The Wingham Times, 1889-03-29, Page 4• -"a,. • e0-0.?w4_,...........„.....„..,_!,r2....4_....,...._ ........___,..,_ , aln call CS ten years before—a decrease in ex. Tile collegiate Inetitute is The portion refetTed in this extract make a little t .11y oti the ely, but Clinton. do net blaMe the hors for try' port of 15 per ceut, This decrease arranging for a debate and entertain. is a brother te13:17."11,14,.Duff, ot this cute enough next time not to born the Cele worth or $5,900,000 worth len than .------ _---- t0 k &toe in our export to a country menet to take Ogee on the 29th lost. place and, a brother.in-law to M. F kettle, and the pe a will never know D,AY, MARCH 29, 1889. whose ports_ are free 404 where no , The suletect will bey Reselved, that Patteroon, The Sprinafield Repablko the difference, le to ----ee-=7.----- Oilstone House 06leer is seen in blue1partygovernment is not a, hindrance Times, Ohio,16th hist: says ; M the Tambora, CUR OTTAWA LETTER. arose aud braes buttons to collect froth : to the best interests of the State. meeting of Clark lodge 'last Tuesday the exporter one fourth of the value Goderieli ali 1 8 hoot v'll t k • ' '' sly, r. Editor,—I woule like to bring elleeekoroetto debitte nretriata:eir closed. ef w ood f 1.6 . c ‘ 1 5 0 the awning Deputy District Muter, c 0 g et or the i erty to enter negative, Ana the Clinton the Ave Ge Duff, of Canada, was present and bene le° and the Pehlk 11‘ 'Pawing' causiman Sontlromt strongly * the market to sell his wares. This rustive.—Oo Sunday, Rev. Mr. fete. after the work of the evening, ma1e a evil, or I may etty, a nnisaime, espeei- • . Asiterlean 0Tortnres tor nor, Trod,. naturatbsoritstale rooTrade. fact of itself Prosee to any Candid wart and Rev. Mr. ttenderson, Heim a highly appreciated speeeh, full of aliY to farmers' at 4amt all 6eas°114 of got Adasicattork wanted, ,- Mind that the Unitea States is the all exclienged pulpits. The people intelligent points, contrasting the work the year, but eitrtionlarly at tine time tux areetten,T.rne U. 5. our natural market for the greatest portion were Well pleased with MaIentlereon ' in the United Staten with the work in 1 fle'llt 811ht/4/ hti4h rangers' Our No stirring events transpirea in of oor export trade, The advantageand he wilt always be weleetnn.—The lonnads. The speech was full of youtigladefrom 9 yesro of age up to 20, of free trade in the Amerieatt markets annivereary services with Ontario intelligeut Maacmic ideas. --There was eare not where they -go or what they 4 ae, ma caner et the Timile. - parliamene since toy last emurimuica- do during the quiet hours when: rsMet elm The recinrocitY debate Was con, weed give the Clauudione all the an Meth. church were conduoted by Rev quite a few left here last TuesdaS for jawtnif4 oirtpili:.yatetarat meeting. At this season nexation they desire. Canada has a Win,Sirupson,Presyhteriae. Bracetie-d, the Northwest; Samuel Burgess eluded on Tuesday night, or rather better system of goverument, better In the evening a special sermon to anti child Maragret Burges, their object is engar•camps; Wednesday morniug. Many speakers, ' end if they were satisfied with their to speak un the laws, sustained with greater moral young men was preached. The ottani. Rurgess Willie Re38,* Hugh Johuston who` weie ready tieliiered speeches. Their inteutions moral status is hitiller and- its s°01al Mr Livlugston took for his text on NiusgroVe, John Hacking, Mrs. Frank fabreo purer than that of the Aseeri- Sund y evening **Be temperate in all 1 Pattorson, Mr, Farrow and Mary A read.,of Bedrroin Arabi; in the East aod preparations were tio deubt good, eau republie. If to these advantages thing."—Bev. 'Mr. Craig delivered Ross are visiting teeir sister 'Mrs. W.• wateellug for Plan(ler and being a lehn and Ur. Laurier agreed the week is added celoreereial fr• edom to trade .welt reeetved Appropriate rterinons in O. Dna', setihrtil.—The boys had a terror to tbe quiet inhabitants of the ant the. opportunity was wanting. Sir in the American inarkets, all feeling the &Oen obareli.--Rev: Mr. Smith, big night before they left in R. Mo- land' We havu nu" Bedtmin Arabs, a before to conelade the debate cre Tuee- tor political annexation would have baptist, addressed a well filled church Pherson's hell. The dance lasted till lawless gang watching to plunder and Any night, and as the Conservatives no existence in the leads of the Oa- on 8auility both morning and eveitiog. about 5 o•clock.—Joho Paterson, Sell destroy whatsoever they emue in eon' ' erre particularly auxious thet a losing brings —The Salvation Army wee well attend• has rented the British Rotel in Wing 'an" t t with, el.f they see anything worth contontment; contentment inspires ed both at their public and private ham and takes poseesion this week,— P4e4lag up such as. 0 good ae`,„ the' battle sireuld close, they insisted upon nadiau People. Prosperity re patriotiane is the twin tneetingk and also at parade.—It le Samuel. 131ack got home a fine year owner will sets it no more, They 7,kei aareeraeut being earriea out. Now that the United States formal- Patriotism ane sister of loyaley. • a. some tisane EitiliCe St. FatriEk'e day old Durham bull from the farra of the claim to be the offspring of christiao ;e- gives notice, by Mr, Ilitt'sjoint‘re was so well kept and will likely be Reeve of Grey, Mr.Milman, Mr. Black parents, and dwelling ineong obviation ., solution, which passed Congress on the people where the ten commandments some time apt:I.—The regular meet. is a strong Durham fancier and there are hong up in every school -room, 1mA ist of nlaxele, that it is prepared. to Culross. A very successful eutertainment ing of the O. I. L. S. was held on are few men that have done more for whet of the fourth in the decalogue, negotiate with Canada in reference to was held in 5 8 No 6, an the evening Thursday ere, Vita -president, Mise the improvement of stock thau he has. free trade, the argument that the Unit. $105, and if the folirte is violated in sueh a of Tuesday the 19th inst , the pro- Fraser in the chair, A very interest, He also sold three horses for way, what of the other eine, guilty of ed States is not in favor of wider and ceeds going to aid the family of Mr in e pro gramme Wss presented The $140, 5110 respectively, —George one gnilty of all. We would inquire freer trade relations with Canada is (Reiland. Musie was furnished by boys choruses were paetioulary noticed Churchill is another beavy dealer, but ' 4 demolished. It will be said by the who are the parents of such 14(1E9 No Misses Colvin, S.nitle and Scott, and also Px.ce lent readings &citations Sze, lie sold all four fine ones at good prima restriotionists that the United States toares„._ doubt professors of religion, church-, Wilson, —0ii Mooday evening the Ontario and has bought.as meny only offer commercial union and con. Messrs Colvin, Mackeeaie, goiug people. Do they forget their Scott and Tees. Recitations were church Y. P 8: visited Willis ellureh Lawerelice Tovell bought another fine sequently a. COMM= ousioine tariff. . responsibility 1 God holds them re - aiven by Messrs D Clark, T Gooafel- Teleyovere heartily welcomed, The flolsteiii from Mr, Boiled, of Casseil, sponsible. if they are church -going Out. The -ire of this one and the I 4h Itight t be bible courage than the United States. las dance and attention was good.—Rev. Frank lialfour, Jelin Holmes, Robert fill w‘).41d not ho so bud but they de" ;question', had to be content with un- light in destroyiug whet over. We This is true, but the principle o ree and A D-wer, About $18 were ineeting wan. condueeed by the prep trade between the two countries is ac- low 'realized. Beautiful spring weather— dent of 0. Y. P. • A. Mr Manning, knewledged to be of advaatage to Farmers a little auxioos about their assisted by -Mr. them, as we believe, it would he to us. 'Walsh and Rev, Mr. fall wheat owiug to the severe night Edge. The elibje.et under considerate There is sufacishit admittedto form a and frosts and hot sun during the day— ion was "Pres er."—On- Friday evenieg rea.sonable basis for consideration Mr. Geo. McKay and son, of Wing. of heat week Mr. Swallows, ot Goder. that is all we wish the government in ham, are in the neighborhood packing WI, with his el:lie:aid views, eatertain- the meantime Lo do. The Liberal apples for shipment to Manitoba.— ed the members - of R. Y. P. A. and. party, by its resolution, wishes the Mr. Mat. Ambler, after e sojourn ef a the:. friends. After a pleasant trip eovernment to confer with the govern - e . , couple of weeks in and about Stratford. througtietheH.oly Land, several of the Ment et he United States and ascer• visiting relationsats back and engag,ed well-ktiown residents were shown.— tau upori what terms and conditions . wi li .Lr. W. Pattison to work in the On Friday evening a very . p'easant, a treaty of free trade can be obtained. mill.—Mr.-Tita. Wellwood is on the road entertainment Was given by the young ..\ naction by thegovernment in this die. as usual buying young cattle for his fake of Willie church particularly. ection would notin any way compromise the lase t vo or three ander the auspices. of the mission its dignity or the interest of Canada, dock farm—For weeks we have had considerable fun band. The lecture room was tastifully but might result in great good to all in our school sectioo, some of the decorated with plaid and otherwise the vast industries of the Dominion. - have pupils being brought to task for dam. to give it a Scotch. appearance. The The ,Liberals are, and. always aging the school house, and. fined, but pane ladies% had plaid sashes and the been, opposed toany act er alliance that some of the po.rents refused .to pay gentlemen, beathee, About 8 o'clock •, would not benefit Canadian intererest or maintain its dignity, eonsercative the line; now the question is, can the Mr. Budge took the chair and the pro who trustees compel them to fork over or gramme bogan a Scotch chairman, farmers, laborers and mechaitics, expel the children of those retusing Scotch son,,s, Scotch readings, and plainly see that to do sol—Auction sales and rumors addresses. °After this a Beach supper . • are oppoeed to the general policy of the liberal party, can of auetion sales are- the order of the was provided and Was disposed af in a upon this question, at least, the liberals the 17th hest, Mrs. watch manner,. after which all olaeped are urging the government to take day. ---°u Sunday .3...A.rabler presented John with -.mother - hands and sung. "Auld • Lang Syne." steps to an end that would. largely be - son, and he is a tionticer. - The evident suoees of this enteetain- netit the great industrial classes of the ment wilt the mission liana. country... Inorecteed facilities to sell Glenfarrow. —On Thursday evenine wool,lambs, horned cattle, horses, bar- On Friday eveui ng, the 22nd inst, the. - o the Gipsy Baud, well known now throughaut the ley, poultry, hay, potatoes, F40. ill the pupils of the public school -and other- county, gave•au entertainment under markets , of the United Staters at a friends assembled at the home of - Mr• • the auspices of oho Rattenhury ohurch higher price and free of duty; would year old buil the property of jaws I P • Elliott Turubeery must be a rattler. searching Ps°Pleacti takeso hoed to Eu°11' ' . bcriptures as the fallowing and prim. - Mr, Tovell took a few aimeneions ,as end of Itice this sane: —Den. iv, 9, 10„ oh, follows : froni the horns to the 0 xii. 18, 19, 20; also listen to the words tail 15 feet 10 in; round' the lock the wise • mint in pro. xix, 18. - feet 7 Welles ; turns the scales 'at 'a presnt at 2600 lbs and if fat, mr..1"Foolishness is bound in the heart of la child, but tue rod of correction shall Tovell says would got over 3,000 lbs. drive it far from himrPro,xxii.15,with —The Presbyterians have been hold- ing their meetings for the last few aid ays in -the Foresters' Hall. They are laying out about $100 on repajring the shelf a,s faras the training of their the inside of the chniah. It also needs new shingling and a coat of paint out children is Mieerned 11'1 is' a bad die. - sense: fs there a cure till the earth is side as well as a new fence in front. again filled with violence as in the days Then it will look what it should do that of Noah, Mat. xxiv 87, 88. t That takes inoney *however and . A FARMER, . is a very scarce commodity round these parts, --Mr. john Etcher, of • Mal Oteghorn left for DeloraineaMatie itoba last week, whore he expects tbSlat this place, has been very sick' but at engaged in tesching. He is an ambiti- last account he is a little better. ous and exemplary young man, anti we wisli'hina a marked degree of pre- . !rainy such like sound words of the • Rook-. Have our christion friends who are beads of families laid. the Book on •11.1.14..004 13elgrave. 'perky in Lis new home. . • The debate ite otir Literary society , • se on the question, l'Resol red that the Belmore. • - pen is mightier than the sword" was Messrs Wm Lowry and John Kings - undoubtedly the best debate we have ley left this locaiity last week to try had this season. The- dismission con- their fortune in the prairie province tinned for nearly three hours and The former went to Portage La during that time, eloquent speeches Prairie and the latter to Boiseevain: were delivered by speiticers on. , both Success to that-la—Mt Pearson Rosa sides and at the eortelusion the points left the Wingham G. T. R. station on Alex. MeEwen, teacher, on the ocea- ehoir. The music was grand, thrillino ofuesday for Mrissomm, N. W• T. made hy the different sides were sato be of great advantage to the farmers sion. of his leaving tbisfelaae to take , euchantiug aria Amid the crowded hall of this country. They would find !charge of the 13luevale elihol After a a pin could be heard full, so that this advantage would pat more short programme consisting of read- delig.teo were money in their pockets and. thereby hags, recitation, singing itc. while Mr. the audience. The selections which plecesedmost were give them more solid comfort gime the ThosePowell ocoupied the chair in his those a ein known strains : "Home insane satisfaction they may allow en- usual pleasing manner, 11Iaster John sweet home," •tAnna Laura" and joy itt supporking a Tory government Powell read a very coplinentry address Meat refuses -Act look after their inter expressing the high esteem in Which "Sweet Violet,' but let the baud eome again and Clinton will not have for - (sets'. Mr. Mcgsven is held and their good (rotten them. The government is weakening under wishes. for his future happiness and which the neighboring Literary exemplary ni Ins walk and conversat. the flood of liberal public opinion: prosperity and Master George Nichol- Salem. societies have been invited and the ion May success attend his steps... The debates on reciprocity are mob son came forward and presented Mw The S I M Lb cl* t choir hasfreedom of our. society extended to liacknow, ibeen dissolved intoe ites leoriginal ole-oom_ Winghato,occapied the pulpit inpiece purpose opening the seasou by a les' tly educating the government as- with a beautiful family bible andthem for that evening. . —Rev J Scott Meth..' The Sepoy . Liteross (dub, of this / „the people along the lines of 'liberal Morroco purse. Mr. McHwen, al -tit -nigh nents owing to serious internal opinion and liberal principles. Last taken. entirely by surprise, made a elielltione. s What next? We hope it oclist ehurch here on Sunday beautiful arand. conert, on the evening of April year a government . supporter, Mr.', very suitable and feeling reply thank. e last, and preached a veryt band -will be "peace ou earth and good will5th The one held laet year was eth- Patterson, of Essex, introduced a bill' ing them' very much for their beautiful o wee" ana women too.—Messrs. Sonday school sermon. Qin e ainently successful, and we hove reasons to provide for reciprocity in evreckina , presents. .A.fter this the visitors spread some sum was taken up _after the aer- ie, Centedian ttnatinited State's waters I a splendid table from the well filled Robt. and Richard. ,SleMichael etarted vices, in hia of the Sunday .schwoo.;.— , to believe thee this one will be niore. on Tuesday, last for Manitoba. Our so.—The building committee of the but it was voted. down. by a large Con -I baskets they bought with them. r --rue b.st wishes for their succes with them. Rev. Mr. Godfrey, preacheld in,_ nide- new Presbyterian °hutch are advertis- vnting against, it, and that vote was I all seemed satified that they had had . • Mr.L. Harwell, of Ancaster is at pre- ham Meth°dist church last a v eservative majority, only ow. liberal i evening was verypleasitutly spent and _,-"' unday ing for tenders for its construction sent Iasi mg Itis t I • brother-io law Mr. evening. —Mr. Ju. Watson, ellOaMaa during the following, summer.—Rev ' given upon personal grounds. The a roost enjoyable time. After singing Kitchen.—Tapping and boiling er, removed to Blyth last. .Monday Tits Bluevaiel wm„, "euPY Mr. McKaye of this place, changed. ., — Mr. Murray, of Kiricardiue, slid Bev. same bill was eosin introduced this . Auld Lang Syne, and wishing °Mr session by another govetninent sup- I and Mrs. AleEwen a erieediy lama 0440e13 r4 he the order of the day Mr. Pearen of lama farmers, but the run ie not she.same St11,1C1 a‘nNtti "1", " Sq,sanr pulpits on Sunday last.—John West, porter, Mr. Kirkpatrick, of Kingston, ', at a seasonable hour, the friends de- business as no. r at.00n aid. n and it carried by over fifty of tt•major- parted.—Daring the coming week l'it 1 1 bea as last year's,— ' e y o as gooMesser of Bnevale, is at presenti:lesiut- ferr•werlY in,the betel business fief% riled up, awarding the pen the victory taking a car lona of stook aucl effects by two, points. .The. affirmative was , with him, He purposes entering his line of carriage making at sustained by Miss Godfrey and Messrs old' Towle, elecienand, Scott 'and rrwin sown. 111r. Ross has been one of the • and the negative by 'Miss Irwin, and . best citizens of Belmore and his elessrs'Proptor, Martin, Wray, Black, 'departure is deeply- regretted, Re and Michie. A clobing entertainment was a man diligent and honorable in is to be oiven on the 27th lust to business, iutelligent, enterprising ana. rhe wedding announced by your . . n iit i ai cloy cer i t ity. This feet shows how matters are , several of our people will leave for tien'i in. a ham issue, was tug frienns in town. --Mr. John flame Campbell and Brampton have bought nu/eying and the trend of pablie mein.' Manitoba.—Mr. John MoTavistt Jr. correspomn ikon, of Walkerton, of. the firm of oat the rocer businiess ' of Wm. cone?. in ated in due' time. The ceoe" efitinilton Se Tavel!, of title place, paid Moody. g Y I ion is towardsgreater freedom of trade Meant Robed and R. McMichael left Imtla"galf Martha Hunter clatioh- woo and rcliseos were Mr. Wm. Under- Belgravo a short visit hot week, being with one ileiglebors to the south. otOnesday last to seek their fortuues ' ievery one who gives the question e,;iiiethe far west.—Me. and Mrs. Me. . B on. Ins way home from London.—Miss **Iteeswater. . . 'Pr of Alexander Huoter, ot the 5 . Reir. J Livingstone, lecturednecepte motnent's thought, can p'atftly see Donald, and Miss Agee Green, of :Beha Whitmen, left on Tuesday last, for 'Moraine eftwitobee Via the- a. P. ably an the Human voice on Tueaday that every year our trade is growing c Lucknow, ',ere visiting Mende here We• 1 there a happy marital It. from Winghani. She will follow evening last.—The Spring show will with the United States notwithstana. Oast week.—Mr. Thos. Higgins paid voyage dwolettle stream oftime.—Mr die 19th iug the foolish trade barriers ereetedIfeiencls in Exeter a visit 'Ulla week. ong ey, who was so tinfortuoute as to her old caling in theses parts, viz, be held here on '.euesdity . lave his summer capbroken three by the governnient et both countries' soliool teaching. We WWII Ali3s April.—Alessrs Copeland n.... liver 7 i while out tratre With treat Britain is i Zetlancle eeeks ago is improving as well as can p , nies of this plage, have (Imposed , of .0WhIteni..en success,.t--4. Ga . Ilheojakgiroku their famed and popular Canadian . . , annually desteitting. Thie fact peovel I 0, ii: eaxir eetlreucle,—;s4rattirrytitticitioitu teswaleasmayls: .,,, . v. Inspector, b ras or , Mist Lizzie and Kate Lemont, and reportea of ilfildtnay for his,yeatly round, pAid Belgrave otliae black station “Whilehone to Mr. lige that mina govetumente cannot, tlite r laiwey, ate visiting friends in thi. ete °550111 otiLor an d i.n the ihintediate,, a This on Tuesday kilt, Ritche of Clu roes et$•er ette:t•—aegesed. b' 3 v an.‘'I'liIt trade from ibi littoral. elnuinelc. and , vieinity.—Mr. and. Aire. Thotrison — • inetiney. barely tile pepuotoon or e . . . , ta 1070. ()salvia oxpotted to tin. 'Apeint a few days with feiends in Sea. ,lionartiO.t•emeettocit be notil'ilsbev-i!ineci;yasess,;it ordee.—Mr. . Seorts andwally left itifuriated bull he wae lending to the t he office asbeingloptull orelient markets. ifilit"d, st4t" 42,3$2,41P„ ii:r!„6,11„2,1 vero low at present,—te.r. join) M Yt e f• rth this Week —"dist Lithe Taylor : aroirt4 one dtty this wepici toped ti on Wednesday, the 7th • test., for lairon Tuesday of thia weeltettridmight Waltacebarg, 'taking with, him three have bran serieuely injured but for the • Its prouticts, 14nd 'a 1°'" 4'*1.4111'.20-'uu Donald is around again.—The aleigh w'orgr• 1'11!: iajnna,Illeree" is ten t.n4 is ell gone and tue roads are tit u bi dry stub, and then wohdered why the sap cliket, tun,, who viii he .,. ears or effectS lie U7i 1 f't low his timely interferenee of those who iiere VIM et et atee'et Anse *44' Or I ej Pft. had stater.—The Sart Mill is runhitL7 ..tett t., oiseingtaeo ballade e '"'"" ohl Vocatieft,4 that of farmine, •Sle. 0 rt,close by —.A: outriber of cattle were' in fo,1 blast again.—The tanners have ' . Shorts is an euergetic mut thorqugh .kt at ,st. o t as to U. cello per pound. • dent Tttis itt4tengs Weir Pilate in spite i of trade beettiteria of from 25 to 5er per vittit drawingtoes to get ready for Morris, molt of da* ',On. the other hand, ding. orteririn. but the, he will come out suceossftt. , • teanseffe eaptheired to Greet 13rtteen hi 1888 expoted $ t0„10J,od0 of Toronto. day taight, last, liking, for. that artipit.:-Arott w. .000. t, -Ike week. business men, und.ive haVs.tht d,Mbb • The Ireton Seap °eve wor's at 1 It is now maple srigat time, Tina we .Mtic• Jas. Mole ef 'Nth. %Vat in i.878. $16,000,000 worth of pet •d ode —reekdele bee aanesed atta Nome pm% •41, I iPh were herAed Ihur*.. know thit, every b ily 11,14 jnst small viellens her Mother, es. 0, ampboll,e ;