The Wingham Times, 1889-03-29, Page 600mwoom„_.,4,
,•••;.• "
tv„Iv. i ,, ,r1 worth or $5,900,000 worth lesa than Cliettent, Illuevale. do not blame the boys for, 0)14
OJLiMeS ten years beforc-e decrease in ex. The Collegiate Institute is ,I The person referred in this extraet make a little t .tly on the ety, but
port of iti per cent. This decrease arranging for a debate and entertain- ' is a brother to Mr, R. Duff, ot this ente enoegh next time not to burn the
- - ,, ---- - took place in our export to a country meat, to take place ou the 29th hist, place and. it^laW to Mr. L kettle, and the pee 0 will never know
FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1889. whose ports are free and where no , The subject will be,. Resolved, that Patterson. Tho Serineeeld Repuhlie. the dillbrenee, b ti will.
- — Custom House Officer is Been in blue Iparty.governmout is not a hindrance Times. Ohio, 15th inst. says ; At the
OUR OTTAWA LETTER, dress and brass buttons to collect iron to the best interests of the State, ineettof Olark lodge 'last Tuesday
the exporter one fourth ef the value Oenerioli High Scheel wugill take the evening Deputy District Master, w. Mr. Erliter,71.,. woull „like to bryig
:osiwgpriatt: artt:torielturrtivria;tarir. ut his goods for the liberty to enter negative, and the Clinton the afar, a, Duff, ef Oenede, was present amt wore You 444 J4e Peule grevilleff
4412144.4ciaintsuar, seatinie t streatrly is the market to sell his wares. ',1!..liis lmative.-00 Sunday, Rev. Mr. Ste. after the work of the evening made evil, er ,,I se4Y "'Y' a "n6aiah "P"t•
wart and Rev. Mr. Itenderaon, Reno a highly a p .e • t d
4., p 1 om 0 $peeoll, iull of ally to rimers, at most all seasons of
all exchanged pulpits. The people intelligent points, contrafittne• the milk the Ye"t hut r"ttlanladY Itt thia "141
. *
were well pleased with Mr.11endereon I in the United States with tie work in •1 iilean Sunday bush rangers, Our
and be will always be weloome.-The i Oanada. The speech was tull of POPil4dst'we P Years a "g'' °P t° 20,
No a wring events . p care ant where they ,go or what they
,of free trade in the American markets anniversary services with Ontario intelleniut Masotti() ideas. -There wits
zign. The reciprocity debate Was asa. weuld g,ive the Canadians all the an Meth. church were conducted by Rev quite a few left bore• last Tuesday for do "ring tii° (1°44 hint's when most
parliament since. ray last communieri-
dluded tin Tueeoey night, or rather orteation they desire, Canada has a WtreSilupson,Presyliterian,Brueefited, the Northwest; Samuel Bargees wife VeePle are at' 'nesting' At this Beg"
better system of government, better Li the evening a special sermon to and oiled Maragret Burgese, j flows of the yesr their object is sugar -camps:
Wednesday morning. Many speakers, and if they were satisfied with their
srlin-arele ready to apooes upon the laws, sustained with greeter moral young men was preaeltecl, The alto- 13argess, Willie ReiscHugh johuston
courage than the United States. Its duce and atteutioit was good. -Rev. Frank Balfour, John Holmes, Robert utt to woeld not be so bae hut they de.
questid', had to be content with un- Farrow and marl, A figho in, destroyiog witat itii. over. We
t(oliierto spo,ches. Thor intentions moral status is Miller aud its meal Mr Livingston took for his text on .11esgrot,e, John Haelcing, Mrs. Frank
fabric) purer than that of the Anted- Sund y evening "Be temperate in alt I Pattereo.n, Mr. read, of Bedouin Arelis in the East
flcl preparatiouti were tio doubt good, watehing far plunder and being a
republic. If • to these advantages thinete"-Itev. 'Mr. Ones; delivered Ross are visiting teeir sister Mrs. W. •
eut. the,opportunity was wanting. Sir eau terror to the quit inhabitants ot the
the wea is added commercial fe edont to trade „welt resenved Appropriate sermons in G. Date, Seefirtle-The boys had a
. • • , T in the American markets, all feeling the English churele-Rev. Mr. Smith, -big night before they left in R. Me- land. We have our Bdouin, Arabs, a
3.911n•and Ur..Laurter agreed
Ziaturatesarketorree Trade. fact of iteelf proves to any candid
that etre:intent.- a V. s. one
sot Annexation wanted. . Mind that the United States is the
fee tee Editor ot tee ewe. • natural market for the greatest portion
• o of our export trade. The adeantagee
' (sone a e
.day night, and as the etensereetteee for political annexation would have
erre particularly arnacns teat a losing no existence in the torts of the ele,-
eau 0 tyou close, they ' . a neaten people. Prosperity brings
contentment; contentment inspires ed both at their Vedic and private
tee agreement beittg carried out'. -
patriotiein is the twin meetings and also at paracle.-It is
Now that the United States format- Patriotism and
a. some time slues St, Patrick's day
ly gives notice, by Kr,. Bettis joint‘re sister of leYeitY.
solution, which passed. Congress on the ..• was se well kept and will likely be
let of March, that it is prepared to Melrose. some time again. -The regular meet.-
altsgothete with Canada, in reference to A very successful entertainment ing of the C. I. L. S. was held. on
was held in $ S No 6, ,on the evening Thursday eve, Vice-president, $iss
free trade, the argument that the Unit.
of Tuesday the 19th it , the 'pro- Fraser in the &lair, A very interest:
ea States is not in. favor of wider and
ceeds going to aid the family of Mr in pro gramme teas presented. The
freer trade relations with Canada is
Clelland. Music was furnished by boys choruses were partioulary noticed
demolished. It will be said by the
Misses Colvin, Setitit and Soott, and testi excel lent readings recitations b,
restrictionista that the Unitee States
Messrs Colvin, Maceeneie, Wilson, --Ott Monday evening the Outlier)
only offer eonarnercial union and con.
Ssott and Tees. Recitations were church Y. P S. ' visited Willis church
settaently a common cestoires .tariff,
Messrs D Clark, T Gtoodfel- I They were heartily welcomed, The
This is true, but tlie principle of free. given by
and A Dever, About $18 were meeting waa oonducted by the preei
, treats' between the two countries is ace I few
Beautiful spring weather- dent of 0. Y. P.• A. Mr Manning,
knotsledged to be cif advantage to !realized.
• I Partners a little anxious about their assisted by -Mr. Walsh and Rev. Mr.
baptist, addressee a well filled church
Suuday both morning, and eveniug.
-The Salvation Army was well attend-
Phersons hall. The dance lasted till lawless gang watching to Plamder and
about 5 o'clock. -John Paterson, Ben destroy whatsoever they come in con.
litiaasgiatldilciittis BproistshioElif riweeVelicar_g pteieeli; iwugit it; p IntotilieY0800aagnoyol•dhinagxeWil
claim to be the offspring of christian
old Derham bull ----.1e farm of the
bLUS Samuel Black got home a Ana year owner will see it Do more. They
Reeve of Grey, mr.eteman, Nix. Black permits, and ewelliug intiong christian
Durban fancier and tfie„e people where the ten emninaudpeents
is a strong
are hung up in every school -room, but
weal of the fourth in the decalogue,
rind if the fourte is violated in such a
way, what of the other nine, piny of
oue guilty of all. We would inquire
are few men that have clone more for
the improvement of stock Until he bas.
lie also sold three horses for $185,
$140, $110 respectively, -Georg,e
Churchill. is another heavy dealer, but
be sold all four fire ones at good prices wig' at" the Patents a "al lads IC°
:Led has bought as many mares.- doubt professors of religion, Aurae.,
Lawereece Tovell bought another fine g°ing People' De they fart herr
Holstein from Mr, 13011ert, of easseii, tespousibility 1 God holds them re •
%tensible. 11 they are church -going'
Ont. The ere of this one and the
of James people, they oleo ought to be bible
gear old bu;1 the property
searching 1)80044nd take heed to auch
Efliott Turuberry must be a rattler.
Scriptures as the fel-towing and prate -
them, as we believe it won be to us. I
fall wheat owiug- to the severe night Edge. The sbleeet under rousiderat- . r, eve took a fewe •as
!tice the sane: -Deu, iv. 0, 10., eh,
There is sufficient admitted to form al
anet frosts and hot sun during the day- ion was "Priteer."-Ont hearty evening - fellows : fret -1i the horns to the end of
masonable basis for consideration 0 xii. 18, 19, 20; also listen to the words •
government in ' Mr. Geo. McKay and son, of Wing- of last, week Mr..Swallows, of Getter- tail 15 feet 10 in ; round the neck
that is all we wish the
the meantime to do. The Liberal -
ham, are in the neighborhood packing ich, with his splendid views,' entertain- feet 7 incites ; he turns the scales at ' of the wise ' mai' in Pro. xi; 18.
party, by its retraution, wishes the l
apples for shipment to Manitoba.- -ed the membere of R. Y. P. A. and present at 2600 lbs end if fat,
Air, eFoolishnets is bund in the heart of
governreent to confer with the govern-
I oI
Mr, at- Ambler, after e sojourn of a the -e frienes. After a pleasant trip Tavel! says would got over 3,000 lbs.
a child, but tee rod f correction shalt
ment 0/ the United Stateand ascer• couple of weeks in and about Stratford througu theHoly Land, several of tee •
-The Presbyterians have been hold.
ing theireneetings for the last few
Seurlays in the Foresters' Hell. They
are laying out about $100 on repaying
the studies fares the training of their..
the inside of the ehnrch. It oleo needs
children is colicerneci It is a bad di.
new shingliug aud a coat of paint out
sense. Es there n cure till the earth is
sideas well as now fence in front.
Then it will look what it should
again .filled with violence as in the days
That takes inoney 'however and that of Noah, Mat. xxiv 87, 88.
is a eery scarce commodity. A FanmEn. round .
these parts.. -Mr. John Etcher,
of Mei Cleghorn left for Belotine, Mane
this place, has been very sick but at
itoba last week, where he expects to:Ite
engaged in teeching. ef e is an ambiti.
last account he is -a better, ,
otis and exemplary young man, and
we wish 'him a marked degree of pe�-
itelgrave. , /pity in new home.
The debate at 'our Literary society
the question, ellesul red that the Belt:110re,
taitt un what terms and conditions visiting relations, is back and engaged well-keown residents were shown.--
a treaty of free trade can be obtained, well Mr.
W. Pattison to work in the On Friday evetting a very peasant
sen action by thegovernment in thiedir-
mill.-Mr.Jas. Wellwocal is on the road entertainment Was given by the young
ection would notin any way comprotnise
as usua.l buying young mettle for his fulks ot Willis church particularly -
its digaity or the interest of Canada,
stock term -For the last tvo or three under the auspices of the mission
but might result in great good to alt w.
eeks we have had considerable fun band. The lecture room was tastifully
the vast industries of the Dominion. in eur newel section, some of the bonded with plaid . and otherwise
The Liberals' are, and alvveys' hatre pupils being brought to task for darn• to give it a Scotch appearance. The
been, opposed toany act or alliance that aging the 8311001 house, and fitted, but young ladies had laid sashes and the
of the parents eefnsed to pay I gentlemen, heather, About 8 o'clock
or maintain its dignityconservative
would not benefit Canadian intererest '8°m°. M
the hue; now the question is, can tee • r. Budge took the chair ape the pro
; ,
fanners* laborersand eneehanies, who trustees .compel them to fork over or gramme began a Scotch chairman,
expel the childron of those refusing Scotch songs, Scotch readings', and
are °pleated to the general policy of the
to do eel -Auction sales and rumors addresses. After this a, Scotch supper
liberal party, can plainly see that .
of auction sales are the order of the was provided and Was disposed of in a
upon this question, at least, the liberals
area urging the government to take
h. Jt Ambler presented John with auoteer
steps to an end that would largely ee" son, and he is a b'onncer.
nefit the great industrial classes of the
country. Increased facilities to sell
wooleambs, horned cattle, horses, bar
,ii Gienfarrow.
On Friday evening, the 22nd inst., the
Poultry hay, potatoes, &et in. the pupils of the public school and other
markets - ofthe United. States at a friends assembled at the home of Mr.
higher peice and free of duty. would Alex. MeEwen, teacher, on the oma -
be of great advantage to the farmers sion of his leaving, Oise -lease to take
ef this country. They would find charge of the Bluevale itemellAfter a
temethis advantage would put more short programme consisting of mad.
mime in their pockets and, thereby tegs, recitation, sleeting &o. while Mr.
day. -On Sunday the Ilth inst, Mrs. scotelt manner, after which till elaspect
hands and sling. "Auld • Lang Syne."
The evident sluices of this enteitain-
inent wilt -encourage the mission band.
-On Thursday' evening the Gipsy
Baud,. Ng ell known now througheut the
(enmity, gave -an entertaintneitt under
the auspices of tbeleatteneury church
their, The -music was grand, thrilling
eueliantiug and (mid the crowded, hall
a pin could be -heard full, so
delightee were the nudienee. . The
selections' which pleasecluaost were
give them more solid comfort than the Thos. -Powell occupied the chair in his those welll known strains : "Herne
insane satiefaotioD they may now en- usual pleasing manner, Master John sweet home," "Anea Laura" and
joy ht supporting a Tory government Powell read a very copltneutry address ',sweet
Wet refusesA look after Muir inter- expressing the high esteem hi whieli Violete bat let the band come
again and Clinton will not have for -
este. inMr. McEwen is held and their good .14,etten teetn.
The goveraent is weakening under wellies for his-
future happiness and
the flood of liberal 'mike opinions" prosperity and Master George Nichol -
drive it far from hinn"Pro,xxii,15,with
tnany such like sound words of the
Boole. Have our ehrietian friends who.
are bea.cis of families laid the'Book on
pen is mightier thau the ;sword" was Messrs Wtn Lowry and John Kings.
undoubtedly the best debate we have ley left this. locality last week to try
had this season. The discussion con- their fortune in the prairie province
tinged for nearly three hours and The former went to Portage La.
during that -time, eloquent speeches Prairie end the latter to 13oisrevain. ,
'were delivered by sperteers ou , both Success to them. -Mr. Pearson Rose
sides and at the coaclusion tine points left the Wingharn T. R. station on
made by the tlifferent sides were sum Tuesday for Messomin, N. W. T.
coed up, awarding the pen the victory takinga car load of stock awl effects
by two,poitits. The affirmative was with him, He purposes entering his
Towle, MeOlelland, Soott and 11* w i oldsocarriage
ritr ioasgseb ams abkeienng aat mthhie.
sestained by Miss Godfrey and Messrs
and the negative by Miss Irwin, and best citizens of Belmore and his
Messrs Prootor, Martin, Wray, Black, ..departure is deeply regretted, Be
and Michie. A closing entertainment was a man diligent and honorable in
is to be given on the 27th lust to business, intelligent, enterprising and
societies have been invited mad the
which the neighboring Literary Itioxnempmlaaryy istlucheises:aalttenaandbieso ns steps. t.
Ti debates on reciprocity are mane son came forward and presented him freedoin of our. society extended to
The Salem Methodist choir has
The Se
featly educating the government 58' with a beautiful fetnily bible and
. been dissolvecl into its orieinal ele- the forthatJ'Scott, mevening.-Bev J. poyL.ULeacro°ss 'club, of this.,
the people along the lines of "liberal Mortoco purse. Mr. ItteEtven, Altheugh . . internal - Wingbanteoccupied the pulpit in Meth- piece purpose opening the seasott by a
opinion and liberal principles. Last taken entirely by surprise, made a rrilts.owIng‘to serious cornet
odist ehurch here on Sunday evening
arced (tendert, on the evening of April
year a government .. supporter, Mr. very suitable and feeling reply thane-
, p eca eons. What next We hope it. last, and preached a very beautiful 5th The one held hest year was ene
Patterson, of Essex, introduced a bill ing thenY very much for their bea,utiful will be "peace on earth and good will
Sunday scbool sermon. Quite a hand- inently suceessfue and we have reasons
to provide fur reciprocity in wrecking presents. After this the visitors- spread o men" and women too. -Messrs.
some sani was taken up after the stn. to believe that this one will be More
id, OnTadiaa andUnited State's waters a splendid table from the well filled Etobt. and Richard eileMiehael ttarted vices, in raid of the Sunday school.- te eh building committee of the
but it was voted down by a laeget Con- baskets they bought with them. %en
-. e on Tuesday last foe Manitoba. Our
Rev. Mr. Godfrey,. preached in Wing- "a -.--e
new Presbyterian chinch are Overtire
lost wishes for theirAsueeets with them.
ham Methodist church last Sunday
for tendees for its construction
servative majority, only one liberal evening was very pleasantly spent and ....,.
emt vuut evening. -Mr. jam Watson, shosinale ' ing
voting against it, and that vote was an seemed satified that they had had Dir.L. Hewett, of ncas er is at pre.
given upon personal grounds. The a moat enjoyable time. After sincere; Lag ins brotheren law Mr. clt 131 thl tM d during the following sumean-Rev
d b ., • er, retra0Vt y
as °n " --Mr. Murray, of Kincardine, and Rev.
aaine bill was again introduced this ,Auld Lang Syne, and wishing Mr - as 1 t' . PP g b. 1 ' M. Peareti of Ellipse/Ile, will occupy
aession by another govetninent supl and Mrs. MmEwen a friendly adieo seems to he the order of t !i• aay
tete saute stand and ease on the same
farmers, but the run is not
porterf Mr. Kirkpatrick., of Kingston,: at a seasonable hour, the friends de- 1ta°ng business as Mr. NV ateon ditt-Bliss B.
and it•carried.ley over fifty of emit*. parted. -Daring the coming week likely to be. as good as last yeat's,-
Messer of Ruevale, ie at present visit -
The wedding in announced. by v
kr.- This fact shows how matters arelseveraI ef our people will leave for- ear lag frienns hi town. -Mr. John MM.
eueoving and the trend of public °pin- ° Manitobs.-Mr. John McTavish Jr. correepondent a past.issrure, w s
a Mon, of Walkerton, of. the firm of
tonaeantiated in due true l; este
Wm. ndeitit Hamilton & Tovell, of this plitee, paid
ie it is towards greater freedom of trade Messrs Roietrt and It McMichael left
with our neigt-bors to the south. oittnesday last to eek their fortnues ttastinatPartra areral‘ Fee Belgrave a short 'visit last week, bane.
livery elle who gives the question a ; iu-'the far atest.-Me. and Mrs. Mc. wood and Miss Martha ,untee daugli
on his way home front London. -Miss
montentes thought, Mtn pi'ainly see; Donald, and 'Miss Aggie Green, of !er of A.lexateder Mittel, of the, Beira Whitman,
left on Tuesday last,
that every year our trade is growing !Luchnow, etere visiting friends here lin°. We wish theta a happy mart, for Deloraitte gitnitoba,' via, the 0: P.
voith the *United States rietwithstandl last week; -Mr. Thos. Higgins paid voyage &wit the stream of titne.-t t R., from ilViughani, She will follow
Longley, who was eo unfortnnate as to
-tug the foolish trade barriers ereetee friends in Exeter a visit ties week, her old dale -tit; in those puts, viz.
by the governnient of both countties 1,
lave his slikulder cap broken three 4
teaching: We wish Miss
;melts ago is improving as well as -ecu whiteman G. nopkirk,
while our tragto -with 'Cyrkt Britain is
Zetland. '
'he "xPeeti"1 teelhts" "'anti"' sal" el. P. 0. Inspeetor, Stratford, being on
44011411Y ao`ereNsing• This fact proves I: 'Sias Lizzie and Kate Lamont, o' It oar nitners, Am within a few days
Belgrave ewe
*rade from its tiettned• alienne:Itt and , vttity-Ur anti lqrs Thomson :
thl- of each other an in the immediate hla.YeatlY "unit Peid
th*t Area goveteraente cannot, div. rt Ripley, are visiting friends in
visits on Tuesday hut, and reported
vieLliety, Surely the popUlation or ffi t.
' • spent a feiv deys with *tenets Sea. :einem meet be en • tile decease d p dutf
Mr. McKay, of this place, changed -
pulpits on Sunday last.-Johte West,
formerly in the hotel business here,
and Wm: Hallihnin lately clerk with
Campbell and Brampton, have bought
out the grocery business of Wm.
J.Livingstone, leetutee• accept..
ably an the Heinen voice on Tuesday
evening last. -The Spring show wilt
be held here on Tuesday the 19th
April.--eelessrs Oopeland Bros. livery
men ot this plaee, have disposed ,of
their famed and popular Cantielan
Week station ,,Wlislebotte to Ur, Rife
of Mildmity for $000:- Mr. Will
Ritche of Cu rose wee attneked by* an
lit 1818, Uitretria exported to the f rth this week *was tiltm Taylor , f. 1, . , .t 1 .1 or. er.- r. . lOtt8 and batii y -left infuriated bell In, watt ;eluting to the
* y mu.; man o t its mai 0, % a 0 on \yea 2 .. . „
AA very low at present, -Mr. John AI restday, the 7th inst., for lair oo t away of tine esseiettnentiebt
" 'it Predeetet and in 1889 $11,51:1°°&' Donald is around again. -The sleigh ta.' lug one day this week-, tapped a
bierPdre stub, and then wondered why
United State* 42&24rt,006 worth of
Wallaceletrg, 'teeing witit. Min three tiro() been seriously injneed but for the
the sap ca it t run. ears of effects UO wi 1 folow his timely interferenue of those who *ere
Worth. Tido its an Increase in fen inst le oil gone and rue roads are in ti - • ra , who wilt be the old voeation, e thet of farmina. Mr. elose by -A number of cattle were
years, of $17.30,000 wertti or 76 per
emit Tiles ittareastt took pl tee in evicts had state. -The saw Mill is twinkle nest W distinguish himself /
Shorts Is ail energetic SM tilorttugh sold at 2i to 8 e t p a.
in full blast agaie.-The farmers have c n 5 p point .
of trade lisereette of from 26 to 50 per qttit drawing logs to get ready for
aene of anti...-. On, the other hand, seeding.
busillOS5 sild.we have Do il,>ribt
COtter1e17. but time; he will come out successfit: 1VItirr1.a. ' '
The ituron Soap tlo's %veers ail ig now male suar time, and we • Mra. Jae. Iltieetept, of Myth, was
?ty ' little liking. for. thee article -Leo w' ,con, 1, ke wpek.
Oaltatin ospOrtea to fireat Brttain in
• ---------------------------
ri:otlori01- were berried Tburs- know tied everyly iist a vla/itetther, Mrs. ctoittroisil,;.
1,878. Sigv0001000 worth _of P.P.'dlick I -Varkaale has annexedstabecomepart 4
.4,4d 1880 it expotea §10,i00,9ii0 of Toroute.