HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-05-15, Page 6ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA St. Paul's - Clinton REV. C. S. INDER, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Sunday after Ascension Day Sunday, May 18 8.30 ems-Holly Communion 11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer, 4.30 p.m-Evening Prayer Tuesday, May 20-St. Paul's WA will meet at the home of Mrs. C. Van Damme at 2.45. Wed., May 21-Friendship Club will meet in the Parish Hall at 8,15 p.m. Thurs., May 22-Chancel Guild at the home of Mrs. Norman Counter at 8 p.m. BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH I. BODENHAM, Pastor Sunday, May 18 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship "The Christian at Work" 7.30 p.m.-Evening Service "And If Children, Then Heirs" (Baptismal Service Wed., 8 p,m.-Prayer Meeting Is The 'Gift Of Prophecy In The Clauree Today You are cordially invited to these services, Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, May 18 Sunday School 0.45 a,m. Breaking of Bread 11.00 a.m. Gospel Service 8.00 p.m. Speaker: Mr. Fred Munnings, missionary on furlough from. India, TUESDAY, 8 p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study. `A hearty Welcome Awaits You" ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, May 18 9.45 am-Church School 10.45 am-Divine Service Evetybody Welcome Sincere Thanks AND Best Wishes ALEX ADDISON TO THE ELECTORS OF HURON litmA oftf8 oftRIOU tkei eio:RAti;b•.. Mrs. Della Nahrgang wilt be at Irwin% May 22 to 28. She can Show you the FOUR steps to true figure beauty. Ask her for YOUR FREE FIGURE ANALYSIS FUELOIL MOTOROIL GASOLINE LUBRICANTS kr1enest CLINTON Anstett CLEANED OPEN Free FRIDAY DIAMONDS of and Charge EVENINGS CHECKED Jewellers HU 2-9525 25% OFF ON Clearance ALL WHITE SAVE STOVE u3s0t sin32. SAVE Door Shelves List $379.95 SAVE NORGE heat, largest List $279.95 SAVE oNnolryge WC Lint Remover List $425 Sale! REFRIGERATOR I4X21" AUTOMATIC $83 RCA Oven $98 $72 door 9 gaPh-otwater 9 4-burner Kelvinator DRYER $105 air Lint Now Victor Now Now opening. Now GOODS Whirlpool Automatic Timer Only $246 - 11 cu, Big Freezer Only $282 - Lowest volume, biggest Screen Only $208 WASHER 9 lb load-useper lo - Safety Spin Only $319,95 ft. 1 a5 PL '+, asen' NI,. ,a \ ." S 22.0. 41 :::, ' ' '' " -4,---:.`-t. a - :1,;':e , -.1 t;,,,, V lir `4. hil , "1;1 -,-::e / siAV JUST ONE THING TO PtclAR moo? 7; 84 REPAIRS WILZ WEAR 'SWEAR:4 '4 , 5,;, 12''.."5"' '' G rilLI.2-384 . - CLINTON 1 .........,...„.„......,...„........4_-„._. _ s The Holiday KS 0 0 lir R I 16 S Weekend warai,_ ___„... , t 4411111111a ...,...... V s, ''.1, For BARTLIFFS SANDWICHES made TASTE Enriched with BETTER BREAD .., Our Saturday , From Our Store , RAISIN PIES Reg. Order Early. Special: Only- 55c for Don't be 45c disappointed. [BARTLIFFS BAKERY 4-•-•-•-•-•-•• LTD. Bakery and Restaurant sider this type of merchandising themselves. The matter was left with the police and !licensing a:unmet-tee for consideration. Boyes Family at Festival SIX Mn and Mrs, W, R.. Hiene Mil- Iron, spent the past weekend, with Mrs. Wilmer Wallis, Mr. and Mrs, II. E, 'Kerney and 'daughter Christine spent the weekend with relatives in St. Catherines. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Breakey, and son 'Richard, Zurich, were with Mr. and Mrs.. NI, T. CorleSS' for Mother's Day. 'Mr. and Mrs, Willis Van Eg- Mend spent the weekend with. Mr, end Mrs, John Van Egineed, Miefard, 1VIdeedgare Mr. and Rates. Kenneth Roberton and daughter Sandra, Mrs. Edgar Thompeon; Detroit, were weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs, George Rob:erten. Mr's', Mae Payne, Winnipeg, has Den visiting her aunt, Mrs. Grace Higgins during the past week, and has returned :to her home Sn Winnipeg. Wesley-Willis WMS Will Help With Mission Band The May meeting of Wesley- Willis Woman's! Missionary Soc- iety was held in the church, par., ler Thuroday, May 8. Mrs. C. Niel- son opened the meeting with, a poem. The WMS will provide lun- ch for the Mission Band picnic. Mrs. N. Holland took charge AS this Is the month for Moth- er's Day. Miss Stone spoke on "Hannah the Mother of Samuel". For roll call a verse of mother's favourite hymn was sung by all present. Mrs. Holland gave a few items on Japan followed by a fsYmn and Mizpah benediction. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Cetymer and daughter Karen, Lenders; Mr. and Mrs. Ron Beatty, Bothwell spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Glazier and Mrs. Albert Glazier. Gordon 1Vlitebell, Souris, Man- itoba, returned home after spend- iog some time with leis Uncle, A. D. McCartney, Mr, and Mrs. Patrick, Souris, Manitoba, were also guests here, Arthur .E:, Saunders, Winnipeg, representative of Dow 'Oheanieal for the Prairie Provinces, being on a business trip to Toronto, spent Mother's! Day weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ousting- harne, his parents-in-law. Mrs, W, S. R. Holmes has re- turned after spending a few Weeks with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Dawson and' children at Beaure- paire, Quebec. ST. ANDREW'S WMS WILL MEET MAY 2 The Women's Missionary Sec- lettY of St, A'ndrew's Presbyter- ian ;Church will meet on Tuesday, May 20 at the name of Mrs. R. McKenzie. 0 RUBIDIUM LODGE WILL MEET ON MAY 21 The. Huronic Rebekah. Lodge No, 306 will meet on Wednesday, May 21, at 8.15 p.m. in the ledge room. Th•ei charter will be drap- ed in memory of the late Mists lVforwennow Judd at this meet- ing. Dairy Requests Some Protection Through Municipal By.Law Gerald Holmes, of ,Fairholme Dairy, approached council on Tuesday night, requesting that consideration be given some type of protection against the bring- ing in of packaged milk, for sale from grocer's dairy ease's. Mr. :Holmes told of this type of merchandising already begun in Goderich, and he hoped that it would' not be necessary in Clin- ton. He presented a proposed by- law to council for consideration. Councillor Dale spoke in sup- port of Mr. Holmes, mentioning that the milk at times is several days old' before i:t reaches the cus- tomer's refrigerator. Holmes sug- gested that sometimes it is 'two weeks old, Reeve B. Stanley, him- self a :grocer, said the milk was five days old before it arrives in town, and then is delivered only twice a week. In Exeter said Mr. Holmes the grocers co-operated, and refused to 'handle this packaged milk. Reeve Stanley spoke in support of the Eadaholme Dairy noting that it was a modern plant, buy- ing from local farmers, and sh- ould be: assisted. Councillor Bridle agreed that the dairy had a modern and ef- ficient -staff, but said he felt that the packaged milk was the mod- ern way, and 'suggested that per- haps the local dairy could con- Hearthside Club H Meeting In Chapel The Hearthsfde Club of Ont- ario Street United Church met on Thursday evening, May 8, with She devotion service in the chapel led by Mrs. Roy Wheeler, assist- ed by Mrs. W. Olde. Mrs. Ruth. Knox conducted the :business session, and Mrs. Lois Elliott was in charge of the pro- gram. Miss Jean Mills played a piano solo and Mrs. Nilsson Wiltse ,presented a solo. Guest speaker was Clifford H. Epps, who showed some of his slides and :this was much enjoyed. 111111111111111111111111111111111 HARRY WILLIAMS c-ircie HARRY WILLIAMS OBITUARY • Addison A. Pegg Funeral service was conducted on Monday, May 12, at the A. Mil- lard George funeral chapel, Lon• den, for the late Addison Andrew Pegg. Interment was in Woodland Cemetery. Mr. Pegg, who WAS president of Sherlock-Manning Piano Co. Ltd., 'Clinton, died at his. home at W. Eimwoed Ave., London, on Friday, May 9. 'He WAS in his 84th! year. Mrs, Pegg, the former Nellie Elizabeth Orr pre,deceased him several months ago, Surviving are cue son, Dudley M. Pegg, Clinton; dour daughters, Mrs. C. H, (Doris) Magee, B.R. 5', Clinton; Mrs. T, Ivan (Isobel) Guilboarcl, Montreal, Que.; Mrs. H. A. (Marjory) Snell, Scbeneets !ady, N, Y, and Miss Elizabeth Pegg, London; one sister, Miss Grace 0. Pegg, Hamilton. 0 Sixth Break-In Thieves Are Not Successful in Try For the: sixth time, O'Brien's Produce in Zurich was the victim of break-and-enter-damage, but for ehe sixth time escaped loss of money from the safe, The incid- ent occurred on Tuesday night. When the entry was discovered yesterday morning, it was found that holes, had been, drilled in the safe preparatory to blowing it :open. Apparently the would-be thrives had been frightened off 'before 'they could complete' the job. Investigation is being carried out by Constables' J. Taylor and J. Moore, Mount Forest, of the identification branch of the OPP. Constable .Gibbons, Exeter, also is investigating. Telephone wires leading from three near-by houses had been cut presumably to cut down danger of 'having any disturbance report- ed quickly to police. Investigators say, this. 'is 'definitely the work of experts, not :of "small time op- erators". aniteb eburcb REV. J. A. McKIM, B.A. MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE. Choir Director Sunday, May 18 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 am-Morning Worship, "The Christian Church" HOLMESVILLE 9.45 a.m.-Morning Worship 11.00 a.m.-Sunday School Let us use the Lord's Day to strengthen our Christian Faith PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A,O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Assistant Pastor: B. DAVIDSON' Friday, May 16- 8.00 p.m,-Christ's Ambassadors: Sunday, May 12.- 10k0 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 aare-Moening Worship 7.00 p.m.-Gospel Service Tuesday, May 20- 8.00 p.m.-Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. A Special Welcome Awaits You Christian Reformed Church REV. G. J. HOYTEMA, Minister 10.00 a.m.-Service in Dutch 11.30 a.m.-Sunday School 2.30 p.m.-Service in English Everyone Welcome Saturday 9.30 a.m.-Bible School Listen to the denominational broadcast of the Christian Re- formed Church: Back to God Hour. Every Sunday, Sarnia, Ontario, CKOC, 8.30 a.m., 1070 kcs, Windsor, Ont., CK- LW, 10.30 p.m., 800 kcs. Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON' Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on hire's day as follews: 11.00 a.m.-Breaking Bread 3.00 p.m.-Sue:day Selo& 7.00 p.m.-Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.M.-Wednesday- Prayer Meeting and Bible Iteadieg, PORTER'S HILL The Woman's Association of' Grace Chisrela held their Meier meeting par Tuesday last at the home of Mrs. Reid Torrance, The president, Mrs, A, Lockhart was in charge of 'the meeting which opened with 'a 'hymn and Mrs.. C, a Peacock led lin prayer. The Scripture lesson and topic were given by Mrs. Allen Betties, call was answered with a Bible verse beginning with "M". Read- ings were given by Mrs. Bauer and Mrs. Peacock. Plans were made for having the basement of the church painted and a .eornraittee appointed to choose colours, etc,. end also to purchase drapes for the windows,. Talent money articles were br- ought in by Mrs. William Town- shend and Mrs. A, Lockhart, The afternoon was' spent quilting and the meeting closed with the Miz-pah :benediction!, The June meeting will be held :at Bayfield in the parsonage. INTON. TT. WS TiLTR.S.DAY, MAY 15, 15.8 The Boyes family brought home their usual collection of top awards from the music festivals this month, Bev. (top right) placed first in Goderich with 85 marks in the senior tenor class and then went to the Kiwanis Festival in Stratford to take three firsts in the tenor classes (marks were 84, 84 and 83), there. Budd (top left) placed first with 83 points in the changed voice class. Bayne was second in the 14 years and under class and Bonnie placed first in a class of 20 girls 11 years and under with a mark of 85. The latter three competed at Goderich. These young people are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Boyes, Clinton. (News-Record Photo) AUBURN. Mrs. J., Taylor is visiting her daughter, Maus. Lloyd Raithby and Mr. Raithlay, London. Mr. and Mra. D. A. MacKay and family visited Mr. and Mrs, J. R, Weir and family over the • weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Beverly French and 'family, Detroit, vlsited Mr. and Mrs. George Beadle on' San-day, Miss Marie Andrews, Hamilton; Shirley Patterson, Hamilton, were weekend visitor at their homes here. George Wright, Western Undv- :ersity, is holidaying at his home. here prior to taking up a job with the London PUC. Mr. and Mrs, Reg Asquith! and family, Toronto, visited the form-er's parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. K. Asquith over the weekend. Ron leathwell, St. Catherenes, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Taylor over the weekend and Mrs. Rath- weil. and :Michael John, who have been Waiting here returned home with; him. Mrs. Taylor went With them. and only one way to solve your figure problem 1116:1V0. WORE fOURilla What's Your Figure Problem? Looking for new figure beauty... new comfort • . new health? Or are you looking , for all three? Whatever your problem, the only Imre answer s Spirella, made to fit you exactly, to support you naturally and Comfortably', to help you look and feel your Very best. PERSONALS LADIES' WEAlt Phone 2-663: Church Directory CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: JOHN AGULIAN, B.Th. 11.00 a.m.-"A Man Without Guile" 12.00 noon-Sunday School 3.00 p.m.-Worship Service at Auburn A Cordial Welcome to Ali ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH. "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor-REV. GRANT MILLS, D.A. 9.45 am,---Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship, Order of the East- ern Star Church Parade. 7.00 prn.-Evening Service in the Chapel TURNER'S eltURCII 2.00 p.m,- Worship Service' rn.-Sunda3P Seh001