HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-05-01, Page 7VEMR. SDA ', MAY x, 1.9M "MM'99Ito Accommodation For Rent :2.3 ROOM FIURNP -W, D apart- - part -nnegvts, utriti+ties+ paid', avaalaaylle ft- :.. , 1 ,treaty. Pthono -292'-9540: lob SMALL HOUSE ROR RENT IN ,-¢Minton; unfurnished, near down - 'town. Phone :BIyth 162. 11-tfb APAPUMT, 3 %arge rooms arced bath,new+ly deccorattetd, anew' Rile. Room; over store, pzhratte eat,rann- ce. Phone 1W 2-9352, 18 -tib : W,US!E, 2 -bedrooms, modern con- vtendences, gar4enIOMM garage. 6 - 5� from Clinton Phone !HU ed, modern coawea , ences, Se1t- contaih+ed on ground, floor, Ph- cvw HU 2-9581. 16p -17-18t $ALUJL FURNISHED apartmemat for rent, located west of Baptist 'Chnxmch, ,Apply A. F. Ilan, Hur- -on Street. 18-b :3 ROOM 'FURNIStHE'D tapai t- ment, selLf-contained With bath, room, upstairsoil, second floor •aanrd heated'. Mrs. Ray Fear, Rag- :ilarr Street. Phone HU 2 -WOO, -PNO FURNFSHED Apartmexits. .AN; modern conveQnli,ences. Hearted 'by oft- furnace. Sufitalge for 100up11M. One immediate, other June I. Phone HU 2,9419 or HU :96,34. 17-ttfb Articles For Sale BK)Y'S 'CCM BICYCLE, an excei- Awd condition. Phone HU 2-..3825. I&b 711ZIS DEVELOPED in 24 hours. :Prompt photo finishing. Clinton :Bowling A17ey 16-17-1819-p :MIXED GLADIOLUS, BULBS, •50 medium sixes for $1.50, Murray 'Tyndall, ;Br+ucefneld, .phone Sea taxtth 640w2, 17-8-.b '1%0 SUPER CYCLE mens bdey- cl.'e, In :good conddtmoan, 'b+alvlloon. ttir- nes, new paint job, Contact Ken Gaunt, phonne.'BdLyth 3921'3. 18-6 'I -ONLY new rotary power lawn :mower, ,priced' $15 less, ,than re- :ttafl[ !prfdoe.' Rosg Meri!R, phone HUi, 2-7021. 1 18 -Ib _BALL SIZE CONTINENTAL lb:e+d—mAy year told—in ,brand new ,conda,tlon: $25. Phone RU 2-9923. 18-p ,C1UR .OR SCOUT LEADER'S hat, : Aze 67/s; shorts, size 34; stock:- irxgts and bell+. Phone .Reg. SnAth HU 2-9505, evenings HU 29793. 18F ,CONSOLE COMBINATION ra&b :phonograph, 3 -speed, Doing and .short .waive radio, in A-1 condit- don. Reason for s,&inr!g, pos;tedl. .Phone HU 2=9963. 17-8-p WI TTING MARRIED? See samp- les of wedding stationery at the :News -Record office, Invitations, thank -you cards, wedding cake aboxes, place cards, serviettes, ,match books, etc. 11-;tfb :SUMMER REDUCTION on, Plan, leer Saw's. Savings of 10 percent. Qutoilty and dependability at the lowest price ever. CSouba,ct Rob- ,errt Glen. Plib neer Chain Saws!. .Phoma HU 2`9909, Clinton. 17-8-b MAGIC MARKERS. Will write on ,anything, glass, wood, paper, etc. :Dry immed--lately. Seven different ,colours. Good for .poster work, s3igns, etc. $1.10 each, refills, 50c. =Clinton News -Record. 37-t1b 'YOUR OLD WASHER, IS WORTH money when traded on a new 'Westinghouse washer, T. A. Dut- ton's Appliance Store, Brucefield. Phone Clinton HU 2-3232. 11-tfb 4%VV iRAL NEW PATIMRNS in Ehglish Bdne China Dinnerware, dnduding lovely "Cornflower". See 'it and others in our window and :=low low prices for 'fine china. Cloniaitterr'rg Jewellery. 18-p :MOTORS AND GENERATORS rewound and repaired, Brushes, .,cApacikors, switches, 'beatings; .small appliances repaired. Used -or meondMoned motors for sale. Arlt xevett, Isaac Street at Dunlop. Mone SIU 2.6640. "tfb ' A .QUANTlL'i'Y OF USM LUMtB- :•ex, 2 X 4, ,and matched lumber, Phone rHii J 2.9839. 184b i0AXADTA4X Cg1VL'EaV , +uanlin-Ated' quanft In stook. Low prices, A. •G. G.rigig & Som, phone RU 2-9'47.1. • xs�tfb, 26 ft. h1OBU E HOME, alUminum, fibre -&ss nniMIOAdcupboards, ,bed, situdliocouch, oil' heating, "M10 cooking, tanndem tod%iun; ,aisles, easy ttowaairg. On $1,395. Vic D nnnn, 1�InKxine 168, 2titrach-. 1s -5,b' Help Wonted --mole HELP WANTED BOY 16 YEARS OV AGI, or over to wont atter school in the Creamery. Apply to John Wilson- -Canada Packers Ltd. Creamery Accommodation Wanted 30AfL' MIMCEP., WHO AND 3Z Year -old! daughter, require a. fvrna fished house, or 4 -r=' apt. m' Clinton. May. Box 131, Vdadox'ia Harbour, Ontamia, 18p 2 I39DRQOtM. DOMrNS,7.IAMRS apamtmerut lar 2 ;be+droom home In C1, Imorn, Wanted, for end, sof July or mfyddle of August. 13ox 1.71, Clinidan Ne" -Record. 17-t#1b • Automobiles For Sale, - 1954 PONTI,A.;C DELUXE SED- AN in very !goad contUl tion. NBT- eage 22,000. John Paum'tree. 18-9-p 1357 DODGE. sedan, 2 -tone; nut- omatic transmission. 7,000 males. Must be sold, No reasonable offer refused. Phone Clinton. HU 2-3%9. 18-p Business Opportunities OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS,. Contact L. G. -Winter, Real Estate, HJgh Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton HU 2-6692. 16tfb BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY SPARE or PART TIME European Manufacturer of new sa � s • ae• • " * RATES No charge for announcements of Births, Marriages. and Deaflis Articles for sale, rent,, etc„ Card of [;hanks, Jo Memoriam, engagements 3c a woad, . humum 7$ Box No. to this ,office 5c additional, Repeat In. sertions 2c a word, minimum 00c. CASH DISCOUNT ?r/a it paid by Saturday fol- lowing last i.nsertion,. Sill'iog ' charge of 10c added each tune ball is sent, Latest Time for insertions, ,. 10. noon Wednesday Dial HU 94443 j Employment Wanted r:Plvll ELDERLY ANS �• lady •would like baby sit . g evenings. Phoane ETU 2.6649 after +six P.M. x8-! LIVESTOCK FOR SALII 20 KGS, 7 WEEKS OLD for sale. Apply to Wes, Hioggaxt, RR 1, Canon, phone HU 2-'9875. 118-+ 8 YORKS ITRE, PIGS, 8 WEERcS ,old aaso regtisrtered I%refoa cl lruultl, ] 3ne,ar Kaltd. Contact S(I Flyrun, pill 2.995x. x U FlriST L;ITITER SOWS, due in, two, w.eeacs, ,bred' to pure. bred Yorks+ ure hog. One 9 ft, steel drum! Jand ratletr din goad shape, Aubert W. ShIrmy, RR' 2, Hens'all. Phone 6832x1, 18-P 2 RED xa4EFOPM +bwll+s!, . 10 months old, pillcad 'reas'- ariable, John Wain, RR field' 1, l3aty- fdell;d', 4 nn4les north of Bayfai m, i k,e Water HLgthway. Phone Gtademich 126012. 18-,p AN AUCTION SALE EVERY Friday at 2 pm,: of 35 to 50 fresh and springing dairy cows and heif- ers, Few open heifers. Well mar- ked- Holstein heifer calves at Mc- Lelland Sale Barn, Bernie. 11 to 22-b AAA 1 National. Advertised Mer- ----- — chandise, established in 25 Toll- LOST and FOUND ntries, now starting manufactur- Ing in Canada is looking for one old , ring. reliable person as EXCLUSIVE I'O"T� AGENT for this area. Person sel- F`ind�r please .phgne ISLT'-9655. ected, with good references, will be 18-p set up in own business and get LOST -BROWN CW",GF: purse local newspaper advertising at no with rla.dy's gold watch, insad'e, lost cost, Only small, fully secured in- +in7i the vicinity near the Post af- vestment required. This is a st- &iCe, Ketepsaike. Onder please eady, .year round and highly pro- 7uiun!g At too tihe !aioton News-Rec- fitable business. If you can assure ord. 18-;p us, permanency and are sincerely interested in running ,a business MISCELLANEOUS of your own write for interview and further information to YOUR PIANO, ' carefully tuned. Manufacturers, Advertising Co. Box $87, Terminal "A", Toronto. Call George W, Cox, `HU 2-3870. ' 15-19p CUSTOM WORK sCaATCH PADS, 3 'x 5 inches FOR YOUR PLUMBING 'AND Available in quantity: 5c each, 10 Heating needs, call HU 2-9433. pads for, 40c. Clinton News -Re - Hawkins Hardware. 2-tfb 'coat. x8 sift TAKING. ORDERS ,FOR CUs• ' ��' OIAL AND PORTP_6 f ` tom: corn planting art $L75 -per• Frank Weddingsp a speciality. acre. Contact Toney Van Dongen, 2,29 after Phone: S;e17-8--h HU 2-7588, evenings. 18-p 229 after 7 p.m. 17-8-p EXCAtVA'11>r FOR SEPTIC -tanks, W ATCuFI REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts. Our work assures your weepers, drains,- etc. fast hole satisfaction, Counter's Jewellery. di9,9itn'g, pawns rollied 'by heavy Huron, County's Oldest Establish- !roNem, and landscapinig. Phone HU ed! Jewellery ,Store. 18-p 2-94;67, ren McKenzie, 17-18-b AUTOMATIC SAW Sharpening. URE UP'HOL5TERED, Saws retoothed, jointed . and filed lmke new, full mange of coven -s, a7! - for $1.25. Or just filed and set 75 so can re -style, estimates cheer - cents. Automatic -'butcher knife fully given. R1, phone Axth 2 E. and scissor sharpener, scissors 15 Clark, RR 1, Auburn, Blyth 2021,4, cents, knives 10 cents. W. E. 1$-191-20�21,p "Bill, Jervis, Fulton Street,. Clin- SEPTIC ' TANKS, CESS -POOLS ton, Phone HU 2-9664. 35p-tf+b etc., pumped and cleaned with WE AREI ACxtAIN SPRAYING modern equipment. All work weedsthis, year. Weed sprarys' we 'Blake teed. Write ss phone Louis getting better all +the time. We 42x65, ! RR ,2, Brussels. Phare., now have an excellent spray for 4226, Brussels. 10 to 31-p twitch grass; which is guarant- EXPERT REPAIRS eed. We 'also wave a. special spray Lamm mowers and outboard mot- to use an, fi�eldh seeded' With clay- ors. Factory trained mechanic. er. Phone Lloyd' Medd, HU 2-9836. Free pick-up and delivery in town ISM and RCAF Station. Phone HU 2- FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale Ga as, wood Epps 814 ti O1VE ,USED A7 US_CHAt�lG, LET US REPAIR AND MAKE "IRato�B'aler" .in good' eon, talon: your rings and jewellery like new. Plricetd to sell, Apply Ross Tre- Diamond rings renewed and stones wlartha, RR 4, Oln,nton, Hunter' safely secured --don't take chan- 2-9.147, 18-p ces, Expert work done reasonably. to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs e- Form Produce For Sale N Couand ePearl restringing. r. 15Wp. QUANT TY OF PEED- OATS, Eor artificial insemination ser - also square baled clover h'ay. Aro- vice or more informatk>n, te7.'e- pl!y ;to James. Lansborough, RR 3, phone (rAlec't) the S'ea:iorth, phone Seaf�orth 665x'1.6. Waterloo Cattle Breeding "18b Association HELP WANTED --FEMALE Clinton HU 2-344'1 Between 7:80 and 9:30 a.m. Mp,LS TO LEARN LAUNDRY We supply service to top qual- work. Contact Clinton Laundry {ity ,bull's of -the Holstein, Jersey, and Dry Cleaners. 2-tfb A'yrshtii!ra, Guernsey, Brown, Swiss, Red Poll, Hereford (palibd and HELP WANTED horned) ,Beef Shorthorn' ('polled and, horned), and, Dual Purpose shorthorn, Angtus and C'harol+aise WOMAN` to work part time in breeds. The czeA Is don's`• 17tfb Accounting Office, Preferably PASTURE FOR RENT With office experience and typing. WE CAN TAKE IN a few more Apply in person to cattle for pasture. Jr. W. V'an- Egmornd, phone TSU 2-9231. 14tfb Conada.Packers Ltd, Creamery WI.AN•'D cattle to pasture, ori. Of#ice, Clinton, Orifario. former W. J, Miller farm, in Hul lett, Good grass, and ainple good water. Application may be made Livestock Wanted to W. J. Miller, Clinton, Phone RU 2.95'23, Henry Stryker owner. kTTUNTION FARIYILt 99.1 -Cash paid for sick, down iin'd disabled pet Stock. cow's and horses, also dead cows and horses. Anything under 500 ACA RE1G2s� AND tlnoau.-' Llys, picked p free of charge. r., . lilted Siamese Seal tF,aitLt ,Kittens', Seaforth. .Associated with Darlih � 3 months. Phone, L'xete'r 298192, collect E . Andrews, 851x178g, , . and Co, of Canada Ltd. 26-p<ffb 1S b MR. FARMER! . property for Sale CASH' PAW for sick, do." and disabled cows and horses, also 6 ROOM �yUSE WITH GAP. - dead cows alld horses. Please age, on Princess Sttreat in Clia p�hone promptly, 24• -hour sekVice. 'can, 3 piece bath, 3 Jbe.drooms' arta hour service, . funa!oe, l!oeated near both schools, BRUCE 1li1l.ULl:TV, reiiso!nably priced. Phone TILT Phone C=ollect 56 r 7 Brussels z qWq. 18-b OLD HORSES WANTED AT 3Jic SUMMER CC 71PAGE, four roots, lb., and dead cattle at value. If modern,, div good repair; on Lake dead, phone lilt once, 01LBERT Ruroo, betwerun Btlyflold' and EROS. MINX RANCH- phone col- Goderlc'h, lovely beach, Stewart lett, Goderich, 1.483 J Tor 1488 J 1. 'S•ehoonhats, 'Clinton, Ontario, 57-27-p phone TiU 2.0777. 1#144 CARDS OF THANKS E As preAderit of the 'Clinto�uaaar 'club, 2 would �!ke to thank all who helped' Snake the paalty a stat• b cess, Also I would dike to tharnl all who took part in, the, pro&ram --Was. ',p. O'C Off'. 18.4 We wish tba extp'nd our s=ea ,gra*,ude root our frien'd`s acne netilghlyon% for their acts of .kind b ness, me!ssagesr of Wmpathy ani beautilfiul floral 'tributes, diwh4 our. recent sad bereavement, Sooe !la4 tth'anks to Dr, Newland .and �Cilintorn ,Ilasfp!itaS sSta;ff.-.-+MR, A E, R,UMBiAIGL A'NA FAlVirl1LY. 1$-b I wish to thank all my relatives and, friends for their gifts, flow- ers, and cards, also to those who visited met whale a patient in Chu - ton. Public Nosipta'l, and also at my .home. Speclal t'h'anks to. Rev. Wuntex, Dr, NewIiand and the nur- sing staff.—MRS, WILLIAM MC We *wish, ;to extend our heart- felt tth+an+ks and, appreciation S!dr the acts of ldudneiss, messages of symparthy, and, beautiful floral ,offerings received from our kind friends and neighbours, In ,our re - 'cent bereavement of a beloved husband +and father, . We especial- ly thank The Rev, Haxmislon and Dr. Newland!.—WEBS. JTA'CK PA,R.- IMR AND VAIMI,LY. 18-b We wish rba thank our friends, neighibaurs, and relatives for tine Lively ,floral tributes' and many f kindnesses shown, during our re- cent sad ;bereavement. Also our sincere theav to the special nur- ses, to Dr. Oakes, and, the staff of 'tll'e Biala and Mutch funeral, home, and' to the Rev. D, J. Lane Low their services. MRS. JOHN H. McE1WEN AND, FAMILY, 18-+b I would dike to express my ap- precd'atdon tto fsrleb&, neig'hboum and relatives! for cards and gitts- seinit ane while a patient in Victor- ia Hosp'it'al, London, Spe(:yial th- an+ks, to Mrs'. Haddly, Dr. Newland, land, nursing staff at Clinton Pub - lie hospital; Ball and. Mutch 'am.- bulanice, service !and' ,ta Rev. Mills, also' -t , .Roy Leppington for Sias kindness to me. at my' accident. Thaxnks very Much everyone. LOIS KENNEDY 18-b '(in Memoriams on Page Six) ADDITiON,AL AUCTION SALES ON PAGE TWELVE SEED FOR SALE DE-XALB, .SED CORN, now in shock. can do your orders early, as, supply may he limited', Ag7y for Hay and Shanley Taw.nshig. Mernno Stedde, RR 2, Zuracln. Phone Hemtsarll 698x13. 17-8-p PLANT CORN FOR BIGGER Dollars' Plant Pfister Hybrids for bigger returns than any other er hybrid; as proved by over 12,000 actual checks in Canada and the U.S.A. Sold by Ernest Johnston, RR 1, Goderich Phone 982W. 19 20-2L -+p Announcement E1RTHS '—In Ston PuWo K%- on M+and'ay, .�' 2i-, 1958, r, ain?dd 4� Garnet Alsla�tr', 41, a soli .(!b xOher for Mar- tPalftet Uoydd and Joan). R ­ 1n, C04ntoxu Public Ham- on F idaY, April, A x958,. ". and Mrs. Doix'a4d; Cooper, Cl+iotoln, a soar. In 05orrerAl, iHm,*41, St, Fines', ,am Zhu es+day, Aa'l X58, % Mr, Axid Nixs: Frantic L61 Louth Street, St. Cath4 AirJt> -- In Clinton Public na'ia, W, ljrais5etts; a ter -Jtln 'Clbr tonPublic, I44s,- p, Tuesday, Apri to X.r, and' 1VIrs< Bevealey [ftR 2', a31tyt4xy a son, Will2arn. Tial Clinton Plublic Hosplf- ria, on Tuesday, A a 29,95'8, :to Mr, Ani Mas'.. arcd l' ase, Clinton, a s'on;, Dravk4 Andrew ZA,NDIViWYiK — In, !C6inton 1'uWe Hospital', on Saturday, April 26, 195$, , rtaa Mr, and Urs, John antdlmyk, RR % Zurich, a s:om DEATHS BICIN— n, Bayfield, on. Saturday, A:prciil! 26, 1.95$, Jessie Nichb'lsonn, widoW of Hubert $ick, in her. 86% year, F giie!rral fT'rom • the Westt'1'ake tuneraa home, Zurich, to Bay'fiield, !Cemetery, on Tues' - +day af•,ternow,, April' .29, with the Rev. I, 53od'enth4m of+faciat- ang. 1 COOPER -- In Clinton Puwc Hospital; an Saturday, April, 26, 1958, anfant son of Mr. and'. Mrs.. Donald Cooper, RSR 5, Cadn- . ton, Interment din COnton Cem,- atemy: . GRAtiNGERr-- In Chntan on Mon- day, April 28, 1958, Olive Gert- rude Bowey, Bmtcefieltd, m daw of the late John Grainger, m.. hes' 77th, year. Ftuneral, from the Beattie funeral, home, Rat- tenbury Street East, Cl n t'on,, tta Baurd�s; 'Cemetery, on, Wed- nesday afternoon, April 30, by 'the R Sidney Davison, Bruce - fie'l'd' , nited Church:. IRV9N: Tan! Torouta, on, Sunday, April 27, 195$,• Rev. Robert Jos- eph- Irwdn, former minister, +of D,oWandsr Ave, United Cihurch, Toronto, and uncle of Robert N. 7rvv�in, (1luanton: Puneral from the Beattie funerali home, Rat- +tenbury +Sfireet.' Flash, tCli�ntoan, to Clinton Cemetery,' on Wetl'- nesday afternoon, April 30 by the Rev. J. A. McKim, Wesley - Willis 'Ur4.ted Ch'ur'ch, McEWfEN---Ian Clintons on Sunday, April 27, 1958, Jahn, Herbert MaVwen', Stanley Township, be= fined husband of Rebecca Stan- bury, :in his 85th yew.Funeral from the Ball • and' Muteh funer- al 1h+ome, High •Sttreet, Clinton to !Baird's iCemetexy,.. Staruley Township, ,by -the Rev. D< J, Lane, Cit'inton, on Tuesday, af- emoon, April, 29. NOTI,QE TO CREDITORS IN,TI�� ESTATE of John Har- old Wilre, late of the Town, of. Clinton in the County of Hhron; Gentleman, deceased AR persons having clahns ag- aims:t the Estate of the above d& - ceased are required to file the name with the undersigned Salle- ator for the said tEMaate, on or be - tore the 12th, day of May, AM, ; 1958, after which date the assets wi , be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard' only to the claims sof wh'ic'h Sale notice shall have been, +gtiven< Falconer Bros. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 21st day of'April, A.D. 1958. of 45 Head of E. D. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, C Solicitor for the said Estate, Scotch Shorthorns 17 -8 -9 -ib EevapOerrnessts to be held on Wednesday, May 7th at 1.30 p.m, D.S,T., at Falcon Spring Farms, Lot 44, con. 2, Tuchersmith, Second Farm south of RCAF Houses Offering consists of 8 registered cows with, calixes at foot; 3 bored mens!; 3 open hWers.; 3 buals,, 1 year old; 12 .gra5st sheer's; 8 fart steers' of top C IMAGE SM, EN ROXY THEATRE (linto.n Two Showa' 0091htly Wide $Oro*" y -. CSW-�1'hufrsday, arida a�rl �a#��.da. (Adult Entertainment) "`THE JOKER. IS WILD" The true story at Comodian' 499 E, Lewj$ FRANK SINATRA -- 4EAN.NE CRAiN M1TZi CaAYJW )R As a substitute for the Saturday Matinee only we Will .show "DENVER AND THE RIP GRANM71'r," MONDAY ONLY.—Moy 5 $pecial Scare Show $Q SCARY ,.... WE ,DARE YQU TQ SIT THRO IT ALL+ xau RIF YOU ua –, 2 FOR 1 PASSES IN F. EE GOOD FOR A FUTURE MOVIE SEE iT HAPP,Et —right beffore ►oar stented eras — PLUS — 2 SCREAM PICTURES Doors open 7 p.m. -- first Show 7.30 TUESDAY and 'WEDNESDAY (Adult Entertainment) ""HOUSE OF NUMBERS"' Actually filmed within the walls of San Quentin prison. The most amazing getaway ever planned. Cinemascope, JACK PALANCE -- BARBARA, LANG -- HAROLD H, ,STONE Coming, Nexf--Double Bill: "THREE FOR THE SHOW"' Betty Grable -- Jack Lemmon "'VALLEY- OF FIRE"' --- Gene Autry The old'PUBLIC SCHOOL • building is now being converted fo 8 aparfinents. Fire at former Commercial Hotel has made it impossible to continue with former pian of con- verting sohool to use as hotel. FOR SALE: WALK-IN REFRiGERAT(OR, Restaurant Tables and Chairs, some other equipment. ' Also for Sale: 3 Building Lots on Townsend Street: Ceriel VahDomme, Proprietor Thane HU 2-6685 in the Evenings SPRING SPECIAL.! I Only `l1 Cu. Ft. K LY INATOI REFRIGERATOR LIST $369.95 Only $289.0.5 , m... _...... quality; ;females vaccinated. Implement's: Massey Harris bii'. deer, 8 ft. No. 5; MaConniick Deer- ang drtop head !hay loader; New Idea mower, 6 ft' out; Coeksh-utt fer li izer .dnnll, 13 rrurn; 2 sections Fleury -Bussell spring tooth culldi- va tou ; Massey -;Harris. manure spreader; 2 -McCormick Deering beans scufftler and punter; DeLavell ero'am. separator; like ,new; stone bloat and +othter fvtemg. Terms --Clash day of sale Falconer Bros., Proprietors Sales Manager: Frank Falconer Auctioneer: Bert Pepper 17 -8 -ax FREE 0 EXTRA PANT With 5very < w. Made -to -Measure Sint by W. R. Johnston. >' See the new range of samples at prices from 62.60 to 82.00 OPEN PRIDAY EVENINGS Pickett & Campbell h'mIted ARiI (11k9 Si S STIr'r;80N HATS Phone HU 2.0732 --- Clinton, Onix.