HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-03-22, Page 8= 11h Wroxeter. WINGIIAM PittalltETB. n 1Plvail,tii, AlltKcn. «I,188ii TbOISlAB l3Cllritit"li , 11 us taken posses Floue teri00lbs,Deena, 1'rvd•Cv to #14 f+0 to $ 60 • 100 • 1 00 to 00 0 to 180 40 to 50 63 to b3 Cp tta 2516 ion of the woollen nut 1—On 'r day Fall llitnatper bushel, evening of thiel week a debate will spring " , . take place here eel trope ria, Federation liar,,,, between members of the Wroxeter fees, Folates, ilebating 01011 and a like number fees AAut'b Batter ba Brussels. Ego per do:on, Dressed Hop, Beafortit• Wood per cord, Qay per tan, The town council resolved to submit SALE. is by law for the raising, six thousand FOR � row ilallarn to provide lighting the town A quantlt • of Illack Tartar oats, g it olaotrioity.--Ravi. 1r. Suhivexea, ,ported seecOsetaeagen. Free tromiou oaapplicattoµ, F G I 1441.5 t: k'.,+n',..70,'",.10 01.1s7114irlinblu"ri,"li 1,`fe DIV!!3f4, Ire I'IIj1141i!'IU4eiJ's T.. Genrs Furriishing Goods Store ad Leadio 0 25 to it � the IancyDry .. , of Illiogharri. . f trout int^ Beds. Price JAMES , II q l 1 I Il , I , 111 11 Ill 1 ! I !I e l 1 ! q l : 1 II 11 11 1) 1 1 it II II 1 + m ells t begins a Perles of S A' cohutch k 0 f! N N• Id II h 41Ip 616 U h I! III U! 111 I! b II III h h II la NI I,INI b 11 I! b IANiI qi 11 h I! III I!IIII'li"4v itlgs in the Methodist church, 1 1 "Emile Cl the Crape Cloths Ser NT, P, G. •ges, Opera. Twills, Nun's 5TH AIAItcII, B WEEN Dress Goods in Black and Colored Henrietta C of ls, o. , Velvets, Spring Air, T. Linklntor's, Shntor t JlusheS Crape,. V , Temp b@rrY• W o dee, a parcel containing rs cilia$, 4lollilir, Lace .Stripes, ti'Vool De Reige Sateena,. Silks, Satins, Marvelieux, ll xs Charallref's, tape wit a dse returar'B traces d aceto. Teta Mantle Cloths. .Dress Timmillgs ill endless variety to )l ateh. Immense variety ill Prints, Zi p y , Mr, Hobert Stapletontcof is laid up &ijUQhs��? plcasoroturn canto to a Trntrt Otttov Tabiings, Damask, Table Napkins, Muslim, Checks, 11><trlls, Dawns, Cltrtain 1�''et, (7uttaius, (mitts, Gloves alto a f tel s sevese ndach of inflammation N OTE LOST. hosiery in endless variety. of the lungs and kidneys, Stot.xtess �ieularlY. hard cit tills lipid w1 ` . Lost in wengham, a note made in favor of henry with a unto. of l r.'^ abttve Clark, of wingham, by John Radcliff, of West Wa- t~is' an wanosh, for 510.40, and which is past due, A anile enerotio temperP;mOnt• Votes ary cautioned against a?ego;et ing Mr this instance of what he has been able note. HENRY CLARK, to do we may day that: though now Winghaoo, March 13th, '8D. getting pretty well up in years he and his sou, Emanuel, havb cut over three Hundred cords of timed this winter besides doing a large mount of other work,—Mrs. James Elliott, who had her spine injured Saturday by being thrown out of a sleigh . on the Side- walk in front of Dr. Chisholm's office is still confined to her bed though. we lora*, on the 21St last, L OST QN FRIDAY, 1 St d Lower a pair f awsaU 'V RED ROCKER rurnitue Stare. A. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT c are pleased to be able to .state that FURNITURE of all Kinds, - she is beginning to improve. --Mise Which will he sold at lowest figures, Addie Porter, of S. S. No. 6, was , slightly indisposed Friday so her HAND MADE OR ORDERED GOODS. sister Clara swung the rubber in her See my own make of M•trasacs, Lounges, ko, and everythin} #n the upholstering line• stead.—Rev. tylr. Moorehonse gave a Ploture Framing and ordered work will receive second lecture in S. S. No. 2 Friday prompt and careful attention, All work done in flrst•class style, evening last taking for his subject, 1assstleprom tl attended at any hour "The necessityof cultivating a taste g Every requisite undertaking' iomp, ,Embalming a specialty, for reading." The lecture is an exceed- - in;ly good one and the audience was highly delighted with it. In addition Funeral, Director and Embalmer, to the lecture there was a short music- al programme well selected and pleas- CONTRACTING AND BUILDING. •'ingly rendered.—Mr. Gilbert Forgie loft for Manitoba on. Tuesday. He took LUMBER, LAIN, ANY SHINGLES, SAND AND LIME, with him a. splendid team of horses AND LOWEST PRICES. Mr. William Prior, of the boundary BEST QUALITY A_. 1108 also gone t' the North West.— Estimates furnished an application. or a dpplylt or, o We notice that one or two errors crept F. WRIGHT", Yiotoria St., Wingham. :,irlto your report of Miss C'orer's . SAL OF ' examination in S. S. No. 6. Laura thackwell won the prize in the senior ISIr spelling, match and Sarah Johnston o1I 113 Ftp lit Prollitty-. • won the prize in Junior class. Lea '.Whelans, not Eva Whelan' being ,warded the special prize in the junior• Under and by virtue tet power of sale contained class. • in a mortgage made by James aFlynn, haying been n and Jamta Flyn Sr, made u ADM1NlSTRATRIX i!IOTICE. Flynn,1 payment thereof, rill be sold 1oice 18 hereby given purilIlant to he provisions BY PUBLiI AUCTION . of tha Revised Statutes of Ontario, (1887), Chapter AT THE ROY oTEL WIVGHA'y1, 1.10; Section 36, that all creditors and others having ,N , maims against the Wingluun, inch bCountyeth ltof Hurolaten, x 28th, 1aFj9r the Town of who , Th.ArSdaY, February, deceased,8,are ,ono or be re about the a 23rd the following property April, 1 8, to elver . ndfore postthe2nddaidd to Atone o'clock, p , Mary, 1Ei todeliJorne,bond by •prepaid the ssion of Mary Emmline he e - of the said tate o the the Township it of West 26, in 8th a County of deceased,a statement to the real and parboil -a estate r said deceased, abtaternent of the. names •and 'addresses, Huron, containing 100 , 'res more or less. This is a and full particulars of their claims, together with a very choice farm, 75 • ares cleared and 25 acres statement of the scourity Of any) held by them. hardwood. There is > good frame dwelling 18 x 22, And notice is further given that after the said last with kitchen 18 x 18, barn 40 x 60, and a stable 24 mentioned date the said administratrix will proceed x 32a deposit to distribute the assets of the said deceased; among of S00 RMisti Te eof . Yc as r shall pay one.third the parties .entitled thereto havingregard only to aid in cash or se. Vie claems of which notice thereto, been given ns above of the purchase money , three weeks thereafter ; ra aired, and the said or anynistratrix will not be curethe dibylamo tgagehp yable frir s to be om tone to fie years cable for thesaidtassets or part thereof so dis• at the option of the pt chases. ributed any person of whose claim notice shall For further arttcula . apply to , not ha . been received as aforesaid at the time the p (',1 tan & B tNIiIER, aid atribution is so made. OnfmAn, , AI L d at Wingham this 20th IsTO Ye + ore' Solicitors, Hamilton. J. AA, ORTUN . Hamilton, March 5t1 1849.. Solicitor for Administ ratrix l TAILORING DEPARTMENT. We control many lines of goods not to be found elsewhere in the trade. For the present season the number of orders we have taken show we have what .the trade requires, and the prices we ask defy competition. Oar terms , - aro liberal. D. B. C JBICK e BOOTS AND SHOES, For value, make and assortment, See them Groceries,, Pure and Fresh. We inake the requirements of the trade a study. See the immense variety our stock contains. Inspection re M. - II. JVIcIND9 F01�/ THE CITY RESTAURANT, knnge, Welk of QnnIi g, IS THE BEST PLACE IN TOWN :CO BUY YOUR the Stook non hand• at T, LESLIE S `has no superior anywhere. The most fastidious can be suited iu his elegant lines of Canaaian, English, Scotch, Irish and French Tweeds. Prices Lowest, Compatible with, satis- factory goods and MOST FASHION .BGE. MKA THE LEADING BOOT x, ANO SHOE :51rQRE1 ABSOLUTE FITS GUARANTEED Our own Goods Cut Free of Charge. Consult your interests by giving us a. call. 1 /A� ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, chapter 100. section 80, the cre Palinater Simmons, late of the Town of wingham, ditors of Robert . County of Huron and Province of Ontario, hotel• keeper, who died on or about the 11th day of January, A n 1889, are required atot t 80, 11 toy othe Toren. To- ronto General Trusts Company, to, County of York, ' administrators of the said deceased on or before the 4th day of April, A. At which they can &sold, as D., full particulars names, their addresses and statement descriptions; `�� CASH ' the i a counts and of thou claims; e c riti a (if any) of thee. y th its and the nature of securities (if �. O .I:3. P O �. 4 held by them, and notice is hereby given 'that the•HE E3UYS said administrators will immediately after the last mentioned day proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto; Ironstone sells x01(1 L+pled Cased Watelles on a little advance of W}t having regard only to the claims of which they shall • thea have had notice. J A. MORTON, Solicitor#or Administrators, Others sell the same movements for in Silver cases. Also kP,ep.pn ha Wingham,28th February, 1889. ORANGES :FRonl 15 CENTS To 35 (J NTb PER DozcN. LE1iONS " 25 Bananas' Bitter Orange F. R.E,S1-1 OYSTERS "- AN D CANNED 0-00PS Always "on hand and served in any style. „ Hi MST PAR 1fC .0 WEST OF LONDON. O 6T. HILL, Formerly of the Poli business, GREEN'S BLOCK, WINGHAI ested. 411 Owing to the late Boom I have made room for and have on hand -A Large Stoc11 of :Bain RIAU BOOB'S anti SHOES, in_l+Relit,, Sizes, NSTOUI Is the place to go if you want to get the BEST iQi AL1TY OF GOODS at the Cheapest Possible ' Prices it rtt fiol MANITOBA FOR SALE La • Selection of a g FINE STONE SET RINGS, • KEEPER. AND PLAIN GOLD RINGS:. Also a Large and Well Selegited Stock of N o:Whoa, Cloak; 1'a° err '; Saireiware, aptat Ogles, 6140. - •Cl cN I do all kinds of Repairing in Clocks, Jewellery, ,Dr,. All tool 820 Mans (4- Section) of First a Warranted. Land, only Five Miles•trom the rapidly growing City of BRP- N.D.01st The grain Minneapolis ofthe North-west. The above is really a d C r Ple Farm and will be sold A Plaitli.ng Mill 30 by 80 feet TWO OTOTES KY R Wring all Flooring, Alootai� gs s hinery tor menuloc• sash, Doors Ace, Kollar Wring iRoom and Engine Boom Niro proof with an Iron shaving Room attached. s This valuable ' in property is in ilrst•oiasa running end in thelia heart of the fuariufamr uri g depot of the ' otty where a Largo and Profitable business nary be r00lited. Immediate - immersion can be given. , +title perfvol, For full pv14(1' lath IKrply to P, magi, !Witham P. 0. 1. SUCCESSOR TO H. rit Post Office Block, Wingham. To The — die0' of Wingham and ,funding gnu% VVe beg to in 'mate that we have on h • ' i a very Complete Stook of F C GOODS, 4 ARTICLES" and LATEST NOVELT1 Comprising ting CllOtelt, Beaustlxeery Sten AN IN ECTION OFXUil STOOK SOLICITED. Or Pr' . e Very istiteasonabie. BONTHR