HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-05-01, Page 9DON'T TM CHANCES! DEALER GET A COMPLETE • BRAKE CHECK 'TAKE YOUR CAR 'TO • -TOUR • MURPHY BROS. GARAGE . PHONE: HU 2-9475 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH-FARGO News col ‘,. Dayriefa 41$$ LTC ILK WOQD$ 141014B; BATFIZLP 4 r 3 vnunsoAY, Day and Night TERRIFIC BRAKE HiAT TAXI SERVICE are the problems of today's brakes. AND VVEA". FACTORS Imagine pressing your hand against a brake drum at 4ix1Y miles an hour! 'The heat generatedisluch that it could make a cheap 'brake lining completely vseless after one fast stapI Raybestos brake linings are sPecicilly made to resist !beat and wear—for,your safety. CLINTON CAB HU 2-9012 HU 2-9036 Don Switzer 7 '-• Howard Grealls CANADA'S REST-KNOWN AND LARGEST-SELLING BRAKE LINING Night Calls HU 2-9036 Look for this high sign of quality NYLON SAFETY AT NEW LOW PRICES! FOR NEWGOODAIE All 34 NYLON DELUXE SUPER-CUSHIONS s7A 95 for 6.70 x 15 with trade-in. All Nylon tires are not alike! Only Goodyear Nylon k is 3-T Nylon—specially tempered (like steel is 'tempered) for greatest strength and resiliency. You get more blowout and puncture protection than ever before. 111,10.10, A Hearty Invitation k Utended To The People Of Huron Riding To Meet Premier Leslie. Charlie • FROST• MacNAUGHTON and Mrs. Frost and Mrs. MacNaughton ./7•1. SP •'•,, Monday. Dort Matthews, London, spent the 'weekend with iris wife end' baby-1043,10liter, at the Amon Mr, and Mrs. James DAy and t way, Grosse POinte, 'Vent 3e Weelcend at their cot- Mee, Mrs, J.ia '-002.b, returned home. Monday, after .having been the guest of Mr. and Mrs, J', one, Oakville„ from Thursday Miss Ruth X Ilayrnam, return- ocrto, Tie .Little TM, last week, after having spent the winter with., her parents An London,. Wirs. Pougillas Carswell - and .two. Children returned to their home in the .village on 'Thursday, after haVing Visited easkatOce, Mir, and Mrs, Warren Cook, Katie and SOY Ann, London, were at ,their cottage on 'NA! -Street, over 'the weekend, Mr. 'and Mrs. Warner Payne and two children, returned home the ifirst of last week later having spent several weeks in 'St. Peters-. burg, Florida, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon' liteard, London, were with her tether, H. ,N, !Brandon, over. the weekend'. Mr. .and Mrs. Keith- Brandon, Stir-400rd, who Were guests at the, tGuest-Flulten wedding in Canning- ton,. on Saturdey, accompanied by their two children, spent Sunday with his father. Mr. and Mrs: ,Kenneth, 'Bran- don, Bobby Brandon, Misses Joan McLeod' and Helen Blair, attend- ed the wedding Of 'Miss Yvonne H011ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Itulton, Beaverton, to Char- les GueSt, on Saturday, April at two o'clock, in All Saints Ang-ocan churdh., Canningt;om. And were also, guests at the reception which followed in, the parish hall, Walter M. Westlake, accomp, milled by Mrs. Ford •JOhnston. and Brian, motored to Ingersolly'and spent the, day with Mrs, John- ston's ,parents, Mr, and Mrs. ,Al- bert Leitch. Mrs.. Westlake, who visited with, her son Corporal illoyd 'Westlake OPP, and family, Kitchener, and her sister, Mrs. A. Leiteh, Ingersoll„ last week, returned home with them. Happy. Workers Club To Pack Another Bale The April meeting of the Happy Workers Club met at the home of Mrs. Clifford Glazier in the af- ternoon, April 10. Poll call was answered by giving a house clean- ing hint. There were ten mem- bers, four visitors and seven child- ren present. The lucky ticket was, held by Mrs. James Wilson. It was decided to pack another bale, also a box of used cards. Anyone having used clothing or cards, also new or used' baby clothes, please bring to the next meeting. - The next' meeting will be at Mrs. Wilfred ,Glazier's an tire ev- ening, May 10. Group 3 to serve. The remainder of the afternoon was spent in quilting. Miss Helen MCLOOd ,London, was home for the weelkend. m,s$ .J,acqueling Cluft, London Teaclier's,Colleoe, was, borne ,over. the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Bd. Pollard, LoavK don, were at their cottage Over the weekend', Misses Alice .Drouln and, Adele. Trirgette, returned 4e Detroit, on Leave Your Driving' Werrites Parked in Your Garage WE BRING MORE COMFORT TO YOUR LIFE—WHEN YOU ARE 2 DEEP 1t,1 PLUMBING s-TRIFE • • ; ...,-%.,:;;;•:•:,;:i:M4::E$Ast;-if::::•;:::::.4:6-:•*•,•::::PA;;,,,,,,• • • "St140:4;x:,,4:-::WY '444/14400 *WM AtM . ... '04,,,,;;:i;44,;•ii:?.4,04:;.4444:44411*1•41a" It's easier than you think—when you step up to Oldsmobile! Greater demand than ever before—plus an amazingly modest price tag—means you can make a better deal at your Oldsmobile Quality Dealer's now. Travel-Test Oldsmobile tomorrow! a.-:,..,...1•••eavg:::•j••••.;a:,-,•1,-;-•:,•;•;•••••••••••••••••:•:• • The best of all suspensions—Olds New-Matic Ride—completely eliminates metal springs, gives an air-cushion ride that's always on the level. Optional 'at small additional cost on Oldsmobiles equipped with power steering. . ... . .; . • • • ONE RIDE WILL PROVE IT THERE'S- NO MOBILITY LIKE C.L.1:::›warn CO/5//:/ty.- It's time you took the Travel Test—the only way of knowing how, much more you'll get out of an Oldsmobile. Just minutes at the wheel will prove Oldsmobile offers so much superiority and such better value, too. See your Oldsmobile Quality Dealer today! • • -,:aae;Ep.•:":•:-•,•::.o-p4;;;• k. • •• • •• • ..... a,.Si.: . • • • • •- -• • • • • • • • • • •-• • ••• • •••• ••••• • • See the range, and see it soon. Choose from ' sixteen fabulous Oldsmobile models, includ- ing three Fiesta Station Wagons. CITIESSERVICE oy: YOUR INVESTMENT HOLDS WHEN YOU OWN AN OLDS! . and remember ... NEXT BEST THING TO A NEW ROCKET IS A USED ROCKET! 01.2250-0 8.30 Everybody Welcome COME AND ',HUNG YOUR FRIENDS Auspices The Huron Progressive Conservative Associertion HU. -INCOME 7AX NAS_MADE MORE C./A/P.4 ot,7"- or CA1VADIAN pEOP4g, TAIAA1 FaNkted HAS? VicE:yus',ouR bift NAME FOR EVP_ItYTHING * PETAOLEUM Seat/TON ()653,2 TON JACK etki...oltu.iit*i.Aut,o4..i4e.we!w-,,,,;•.141;!".;•4410Wdki..41•44.1". FOR,THE I3E4T IN NEW CARS,.. USED CARS „ „AND SERVICE.,k. see your local authorized a OLDSIMOBILE QUALITY DEALER Lorne Brown Motors Limited CLINTON • Phone HU 29321 ONTARIO