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Clinton News-Record, 1958-04-24, Page 5
;= URSD:A;,Y, APRIT, 24, 1958 NEWS-ktF pan BIRTHS ALLAN -In C-finiton Public Has phial; ,on Tuesday, April 22 1958, to Mr. and, Mrs!, Garne! Aldan, Hemall, a slop, MENZ= -- In Clinton pubo, Hospital an Tues,d'ay, Apav1 22 1;958, to Mr, and, Mrs, Eeeal�e IV6e!nales, !CR atlon, m soon. S,'i'iEP9 ENSON - zn Clinton pub lie Hos!paltal, on, Wednesday App` 2% 1958, Ito W. 'and Mrs Kenneth Stepinennson, RR 1 Varma, a daughter. a Accommodation For Rent ARTICLES FOR , SALE , LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Property For Sale STEP1iW-9QN'--In. Clanton Pub nylon over !taffeta, suitabb, Ric Hospital,, lora Wednesday 6 HOLSM)DIN COWS, DUE IN mouvth,. 2 cows w DNI calves 7 ROOM HOUSE and garage, sett- tial Minton stoker fyrnace <3 ROOM FURNISI�Eb APARCI'- MOTORS AND GENERATORS:. rewound and repaired. Brushes,one April 23', 1958, to Mr. and. Mas Ralph Stephenson, RR 1, Varna neurit. Phone HU 2-9928, j7 -b capacitors, "switches, bearings; at foot- 5 calves (,Hereford x Hol- .3 bedrooms, open fireplace in den, a song. H- O'US!E, FOP. -RENT Im. ALES small appliances repaired. Used or reconditioned motors for sale. stein) , Larne Tynda(%, Phlone 1-I b hardwood floors. Taxes and heating costs exceptionally lovy. Priced �I tic Hospi, 1'OPP-In Clm»ytan Pub Ifronz Clinton, Modern convrnn.- - r Art Levett, Isaac Street at -Dunlop. ,nenn Phone: IIU' 2-3265. 17-b 2-9904, right for quick sale, Phone HU 2- tal, on Apmd 14, 1,9'58, itaa Mr rdri,d Ma's. Larne l,'�ppP, A.ubumsr 2 HOLSr11=, N ,COWS, one fresh; Phone HLT 2-6640. 44M 9558. 15-16-17^P a soon, (Robert Jahns brat'hei SEED FOR SALE ,SMALL HOUSE ROR RENT IN Clinton, unfurnished, near down- 28 ft, ROLLING HOME, Inglis- and other dues in s w eek. One Uolst'eli+nx h'eifer freshened. Leen for Douglas and, Dienne). town. Phone Blyth 162. 11 -tib Scholtz make newly refinished, in good condition. Equipped with R,�e+h,ors!t RR 5 01niton, phone Ht7 , ,Grigg and Son, phone HU 2-9411. MA Ri�IA�ES GARRY OATS for seed. Apply - MODERN NOW 4 ROOM unfurm- electric (brakes; constant travel + ,adjustable doll wheel duel, light islied apartment, heated. $85 y g 2-9965, 17,b to James Landsborough phone Seaforth 665r16. 15-16-17-p BAKER-PFAk'F In Carmel Pres• —4� due monthly, Apply Box 172 calnt!an and water connections, Priced News -Record. 17-P reasonable terms available. , Con,- 4 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, !to fresh n 1s'.t and 14th, of May, Ayr- byterian Church manse, Hensall; on Saturday, April 19, 1958, by DE,-KALB SEED CORN naw an tact 'Glenn Brandon, Bayfield, sllu-'re heifer milking Ayrshire Ayrshirock. M Ciaf12 do your orders early, the Rev, Donald MacDonald, -SMALL UPSTAIRS ,FURNISH- weekends preferably. 16-17p heifer, One Jersey claw milldvg,; ,as supply may be R1 Rifted. Agency Greta Jean, daughter of Mr, and ed apartment, private• entrance, one ava9f-Jersey co(w milllsrng. Rea .for Haly and, Sita+nRtey Townships,, Mrs. Nelson Pfaff, Brucefield, reasonable. Phone HU 2-9790. 15 HORSEPOWER EVI:NRUDE sonfor sale: farm. Is sold. Willits Mea-inc, S!teclde, RR 2 Zurich. to Murray Baker, son of Mr, and 17ab Outb+aarrd motor with, gear shift, Switzer. Ph -me HU 2-3278. 17-p — -- Phone ,Hensallll 698x7.'3. 17-8-p Mrs. Robert Balser, Sr., Hensall, oruise e day tank. Used less than SE', 2 bedrooms, modern con- 20 hours, Aisa 13 ft. 3 inch. Illy- GLOU'HER-SNYDER -- In Lon - desboro United Church AN AUCTION SALE, EVERY CLfINTLAND OATS. $1 per bush- 'v,eniences, rgarden"tann garage. 6 wood boort With 5.8 inch beam, Friday at 2 p.m., of 35 to 50 fresh el out of bin. These oats won sec- manse, on Saturday, April 19, 1958, by miles from Clinton, Phone HU 2- centre deck. Has remote _con- '7525, and springing dairy cows and heif- and prize at the Huron County the Rev. J. T. White, Jane 15-tfb tanoas, steering wheel, !air rollers, ers. Few open heifers, Well mar- Seed Fair in Clinton. Apply Wil- daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John 3 ROOM APARTMENT furnish- tlamp!au8rin. In excellenit condition, ked Holstein heifer calves at Mr,- 1 B Liam Bakker, phone 21x23, Blyth. 15 1617 b Snyder, RR 1, Clinton, to James S,acrafaee ito c'lose inn. estate, P+h:one Lelland Sa e Barn, ervne. ed,- modern conveniences, self- HU 2-6678 after 6 p.m. 17-p 11 to 22.-b contained on ground floor. Ph- 9one ,HU 29581. 16p -17-b -- .3 ROOM APARTMENT, furnish," Business Opportvnities Livestock Wanted ed, private 'bathroom. Phone EIU OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. ATTENTION FARMERS;! :,Cash 2-6665 between 12 and 1 p.m., and Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, -.after 6 p.m. 16-7-b h Street Clinton. Phone Clin' paid for sick, dawn and disabled caws and horses, also dead cows 3 BEDROOM APART1KENT, un- ton. Hu 2-6692, 16tfb and horses. Anything under 500 ,furnished,. on, King Street, avail- lbs. picked up free of charge. .able now. Phone HU 2-3491. Automobiles For Sale `.:'all collect Ed. Andrews, 851r17., 16-7,b - __ Seaforth. Associated with Darling 1951 PONTIA.0 SEDAN delivery, and Co. of Canada Ltd. 26-p-tfb 'SMALL .ROUSE,, UNFURNISH in :good running order, low aril - ,exit, all coilveniences, subtable, to'r ,cage. Phone HU 2-9512. 16-7-,b MR, FARMER! rxmylle, near RCAF Station. Plibne CASH PAID for sick, down ;Norman Manning, HU 2-9270. BARGAIN! , Chevrolet Fleetline .and disabled cows and horses, also 17-p Deluxe; abtolutely top condition, dead cows and horses. Please wonderful 'car for someone want- phone promptly, 24 hour service. TWO FURNISHED Aparrtments. ing economical transportation. Ful- hour service. A'lll modern convenliences. Heated ly equipped, radio, heater, seat BRUCE MARLATT, by oil, furnace., SlAtable for covers, etc. Must, see to appreciate. Phone Called 56 r 7 Brussels t c'oupl'es. One immediate, other $395. Address, 7 Quebec Road, ,-.June 1. Phone ,HU 2-9479 or Hit RCAF Station, Phone HU 2-3389. OLD HORSES WANTED AT 3%c f 9634. 17-tfb Z5-16 b lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once, GILBERT '+Accotllmodption Wanted BOARD AND ROOM BROS, MIND RANCH, phone col- ' 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT OR ACCOMMODATION FOR room- lett, Goderich, 1483 J 4 or 1483 J 1, house wanted in Clintml. Reply ers or'boa:rders, Phlone HU 2-9376. 52-27-p !h ,,to Box, 170, Clinton News -Record, 17-b MISCELLANEOUS 17-p ACCOMMODATION FOR TWO .2' BEDROOM DOWNSTAIRS -sharing, private home, HU 2-7093. YOUR PIANO, carefully tuned. apamtment for 2 bedroom hlauser In 14-5-6-7-b Call George W. Cox, HU 2-3870. mM,nbon, Wanted' for and of July 15-19P ,or nAd'dlle mf August. Box 171, CLOTHING FOR SALE Mintoax News -Record, 17-tfib F Articles For Sale WALTZ- 1ENGTH DRF,SS, Pints for nylon over !taffeta, suitabb, bridesmaid nor formal, size 10. Al- BIABY BUGGY. Phone P, Wester- so other Sumnner dresses, sizes 12 "bbut, HU 2-9812. .. 1.7-p to 14. Phone, HU 2-9610. 17-rb FILMS DEVELOPED in 24 hours, 'Prompt photo finishing. Clinton CUSTOM WORK Bowling Alley 16-17-18-19-p FOR YOUR PLUMBING AND 'MIXED GLADIOLUS, BULBS, 50 .Beating .needs, call HU 2-9433. medl!um size for $1.50.. Mnara+ay Hawkins Hardware. 2-tfb -Tyndall, B!rucefieM, phone Sea - forth 6.40w2. 17 -8 -ib EXICArVAM, FOR SEPTIC tarrtk* weepers, dredns, etc. Post Me .1 IML OIL — Stove and Furnace &gging, (lawns rolled by heavy FOil delivered anywhere, A. G. raller. Gard'ensi ploughed, cuM- ,Grigg and Son, phone HU 2-9411. vated or disked. Phone HU 43-tfb 2-9457, Ken McKenzie. 17-b GIRLS ICOM BICYCLE FOR sale, un good condition; also girl's : spring ,grey coat and a 'blue dress, both size 12. Phone: Mrs. Wa'llaarn ' Tbw nshend, HU 2-3357. 17-b CONSOLE COMBINATION radio .phonograph, 3 -speed, . long and short wave• radio, in A-1 coedit - ion. Rmsonn for selling, posted. .Mane HU, 2.-9963. 17-8-,p ,*UnING MARRIED? See•samp- les of wedding stationery at the :News -Record office. Invitations, thank -you cards, wedding cafe loxes, place cards, serviettes, :match books, etc. 11-tfb SUMMER REDUCTION an Pion- eer 'Saws. Savl ngs of 10 percent. >Qual ty ;,anddependabillrty at the lowest price ever. Contact Rob- ert filen. ,' brieer Chabi Saws+. ":Phone HU 2': 9909, Cldn!ton. 17,8-b MAGIC MAIR,IERS, Will write on anything, glass, wood, paper, etc. IDry immediately. Seven different ,colours. Good for poster work, €signs, etc. $1,10 each, refills, 50c. Clinton News -Record. 37-tfb ,YOUR OLD WASHER IS WORTH money when traded on a new rWestinghouse washer. T. A. Dut- ton's Appliance Store, Brucefield'. (Phone Clinton HU 2-3232. 11-tfb -SEVERAL NEW PATTERNS in F.+ W!sh Bone China Dinnerware, Including lovely "Cornflower". See. it and others in our window and get our low prices for fine china. Coyrra6er's Jeiwe'llery. 17p CIE3rJ1gq RtF1tt1M swipe, brown; in colour, also 9' x 1+2' wool mn5.g. Pan,ane .HU 2-3850. 17-b ,:5 DO!S L RS ' DOWN 17MWEiZS ::a, nelw Porwer 'Mawer from Wells Mato IEl'eoti ie. 1.7-b 'XiMTOR, QUEEN SAQ.OS. AND SeNice. 'Ik7epadas to aril' snakes of Vacuum Cleaners. Reconditioned ° ,deanetrs of +alit makesl far sale. Bob Peck, Varna,,Ph6, r* H'ensall r696a 17-19-21.23-p PA1NTl1.'D BEDROOM. SUITE; 'hall 'tree; walnut lamp stables, up- hblatered ali�alilrs; wicker :rocker; Yampsi; axminis+ter hall runner, 14 ft.; a!nlUque soft and ah+airts; In- vkalid! tables; other furun4am; Scout halt and shirt, size 14, and goe,'p[ing bag. Phone HU 2-7077, 17-.b ,G01jDFN 13ARK Weeping Willow trees, 5 to 10 ft, high, $1.00 each; Apply to Fred Gilbfft, corner of Huron and Mill Roads, Goderich, .pinrne 1488,14, 15-6-177-b AUTOMATIC SAW Sharpening. Saws retoothed, jointed and filed for $1.25. Or just filed and set 75 cents. Automatic butcher knife and scissor sharpener, scissors 15 cents, knives 1.0 cents. W. E. "Bill" Jervis, Fulton Street, Clin- ton. Phone HU 2-9664. 35p-tfb FARM' EQUIPMENT For Sale THRESHING MACHINE, 24-46 Sltatford Decker, in .good convdi- t7an, d+h!eap. 10 f+t. Beu!hler cu1- t tirvator. ,Albsla 1,000 lb. Fend Mix- er. .Sidon McKinley RR 1, Zur- .i illi -kin C.7,4;, 17-- $5.00 DOWN BUYS the new model Surge Milker unit. It's bigger, easier cleaned, inside entirely vis- ible. New pulsator cover excludes dust and moisture. Same safe Cast "Tug and Pull" cow milking. Call Lovell McGuire, Wingham, Phone 593 collect. 14-17-+b HELP WANTED --FEMALE GIRLS TO LEARN LAUNDRY work. Contact Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaners. 2-tfb ELDfE7RlLY AND DEPENDABLE wady would hike baby sltang, in elvenings, Phlone' HU 2-6649 ,after six p,m+. 17-p Help Wanted—Male MA!RR;I,E7D OR SINGLE FARM help. 'AM the llatest• equipment,to ,work wlltih,, Weal w+o!nkiang clond - t+i!o+nns, Apply to .Anson MCKinleyt, � Rr57 1, Zurich, phlone Hein57 a -p ALERT MEN 'WANTED Equipped with car. Ambitious vd desirous of making more oney. This is a successful proposition with an international concern. You start. making better than average money after one day of training: Commission paid daily and a generous monthly bonus, For information see: Mr. PETERS at COMMERCIAL HOTEL, SEAFORTH Monday -Tuesday, 718,30 p.m, Interviewed in Person Only SCRATCH PADS, 3 x 5 inches Available in quantity. 5c each. 10 pads for 40c. Clinton News -Re- cord. 17-b COMIMERCEAL AND PORTRAIT photos. Weddingo a speclaalty. Frank Pandlllip% Phone S:eafonth 229 after 7 p,m. 17-8-p WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County''§ Oldest Establish- ed Jewelaery, Store. 1.7-p SEPTIC TANKS, CESS -POOLS etc., pumped and, cleaned with modern equipment. Ali work, guaranteed. Write or phone Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels. Phone IM, Brussels. 10 to 31-p EXPERT REPAIRS Lawn mowers and oRtboard mot-. ars. Factory trained mechanic, Free pick-up and delivery in town n.nd RCAF Station. Phone HU 2- )622. Ellwood Epps Sporting 3oods. 14-tfb GET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones' >afely secured—don't take chan- •©s, Expert worts done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing, W. N. Counter, 17-p For artificial insemination ser- vice or more information, t:el!e- phone ('co11'eot) the 'Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association Clinton HU 2-3441 Between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. We supply service to top qual- ity bulls sof the Holstein, Jemey, Ayrshi!re',. `Guerhsey, Browny Swl8s, Red Poll, Hereford' (polltd and Iniorned) .Beef .Shorthorn; (pooped a!nd horned), and, Dual Purpose ShortJho=,, Angus and Ch'arol+aise breeds. The cosit is aow, 17tfb LOST and FOUND LOST- 413!ROWN CHANGE purtse watch 1!ady's -gold watch, insad'e, host in the, vicinity near the posit of - lice, Keepsake. Mnder please bAing fat to the Clintoh News-Rec- yrd!. 17-b i.JOSTI A. YELLOW PERSIAN young male cat, if anyone knows A his whereabouts!, please ca11 Kot, mines, SSU 2-70% 17,p PASTURE FOR RENT i0 ACRES of pasture, lots of wat- ,r and s'hadc. Will rent outright im take cattle by the month for Me season'. Contatt John Woom,, RJR 1, Clinton, 16-17-p VE CAN TAKE IN d few more rattle for pasture. J. W. 'Van- Jgrnond, phone HU 2-9231, . 14tfb 10013 PASTURE for 35 head of rattle, ample water and shade. hone Fred Arkell, 84yfdeld, 47r5. 15-16-17b 1V{ANT+ED cattle to pasture, on arhaer W. J, Miller farm, in Hul- ett, Good grass, and ample good nater, Application may be rnade o W. 1 Miller, Clinton, Phone 4U 2.952$, 1"feinry Stryker, owner. 15-6-7-8-b PLANT CORN FOR BIGGER Dollars! Plant Pfister Hybrids for bigger returns than any oth- er hybrid, as proved by over 12,000 actual checks in Canada and the U.S.A. Sold by Ernest Johnston, RR 1, Goderich Phone 482W, 16-17-18-p NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TIME ESTATE of John Iiar- old Wiltse, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Aaron; Gentleman, deceased All persons having claimsag- ainst +the E!stlate of the above de- ceased are required to foe the same with the undersligned SoUc- dtor for the said +Estate, on or be- fore the 1.2th: +day .of May, A,D, 1958, after w+hkeh- date the .assets will]Rl be distributed amongst the partlesentitled +thereto, having. regard only -to the elal!ms of which .mftce shall have been :given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 21st day of ApaiI, A.D. 1958. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 17-8-9-b Falconer Bros. Sale of 45 Head of Scotch Shorthorns Implements to be, held on Wednesday, May 7th at 1.30 p.m. D.S.T., at Falcon Spring Farms, Lot 44, con. 2, fiuekersmith, Second Farm south of RCAF houses Offering consists of ". 8 regdsttered cows with calves ,at foot; 3 bred hesfers; 3 pAn he1afers; 3' bulls', 1 year 'old; 12 grass! steers; 8 fart steers of top qualn!ty; ,females vaccinated. implements: Massey Hard'§• b+in der, 8 ft. No. 5; McaCorn*ck Deer- ing drop +head hay loader; New Id'e'a mower, 6 ft. cut; Cockshutt fertilizer thrill, 13 mutt; 2 sections Fleury-13dssell spring xtoath culti- vator; Massey -Harris manure spreader; 2 McCormick Deerdng bears scuffler .and puller; DeLavea r oream separator, lake new; stone boat and !other btemis. Terms—Cash day of sale Falconer Bros., Proprietors Sales Manager: Frank Falconer Auctioneer: Bert Pepper 17.8-b t M Clinton Community - Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY at 1.30 p.m. TERMS' CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer IC W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk ;- Glousher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Glousher, RR 1, Auburn. DEATHS MARTYN—In, Harper Hospital, Detroit, on 'Mursday, April 17, 1958, Donald Martynv, beloved ,husband of Anne Judd, +aged 50 years. ,Funeral Monday, Apaiill' 21, PLNIINER—In C nton, on Sunday, Aprlil 2Jia 0, 1958, hm Henry Par- ker, +beaonved husband of Myrtle Ann Brown, in his 70th year. Funeral! from Trinity Anglican Church, ,B'ayReld, to Bayfield Cemeltehy, on Tuesday after- nvo!an, April); 22, by the Rev. E. J. B•. Hamnison. QUlIGLIEY--At the ;hgme, of his nephew, Bernard' Tlifghle, Hullett Towns'hi'p, John- Henry Quigley, in his 91st year. Requiem High Mass, was, sung at St. Joseph's, Roman, Calth,o(lic Church, • Chin- tonn', on Monday morning, April 21, and interment was i!n St. James' Cemetery, Seatorith. RUMBALL-In Clinton, on Tues- day, April 22, 1958, Mary Ann Elizabeth Rumball, beloved wife of Albert Ernest Rumball. Fun- eral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street„ Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Thursday afternoon, April 24. CARDS OF THANKS I wish .to +thank all my friends .and neighbours for cards and flowers, sent during my stay din Clinton Public Htospitad: MRS. BUD HAYTER, 17-.b I wound like to than -At my 'niiends- .and neighbours for carols, liow'eav and ',treats sent to! me n>'h!ile a patient in! War Memoriall Sick ChAdrenis Hasi*al, London, &0 wrhill!e recovering at home. —MISS DIANNE HANLEY. 17-b I wish. to express • my sincere tppreda"bon to neighbors, !friends undd 'relativesfor flowers, cards xnd !other gifts during my stay -n 7ictorila Hospital; Londbn, alga to the nurses and Drs,. Kinch and l o!binn son. Many thanks- to tail for he benefit dance. --MRS VIOLA 3LACK. 17�p �g�e�Eapya Flowers w Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. COOKE, F L O R I S T Dial HU 2 -7012 --Clinton SPECIAL SALE OVERSTOCKED 45 r.p.m. RECORDS SWINGING SHEPHERD BLUES SAL M I NEO "Start Movin" DEBBIE, REYNOLDS „a Very Special Love" MONTOVANI SILHOUETTES THE GHANTELS HILL 'TOPPERsOnly 60c ' L.P. RECORDS ,,Reduced to $2.99 ,..-.,.Er �. D m> N PAGE FIVE` ROXY THEATRE Clinton G Two Shows '04p htl O y Widp Scroen Nora'---TIIT, RSDAY]FUM.A►.Y, SATUR])AV "FORT'DOBIIS" Clint Walker, attractive TV personality, stars in his first film, A Western which generates real suspense f Orion Keith -- Virginia Mayo -- Richard Eyer XONDAYTUESDAY and WIQIDNPSDAY "JEANNE L EAGE S " ....... Adult Entertainment Her stage ambition drove her to Broadway stardom in the immortal "Rain" . . . but also led to her downfall. The platinum-blonde siren of the '20s comes to life on to -day's screen. Kim Novak -- Jeff Chandler -- Agnes Moorehead COMING NEXT; -"THE JOKER IS WILD Adult Entertainment Frank Sinatra -- Mitzi Gaynor -- Jeanne Crain Mid-WODA Zone, PARK THEATRE ODER Meeting Here Now: G - ICH Friday, 25 Frank Sinatra & Jeanne Crain in April "'The Joker is Wild" A meeting of Zone I ComnAttee (Adult Entertainment) of the Mid-Westera Ontario De_ Sat. -Matinee Only vel+opment Association will be "DENVER, and the RIO bead to -morrow evening, ,April. 25, GRANDE" in the council, chamber of the town !haill, Clinton, commencing at MONDAY, TUESDAY 8 o'clock. The purpose of the and WEDNESDAY meettin!g is to elect officers and RICHARD EYE R -- L I L CAINE directors for the Zone, and to and HAROLD STONE discuss Zone and municipal mat- Present a science -fiction thriller tors, Dr. E. A. MaMaster, Sear involving a mechanical computing forth, is—chairman orf his zone. machine, a super robot and u— a vanishing lad. Newcombe's,One Cent Sale Again For Shoppers Shoppers will again have the opportunity +ho purchase qualilty drugs -at tremendous savings dur- Mg Newcombe's! RexaJ i Drug Sitore's. annual Spring RexaIll 1c sale. TW& year, rfor the first time, the spring sale Will, be held' for six days, Monday, April 28, through to Saturday, May 3. The fact that Newcombe's Rek- alil! Drug a! lore can offer such a variety of merchrand'rse- at "two articles for the price sof one --,pus a pennmy' is 'a boors to, every home in Clinton and surrounding disc tinct, .and according to Mr, New- combe., ewcombe, many shoppers 'ask, "How is lit possible Ito buy so many well- known Rexah pzrocluots, at such a saving?" Mr. Newcombe expalains' that the items sold, are all, freshly mudo, .guaranteed,+ Rexa7:ll pro- ducts,, xthat they are sold on a money back +guarantee, are, newly stacked for -the le sales:and,! rthat 7r y through increased volume re - Milting from lc Sales can the PwDmll druggists offer RexaRi juality .at such a saving. There )�m over 300 d}tems+ being .offered`. Swing J Into "The INVISIBLE BOY" Thursday ONLY: , MYSTERY NIGHT and it's all. Fun & Frolic!! A Double Feature scare show is aided and abetted by a TROUPE OF LIVE TALENT from down Connecticutt way. Admission Thurs. Night Only 75 cents FRIDAY and SATURDAY GEORGE MONTGOMERY Meg Randall and Keith Larsen Deals with a gang of robbers which takes on partners only to exterminate them for the posted reward. "LAST OF THE BADMEN" -- 'Scope, & Color -- Coming: "LES GIRLS" M -G -M's BIG Calor -Musical Everyone Reads and. Uses the 'rV ANT ADS Spring SMART NEW 0. SPO'RTCOA I In the seasons latest materials and shades. Priced to Suit you. from. $19.50 up Match your, new sportcoat with a contrasting pair of all wool slacks from (i our complete selection from. $8.95 up. SPORT SIHIR "N -- TEE $'HIRTS ,CASUAL JACI -FTS r JANTZEN `SWIM SUITS Exclusively in Clinton (OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS) Pickett. & Campbell Limited ARItOW SATS ., STETSOi� OATS ,, Phone HU 2-032 —.Clinton, Ont.