Clinton News-Record, 1958-04-17, Page 1Zoe Ikot
(1w W. P, A,)
and Spice) Starts talking of
" little green men sprouting celery
staXks and disappearing
into the woodwork . . . He
apparently gets other people
thznJcu 49 about queer hrappening$
In his home town of Wa'arton,
the townspeople awe considering
wit suspic' 00, a big bangwhi�rt
they ?B'e'ard About ten iniaes east
of two . , , Witimases report
a single, whitee cloud several; th-
ousand feet Mesh , Cause has
beenattributed to the sonar tboom
hhearO whre'i1 au aircraft (rassses'
thrwgh the sound barrier . .
but Airport officials, say theme
wore no planes scheduled -there
at that tib' ,
* * r
to fts qwo youth when lie stated
"We arse tgoift to #nprove our ed-
uca'tiomal system until the last
shreds of to so-caXed progrts-
sive +edlucatiop are gone , . .11
,After aP, 'then. must be some
good things to .be found n the
modern, way .of teaching, and iprct-
baW the best part of it aIL is
dhat �dh,04r'a,,rn,, nowadays love to
T084 -d . . , and love schooll
That is,, until they ;get,int� high
school, and find out that some
ifolk tl i nk you'+re a spoilsport X
you like to study anything'. -ser-
iously , .. There are certain week
sports in., tide present methods
but 'uvea be doing ouruiaAaon'S
children+ a wave d'isserviee if we
w1ped out the. last ,vestige of the
modern way
rieiw things, . . . we. found one
young manAn, in, court on Tuesday,
rapidly finding out that when dri'-
wing . it is ibest to •.leave "lover'
bebikd . . Time court suggested
that -rather than proceeding along
the highway ... and allowing his
girlfriend -to `;pr.acticall, 'y sit on
his lap" ; . that he might be
better to park .
coli • te'am of P'eewoe hockey play-
ers -who were, runnners=up in the
"Cl championship -at Young Cam
ada Week ., .. are unhappy about
the fact that the local lads lost
. Vale, tope for better, maim••
agement at Goderich to: ensurA
that no team is forced to pI'ay
three games in, one clary
This seems to be the way the boys,
have to ,go, in, order to come out
on . tap ..'. AV witness the Champ-
ions, from Stratford ... However,
it certainly makes a gruzEhg
-thee reason why the local Pee-
wees name second in the tourney
has been; put forward by a
strong .Clinton Liberal . . He
feels that it was ,better for the
boys to conte in second andearn
the Beacon -Herald trophy .
than to coarse first and be award-
ers that "tory" first place cup .
Council Grants An
Additional $50
FarS ring Fair
After ,re -consideration at the
recent council meeting (last Th-
ursday), the councillors of the
town of Ciloto t •decided to in-
crease their grant to the Clinton
Spring ,Show by $50, This, was
in eesponse to a renewed request
received' via A. J. McMurray, sec,-
,retary-treasurer of the Huron
Central Agricultural Society,
Councillor Irwin had suggested
,that the request be held over U-1
sane future date. when. it could
be determined, just what the needs
of the Society were.
Councillor Bridle, spoke at len-
gth on the, subject, He g'aid', 'It
don't ;believe we are 'gaining~ any-
thing by holding back this, ad-
di'tiomQ- grant. Perhaps corning
frown Goderich, where there, is, no
fair held, I appreciate the, Spring
Sbow more than you, who are
used to h+avnrng one held.
"Tine people, operatirng the fair
are to be congratulated on. the
lienar,, hoursof work they put into
it atd for the good results they
get. We should; put adr fu41-heart.
ed support behind the society."
"I don't think w0te- doing the,
right thing by the Agricultural
Society," went on Mr. Bridle,
"And, I'm not a director of it as
some of You other risen ar'e,."
The decision to grant the extra
was made On motion of rBrid-
Ie, ge'conded by Dalre. Voting in
favour were Councipor Beattie,
LavR more, Dale, Bridle, Suttgtr
och d Trewarth;a,
the Weeks Weather
High Low High Low
ty58 '1957
April 10 48 29 44 30
11 43 34 38 23
12 52 86 85 23`
13 58 M 3s 25
14 60 84 41 4l, 20
15 69 3 3
16 11. 81 60 42
• ptalti° ,s7 lits,
Mu. 16 -r -Th Home Paper with the Nets CLINTO ONTAaIQt 4 SPAY, gRl� 1, �7, 1958 Cent$ a 4P ► .QQ a� �(" r
Cons eryat.ives Sure In
' o s 1 -C. `tea N'au h
C�. o ing �
More than 500 people crowded into the Legion Hail here
last night for the Progressive, Conservative nominating conven-
tion held to fill the candidate's position left vacant by the death
of the late Tom Fryde, Exeter. Delegates from all over the
riding of Huron attended, and by the official starting time of
the meeting, there was "standing room only."•
Charles S, MacNaughton, president of the
Huron Progressive Conservative Association,
and right hand than of Tom Pryde through-
out his terms at Queen's Park, was swept into
r SM
the candidate's job on the first ballot, which
dealt firmly with�•the five other hien nominated
tfor the office.
Choked with emotion, Mr. MacNaughton, re -
de d t t+1%ft r w f I
Two Ree-.. ings Are
Giv. en PS, BY -Law
?'o Cost $40%000
,X"t' ' here *U* Thursday ni-
igbt Cl'i*&X cou'nea1;gave two r'ealf-
Ings to By 1aw No. 8.1955 .giving
antthoniiy for the, b9Mowin�g of
*4Q,$44,000 on debenture at 4i�s per-
cent for the purpose of erecting
an addition to the; �C inton 'Public
The ;by-law must, -now gain ta*
approval of the Ontario Municip..
as Board, and then ;be given a
third- reading by the 16=1,. counc-
3," before 'the scnQeti board can;
take steps toward. bulldin'g the
Town Mill Rate Struck at 70
s greeted news of his
with which the audience
nomination. He said, "I won't need five • • 01 Oxygen Tent BeingPaidfor by Eastern Star :
. minutes, I'm .at a loss for words, I :will do 01'1+nt'on Butcher
`xny very ,best, so that you will never have to
g£ 'say you chose the wrong man at this con- Fined $50vention. I will go f,rm ohere, and with your4�
help,I will - - -". Here Mr. MacNaughton's '
Appearitvg i(rn Clinton, C o u r t
voice broke, and as the sympathetic and ap- here on Tuesday, -Norman Fitz -
applause, si ,
pro"vers audience broke forth into � was! fined $50 and costs
he smiled broadly, waved, and found his way when he, appeared before, Magisit-
back .to his seat on the platform, rate Dudley Z ; Holmes. Mr.
The new candidate, who hada Fitzsimmons operates a .butcher
clear majority over the other con- shop In coniryun'ctiogt with a groc-
testants, within minutes excused '17 business and the premises
himself froth the platform so 4 N 300,18eds In ha'•v�e been under , inspection, by
that he .could telephone Mrs. Mac- Dr.. T. Melady, Goderich, of the
Naughton and tell her the good Ontario Department of Health,
news. Proposed Tom Dr. Melody related that a1-
Nominating even at this time, F'a
though some effort had.. been
will allow the Progressive Con Pride Hospld� made by Mr. tzsirnrrioms to da
servative candidate only three some Wngs to correct an un-,
weeks to prepare for the by- Huron County is definitely toe satisfactory •candtsit im the
election in Duron, which is sched- have a hospital, for retarded child- butches^ satin f lct situation was
uled for May 12: The Liberal ren, and it'will. lbe• larger than still not satisfactory. Melody had
party has set the date for their m,ari!y had •expected. Instead of made seven inspections of the
nominating convention for next 700 beds:•' which residents, have 'premises since F'e'bruary 4, and
Monday evening in the town hall been expecting, a 1,300 bed hos 'an vfx of -them he bermd, sev-
at Hensall. .pital wiU1 be erected'. (Continued .on Page Twelve)
George Ginn, Goderich, presid- According -to the Hon. W. A. ""'o.
ent of the Huron Liberal Assoc- ,G.00dfellow, Minister of Agricul-
iation (provincial) was chairman tune; who. was guest .speaker at Blyth Youngster
of the meeting, and. Jim Donnelly, ttie progressive Conservative'. nom-,
Goderich, secretary, inlation cq nven orn in Clinton last Dies tri Hospital
An overtone of sadness in the might, the igovemment has pur-
meeting, was shown a number of chased '300 acres of land- on Lots
times, .as each of the speakers re- 13 and 14, Concession 1, Towne Virus Infection
called their fine comradeship with ship" of Goderich, just about 2
the late Tom Pryde. Two minutes miles south of Goderich, and here Treatment -at - .Clinton Public
silence was observed in his mem- the, h9spi'tal will 'be built. Hospital, and lateovin St, Joseph's
Ory. TIM% hospital has been, spoken Hospi;aT, London, were in vain
There were six nominations of as, Tom Pryders, legacy to Hur- for Edward James Heffroni, six -
made as follows (mover and sec- on .County, and as Mr. MacNaugh- yeas` -old sora of Mr. and Mrs.
onder in brackets after each na- ton made his successful bid to be- Gerald Ref'fron, Blyth. The-Younsg-
Proud to be photographedwith the new oxygen tent at Clinton Public Hospital, are these
members ;of the Clinton Chapter No. 266, Order of the Eastern Star, who have accepted the job
of raising funds to pay for this equipment, during the next two years. The machine was purch-
ased through the Hospital Board, and is in use at the Hospital now, From the left, Mrs. Willa
Williams, Associate Matron and Mrs. J. M. (Helen) Elliott, Worthy Matron; Bert Irwin, Worthy
Patron of the Lodge; Miss . Hilda Smith, superintendent at the hospital and Mrs. W. C. (Ruth)
Newcombe, convener of the ways and means committee of the lodge. (News -Record Photo)
me) :
Jim Donnelly Trewar-
come • Mr. Fryde's successor, he
shoed, "His' legacy to Huron will
seer was found in a coma in hes
home 'iii -the v'il'lage, and was
Kinettes Add X200
(N. W.
tha, Clinton; William J. Dale, RR
public school, 1.9.395 mills; cones -
Business Ratee
by Dr. R. W. Streets,
-Later hewas removed, to the
To Pooh. Fund;
fate, 6,241 mills; debenture, 7.09
the l'egisl'ature at Toronto, and
London hospital, where he died,
mills; town genera 1, 24.04 mills.
Residence Flarin Same as 1957
The same applies for industrial
Volunteer Canvas
commercial, professional and bus*
Clinton's 1958 municipal:, budget
Need for a two rate system
iness property, except that the
was brought down last Thursday
has been required last year and
town general rate is 30,04,
evening, when three readings were
this, since- the provincial legisla-
tion stipulates that the per cap-
In addition to the moneys rais. .
given the tax setting by -fay.
ital grant (which formerly was
ed by taxation locally, the town .
Taxpayers in town this year will.
unconditional) must now be ap-
also spends $99,436.57 in proyin-
pay on a general rate' of Only 76
plied only to reduce taxation " on
sial government grants. These are
mills for industrial, commercial,
farm and residential property;
in the form of educational grants,
professional apd business property.
These rates will raise a -total
$70;809.57, highway grants, $16,-
This is a reduction of a quarter
of $1,47,954,08.
500; unconditional grants to assist
mill from 1957, The rate for farm
Distribution of rates for resi-
in the administration of justice,
and residential property retrains.
dential and farm property is as
$2,896; welfare and social services,
the same at 70 mills.
follows: county, 13.231 ..mills;
etc., $6,081; other grants, $3,150.
s greeted news of his
with which the audience
nomination. He said, "I won't need five • • 01 Oxygen Tent BeingPaidfor by Eastern Star :
. minutes, I'm .at a loss for words, I :will do 01'1+nt'on Butcher
`xny very ,best, so that you will never have to
g£ 'say you chose the wrong man at this con- Fined $50vention. I will go f,rm ohere, and with your4�
help,I will - - -". Here Mr. MacNaughton's '
Appearitvg i(rn Clinton, C o u r t
voice broke, and as the sympathetic and ap- here on Tuesday, -Norman Fitz -
applause, si ,
pro"vers audience broke forth into � was! fined $50 and costs
he smiled broadly, waved, and found his way when he, appeared before, Magisit-
back .to his seat on the platform, rate Dudley Z ; Holmes. Mr.
The new candidate, who hada Fitzsimmons operates a .butcher
clear majority over the other con- shop In coniryun'ctiogt with a groc-
testants, within minutes excused '17 business and the premises
himself froth the platform so 4 N 300,18eds In ha'•v�e been under , inspection, by
that he .could telephone Mrs. Mac- Dr.. T. Melady, Goderich, of the
Naughton and tell her the good Ontario Department of Health,
news. Proposed Tom Dr. Melody related that a1-
Nominating even at this time, F'a
though some effort had.. been
will allow the Progressive Con Pride Hospld� made by Mr. tzsirnrrioms to da
servative candidate only three some Wngs to correct an un-,
weeks to prepare for the by- Huron County is definitely toe satisfactory •candtsit im the
election in Duron, which is sched- have a hospital, for retarded child- butches^ satin f lct situation was
uled for May 12: The Liberal ren, and it'will. lbe• larger than still not satisfactory. Melody had
party has set the date for their m,ari!y had •expected. Instead of made seven inspections of the
nominating convention for next 700 beds:•' which residents, have 'premises since F'e'bruary 4, and
Monday evening in the town hall been expecting, a 1,300 bed hos 'an vfx of -them he bermd, sev-
at Hensall. .pital wiU1 be erected'. (Continued .on Page Twelve)
George Ginn, Goderich, presid- According -to the Hon. W. A. ""'o.
ent of the Huron Liberal Assoc- ,G.00dfellow, Minister of Agricul-
iation (provincial) was chairman tune; who. was guest .speaker at Blyth Youngster
of the meeting, and. Jim Donnelly, ttie progressive Conservative'. nom-,
Goderich, secretary, inlation cq nven orn in Clinton last Dies tri Hospital
An overtone of sadness in the might, the igovemment has pur-
meeting, was shown a number of chased '300 acres of land- on Lots
times, .as each of the speakers re- 13 and 14, Concession 1, Towne Virus Infection
called their fine comradeship with ship" of Goderich, just about 2
the late Tom Pryde. Two minutes miles south of Goderich, and here Treatment -at - .Clinton Public
silence was observed in his mem- the, h9spi'tal will 'be built. Hospital, and lateovin St, Joseph's
Ory. TIM% hospital has been, spoken Hospi;aT, London, were in vain
There were six nominations of as, Tom Pryders, legacy to Hur- for Edward James Heffroni, six -
made as follows (mover and sec- on .County, and as Mr. MacNaugh- yeas` -old sora of Mr. and Mrs.
onder in brackets after each na- ton made his successful bid to be- Gerald Ref'fron, Blyth. The-Younsg-
Proud to be photographedwith the new oxygen tent at Clinton Public Hospital, are these
members ;of the Clinton Chapter No. 266, Order of the Eastern Star, who have accepted the job
of raising funds to pay for this equipment, during the next two years. The machine was purch-
ased through the Hospital Board, and is in use at the Hospital now, From the left, Mrs. Willa
Williams, Associate Matron and Mrs. J. M. (Helen) Elliott, Worthy Matron; Bert Irwin, Worthy
Patron of the Lodge; Miss . Hilda Smith, superintendent at the hospital and Mrs. W. C. (Ruth)
Newcombe, convener of the ways and means committee of the lodge. (News -Record Photo)
me) :
Jim Donnelly Trewar-
come • Mr. Fryde's successor, he
shoed, "His' legacy to Huron will
seer was found in a coma in hes
home 'iii -the v'il'lage, and was
Kinettes Add X200
(N. W.
tha, Clinton; William J. Dale, RR
be cuated: by the building of
ibrought to the Clinton hospital
1, Clinton); W. J. Dale (W. J.
a hospifal for retarded childiren.
Tom Pryde literally bombarded
by Dr. R. W. Streets,
-Later hewas removed, to the
To Pooh. Fund;
Miller, Clinton; Len Caldwell, Lon-
desboro); Dr. E. A. McMaster
the l'egisl'ature at Toronto, and
London hospital, where he died,
(Rev. Dr. J. A, Semple, Egmond-
the Prune Minister, with his br-
on Sunday, and death was at-
infection, Fun-
Volunteer Canvas
ville; John Armstrong); Charles
i�efs, In'his effort to, get this host.
tributed to a virus
S. MacNaughton, Exeter (Elmer
Bell, Exeter; Douglas )+reeman,
p'i•tal for Huron.,,
It as fully expected that the
eral was in Blyth yesterday morn -
The Clinton Kinette, Club a
Clinton) ; Warden John Morris-
,hospital,, when built, will be nram
their regular meeting, voted $20(
to the Swimming Pool Fund. • Thi,
sey (Ed. Lamport and Ben Webb)
; ed the 'roan Pryde Memorial Hos-
pitall. 'Flue+ (Hon. Goodfellow gave
Hog Men Meet
is the club's third donation, mak
all of Stephen Township; George
ing a total of $450:contributed.
Feagan (Wilmot Haacke, Reg.
lull credit to Mr. Pryde for has
Those volunteering. to assist ii
effort un its.regard.
Mr. Goodbellow the
th Processors
the Canadian 'Cancer DSociety'r
Mr. Donnelly declined the nom-
. fammer+s in the audience by say-
House -to -House Canvass, April :U
to 19 are: Mrs, ,Donald Epps
ination, leaving five for whom the
i,ng, "It is my desire to co••operate
Far 'the first -time An two years
Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs, Harr•1
delegates could cast ballots.
with the farm people, and, through
producers and processers Of Oat-
McEwan .and Mrs: Frank McEw•
Scrutineers were Harold Lawson
legis.lhture, thellp them to help
arlo hogs, met in, Toronto on,
for W. J. Dale; W. Haake. for G.
Monday to try to reach an ag-
Plans are being made to holc
Feagan; W. Miller for J. Morris-
The speaker talked of the
reement on the maxkptibg proms
a bake sale later this month.
sey; W. Dandas for Dr, McMas-
"Frost team" and welcomed Mr.
gram for. hogs. Provincial' gov-
Several members will attend a
ter and G. Block for C. Mac-
McNaughton to 'its ramks, He, said,
emment officialls- were also -ores-
spring inter -club meeting at Kin.
sardine on May 1.4.
Naughton. Counting ballots were
"Thin government works, at the
en't', ,with of fihe
Hugh Berry, J. Murphy, Eugene
jab of kee+pifng c'inge to the, people.
packers an d. the Ontario Hog
The Kinettes met at the note:
Beaver and Reeve H. Coleman.
We 'believe do helping the little
Producers Association. ,
Clinton, with Mrs. Mait Edgar
While counting was taking place
fellow, for the big fellow will tape
The meeting was closed, and
and Mrs. D. Epps hostesses foi
Wayne and Ross Rowe, RR 1,
care of himseagf, no matter what."
no- announcement was, made.
the evening.
Woodham, provided music on
violin and piano.
William • Stewart, . MPP for
North Middlesex filled
Counc in,
some time quite satisfactorily, as
he spoke in glowing terms about
the late Mr. Pryde, and boosted
Meet&r%g nh _regul'ar session on
taxes in town, it should not pay
BuRding permits were issues
the Party generally,
Thursday evening, April 10, the,
councillors of the Town of Clinton
the $75 toward the Fire Depart-
ment for the call to extinguish
as .follows: T. Churchill, repairs,.
$100; Mrs, McBrjde, store front
Announcement of Mr, MacNaugh-
voted $25 toward the cost of the.
the 'fire some distance from town
$,1,600; R. N. Irwin,, store, front
ton's success was followed by a
assessor James" Manning attend-
cern 'Highway 8, in one of their
$1,500; J. Cameron, house, $7,•
motion to make the decision un-ing
the convention of the Assoc_
trucks. Counzcilj.or Irwin coaitten'd-
500; E. ,Doucette, shed, $100; J
onerous, made by Dr. E. A. Mc-
iatiorn ,of Assessing Officers to
ed that if the, fire department had
Shorey, house on Wbitehead St.
Master and seconded by W. 4.
be: ,,held jinn ,Peterboro one, May
not .gone, out, the company would
reet, $10,000; Wesley Holland, cat.
19 to 21,
have lost both truck -and thiok-
port, $,300, „
Guest speaker, the I -Ton, W. A.
,A, request from Fred McDonald
ens loaded on it.
Actually Burt. S'tanhey, chair.
Goodfellow was introduced by J.
,for street lightsat the corners
The police report presented by
man. of the .general
W. Hanna, Wingham, member for
of Alhna and Erie Streets was
,Councillor Rwbtart Bridle sus
committee would not take the res,
North Huron and he was thanked
granted, Band' for another at, the
gested that the sorrier of Marian
ponsi!bility for these • permits
by Jirri Donnelly
comer of James, just south of
Wd James Streets. needed+ Borne
since, he had not seek them, prion
- __0 ----
the, railway tracks.
Granting a request for $1,000 to,
attention, and- that stop sign's
should be, erected, Several ac-
to the m'eetiYig•, He asked thal
'i'f thele, were passed (which, thea
Kinsmen To Start
wards' thee' cost of operatnn,g the
�enderrts have occurred •at this in -
were) that the entire couhcii
•Clir%ton. Lionts Arena, Council, re�
should share the -responsibility.
Fundi �-
and ur��
ce ved thanks from the Lions for
essxstr;n a k�eY: ;n +'fie past.
A tour of the town streets
Chad been taken ,by 0 of the,
'Council wdedded it would
wise to advertise the fact that t
A tobacco license was issued
councillors, in l4ie e i a�� cif
bui'iditiig (permit was necessary
Peewee Jackets.
to Don (Smiths operator of the
allow , A service• station4
N`, I. r`teilams, Stratford, distraint
municipal engineer" with the Dep
a commending to build or re-
for . � ; ro`o'st costing .10(
model, Any, 1 A
A a�egqu*st frons, a potential in,
artment of Il ghways, Ho, suggest-
ar more, required a pernnit. If a
A cornihittee of the Xinsmen
dustrialist considering a, 'building
ed. -that tFdnees5 and AkttP"Wry
bo black»topped
person in Clinton fails to get a
permit as provid;eddl for by ley -10w
Club of Clinton has been appoint-
ted. to Start a fund with wthid,
in tom, was referred to
l'or` V. Date, heads of the indust-
Stierets should
this year, to a width, mt less
he, is, subd tct .to a $50 Ellie,
to purchase jackets for the
rjal comMittee, for inVOSti'gatiobl,
than 22 feet, #fid- not more than
Counc7'llors approved the .pur.
- .� ., �,' p
Star' team, a. Peewee hockey lay-
T?ermi'ssnbf Was giveru the 8e1t1
Z(4 feet; That they be: guttered
and run to the catch basins. Tend
electric adding mach.
aairesfor the clerk's office',
ens which e'arne'd: the Beacori4ier-
1 h ..
and Trophy anal' seeorid place in
�epho�iafaoru � '� d b
x .. IbR -ek-to ••ng these, stw
ors f$r topTn
James Cox was' appointed care.
the "C" Cham. ionshi s at Youngg
Along Victoria Street and up Mt -it
meets, and ,tardIval • Steeet (past
taker ,of the town hall, on, a fttl
Canada, Week in G�erich,
Btrket in tfron't Of the Legion
the Public Scixool) will be called,.
Berea .basis, at a salary of $40 pen
Corathi'tte"i- ritetrnbers are K, %
A Petitionk0ft the Loyal, Or-
W. puMic works comm:i.ttee,
h6adeA :by Councillor teattie; Itt,
The mayor was aulhOrlmd tK
Col+quh6ung, chainmen, Donald Vit,
am a Lddge was' received dont&n-
o� 13, Stanley and Mayor W. J,
pe&l'aim the, start of lhayl'i+g)r
Kay, 'P!Axnk MtO'W4ft, and Terry
ihr� -the Jul 12 Walls but since
i ill, meet with L, D. 9A.r.
Savltilg Time cin Clifrtori. ori Stens
C''Ne 1, .
the lodges i'aig wero fndohrdite
rettethe i tiirnioiat of +Mghw'ays
day', AptIT 27,
A.nyotlio wishing to donates
councilll left ower until- ar defy
er, t atiford with refer-
Cert t�rnotiotin int= Reeve Stanley
ititoavey to, this Cause- may do so
Witte request was, received.
el er to C.08 deiing zit Staeet
ste'con1ded by ltif'. W. `'T`�!"dtWWAN
and tyMe contribution will be
Council received a, letter front
arc connecting link, With view
council ,agree'd` to gpurdhme thu
reatl a . reciated b" the Xibg-
8' y 1� Y
;M "ada Packer Ltd, su stin
n S gg'c g
' . assistance With ire'
to ,getting paying
fixtures fbr two �4vaglrlrooIng' 7;1
that sinKa(', the .herrn was pa�'�m`g
>`or want loam cru it,
(Contdntted , ort iT'a8e 1.'2)
George Falconer Presides
For District 100E Annual
The annual meeting of Huron
Distract No. 8, I.O.O.F., was held
in the Clinton Lodge Rooms on
Wednesday evening, April 9, with
D.D.G.M. George Falconer in ch-
arge. Representatives were pres-
ent from all lodges in the dist-
rict: Exeter, Hensall, Brucefieid,
Sea'forth, Goderich and Clinton.
Reportsof the various, lodges
showed that each was in a sat-
isfactory condition at the present
time, with each lodge anticipat-
ing increased activity in the- early
Election of 'officers for the term
beginning in June resulted in D.D.
Goderich Township
Appoints Delegate
Goderich Township Council -met
on April 7,'with all members pre-
Reeve J. W. Deeves was appoin-
ted as the official representative
of the Township to attend the hea-
ring of the Municipal Board in
Goderich in April 28, at which
tine. there is to be, a hearing
on the old Bayfield River Bridge.
The hourly wage rate for man-
ual labour was raised to 90c per
The Town of Goderich present-
ed two fire calls for the Township,
both grass fires, a total of $100
paid to Goderich.
A communication for relief
from the Township of • Norah, was
referred to the Relief Officer for
investigation, and to report at
the next meeting.
Council adjourned till May 5
at 8.30 p.m.
Trio t
1 ailed on
Utterin Charges
Pretty young Elizabeth Mor;
kiln, 18 years, old, and, Alexander
Gray and -Leonard Cowan, all re•
sewed jail sentences in Codec-
ion last Thursday, when they
appeared before, Magistrate Dud-
udley tag. Holmes, one charges, of
Uttering. During the. iheatr hg of
the case, Miss Mork'in had ad-
tnhikd: to having in her posses-
siotn tort elle papers +uvhid l t*re
faked from the safe at tho home
yob. Mm.. Alice Joynt, Hensall late
dip1.7 I.
G.M. John Wilson, Goderich and
D.D.G.M„ Gerald MaFalls, Exeter,
being chosen.
Appreciation was expressed to
the retiring D.D.G.M., •George
Falconer, for his untiring efforts `
during his term of office. It
was also feltthat a great debt
was owed to him for ,presentat-
ion of the travelling gave], which
has proven to be quite a success.
Announcement was made of the
Friendship 'Night to be held in
Clinton on Saturday, April 19, to
which all members of the Order
and their friends are to be in.
At the conclusion of the meet
ing lunch was served by the lun-
ch committee of the host lodge,
of which Harold Tyndall is cliair-
Union Gas Buys
Land Near CNR
Unions Gas, Company has pur-
chased N4 of an acre from J.
Becker property on Highway 4
between 'the Rural Hydro and
Cities Sei vice, warehouse, 'delis
property adjoins. the. CNR tracks
and will, be convenient to the
pipeline- 'which, the gas company
proposes to lay through the coun-
ty -to Goderich,
Rrucefield .Lad
Has- Ninetieth
Birthday Dinner
Mrs. Agnes Consitt, Brucefield,
observed her 90th birthday on
Wednesday, April 16and thee ev-
was celebrated with a quiet
family dinner.
Mrs. Consitt, who resides with
her sister, Mrs. William. Douglas,
Bruedfield, was born on the Parr
Line near Hensall and is able to
be up and around every day. She
is 'very interested in television and
reading, and enjoys crocheting
and knitting.
;She liar one son Roy Cotisitt,
and one daughter Mrs. Charles
Farquhar, both of Hensall, seven
grandchildren and ten great -gr
andchildten, four sisters, Mrk
Douglas, and Mrs.. Eva Corli;le,
Mrs. Annie Loga,ii, acid Mrs, A,
Aarvey,, all of Hensall,