Clinton News-Record, 1958-05-29, Page 2"AGN TWO CXXNWry r1!",EWS=VXQQ"
T#f1]i3,Sp,0,Y; MAY 29, 1958
belcah Will T to ���� his �nit��,taon �ee��►�:
Re s ah
. a' atsa mnded
Clinton NewspoRecord Part in 4hurirh Forade of the church service .a tamutt
'row. Our Early F�.�
THE =N NSW 1 T CXGTlv'!'C)1v 1VDW'S•R17GC)A;U .. The re,ar meeting Of �Fzuron, Stmt Uxanted +Ch<ardh gait 7»3S1 p.m.
�K 10 A ublished every Amalgamated
1924 i o. lE a of 'Huron Count n .. a Monday, Ju 2 atdge 181'5 P•mmr, aro asked, too meet owttsidee' ththe beld on sunday, Tune 1. All e ch -
A. 1? y Thursday at t X art y M1 members are pi'ease requested arch 'by 7.15' pm,
4 Clinitons, Ontario. — Population 2,909 40 YEARS AGO 25 YEARS AGO 0
4 Q
+' ' i � A. L, t)olqultounu, pubilshen
PQ L All
2VBSC?,TM N RAMS; Payable in advance -
United States and Foreign: $4,00;
Autingr�zed as second class mail,. Po
Will"& D, Duwin, Edltoar
THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1958
Those who thrill to -the song .of CaGey,
and the exhilarating sound of bat meating ball
,on the basebaR diamond, may see plemmby of the
spont in frown this year ...
Thoughthe senior :team willil not operate,
ithere as a, tiu'lll, roster of minor teams entering
,the fray. Iav the Peewee, cillaiss :there will be
seven teams, meeting on C xxton to{rf. Mildgets,
B'arntamns! and Juveniles, all are entering comrupet-
101on, with the god: W0A4' competition and
a coveted' 'G 0le,
Great interest firm sports le being shown'
g roughout Oototo, in facet, one of the organig-
ipre you can hardly bW a baseballs any-
Where -- the Supply has not kept up with the
Locally, at would ' spear that the Kans-
men, CWbb deservesa great deal of credit for
rthe part ,they we apliayling an minor sportsi. They
take the youngsters--aad' ander 12; years:—yin the
Peewee age group, and teadi them how to play
the ,game. They iteach team -work, the ground
rules and spomtsmvanUke conduct. Them, when
the Mkls. enter thedr teens, ready for Wier
comn)petitlon; they ,have a. gwounding wkAdhi is
invaillwabie. The other sen&e dubs who take
on, the, gpans'arshlitp of sports alt .that stage, have
tbhle groundwork aa1'reaardy laid.
(Piee"& -teams are, the Wndergairten of
the spartal world. Einica4rragement ,then, of '
budding player, may mean the difference bet-
wme,on success, or favlUre, not omvly on, .ithe slpart s-
fiel+d', but in, the game of life.
We halve nothimlg ,but pratise for the sere-
dee-minded ,nen who devote .their eCime and ef-
fort taow i rdd abrainiing their own' and rtivoir neighb-
otur`is children,.
It would' seem lbat, along with a shomtaoe
of lbase'bailIs, them may eaaso be a shortage of
diamonds this year—although those at CDCI
and the public s'd col+ have already ,been pressed
into service for pract$ge, pewdods,
The tans w0l have every opportunity
ito watah all, the, haselbaR they want, and dllve&
encouragement wf1111 be appreciated by the boys
playing and the Chaps who tare looking after
In one respect, at least, .the {people of Olin- building an!ais been going an of recent years, like
on are a decadent bunch, Hera we arer with a 'as not .there as- another haussge, or two, or three
popud'athon ve.TV close itro 3,000 people, 1iv109 mere, then there were 50 yearsago.
in more, rthan.1,000 housing wniits, and we still LaUg eget modern.' For the price of a
expect people -to find ithear way about with • package of Cigarettes, or carton, of cakes per
directions such as, "Well, he lives in the old -person, we could have a detailed and official,,
Rance house, you know." survey ,taken of our town, proper numbers as -
The fact ars, that the greatest percentage signed to everyone, and a plan laid out for fut-
of thie.,popula tion. of our abown is no a'omger made ure. ,grtowth. Fara' ,that place we ca!uald also have
sup of ,penapl!e, who know Who laved in, certain numbeays• InstaiRed an everyone's front door. It
houses, 50 years- ago. •m lLmht include the cost of street signs, as, well.
Nelfber can one be, sure of directing a It's time we stopped, living In the past
-Ii correctly if you say a home is, 'three -accepted ,the siitua+bionr bi Clinton, to -day, and',
houses from a certain coroner. With the way started to do something aibouat A.
Changes In
Traffic Act
Must Obey
Legaisilatioun comiing amlto effect
-on Monday, May 26 imntrodnuoes
newcontrols::and ;protection f
drivers- and' pedestrians, o,7like,
The dangerous Vedestrvamn prac-
tuce of crossing against ,red si;g-
nal tlaghts des nowprohlb$ted. Faatrh-
er while the red height or the eom-
ibaned !green and amber lights are
iiacinig 'a pedestrian. ata, signal
Controlled, inrtemsec itiom, h e "shall
nnot enter the roadway until fa,
green alight ns shown;".
Similarly, with "Walt, Wialak"
+s�ignays, he nnLllsit anoit enter :tlhhe
roadway except when the "Wall-."
s4gnvall da fading avian.
The cionvtro(ibaig. action of "Yield
PAgiht of Way" signs have been
changed fmomn pedubli�ting drivers
enater+ang a "Yield!' !int erseatnon at
Ia speed' greabem than 15 m.p.h.,
which Insome circuniv ances was,
found,' to be excessive, tb require
motorists to slowdown to a: Teas-
unablle speed for exilstiing. oonidi-
do ns and to stop if necessary.
Enabbag leagW&tion to perrnlilt
passing an ,the right in &rtaain
aircuanstances: was enacted, an 19'57,
but the need! for closest study be-
fore action was, ;taken wags! rec-
Ognazod. I.Arditedi logislation, ef-
fecCive May 26, allows passing. on
the dighlt when (a) an ovgertaken
'"Mae is making or has signai'led
u await turn, (b) wlut'hdn1 aoity,
�r;awn ar village, 'an a street or
01911way 'of two 'or more, Ianess•
cif each direction, or (c) on, one.
way streets. 111 anyA-ght-hanid
ipasidimug drivers must be sure, It
is safe .to oda so, land' to no case
may ra driver gal, .off ithe roa:dwely
to pass.
New legislaaan recagniises rthe
hazard :of vehicle doors being op-
ened carellessal'y or left open, by
making it tan !offence to open the
door of aa. mnator vehicle upon a
street aur highway whtlhvut Hirst
making sure ,that it will not in-
iterfere with ,anyone else, or to
leave a door open man tine :traffic
side lionger Man ds necessary to
A demerit point: system is un-
der close study by the Depart -
anent of Transport, tfhrougiiv which
continuous drivers' records are to
be kept and persistent viiollators
gheake+d or removed from ithe road
Cif necessary. Under previous l+eg-
dsltataion the owner of the vehicle
was. responsible, for ;the opematmon
of the: velhflcal'e, except In cllrcum-
sitances w here the vehicle was- be -
ming operated without hes know-
ledge, or consent. To keep ac-
curate driveW records It is ob-
viouW necessary to regtister any
conviction. Haar moving viubdions
against the driver, who may not
neceissaanialy be the owner. The
driver, whether owner or molt, un-
der the, legislation will, bee held
resplonsliblie far moving violations
under :the Act,
The extent .and �chanacter of
new,building areas previously rum=
al, in nature ,presemntsr a. prabaemrn
in speed cantraL Cbtles, tonwns,
villages, Volice vfflages and 'i
up" ureas have, speed limits,, sub
ject to mnunilcipal by-laws, of 3
m.p.h. The designation ' buiAt-up
which .; Wers ;Ca areas outside cut
ices, ,towns and vrilraiges•, depend
,upon rthe number of building,
over certain distances on one o
booth slides of ache highway.
The madern, trend towards wid
er aots day new building develop
urgent, -often leaves, them rcunablN
dal, . quaXlly as "rbuiat-up". The, llav,
now includes a new category, I'm
ban area" desstoribed as one me
quiaiiog a +bu idiinig at ]!east every
1100 Meet for a distance of a quart•
er of a maile outside cities, towns
villaigm and police v'amliaages. It
such areas, appropriately marked
ithe speed Timit ds 40 m.•p;+h..
Some Facts About
Garden Fertilizer
There are many brands, of fert-
dizer on :the market today from
which the amarteur gardener can
choose. an, extra stimulant for his
Lower bourder, This presents, a
conafusirng pmldeni to the average
!house'holder whia has 'a meager
knowledge, of soil, dherMstry.
a lwo factors assist him. Regu1"
abiomas in Canada compel the man-
nufaoturer to print lthe analysis
of In°�s product starting the per-
centage's of ,nitragen, phosphorus
and poltasly contaiaied which- are
the most important elements. Then
as pl'anats, are fairly tolerant, la+t-
t7a •damage results. from, using
Wide Vatiefy in StQ'ak
Children's Sizes 2 to Cox; 8 to 14
Girls' and Misses Sizes 12 to 20
Women's Sizes• l,8 to 44
D ex% pw% t. Store
Hu 2.3853
Jan May $0, 1918.
A xcgnt ;pmavirn:caal ondemain
coundl Increases the feels of coun-
ty cromisti The order proiul4c.s
bhaYt ekaurntV constables wall receive
x$2,50 a: day !Car 'atten!ding high
and county court sessiorpr crud $2
ia. ,day for attendance alt, vounty
rnagiist.4,te's eaiu+r+t$, This: as 6az
crease of 50 cents for 'each
court. In ttuttuare the fee for serv-
Inig rnmt
suronts will, be 50 centa' for
tape service of each, document Ila -
stead of 25cents, the present
charge made by cournW aontstablle's.
Over in sW11and three hundred
'auto alcenses! have been gwued
and there, are $4,000 arrears, of
taxes, ;Draw your !own conclus-
Miss Bessie Sllomarn, who has,
been ,out west for It -lie past two
months; left an. "leech,' for New
York, ,to, reoone� herr i as a
Mr, and Mrs... G. B. Slav$Ul
celebrated the 25th anniversary
of ithed:r wedding on the 24th of
May, when a number of frienids
and relatives were present,
Thursday, May 30, 1918
Mi Vs. Thomas Wants and child-
ren, iOslhuwa, are spending a coup-
le coif weeks with her parents,
Mr. ane- M.M. H. Pe nneb,alker,
George Lucas: ,and Miss, Mammm,
M•'ankdale, were, visatora with the
farmer's sristem, Miss•. J. R Ho!yey
and Mrs. J. A. Robinson, over the
Mar'. and Mrs'. W. J, Stevenson,
Toronto, foarmertr of aiinton, were
,guests thus week Of Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Nedu'ger•
Wallliam Moon had: a hog deliv-
ered to hrimn ,by Mr, Taylor the
olther day which ,Mapped rthe scales
at 690, poauand§ arid for which he
paid, the hlandsome pi4ce sof
$117.30. Dlon't let anyone say it
d'aesav't ,pay ,to raise hogs.
Rees, Jenkins; (of. Woodlands
Farm, Huron Road, spent the hioE-
day and weekend In, Toronto.
Lieut. D. Tm-ance of 'tile Dom-
anr.on Mifitary Pollice, North Bay,
.spent the, holiday and, weekend at
abhe parental, bome, in town.
Thursday, 4wne 1, 1033
`.Ph!e regi ear meetAr� of the Pub,
7'i'a Sc�hanl BoaZ wa
held m,
Tuesday evening, The folUonving
members were Present: Messrs,
Carless, .ford, Cook, Plumsteel,
reruk.ns, Ctudmvuore, Venmer and
A very severe storm just be,
foreone eclaoek on -Monday had,
its centre in, 'the vicinn:lty of -Stop*
lebon, On. Bert GIbbings+' farm,, the
olid frame building foirrneatly used
used by the salt manufacturers
was blown down. The building
w.a:s: old, of course, but tut' was: a
sdhd frame otm eture and had
weathered many a storm in the
past. The hal4 also did consider
albliedamage on the Gi'bbings'
fanm, cuttli'n!g Rahe tender leaves
from the offal,. until the field
hooked Hke !a field, of st'ubbl'e.
Mrs. 1�- C. Lawson, cleft on, Man -
day for a visit in Toronto.
The local boys have ,begun trio
practice lacrosse.
Thursday, May 27, 1948
Fifitteen wear veterams- with orae(
or more chsiildren have been areas
ad Notal "war4hne0' houses lop
,Oerntrali lVfiartgage and, Hiauslrq
Oartp'om,thon, the (lrotwn-ownlei
company whieh opemm tes them. O':
the fifteen men, mime are Clint
onlans and the remaining six an
members of RCAF 'Sitattion, clip
ton. The Gll!inton group comsistr
of ,the fallowing: Kenneth W. Col.
quaioun (the dirst man, an R;OAI
fighter veteran, to secure
house) ; Eiltatt Bartl'uff; Rtichamc
Dixon; Donald C liq houn:; Thom
as O''Conneli; Joseati Miun;'pphy
Amthur Woodcock; Jack Ste:is
t(rBelll Telephone, London) ; Wilf•
rad Denomme.
'Gii+ddon's' Press: Shop has mov
ed to a new modern sh-op on Kiril
Street, eastside, south of Wesley
Willis Church.
Mr. and Mrs, W. N, Counba
and cli ,dren, C7aal+ist:a. and George
spent the weekend, with relative
in, Sim c oe. On tht+r re blurn 'trait
they visa ted wiith. Mar. and Urlst
J. CC. Shearer, Bright, foamier];;
o -f Clinton,
(By W. (Bill) B. T. Smiley)
Sane June as coarsing up
(The, mnanth of marriages
And wedded boss)
Perhaps a summing up
Of what kt leads too: --carriages,
Is not amniss,
8: * as
And I do mean perambulators!
Here we are, on ithe threshold of
June. Across the- land, quivering
with eagerness for the fray, are
thousands, of youthful recruits! for
the Marital Wars. Clear-eyed,
clean -limbed, -they stand in s'errie'd
ranks, I rating to, hurl their youth
and beauty into, the silaug!hter.
Behind them, blowing trumpets
to diilre ltbeir blood, -we the dia-
Wand merchants, the gift shop
proprietors, the, appliance dealers.
In front of them, waving banners
tot lead them: on, are ,tale printers
of invaitaltions, the wedding coun-
Sello'rs, the- florists..
4: * *
At thas juncture, I feel that its
only flair if a scarred weteraav of
many a matrimonial skirmish,
stiff with wounds, but beaa'ing
theme ,proudly, steps• out in front
of this. cannon fadder and, delai'vers
a few gentle reminders that all
ds! not :glaanaur and :plunder in the
campaign, 'Chau lies -ahead.
* A, :r
Truth: to ,tell, there's more clam-
our than Oaanour, more thunder
than plunder, in- the 50 years of
wedded warfare in which they are
about to engage.
First, perhaps, a word to the
d+aimsels who are about to forsake
the, wail of the jukebox for the
roar of the vacuum cleaner, the
Saturday ndg'ht dance for the Mron-
day moxmiing washing.
Girl's, never Make a backward
step, or you're done for. They
used to claims that :Che best reap'
to a roan's :heart was through, avis
fertillazerg of dif:fserent 'fbmmrudke
aftording to directions, pravildLeA
the fertilizer does not come, in
,direct cantaot with leaves or motV.
Tests' at Xhe Oentind, ESdpera-
menibal Varna, Ottawa, over the
past Itwo summlmers, showed that
On sandy roam, scall, asnnUal flow-
ers reslpanld'ed best to 2-4 lib. per
100 square :feet of a 5.10-13 fert-
ilizer (5 percent nitrogen, 10 per-
cennt pbiospharnrg, 13 percent pat-
a0h), Toa m uch fentiliizer, or fert-
ilizer that supplies too Much; of
one eiemont, Is of course wasfire,-
Thiq; fertilizer comnbainat!i1ani prov-
ed ,best on ,the local sandy 061
which Is naturally taw in avail.
able ph;oaphorru;s and apatash while
,aft Calaty' sails, a ftor lldzer w>filth less,
of these two elomentrs would pro-
ryabably ptrove, tssatis6actoz*y.
To agent the ;'beset results it is,
a:dvigable, tor-doeernnine what Is In
your sioil by a.nalycci:s. Soil togt
k0ts; ,are rrvaala:bale from any good`
seed sibare i 91VO faintly
accurekie ,resulits a•f dimationg are,
followed 'earefully.
stomach. But that went out th,
same time, bathtub ,gin carne• in
Any modern wench should knuaw
that the shortest way to a rnaa-M,
hearit is a straight left jab, w+itlt
all your weight behind :rat.
If he's a fast boy, this probabl5
won't floor hirci. You- may have
to try a bard kaiak ,on his shin
(never weax sa'ddleshoes), and ft -
low through with a knee under
,the- chin when lie stoops to feel
the fracture.
Of course if you use The direct
approach like that, you're liable
to hurt your hand, stub your toe,
ar bruise your knee. It's much
Tore sensible, and just .as effect -
We. to let haeme have It with :the
first Targe, blunt instrument you
can •reach. (One of the finest shin
els I ever had was administered
by a telephone, yanked off the
walla !and wrapped, around my
Now, a. tip or two, for the youth
who is deserting ,the delights of
the poolroom for thhe. excitement
of monwiing they la-wn, who is for-
saking the fascination of the str-
eet corner for the wild, gay ad-
venture o'f changing loaded diap-
Most important, perhaps, as U -As.
Never admit anything, Buster, uai-
less you're caught red-mhasnded. If
You, are, of course, ithmow your-
self first on your knees, ,theins an
her mercy. Tell her you're weak
unci sihdul, that you need the! ,nor=
al support of 'her s!tr ng and lofty
character, of you we to be saved
from evil companions, drink, wo-
men, or whatever you've beeai up
If she thinaks she's• better than -
You, and she Wall, you might, just
might, get away with a few days
of d freezing silence, Instead of a
deep Indentation in your skull,
Next, never turn your 'back on
her, if you are "havabg words"; as
the cp Ai nt old Victorian. phrase
had it. (As, I write I can, finger
a knotty slump of scar Ussiue above
any heft ear. I once made a fairly
in'affemvstive remark about my spam
rung pamntner'ss ancestors, turned
my back on her, and slat down at
,the 'table,- She was putting may
dinlie+r moue a plaate atithe shove, ten
feet <away. She setwed it from
tbore, ian;d tit took mine half a day
to gat the bleeding stopped` amid
,the alnashed trt maps out of my
1+161110w ,these simple rules a,nd I
think you, can both retire on 'full
pensions, about five decades Bence,
your honbur dm;ta,ot, even if ho -
thing ellse is. i
* *
Now, if the seconds, will rieave•
tmhe rang, 1111 antraduce• yeu t6 the,
farts : 1111%this carneo, at 11.2 pdurn..
d's, wearing ballewdoa4length white
tulle +over t8treta, we have Muria-
cram' Marj, of Orange Rlokrzomi.
And in this corner, At 165 po=ds,
wearing a frightened loalt, is Tb1-
pini' Georgie frow Hunger L)•i%mu.
Vit, the W'ecidin:g Mattch, Please, .."
The Huron County Council
Will Meet in the Court mouse, Godetrloh,
on Wednesday, 4une 11, 1958,
of 10.00 a.M.
All notices of deputations, etc., shQuld be in the hands
of the County Clerk not tater than
Saturday, June 7, 1958.
Clerk, County of Huron
High School,,
You will find exceptional employm dt
.opportunities in the ,Royal Bank
1. The "Royal" is North America's fourth largest bank.
More than 900 branches are in operation and new ones
are being opened all the time. During the past five
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creating new managerial positions ... and resulting
promotions for young Royal Bankers,
2. "Tnfiuence" plays no part in advancement at the
Royal Hank. Our senior officers from the Chairman and
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4. For young men interested in gaining international
banking experience, the Royal Bank has over 80
branches abroad ... in New York, London, Paris,
Central and South America, Cuba and the West Indies.
S. We have generous pension plans that compare with
e best, as well as group, health and hospital insurance,
low cost to employees.
Get our booklet "Your Future in Banking" at your
local branch or write Head Office for a copy.
Canada's Lqtoe# Bank,
Business and Professional
'--- Directory —
For your sale, large or small,
courteous and efficient service
at all times.
"Service that Satisfies"
Phone 119 Dashwood
Public Accountant
GODMCH, Ontario
Telephone 1011 Box 478
Public Accountant
Office and Residence
Rattenbury Street East
Phone H17 2-9677
Q. A. WEBB, D.C.*
*Doctor .of Chiropractic
X -Ray and Laboratory Faeilities
Open Each Weekday Except
Tuna & Thula Evenings 7-9
+.or Appointment _ Phone 606
Seaforth: Daily except Monday &
Wednesday ---9 a.m.. to 5.30 p.m.
Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.1m.
Thursday eveWng by appointment
Clinton: Above Hawkins Bard -
ware -Mondays only- $ a.m. to
5.30 p.m.
Phone 1Wnter 2-7010 Clinton
Optometrifit Optician
(successor to tate late A. L;
Cole, optometrist)
For appointment phone $3,
Gtoderloh +r
ltsal Ustato and Business l3rokor
nigh Street — Clinton
Phone Sri 2-6602
Auto, Accident and Sickness,
Liability, Wind, Fire and other
i Phone HU 2-9357
Co-operators Insurance
Bank of Montreal Building
PHONES: Office HU 2-9644,
Res., HU 2-9787
Insurance — Real Estate
Agent: Mutual Lite Assurance Co.
Be Sure : : Be Insured
insurance and Real Estate
Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada
Office HU 2-9747—Res. 2-7556
J. E. HOWARD, Hayfield
Phone . Dayfield 53r2
Ontario Automobile Association
(lar - Fire - Accident
Wind itnatdrance
If you need Insurance, I nave
a Policy
Head Office: Senforth
Officers 1950: President, W. -S.
Alexander, Walton; vice-president,
Robert Archibald, Seaforth; sec-
rotary -treasurer and manager, M
A, Reid, Seaforth.
Directors: Sohn R. Ma wing;
Robert Archibald; Chris. Leon -
hardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha,
Clinton; Win, S. Alexander, Wal-
ton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Har-
vey Fuller, Goderieh; J. E. Pepper,
Brucefield; Mister Rroadfoot, Sea -
Agents: Wm. Lelper 3r., Londes-
boro; J. V. Prueter, nrodhagen;
Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Vic
k1unroe, Seaforth.