eatlnl of Alice Stlns+on Stumpf, ,with iS!ajW Anne. and, Kate, 1VTm!. Lang Island, N.Y.., who 'died from and Mrs. Jack Tillman, with, Toa- to sudd'eyn he- rt 'attack in her (nlonle nine ;and Bambara, London, spent on, May 17. the weekend alt -their cottages. Vd;oky C1uff and Jeanne Eitue, •Midssi Joyce Greer, B-ayfielld', hias apeamed+ an the Tele -Teen prp- neoently joined tt?ne ofllice staff ofigranime on -television, over tthe Donnelly & Donnelly, "barrristeurs+, Wdnvghayn station lasit Saturday Godericah, Miss Greer is; a grad- ;aftennoon. Also on the prograim unite -off the Goderldh Busrnesis Col.- were, Prank .MacDonyrell and Pet - lege. er Hoodsip'iith, Clintorn, all ;four Mrs. Charles Bell wags ableIto we students gat the, Cdin'.ton High heave the Cdintonn Public Hospital ISldhlaol. They very aleverily curried vast Wednesdaly, and is re'cuper- an :a panels discussion an, the (pros gating atthe liome of her, daughter ,and cans of living dnr the country. E`<re9yi , Mrs, AHlari Galb2raath, C,7'- Jeanine Eitnre was a house guest r'nton, of Judy and Vicky Cluff over the Showe'r of BARGAINS OPAQUE COTTON SLIPS Swiss embroidery. White, Pink, Blue. Sizes 32-42, 44-50. This Week Only ......:..... $1.79 each NYLON FULL SLIPS With extensive trim. Shadow panel. Sizes 36 - 42. A real bargain .... Only $2.98 each PETTICOATS or CRINOLINES Three -tiered skirt, nylon lace trim. White, Pink and Blue. Sizes S - M - L. Only .............................. $2.98 each Embossed Polished Cotton PETTICOAT Floral decor. Hem underscored with nylon net. White only. S - M - L. Only....... . ....................... • ........ $2.98 'TEENAGE SLIPS Imported Opaque -Cotton. Fine Swiss embroidery. White only. Sizes 11 - 17, - Only .......................... $1.98 each FULL-FASHIONED NYLONS Sizes 9-1 I , first quality ......... pr. 69e This week .................... 2 pair $1.30 DUSTERS --Glazed Cotton All shades. Sizes 12 - 44. This week ................................ $3.95 'LOVABLE' BRAS 89c, 1.50, 2.98, 2,00, 3.98 , 'Teen Sizes, 28AA - 36A. Ladies" Sizes 32 - 44. A, 8 and C Cups. LADIES' BLOUSES 98c and 51.25 Sizes 32 - 36. White, Pink, Blue, Red, etc . .................... JUST ARRiVEDI New Shipment GIRLS' DRESSES "DAN RIVER"' and GLAZED COTTONS. Sizes 3 - 6x .............. $1.98 - $2.98 Sizes 7 - 12 . ......... . ... $2.98 - $3.75 SHIRT and SHORTS SET Sizes 2-4-6 .................... only $1.29 YOUR LAST CHANCE to get in on the on EXCELSIOR VACUUM FREE DRA the CiwEANM Va ue $79 Draw to be made Saturday, .May 31, at 5.30 pan, ONE FREE TICKET ON DRAW with Every Purchase Made In Our Store, JI LL' CLa�'HxN (Across from Boxy Thebtee) HU 2-9641 e.LIINTON At.BERT 5'i. Phone_ weekend. In Bayfield summer cottages over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hayman, London; Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Will, London; Miss Jessie Metcalfe, Detroit; Fred Stedman and family, London; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hendricks, Birm- ingham, Mich.; Dr. and Mrs, A. R, Chapman, Detroit; Joe Carson and family, London, and many others all looking forward to warm summer days, so slow in coming. Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner visited Miss Lucy R. Woods in London on Thursday; also Mrs. Fred Weston and Mrs. Jack Parker visited her brother John Brown in Victoria Hospital. John (locally known as Jack) attended school in Bayfield when a boy. Canon H. M. LangFord, of Waterloo, will conduct the morn, ing service and celebrate Holy Communion at 9.30 a.m. at St. James Church, Middleton and 11 a.m. Trinity Church, Bayfield ir the absence of the Rev. E.J.B Harrison. The boys of the Grand Bend Public School came on TuesdaS night to play baseball with the boys of Bayfield Public School. score Grand Bend 23, Bayfiele 16. Bayfield boys will go to Grand Bend on Wednesday night. Reception A wedding reception for Mr, and, Mrs. Kenneth J'osteph. Laron Itoak place, at the Littlle, Iran, Bay- fWetld join +S'atlumday afite;rnoon alf&i their wedding In St. Thomas An. ;glica+n Chrurch, Seaforth, Mrs. Lar - ,one, •thet former .Nancy Ern,% Sp'i:Uta,l, las the datugbiter of Mr. and Mrs, James R. .Spittal anc the, groom Is the son; of Mx. aine Mrs. Elmer Lamone, all of Sea - forth. The Iparen+ts received the ;guesits in the garden after which all ad- joumed to the large dt'initngroom, b'eautifullty idecorated with wh'i;te tllllacs', purple, iris, pale plink +tuil- lips, 1111eles of the valley, and purp- le violets, Crystal oan+dlesit7ckLs and an armamgtemelnt of pale, pelnk tlul- ps and white lilacs centred the table; siniiilar flowers decorated the irarlour and hall. Brand New First Line TRACTOR TIRES Low Prices Our Reg, You Price Price Save 9 x` 24t $46.15 $61.55 $15.40 10x8 $60.06 $ 84.05 $24.00 Other Sizes Avallabie At Equal Savings, Special Prices On New DUNLOP Truck and Passenger Tires, DUNLOP TIRE DiSTR18UTORS 24 -Hour Service on Tractor `tire vulcsnlzing, Pumping do Repair, Bridge End Service Phone 535 Goaderich SALTFORD,ONT. .Al Onf'leld El. Atkinson 1 22x26 -p News of Goshen Mission Band The May zneetiyag of the Gosh- en Ultssion; .B'antd was beld In the Church wiltih Mrs, Bob, X1 ,c�Wq and Mrs.. Kenneth: Parke in h •arge. The meeltting !opened with k pr iay taken from the W'ovlli Sixuend+s, called ""glare Bad'' Mis ttalce", Taking part were Gersic Hayter, Wayne Peck, Larry Me, K nley, Bob Hayter and G,rei Armstrong, Miarrleale Keys xead a ,poem cal ,led "SlPring" The Mission Banc hymn was sung and the Mliss+ion Band purpose was repmted In un ison, "Out Bible" from. the Wad( 'Fri2ends was- read by Gall Mb Brilde, Twenty eight answered the rol oat). There were three member) h"a,d birthdays tthi§ month. Donmr, Peak +t'o'ok up the offering am read the otfiferatory Mayer, story from Kenji aadl+eid, "Whea Harvest" was read by Mrs. Bal M�-,KhOay. Mis. Renneth, Parke dosed wilth a ,p•rayer, The Young People of Varna anvi Goshenare holding an atnnndvers, ratry ,servlee? in Goshen Unu'toc Church on Sunday evening, Raye and Gwen McLean seen the weelcend with their ,graced ,parents, Mr. ;and Mrs. W'illian Haty'tes; Larry McLean is In the h!ospit• al in London for itreatment. OBITUARY Jane McClyrnont (By our Hensall Correspondent) Mrs. James McClymlont, Kip pen, passed alvuay at the home a heir !daughter, MTs, Alice Coale London, on Wednesday, May 21, fit her 82nd year. The dormer Any Amelia Wagner, she w+aLs' born or -the Goshen Libe and resided it Kiippeln. for some 17 years. S'hc was a an+ember of St. Andrew': 'United Church, Kuppean, She was mamried 'twice, her #tilts° husband, David McClinc'he+y, ddeu 38 years ago, Mr. Me'Clyiniont pre deceased her in 1946. S'uvrviving are one son, Orvd!Ula McQdnchey, Varna; three daugh ters (J•ennti Mrs. Warren Schhl ,be, 'Hensall, (Edna) Mrs. Joe Du aharme, Dashwood, (Atldce) Mrs Cook, London. Eleven ,granddhRd men and 17 great gnandehaldrea also survive. Public funeral servies, conduct ed by Rev. R. MadVIliDilan; wert held in Hensall on Flraday, wiltl interment in Bayfield Cemetery. Cricket Finds jealou Gets Her Nowhere; I (By our Baytieh Inset has ;been added to dnqury as; far as Q'icket, th;e frisky young i beagle at "Middel'wood' is con- cerned. As of it weren't ba -d enough to be tied ups Young Master must needs acqu6 a pair of rabbits: And there they are out in, a pen In the orchard where their scent is most kantzirug to a beaglel Moreover, they have very fancy aaanesi-Bosco, the bucllc, and, S'il- ver, the doe, Cricket's nose is out of joint in more ways than, one. When she stuck her nose through the wire, netting, sniffling her contemipt for the bunnies, Silver up and blit her,. Now Cricket had never run up against: a rabbit. which: d'Ldinft run from her before, and so her indignation knew no (bound's, an!d the fight of the, femaks, was on. She, gave tongue to her anger and continues to do so every time .she gets 'a chance. Silver just turrig a, deaf ear and thumps, her hind .leigs on; the ground And that Bosco, he knows i1ow to .get out of the ipen, while she cannot :get off her leash! There they were, Mrs. Housle- wife and her husband and Young Master all closing in to catch Bos - ca in tlne hedge one morning! And another morning when Mrs. Housewife took Cricket out Estimated new capital invest- ment in Canada in 1958 with re- spect to construction, equipment and machinery, and repairs will be $8,521,000,000, about 2.3 per cent lower than in 1957. .MILLET for Summer Pasture As a result of dry weather and frosts, many people will be faced with a short- age of pasture this summer. We have for sale Grade No. I Proso Millet Seed grown on our own farm (Cert. No. 47-13,175) which will produce a large amount of feed per acre at small cost. R. N. ALEXANDER LONDESBORO 22-3-b sy of Rabbits lash Mav Come I Correspondent) to raster her leash t4 the d thes-, lite (most tundlgnified, s+ituabaonti in which to bei faunal) there was Basica, sitting up on, the neigh- biqur's+ verand'a'h laughing at her! Why, 'wonders Cricket, don't they let Tier loose, and s'he'd soon ,rake short work of that rabbit, Wouldn't she? Cificket has a bit to learn abolut domestie rabbits,, They arear''t so, frightened' of a loud nods+e as those in their natural h+ab'i%t. And they have whys of embarrassing enemies, Cricket might think that she THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1%$ could settle Basco, but perhaps 01W4 change her mind Gf In, the abase, be doubled back and took a flying lea - across her When hea'et fly with, his stranlg hind logs) she wouldn't know what struck cher! Not only the fur wolullid fly, but she'd also be wind-. ed. So far Cricket is bldssfgll ignorant of such a move our the hart of either Bosco or .Solver. It w, said though, to be tho darling of •the household, and them to have Young Master pay so ml.ucht attention to 'those bunnies (she aright as well get used to it for 'bye' and bye there'll' be new arrivalls! in the rabbit hutcdh at " Middelwood") , Cricket appears to be jealous, and there, is no fael4- drug whatt nest of trouble that vin dictive demon will stir up when,. it possesses one! Here's the suxewny,#o Greater Tinley _ Profits YOUR LOCAL MASTER DEALER Wetflaufer's Feed. Mill Clinton Phone HU 2-9792 D-95 SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET Thursday, Friday, U, 0 0 Saturday, 0 May 29-30-31 WHITE SUGAR 14 LB. BAG 93c Ellmar Peanut Butter 16 OZ. JAR ... 29c Perma Starch 69c Golden Dew Margerme ......... 4 FOR 99c Van Camps Pork & Beans .............. 2 15 OZ. TINS 29c Cottage Toilet Tissue ........13 FOR $1.00 Allen's Apple Juice 48 OZ... , .......... 29c ALWAYS GOOD! GREEN GIANT CORN NIBLETS 2 14 OZ. TINS 33c MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE 6 OZ. JAR 51.13 Universal Pink Salmon 73/4 OZ. .. 25c Kellogg's Giant Size Corn Flakes 16 OZ. PKG.. 31c Miracle Whip Salad Dressing 16 Oz. JAR .............. 39c Lynn Valley Peas 15 OZ. TINS 10 for S1,,00 THESE ARE TASTY DAVID'S COOKIE ASSORTMENT 2 LB. BAG 59C BURNS' BAR K BEEF STEW 1!/2 LB. TIN 43c 1� -- BRING THIS COUPON WITH YOU -- - -- - THIS COUPON, WHEN PRESENTED AT . . Daisy Bacon I SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET � 1 i Entitles The Bearer To 16, PKG,, One FREE Roll of Stuart House WAX WRAP With the Purchase of 2 (tolls of Stuart House Wax Wrap 73c At Anniversary Sale Price 29c each Customer's Name .. ......... Address .............................................. THIS OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 30, 1958 ---- --- -- .-1 All Prices In Effect 'rill Saturday. May 31 st, at 6 p.m. FREE DELIVERY PHONE HU 2.3813 CLINTON