Clinton News-Record, 1958-05-08, Page 1-The Week's Weather
High Low
High Low
May 1 ea 40 68 43
2 59 27 51 es
3 69- 44 43 26.
4 61 41 51 30
5 56 31 55 30
6 56 40 65 26
7 62 34 75 38.
Rain: .4 ins. Rain: None
Support Your Swim Pool Fund. Play Bingo at Arena Friday fight
Ithrttbit News
No. 19---The Home Paper With the News
7 Cents a Copy $3.00 a Year
Murphy LOL Team to Perform at Grand Lodge Liberal Leader Wintermeyer
elcomed to Huron County
Hospital Auxiliary Tea
Tag Day, and Tour
These members of the Murphy Lodge, LOL No. 710,
Clinton, will be performing the Scarlet Degree in Grand Lodge
beitig held in Sarnia thii Week. It is a particular honour for
a lodge from a small area to be invited to perform the degree,
and is one more highlight in the .year 1958 for the local lodge
members. This is the centennial year of the Lodge, and also
This house, believed to be in the neighbour'.
hood of 140 years old, and for that length of
time has been a landmark to all who passed
through Brueefield, is bowing to the march of
progress, Sold by the Hensel' District Co-
Operative to George Clifton, it is headed for
three different locations. The Main front part
140 Year Old Landmark Is Disappearing
Mrs. Gordon Cuningaame rep-
orted cap. arrangements for the
Tea on Sunday, and said she
would be glad to receive gifts
of garden flowers for decorating
cn teat occasion.
Miss A. B. Sinclair, former sup-
erintendent of the hospital, was
pteeanted, with an anniversary
clock. Mrs. M. L. McKinnon
read the address and Mrs. Alex
Haddy made the presentation.
A new $10,000 storage build-
ing wel be erected on the 'prop-
erty of the Hensel District Co-
operative at the main corner in
Bruc.efield. Some two years ago
to, Co-operative bought the prop-
erty at the north west corner
from d. K. Cornish, and have
gradually been, improving the ch-
Ancient House At B
Fails Before Steady
is to be kept intact and moved to a kit opposite
the residence of Murray Tyndall in the village,
where Mr, Clifton exeeete to modernize it. For
82 years the house waS the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. S. K, Cornith, who Sold it to the
Co-op, along with the trucefielcl Chopping Mill
(right) two years age, (News-Record Photo)
oppeng mill and ,prepaeing the gr-
ound for the new building.
This week 'demolition 'of the 140
year old house on the corner was
begun, This is probably the eld-
est building Brucefield, althou-
gh the home now occupied by Mr.
and. Mrs, Alex Paterson was the
(Continued on Page Twelve)
George Cowan Retires
After 13 Years
As Hullett Clerk
Owing to health reasons, Geo-
rge Cowan, Who has served faith-
fully as olerk-treasurer of the
Township 'of Hullett for 'the . past
13 years has been forced to resign.
His resignation was• accepted with
regret by the councillors on Mon-
day !night
This move becomes effective on
June 1. Council will meet in sp-
ecial session on May 19 to appoint
his successor.
the local group will be host to the July 12 Walls this year
From the left, front, Borden Brown, Norman Sly. Tom. Deeves
Gary Conlieh, Asa Deeves, and Kenneth Betti4t,' Back row
Ross McLean, John Oldfield, Mervin Falconer', Alex McMichael,
Laverne Godkin, Murray Dale, Frank Falconer, Henry Sloman,
Earl Cooper, Jimmy Morris, Wilfred Glazier, Roy Elliott and
Harry Crich, (News-Record Photo)
Past President Kay
Honored By Kin
Kinsmen' 'Club 'of Clinton. meet-
ing on Tuesday evening, May 6,
presented. one of their members,
George Rumball, with an honour-
ary membership.
The Club intends to investigate
peseibielties of sponsoring Peewee.
baseball ties summer, and Do'nal'd
Young, Kenneth Gibbings and M.
Edgar are the committee in ch-
arge. Frank Cook, chairman of
the welfare 'committee appealed
to the members to help with the
bingo! on Friday night in aid of
the swimming pool.
Those attending- the convention
in Hamilton's, Royal .Connaught
Hotel on May 22 will be Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Kay; Mr, and Mrs.
Donald Epps; Mr, and Mrs. K. W.
Colquhaue.; Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth
Scott and Mr, and Mrs. Frank
The next meeting will be on
Thursday, May 22, when all pee-
wees. that participated in Young
Canada Week, and the winners of
the 'fume League Peewee tourn-
ament will be guests at Sports
Officers of the Cub effective
September 1958 will be: president
Maitland, Edger; past-president,
Donald Kay; vice-president, Don-
aldi second vi ce-prew:den t,
Ray Beeman; secretary, C. Dens
omnie; treasurer, Kenneth Mb-
lags; registrar, Donald Young;
'd'irectors, 'Gerry Holmes, Frank
Cocl:. and Carman McPherson,
Corrie's Market Lunch
Sol To Couple
From Petrolia
(By our Bay:field Correspendeet)
Carri'e's Market Lunch on Main
Street has been' sold 'to Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Kerr, Petrolia, They
have taken possession and are
preparing to. open for business
tins week.
This store was' 'started in sm-
all way by James and. William
Robinson over 20 years 'ago. The
building was erected for them by
their father after they had been
in the Tippett corner shop for two
summers, It was first operated
as a summer business and later,.
'as it expanded, 'kept open all
Maynard Carrie purchased it
from the 'Robinsone in 1.046 and
continued on the' yearly basis un-
til reeent years' when it again
became a summer' business. The
building has alit been .done over
this spring Mowing the Motto
damage from t fire late last fall
Mr. and Mrs., Iterr, who planned
to rim the bUsitieSs Onl a yearly
heals ere Weleeteed to the, village.
Local Women Are
Helping With Tea
For Premier Frost
[Local workers, with the Frog-
reesive ' Conservative party are
taking part in 'the reception to be
held' in Goderich when the Prem-
ier Leslie Frost makes his appear-
ance in support of Charlie Mac-
. Naughton; candidate In the com-
ing May 12 by-election.
A telephone .blitz was' carried
out 'on May 1, organized by the
enumerators Who acted as ward
captains. Mrs. F, 0. Thompson
and Mrs. Douglas Freeman will
pour tea, assisted by Mrs, T.
Steep and Mrs, G. Knight, Fifty
dozen cookies are being produced
in Clinton under the direction of
Mrs, George F. Elliott. Mrs. May
Moloney, ,Goderieh is convener of
the reception, and Mrs. Dorothy
Dowling, provincial organizer is
supervising the 'entire evening., is welcome to attend
at the 'Collegiate Institute' and
meet 'the Premier. .
A number of local youngsters
have distinguished tbernsieves at
the Huron County Music Festival
now in. progress, ,at -Goderich. En-
tries from A./VIM Hugh Camp-
bell Public 'School have been do-
ing particularly well, in choral,
duet, etc. work.
Miss. Carol. Pepper, •ER 3, Sea-
forth, earned 81 points in, the
piano sole chits, 15 years and
under, with second place, 'and etas
first in 'the' 'open class with 83
points, which earned her the $25
Huron County Scholarship. Carol
also won the Rose Bowl' for high
mark 'in the collegiate solo. class.
Miss Bonnie Ropes placed first
in the solo class far 'girls 11 years
and under with 85 points, and
Louise Nickerson, RCAF Station
Clinton was. next with 84 points,
Boys solo, open, unchanged
voices, Cary Dark, RCAF Stat-
ion, 84, first
Girls solo, 15 years and .under,
Carol' Carter and Ann, Sawehuk
(80) tied for fifth. place..
Boys solo, changed voices, Budd
Boyes, Clinton, first and 83 paints;
Paul McCool, RCAF Station, 80
Triple Trio, 3-parts, RCAF Sta-
tion, first (85) and third (83).
Boys solo, 11 years and under,
Chris' Hoodspith, 85; Vernon Mc-
Ildoon, 81, fourth; Peter Naish,
Mal Jones. tied in fifth place with
80 points, all of RCAF Station
Boys solo, 14 years and under,
unchanged voices, .Craig Carter,
RCAF Station, 85; Bayne Boyes,
Clinton, 81; George Jackson, tied
for fourth with 79, RCAF Station.
The choir from Grade- 5 and 6,
RCAF Station, 60 voices or less,
won the Gertrude, Wendorf Shield
with 84 marks. The choir from
Grades 7 and 8, 60 voices .or 'less,
unaccompanied, won. the' Goderich
Lions' ehield, 85 points.
Huron's Laberal 'Candidate Dr.
J. A. Addison has been putting
on e strong battle against the
Progressive Conservative, man,
fighting for a chance to help
build the' minority opposition in
the' lop-sided legislature' at Tor-
John J. Wietermeyer new lead-
er of the Liberal party visited
the county 'last week in support
of Dr, Addison, and went main-
etreeting in Zurich ,on 'Friday ni-
ght. He met the young and old
in the village' and then took part
in a meeting ,of 250 people in the
community centre.
Wintesmeyer and his wife stay-
ed' over until the next day in God-
erich, Where they were paraded
'in 'an open oar cavalcade around
the square, and then were piped
into a meeting 'of 150 in MacKay
Better Education System
Mr. Wintermeyer said that to
ensure that all .who have the abil-
ity to go on can do 'so "more
bursaries and more scholarships
are needed,"
He charged that at present in
Ontario equal educational yapper-
Violin solo, 14 years and under,
Ernie 'Brubacher, 'Clinton, 77, sec-
ond place.
Double trio, two parts, RCAF
Station, school won first with 86,
and the 'Goderich, Public School.
Board Challenge Shield, and also
second place with 84 points.
Girls solo, 8 an:d under, Heather
Anderson and pin:de, McDonald,
(Ceritinuetr,oe'rage Twelee)
Sid Smith Talks
Sports to fifty
Local Youngsters
Sid Smith, teemer pro' hockey
p'ayer, and the famed playing
coaceef tee Whitby Dunlops,
wthn.eni el' the Olympic Hockey
tournament, was in Clinton on
Tuceeay a':,terreeo.n.
At the request of 'the Huron
Fish and Game Club' 'about 50
boys were excused from, school
classes from, 3 to, 4 p.m. and heard
an address. from Mr. Smith at
the Fish and Game 'Clubhouse.
The youngsters were members of
Clinton Bantam and Peewee
team's, and the RCAF Peewee
Team play was stressed, and
the boys were urged to listen
to managers and coaches who
were trying to help them. He
said', "The individual player does
not make a hockey team," He
advised them to' play at sports
in the summer time; speaking st-
rongly in favour of baseball, and
telling them that sports helped
to keep them, out of 'trouble.
ninety does not exist for all
youth, "But we will bring about
the day of equal opportunity," he
'stated, "If a person shows 'ability,
he could and will be given -the op-
portunity to go on to university;"
The Liberal leader maintained
that Ontario Conservative govern-
naent does not have an education
PolloY. He said that it at first
claimed there was no teacher
shortage, yet 'later introduced.
short courses M an effort to fell
the gap,
"These teachers, trained In. the
shorter courses, are not qualified,"
he said, "And 'we have 1,000 of
these in Ontario."
Tories "Old and Tired!'
He held' that it was only be-
cause of the prodding by the Lib-
eral opposition that the Frost
government set aside a fund to
aid promising students. He char-
ged that the Frost administration
is "old and tired. It is not exer-
cising the imagination'expected of
He warned his audience not to
worry about patronage—that they
might not get 'a new hospital if
they voted' against the Tories. "No
government worth its salt would
,do such a thing. And if 'that be
the Tory contention then they had
better resign immediately,' he
Mr. Wintermeyer scoffed at
statements' by 'the Frost govern-
ment claiming 'that it has been
paying out more in municipal
"While 'it is true that the.
grants are bigger," he said, "the
dollar is worth less. On a pro-
portionate bases find that
the 'last provincial Liberal govern-
ment paid out just about as much
as the Frost government has."
Candidate Speaks
In his address, Dr. Addison
told of the three issues he would
carry forth if -elected, namely the
problem of education, better hos-
pitalization and more help for the
While Huron County is fortune
ate in having as many 'hospitale as
they do, Dr. Addison told of the
need for more of them through-
out Ontario. He said the hospitals.
are overcrowded" now, and when
the, new iiopitalization plan. comes
throUgh there just won't .be en-
ough accommodation for all the
He 'told' of the need amongst
farmers for 'better parity of pric-
es. "When farmers are prosper-
ous, so is everyone else," he went
on to say. "If we want better
times in Ontario we have to start
with a plan for more help to the
In concluding his speech, Dr.
Addison said, "If I am elected, I
will back up any measure that
will assure adequate income for
Mrs. Margaret Whyte, Seafor-
th, president of 'the Huron Wom-
en's Liberal Association, also
spoke briefly, asking people to
vote for Dr, Addison, who she
said, "Is a friend of everyone."
She strongly urged people who
are patients of his to show their
loyalty to him by voting "Dr. Ad-
dison, on May 12.
Ivan Kalbfleisch, Zurich, was
chairman of the meeting there;
other platform guests were Mrs.
(Continued on Page Twelve)
Hospital Tag Day is scheduled
for Saturday, May 10 in town,
and the ladles of the Hospital
Auxiliary were busy ,putting the
tags together at their regular
meeting on Tuesday evaelre.
On Sunday the annual Blom re
Nightingale Tea will be served
in the Nurses Residence, and ev-
eryone in,invited ,to attend. There
will be no, charge. Visitors are
also invited to tour the hospital
'and view the offices' in the new
wing, as well as the expanded
accommodations in the maim part
of . the building.
Now complete with 40 beds,
the hospital was entitled to $8,000
special grant from the Ontario
Government this year, based at
the rate of $200 per bed.
At the meeting on. Monday at
the nurses residence, Mrs. C. M.
Sheep:rig, president, opened the
meeting with prayer, and Mrs.
Harry Ball read a report of the
regional meeting and tour .of St.
Joseph's Hospital, London on Ap-
ril 9.
Students Make Showing
At County usic Festival
Piping their new provincial leader into
IVItteXay Hall, Goderieh last Friday night, the
Liberals of Huron County were enthusiastic hi
their reception, Prior to the formal meeting,
john Winterineyer was paraded around the
square hi Goderich in an open care accompanied
by the Clinton candidate, Dr, J. A. Addison
and both of their wives, Principal figures in
Liberals Give Scottish Welcome to Leader
photo are Pipe Major B. Z. 1V1cCreath of the.
Goderich Pipe Band; Mrs. Winterrrieyer
lowed by his wife, then Mrs. Addison, followed
by the doctor. At left are Alec Cudniore
the Rev. D. 3. Lane, both ardent Liberalg from
Clinton. The tall man in the light suit is the
Ivo:I/dent of the Iluron 'nung Liberal Assoeia. tiro,