HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-05-15, Page 7THURSIDAT, MAY 10, 1958 N rS•1 1 Accommodotiorl l:ar Rent BOARD AND ROOM, 'TWO UNFURNISKED APART .mens,' self-contdined, Hot, tr a ccdd water. ,325 .per month,. _Phon RU 2-96.82. 20.21.• W. U R N I S H ED APAR`I%MT .Heated, suitable for ,couple, avails .sabre now. Phone HUnter 2- '42. 20- IOUS�E, 2 bedrooms . odern con venienoes, garden�"'"'aficl •garage. ,:miles frarn Clinton. Phone HU 7525, 15-tf ,3 BEDROOM APARTMENT, un - :furnished, available now; •also 4 - xoom furnished apartment, down, stairs, located on King Street, Phone HU 2-3491. 20 ;�BAYFIELD LAKEFRONT COT- �tage, 4 rooms, furnished; 3 piece `bath, hot water, kelvinator, avail- able now for season only. Apply to Box 200, Clinton News -Record. '20-1-b TWO FURNISHED Apartments. Alit modern convemlien�ces. Heaped by o i furnace. Suitable for couples. One immediate, olther June 1. phone HU 2-9479 or HU 9634. 17 -tib /Accommodation Wanted '2 BEDROOM DOWNSTAIRS apamtmenvt ar 2 bedroom house bb .Ctciiton, Wanted ,for end of Judy osr middle. of August. Box 171, Cbzitan, News -Record. 17-�tfrb Articles For Sale IBAiBY BfUGGY, LLOYD converti- ibl,e, '400dt condition, $25. Apply cover Cilayt, Dixon's. Auto Supply, Clinton. 20-b :ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE, '(Gyrator, in good working condi- Mon. Phone HU 2-7088. 20b TU MS DEVELOPED in 24 hours, Trompt photo finishing, Clinton ;Bowling Alley. 20-1-2-3-p ,,CANNING MACHINE, in good ,condition; also 80 cans. $12,50. :Phone HU 2-2919. 20p .BELL PIANO FOR 'S -ALE, in •reasonably ,goad condition. Phone 'Harold Black, HU 2-3873. 20p :STROLLER, in new condition; small crib and mattress, car seat, %enamel bath tub. Phone HU 2- :3249. 20b ,QUANTITY GOOD BARNYARD .Manure for sale. Phone Charlie 'Stewart, RR 4, Clinton, phone :HU 2-7504, 20b EVANS, UPRIGHT PIANO. Re- ,cently �overhawled, tuned and in ,excellent shape. Phone HU :243438, after six p.m. 20-+b NAVY DUTY WOODWORKING 'rawer Tools, in first class conda- tion, Complete With motor and ac- • cessonles. John Plumtree, 19-20-rp ' UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER, noiseless, office model, excellent ,condition. $50. George Knights, :Lorne Brown Motors Ltd. 20b i • 4 -BURNER ELECTRIC RANGE, Sunshine make, heavy duty wir- , ed, like new. Phone HU 2-3844. 20b �CANAD(TAN CEMENT, ural ited ,quanttitry an stack. Low,prices'. A. z, Grigg & Son, phone HU 2-9411 18-tfb sGETTING MARRIED? See samp- `.1es of wedding stationery at the :.News -Record office, Invitations, thank -you cards, wedding cake `bw:es, place cards, serviettes, :match books, etc. 11-tfb SUMMER REDUCTION .oat Pion- ,•,eer Saws. Savings of 10 percent, 4Qual�'ty and dependability at the dowes(t pAce ever, Contact Rob- , ert Glen, Planer Chain Saws',. : Phone HU 2-9909, Clinton, 19-20-p 'MA.G iC MARKERS. Will write on ;anything, glass, wood, paper, etc, 'Dry immediately.- Seven different ,,.colours. Good for poster work, Lsigns, - etc. $1.10 eacb, refills, 50c. Minton News -Record. 37-tfb YOUR OLD WASHER IS WORTH money when traded on a new "Westinghouse washer, T. A. Dut- toWs Appliance Store, Brucefield. ,;?hone Clinton HU 2-3232. 11 -tib SEVERAL NEW, PATTERNS in English Bone China Dinnerware, including lovely "Cornflower". See it and others in our window and get our low prices for fine china. 4�Counter's Jewellery. 20p MOTORS AND GENERATORS rewound and repaired. Brushes, ,capacitors, switches, bearings; -.small appliances repaired. Used ,or reconditioned motors for sale. Art Levett, Isaac Street at Dunlop. µi�hone HU 2-6640. 44tffb Articles Wanted ''CHILD'S TRICYCLE 'WANTED, suitable for 5-year,old. Good shape. Phone. HU '2-3287, 20b Automobiles For Sale 1954 PONTIA:C DZLUKE SFD- a conditn Mil', AN an very goo d on, ea,ge 22,000, John P1um:tree, 204-p Business Opportunities C7WN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. ?Contact L. G. 'Winter, Beal Estate, ,High Street, Clinton. Phone Clirs `.tone HU 2-6692, 16tfb Ai 300ATODATION FOR ROOMI ers for one or two sbar4ng. Phone e Hunter 2-394:. 20-P p ACCOMMODATION FOR room- ers' or boarders, Mrs, 1Ianly, op- posite RCAF Station. Phone HU 2-9226, 19-20-p p CUSTOM WORK 6 FOIL, YOUR PLUMBING AND 2 Heating needs, call HU 2-'9433 b Hawkins Hardware. 2-tfb WEED SPRAYING, Jeep mount- ed with 30 ft. boom, for less grain damage; can do pre -emergence control of weeds and corn. Mixed b grain for sale. Joe Gibson, HU 2-3229, 20-1-b AUTOMATIC SAW Sharpening, Saws retoothed, jointed and filed for $1.25. Or just filed and set 75 cents. Automatic butcher knife and scissor sharpener, scissors 15 cents, knives 10 cents.. W. E. "Bill" Jervis, Fulton Street, Can- ton, Phone HU 2-9664. 35p-ttlb WE ARE AGAIN SPRAYING weeds this year. 'Weed sprays, are', getting better all the time. We now have an excellent spray for twitch grass which is, guarant- eed. We also ;have a specnal spray to use .an fields seeded ' With clov- er. Phone Lloyd Medd, HU 2-9836. -18tfb Employment Wanted 1HIC-{fI SCHOOL, STUDENT would like employment during h'olidays;, office, restaurant or store. Phone ,HU 2.9882. 20-b FARM EQUIPMENT For Sate STIFF -TOOTH CULTIVATOR, 8 ft., with power=lift, for sale. Phone HU 2-9954. 20b Farm Produce For Sale QUANTITY OF FEED OATS, also square baled clover hay. Ap- ply to James Lansbaroug'h, RR 3; Seaforth, Phone Seaforth 655r16. 20-'p Help Wanted NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY requires GIRLS and MEN For Assembly Line Work Five day week, good working conditions. Apply in person for interview to National Carbon Company WALKERTON Phone 881 19-20-b HELP WANTED ----FEMALE GIRLS TO LEARN LAUNDRY work. Contact Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaners. 2-tfb SCHOOL AGE, GIRL WANTED; 2 years High School; !typing abil- ity. Apply at Royal Bank during office hours, 20b dvMDLE AGED or elderly wain= an as companion -and light -house- keeper in modernn country home. Adults only. Transportation easily available. Live in (private room) or out. Write to Box 207 Clinton News -Record, 20-.b Livestock Wanted ATTENTION FARMERS:! Xash paid for sick, down and disabled cows and horses, also dead cows and horses. Anything under 500 lbs. picked up free of charge, Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851ri1, Seaforth. Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd. 26-p-tfb MR. FARMER! CASH PAID for sick, down -and disabled cows and horses, also dead cows and horses, Please phone promptly, 24-hour service. hour service. BRUCE MARLATT, Phone Collect 56 r 7 Brussels 12-tfb OLD HORSES WANTED AT 3Y2c lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once, GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col- lect, Goderich, 14183 J 4 or 1483 J 1. 52-2'7-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 5 GOOD SHORTHORN CO'W'S with calves, have papers, must sell, priced right. Alex Sparks, Bayfield, phone HU 2-9284, 20b AN AUCTION SALE EVERY Friday at 2 p.m., of 35 to 50 fresh and springing dairy cows and heif- err. Few open heifers. Well mar- ked Holstein heifer calves at Mc- Lelland Sale Barn, Bervie. 11 to 22-b 10 PIGS, 6 'WEEKS OLD, Phone HU 2-9853, George Bayley, 20b A FEW GOOD FEEDER Steers, (short -keeps). Cont et William ✓. Manning, phone Blyth 24A, one- half mile west of Londesboro. 241) l'et Stock BLONDE COCKER SPANIEL, male, registered, age 13 months, $20. Phone HtJ 2-9831, 20rr MhGe�LAncvva YOUR PIANO, carefully tuned. Call George W. Cox, HU 2-3870. 20-22-p scRATM PADS, 3 x 5 inches Available 'in quantity. 5c each. 10 pads for 40c. Clinton News -Re- cord. 18atfb WA,,TCIH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery, Huron County's Oldest Establish- ed Jewellery Store. 20p F1URiNZTUREiI UPHOLSTERED, lake new, full range of covers, al- so can .re -style, estimates cheer- fully given. Phone Arthur E. Clark, RR 1, Auburn, Blyth 20r14. 18.191-20-21-p SEPTIC TANKS, CESS -POOLS etc„ pumped and cleaned with modern equipment, All work ,guaranteed. Write or phone Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels. Phone 42r6, Brussels, 10 to 31-p EXPERT REPAIRS Lanvin mowers and outboard mot- ors. Factory trained mechanic. Free pick-up and delivery in town and RCAF Station. Phone HU 2- 9622. Ellwood Epps Sporting Goads. 14 -tib LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chan- ces, Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N, Counter. 20p For artificial insemination ser- vice or more information, teie- phone ('collect) the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association Clinton HU 2-3441 Between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m.. We supply service to top qual- ity ,bulls of the Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Brown, Swiss, Red Poll, Hereford (pulled and horned) Beef .Shorthorn ('palled and horned), and Dual, Purpose Shorthorn, Angus and Charolraise breeds. The cost is low, 17tfb 8,000 GALLONS PAINT 0 This bankrupt stock of paint is suitable for interior or exterior. 0 Suitable for wood, cement or steel. 0 Can be brushed or sprayed. 0 Manufactured by C.T.L., Lowe Bros„ Glidden, Sherwin-Wil- liams, and C. V. 0 Sold on a money -back guaran- tee, Why not try a small order and be convinced of the wond- erful value? WE SHIP ALL ACROSS CANADA $2.99 per gallon Colors: Light Green, Buff Beige, Rose Beige, Medium Grey, Brick Red, Shutter Green, Ivory, White, Brown. Aluminum paint $3.99 per gallon Send a deposit — Balance shipped C.O,D., or you may remit in full, and save the charges. SHERMAN'S HARDWARE LTD. Dept. M-38, 537 Queen St. West, TORONTO, ONTARIO PASTURE FOR RENT WANTED, CATTLE to Pasture, on former W. J. Miller farm, lot 15, concession 3, in Huliett Town- ship. Good grass, and ample good water. Phone HU 2-9857. Henry Stryker. 20-1-b Poultry For Sale _ 225 LEGHORN PULLETS, start- ed to lay, reasonable. Phone HU 2-9101. 20b Property For Sale SUMMER COTTAGE', four rooms, modern, in goad repair; on Lake Huron, between Bayfield and Goderich, lovely .beach, Stewart Sab.oenhalis, (Clinton, Ontanio, Phane HU 2-9777, 18-tfb, REAM ESTATE 1 -STOREY, 4 -ROOM DWELLING with 3 -piece bath. Good loca- tion, Lot 92x132'. Price $8,500. 1% -STOREY, 3 -Bedroom Dwel- ling, 3ipiece bath, furnace, sun - porch, garage. Located near schools. Price $7,500. VILLAGE of VARNA: 11/a -Storey dwelling, 3 bedrooms, bath, drilled well, small barn, about 1 acre land. Excellent condi- tion. Price •$4,500. H. C. LAWSON REALTOR Bank 'of Montreal Building Phone HU 9-9644 Clinton „ , SEED -FOR SALE TE14117tKa.1 SEALEDTENDERS W411 be re- ceived by Stanley TownshipSch'DDI'Area Schaal' Area Board for the decor. aging of No. 6 and No, 7 schools, •botti inside and outside. Must be completedduring sum- mer vacatnpn, TENDERSto be in. thehands of the secretary -treasurer by 12 ,o'clock noon, May 31; 1958, The schools( may be seen !by contact- ing Mr, Lloyd Heard, for No. 6, Mr. r. Ward Forrest door No. 7. Lowest or any ten -der, not neces- sarbly accepted. T. B. BAIRD, secretary-treasurer,Brucefield, Ontario, 19-20-b TENDERS TENDERS will be received for supplying 21/2 mons of Aflacide and about 30 gals. of 2, 4-D Amine .for the Township of Sfanley Tenders to be in the hands of Clerk not later than May 1958, at 12 o'clock noon. FRED WATSON, Clerk, Township of Stanley. 19-20-b APPLICATIONS Township of Hulleff The council of the Township of gullett will receive applications or the position of Cleric -Treasurer to the Township of Hullett. Duties 'o commence about June 1, 1958. Particulars may be obtained from :he reeve, William R. Jewitt, RR 1, "Minton. Applications to be in the .iands of the Clerk on or before 3.30 p.m,, Monday, May 19, 1958. George W. Cowan, Clerk 'Londesboro, Ontario. 19-20-b AUCTION . SALE of Household Effects from the home of the late Mrs. Rose Teb- butt, Cutter Street, Clinton, on Saturday, May 17th at 1,30 p.m. consisting of; .3 piece parlor suite (love seat, racking dhair, and aim chair) ; 2 rocking chairs; 2 xtugs; Coleman oda space heater; iron bed, springs and mattress, sideboard; dining room table; floor lamps; table lamps; 2 dressers; wash stands; cherry gull's top cupboard; ,pine cupboard; liv'itchen. table; chairs; coalsand woad ,range; annex heat- er (nearly new); -power lawn mower; fancy land antique dishes.; cooking utensils and numerousother articles, Terms: Cash Proprietor: George Grant Auctioneer: Edward W. EtUott 19-20b AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND REAL ESTATE On D'utsley Street, BIyth Saturday, May 17th It 1:30 pan. Chesterfield (upholstered) ; 3- piece wicker suite, chesterfield and 2 chairs; 2 antique rocking dlrairs, (one wicker) ; 3 (tables (antique); 5 dirninig room chairs; 4 piece bed- room; sut!•te, double bed, mattress, e rings, dresser, chest of drawers, wash stand; 1 single bed (metal), mattress and springs; complete toilet set; (dresser; 2 wash stand's; chest of drawers; feather mlattres- ses and (pillows; wardrobe; rolla- way aluminum, chaise, Tounge and mattress; axm1n8ter (rug, 9'x10Y2'; plana (upright Mendelsohn); bookcase; mirror; 2 floor O,ompsr; wicker ,fernery .and ferny stand with ferns; pictures (antique frames); cellar table; garden hose, 1.7 yards; Beatty electric washing machine; 3 round tubs; lawn mower; and, other articles. ;PROPERTY—Lats 38, 39, 44, 45, consisting of one hore of land an which is situated Zi/2 story •red brick ,Mouse, in. ,good state of re- pair. Property subjeot to reserve bad, Clare; and Ida McGowan Proprietors. Auctioneer. George Nesbitt Clerk: George Powell 20.b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN 'r1HE ESTATE of Olive Grainger, deceased. All .persons having claims ag- aiatst the estate of Olive Grainger, bate of the Village of Brucefield, in the County of diunoh, widow, who died on. 'or about the 28th day, of April 1958, are required to (rile particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors, ofExeter, ontano, by the Uth .day of May PLANT CORN FOR BIGGER 1058, after which date the estate Dollars! Plant Pfister I4ybrids will be distributed having regard for bigger returns than any oth- only to those Claims of which not - or •hybrid, as proved by over ice has been received. 12000 actual checks in Canada 91,%1L & LATIGIHTON All d the U.&A. Sola by Ernest Solicitors for tho I'mcctltot's, Johnston, RR 1, Goderich phone Exeter, Ontario 482W, 19 -20 -21 -In 19,20.1,b BIRTHS AMSING--In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on .Saturday, May 10, 195$, to Mr, and Mrs,. Jeene Amsing, Clinton, a daughter, FLOOD—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, May 13, 1.958, to Sergeant and ,Mrs, J. R, J. Flood, Clinton, a son, JOLLIMORE-^--In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, May 10, 1958, to Corporal and Mrs, Clarence Jollimore, Clinton, a daughter. RALT In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, May 9, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. John, Paul Rau, RR 2, Zurich, .a son. RUSHCALL -- In Winnipeg Gen- eral hospital, on Saturday, May 3, 1958, to F/L and Mrs, L, J. Rushcall, 921 Jessie Ave., Winnipeg, Man., a daughter (Karen Gayle). WILSON — In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Friday, May 9, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, RR 1, Varna, a daughter. LEEMING — In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Saturday, April 26, 1958) to Mr, and Mrs. William J. Leeming, Walton, a daughter. DEATHS PEGG—At his late residence, 89 Elmwood .Ave„ London, ,on Fri- day, May 9, 1958, Addison And- rews, Pegg, beloved husband, of the late Nellie Elizabeth Ors, president of Sherlock -Mann Ing Plano Co, Ltd., Clinton, in his 84th year. Funeral from Nhe A. Millard George funeral chapel on Monday, May 12, ito Woodland Cemetery. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends and relations for cards, gifts received while a patient in Victoria Hospi- tal, London. --MRS. HAZEL NELSON, Clinton, 20p I wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all my friends and neighbours for their many kindnesses and help during my recent illness, also for visits, cards, flowers and treats. Spec- ial thanks to all the nursing staff at Clinton Public Hospital, Dr. W. A. Oakes, the Rev. J. A. Mc- Kim, the WA of Wesley -Willis United Church and the ladies of Clinton Chapter O.E.S. — MRS. GRACE HIGGINS. 20b AUCTION SALE of Household Effects from the home of Dick Noble, Ontario Street (aeross from the Clinton Public School) Wednesday, May 21st at 1.80 p.m. the following: Studio couch.; wicker rocker; wicker aims chair; dining foom table, buffet and chairs; Axmin• ster rug 12'X9'; 2 matching scat- ter rugs; other scatter rugs; Vel. our 10hestexheld!; 2 upholster& chairs-; gramaphone and records-; small, Walnut table; walnut enc table; other small tables; 3 beds; dressers; wash stands; inner sp- ring mattresses,; 2 rail, top couch- es; mantel radio; 8 day clock; walnut chest of drawers; sewing machine; 2 rocking chairs; table lamps, hall tree; Beatty washing machine; Philco refrigerator; el• ectric rangette; electric hot plate; Westinghouse axon; Master vac- uum cleaner (nearly new)) ; ral] linoleum (nearly new) ; Quebec heater; small drumm heater; ca oil stave adn oven; 'kitchen table; kitchen chairs and stool; clothes rack; wheel (barrow; 6 ft. stet ladder; :lawn mower (nearly new) ; 2 other • lawn mowers; 3 45gal. oil drums; garden tools; complete set of dishes; fancy dishes; kitchen dishes; ,a (large quantity of bedding, 11nens and hard embroidered pieces; silver- ware; cooking utensils and numer- ous :other articles.. Terms: Cash Proprietor: Dick Noble Auctioneer: Edward W. Elliott 19-20b Ontario Fuel Board IN THE MATTER OF THE PiPE LiNES ACT, 1959. AND IN THE MATTER OF an Application by Ontario Natural Gas Storage and Pipelines Limited to the Ontario Fuel Board for leave to construct a natural gas pipeline from its Stratford City Gate Station in the Township of Downie, in the County of Perth to its Goderich City Gate Station in the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, NOTICE OF HEARING The Ontario Fuel Board hereby appoints Monday, the 26th day of May, 1958, at 10:30 o"clock in the forenoon, local time, in the Court Room at the Court House in Stratford, Ontario, for the hearing Df the above Application and all persons interested therein, Copies of the Application may be inspected, and further particul; ars obtained at the offices of the Clerlics of the municipalities through which the proposed line will pass, the applicant, the solic- itors for the applicant, Messrs. McNevin, Gee & O'Connor, Chat- ham, Ontario, or this Board. DATED at Toronto, this 7th day of May, 1958. ONTARIO FUEL BOARD, A. R. Crozier; Chairman, J, J, Wingfelder, Commitsioner, 20-1-b VA.GE SEVEN. BOXY THEATRE (liniton Twp shows Nightly Wide 'Screen NOW-•-w-Thursday, Friday and Sat'urd'ay "MR, ROCK AND ROLVI ALAN FREED CHUCK BERRY -- FRANKIE LYMAN MONDAY TUESDAY 4--, WEDNESDAY "ACTION Of THE TIGER" Intrigue and adventure on the high seas of Greece spell romance for a beautiful French femme .and a handsome American skipper, Cinemascope, VAN JOHNSON -- MARTINE CAROL -- HERBERT LOM THURSDAY FRIDAY — SATURDAY ..ZERO HOUR!" Past the point of no. return -- a nerve -tearing aerial nightmare -- what was the guilty secret that sapped a war hero's courage? (Based on Arthur Haley'$ "Flight Into Danger" DANA ANDREWS -- STERLING HAYDEN LINDA DARNELL Coming; "THE INVISIBLE ROY" RICHARD EYER DiANNE BREWSTER - PHILLiP ABBOTT The First Column (Continued from page One) PARK THEATRE publicized, call for higher 'taxes G O D E R I C H for (the breweries, and three dA- ferent ideas for curstafiiing adlver- tdsang ... He did not add another NOW PLAYING proposal whichwould seem lag- r ical in the light of the first four: THE DEVILS HAIRPIN' banning from Ontario of all pub- — In gorgeous Vista -Color heatbiom prkited anywhere in ,the A sportsear racing thriller worilyd, which dared ,to mention an with C O R N E L WILD E advertismentts the beverages he — — — -- -- -- -•, deyplores'; and screeening of all rad- io and telecasts wihich come from onut&de of Ontario 'bearing similar messages . . . All Week- May 19-24 You will appreciate the pho. tographic patience, the technical skill, the infinite research and ad- aptation involved in the filming of WALT DISNEY'S MASTERMCE Flowers o ' W Telegraphed Anywhere K.C. COOKE, FLORIST. Dial HU 2-7012—Clinton In Technicolor - The life -and -love story of a young female squirrel, her friends and her enemies, in a Utah for- est. A picture YOU and your family MUST NOT MISS! COMING: "The Garment Jungle" with GIA SCALA — Adult Entertainment -- Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY at 7.30 p.m. T TXS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk Extra Pants Free on all W. R. JOHNSTON MADE -TO -MEASURE SUITS Large selection of Imported English Woollens from $62.00 up Save up fo $26.00 OPEN FRIDle4;1f✓ NIGHTS III Pleckett & Campbell nn 1ie ARROW SHIRTS STI MSOX HATS Phone HU 2-$732 — Clinton, Ont. i