HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-05-22, Page 9Wells Auto Electric KING STREET CLINTON Phone HU 2-3851 "Bill" Wells, Prop. Recent studies of Canadian diens sponsored by the Canadian Cancer Scolety show that Tndiana. have less skin cancer than do whites. One explanation of this may he that the pigment in the skin is a protection against the sun's rays. Past studies with Ante Wean negroes show that they, too, have .much less skin cancer than do whites. Federation of Agriculture Orrice, Box 31.0, Clinton. AWN RIMER self-propelled CRUIS-0-MATIC • gives lawns a IGHTN1NG1 — self-propelled fop' luxury lawn mowing—uniseilevablyi , lowly, fast, *Meant. Buy your MOWER where you get FREE Warranty Service ONTARIO To all Residents of Ontario Announcing ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE The Ontario Hospitat Insurance plan becomes effective January 1, 1959. The plant will pay the cost of essential, standard (public) ward 'in hospital' services for Ontario residents who are insured under the.plan. Benefits will be available in approved hospitals in Ontario for as many clays as hospital services are medically necessary. Approved hospitals will include public general hospitals, hospitals• for convalescents and the chronically ill, tuberculosis sanatoria and provincial mental hospitals. The only tout-patient' benefits in Ontario will be for emergency -hospital 'services received within 24 hours folloWing an accident. Benefits will be allowed for hospital care -received outside Ontario as the result of a sudden attack of illness or an, accident. ALT. RESIDENTS OF ONTARIO ARE ELIGIBLE Enrolment will be open to every resident of Ontario — regardless of age or physical condition —.either through a group, or individually on a Pay-Direct basis. Non-residents of Ontario will not be eligible. PREMIUMS The low premiuini of $2.10 a month for a single person and $4.20 a month for the 'family (husband, wife and children under age 19) are made possible by extensive financial participation of the Federal and Provincial Governments. HOW YOU ENROL to act as collectors of hospital insurance premiums on behalf of their members. Pay-Direct enrolment. If you are not eligible to participate through a group, you may apply to pay directly to the Commission, See "When You Enrol", below. (d) Recipients of public assistance who are covered by the Medical Welfare Plan through the Ontario Department of Public Welfare will also be eligible for hospital insurance benefits. It will• not be necessary for them W apply for enrolment or pay a premium. THE- ONLY BASIC HOSPITAL INSURANCE —On and after January 1, 1959, the Ontario Hospital Services Commission will be the only agency offering standard ward hospital insurance in Ontario. No private insurance company or prepayment plan will provide benefits covering standard ward hospital services after December 31, 1958.. (c) We are always ready to keep your, tractor going during the busy season with ON-THE-SPOT •TIRE AND TUBE REPAIRS o HYDRO-ELATION (Liquid-Weight) • LOANER TIRE SERVICE helps you market PRIZE PIGS Get top prices for your pigs at market time by raising them the MASTER way. Use the time- tested, farm-proved Master Pig Feeding Program. Your records will prove its value—your Master Dealer will show you how. See him today. PIG PERK PELLETS PIG STARTER PELLETS PIG GROWER• MASH GORDON RADFORD'S GARAGE Londesboro — Dial Clinton HU 2-9221 20-1-2-b YOur local Master Dealer WETTLAUFER'S FEED MILL. CLINTON Tele.: HU 2-9792 046.2 TliURSDAY, NTAY eet ewe 014INTON NEWS, PAGE. NINE Junior Farmers Livestock Judging Competitions at Seaforth on .Saturday Expect Large Acreage of Turnips in Huron; Informative Meeting In Exeter Tonight Producers Consider Possible Effect Stabilized Farm Prices Will Have The annual livestock judging eMnpetition will be held on .Satur- day, May 24, in the community .centre at Seaforth and on the fair ;retinas, Each contestant will judge. three • classes each of dairy cattle, beef cattle, swine and one class of • sheep, One of .the swine classes will be of carcasses. Parties. are given in each section • and in four classes: novice, junior, intermediate, senior. The Huron County competitor • With the highest aggregate score in the grain and livestock judging --vorepetitions in 1957 and 1.958 • ombined will be awarded a trip York in 1958, or a trip of similar value. Runuerup will be awarded a trip to Eastern Ontario Dr an award of similar value, A shield donated by the CNE association goes to the individual making the highest aggregate score in the novice class. Silver cups are awarded in various com- petitions, Registration fee is only 25 cents. Members of 4-H Clubs are ask- ed to attend, since presence at the competition will count as a bonus mark towards final 4-H Club attendance. Every junior in the county is welcome to attend. Ternipgrewingin lelyth And EX- eter areas of Heron County' and the Luean area of Middlesex County is big iheeinese and it is. anticipated one of the largest ac- reages of turnips wili be SOvuk un the 1958 prop. year. In order to keep producing the high quality of rutabagas these areas Are noted for, constant dance has to be .given to see that they are kept free of flea beetles, 'turnip maggots and cat- erpillars, as well as to keep the turnips free of water-core, At the Town Hall at EXeter on Thursday, May 212 at 8.80 p.m., DST, the turnip growers will be given an ,opportunity to acquaint themselves with the Answers to these problems when Dr, G, H, Berkeley, Dirkeetior Of Laboratory of Plant Pathology, St. Cathere 'Ines; Dick Geedin, Crops Branch, Toronto; J. J. Johnston, Federal Inspeetion Service; Keith Agricultural Representat- ive, Middlesex °minty, will be guest epeakete. The meeting will be open to all interested turnip prodUcers and will be convened by Reylance Westcatit, Exeter, the director of the Ontario Turnip Committee, (By J. Curl The Ontar to Federation of Agriculture held a members meet- ing in Toron Greerfay 16. presi- dent .Gordon called etten- *eel' to the' fact that =Riot could develop between different eoni- rnedity groups, ,For example graie. growere •woad like higher prices Willie livestock teederS Dike cheap feed. The Federation of Agricul- ture must make every effort to unite -the aims of these different groups for the benefit of all farm- ers, The stabilized prices of the dif- ferent commodities were discussed at length. The Cream Peoducers. kreeelegwey) feet that the 64 cents for butter was realistic and was the price arrived at by their formula, 'The Concentrated producers feet that the drop of two cents in powder was unjustified and would probably cause too great a trend away from powder and flood some other branch of the dairy in-dustry.. The ;floor price on eggs was. gratifying to 'the poultry Produc- ers though there was some fear expressed that this Might be an Incentive price which might cause surplus production. The wool growers felt that the 60 .cent price with deficiency pay- meet on only the tap grade was of very little benefit since only a small percentage of this grade was produced in Ontario and the price. of the lower grades, would not be increased. Wheat prochecere have little hope of getting more than 80 per cent of the last ten year average which is considered unsatisfact- ory. Tble could result in a switch tc, livestock thus demoralizi=ng the livestock industry in Western On- tario, In commenting on support pric- es it seems to me their purpose is limited to giving .the farmer some protection against being forced in- to bankruptcy while discouraging the production of huge surpluses, it also seems to me that farmers are spending too much time and effort on support prices and might do better by devoting a large portion of this energy to market- ing their produce more efficiently. In bath hogs and tobacco where a real effort Ds put into selling, the producers are • receiving very favourable returns. It's worth serious consideration. . At a meeting of the Huron County Dairy Co-Ordinating Board it was decided to hold the Dairy Princess contest in conjunc- tion with the Soil and Crop Im- provement Twilight meeting. This proved very successful last year and we are hoping for a repeat performance. Information for prospective. contestants is available at the COMPULSORY ENROLMENT — If you are a resident of Ontario employed where there are 15 or more on the payroll (including the employer) you are subject to com- pulsory enrolment through your place of employment. VOLUNTARY ENROLMENT — If you are a resident of Ontario and not employed where there are- 15 or more on the payroll, you are eligible to enrol, through any of the following means: — (a) Voluntary Groups. Persons employed . where there are from 6 to 14 on the payroll (including the employer) may be • enrolled as a, group, if the. employer applies for approval as a Mandatory Group and .all employees participate. (b) Collector's Groups. Organizations such, as pro- fessional associations, medical co-operatives, craft 1111i011S, credit unions, etc. May apply for approval GROUPS must subMit lists to the Commission by August 31, 1958, and begin payments in December, 1958. Notice to Employers: This week the Commission is mail- ing to Ontario firms with 6 or more employees, the required forms and instructions for registering their employees. ANY EMPLOYER' WITH 6 OR MORE ON THE PAYROLL WHO DOES NOT RECEIVE THESE. FORMS BY JUNE 1, SHOULD IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE COMMISSION. PAYMENT 0 All grOup premiums will be payable monthly in one remittance to the Commission beginning in December, 1958. Individuals remitting to the Commission on a Pay-Direct basis ' will pay as follows: One month's premium at the time of application on or before September 30, 1958 and after that on a quarterly premium basis beginning in January, 1959. PREPAID 'CUSIIION'7The first payment of one month'a pre- tniurn by groups and individuals registered prim: to the closing dates stated al,oPe, will cover a benefit period of three months INDIVIDUALS applying for Pay-birect enrolment must make application by September 30, 1958, and pay one month's premium at the time application is made. „ PAY-DIRECT APPLICATION FORMS ARE NOT BEING MADE AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. A prow ince-wide enrolment campaign will be conducted in August and September when these forms will be widely distributed, PLEASE DO NOT -REQUEST PAY-DIRECT ENROLMENT UNTIL THE CAMPAIGN BEGINS. PREMIUMS from January 1, to March 31, 1959. This will set up a "prepaid" period to maintain benefits during times when a person may be laid off, changing jobseor temporarily out of the province. THOSE REGISTERING AFTER CLOSING DATES ,Groups and individuals not registered by the closing dates stated above under 'When you Enrol' will not only fail to qualify for the two months free coverage but will be required to wait three months following application before benefits become available. For example, a resident applying in Febraary will not have pro- tection effective until May 1. WHEN YOU ENROL To hare protection effective January 1, 1950 and also qualify for the two months' free coverage : VOU must SE REGISTERED TO BENEFIT ONTARIO 130SPITAL SERVICES COMIVIISSION HOSPITAL INSURANCE DIVISION TORONTO 7i ON`rAftIO *NOM W W1 pew* imoeu- moss. Neee-. tosre.- 1111110..• anww.. ww ana. Inna. 11.010m, 1.11.000.. 1111100.N.. 1110100"... Mi▪ nawww- ann110.- ansawww.. 1111▪ 11111n.- 11111111.... rr- 1111 "IIIIIINN.- NINNOIN. 1111111110.. 0111110.... OMPlom .. ONIONIN.m. HOMIN. 1111=180." INSIM*0.* 1111111110.. 1111110.... rrlr- ONION.". 011.1.0010001 110.0.ftnme. 11.▪ 11111•Mr. 0▪ 11111161* 11611111••••••r O 1111•1.0.• 1111011•00. AM*.