HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-04-24, Page 15YOUR
Ale ison
Born in Brucefield, 47 years ago.
Dr. Addison practiced medicine in Zurich for 4 years;
since. 1.943 he has practiced in Clinton.
He attended Brucefield public schools, Exeter High
. School and University of Western Ontario.
He is married and his family ranging in age from 12 to
18 includes two boys and two girls. His wife
is the former Jessie Cameron of
Brucefield and Clinton.
He is a member of Wesley-Willis United Church,
Active in the coindiunity, he is a member of Clinton
Lions Club, and for a number of years has served
on the Clinton District Collegiate
Institute Board.
As the Liberal Candidate
He, Seeks The Support of the Electors of
Huron, at the'
May 12th By-Election
(Published by Huroh Liberal Association)
Timely suggestion if you geed money
Cali on Canada's - leading
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Any time of day is a good.
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people at HFC about yotr
money problems. Advice is
sound and helpful. Loans are
prompt and private. Borrow
Modern money service up to $1,000 with repayment ,
backed by 80 years terms you CPLOOSe4.
of experience
ovaiaalp • o'
(By Douglas 11, Most agrlout-
iloral renreseutatIve for Owen)
Seeding 'IS !generdl through out
Huron Soils Group Pasture
Trial ,,foi 'County, Farms
The Huron 'County and
Crop Improvement As.soclation at
its recent directors meeting an-
nounced that they Wourcl sponsor
in 1958... Pasture Improvement
,Competiion for 'the ,county. it
may be "necessary to limit the
competition Ito the first twenty
five -that apply, Application forms
are 'available from the Depart-
ment of Agrieulture Office; Clin-
ton. The applicants will receilve•
a score card and field. sheet after
the competition closes,
he score Will he made on two
visits by an outside judge with
a total of 20(4 points as a maxi-
Mira plus a bonus based on pas-
ture acres per animal unit. judg-
ing will be OX1 about June 15 and
September ' 1.
This .conmetitien ineludies, the
whole pasture programme, not
any selected field. The only ex-
ception 'will be' rough unimproved
pasture not included in the reg-
'ul'ar programme but which may
be used 'occasionally for young
cattle only.
The winner of the Huron Coun-
ty Competition, will, proceed' 'to a
regime). competition which in turn
will, advance a winner to 'the pro-
vincial competltion,
The directors of the Huron Soil
and Crop Improvement AsSoeiat-
ih ,announcing this -competit-
ion feel 'that ft Will stimulate
greater interest in pasture anon-
4gemerpt in -the county PS this
is one of the most 'valuable crops
to the livestock fernier whether
he is a beef or datry specialist,
Rules and Regulations
-1, The ;object of the competition
shall be to promote a better
understainding end' appreciat-
ion of the value of better pas.,
ture and pasture management.
2, The minimum number of ent-
ries in a county competi'ti'on
will be ten'.
3. The competition will 'be open
• to any livestock farmer,
4, Contestants will be required
'to .comple.ite an official entry
form end return it by May 1
to !Douglas H. Miles, ,agricul-
tural representative, 'Clinton.
5. Competitors must enter all
pasture fields used on a farm
('except pastures used exclust.
direly -by young cattle),
G. 'County competitions will be
judged 'by a. judge appointed
by the County Soil and Crop
Improvement Association,
7. Pasture must be scored at
least 'twice on the basis of
the official score card, during
spring, ,summer or fall:
8. The Province is divided into
four regions and the county
winners in these regions will
be judged' by judges appointed
by the Ontario Department
of Agriculture to select a reg-
Ronal winner.
9. The winners of the regional
'competitions shall be judged
by a judge and committee ap-
pointed by the Ontario Dep-
artment of Agriculture and a
provincial winner selected.
0. The County Soil ,and Ciop
_Improvement Association
I be responsible for the organ-
ization, judging 'and' prize list
tor the county competition.
and must announce the county
winner not later 'than Septem-
ber 15. This' is to permit reg-
ional and 'provincial' fudging
to be completed by October
The County Association will
supply the score cards of 'the
county winner to the regional
' judge for his ,guidance
12. Prize money for regional and
provincial winners, 'to the ex-
tent of $500 furnished thr-
ough the 'Canadian Seed Trade
Association. A suitable trophy
will be provided for the Pro-.
vincial Champion.
John Parker
There passed away suddenly on
Sunday, April 20, one of Bay-
field's life long residents in the
'person, of John Parker, in his 70th
Born in, Baylield; he was the
thIrd son of 'the' into Charles and
Catherine (Johnston) Parker.
SUrviving are his' wife, the for-
mer Myrtle. A. Brown, two daugh-
ters, (Maud) Mrs. Fred Weston,
Hayfield; (Jacqueline) Mrs. Keith
Pruss, London, and one - son,
Charles,. of Scanboro. There are
six grandchildren; five sisters,
(Clara) ,Mrs. E. A. Featherstone;
(Mairg*et) Mrs. Reheny Larson,
Bayfield; (3ella) Mrs. George
Reid, Varrna; (Louise) Mrs. Har-
old King, Sarnia; (Beulah) Mrs.
Len Snlith, London; two brothers,
Percival, Nakoma, North Dako-
ta; William Hayfield.
Funeral services were held on
Tuesday, at 2 pin. froth the Ang-
limn Church, BaYkfield.
Within the next week or se, the"
annual sucker run in Southern
Ontario will be in foil Swing.
This CO4'00 fish moves from large
waters into 4'streams and rivers
for 'the yearly spawning -ceremon-
ces when, the waters warm up to
about • 50;1F,
The lowly sucker is considned
a delicate morsel by many PeoPie
this time of year, and fishermen
frOPI all walicS 'o'f We Make an
attempt to have at least one
sucker fishing trip each Spring.
Regulations • 'are s'tri'ctly ,enfor.e,„
ecl in the Huron. District, net to
protect the lowly sucker, but the .
spawning game fish such as Rain-
-bow Tpout, Pike and Piekerek
which occupy the same waters as
the sucker' 'at this time of year.
In daylight hours, during the
months .0.f. April and May, when
it is logal to take coarse fish with
a spear or net, suckers may he
found, lying in schools on the bot-
tom of 'deeper boles. As the water .
warms and 'the season advances,
they may move upstream even
during claylight.
Suckers are also often caught
on hook and line at this time
of year. The most effective 'meth-
od is usually by fishing worm
bait right 'on the bottom of the
deep holes in streams and rivers;
once a bite is felt, the fish sh-
ould be 'allowed to have plehty
of time to swallow the' bait before
'the hook is set,
"Where there's a will, there's
a way" and laws restricting the.
North Huron Junior VartnerIS
are holding 4 farm gateMV (141.,
Movement project in; tile town-
ships of last. Wawavosh, Man*
Turnherry and Grey, Awards
Will be made one the basis' of pr-
firoptioventent end safety.
Manufactured by
18 - 22 inch 2 Cycle and 4 Cycle
$45.95 and. Up
loan. The manager welcomes opportunities
to make loans, repayable out of earnings
in convenient instalments.
And at a chartered bank, you can always
count on privacy and courteous consideca-
tion, whether you are arranging a loan or
using other valuable services the bank
Faced with unforeseen household expenses?
'Want to make some special major pur-
chase? Need money for taxes---or to meet a
family emergency? Personal loans to help
people meet just such situations are being
made by the chartered banks every day.
You're not asking a favour when you visit
a chartered ,bank tb arrange a personal
Regulati,ons Covering Sucker Fishing
Also Protect Other Smaller Fish
taking of fish by means of a light,
not prevent fishermen
from enjoying a "Sucker Fishing
to"shop and save
at our Rexall
Drug Store
C. Newcom y
Chemist and Druggist
PHONE HU. 2-951 1 -
• so both are borrowing from a bank
28, 29, 30
1, 2, 3
the County- with farrnors report-
ing that seeding. operations are
the lima they nave had. 'Mere
is an ample supply of all grain.
and small seeds,'
Grass is b'eginnirig to leek a
little greener.
R. k. Fitch, Martieler
3$1k West Street Telephone 1501