Clinton News-Record, 1958-05-22, Page 1tot
(13y W. D. 0')
Home hoot, week to Watch. Jack
which ids record ,throughout the
trict,donated $1,782,86 toward the
counties -of Huron -and Middlesex.
Canadian, Red Cross- this year,
Clegg's new feed mixer in action
Of course, The thing makes.
No. 21-- The Home Po Q ow
Pope, With the News
enough nolse to ralse, the dead
from. -Mr. McMurray, and the oth-
London distmict -last Week by Ad-
er Red Cross
am J. McMurray local chrman,.
. I , or fnillghten the roWna back
,Total collected in town, was
$1,024.05, from the different
CDCI Open House Is
wards as :follows: St. Andrew's,
Planned For May 30
to capaztrano, or Wherever they
RedCross Campaign Sets
90 1 4 1 �$ut it does,, mix grain
110 d1onors, $198.50; St. George's,
by Principal E. A. Finesand staff
1.06 donors, $221.75.
at Clilintani District Calileglatie, ln-
exceedingly well ... The sample
for ,nextFbidlay evening,
173 :donors, $272.45; Londesboro,
May 30. Hours, during which pub -
and vildnitY, 149 donors, $224.10;
we exanlined Included molasses,
RCAF, $1,84.06; deposited bank by
$10; Porter's HIM, Com-
Displays will be set up in. the
and swelled good enough, to eat
manuall, itirdining (room and in
.ming 'P'ia'no Co. Ltd., $25; Happy
some of the other
Workers Club., $5; 'Huron County
The nice Wt about the
Home, $28.20.
According to Mr. Andersm, the
Mr. Mines, reports that a visit
whole thing, is, that the !big grind
to the. library is well worth. the
aign netted 63 cents per capita,
I whale of any vlsitors.
er, mounted on a. truck comes
rig hit the barn ... It's equ6p�
ped with, ,auger to deposit the
grain in the bin, handy for the
faxiiiner and' be doesnt have
to go to :the bother of trueldnig
grain out to town, waiting for
it to beground,, bringing it
back home again ...
-and new Did know
vnge, you.
that Harry Watkins raises fish
worms? That !% right seems
itherds; ways of 1=ossilng different
varieties to get the proper sit -rain
. . . .
for fishing with ... Some worms
drown tack easily others, are
. . . . . . . . . . .
not very attractive :to fish . . .
Harry was doing all eight until
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
sometime last winter a mole got
into the pit where, the worms hv-
M". 1.
ed, and, munched them, all up
Could It be the mole thought he
was a Ash?
wbdy, but too well. . _that Is
the fevaling a supporters Of Alex ADAM J. McMURRAY, chairman of the Red Cross campaign
Addison, following the, by-eilection for funds has a pleased smile, and Well he might. He's handing
. .,. He polled particularly well, over a cheque $1,054 to cover the contributions of Clinton
eveh in areas 'traditionally can- and district to John Andersbin, London, the district chairman.
servat$ve . . . -but his followers The local campaign set a record for the two counties of Huron
fed he was defeated by those and Wellington of 63 cents per capita. Also, Mr. McMurray has
who could, (have fteRpedbim. more in mind the Spring Show and the fine horseflesh which will be
. . . For instance, his patients
hated so mudh to lase hire as on parade at that time, The 'models are from five different
a doctor- that they voted, for the countries, including Holland and Mexico. (News -Record Photo)
PC -candidate,
FOR A WHIRLWIN . D ELECT- Hog Vote (ailed by Minister
.ion campaign hattle moire than
two weeks since the lilberals!
provincial convention and choice
of a, leader and Alecs deds-producers Ballot on July z 5
ton to, run he made -a -ter-
rific showing i!ndeed; ... This was Onitaxids hog producers 'Will FIRST PRODUCER VOTE
-only -the second time in ChInton's vzite July 25 on whether -to keep
blistory that a Liberal candidate
abstained a. majority at houid . - - &,sir co-operative marketing plan-,
Judge Fivigland established that the agiriculture department an-
reourd . . . nounced Tuesday.
The annatinceriment. sdid appmv-
AM, P WRITING IN A TO- al, by 66 2/3 per4cent, of those vot-
rarito, paper advises. aigaist be- Ing will be necessary to continue
coming e0ther a farmer or a
fas}ncamam He ,
that .thele singl4e& sales agency system
Farmersacre! -,apparently starving, which Includes compul's'ory direc-
because, out of a rural population tion of hogs to specific assembly
din lCanaft of 5,381,176 only 35,- points;. 1
830 reported, incomes worth tax- Agriculture Nhister Goodifellow
iing, and they Were pretty small said lie bellievese "clear-cut" de-
. I . Hardly any fishermen make c�,silon is necessary.
eemugh to pay income tax at all About 70,000 hog praducem in
. . . Who is the highest paid On 420 sauthern Ontario townships
Canada? This unlit inial survey to can
baillots. Polls will
showed thal, con-kafift engineers .eligible ,
and architects average $12,059 a -be -open, from 9 -a.m. to 6 p.m,
yekamore- than doctors, lawyers Vocal & voting. day, a Fri -
and accountants ...Teachers a- day.
verage $3,100. . . On a higher
level this chap bad discovered
that Prime Ninister Diefenbaker Graditates,
gets $37,000 but the president of
the alIR gets $75,000 and the
governor of the Bank of Canada-
11stritiggles along on $50,000
gieltfitng rzordous . When an adr
man and his family can, only ob-
taAn living aticommod!affan 14
miles from town and the, Station
it's time, to consider seriously
what can be done'about it
Not WAY seMce, but dAillan
person1% ,are affected by the hous-
Ing shortage, . . . We know for
a fiact, that one bustrwss man, td-
ed for six manithis -to get ahold of
a house in the town where -his
wff.e and family could live and
be, goin6ortable . . . Until -then,
be ,lived at Berimiller and com-
moted every day, through fair
weather and foul. . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . .
been gwite, disconcer-ding . . . In- A graduateof the Canadian
slide looking out, -it looks so warm Services, College at Royal RoOds.
and comfortiable . , , Outsi&, the, !near Victoria on. Vancouver
situation is. quItef -the, oppOSitite, and Island, B.C., It Cadet William
one keeps wanting itio. -get back I Sharkey, 201, brother of ATXS,.
iinswe again R. G, Smith, 11 Kennas 011,
St, John?s, Newfoundland. Born
I -g -W aWAMAN CATTLE RAT. in Glasgow, Scotland, Cadet
sea's are, reported ,to be enjoying Sharkey was educated at the
thebiggest boom, in. five years .. - 'Clinton District C011egiate- In -
emus states tihe Flne)n0iml, Post 8titate. He plans on ser wing
They .goon to, contrast this with, the. Air Force, on complet-
w1ith wheat, or B.C. apples or0ith- 'ion of his, studies.
er products in whioli. government (National, Defence Photo)
bioor.&- have set prices, directed
sales -and igenexa,113Y taken over
.the buginess Of- marketing . . . Official Count Only
%t 6% no ciiee,il dedares
,themnanaal Post, ",that some of Changes Vote Slightly
tho most prosperous branches; of
,Canadian agriculturiei today am The off'601 count Of ibaal0ts,
inclose In mftch ithe state bad mudo ion Tiuesday by AuSseli 13ol-
muddled kasit ton,, iratureAng offter, and W. r.
Southgate, *hle,f electioni clerk,
dhanged by Only one, vote, the to -
The Week's Weather talr- recorde'd' 'art week, The by'
ieffiettlion, gave Charles VacNaugh-
R*h Low High Low ton, Eketer& rhRJ&AtV Of 1,165,
Ims 1951 rad er, than 1,164 as reported ear -
may 15 71 510 61 42 ller,
16 70 36 49 30 In. Goderich, MatKaughton re�
17 80 4.3 48 = Wilved 1, 091 votes, elul Addisbift
1$ 78 62 52 87 r3celved 7,57 (former figure was
19 68 49 50 49 158). In Stoufarth the, change- Was
20 61 47 52 42 to: Miac1T!iau9htOn, 451; Ad`1180n,
21 61 32 58 33 461 (-darlier. figures were- 436a and
Rain: .14 ins. 431).
The plebiscite, postponed on
two previous occasions because. of
-11hit, will provide ,the ATst
opportundity for hiog producers to
inidicate' thla,ir approval or disap-
proval of the compullslory market-
ing plain whilch was' inaugurated
more, than five Years ago.
A vote was sch;eduiled, for Much,
1956, but a, eaup of growers, c bi
lenged the province's marketing
l(eigisgation: and forced postpone-
ment, The vote was then -set for
March, 1057, but was pogtPoTWd
agaiin when the case went ,to the
Suprenie Court -of Cani and
resulted lin changes In the ledis-
Further Iftigation, developed in
the. Ontario Supreme Court in
January Of this, year and, was not
resolved, until, March.
"`Coudpled, with other events th%
,qpift"g, It wasi felt wise to delay
the. proposed Vote until' r;A1dsum
mev this year," ithe announce-
ment saild.
The isding1le-siales agency system,
was started among bog producers
-in January, 1953. New regulations
enactied, In September, 1957, com-
pieBe;d producers to, ,drip their
hogs to designated assembilly
pidints to prevent sales dilrect to
meat packers.
Inn announcing, the vote the
Farm Rooducts Marketing Board
said municipal clerks and, asses-
sors, in ,each, -township will be ask-
eid, to act as returning officers and
poll d�erks as well as assist In the
preigairation of voters' lists
Woman Found Dead
On Clinton Sidewalk
An acute coronary thrombosis
attack was determined the clause
of death to a 43 -year-old Clinton
woman, Which occurred early
Saturday morning. Mrs. Albert
Searle was returning home from
visiting the home of Allan Emmer-
ton, when she was apparently
overcome, about 200 yards north
of the Ernmerton residence. She
was found lying on the sidewalk
at about 2,40 a.m. by Kenneth
Steepe, who called Dr. J. A. Ad-
dison to the scene, Then the
coroner, Dr. F, G. Thompson Was
A post mortem carried out at
the Beattie funeral home on Sat-
urday by Dr. Penistan, provincial
pathologist, in the presence Of
Chief Constable 14, R. Thompson,
indicated the cause of death.
She was formerly Kathleen
Gertrude Cosstick and 19 survived
by her husband, Albert Edward
Searle, Toronto,, four, brothers,
Vitabeig J. and William T. G., both
of RR 5, mitt -hell; Stanley M, Mil-
verton and Lloyd, GadshlM, two
daughters, Donna V, Clinton, and
9ft, Madge Parizeau, 20, Sarnia;
one sister, Myrtle and her mother,
both at Gadshill.
Funeral service was conducted
on Monday afternoon, May 19, in
the Beattie funeral home, Rktten-
bury Street East, Clinton, by the
Rev. Grant L. M019, and interment
was In Avondale Cemetery, Strat-
ec-o r
R,-__....., d
........ ........ .......
Citizens Enjoy Horticultural 'Night,
View Pictures of Germany and France
Rev, D. T, Lane, president of
the 01iintion, ii-oirticultural, Society
presided at ,the May meeting held
in Ithe Council -Chamber, Wliad-
nos,dlsy, May 14, In the acbsveinee
.at the secretary, C3iffOrd Epps
read tithe minutes and acted, as.
,secretary ifvor the r0eeung,
,W. s,ane. spoke, -briefly ablout a
June bua trip -and suRgesited Mid-
hurot. C. H. Eps presentled the
treasurer$ irepo-Int, whilleb; showed
a bank balance of $,257,09'. Jack
Warren, iGodeviclx, extended a car-
dina anivitatdon to the members to
join their socteltY on, ThUrsdhY
X,a:y 2% -sit 8 oclock in, McKay
mall, Gaiderich when, they mall
'have as their guest ;speaker Bob
Turnbull, florist, Landon, who will
demonstrate,the' modern flower
arrknigemenW. Mr. Warren, said.
they hail just completed a mlem-
bersihip drive, and now had well
over 200 membm�
While Cliottin-, MeMbel0110P iS
neat on a par with, Godorich it
was gratifying to receive nine new
memberships the VW of the,
meeting. The 9OVeMment grant
is bas!_ -,cd upon the membership.
Mr. mpps stated the, Fall, Bulb
Ust woiid be mailed •out very
siaGn. There is, a prelnuum of
-f,1ve, titznp bulbs Of the newer var-
,jetAe$ for ail members. You do,
,not have to place an Ordbr ,to
get your premium.
Mr. Lane iintroduced Miss Barbo
aro, Inder Who gave the spealch,
,Atb whith, she won t[Ne loQal and
zone public speaking contest
sponsiored by the Canadian Legion.
The, president congratulated' Bar-
boxa, very waTmly -an her splen-
did address,
,Mrs. Neville Forbes. who was
the deleigate to Ole 52nd, Annual
Aortioultucal Clonvenitrion, held in
Hkmj.ltan March 13 and 14 thiank-
ed the Society for sending her
as -a delegate. She gave A full
report of the d,0!nV0.n1tb0.n1 and
much vakmWe infornTatiOn was
derived from the repairts.
,aff-f EJ),Vg., District Director for
NID. 8 bus, trip,
be ma'de! ad, Tul'y .9, 1
far the, District meeftig and that
Auburn and Blyth be invited to,
go affloing. He, also, spoke regard-
ing the, various Provincial Camp-
etitions which are open, it(y all
Societies, and hoped that a good
shoveling could be made at the
Conventalon next March.
At the Diistxict meeting July
9, John F.'Clark, secretary of
-the ontairio Horticultural Assoc-
Jati,an and, St. Olair Tenant, pm�s
idenit of the Ontario Association!
WIR be the guest speakers, Mr.
Lane was' delegated ,to 100k after
the charteiling of the 'bus and the
sale of tickets.
,Miss Elizabeth Robertson was
asked, to make the draw fair the
Two Trucks Collide
At Main Intersection
An accident occurred at the
main intersection on Tuesday
morning involving two local
trucks.. Clayton Hodgins, 24f
RR 3, Clinton, was driving a Yump
truck owned by Lavis Contracting
Company, north on Victoria Street,
and was making a left hand turn
into Isaac Street, about 150 feet
from the intersection. The Lavis
truck was struck by a pick-up
truck driven by E. J. "Butch" Mc-
Laren, proceeding into King Street.
The pick-up was owned by W. D,
Wells. ' No damage occurred to
the Lavis vehicle, and to the Wells
truck, about $70. Chief H, 11,
Thompson investigated.
Harold Tebbutt Has
Hullett Clerk's -Job
LA,.t a spieciail meeting of RuIllett
Township Countill, Hairy Tebbutt
was named township clerk. He
succeeds, George Cowan., Who held
the *Mee 13 years and! resigned
because, dof ipoior heailift
Mr, Tebbutt was, chosen after
much, deilKbetabion over seven Otb-
e,r appllcants. At poesent he, lives
,an a ifarm on on. 8, but It Is
understood, that he, WIN, move, to
Laadt%boro soon.
David Oakes Has
Degree from U of T
David Oakes, Toronto,'son of
Dr, and Mrs, Walter Oakes, Clin-
ton, has completed successfully his
degree course at the University Of
Toronto in the school of practical
science, specializing in the engin-
eering physics branch, Re will be
graduated on gradu4tion day next
Wednesday, May 18.
David who M a graduate of
Clinton District Collegiate Insti-
tute is employed with Internation-
al Business Machines, Toronto.
door prizes and, the following
Were the winners: Mrs. William
Inkley, Miss- Lottie Slomap, Mrs,
U. W. Robertson, Mrs, Milton
Steep, Ws. Harry Young.
'MighVight of the, evening were
Coloured 46deg, shown, by S/L
Robertson, X&. Rqbertson was
introduced by Mrs. L. Mcl<Innon-
SAL Robertson and, f4m4y return-
ed from Qermany atast year and
.has been at the RCAF' Station
ClIntion aince last September,
Whille in Germany the family took
many pictures, of SwItzoland,
France, Holland, Baveaba-and
England. The Pictures showed
many wondearful, shots at the Rjvr
er Rhine and the famous, tug
boaft�s, and pleasure boats, Plying
up and down the -river, ,the storied
casitles and, ancient vineyards on
the banks.
Great Interesit was shown i1n, the
views, of Opeveti,4 "The, Student
Pelace". Scenes from Bavaria flin-
cluded Hafleeis Eagle Nest, built
for. bdim on, top of a mountain
near Berchitiesigiarden, also shots
of -the, infamous concentration ca-
mp at Dachau thiousing the: gas
chambers where hundreds of tbou-
siandsl of people, were killed .and
burnt up; the door was shown
where' the' ashes were wheeledout
to be dumped into lAts. Thus
spolt dis now -a beautiful, garden i
dedicated- to the memory of the
legions of uni -mown, people burled
there, Wonderful pictures show-
ed King Ludwig's Castles in Lin-
derhoiff, the Canadian Wair Mem.
oral at Wmy Ridge and: the first
war battle, fl'he[idsland other -inter-
esting 'Places,
Mists Luella Johnson graciously
thanked Mr. Roberts -an and his
son Peter for a most Interesting
and iiinformative evenings enter -
7 Cents a Copy $3,00 o Year
Sprucing Up Park Ready
For Spring Show's -Big Darr
The:0-Inton Spring Show is now D. Dief-
One big dil sappdaitment has
only 41hree Weeks:away, Plans, are been suffered by the directors of
the failir. They had fully expected
Prime M. inister J
-going (forward steadily, and dime
1 pPnl6ig to -attend will be pleased
"a ohn,
t learn that the grand stand is enbalcer would, be on, hand to, of -
being painted, -and It Is also being. 0,0015, open tl* fair, Advice had
closed Kin, at the back of the seats, been received even, to the
March al elleedom� (that the prime
This will el&mlrate drafts if the
day it chilly, and the. Toof will atnilster would be here of fie
could posVibily make it.
NoW wrjfh tino plans ofcoatribute its, welcome shade*' if
I the day be hat,
Earns BScA
son of Mr. and Mrs. Irvine
Tebbutt, RR 2, Clinton, grad-
uated on Friday, May 16, from
the four-year degree course at
OAC, Guelph. Gerald is a
graduate of CDCI. This sum-
mer he is working with the
John Deere Company at Wei-
land in testing and research
department. He plans to at-
tend University of Toronto in
the fall, for an engineering
$1,024 Raised For Red Cross
Sets- Record of 69cPer Capita
The people. of Clinton and d2s-
which ids record ,throughout the
trict,donated $1,782,86 toward the
counties -of Huron -and Middlesex.
Canadian, Red Cross- this year,
Slincere, appreciation is extended
and the, money was handed over
to all workers In -the campaign,
to the chairman Of Red Cross,
from. -Mr. McMurray, and the oth-
London distmict -last Week by Ad-
er Red Cross
am J. McMurray local chrman,.
,Total collected in town, was
$1,024.05, from the different
CDCI Open House Is
wards as :follows: St. Andrew's,
Planned For May 30
168 donors, $317.55; St. James',
158 donors, $286.25; St. John's,
Open House has. been planned
110 d1onors, $198.50; St. George's,
by Principal E. A. Finesand staff
1.06 donors, $221.75.
at Clilintani District Calileglatie, ln-
Rurall area's adjoining Clinton,sit1tuite,
for ,nextFbidlay evening,
173 :donors, $272.45; Londesboro,
May 30. Hours, during which pub -
and vildnitY, 149 donors, $224.10;
]i& is. i-rxAted, is, from 7.30 to 9.30
RCAF, $1,84.06; deposited bank by
$10; Porter's HIM, Com-
Displays will be set up in. the
munity Club, $10; Sherlock -Man-
manuall, itirdining (room and in
.ming 'P'ia'no Co. Ltd., $25; Happy
some of the other
Workers Club., $5; 'Huron County
-Teachers and students' wM be: on
Home, $28.20.
According to Mr. Andersm, the
Mr. Mines, reports that a visit
district chairman, this camp-
to the. library is well worth. the
aign netted 63 cents per capita,
I whale of any vlsitors.
No -Air Force Day at Clinton
But Shared With Centralia
A major departure, In the plans
for Air Force Day in the Huron
County area was announced to-
day by the Commanding Officer
Of' RCAF istationiv, alaton and
Centralia. For the first time, the
two stations willcomVine their
efforts to produce one -major Air
Force Day programme, June 114
-at R -CWF Station. Centralia,
In the past, both stations, have
hdelzepara;te Air Force- Day pro-
grams, giving special emphasis to
their particular vales in the RCAF"
Trarning Coinmand. It has been
decided' that it Would be -more
convenient tthe e residents of
the area to have the
ptwo Incar-
Drated into me major product-
ion so that the best of the act-
ivities can, be. seen by the public
by visiting ione istat6ort onl5h,
Joint ,plansare -now being laid
by Air LForce Day Committees
of both, stations to ensure that
the -day will, be a complete sue-
cesg for all' the, ,many thousands
of visitors expected.
"Wo, Would like to explain to
all, our fitehids. who have visited
Station. Clintoh, in, 'thl past or
who, may have planned,' to tibit
year, that the activitioes a WAV
Station, Clinton wili bl, rop
e welt,
at 0auttaba, said
dvtoup 09.pWih X e
C. Camrion,
CO 6f Station Olinton., "It was
felt, -however, that to comibine. th&
two. onst efforts for Air Force
Day this year would lie much
more OonVenlent .for all 00ht6fti
The *Mtbihied Air Pbroe Day
Committee is headed by Wing
Commander G. PL Truemer of
Station iCentrialia and Squadron
Leader F. L. Carnipbell-Rogers: at
S-tadon Clinton. Directing person -
rel for the day's, actiiivities are,
being drawn, from both. stations,
McAdam Has Contract
For New Bath House
Mitcheal McAdam was award.
ed -the contract for construction,
of the bath housle in omnOctilon
with, the, new Clinton Community
Sm�jmming Pool and work com-
menced t0ils week. Plans, for the
building may be seen In the win-
dow -of the otfict, of the, arinton
Public Utilities cbmimissicio.
Seven Huron County
Graduates of Guelph
Seven young men from 14uron
County graduated among 171 at
the three -college convocation held
in Guelph oh Friday, Degrees
were conferred by the, Ontario
Agricultural College, the Ontario
Veterinary College and MacDonald
Receiving OAC degrees at bath.
d1ors of science in agriculture
were Mae Bolton, Dublin; William
"d Donald Brock, Dipper; Doug-
Sedotth; Ronald Krasn-
er, Mitchell, John Taylor, Walton
and Oerald Tebbutt, Clinton,
Sir Har-
old McMillan, prime rainistea- of
Great B'rIW, n, scheduled for him
,tio, arrive in Ottawa on June 11,
(the day of the, failiO Mr. Diefen-
baker And.- it necessiarry to be on
Mand- at 10he. capi tail. to greet him.
However, A. J. McMurray sec-
retary of the few reports that the.
Mrectors -are itaking, steps to have
someone of interest present at
that,day, to make the official' op-
The tFaiir, which is well known
as :the; biggest agricultural! fair
held in this part of Onitarlia, as
one of two spring fabs, The Rex%-
sfaill, Agilicultural Society sponsors
the other one, and date for it is
June 13.
Complete plans for program
supplementing the, Evesitock show
,of biorses, cattle, sheep and' hogs,
are, not complete.
CNIB Donors Give
$1410 From* Clinton
W. V.. Roy, chairman of the
local campaign, far funds four it -he
Canaditain Natdbinait Insititate for
the Blind was able to report a
5ubstuntial increase in collections
d1uring 1957, At a meeting of the
Huron. group working with the
CNIB, Mr. Roy reported $410
collected, in Clinton and district.
This compares. with $2$1 in 1956
and $383 in, 1955.
However, It fell short of the
dbimtive for I957 , by $140.
The, work of the CM,,B contin-
ues to grow, as more and more
services are, made- avaialable, to the
unfortunate blind peopTe- There
are 62 blind persons In Hureon
County and! 25 listed as prevent-
ion, cases.
The CNJIB provides home teach-
ing service for those newly blUnd,
in the art of touch, reading and
Writing, typing, basketry, sewing,
knititing and general, -home; duties,
atc. They provWe materials at
cost, loan bralle and, italkb%
books free of cost, employ blind
people. in news and refreshment
stands, In geinerail Industry and
occupational shops, -Special &s -
counts in certain lines are ar-
rainged for, and ,even supplement-
apy •relief 11h diroot cash allow-
ances are made. Guidance and
counselling is offered to parents
of pre-school blind children and
they provide white canes,.
Although collecitions. in -Huron
County last year were $4,413.74,
,the objective in, 1958 is $6,000 4141
:order to accomplish all that the
CNI-13 hopes to da.
CEnton last year didfairly well
In conitinibution8, but stood ffifth-
in totals given by -the towns of
the county. That means at the
bottom, finsiolfaras-towns am con-
cerned. Exeter led wdith, $875.80;
then Goderich: With $802; Wang -
ham, $4K,73; Seaforth $469 and
Cl nton, $110.
Huron Junior Farmers
To Hold Field Day
Junior Farmers in Huron and
Perth Counties have announced
their annual field day to be held
on June 14 In Exeter at the agri-
cultural grounds.
Events include track and field,
softball, basketball, and tug-of-
war during the day time, a square
dance competition and a dance In
the evening complete a day -long
series of activities.
Local Men Attend
Crediton Meeting
Deputy Reeve Neilson W, Trie-
warAha and CterkJoha Uvermore
attianded & meeting of the Huron
Ooiunby Munridpail Officers As-
80ciation held in credditon, yasrter
dhy; About 150 Officials of the
county attended.
Over 80 Birthday ay CIA
Mrs. Margaret Johnston will
celebrate her 01st birthday ori
Saturday, Way 94. She stays at;
�tho home of her sonin-ltx'w 40di
daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Cheatet-
Farquhar, and although the tatiq
get around very well, she is very
interested in sports, And she reads.
the XeWt-Reddrd every Week from,,
start to finish,