HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-04-17, Page 9tic Photographed at fhellifaster Reeds Parth, START THEM EGG-ZACTLY RIGHT • Many 'chicks that could develop into real profit-makers, • don't: That's because they aren't given a good founda- tion for future production. Master Chick Starter Krums, a scientifically balanced, high protein diet, is the best way to provide this all-important good start. It promotes vigorous chicks that feather fast and evenly, with better liveability and greater gains per pound of feed. Feed it for the first 8 weeks. Order your supply today. ArateMoti-/ /A58.5 Authorized MASTER FEEDS •1••••••••••11•111 11% WHY DO ALL THAT WRITING? When A Rubber Stamp will do it faster, easier, _ and who knows? may- be neater, too. Order one at the Clinton News-Record Delivery, Within 10 days. eeeeeeee eeeeeeeemee acme • • • She needs an EXTRA phone • • • • • • • • in the kitchen! •••••••2"P"" • • • • • •••••••00000001110*•••••00041100000111••• DO YOU? To order-T call your telephone business office. • • • • • • a • • fra A • • IF IT'S CASH YOU NEED, THEN DON'T DELAY-- CALL T.C.C. 'ON THE PHONE„,TODAY Loans $150. to $2,500. or more. Take up to 30 months to repay on a wide selection of loan plans. Fast, courteous service. T LAST A MILK REPLACER YOU CAN AFFORD TO FEED NEW SHUR-GAIN 24% Milk Replacer With a new high level of antibiotics for the prevention of scours — High Protein! --- Low Fibre! — an excellent body building feed. NOW AVAILABLE AT OUR MILL:— AND, FOR THE FIRST TL11E, AT A REASONABLE PRICE ONLY $3.80,25 lb. Bag Canada Packeim Limited Phone NU 2-3851 Clinton 10.1100.M.4411 1.111•11‘ N.VO RIO .M1011 .m1 in 6.1 ton. *Fs.. WNW CAN4047 t,,,,Ft.,M,,t,Alvat't FOR CALVES Spring has really arrived!. Cricket, the ,frisky young beagle at Middelwoorl is enjoying it to the full—at least she was last week. • . During the , holidays, young mater took her on .e›,apecution Greento Valley. The birds were singing, the squirrels chattering, and there were such attractive scents that she was lured from one to another, wandering far in- to the woody, Suddenly she wandered what had became of young master. Why had he not stayed with her? And so She raced back. "How did she find the direction'?" you ask. Simple, she just put her nose to the ground and scented her own tracks, • flesk---Turrier (By our Auburn correspondent) The Rev. Harold Snell officiat- ed at the wedding of Shirley Louise Turner and Gordon Ern- merson Hesk, at James Street United Church, Auburn, on April 5, The bride 'the elder laugh-. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tur- ner, Auburn, and the groom's par- ents are' Mr. and Mrs. Emmer- seri Hesk, Londesboro. The bride wore a street-length gown of teal-blue taffeta fash- ioned with 'portrait neckline, bracelet-length 'sleeves and bouf- fant skirt. White accessories and a corsage of pink roses comple- ted her ensemble,, Wearing a pink ensemble of butcher linen, in princess style and corsage of white 'mums, Mrs. Marjorie Davey, North Bay, sis-, ter of the groom, was matron of honor. Kenneth Turner, Strath. ray, brother of the bride, was groomsman. For travelling to Southern and Eastern Ontario, the bride don- ned a white wool topcoat with White accessories. Guests were present' from North Bay, Strath- roy, Goderich, Londesboro and Auburn. r-77-r7rnimr,c. .1M11.$DlotY, AWOL Wettlaufer's Feed Mill Clinton Phone HU 2-9792 Huron County Federation of Agriculture held their regular monthly •meeting at which the secretary read a letter from the Ontario Hospital Services Com- mission. This announced that there are several copies of afilm available free, explaining how this new plan will operate. Your county Federation has a projector which yoll may borrow for this purpose. There was a good deal of dis- cussion on the question of a can- vass for a brucellosis, free area. Many people seem fearful of the financial loss that might result but it was pointed out that there is a continuous loss from the effects of the disease, We seem to have lost sight of the real reason for this program, the health of our families, One of the directors stated that a doctor in the Sick Hospital in Toronto said undulant fever was the most common and one of the worst dis- eases they had to combat. It doesn't cause many deaths but al- If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Everybody gets a bit run-down now and then, tired-out, heavy-headed, and maybe bothered by backaches. Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, just a temporary toxic condition caused by excess acids and wastes. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys, and so help restore their normal action of removing excess acids and wastes. Then you feel better, sleep better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red band at all • druggists. You can depend on, Dodd's. 52 most always leaves permanent disability to some degree, For this reason the directors agreed that the Federation do all in its power to spread the information on this plan and to make pre- paration for a canvass this Oc- tober, H. E, Gellman, agricultUral ex- tension specialist, told us that af- ter the tornado which cut through Bruce County last year the gov- ernment declared it a "disaster area" but in the accident survey taken in Bruce it was shown that farm accidents cause twice that amount of less each year. To find the cause of accidents and thereby learn how to avoid them a prov- ince-wide survey is expected be- fore long, The following resolutions were presented by Frank 1eo of the resolutions committee and were approved by the meeting. From Howick T o w n s h i po Whereas obstructionist tactics have been used to Waste time and cause . confusion at meetings in some areas, Therefore be it resolved that chairmen be encouraged to en- force strict parliamentary proced- ure to control discussion. •• From M c Kill o p Township; Whereas it is felt that the number of Grade A hogs being produced is less than it should be, Therefore be it resolved that the Federation of Agriculture sponsor a contest to encourage production of Grade A hogs. While no action was taken on this by the county we were informed that any town- ship wishing to have a contest of this kind could obtain the neces- sary records. From Colborne Township: Whereas soybean growers are a very small number of farmers as compared to the feeders of soy- bean meal and whereas they only produce a small percentage of the amount needed in Canada and whereas soybeans are second only to corn as a profitable cash crop. There be it resolved that no tariff restrictions be placed on im- ports of soybeans. From Ashfield Township; Whereas most television programs are of a purely entertaining na- ture; Therefore be it resolved that no Ashfield Federation of Agricul- ture express its appreciation and gratitude to the management and staff of the Farm Department of CKNX Radio and TV for their fine agricultural coverage, espec- ially the Farm Forum TV pro- grams, We wish to express our congratulations for being •the first 'IV station in Canada to carry the Farm Forum telecasts and earnestly hope that you will con- tinuo them in the coming year. Trinity Guild Prepares for Party (By our Ohytteld oorrresporKien0 There was an attendance of 15. at the Trinity Church Guild meeting at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Scotamer on Tuesday ev- ening of last week, The meter, the Reverend Harrison, conducted the open., ing exercises. Mrs. Percy Weston, president, was in charge of the business ses, slam Reports were regetved from the secretary, Mrs. Merton, Mern- er, and treasurer, Mrs. Fred. Wes- ton. A number of articles for the bazaar were turned in. .krran- gements were completed for the card party in the Parish Hall, on Friday evening, The rector closed the meeting with prayer, after which the hos- tess- served refreshments. 0 Willing Workers Donate To Two Fund Campaigns (By our Bayffeld correspondent) The April meeting was held on April 9, in the 'basement of St. Andrew's United Church, ' It was opened with the Willing Workers prayer in 'unison, The president's reading was entitled "Contact with a Source of Power," Nine' members and one visitpr were present. The gift of the month was, brought by Mrs, Reg. !Francis and won by Mrs, Ray Scotehmer. The group decided to purchase a film strip or slide projector and screen for use in the Sunday School, A donation of ten dollars each was made 'to the Cancer Society 'and' Crippled Children's Funds. The May meeting is to be held on the 14th at the home of Mrs. Logan Cleaue, 0 Hohnesville OFU Local Favours Kintore Resolution Holmesville Fenn Union Local met on April 14, in Hohnesville School. Though only 12 attend- ed 'the meeting proved, lively from the beginning. A report of the recent County Variety Show and draw was giv- en by the county director Bob Taylor. The report indicated that the show was an outstanding success performed to a full hall, and a very 'gratifying amount of receipts were realized, A 'resolution from Kintore in Oxford 'County was read by the secretary and discussed by the members. The resolution con- cerned a desire for a change in the Brucellosis Act concerning more amount' of compensation. A unanimous decision was made in favour of the resolution. This resolution will now 'be held over to •be 'brought in at the county meeting in. June. A motion was made to sub- scribe to Hansard for another year. Discussion• was held on the re- commendations sent by the In- terprovincial F.U. Council to the Minister of Agriculture concern. ing an amendment regarding the Agriculture Stabalization Act, The Union feels that these recommen- dations will make it mg re bene- ficial to the best interests of the agricultural economy. It was mentioned that plans are being made for a CKNX Barn Dance to be held in Hensall. rA,CM NINE. Our Dayfield Correspondent's Beagle "Cricket" Has Caught Spring Fever (By our Bayfield correppondent) And there she found young master out an mid stream, She ran up and down the bank in great distress, And then she saw what' appeared to be an is, land, so she made a jump for it, Horrors! It was nothing but a few sticks and 'grass. And when Cricket reached the bank again, she was not only wet bat muddy'. young master answered' her- appeal to come onto dry land. Truth to tell, he was tired walk, ing about in the creek. He had slipped and was wet too. Also he was disappointed. On such a fine day, he couldn't understand why he saw only one' sucker in the stream—and it had 'eluded his spear! Aceording to what he'd heard the ,suckers, should be there by the hundreds. And so the two wended their way back towards "IVIiddelwood:" Cricket saw the first snake sunning himself on a bridge. She was full of curiosity but young master called. her when she went to investigate the wriggly creat- ure. , The frogs were singing so joy- fulily that cricket would have, lingered to see how they kept up the song, The pussy willows were fat and • almost bursting into leaf, and a red-winged black bird swung on a branch in the 'breeze. Cricket would have delayed the • return, 'gladly, 'but on young" mas- ter went. 'With each step the water squilched and squelched in his long rubber boots. When they entered the kitchen, Mrs. Housewife looked at them with a critical eye. Young Mas- ter knew what to do, He escap- ed to the bathroom for a hot tub to prevent a chill. But Cricket stood with her head down, her byes, now sad, rolled up beseech- ingly in Mrs, Housewife's direc- tion. It was no good! As she feared, Mrs, Housewife took her to that tub in the baseinent which liter- ally gave her the shivers. Such. an ending to a delightful after- noon! CONTRACTS Are Now Available For Barley — Montealm and Kindred Oats — Rodney and Garry Fertilizer Supplied SEED GRAIN Registered — Certified — Commercial BRANT BARLEY, GARY & RODNEY OATS At Attractive Prices SEED BEANS We also Hove Michigan No. 1 Certified SANILAC SEED ORDER NOW! Avoid Disappointment . Later On Cook Bros* Milling Cow PHONE 24 Limited HENSALL 1244-16-1, ..C1,411TON. Huron F of A Will Loan Projector; Also Discuss Milk Fever Control (By J. C.0,FIL. HEIVIINQWAY) THIS WEEK-END Your church, in co-operation with local safety officials, will urge each motorist to observe the rules of safe driving. It will be pointed out that every driver is morally responsible for the safety of everyone with whom he shares Our streets and highways. Remember--this week and every week —it is the duty of everyone to DRIVE, SAFELY • ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT NOTICE I have bought out JOE BECKER'S ROOFING BUSINESS and will continue the service he has built up. BUILD-UP ROOFS — HOT ROOF COATING GRAVEL AND BONDED ROOFS Any Type of Roofing Work EARL R.' DOUCETTE Building Contractor Roofing Service CLINTON — Phone HU 2-9741 15-16-17-p