HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-05-15, Page 4tee of the, Mr Cadet League of Canada. They were awarded to Cadets W. Brown, R. -Conal4r, W. C. Clement, J, Curren, p, Feag- an, K. 'Finnigan, W., 3, Kerr, P. LlnItlater, G. Mahon, P. 1%/XU,. Creel:1h, A. MeNee, J. IVIorris. and J. Sully. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE a-I-Am-kr/4w e Sinkage/ TIRE SALE ON NEW B.F.Goodrich TIRES Complete line of tires to fit every budget ...driving need all with EXTRA VALUE FEATURES( AND LIFETIME GUARANTEE ! YOUR RECAPPABLE TIRES ARE WORTH MORE NOW! SPECIAL! See the new B.F.G. DELUXE NYLON V NYLON PROTECTION V LOWEST PRICES EVER 5.1 =Mr WO .•411•••••• SOUTH END CITIES SERVICE (Ma SERVICE LLOYD BUTLER WHITE ROSE SERVICE Phone HU 2-9021 — Clinton, Ont. WHITE ROSE 1 04 g, HAsRuRtioYco WSERAVTICKEINS Phone HU 2-6661 -- Clinton, Ont. CANTELON'S Service Station CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS Phone HU 2-9032 — Clinton, Ont. FREE TIRE ' sAFE V t -HlECK NOW! NO MORE RAIDS On your Savings Account Fight off raids on your savings this' ;businesslike way. Use a Royal Bank Personal Chequing Account to pay Ibills; keep your Savings Account strictly for saving! Ask about this new (Roy4 TWO-ACCOUNT PLAIlej E IIWYA IL BANK ,OF CANADA Clinton Branch - - 0. L. Engeistad, Manager Goderich Branch - - - H. G. Spring, Manager CHOOSE YOUR OWN TERMS ON ANY FARM LOAN over $1500 at TRANS CANADA CREDIT Need extra cash for your farm? Then solve your fuaancial problem with a loan from Trans Canada Credit. Right now Trans Canada Credit is offering special terms on all farm loans above $1,500. Payments can be spread over as long as two-and- a-half years, and can be made in any one of these three ways: 1 QUARTERLY 2 HALF-YEARLY 3 ANNUALLY REGULAR LOANS Loans of $1,000 and less are available on Trans Canada Credit's monthly payment terms. Don't let the lack of ready money prevent you from buying seed, stock, or any other farm requirement. Get the cash you need at Trans Canada Credit. THE ALL.CANACIAN LOAN COMPANY TRANS CANADA CREDIT CORPORATION r'"Ai Phone 797 148 he Square, Goderich Ontario • • • • • • 4 4 4 • • I I 4 I • 4 I 4 I 4 I I I 4 I I 4 9 4 4 4 4 9 1 1 4 4 4 9 4 4 4 9 9 1 4 • ;vs Q.K,, we Neve a telephone In our bedroom too • • • • • • • • • • To order, call your telephone business office. • • • The younger you are the easier it is That's what the middle-aged "duffers" say on the golf course when a teenager breaks 80 for the first time. It's the same story with family protection. The younger you are when you first arrange it, the more likely you are to be insurable. And the younger you are, the lower the premiums, too. The Mutual Life of Canada is helping thousands of young Canadians plan for future security. Talk to a Mutual of Canada man soon and he'll show you how Mutual's outstanding dividend record really pays off for the young man on his way up. di I Representative: H. C. LAWSON, Clinton, Ontario Phones: Bos, HU 2-9644; Res. HU 2-9707 CJ UTUAL VIE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA ESTMILISHED 10).11540 OFFICE: WATERLOO. ONT. ,p4GE muR Nag PIPTTON MWS-AMC= rniugsDAY,, MAY 110, 1958 colleCting these items of folk-lore of Nova Scotia. The stories, of the devil and his• ways will raise the 'hair on the back of your neck, Below The Salt (Thomas B, .Costaia) Do you like a good historical tale? .Constain has written a mag- nificent story of the people and events of the time of King John and the Magna Charta, The real story is framed in an unusual. way, which might put you off, but "do not let it keep you from finishing this splendid tale of the days when knights were bold, By Love Possessed (John. Gould Clozzens) Although it has been at the top of the book lists in the cities, this book has been shunned by the local readers'. The story re- volves around several prominent families in a small American' town. The time elment of the book was' brief, about 24 hours; there are too many flash-backs. Also, if this is' a sample of modern witting, I prefer the smoothly Rowing Eng- lish of Casten, That is inerelY the opinion of one reader, Time will tell !whether is enjoys a mom- entary fame pr endures to become a navel descriptive of the "fifties", Air Cadets Receive Awards During Inspection Held at Goderich Arena If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Now and then everybody gets a (lived-out" feeling, and may be bothered_ by backaches. Perhaps oath- ing seriously wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often cause back- ache and tired feeling. Then you feel better, rest better, work better, Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now, Look for the blue box with the red band at all drug eounters.You can depend en Dodd's. on • How well t. do you now oivrrAmcp? Cheek your knowledge by identifying this map However well you know Ontario, you'll enjoy getting to know it better. Make a point this year of exploring its highways and byways, . visiting its lovely lakes and vacationing at one of its modern resort areas . like the Rideau Lakes district shown above. Take the first step now, by filling out and mailing the coupon below. They Shall Not Pass Unseen (Yvan Southall) The author has collected many stories and facts about the men who flew the Sunderland flying boats. :dulling the Battle of the At,. lentie, Country Life Picture Book of English History History is a fascinating subject. at any time but more so when the monuments and relics of the past are pictured, Let's All Hate Toronto (Jack McLaren) Of course we do not all hate Toronto but we 'are quite used to using it as' a peg on which to hang scraps of satire, sarcasm and 'sayings, This is really- a fun- ny book, mostly cartoons with brief witty paragraphs, - A Traveller In Rome (ft. V. Morton) Have not had an opiportounity to read this one but we can trust a book from the pen 'of H. V. Morton to give us pleasure in facts and' word-pictures, Grandma Takes A Hand (John Tait) The !author was born in Scotland and uses the scenes of his child- hood !as a background for his star- les, revolving around Grandma and her grandson, Duncan, who relates the !amusing episodes. This is for the reader who wants an occas- ional light and humorous beak, To Live Again (Catherine Marshall) Have not had time to read this one either as it is in great demand. Catherine Marshall will' be rem- embered for the biography of her husband, "The Man Called Peter," Garden Rubbish (Sellars and Yeatman) . These' two men are famous for their earlier book, which can make you chuckle' whenever you pick it up, "1066 and all that". When you are tired of heaving rubbish out of . ;the garden, pick ,up this little book and you will forget about the crick in your back. Bluenose Ghosts (Collected and edited by Helen Creighton) The author has had a grand time The ""Big Night" occurred Wed- nesday for the 80 Air Cadets. of 932 "MaUland". Squadron when their annual inspection tool; place Wednesday in, the Goderich arena. Reviewing officer for tlw in- spection was Group Captain A. C. Kenyon, CD, Commanding Officer of ROW 'Station Centralia., and the -cadets were inspected by him - in company with Flight Lieuten- ant ,L M. Cuff, Commanding Qf- ficer of the Squadron; I. Erb, chairman of the, Ontario Provinc- ial Committee of the Air Cadet League of Canada; J, K. Sully, chairman of the sponsoring com, mittee of the Goderich Lions Club and Melt Lieutenant R. K. Roid- ston, Air Cadet Liaison Officer from Training Command Head- quarters, ROW Trenton, After the qnspection, the squad- ron performed a march past. un- der command of Cadet Warrant Officer Grant Townsend, award winner as the most valuable cadet in the squadron_ Other awards were presented to cadets. for their achievements dur- ing the year. Cadet Warrant Of- ficer P. W. McCreath was award- ed' his ii CAC Wings for having completed the. Cadet flying cour- se of 30 hours flying and 60 hours. ground instruction. This 'training qualifies him for ,his civilian Priv- ate Pilot's License, Trophy for the most valuable Cadet below the re.nk, of corporal was given Ito Cadet Leading Mrcraftman 0, Peagan. Attendance awards. were pre- sented by Mayor Drnie Fisher, Goderich, to Cadets Grant Town- send, IS. ID, McLean!, W. Clements, J. T. Chambers and R. J, Cous- ins., Graduetion certificates w er e presented by I. Irb, vice-chairman of the Ontario Provincial Commit- Charge Against Blyth Woman Dismissed in Londesboro Fatality A charge of careless driving,' laid against Mrs. (boy Doherty, was ,dismissed here on, Tuesday, morning by iVfagistrate D. IS. Holmes, Goderich. The ch- arge resulted from an accident when! six-year-old Cathy Little, Was killed when in collision :with a car operated by Mrs. Doherty, Oscar A. Linton, Stratford, was fined $100 and casts- after he pleaded guilty to a charge of cri- minal negligence laid following a three-car collision at Clinton's main intersection 'on Sunday even- ing, April, 18. His operator's per- mit was' suspended for six months. Bob- .Garen pleaded guilty to careless driving on March 31, vvii- lel" resulted in a rear end collision on the highway -between Seaforth and !Clinton. Apparently he had gone to sleep, while c4ompleting a long trip with his 'parents. $15 and costs was, the. fine. M. !Charlebois pleaded guilty. -to careless -driving which, resulted in damage of f5175 to his own car. He was fined and, license was sus- pended for three months. William Pinning, charged with failing to yield the right-of-way was' fined' $10 and cost's'. Mr. Pin- ning, Who !is employed at Sher- lock-Manning Piano. Company said he had 'driven far 38 years with- out an accident. Airman David Grant Tadhey, 17, was charged with racing his car's motor, and making -unneces- sary noise on March 27, The case was dismissed' with a stern warn- ing. .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Canada's leading consumer finance company offers both money management advice and fast, friendly service on loans up to $1,000. At HFO you conduct your business in privacy, with people you Modern money service backed can trust, and you choose by 80 years of experience your own repayment terms. R. K. Fitch, Manager 35A West Street Telephone 1501. 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