HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-05-22, Page 7'THURSDAY, MAX 22, 1058 CD1N'1' x Ni;WS*It=" NEWSYRECQRp R A T E $ No charge .for announcements of Births, Marrlazos and Deaths Articles for sale, rent, etc,, Card of Thanks, in Memoriam, engagements, Sc a word, inininluna lap, Boz No, to this office 15e additional, Repeal; in sections 2c a word, minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNT: 1/3 if paid by Saturday fat WA HT A lowing last insertion. 11301'1na charge of 10c added each time bill is sent. FOR QUICK RESULTS latest Time for Insertions -.- 12 noon We4nesday Dlal HU 24443 Accommodation For Rent APARTMENT IN FARM HQUSI 1% n-Wf els from town, L, Tyndall HU 2-9904, 21-1 3 ROOM APARTMENT, beats; tiarnd furn!lslhted, available n(yw. Ph, one ;ISI 2-9500. 21.22-I 3 ,ROOM APARTAWINT, ste'llf con, rt6hed and ,furnished. Phone T31(: 2-9928, 214tfl~ 'TWO UNFURNISHED APART• m,ents, self-contained, Tat• and ,cold water. $25 per month. Phone ICU 2-96$2. 20-21-P F U R N I S H Et D APARTMENT, heated, suitable for couple; avail. .a(ble now. Phone Hunter 2=9742. 21-b 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT, un- furnished, available now; .also 4- room furnished apartment, down- : stairs, located on King Street. Phbane TIU 2-3491, 20-21-p BAYFIELD LAKE FRONT COT- tage, 4 rooms, furnished; 3 -piece c bath, hot water, kelyinator, avail - •able now for season only. Apply T to Box 200, Clinton News -Record, 20-1-b TWO FURNISHED Apartments, AR moderns eanwmiliences, Hearted %y oil furnace. Suitable for •••aaoupiw. One immediate, other June 1. Phone HU 2-9479 or HU 9634. 17-.tfb Accommodation Wanted 2 or 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, 'or apar)tmernt ;In, Clinton or (dis+tAct by June, 1, Phone ,ITU 2-3461,. 21b 2 BEDROOM DOWNSTAIRS apartment or 2 bedroom house dh -Clinton, wanted for end of Judy or n -fiddle of August, Box 171, Clinton News -Record. 171t%b Articles For Sale FIILUS DEVELOPED in 24 hours. 'Prompt photo finishing. Clinton Bowling Alley. 20-1-2-3-p 11,% ft. BOAT, new; one Maxwell 18" rotary )power lawn mower; Y4 horse (power motor, 60 cycle, Phone ,HU 2-9988. 21-b ADMIRAL TV 21", Rainbow Air- line Aerial ,and rat -or; used six months. Clan be. fliinauncedl Phone TW 2-9743. 2122-p 4 BURNER EL'EC'TRIC RANGE, McClary's, heavy •duty, in •good condition. Mrs. Clame. Resth, Sea- llorth, 331W, 21-1b YOUTH'S 71HiRfEE-S'PE'ED ENG- llish make bicycle. Exceluent con- dition, $30.00, Phone HU 2-6601 after 6 ;p.m. 21=b 4 -BURNER ELECTRIC RANGE, ..Sunshine make, heavy duty wir- ed, like new. Phone HU 2-3844. 211b CANADIAN CEMENT, unlimited qua ri tiny in stock. Low 'prices. A_ G. Grigg & Son, phone HU 2~ 0411. 18-tfb, S412A.L'L CEDAR. TREES m litablte ' fon- hedge or lawn ornam'en'ts, Small' cabin rthat can be moved, � Mer-vyn iB(atkin, Phone HU 2-3866, 20-p 1 ,,O ETTING MARRIED? See samp- ,:Ies of wedding stationery at the "News -Record office. Invitations, 'thank -you cards, wedding cake boxes, place cards, serviettes, :snatch books, etc. 11-tfb a F�TER QUEEN SALES AND t SeNice. Repairs to all makes of I 'vacuum Cleaners. Reconditioned ] • deaners of rill makes for sale. Bob Peck, Varma, Phone H'ensall ) 6%TZ 17-19-21-23-'p . CiAB41NET STYLE SINGER sew' - Ing machine, in !good working 1 condibilon..Pham, HU 2-3391. 21-1a c 7.8 COVDSPOfT REFRIG!ERAX- l or, also GE washirng machine botch like new, priced reasonable. Ph- _ gone ITU 2-'9583. 24.-!b MAGIC MARKERS. Will write on - ..anything, glass, wood, paper, etc. I NDry immediately, Seven different I ,,colours. Good for poster work, .signs, etc. $1.10 each, refills, 50c. _Clinton News -Record, 37-tfb I YOUR OLD WASHER, IS WORTH money when traded on a new t "Westinghouse washer. T. A. Dut- *ton's Appliance Store, BrucefieId. -,Phone Clinton HU 2-3232, s 11-tfb 1 SEVER,AL NEW PATTERNS in English Bone China Dinnerware, - Including lovely "Cornflower' See � It and others in our window and I :get our low prices for fine china, a Counter's Jewellery. 21ip e MOTORS AND GENER'ATO'RS 1, :rewound and repaired, Brushes, I •eapatltors, switches, bearings; .small appliances repaired, Used -or reconditioned motors for sale. .Art L,evett, Isaac Street at Dunlop, 'Phone HU 2-6640. 44tfb Automobiles For Sale 1954 PONTIAC DMUNl SED- AN in very 'good candition, Mil- eage 22,000, Jahn Plointree. 20-1-p ' i. 1958 Eiir, .BEL.AIR, .good con- i ditiotn, radio and hcaterr, $1000. 1 Contact Sot. O'Dobooll, 124 Spen- x Cer Sorest, iPhone HIJ 2-93133, 21b t BOARD AND ROOM AACJCOMODATION FOR ROOM ens for onee or two sbaiing. Phton, Hunter 2-3344. 21-1 CUSTOM W RK FOR YOUR PLUMBING ANT Heating needs, call HU 2-9433 Hawkins Hardware. 2-tfl WEED SPRAYING, Jeep mount• ed with 30 ft. boom, for less grain damage; .can do pre -emergence control of weeds and corn. Mixed grain} for sale. Joe Gibson, HU 2-3229. 20-1-b AUTOMATIC SAW Sharpening Saws retoothed, jointed and filed for $1.25. Or just filed and set 75 cents. Automatic butcher knife and scissor sharpener, scissors 15 cents, knives 10 cents. W. E. "Bill" Jervis, Fulton Street, Clin- ton. Phone HU 2-9664, 35p -tib WE AREI AGAIN SPRAYlNiG weeds thri,s year, Weed sprays are gettkig better all (the time. We now have .an excellent spray for twitch grass which is guaranrt- eed. We also have a special' spray to use on fields seeded with clov- er, Phone Lloyd Medd, HU 2-9836. -18tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE ONEI WHITE PARTY NYLON ,drests, size 14 to 16 years. Phone, ,HU 2-9239. 21-b Help Wanted—Male YOUNG MEIN WANTED for pos- ition of 'Supervisor and Assistant Supervisor of C1llinton Community Swimming Pool 'during months. of July, August, Supervisor would' be exptected to. operate filtration ! plant and other, pool: facilities. State, wages expected and any relative' qualitficatioars towards such. ,peeping. Apply to Clinton TowtnClerk, John Livermore by 5:00 pm,, June 2, 1+958. 21jb HELP WANTED --FEMALE WOMAN TO DO HOUSEWORK 6 hours weekly. Minton, News. Record, .Box 212, 21-b GIRLS TO LEARN LAUNDRY work. Contact Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaners. 2-tfb SCHOOLGIRL far part time wrautiress. Appl'y an person to Bar- alffs! Bakery. 21-b GIRLS TO OPERATE HOSIERY nvachin:es; no, experience anecess- a'ry. Apply to, Clinrtan •T-Ios+iery Mil- ls! do person. 21 -ib 6'Ei ASSURED of a wonderful ✓aeation! You can earn $40 to X60 a week in, your spare time, ;erll,iang Avon products in your n minunity. Termiltories available xetw'een Clinton and Gade4ch, 3trattfiorrd and surrounding arefas. TTii'te, for (information: Mrs, Lou- 1en Greean, 'D'istrict Manager, Box 1,81, Hanover. 21-b Livestock Wanted iTTENTION FARMERS: ! ..Cash paid for sick, down and disabled ows and horses, also dead cows nd horses. Anything under 500 Js. picked up free of charge. ;all collect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, ,eaforth. Associated with Darling nd Co. of Canada Ltd. 26-p-tfb MR. FARMER ! ;ASI( PAID for sick, down nd disabled cows and horses, also ead cows and, horses. Please , hone promptly,° 24-hour service. ' our service. BTIUCE MARLATT, Phone Collect 56 r 7 Brussels 12-tfb - iLD HORSES WANTED AT 3Y2c j )., and dead cattle at value. If g ead, phone at once, GILBERT f VROS, MINI{ RANCH, phone col- �ct, Goderich, 148$ J 4 or 1483 JL 52-27-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE U t V PIGS, S'IX WEEKS 01M. )Mane HU 2-7550. 21-4b 0 ,PIGS, 8 WEEKS OLD, Also (art Jersey cow, clue now. Wallam " ' 11VIngstone, Phone. Seafort{h 47x)31, 2:1-p GOOD SHORTHORN COWS .i lith calves, have papers, must ell, priced right. Alex Sparks, i 3ayfield, phone HU 2-9284. 20-21V .N AUCTION SAVE. EVERY 'riday at 2 p.m., of 35 to 50 fresh i nd springing dairy cows and heif- rs. Few open; heifers. Well mar- , ed Holstein heifer calves at Me- ,elland Sale Barn, Beivie. 11. to 22-b Doh Miils Registered Aberdeen -Angus Dispersal 1 Selling at the Hays Sates Arena Thursday, May 29th at 7,60 'p,m. (A "twilight Sale) � This is a Fully Accredited and vaccinated herdowned by 'T, i 'homas, Todmorden, Ontario, and one of the finest quality herds i the Province; in excellent breed- -ig condition and of choice blood - hes. For Angus cattle with the w ight kind of natural fleshing that 3p the markets and bring higher eturns, this 50 Head Dispersal is he place to obtain then', The farm as been sold for development and very animal sells. Write for atalogue tel: HAY'S FARMS Employment Wanted CAPAB(LEi LADY would lilt' housework, Phone Hensall 681x22; 2a1 p Lost and Found W0UN1D BLACK GDLLIE'1 m4tih brawn ;head and feet. Owner plea- se contact Bert 'Greer, 'pound keeper, phone Bayfield 59x33. 21Jb Property For Sale SUMMER. COTTAGE, four moms, modern-, an good.repair; on Lake Huron, between Bayfield and Goderich, lovely beach. Stiewaart Schoernhals, Clinton, Ontariro, phone HU 2-9777. 18-tfb. MISCELLANEOUS YOUR PIANO, carefully tuned, Call George W. Cox, HU 2-3870, 20-22-p SCRATCH PADS, 3 x 5 inches Available in quantity, 5e each. 10 pads for 40c. Clinton News -Re- cord. 18atfb WOULD LTIM, TO OBTAIN mtoan- !ey on first mortgage, with pay 7 ,percent @interest. Phone HU 2- 9933, 2+1-22-p WATCH REPAIR, IS A JOB FOR experts, Our work assures your satisfaction, Co'unter's Jewellery. Huron County's• Oldest Establish- ed Jewellery Store 21-p FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED, like new, full range of covers, al- so can re -style, estimates' cheer- furlly 'given. Phone Arthur E. Clark, RR 1, Auburn, Blyth 20r14, 18-191-20-21-p SEPTIC TANKS, CESS -POOLS etc., pumped and cleaned with modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Write or phone Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels. Phorie 42r6, Brussels. 10 to 31-p EXPERT REPAIRS Lawn mowers and outboard mot- ors. Factory trained mechanic. Free pick-up and delivery in town and RCAF Station, Phone HU 2- 9622, Ellwood Epps Sporting Goods. 14-tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE vour rings and jewellery fake new. Diamond rings renewed and stones mfely secured—don't take chan- :as. Expert work done reasonably .o your satisfaction. Watch re- )alrs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. 21-rp i For artificial insemination ser- vice or more informta.tmon, tele phone (collect) the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association Clinton HU 2-3441 Between 7:30 and 9:80 a.m. We supply service to top qual- ty bulls of the Holstein, Jersey, 4yrshire, Guernsey, Brown Swiss, led Poll, Plereford (•poUed and horned) Beef .Shorblimn (polled imd horned), and Dual Purpose 1horthorn, Angus and •Charolaise )reeds. The cosh is low. 17tfb PASTURE FOR RENT i0 ACRES, of pasture for rent, )liervty of water, and slliede. Ph - me Hensall' 681m22, 21-p VAVTED, CATTLE to Pasture, ,n former W. J. Miller farm, lot .5, concession 3; in Hullett Town - hip. Good grass, and ample good vater. Phone HU 2-9857. Henry 'tryker. 20-1-b SEED FOR SALE aLANT CORN FOR BIGGER )ollars! Plant Pfister Hybrids or bigger returns than any oth- x hybrid, as proved by over 2,000 actual checks in Canada rid the U.S.A. Sold by Ernest tohnston, RR 1, Goderich Phone 82W, • 19-24-21 p TEACHERS WANTED 1E1AICHE1R 'REQUIRED for rural chool USS 9, Hay and Stanley ^ownships, Duties to start in Sep - ember, 1958. Salary according Ito lualiffications and experience. Ap- dieants• to state qualifications, ex- rerientc'e, and relitgion. AMAy to jeroy Erb, secretary -treasurer, vR 1, Zurich, Ontario. 21-22-b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of Olive xrainger, deceased. All ;persons having claims ag- Linst the estate of Olive Grainger, ate of ;the Village of Brucefield, h! the County of Huron, widow, Mo died on for jabout the 28th VaPy -of April 1958, are required to i.le particulars of same with Bell i Laugh -ton, solicitors of Exeter, )ntario, bythe 24h day of. May 958, after which date the estate vill be distributed having regard my ,to those claims, of' which not. ce has been received. BIGML & LNUG UTON Solicitors for the Executors; Eset6r, Ontario 19-20-1-1) Everyone Reads and Uses the "'CAN'T' ADS Qt4TAR10 Ontario Fuel Board IN THE MATTER OF THE PIPE LINES AOT, 1958. RNR IN THE MATTER OF An Application by Ontario Natural Gas Storage and Pipelines Limited to the Ontario Fuel Board for leave to construct a natural gas pipeline from its Stratford City Gate Station in the Township of Downie, in the County of Perth to its Goderich City Gate Station in the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron. NOTICE OF HEARING The Ontario Fuel Board hereby appoints Monday, the 26th day of May, 1958, at 10;30 o'clock in the forenoon, local time, in the Court Room at the Court House in Stratford, Ontario, for the hearing of the above Application and all persons interested therein, Copies of the Application may be inspected, and further particul- ars obtained at the offices of the Clerks of the municipalities through which the proposed line will pass, the applicant, the solic- itors for the applicant, Messrs. McNevin, Gee & O'Connor, Chat- ham, Ontario, or this Board. DATED at Toronto, this 7th day of May, 1958. ONTARIO FUEL BOARD, A. R. Crozier, Chairman. J. J. Wingfelder, Commissioner. 20-1-b CANADA TENDERS FOR THE SUPPLY OF COAL, COKE, FUEL OIL and PROPANE GAS FOR THE FED- ERAL BUILDINGS THROUGH- OUT THE PRO-VINCE OF'ON- TARiO. SEALED TENDERS addressed :o the undersigned and endorsed is above, will be rgceived in the rffice of the Secretary until 3.00 NOW PLAYING. ),m. (E. D. S. T.), THURSDAY, P R R I ►r TUNE 12, 1958, for the supply of :oal, coke, fuel oil and propane ;as fox Federal Buildings through- Walt Disney's Great Nature rut the Province of Ontario. Story -- In Technicolor Forms of tenders with specifi- _ _— _ rations can be obtained from the _ 'hief of Purchasing and Stores, Mon., Tues. and Wed. )epartment of Public Works, Gar- (Adult Entertainment) and Building, Ottawa, and the Gia Scala Lee J. Cobb and )istrict Architect, Department of Valerie French public Works, 385 Yonge Street, Based on a Reader's Digest article Toronto, Ontario. this dramatic story exposes rack - Tenders will not be considered eteering in New York's garment tnless made on the printed forms industry. upplied by the Department and in .ccordance with the conditions set "THE GARMENT Orth therein. JUNGLE" The lowest or any tender not eeessarily accepted. ROBERT FORTiER, Thur., Fri, and Sat. Chief of Administrative Van Johnson and Martine Carol British made in Technicolor and Services and Secretary. Cinemaseope: tells of a crusty )epartment of Public Works, skipper who uses a pleasure boat )ttawa, May 14, 1958. to rescue Albanian refugees in Greek waters. "ACTION OF THE TIGER" Coming: DOUBLE BiLL "The Young Don't Cry" and "No Time to be Young" (Adult Entertainment) SIRTHS B�OWMJAN In Clinton Public �Iospwtal, Cllunrtau ori, Monday may' 19, 195$, to Mr. 46d' M,xs Stanton Bowman, Blyth, a. dant. g'hter. 'CLARK -1111 ClIntoa P0111�c Him. (pi(tal, CAaton on! Thursday, W103 1r, 1958, to Mr, a'n;dl MTs. Jame': Clark, Hen!saal, a, daughter. CON11AM In+ Minton Public Hos• 't�'fa(1`, Clanton on Wednesday May 211, 1958 .to Cai)ptoral enc Mass. Albert dorii'arn, RCAF Sta. ttonr Clion, is, ;son, CONNO I I ---- In Clinton Pipl0k Ilosplita'l, Clinton ion, Thursday Mlay 15; 1958, to LACand Mrs. Pi . ai'd Carnnors RCAF Sta.tAon; - nton, ;a daughter. DEINOMME In 0linton P(ub4c Hospittalt, anrton on Tuesday, May 2D, 1958, (ter W.. and Uns, Arut'xuany Vanoman'e, RR 2, ZU- aiiicih, +a daughter, ' DENOMME — In Clinton Public ff iosi*tal, 101inton, on, Monday, May 19, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs, ,Dennis Denomme, RR 2, Zu- rr'lio'h, •a daughter, MUNNW, G'S — In Clinton, Public .Hospittal, Ctiintton, on Thursday, May 15, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs:'. Wilfred Murmings, Clinton., a son. RZCHAiRD,,S,'ON---,In Caitnton ,Pub- a+itc Hoslphal; Clinton, on 'IUnaixs'- day, May 1.5, 1958, to Mr, and Mrs. Carl' fR ichamisfon, RR 3, Seaforth, :a daughter. WILLIAMS—In Sit, Mary's I.3'ios- ,pifial, lii'tchener, ,on May 20, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs'. Joseph P. Williams (nee WLTdltyn Medd;), 730 Krug Street, VAtchr, ener, a daughter (Deborah Anne). HEAjRD — In Alexandria Marine and Gen'eraT Hospital, Godertioh, oiiv Sunday, May 18, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs, George, Heard, Bayfield, a son. MARRIAGES JAMES-RAP!SON — In tHen'sall United Church, Henga'lll on Sat- urday afternoon, May 17, 1.958, by the Rev. C. D. Daniel, Lois Many, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Orval Raipson, .to! Donald Owen James, London, son of Mr, and Mxs. George James, also of Lon- don.. DEATHS Hall—At his residence, 46 Clive Road, Kitchener, on Monday, May 19, 1958, following, a long ildhess, Jahn, Hall, beloved hus- band of Nova Hutton, in his 77+th. year. Funeral ,fmm the New Apostolic Church, Mtehenor by the Rev. George Hen dl; to WledneWhyafternoon, May 21.. PARK THEATRE G 0 D E R I C H 21-22-b I Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stook and Machinery at south half of lot 42, Con. 3, East Wawanosit, 1 mile north of Blyth on No. 4 Highway Tuesday, May 27 AT 1 P.M. CATTLE: .Registered Holstein cow, calved April 18, 1947, Ma>llt- Mild View Rag Apple Daisy, dry caw; black ,cow, 3 years old;'blue Flolisttein cow, 8 y0ars old; Hol'stt, ei,n -row, 3 years old; Holstein cow, 2 years' old; •blue. netirfer. 2 years olid; 'blue cow, 7 years ohd; 6 1 -year c4id', Hereford; 8 Here- ford calves. S.REEW., 16 sl)ieep arn:d 12 lambs, MACHINERY: M H Ferguson tractor, 3 years old; 12" Ford 2. furrow (pilaw; Ford stiff -tooth cul' tli+vator; 9 -ft. spring tooth culliv- atar, 64t, spring itaoth: cultivator; Made for black oftractor; plat - ,form for back tof tmactor; Fond pulley and power take off; bean prulll ir; rartid buck rake; 111Hi tri disc :ferbiliizer drill; 7 -ft. M H bin- ter, powerdrive; McCormick mow- er, 54t'.; M II side rake; M 1-1 hay rtedder; dulmp rake; iM H ,manure, spreader; land( roller; 6 section ; drag harrows; Gotha hash. mea mall 10", 'good as- new; tan. i ing nnil)!t ; 1,200 lb. scaliest; blow� ev pipn garden; tractor, Chtore- rnasitc'r; wagon. tarnd rack, 14y2 - ft,; DvLava+1 •cream serartator; trailwith 124t, rack; trailer rv"rfri 6-1•`, racks; ,hannmer nnill belt, 35 -ft goodi as new, 35 cedar posts,; 1.00 %tc,el 'posts; 15 ,ond ptosit!s, cedar r o`es, 2 stiok8 of tim. bene, tarp, 9X11, table 'slaw, 8"; disc sa!r,der; drumsander; 2.1/ H.P, me tcr, g; 1/2 er ec;trrio drill and stand; jig -saw; set of black Ses; taps; dies for cutting luipe ;unread, TL11,MS: CASH. XV'o l teserve Farm is Sold Proprietot: Walton° McGill Arretiolieri•s Harold Jan V oil 'NP,J, IN PAQV SZ)MN ROXY THEATRE Vinton Twa $b9Ws 1 -Nightly Wide Serosa Now Playincj: "ZERO HOUR" Dana .Andrews Sterling Hayden -- t inda Darnel) MONDAY n,.:" TUESDAY WEDNESDAY "DECISION! AGAINST TIMET Dramatic tale of a test pilot torn between duty and love of life. l=ie died a thousand .deaths but lived to tell about it. Jack Hawkins, -- Elizabeth Sellars alter Fitzgerald THURSDAY --- .FRIDAY — SATURDAY ,AMEN OF SHERWOOD FOREST ri 1111 the glary and splendor of stirring adventure in the days of Richard the Lion Heart, Eastman Color, --Don Taylor -- -Eileen Moore - Reginald Wald Beckv i th Coming Next: All Week June 2.7 -- " PERRI" The News -Record Sells Fine Wedding Stationery .. a�g�e°pyo Flowers g w Telegraphed '... Anywhere 'Ke. C. COOKE, F L O R I S T Dial HU 2 -7012 ---Clinton I U1LY1ton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY at 7.30 p.m. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sa=ws Manager BOB McNAER, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk For Prompt Service on Radio and TV, Visit the Store or Phone SPORT COATS Superbly tailored in the season's newest shades and fabrics, featuring fine-needle tailoring and shape retaining features, from $25.00 up ODD SLACKS Our racks are bulging with men's odd pants, priced to suit you from $8,95 to $25.00 SPORT SHIRTS T-SHIRTS CASUAL JACKETS Etc. �JANTZ�N SWIM SUITS OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS icPkett & Campbell i Its ARROW SMUTS STETSON 9ATSI Phone HU 2-9732 -;-; Clinton, Ont,