HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-04-17, Page 10l'irt$ can invest $ioo \or mere for 1 to 5 years in a safe and guaranteed, British Mortgage certificates Don't delay •— intereet.begina the gay you make the investment. For fultinforretw,,about these wise, antsafe investments;; fill out , the coupon below and send it to us. British. Mortgage and Trust rounded in 1877 Stratford • `.- To British Mortgage & Trust, Stratfgrd' , i Flease ,sp ' rtao,infor,xatiori about yqp., safe and convenient 41/2 W •guiranteZr ii fookfvnt eeitifieitte:g. iii .- Ivr,: ........ $$ 41i,VA -,$$$ 1.041.0•00.104. ....0001.0.14:L1004.1.04.1040.....11.461.0..141.0“•••••1419 g44 tk - ",!..,0 4'5. Ar1;4,, . , , . . '.,- ,„,,4 „ ...„ t7k Mrs. moolet'.•0•1.4•1•••••••••ifoaie141.6:.410/01.....• - '141i.....14004.41.00..............041 , t -. w,' ' , „. ,,.•t-„,t-o,i,P,- ,t1P ,. TrA,.F1 iyuss o•••••••••••••••••••11in. ts1 ' ..-,, • Milts•••0144iN101.1•11001441-1•1.. ' ' ) Aildresg ' ' voi.p4. ,..44, . ,',;,i4,74fig. , -. ., , ,,,..47.,..,67,,d,,,v,.......... ,............:,.........„............... 1, Name News of Auburn Correspondent 1V1RS. FRED ROSS Phone Dungannon 9 r 15 Most --7:)/X-6710-6Ve, car on the road! ." • • • • / • • • : • • • • fi Priced $500°° to $700' below what you think it should cost! LONG MILEAGE S LOW MAINTENANCE W. H. Dalyrmple . & Son — Brucelield ll Sells the ‘I'llONEDERNNoME1AGTRAMDA D BRAND ER KREET _ STEER BEEF. riNny we suggest that you try a Steak or Roast from the Modern Meat Market and you'll be convinced that" they specialize ONLY in the BEST OF MEATS. Modern Meat Market. ITITaiRSDAZ AFRa 17, 1958. Huron County Farm. Union Locals Put ,on Variety Show for 300 "Why pay for expensive 0-1nPor-tea talent" 'when, we probably have "home grown" talent right at home, That's what the Hur- on County Tarnters Union said when. they. were Planning a epec- lel evening at which they could make a draW for an automatic clethes dryer and other prizes, They did it with a successful pr.eer, g. variety concert - and dance held in the Clinton lAgion on April' 11, ;with aPloPlc- firnatelY 300 people present. Walton, Auburn, no1,14egVille, Seaforth, Varna, Drysdale and El- zrrrvale - Farm Union tocala Con- tributed to the show. Variety was the key word of the • evening for it included •$cotch and tap dancing, guitar, aecordian and vocal selections, band •inusic, monologues and skits, featuring children tip well as ad- ults. Twenty years ago, yes, even 15 years ago, children in this area, eSIVeriallY those from the farms, •clidn't - have the opportunities to play 'band instrunients iza' learn tap dancing, etc. as they do now. ,The change was evident on Fri- `'Flq night, it also showed that improved cou'nt'ry rods, bottom' ears and never tiring parents transport their children to and from practise Mee a week. • At the close of the prPgram the draw was made with the dry-er going to Ray Hanna, Aliiily..u.rn; a Landrace pig -to E. S. Rutled- ge, BruSsels and an electric ket- tie to Beverly Henderson, Sear forth, Considerable credit should be given to the hard working execu-. tive of the county, especially the , directors and their wives who hel- ped to arrange and produce the Progralia, 4114'0 :all who helped in any way. Due to the requests for thls.. program there a probability that it will ibe repeated again in the very ,near future. Mr,' and Mrs. Borden Brown, 40Yee and Elaine, viisted Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Brigham, Hanover. Mrs. Gearge Campbell who hes spent the last week with her sister, Mrs. BroWn 'returned to her home with them. Mr. and Mrs, Parker and Ifam Ebr.eter, spent Sunday with '04.0 former's brother-in-law and sister and Mr, and MO, Howard Preszcater, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley and DAttglas, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Norris in Guelph i on Sunday. The dance held in the C,O,F. hall on Frjclay night was very successful. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Woods and _HURON cOPIITY FARMING REPORT Douglas if, Diiles, agrieui- tnrail representative for Mon) The rains of last weekend and during the week were welcomed by the farmers as ground condit- ions had been very dry, however it has interrupted seeding oper- ations and there has been very little growth of the gram that has been seeded, .$oillO farmers in the south end of the •County have completed their seeding operat,, ions, -(BY Mrs. H. Berry correspondent) Mrs'. Walter Moffatt Visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. 1VicKUtrie in Toronto 'for a few AV's. Misses Ellen May :and: The, ISMIt, London; spent the weekend with their brother, William Scott, C, D. Simpson and Mrs. A. Hob., ner visited .in liensall with, Mr. And .Mrs, Fred Banthron last Sunday. The many friends of llarry Dal- rymple are sorry to know he is confined to his. home, However, .Mrs. Dalrymple Is' feeling much better. Mr.' and Mrs. James Burdge and deughter,, Many Ellen, Colbourg, spent the weekend with Mr, Bur- tig4's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eurdge and his brother Mill and MiSs Janet Watson returned to Aylmer on Sunday, having spent the Easter holiday with her par- eats, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wat non. Work on the Door of the base- Donald H. Ross and Janice, Oakville, spent a few days with Mrs. Fred Ross. Mrs. Carl Govier who has been a patient in the Goderich hospi- tal has returned home, A number of the members at- tended the Thank Offering meet- ing of St. Andrew's Church, My- th, A number of the members of the Women's Institute attended the Hobby Fair at Carlow last week, Miss Minnie Wagner who un- derwent an operation in Clinton Public Hospital has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. J, R. Weir, Lon- don, spent the weekend with Dr. B. C. Weir and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. MacKay. The village of Auburn has is- sued the statement that the vil- lage will go on daylight saving on April 27, 1958, and will ,re- main on that time until the end of October, the same as last year, 4-11 Club The first meeting of the Aub- urn Annettes 4.H Club on the "Canadian Girl Stands on Guard" project was held April 9, at the home of Mrs. Ed. Davies. Those attending Were: Audrey Machan, Betty YoungbItit, Margjie Koop- mans, Bernice McDougall, Rose, Marie Letherland, Marilyn Daer, Mary Kirkeonnel, Anne Marie Snyder, Eileen, Snyder, Mary Goddard,- Barbara B,aedhler, June Beethler. . The election of officers was as follows; president, Betty Young- iblut; vice-president, Audrey Me- ehan; secretary, Bernice McDoug- all; press reporter, June Baechler. The next meeting is to he held on April 18, at, the borne of Mrs. Ed. Davies, St. Mark's Guild St. Mark's Anglican Guild met on April 11, at the home of Mrs. Ed. Davies, The hostess had charge of the meeting. "Welcome Happy Morning," was chosen by Mrs, S. Daer for her birthday hy- mn. Mrs. S. Taylor organist pre- sided at the piano. Scripture reading was by Mrs. John. Daer and prayers were led by Mrs. Day- WE TREAT OUR CLIENTS ON THE SQUARE, WIdATS MORE OUR PRICE FARE ° FAIR. 4^~0~4Nprt.neaW,nr4,M4,0,4,I4 N, Day and Night TAXI SERVICE Meat of the church is nearing completion. Covering of the new cement was to be removed on Monday, and _then preparations for a work bee were being made. Local citizens contributed $•26 'toward the Red Cross Society • a house-to-house canvass carried out under the chairmanship of • Rev. S. Davison. The volunteer. •cauvasser who .did. the work are to be congratulated and An .con'- trihuters are offered sincere thanks, Mrs Victor Hargreaves was heSteSs last Thursday for a gatb- ering of aQ neighbours on honour of amiss. Greta !fag, bride of this weeit. After a .social, evening, Miss Pfaff was presented with a pantry shower. The gifts were .tirein in in, a pink :basket by. Brenda Ann Hargraves and Betty Dalrymple. Gaye Elliott read.the thank you. cards, Miss Pfaff thanked everyone Who had helped make the occasion a happy one. Mrs. ;BM 134*e, Mrs. Robert ies. Mrs. Davies read a splendid' article on "After Easter, What Then?" Mrs. Gordon Taylor favoured the meeting with a beautiful solo, "How the Lilies grow" accomp- anied by 'Mrs. R. J. Phillips. A reading was given by Mrs. A. Kirkconnell and a much enjoyed piano, solo by Mrs. R. 3. Phillips. The Study Book chapter on "In- teresting letters from ministers' wives" was given by Mrs. I. Schneider. Mrs. A, Kirkconnell chose far her birthday hymn' "Jesus Savior Pilot Me." Mrs. Davies closed the meeting with prayer. Mrs. John Deer president pre- sided for the business. New choir books are being bought, 'Plans were started for the Summer Bible School. and the Church's 75th Anniversary. Mrs. Rev. Weeks, London, will be asked to be a special speaker, A successful auction was 'held with. Mrs, A. Nesbit as. auction- eer, The hostess, assisted by Mrs. R. J. Phillips and Mary Kirkcon- nell served dainty refreshments. Dalrymple and Mrs. Fred Mc- Gregor, assisted the hostess in serving a very delicious lunch. MIS Meeting The April meeting of the Wom-an's ... Missionary SoCiety was held in the church auditorium, Bruce-field, on Tuesday, April 8, at 2.30 p.m. The Easter Worship SerViee was in the charge of Mrs. Walker and Mrs, R. Scott; rs, Scott read the Scripture lesson from .1 Corinthians 15, ver-ses The theme "Our'TriurrmphantHo- ly Day" was led by Mrs, Walker With response by members, Med-itation :by Mrs, Scott was followed by prayer in - unison, Mrs, Walker closed with prayer, Roll Call was responded to, by 16 members, Mrs, Walker air Mrs, Cairns HgNSAI,I. 'COMMUNITY' SALES April, 10, 1958 Wearding pigs, -$14.75 to $1.705+54 chunks, $18.20 to $25; feeders, $29 to $33.25; sows, $74.50 to • $95. Holstein cows, $175 to $229„ . Durham cows, '$180 to $210, stein ealves) $15,50 to RA par. - ham calves, 834, to $72, Fat steers up to $23.80 a cwt. Fat cows; ado 17c a lb. 305 pigs and 1.70,-, heed of cattle and calves werg,, sold. gave excellent reports on the Pre- • sbyterial held in ,Clinton, March 27. The study program The, Easter Theme" was Oreseated i43r Mrs. E. Thompson, Mrs, p. Tri finer and -airs. F. gathwell, W, L. WHYTE R. R. 2, Seaforth Secretary 1E111E111" ,:ews of Bruotield Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PHONE HU 2-3890 NEWBY New & Used FURNITURE 15-6,b CHESTERFIELD SUITES — KITCHEN SETS — DININGROOM SETS -- STOVES WASHING MACHINES — Many Other Househohl Effects • •Elmr. .0•0 ego. ammo Immo_ tommly mammon Iiii11111111113111111ilurnmollimmiiminiimunitimismiumioNIM ••••••••••••••••••••••• News of Constance Conespondent• MRS FRAMS MIMI Phone Seaforth 94.1M Debine, Ajax, returned to their home on Friday, after spending the hOlidat,ns with Mr. and Mrs„ Frank Riley. avir. 4,pd Ellvvc.00d. Clark and son: Mark, left for their new home in. Lend= last week. Mr. and -Mrs. Kenneth Reid and fan 4, London, spent • the Easter Weekend tOith Mr. and Mrs. 141.- ither SaundemS, Mr. and Mrs, Borden, Brown, Joyce and Elaine, visited .1‘14 Jos- eph BrOwn, -Hanover, and J, Brig- ham on: Sunday* Misses: Joyce Jewitt and Mur- iel Dale are spending the holidays in Bermuda. • Mr. and (Mrs. Robert Woods and Debbie„Ajax, spent the holi- days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley and Douglas, Mr. and' Mrs. B. F. Warren Lynda and Helen, London, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Earl LaWs- on and .Reg, Glen Burke, ScarborOugh, and John Wenzel, ,Kitchener, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley on Monday. iss Helen Mcllwain spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George 'Mellwain. Miss Janet McGregor is spend- ing the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ross McGregor. a In terms of constant (1949) dol- lars Canada's gross national pro- duct is estimated at $1,534 per capita in 1957, compared to' $1,587 in 1956 and $1,474 in 1955. Woommionaink., IL C. LAWSON, Representative Phone HU 2-9644 Clinton, Ontario' 11111111M111111111111111111111111111111111111W111111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111L'--- HOG CO We Supply Hogs and Feed Purchase Your Own Hogs and We Will Pay for Them CTS B. W. TUCKEY Exeter President ''11111111111111111111111111111111 .1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111151111111111111111111111111111111191 Nominating Convention for the May Provin'cid By-Election opday,Apil -21 at o p THE MON LIBERAL ASMATION TOWN HALL, HENSALL .EVERYBODY WELCOME! "God Save the Queen" announces a delegated Fresh Young PORK SHOULDERS (STUFFED—Ready for Oren ONLY 49c lb. FRESH FILLETS of , HADDOCK or SOLE (No Waste) 67c lb. FRESH, Minced HAMBURGER .... ........ 39c lb. or 3 lb. $1.00 COMMERCIAL Country Style SAUSAGE 39c lb. or 3 lb. $1.00 GOLDEN DEW 4 lb. $1.00 SHORTENINGC 2 lb. 59c HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO FEED A LARGE NUMBER OF HOGS WITHOUT USING YOUR OWN CAPITAL Call Us At Once ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER OF HOGS TO BE FED CANADA 'PACKERS Limited Phone 11111 2-9301 Clinton, Ont. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111h111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP 6°. E Leave Your Driving Worries Parked In Your Garage Call CLINTON CAB 11U 2-9012 1W 2-9036 boa Switker = Howard Greats Night Calls 11U 2-9036 Phohe HU 2.3834 0 STANLEY, Proprietor Sign of Cleanliness and Quality CLINTON