HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-05-08, Page 7TKURSDAY, MAY .8 1958 CL,1 MN Nk:WS RECORD PAGE SEVEN WANT AIDS Accommodation For Rent :.3 ROAM APAWMENT, heater .andl furnished, suitable Tor couple. Phone HU 2-6692. 19-1 - 3 ROOM APAR71MENT, self con- stained and furnished. Phone IiU 2 --99218. 19-b :2-3 ROOM PURNI'SHED apart- :ments, utilities paid, evaillable dm- 'rnediatel, Phone HU 2-9540, 18.9-b -HOUSE, 2 bedrooms odern .con- vemerxces, garden'"M garage, 6 miles from Clinton. Phone HU 2- '7525. 15-tfb 3 ROOM APARTMENT, furnish - ked, modern conven!Wn es, self- contaiilned .on ground .floor. Ph- one HU 2-95'81. 19 -Ip 'TWO FURNISHED, Apartments. .,A72 modem" conveuliences„ Heated !'by di furnace. Suitable for ooupks. One imn-ediate, other .June 1. Phone HU 2-9479 or HU ::96434. 17-tfb Accommodation Wanted 'YOUNG COUPLE with two child- ren would like: to rent small; house lin, or near 'Clinton, Phone HU 2- '7588, evenings. 19-p :2 BEDROOM DOWNSTAPPRS .apartment or 2 bedroom house chi ((Mnton, wanted, for end of July o.or middle of August. Box 171, ,Clinton .News -Record. 17-tfb Articles For Sale ..DOHIERTY PIANO FOR SALE', :in ;good condition. Contact Mrs. Earl Blake, HU 2-9114. 19"P FILMS DEVELOPED in 24 hours. GPrompt photo finishing. Clinton 1' Alley 16-1 -18-19- 'Bow 7 f MELL PIANO FOR, 'SALE, in •reasonably good condition. Phone 1larol!d Black, HU 2.- 3873• 19-p Q-U,ANTITY OF NEW LUMBER, "I1" and 2", mostly Hemlock, Pha'ne HU 2-9123, - -19-P STUDIO COUCH IN GOOD con- Altion, Also steamer trunk. Phmie _HU 2-9645. 19-b 'iFIlEIAVY ,DUTY WOODWORKING Plower Toils, in first crass condi- tion. Complete With motor and ac- cessones. John. Plum -tree. 19-20-+p CEDAR POSTS, AND B1IACES; also, poles of all kinds, hydro and' 'litter carrier. Phone Walter For- 'bes, HU 2-9267. 19-p 'USED 'ELECTRIC WASHER. IN good working order, -also a few -.spring roasti'xag chickens 6-7 lbs. dressed. Phone HU 2-9005. 19-p �CANAD:IAN CEMENT, unlimited ,quantity in stock. Low ,prices'. A. r G. • Grigg & Son, phone HU 2-9411. 18tfb. 1 USED 12" RCA TV; 1 used Astral refrigerator; 2 used hat - plates; 2 used GE automatic irons. All cow 'priced. Fencer Batteries and repairs. Phone HU 2-7021. 19b BROODER HOUSE, 11' x 12' for salle. Roll of poultry wire, 4 ft.; chicken feed hoppers, water pails. Small quantity of planks. Phone HU 2-9370, 19=b , DETTING MARRIED? See samp- .les of wedding stationery at the .News -Record office, Invitations, thank -you cards, wedding cake ,boxes, place cards, serviettes, :match books, etc, 11-tfb -EMTER QUEEN SALES AND SeNi'ce, Repairs to all makes of 'Vacuum Cleaners. Reconditioned c9eanars of lair, makes for sale. Bob Peck, Varna, Phone Hensall r 696x•2. 17-19-21-23-p SUMMER REDUCTION on Pion- eer 'Saws. Sa-6rigs of 10 percent. , Qulaliity and dependability at the lowest price ever. Contact Rab- •ert CAen. Pliloneer Chain Saws. Phone iPW 2-9909, Clinton, 19.20-p Simpsons -Sears Appointment Simps6ns-Sears takes great pleasure in announcing the appointment of Mr. Jack Adams as their Sales Rep- resentative in Clinton and district. I Adv, -19b j FOR QUICK RESULTS ARTICLES FOR" SALE MAGIC MARKERS. Will write on anything, glass, wood, paper, e. Dry immediately. Seven differen colours. Good for ,poster work signs, etc. $1.10 each, refills, 50c Clinton News -Record, 37-tf,014,YOUR 0WASHY IS WOR TH money when traded on a new Westinghouse washer. T, A. but ton's Appliance Store, Brucefield Phone Clinton HU 2-3.232. 11 tfb SEVERAL NEW PATTERNS in English Bone China Dinnerware, including lovely "Cornflower". Se it and others in our window an get our low Prices for fine china. �Countees Jewellery: 19-p MOTORS AND GENERATORS rewound and repaired. Brushes, capacitors, switches, bearings; small appliances repaired. Used or reconditioned motors for sale. Art Levett, Isaac Street at Dunlop. Phone HU 2-6640. 44tfb 26 ft. MOBILE ROME, aaumklum, Zbre-gla8s insulation, cupboards, bed, ,studio couch, ail beating, propane cooking, tandem torsion axles, easy Itowendg, Only $1,3451. Vac Dinmdn, phone 1.68, Zurich. 18-9-.b Articles Wanted SMALL CRIB, 18" x 36". Phone IIID 2-9152. 19-b SMAILL 2 -WHEELED CABIN trailer 'wanted', must 1be re:asonab- ly ;priced. Jonathan Hugill, RR 2, Se0ombh., phone HU 2-9822,19-b Automobiles For Sale 1950 AUSTIN SEDAN, new tires, in good running condiitnon. ' 'Phone HU 2-9354, dafter 7 p.m. 19-p 1954 PONTIAC DELUXE SED- AN in very gaotd condition, AM- eage 22,000. John Plumtree. 1'8-9-p 195'1 MONARCH, equipped radio, heater; one -owner; very clean; bent cash offer accepted. Phone HU 2-7446. 19-p BOARD AND ROOM AICOOMMODATION FOR room- ers or boarders. Mrs. Har&, op- posite RCAF Stat'i'on. Phone IDU 2-'9226. 19-20-p Business opportunities (7WN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, [sigh Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton HU 2-6692, 16tfb CUSTOM WORK --- — FOR YOUR PLUMBING AND Heating needs, call HU 2-9433. Hawkins Hardware. 2-tfb 4UTOMATIC SAW Sharpening. Saws retoothed, jointed and filed for $1.25. Or just filed and set 75 cents. Automatic butcher knife ind scissor sharpener, scissors 15 cents, knives 10 cents. W. E. 'Bill" Jervis, Fulton . Street, Clin- ton. Phone HU 2-9664. 35p-tfb WE ARE i AGAIN SPRAYING weeds -this year, Weed' sprays are getting better all the time. We now have an excellent spray for twitch grass which is guarant- eed. We also have a• special spray to use an fields seeded' wiwithclov- er. Phone Lloyd Medd, HU 2-9'836. -18tfb FARM EQUIPMENT For Sole' M -H HAY LOADER; MANURE spreader; 3 furrow M -H plow; mower, Apply to Fred Gilbert, R!R No. 1, Goderich, Ontario. Phone L4'83'J1, Goderich. 19-1p Help Wanted . GOOD MAIN WANTED to assist with farm work. Good wages:, Jon- athan Hiugilll, RIR 2, Seaforth, ph- .Hi ane U 2-9822. 19b NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY requires GIRLS and MEN For Assembly Line Work Five day week, good working conditions, Apply in person for interview to National Carbon Company WALKERTON Phone 8881 19-20-b HELP WANTED --FEMALE I1ZLS TO LEARN LAUNDRY Work, Contact Clinton Laundry and. Dry Cleaners. 2-tfb SCi-fOOL AGE GI•FbL WANTED; 2 years High School; 'typiing zabll- ity. Apply at Royal 13a.nk during office 17�aurs. 1cJ-b SEED FOR SALE PLANT CORN FOR BIGGER Dollarst Plant Pfister Hybrids for bigger returns than any oth- er hybrid, as proved by over 12,000 actual. Checks in Canada and the U.S.A, Sold by Ernest Johnston, RR 1, Goderich Phone WW. 19-20-21-p - RATES - No chaarge for announcements of Births, Marriages and Deaths Articles for sale, rent, etc., Card of Thanks, in Memoriam, engagements, 3c Word, minimum 75e, Box No. to this office 15c additional. Repeat in- sertions 2e a word, minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNT: x/s if paid by Saturday to] - lowing last .insertion. Billing charge of 10c added each time bill is sent. Latest Time for Insertions - 12 moon Wednesday Ilial HU 2-3443 t;ivestock Wanted ATTENTION FARMERS:: ..Cash paid for sick, down anti disabled t cows and horses, also dead cows. : and horses, Anything under 500 lbs. picked up free of charge. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling and Co, of Canada Ltd. 26•p-'V MR. FARMER!R! CASH PAID for sick, down and disabled cows and horses, also dead cows and horses. Please phone promptly, 24-hour service. hour service. See BRUCE MARLATT, d Phone Collect 56 r 7 Brussels 12-tfb OLD HORSES WANTED AT 3'/ac Ib., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS. MIND RANCH, phone col- lect, Goderich, 1483 J 4 or 1483 J 1. 52-27-p LIVESTOCK POR SALE REGISTERED MLSTEIiN COW, 10 years' old, ddue May 22, suit - Able .for haled m illdng. Phone Walter Forbes. ITU 2.9267. 19-p 2 REGIESTfER'ED AYRSHIRE. cows, one 'due, in 'three weeks, the other :due, now. Phone Haxxy Plums'teeil, RR 5, Clinton, HU 2- 3286. 19-b AN AUCTION SALE EVERY Friday at 2 p.m., of 35 to 50 fresh and springing dairy cows and heif- ers. Few open heifers. Well mar- ked Holstein heifer calves at Mc- Lelland Sale Barn, Bervie, 11 to 22-b GREY - BRUCE HEREFORD Breeders Annual Spring Sale, of 114 Balls and 10 .females, at .the Onven Sound Coliseum, on May 16, 2 pm. DST. All bulls are el- igible for government grant. tLunr ch will be served. Arthur Lemox, 380 2nd Ave East, Owen S'oun'd. 19-:b THE GREY BRUCE HURON ABERDEEN ANGUS BREEDERS ASSOCIATION are holding their annual SPRING SALE at Walkerton Sales Arena on Thursday May 15th at 1:30 p.m. Eight sires and 23 females have been consigned. Auctioneer is Duncan Brown, Shedden. 19b -LOST and FOUND LOST—,BROWN CI4'ANGE purse with lady's gold watdh inside, Dost -in the, vicinity near the post of - face. Keepsake. Finder please bsiing mt to the Clinton News -Rec- ord, 19-p MISCELLANEOUS YOUR PIANO, carefully tuned, Call George W. Cox, HU 2-3870. 15-19p SCRATCH PADS, 3 x 5 inches Available in quantity. 5c each. 10 pads for 40c. Clinton News -Re- cord. 18 +tfb WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Establish- ed Jewellery Store. 19-p FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED, like new, full: range of covers, aa - so can re -style, estimates. cheer- fully given, Phone, Arthur E. Clark, RR 1, Auburn, Blyth 20r14, 18-191-20-21-p SEPTIC TANKS, CESS -POOLS etc,, pumped and cleaned with modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Write' or phone Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels. Phone' 42r6, Brussels. 10 to 31-p EXPERT REPAIRS yawn mowers and outboard mot- irs. Factory trained mechanic. Free pick-up and delivery in town ind RCAF Station. Phone HU 2.- )622. Ellwood Epps Sporting -roods, 14-tfb .,ET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chan- es, Expert work done reasonably :o your satisfaction. Watch re- Wrs and Pearl restringing. W. N, Counter. 19-p Flan a'rblHo al Insemimation ser- vice ore more information, tel'e- *one ('collect) the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association Clinton HU 2•-3441 Between 7:30 and 9:30 A.m. We supply service to top qual- ity ,bulls of the Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Brown Swiss, Red Poll, Hereford (polled and oined) Beef Shorthorn (polled and horned), and Dual Purpose Shorthorn, Angus and Cilia: se MONEY WANTED $1,000 SEICOdND X0,11TGA.,GE on. apartment building, 8 percent 511- terest, good. invest7non't. Apply by dotter only to Box No, 191., Clinton New4llecord. I lob IdASTURE FOR. RENT_ H&VE! t O rD PA9TUR', .LOTS of w+atrr, also shade, for 4D, head of young cattle. Apply to Fred t Gilbo , RFI, 1, Goderich, Phonc 14830'1, 19-p Property For Sale SUM 74R. COTTAGE, four romis, m'od'ern, in, good' repair; on Lake Huron, between Bayfield and God'etitich, lovely ,beach. Stewart Schoenhals, +Clinton, Ontario, Phone HU 2-9777, 184fb. 7 ROOM HOUSE; and garage, cen- tral 'Clinton, stoker furnace, 3 .bedrooms, open fireplace in den, hardwood Roors'. Taxes- and heat- ang casts exceptionally Sow, Priced right ,for quick sale Phone HU 2- 9558. 19-p REAL ESTATE $3500.00 FULL PRICE, 5 room 1% storey insul brick house sit- uated on Highway 4, — now rent- ed for $50.00 a month — This property priced right for quick sale, good income property. $4000.00 COTTAGE on Lake Hur- on, 8 miles from Clinton — living room with fire place — separate kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 piece bath, Mortgage possible. 8 ROOM TWO STOREY FRAME HOUSE, close to uptown, 3 bed- rooms and bath up, large kitchen with built in cupboards, furnace, one car garage. Situated in good residential district. K. W. COLQUHOUN Insurance and Real Estate Phone HU 2-9747—Clinton TENDERS SEALM TENDERS' will be re- ceived by Stanley Township o re r School Area Board for the deco'r' ating of No. 6 and No. 7 schools, both ins-ide and outside. Must be completed during sum- mer vacation. TENDERS to be in the hands of the secretary-breas:ure'r by 12 o'clock noon, May 31, 1958. The schools, may be .seen by contact- ing 'Mr, Lloyd Heard, for No. 6, and Mr. Ward Forrest &or No. 7, Lowest or any tender, not neces- sarily .accepted. T, B. BAIRD, secretary -treasurer, Brucefield, Ontario. 19-20-b TENDERS TENDERS will be received for supplying 21/2 tons of Atlacide and about 30 gals, of 2, 4-D Arnine for the Township of Stanley Tenders to be in the hands of Cleric not later than May 17, 1958, at 12 o'clock noon. FRED WATSON, Clerk, Township of Stanley. 19-20-b AUCTION SALE of Household Effects from, the home of the late Mrs. Rose Teb- butt, Cutter Street, Clinton, on Saturday, May 17th at :1.30 p.m. consisting of; 3 ,piece parlor suite (love seat, rocking chair, and larrA chair) ; 2; rocking chairs; 2 rugs; Coleman oil space- heater; iron bed, springs and mattress; sideboard; ,dining rooms table; -floor lamps; table lamps,; 2 -dressers; wash stands; cherry ;gilassd top cupboard; ixine cupboard; kitchen table; chairs, coal• sand wood mage; annex heat- er 1(nearly new) ; -power lawal mower; .fancy and antique dashes!, cooking :utensils and numerous other articles. Terms: Cash Proprietor: George Grant Auctioneer: Edward W. Elliott 19.20b BIRTHS f h BIAS,LA�NGiER — In Olin -ton Public' I ■ osipital. orn Thursday, May 1,O THFAF �IIntD ,to 1 �■ a 1,5_1 n Clinton Public Ms - on Sunday, May 4, 1958. ,,and Mrs. Stanley Co1hns, kite 5, dQUA-toui, a daughter. FlC)II36ES --, In Clinton Public +Hosoi'tak on, Thursday, May 1, 19558, to ACI and Mrs. Ray Nbrbes, RCAF Station,, Clinton, a daughter, PiE'CgI�2TT — In Clinton Public ,Hospital on IFniday, May 2, 1958, to Mr. and; Mrs, John Peckitt, RR 3, Seaforth, a Bion. DEATHS JU'DV In •Clinton !Public Hospn•t- a'1, on Wednesday, April' 30, 1958, Miss Morwennow Isabel Judd, 'beloved daughter of the late Thomas and Harriet Judd, in her 64th, year. Funeral from the Balli and Mutch funeral home, High, Street, jClinban, to Clinton Cemetery, on Saturday afternoon, May 3, by the Rev. Grant MM, s, WILSON --At Port Stanley, on Monday, April 29, 1958, Kate Stirling, beloved wife of George WM—on, in her 71st year. F un- erall on: May 1, and, interment in Elmd'ale Memorial Park Ceune- •eery, AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Household Effects from the of Farm, Farm Stock, Machinery home of I and Household Effects at lot 23, Dick Noble, Ontario Street Con. 2, McKillop twp., 1%4 north (across from the Clinton Public and 1 mile east of Seaforth on School) Tuesday, May 13 Wednesday, May 21st at 1 p.m. DST at 1.30 p.m. the following: Machinery: Ford tractor, fully Studio couch, wicker rocker; equipped with pully plow and cul - wicker darm, chair; dining room tivator; Dearborn mower and sn- table, buffet and chairs, Axmin- ow blade; M -H 7 ft. binder on rub- ster rug 12'X9'1; 2 snatching scat- ber, like new; Cockshut side rake; ter rugs; other scatter rugs; Vel- Cockshut 13 disk fertilizer drill; our ChesterfdeW; 2 'upholstered drop head hay loader; 3 drum st- chadrsr, gramophone: and records; eel roller; tractor disk; dump small walnut 'Gable; walnut end rake; 4 section harrows; rubber table; other sma,1111 .tables; 3 beds; tired wagon; 16 ft. flat hay rack; dressers; wash, stands; dnner sp- 2 wheel trailer with stock rack; ring mattresses; 2 roll top couch- Power emery and motor; set doub- es; mantel radio; 8 'day clock; le heavy harness; set of 8 harness; walnut chest of • d'raw'ers; sewing Fairbank Morse fanning mill; cut - machine; 2 rocking chairs; table ting box; hay fork; ropes; colony lamps; hall tree; Beatty washing house; string 60 bells, team bells; machine; Philco refrigerator; el- rubber tired manure spreader, like ectric, range'tte; electric hot plate; new; pig crate; aluminum wheel Westinghouse iron; Master vac- barrow; de Laval electric cream uum cleaner (nearly new)) ; ro11 separator; Electric Pail water hea- ter • 2 00 1 , scales • Co-op steel ]inoQeum Pearl new); Quebec 0 b P n ( ) heater; small drum heater; coal Pig feeder; quantity lumber; 8 oil stove a.dn oven; kitchen table; cedar posts. kitchen chairs. and stool; clothes Grain: mixed grain, rack; wheel barrow; 6 ft. s't'ep Pigs: 1 Yorkshire sow, bred; 5 ladder; lawn mower (nearly Yorkshire chunks. new) ; 2 other Lawn mowers; 3 Poultry: 300 Hy -Line yr. old 45 .gal. all drum's; garden tools; hens. complete set of dishes; fancy Cattle: 1 Durham cow, clue in dashes; ,kitchen, dishes; a large May; Durham cow, recently fresh; quantity of bedding, dli.nens and, 2 Black cows, with calves; 10 reg - hand embroldered pieces, silver- istered Hereford cows, 6 with cal - ware; cooking utensils and numer_ ves at foot; 3 young calves; 1 3 yr. aus other articles.. old registered Hereford bull; 3 Terms: Cash Durham steers, 900 lbs.. Proprietor: Dick Noble Household Effects: 3 piece ches- Auctioneer: Edward W. Elliott terfield suite; 9 piece modern wal- 19-20b pint dd*iig, room suite, extension table; kitchen chairs; studio cou- ch; day bed; writing . desk; 2 Qu- ebec heaters; occasional chairs; rocking chairs; chest of drawers; beds; springs; new spring mat- tresses; GE De Lux table top st- ove; GE 9 cu. ft. Frigidaire; Elect- ro Lux vacum cleaner; other art- icles too numerous to mention. Farm: 100 acre farm, all work- able land; good buildings; excel- lent water supply; steel drive shed. Parcel 2: part lot 73 Bayfield Line, Goderich twp., 36 acres hard- wood bush, 2 miles north and 1 mile east of Bayfield. Terms: property 10 percent down, balance 30 days, sold sub- ject to reserve bid. Chattels, cash. Sale called on account of ill health. Proprietor: Albert Harrison Auctioneer: Harold Jackson Clerk: E, P. Chesney 18-19-b Two Shows Nightly Wido Sebe" NOW ---Thursday, Friday and Saturday DOUBLE BILL "THREE FOR THE SHOW" BETTY GRADLE -- JACK LEMMON "VALLEY OF FEAR" Gene Autry MONDAY TUESDAY --- WEDNESDAY "BOMBERS _ RS B S2" Taut drama -- action -- suspense amidst air warfare in Korea . , . when a master sergeant takes on a captain -- anything can happen, and does! In Cinemascope and Warnercolor, NATALIE WOOD -- KARL MALDEN -- MARSHA HUNT THURSDAY -- FRIDAY , SATURDAY "MR. ROCK AND ROLL" The biggest picture about the biggest thing since swing , . told by the King of rock 'n' roll himself, Alan Freed. FRANKIE LYMON -- LITTLE RICHARD -- CHUCK BERRY NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of John Har- old Wiltse, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased All persons having claims ag- ainst the Estate, sof the above de- ceased are required to file the same with the undersligned Solic- It'or foir the said Estate, on. ar be- fore the 12th day of May, A.D. 1958, after'which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitledthereto, having regard only to the claims of which natt'ice shaQll have been :given. DATED at Clbiton,• Ontario; this 21st day of April, A.D. 1958. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 17-8-9,b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of Olive Grainger, deceased. All ;persons having claims ag- ainst the es't'ate of Olive Grainger, bate 'of the Village of Brucefield, in the County of ,Huron, widow, who dried on, .or .about the 28th daffy of April 1958, are xrequtred to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of 'Exeter, Ontario, by ,the 24th day 'of May 1958, after which date the estate will be, .distributed having regard only to, those claims of which not- ice, has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario 19-20-1-b Brucefield Bank Being Renovated (By our Hensall correspondent) Brucefuell'd sub -agency of the Bank of Montreal is being com- pleteWy renovated, and' when com- pleted' in about a month's time should be one of the more modern MOTHER'S DAY Specials r-- May i t Cory Coffee Grinder Reg. 39.95 — Only 37,50 GE Coffee Maker Automatic — Only 29.95 GE Pry fans Square & Round Models. From .................... 19,95 'M11' .rt. .. .. .. ..... branches• in the area. Complete new fittings and new fluorescent lighting will .be instad- 4ed. Date of official re-�openvn'g ceremonies willbe announced lat- er. The work is being done under the supervision of Lloyd's Con- struction Co., Hensall. PARK THEATRE GODERICH NOW PLAYING — "ZERO HOUR" Dana Andrews Linda Darnell MON, TUES and WED, — An Adult Entertainment Double Feature Program Jayne Mansfield -- Dan Duryea Martha Vickers This melodramatic story involv- es a crook, his blonde bombshell and a diamond necklace owned by a Philadelphia spiritualist. ""THE BURGLAR" Patricia Medina -- Lee J. Cobb Edward Arnoldi h M c telrain G er g Depicts a successful police act- ion in the Florida metropolis. ""MIAMI EXPOSE" THURS. FRI. and SAT, Cornel Wilde -- Mary Astor Jean Wallace -- Arthur Franz Deals with an egomaniac who rises to fame, and a transforma- tion, as a sportscar racing champ- ion. "THE DEVIL"S HAIRPIN" — In superb Vistavision Color -- Also — iOVistivision Visits Spain" = in color -- COMING—'All Next Week "PERRI"' Walt Disney's Masterpiece APPLICATIONS Township of Hulletf The council of the Township of Hullett will receive applications Cor the position of Clerk -Treasurer to the Township of Hullett. Duties to commence about June 1, 1958. Particulars may be obtained from the reeve, William R. Jewitt, RR 1, Clinton. Applications to be in the hands of the Clerk on or before 3.30 p.m., Monday, May 19, 1958. George W. Cowan, Clerk Londesboro, Ontario. 19-20-b SEEING IS BELIEVING! And you'll believe us when we say we have the best selection of SPORT SKIRTS i n town, ALL SIZES ALL SHADES ALL PATTERNS from 3.95 up REMEMBER MOTHER on MOTHER'S DAY Make your next Shirt an ARROW IRON CHEATER (little or no ironing) .... Pickett & Campbell Limited ARROW SWRTS STETSON lIIATS Phone HU 2-9132 •---- Clinton, Ont.