HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-05-01, Page 1J* The Week's Woother I% Low mah Low pr i I AprA 24 70 -37 76 06 $0- 32 78 54 !$0. 29 78 eA 47 71 151. WS0110 .28 55' 43 64 47 29 56 3� 70 30 THE NEW ERA -93 rt -A -KCQRP,77th YEAR YF A THE NEW$ $0 58 27 60 38 iC,LlNT0Nf QNTA Nov 18—The Home Paper With the Kew$ 1U.0, TH-UODAY, MAY 1, 1958, 7 Cents a Copy $3,00 0 Y-04ir S�"�P7 WHAT -ABOUT THE THIRD,Kin. Ca+mpaign For Proposed Ga'- s Pi v IBM kets J pellne May Peewee it aziybne is WereAeldn con. t�jbutlng. to the Xinsmen plan for 2 i ion Cost CoMpany $ 1/4 M'1110 pTesentlag jacketb.tc, their All, hockey team, the Mayor W, J, Malec Clerk at ,the a VMS, er and ac S,t�r Peewee Tact which .. back to the munictipalitles they 'fund, is) StAn open.: John LivermozQ Were 6nStratford mated with pleasure- by A. R, YKI give it the ithird reading, and Chairman of the'•Cmvaftitee, x on Tuesday attending the hear- Crozier, chadimian of the Fuel authorization will. be in effect. t 4 re&rts that the In for the Ontano Pi uel Board Board. He remarked tha In Minton the, main will ap- W. 06$guhiour. Xxegard. to; the proposecl' bew could icor remember ever holding prQaah- throu ge cer th 'Mmen *14,1113e deeply grateful gh T 1,. smi, To., parallel with the railroad, 'to "Wane for thOr contributioli ga% pipeline which will reach from a hwing whhere 100 percent in- wnshap pa, ard, Tho P'eew'ees tbis, Stratfoa3d to Goderich, terest bud, been shown in th1is reavihing Highway 4 between the in this. reg Gas coriVany otf&clals -have In, way. Hozyear were fliltalists Rx their group present Cities Service - wigrohmAe at Ya I ung Corrado .Week Week ion'­God� dicateld, that if -no objections are The mupicip-alities and the mural I-Jydio builch ng. It (most of -raised, wbf6h would, by the Pipe- -them If not all) have. given two Will cross the highway and go erich.' line Act suspend operation for at reaicTaogs to- a by -34w authorizing along - Wallwer Street, later cros- least !two myths, there will be the, i-Asitallation, of the pipellmes sing :the Harmer Jackson property., natura,11 gas awdlabTe In Clinton and, iservices! In, their areas. 'Alt crossing the Baoleldl rvead, just Some Chaitioes In -in June, This, of course, we un- the hearing the chairman of the, the other side of ithe Salfes, Bum ders-tand wouW include the other Board insisted that an addlitAun and ithen oontioulng to Gode4eb, municipalities along the line,, Cost 'be 'put Into, the bylaw stating th- mail Times. of the gas main I,% estimated, at at -the gag oompany Would, be re. $` 250,000. sponsiblo for contractions and, sub- Farmers Get Deta4ls Because of, DST Aill murl-cipaliffies, both tam, contractors. at work on the, mains, ship.and urban were represented, When this, amended by4aw goes Da),�itght savd8g:Timte has done a pdrly good' job.0f mixing I things From fuel Board.;' up --as usuaL ln�.i order to help mailing tani#s as c1lear as kdepfioeceiveaerAssured of fair Play possible for OW re'a'ders, we con- Premier Frost Rs, -whose land WE F1'RST STEP (above) scald w$th -Positufaster Art BOi T. pg- -, lk' WO :,5 be effected by the proposed gag :.I Wo Mr.. Balm report$ alt 11 N When a few men got together '1'� 'n •p,ne which, will be laid be� b-th majl$ arxiv-- An �t e mornln7e. at On tween Stratford and Goderich, at - two years, ago, with the dream of 3 G u e s is at Huron Recti6,30 and 9 0 theii0me as before.tended a meeting An fthe Agrictd- actually building a swimming The, 6.30 a.m. ingil, to Goderich board rdom on Mon - pool for Clinton's children, they does, not .�chainge­�but at noon? it To Einar Premier Leslie. Frost eryone. Heand, his wife- wVH jain tural of1ft day evening, at the Inviltatim of the Fxemi on line -goes urlog his visit -to Huron,t, next er tin the receptA were particularly pleased to find at I p= ins�tesd of 12 noon. d V11P-1";t..::-:.. K�ffi.! all of the town staunchly behind Other afterno=. mails! leave for week, the I progressive Conserve- Federation, of Agri- Pren-der F�rost will disout g the -Ontario, discuss the culture. In, charge of the p1pe- 0001 '3,00 pamm and at the idea, The fund was launched Stratford tat WOW government in a shoilt Oul k of Ms M..,. 44 lines, committee, of the Federatiom 1 five Association &n: the riding ds address, at 5 P�m- by August 16; first sod was turn- 7.30 P414 for `Lordon g f the biggest - 04. anizing care. a Te and, present at the'meeting was, e are all, one. btur later than The reception 15 a relatively ed September 5 and by October These d1leton, Fe&vationl Donald, W C;Ptiolns 'in the area's history, new type of- political event which before, All Imes m enitioned aw 19 the main construction job was Ovei* 1,000 are expected to bias become exception , y popular s aU IDSTI. Special ottraction was the pr�s­ fteldman, for Middlesex County shake bands; with M,ri' completed. Of eowse, In, order that mail. sha the Pmm6er at in majorcentres, particularly riot- itor campaign, once or A. R.. Crosier, chairman the Goderich Ooaalegiate Audi jag the Jast federal �t MM Can be sorted, :6e POSt Off 4 j R urn, Thursday night, May 8. This is the first time a receptdon M -M 1 of ithe Ontario Fluel Board, and requests that it W mailed at leasIt SECOND STEP (left) Party, workers ---bath men and, one of the commissioners, J, J. Ewollt on,-- alaif hour before departure of this magnitude, has been at Wingfelder. Mr. Crosier, intro - time. worneii—in all eeaAres of the rid- temptedi " jn� 1-1uron. (duced by J. Caml Hen-Angway, hellping -with )preparation Chtalrman f, 4e lad! I coin - ting are Pumps and filtration equipment 0 the es tth meet for the reception, 00mmittees of mittee In charge of preparations aOtlnrg as Chain"an Of - e was installed during the summer erich. ting, explained the situation of the womeni.have been Organized' in Is Mrs. D. D. Mooney, God of 1957. By August 10, water was F: fiate� the towns to prepare a lunch for Members includemrs, J1. A. West- 'Fuel Board in the matter of the, �4 Le 6 Ini on in thlb pool, Youngsters , I the crowd. Other volunteers- will, pipollne. X: coot, Seaforth; Mrs. F. G. .Thome enjoyed cool swims. Now the Pl�pealnes, Act now in. be itelephoningtheir neighbors, to son, Mrs. Harold- Arbour The new pool is read for les y four Members encourage them. to attend, and' Mrs. rraink Wallcom, Gorier -effect all requests of effect embodd Members of Clinton Branch No. Charles MaqNaughtvn, PC can- ich. the.Ontano, Federat!ion with re- ldtdate in th!e May 1.2 by-elecition, gard, to, protection of property :L40, of th�' Claz �.Iatn Legion. sup- Women from the varlous cen THIRD STEP Q ?) Thoifgh the Fluel. Board ported, a motion: at the general suys the Tecept4on will be strict- tres,w2l. pow tee and, assist in 'Owners. Included in -the third step is the meeting Monday evening, to pur- aly iinformal and tit's' open ;to ev- serving 1kinch. does nut have power to, fix the laceo therate xyf payment for easements building of a suitable bathhouse, chlaseaddAtioa'041 land adJ t �-hey' , I - the, -gas . company da give the hafi an Wrk, $treat, This, In, washrooms, qxtrA, washroom, AqiAR" � eases the'fr&ffW&`6n Wok St- auvwnity 'tar• ale property -01 itles, for visitors to the park, show- c'� the fartner., ers, etc. Money is needed h Leet to 188 feet, and'a, depth of PUCEmployees Receive uthefarmeris nothappylvmfor t e 265 feet. The property win 'be 13 the agreement presented by the purpose. A Swim Pool ingo is used for better parking facilities gas -company, he -does not have to Lions Arena. Prizes up to $3,000 L,, G. Winter. vigm However, the company must. 'Change to 40 -Hour Week'obta&n -the easement, and If UheV planned for May 9, in the Clinton The property was -purchased, ��`n will be , Four New Members I given away. Attending the arerefused, will then make an ap- X one way you can help uesdary nighf for the aitlivugh a smaMl -raise was includ- ix expr0priU#arL when 6,fficers of the branch, initiated OWd on T bingoo"i 7 of t -e Clinton -Public f four new memb- entire staf h bring about the Third Step. into membership A 40 -hour work week was the ming comes up before the QpL Kenneth George, VdAties Commission. Actually, ed' to braig, tak�-,home pay up to Fuel Board, the fanner can, thea RCAaQ Cpl- John Shorey and the present.status, the new ar- state his case, and explain what " Graham 81a he m6shes: done. If the Board, BV t• Run ,ctP.1t-,X.ed",yt R"OBuAdF Statdon Olin rangement will mean littae more feels the request is reasonable New -Hospital School To t- Huron YPU Selec"ts expense to the on" and Bert Harris, Goderich CbrAmWion for they wdX, ruleAn -his favour, Township farmer, salaries, Until May 2, anyone may file 'U•nder Slightly Donations included: $10 to Ckn- Office staff comes the new = Obdeet!On to the 'building Of the ton Branch of the Canadian Can:- Ronald Steepe 0 pdpeiine. This wV,1 mean a delay Hire Nearly 1,000 People Different Rules cer Society and- $20 to Huron • agreement, too, and in, order to df 60 days, plus annither 14 days Clerta6n never detailsi*concerning stmationt Central) AgrAcuRtural, Sodiety. President For. 199 cut ',time to the 40 hours, the, of- before, work can, conunenc.,.. How- Accarding�to, E. Beecher M�nz- the proposed 1,600 bed 1�etardW, After completion of the build- Members, agreed to pay trans; face wffi not be open on Saturday ever, Mr. tCroziter started, that dv- Children's Hospital have been pre= Ing, it is expeebed, that staff Willi les, chaiirma_i�, of the' Clinton Ub- tation for Clinton entrants day On April 22, Huxon Presbytery morning, *as has been the custom say would only mean PO-9tPme- soented, by Charlie M-acNaughton, numtherifrom, , 750 to*1,000 persons, eval Associaition, the coming by- Legion, Pubfie -Speaking oompedt- United �Church Young Peopilles, Um�_ in thepast. Men working at the men't 'untft the 'line W�ou"­d be ]aid: Ebmter, the Progressuve Conserv- 71otall annuak payroll Is estimated' election -it carried out a saight- ions, One. of adnton entries, Miss 10n, held their Spring Rally at during the wet months of the ative candidate in; the May .12 at from $1 to $11/2 million. Annual ly different manner to a regular Barbara f1lder, won first place Goderich Ndrth.- Street United PkImPing Station at rights or on year, causimg mom trouble than, cost far provisions, $350 to $4150 province -wide election. In senior public speaking in, Kin- 01"U'reh. The church was R.Eed the weekends, will -receive $2 per If fit were allowed rbD go. ahead only requirement of eligi,b- r I The oi With 250 youngr people attending. day stand-by pay, The new wage Alectording to Mil. MacNaughtion, thousand"; for fuel, i6ght" water, ility is that -a person! be a British ca, ne' A delicious banquet was served. agreement comes in -to effect now.. He said, The line is, goring,' these figures are an estimate bas- eitc,, $100 thousand,;, for ciothbing, Subject; be 21 years or A motion was passOdto change The evering was packed with May 1. 04 -through Whether you -like it tor ed- on an actuall survey of shnflar %50,000; forUun&y, cleaning, etc., ovev, the name an the Legnn-sponsor�d singsong, business meeting, recre- not Righre ;now contractors. are. and. they must be a resl'd'ent Jin pipe band"s bass drum (by buying -Iont and worship. Won. a W. E, Perdue can avaftable. If the company has itu, Institutions: $26,000; for contingencies, $20,,- lChairma Ziucted, the meeting at which comms wart . !fall, th, y i put it Cost of structure, ds ligured on, 000: for maintenancle and repair, Clanada. for 12 months 6rtolr to, two. new heads! for the drum) apporittunities of camps- and, cara- untile wall. off ,the palling date of May 12, 1958. from BannaLqr the basis Of $8,500 per bed, mak- $30,000 and,for medical Supplies' ,burn.:to Clinton 1.,e_ vaning were great challenges for )y4ssioners Chartles. Brown, F. til next un e year. Ail that Wilt, be They �nust also beordinarilyres- ion Branch No. 140. the young people .to take, this Hartley and Mayor W. J. M4.1ler 'shed it that the municl- of etc., $25,0W, i accompli ing a total in Huron's case, Ident In -thg- electorial. aistrict ;� g The Branch is, holding rite: spr- -Summer. attended. I. 0— palitles swIR, -have to wait -a full fTwn $10 million to $12 Willions. two months prior to, the date, of ting 'paper drive on Wednesfty, lcmsiderabli� discussion centred year." There wild probably be 300 -to ploaling. May 21, with Hal Hartley jin around -the apparent "forgelfull' A Board, at Arbitration Is set 400 persons on sibaff duringMid, WODA Group The provisdon for members, of charge, Douglas Andrews annou- aittiltude taken by the Department up by the Wirdster of bUnes `Co the RCAF In barracks was that, nced, that the, sports, committee of National Defenee, to the Com- fix ,rates a damages. they could register for 4fte-privia, wgii sponsor a Midget baseball misslaWs request fow'Inarease In Mr. Crozjer predicted that av- Chooses Exeter etge of voting by a certaft'i date. team, this reason. He, asked for vates. Since the last raise M. M aflable gas would ean more in, It is, understood that only three voluntwirs to, coach and' manage water ratk�g, pertaining to service ticernent to Industry, Concerning service. raen at Clinton StAtion, tht, •team, His c ,or=ittee was to RaAF Staidoin GlInt0ni the damages, he said the Minister of Reeve As Chairman and none at CeTttra]la availed authox6zed to spend. up to $200 town has been put to considerable. Mines would appoint inspector,or Wdiliam MadjKenizle, reeve of them-selvesto this opportunity. Of to[ equip the. team. expense to main.tain- s-Iftvice, At Anspectcais to see diat propertv (By W. D. 0.) course they can still be sworn An *DreW Fowler, now living an 'time er air, Exeter, was elected chairman )of of -a the - s=e the rate per was put badk dinta pmp rep Zone One, MdjArestern Onjario, Offt, the day of election and may I.Ondon, ha bis name th'avrn for thousand- gallOn's' of water has and that drwins, etc., Would be q,VS 3LW IrS BROW.N DOVejopment Association, at its vote, then. the, attendance prize, but not be- b"! n iten cents, respected. Pee ... and, it's vaauabie� That's amnnat.meeting here, japt, Friday RCAF perstonntl living in, Cain- Ing presenit the prdze-goes up an- tXtM help resulting in $2,000 the "y •the, Bell, Telephone Com- night. He replaces, Dr, E. A. Me- 'tOh, or An permanent married ather $5; next month it is* worth per year; debenture paymont of D )?any of Canada is introdacing the Wastor, Seafortb, quarters were enumerated in, the $40, Percy S;lvemoro won the new Itelo-phone boak, now on At,, Gordon, M,.,ojt, niyth• and, Ba.rl usual way, and- will, vote at p&- regular draw Prize,, $1,800 per year on diTillaiag of well Barbara Inder way from Montreal through Ole kkavilton Wingbatn, vx" named 'ling stationsmade public by pas- • K." ift 1952; andt eotra, pbwer cost of Swimming Fooliriund about $1,800 per year, has resul- maiN, to you . Growth &n the vice,diai ter Prodwbationt. rmeh. New Ruron, Coulnm Bud Schoenhalg, general man- ted entirely from the necessity of Tonc Zone Pat area is indicatedtbY the fact that by reprt�sen&tives are Wardbu age -1, of Clinton Cbmmunftly Swilh- keeping Water avatilable to the 100 raore directories wili, be dig- John, Morristy, Credl)ton, and Roy tributed than were sent olut* last Adair, Wingbam. Staltdon. At -the same tirne, In Speaking Contest report of the committe's plans to the, past seven years,, consumpition. Farmers Union To m'ng Pool' -committee, gave a fuu year , mak, Ing. a tot&l. of 2,150 Formod 2 Years Ago c�omplete the bath house at the Taking -Part -in Zone Public of water there has Increased six - copies. An the ain,ton area The Association, formed two ?pglrk this summer, A huge $3,000 RONALD STEEPE f1old. Speaking compatition at. Mnear, A�Vatuftd on the OWLIT is U sketch Feats ago to promote the areals, Sponsor Meeting tbingo IV planned for next Mday Another way of considering the '(line span; by the Canadian, of the 19hakespeafeah G&rdbf% Inr attraction for tourj$ts, busine_�, night" may 9, to, -raise money for Now Presideht of Huron YPU situatilon is ba realize that a,_ LegioA NNss: Barbara Inder, old, Stratford Induttily and :agriculture,, em- for Beth Candidates the ptojed.t, A work party Is daq, The gueq,t for -the- -rally was thaUgh the 81,aMon pays 10 cents resit )daughter of ithe, Rev. and b�acts the counties of 14hron, led for gondw night to, got the Ross Mackay, London, who is a Ver thoustand galiftis, many 'house-- Mrs, 0- S. DIffler, and M student Ta0h9Z PRMIDUY BVINCM5 Perthl, Welaangiton, and Wate"Oa Continuing a pkaotice begun at 11tons Areba, in readiness for the dhalktarltist, Mr� WROW entta0c- holders in Oin'ton ktte ;pay'i'ng at Ointon Pttblk Schoa was sue- taoog tm toadswo ad* again In Zone One is comprised of I-Turon the, 44st prov!tnclal election, Ithe b1zW6. ed everyone by painting an.Mtster AP- oetsful in wiminjing first place. pWce. , , A 1#%t cold Windst per Cbunrty. 140ron, DD;. let, Ontario Farmers Scene -and, lben changing At with War& of 25, cents, for the, same-, This entitles her to go on into hop aInd then WIR 60rne, dOYS Present at the, Meeting Wert Union am soollsortng a mtoetting Coloured aighting, Rev, banfels amo"t or water, diWlct fimb whtch. wM be hW, V�heall -they cant be used once representatives n "led 'thee officem for com. The Ptic Wit that W1 answer to ientatives� from Clinton) In the TV�M,HaRQ Hensall" On. the WINTERMEY91t li stal I he some time in Why. mbrO. . . ArehXt �Iht Department Winghlam, Oodetrich, Stratford eveniTig of May �, when electors ing year, ptesIdent, Ron Steepe, t -r request d last NoMeblber qNst hotmt was won qn the it* Of ItUBDft t0idin]g may hoar bbth� Clinton; Ace-Prvq4de0t, kala COW- ohotgd have, been answered be, sftioe p 1W of llighwa�yn pe*L& sure lytht' candidates In the coming by-olee- IN HURON RIOINdi teg, RR 5, Brupselsq secretary, f0te, TUe.��&y atiWitnwn, . uh,, School section, and * # * Setfortb, and Ultdiolt, Uss, Heather Harallton, Xinc4r- VftP.YONP, IN MUNWAIALT- The gathering Was� told' that bort. FRIDAY NIGHT Jun'ta manning I'Londesbotio, Services f4k, hydeo, water and anet cknjiel second , Irl the SUT*or i5;. Aqox Addison, dintoo Otho pub1b - �Iteo&y M 1, 1 ties. al.ohg, k,'-(Vwg Zurich has decided to Withdraw Libera ptjndWg,,te, iand niernew leader a the Oftt- I Clinton; 'trcasut4r" Don. Homing' 'sewage W&4 geabte& -to, 13ftt Gar. competition Miss C'h'eryl IMIrAer. f filngtilt c1,X%t*d If up unfli ttom the. Association, but no tea- MA-WOUghtM� PrW,!861V�6. Coh- 41110 Lible -ral party, 1ohn .1, way, RR 3, 1�.Wgsols. donvenem tett for h"s liew h(Am' Oil the ton, -Xindartdina, placed first� wit nt e Re d r6day ftht no obdeclion, hm soft was glveft,, Clinton ig 110t yet ZtrftWel candidate tdlj each have Wintormeyer will, bL* speaking. Plaith and Wabrgeal;Snl, AeIe,_�� SOU-th slide of Tbattenbury, batweoh Ile Da.l�e, Xing, student at A/V/&T, been lbd&� withthe Ont&tb Plad a ratnnber. tyne for a 20-mlinule P.Ntech, paug in 'thlt- cbmMunky ceofT611" Johnston, Clinton, Stei"llidship, the how# Of Wilbur Weash "Id Hugh CampboR Public Soho)l, 0. BoVd"rWAle,al, &a mail' hi all A. a Dtew, Stratford, Agoda- A ravL- mi-nute 9�,epjy, A questito Zuwibh on nidaY, May. 2. and Itm.(hing 9.�,60 t5elbAdge, 'Tamen Stanion, for I M, oAmer- aced sowftd, 'werefary, to1d, 'the meetityg And AMWer ipmod Will ft-lom Mr. wante"heyep W$111- bb Wbodham" �21itonshio •pd- Wm- oft, fbr hjs� p.trtob4bllify rea& fyom, 8fttftd td6ft It it 0XP66t6d, 4hout Gordon, M q on belltalf of Dr. inuhityservim Oeoj Rtbey PAI hew hOM6 6ft TbWdls- Vince platUreg were. Wten, dut., . should i1ye, (,act appoam . I to OodoltidK b,Publishing the AM18011 uwral taftd- 'A46n and" Mut- inn. &6 cbmpetitfok� Its is Pb8sib., VaTha, PV61V�Cj9d' President Of Z-h—kf 91& 6 Wld sftend stfdtft bdAhd B4111 Rmid 11kAt, promitoi tobe, t bwn, Ag -A- Edmets Vhlml •WMIT ble id9te Ift th* 10;th010Mihg by- T 1110ffle, and tot J. S. le OW WUl appft�. OV,�,r, a X. f 01T 0 1". that �Urlareaprodutt , m6re sldh(t Iftdug,* and produdta thaft nal Othel' pt,(�,dept And Robert TayW, WOhly OWCUM. Dr, Addison 'Ala, �Wsekmg, Wilmer jrr­gt4�, ':6G,1 Shbrey, on Whitellead, Stiveet, east I W farAght duijng the ]?0" I& futi&t ldevelopment. 004 of 119 8,126 in Untard(V I dipeotior will, be, dbaitmat, also address the meeting. 94fth.ft t1mc, Spot, ..... .... .