HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-04-24, Page 3Good Will Club Makes.Donation to Care and Cancer Mrs, H. G. Manning was in charge of the April 15 'meeting of the Golod Will Club bead in the Wesley-Maliis United Church par- lour, on Tuesday evening, April 15, Mrs. Hearn was at the piano, Mrs. M, atepre read the Scrip- ture lesson from John, 14, and Miss Staneolead in prayer. The program was in the charge of Mrs. Bodges and Mrs. H. -Jen, kills.. Speakers who ,are cornpet- log in the Legion-sponsored pub- lie speakin g contest were introduc- 'ea: by Mrs., Bodges: Dale King, oii the topic Champlain .and Barbara Inder on "Dr. Marion Hialard;'" Boys Jockey SHORTS Full cut and well made. Size Med. and Large.. While they last! 37c TIE:: 3 9c Boys & Girls BOXER ..ktANS Durable cot- ton drills and denims. Good choice of col- ors. Sizes 2 to 6x. 8 7 c Your Neighbourhood hies CITIES SERVICE Service Dealer Is The Man To See! CARL CANTELON NYLON DRESSES Sizes 2-12. Blue, Pink, Yellow .„. 2.98, 3.98, 6.50 WINDBREAKERS and JACKETS 2.984 3.98 Sizes 2-14. Over 100 Pair! WOMEN'S. SHOES The most terrific shoe buys in Clinton history! Wide choice of styles and colors, but not complete size ran ges. Regular values to 12.95. Men's' & Boys' GYM SHOES Well made with foam insole and arch-comfort construc- tion. Thick soles and air- vents. While they last! MEN'S 6 to 11 1.97 BOYS' 1 to 5 1.88 Youth's11., to 13 1.58 While They Last! Come in and Sep the Thousands of Unadvertised Bargains in the Store WHILE THEY LAST! BATH TOWELS ' Absorbent quality terry towels in bright candy stripes. Size f8 x 36.28C Limit 3. TEA TOWELS Good grade cotton'towels in striped patterns. Gen- 8c erous size. Limit 3 BLANKETS White flannelette blan- kets with Blue or Pink patterns, Size 70x80. 1 77 While they last! Each... MEN'S T-SHIRTS Fine cotton shirts, short sleeves and cigarette poc- kets. Small, Med. and 3 c large, Limit 3 ' BOYS' SHIRTS Reg. 1,00 quality cham- bray shirts,. for school, farm or play. All sizes C PI while they last! BOYS' JACKETS Smart new jackets for spring wear, Zip- per front. Reg. to 7.95 values, All sizes SPECIAL . OPENING NIGHT Ladies AdMitted Free Reg. Admission: 75 Cents Phone Zurich 38 for Special Engagements or ' Wedding Receptions Former St. Joseph Airport This New Dance Pavilion is Situated 8 Miles Noeth of Grand Bend. Miss Enlidor Collins. favoured with piano saes. William McKim; spoke on ".Edwin J., Platt" and Maureen Hayter's 'topic was "The life of Sir .ErnestiMaeMillan.". The ,Good, Will :Club is' sending $25 'to the CARE, fund and also $20 to the Cancer .Fund, A tea is. being planned for May 31 in the afternoon, Ater the- Mispah benediction lunch was, ,enjoyed and a some' hour followed. Mrs. Nelson Pfaff, Brueefield, entertained at a trousseau tea -alt) her hoine Monday, April 14,,,„ in honor of her daughter Greta, bride of Saturday, April 19. Over 90 guests, were received. Miss Janice MoClur.e, Winthrop, was in charge of the guest book. Mm, Grant McGregor and M. Robert Baker, Jr., Hensaill, dig- :played the bride's trousseau.Miss' Marjorie Pfaff, Brucefield, and Miss MarilYn Tremeer, Kipper. were On charge of the gift room, SerVing were Mrs. Donald Mc- Clure, Winthrop, and Mrs,. John Baker, illensall. Mrs. George, Varley and Mm., Jack Kinsman assisted in the kitchen. The tea roam was attractive lir); color schemes of pink and white„ Planning a vacation? Then •drive in for a tkoroigh check-up for your car. Plan-to use new 5D !tool- motor Oil' and CITIES SERVICE PREMIUM and REGULAR GASOLINES too. Drop in today!. Cantelon'sServiceStation Corner Mary and King Streets Phone . HU 2-9032 Clinton • Carl and Doug Cantelon IGA APPLESAUCE-15 oz 2 tins 29c 851ivg SYRUP- 2 lb. 29c LIPT,ON!S ,CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP MIX 3 pkg. 35C ROBIN HOOD DEEP PUDDING' MIXES . . 2 pkg. 45c DEL MONTE. PEACHES2-,halves-20 oz. . 2 tins 55c DEL MONTE CREAM CORN-15 oz. 2 for '29c DEL MONTE PEAS-4ancy quality15 oz. . 2 for 33c HEINZ BABY FOOD 3 for 27c ROUT' BUTTER-1.6 oz• • 29c PORK LOIN ROASTS-Rib! end . lb. 49c , Tenderloin end . lb. 55c PORK CHOPS lb. 69c Tablerite FRANKS-% lb. pk,g. . .. 23c lb. pkg. . . . . 45c TABLERITE SKINLESS SAUSAGE • '1 lb. 45c TABLERITE CHICKEN LOAF-6 oz. Choice Your TABLERITE 2 for 49c OLIVE LOAF-6 oz. Asparagus lb. 29c Cello Carrots-20 oz. . . . . . . . 2 pkg. 25c Winesap Eating Apples 5 for 29c Mexican Oranges-size 88 . . doz. '59'c SAVE IGA GOLD CASH REGISTER SLIPS ir WILL PAY YOU - Corner of Isaac & Mary Streets-Clinton Obituaries Mrs. Robert John Henry fin Victoria, B,C„ of Mrs. Robert are One son Fred; one daughter Mrs. 0. (Helen) Loat; four grand- seven sisters and four brothers. aaite Frederic Lockwood and Mary Cochrane,. formerly agrina Lock- wood' (formerly of Clinton), She was the eldest daughter of the jane Follancl. children all residing in Victoria; 'Surviving besides her husband "The death occurred at her home Coehran.e sung by Rev. J. W. P. Graham, in St. James' Cemetery in Sea-, forth, noornittg for requiem high mass, at 10 am„,,,. and seven nephews, Burial was aluilett Township in bis 91st year, Home, was' taken to St. Joseph's Stanley and Hullett townships, the Bo and! Mutch Funeral. fills nephew, 13.erniard Tighe, 41 His wife died 30 years ago, eph's Chureli, uiday, April 19, at the home of He is :survival by five nieces Be was• a member of St. Jos- The body whiCh had rested at Mr. Quigley had farmed hi both :John Henry_Quigley died Sat- Catholic Church. Tuesday Quigley ° Turner's Church WA Will Hold Visitor's- Night Mrs. Ernest Rumball MS, Ernest Rumba; of Pram. cess 'Street, Clinton, died Tues- day at theClinton Public Hospi- tal after a long illness. Born in Hallett Township, the formen Mary . Ann Elizabeth, Rands, she lived in Clinton all her life, She was a member-of the On- tario Street United Church. Surviving are her husband,. Er- nest Rumball, former superinten- dent of the Clinton PUIC; two datighters, Mrs!. John (Helen) An- derSon, and Mrs. Sam (Eileen) :Rennie, both of Hansa.; 'two sons, Lloyd and George, both of Clin- ton; one brother,George Rands, Re.gina,,Sask,, and .ten grandchil- dren. • Service from the Ball and IVInt- eh Funeral Home, on Thursday afternoon, April 24, nit 2 p.m., by Rev. Grant Milk BUr ° ial will be in Clinton; Cemetery. Public School Concert In the School Auditorium THURSDAY and FRIDAY April 24 and 25 at 8 o'clock sharp i4•441.-4+44-01*004-0:4444-44:+44: Public Cordially Invited SILVER COLLECTION 16-17-b This, Week Sppcials GIRL'S DRESSES 'Cotton Sizes 2 - 6x Your Choice 1.49 JEANS and SLACKS 1.56, L75, 1.98, 2.56, 2.70 Sizes 2-14. Plain, Plaids or Stripes. GIRLS And BOYS' SHOES Red Saddle, Oxfords,„ 2.91t 3.50 Straps-ONLY, per pair ..., , "Lovable" BRAS 1.00, 1.50, 2.00 DUST "ERS ' Glazed Cotton. Sizes 12-20, 38-42' "LovLee" made HALF SLIPS COTTON -SLIPS Sizes 32-42; 44-50 --ONLY ,,,,.• Finest Quality. SHOP and SAVE at J LL' S FOOTWEARt A( cro'ss from Roxy Theatre) ALBERT ST. Phone HU 2-9641 CLINTON PAGE nxiozz IrECICITMSNIUX LAMS WCP META'(''QN Alli.nd 30 The Tuelcarsinith, Ladies -CSta, meet aft the' 'home Mr4, William. Rogerson on. 34:), CPMIMIOlg at 8.30. oolock, hi !the evening. Roll 4.11 will be; "wbat I Would like to do if were t years old' a gain." PROCLAMATION TOWN OF CLINTON In accordance with a re- solution adopted at the April meetirg of Clinton Town Council and the usua.I custom; I hereby proclaim that:: DAYLIGHT .SAVING TIME, will be in effect at 2 a.me Sunday, April 27 And call upon all citizens to observe this proclama- tion. W. J. MILLER, 17-b Towm of Clinton. Mayor, Men's Plaid Shirts Good grade flannelette and fine cotton shirts in colorful Voids. 0;.M Long sleeves 1.77 en's Jackets thisome zipper jackets for sports wear. Satin- a' f i, l inings. Reg. to 9,95 tha I Men's Work •Sox Amionsessimmumisissmissma, , Heavy g rade all wool leath- While they last! .... er mixtures. 29c I I NT III , TITURSDAY, APRIL 24,'1958 PaNTO'N •NEWS-MX>RD Trousseau Tea At Brucefield For April Bride-elect 0 --- GRAND OPENING OF THE BLUEWATER DANCELAND ON FRIDAY, MAY 2 Dancing 10-1.30 Music •By DESJARDINE, ORCHESTRA Boys' SCAMPERS Serviceable shoes for the active boy. Popular moc- casin in vamp styles. 2 79, Sizes 11 to 3 • Growing Girls' Flatties & Oxfords Brand new styles. Ivy Lea- gue and popular Battles and wedgies. All sizes, colors. „2.,97 4 nd 3.49' L He.0 :our. fax Before, Your Vacation Mrs,. C. Armstrong Mrs. Carrie Armstrong, Wood-. stock, was buried on Saturday 114 Bffaitlancl Cemetery, Goderich. Mrs. Armstrong was the form- er Carrie Vurighlut, of Auburn. Her husband died in 1933. • Surviving besides 'two sons and two daughters, are five sisters, Mrs. Volinerhauser and Mrs. Mogk,, Zurich; Mrs. Mulch, Clin- ton; -Mrs. George Beadle and Mrs, John Arthur, Auburn. Thirteen members of Turner's United Church, Woman's. Associa- tion answered roll call on: April 16, by giving a .verse. of an East- er hymn, There was one visitor present at !this regular meeting. Mrs, if. E. Johns read the Scripture and Mrs. William Rog- erson ..lead !in the .dev.otions. A. talk an! "Easter" was given ;by Mrs,. John Turner. An invitation, was accepted by 'the Woman's Association to at- tend the service being held by Ontario, Street 'United Church WA on May 6, at 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon; and also from G,Oshen Wo!man's awaststibigary Soc- iety tor May 8, at 8.30 o'clock in the evening. The 'WIA. deeided to purchase a desk for storing Sunday School supplies. Invitations are being sent to the ladies of Varna, Wes- !(Clintion), Holmesville and Bairns churches, •to attend the ViSlitors Day service at Turner's 'Church on May 21; at 2.30 o'clock. Mrs, W. L. Whyte, Seaferth, will be the guest speaker. Lunch was served by Grant Milits and Mrs, W.. P.. Roberts. 3.98 1.9R (CLIFFORD L BB , sensational j I , 1 HAVESO MANY BOUGHT SO i [MUCH . . . FOR .SO LITTLE I' , It's the talk of the entire district! Since the opening hour we have been rushed off our feet I I I . . . from Clinton, Exeter, Goderich, Seaforth and the surrounding territory come thousands . . . buying as they never bought before! THANK YOU, FOLKS . . . for your patience and co- operation! We apologize to the many customers who wire forced to wait on the street before they could gain admittance, but the crowds overwhelmed us- and we were forced to close the doors from time to time to regulate the crowds. Again we say, Thank You . . . We appregiate it! 111111111MIN OF TON . .1 NEVER CLIN EVER BEFORE IN THE HISTORY ( BY CUSTOMER REQUEST . . . Open Nights 'till 9 pm. I 1.4mssik ismio• 01011111111 is Fri mom. ••••••••1101111101•Ore