HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-04-10, Page 6CLINTON JUNIOR FARMERS :-1-Act Play "Her First Party Dre§s" PLUS: Musical Entertainment and Dance SIJMIVIERHILL COMMUNITY HALL Friday, April 11 at 8.30 p.m. THE MELO-D'S ORCHESTRA WILL PLAY FOR THE DANCE LUNCH BOOTH Chrysler - Plymouth - Fargo Sales and Service Huron St. CLINTON Ii 30E, BECKER'S ROOFING BUSINESS and will continue the service he has built up. BUILD-UP ROOFS.--HOT ROOF COATING , GRAVEL AN D BONDED ROOFS Any Type of Roofing Work EARL R. DOUCETTE Building Contractor , R'oofhig Service CLINTON - Phone HU 2-9741 15-16-11-P a • NOTICE I have gought out S mn\IToli imvs-rscoRP, visit his mother and sister. Mrs. Viola Wean and Nesbitt Woods, Toronto, visited their bre- ther-in-lew and sister, Mr. and. MrS. Alex Sparks, fourth conces- sion, Goderich Townshrip over the Eastertide, Mr. and Mrs. 3. MacKenzie and Margo returned, to Toronto on Tuesday after having visited his Parents, Mr, and Mrs. 3. Mac-Kenzie, over Good Friday and Eas- ter. Mrs, IL A. Lawson is a patient in Pin-ton Public Hospital where she underwent -surgery on Satur- day. Fier son Harry Lawson, Ong, stop, visited her that day and also spent a few hours with his sister, Mrs. Maynard. Corrie. Mr, and. Mrs.. Alvin Holm, Pres- ton, called on friends in the vil- lage on Saturday when they ler- ought flowers for the altar in Trinity Church in Memory of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Me- Clinchey. The Rev. C. E. peacock went with the Rev, Dr, 3, Semple, montiville, and. F/L McLean, RCAF Station gentralia, to Rech- ester, N.Y., where they attended a school for ministers from Monday to Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, David Dewar and George, from. Toronto, who were with her mother, Mrs, Wheatley, Clinton, for the weekend, also vis- ited his mother and Mr. end Mrs. Fred. Watson on Saturday and Sunday. George Weston, accompanied by his son Harold and granddaughter Susanne, returned to his' home on Good Friday after having spent the winter with them in Ferndale, Mich. Harald stayed with his fa- ter. and Susanne was a guest at the home of Fred Weston. Mr. arid Mrs, Stuart Sturgeon, Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Sturgeon and baby daughter Nancy Joyce, Pres- ton, were with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. 3. Sturgeon, over the Good -Friday-Easter weekend. Also with them for Easter day were Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bisback, Clinton. Cricket's Easter Was Forlorn Rut Young Beagle Avoids Having a Bath Magistrate and Mrs. F. McAl- ister, London, Alex McAlister and family, Toronto, were at their cottage at The Highlands over Easter, The Rev, and Mrs. A. McAlister, Bruce Mines, came on Tuesday to spend a few days ,at the family cottage. David 'Corrie had the misfortune to break his left ankle on Good Friday. He was playing basketball on the lawn at Grant Turner's home when he inadvertently step- ped on a toy which turned the ankle, He is wearing a cast and getting about on crutches. Mrs, John McClure returned to her home in the village on Satur- day after having spent the winter with her daughters in Toronto and Uxbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Blanchard and daughter Beverley motored to the village with her mother returning to Uxbridge the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Arkell and two children, Jo Anne and Kenny, Bay City, Mich,, were with Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Arkell over the Easter weekend. Also with their parents on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Donald' Sager and two boys, Clare and' .'Picky. God- erich, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, Gayle and Phillip, Bay- field. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy P'oth over the Easter weekend included their son Ron- ald, Toronto, Mrs. Poth's mother, Mrs. William R. Jowett, Goderich: brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kendall and John, Elmira; and Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Hughes; Mr. and Mrs. 3. D. Hugh- es, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stevens, Alfena, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fraser at- tended the wedding of the latter's sister, Mrs. Frances Cooper to Harry Hansford in Erskine United Church, Toronto, oft Satu rd a v, April 5. - They aceemPanied Mr. and Mrs,' Donald Cooper and their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Com- er, Clinton, to Toronto, return- ing to their respective homes on Sunday evening.. Visiting their father. H. N. Brandon. over. Easter were: Miss Shirley Brandon. student at iversity of Western Ontario; Mr, and Mrs. rzordon. Heard. London' Mr. and Mrs. Keith Brandon and two children, Gary and Brian, St-' ratford; Mr. and Mrs. W. Pithlado. Toronto. Bobby Brandon. Grand Bend, is home for the Easter vac- ation. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lang, To- ronto, were with her parents. the Rev, and Mrs. C. E. Peacock at the parsonage, over Good Friday, And for Easter their sons: Harold, accompanied by Miss Pat Brown, Port Arthur. and John, who is taking a scaling course at the On- tario Forest Ranger School at Dor- set were home, On Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. I, Brown, two dau- ghters and two sons, Port Arthur, arrived to be the guests of the Rev, and Mrs. t. Peacock at the parsonage for a couple of, days. ,1.111 Clieweet and &tat Mealier SLIWICE ItftIPAIRS Clinton MY 2-00t4 RELIANCE GARAGE GARAGE eeeWeeg00-40-4aeolae-eleeeell Vdo, 14 V ---- f ,' 44: ''e--Ae, a' a i2...eat cl "ADS' Ili NEWSPAPERS SURE 051' RESULTS, 1 4AD MY LOST boa ". RETURINMO- ;;:'*. wire eiveou0Su ' - ,...... News of Bayrield BY MISS LUCY WOODS PHONE BAYFIELD 45 r Glenn Sturgeon, London, was Mr, and Mrs. j, B. Higgins. home over the long weekend. Miss Margaret Howard, Huron Mrs, David Dewar is spending. a, College,. was home from Wearies- few days in Goderieh, day to- Sunday, .Ervine Pease, Loudon, was. , •CattlY'MOLeed. Byron, is -spend- the village on Sunday ,) big the- Easter holiday with her Mr. and. Mrs, Clare Merner, De- grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. L., troit, are at their home front' McLeod. Tuesday to, Thursday,. George Bell accompanied by J•a-• !.Mr, and Mrs, Erie Earl, London, mes Boyee, -Stanley .Tovynship, left had been staying at their cottage on Monday to Join S.S. "Wind-- for a few days, oc" at Humberstone, Misses Joan MeLeod, Minton, Miss Jacqueline Cluff, Teacher's: and Helen, McLeod, London, were College, London, is with her moth- with their 'Mother over Easter. 'er, NM J. Chuff, for the Easter- Leslie •visited in Mount vacation,. Clemens,„ Mich., from Saturday to Vise Ethel Blair, London, was Mondeen with her parents, Mr._ and Mrs. ;",,je A. Orr, Stratford, spent the' Robert Blair, from Friday until Easter weekend at his home on Sunday, hayfield Terrace. y -Ur. and Mrs.. Harry Baker, Glenn Brandon left on Monday daughter Gwen, and 'Marilyn Car- te engage in construction work in ter, London, were at their cottage the Platharre area. - "Wheel' Irt" -.on Good Friday. Mr. and Mrs. 0, Keine and Jen- Mr, and Mrs, W. P. Cook and nifer, Detroit, ..oceupied their-cot- two daughters, London, were at tage over the holiday weekend. their cottage on Good Friday and Cpl. Jack Brown, Camp 'Borden, Saturday. spent the weekend with his wife Mr, ande Mrs., J. Pasman• and and family. baby, London, spent' the Eaeter Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Utter visited weekend with her parents, Pastor at Simcoe on Saturday and Sun- and Mrs. Ivor Boderhgen,. dayt Mr. and Mrs. T, M. Leckie and Eric Pemberton, London, has Donna were at their cottage at' been vending, a few days• at his Lakeside Park, over the long East- father's cottage, er weekend. 'Mr. and Mrs. S. Bryant, Byron, Mrs. James Porter, Goderich, are at their cottage on Louisa spent Easter with her brother, .Alf. Street this, week. - Scotchmer, ,Sr. She is now with Jim Higgins, 'Toronto. spent the her sister; Mrs. Myron Butler. Easter weekend with his parenta, Mr. and Mrs. G. Fellows, Fras- er, Kim and Pam, Riverside, were at their cottage over the long weekend. Mrs, Spencer Ervine and Mary .pSolurtabbaoetethptloan.t on Thursday last to spend a week with her parents in .Mr, and Mrs, William Leming and three children, Walton, spent Easter day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watson„ Fred Scotchmer, Richmond Hill. has been visiting at the home of his brother, Alf. Scotchmer, and sister, Mrs, Myron Butler. Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Talbot and family, Meaford, spent Wed- nesday with his mother, Mrs, AIL Scotebmer, Sr, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sullivan and David, Port Huron, 'visited relatives in the village on Wednes- day of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray, G04- erich, spent Easter day with his sister, Mrs. W. T. McLeod and family. Mrs. Grant Turner is in charge of organizing a Cancer Campaign • of the village. Collectors tall on APO' 14 to April 19, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd IVIakina, Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Matins, Brenda and. Brian spent Easter day in London, Janis Galbraith, Clinton, is spending the Easter holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell Mrs. R. B, Johnston, Sault Ste. Marie, spent Sunday and Monday with her brother-in-law and sister, Mn and Mrs. 3, M, Stewart. Mrs, E, W. Oddleifson is at her home on Main Street this week. Mr. Oddleifson was also here over the long weekend. Mr, and Mrs, Cl, D. Fraser re- turned to Riverside on Tuesday atter• having been at their home here over Good Friday and Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Atkinson and David Detroit, visited the formers wide, D. A. Atkinson over the Eastertide.' Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruss, Janice and Charles, London, visited Mrs. Pruss' parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. H. Parker, over Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Torbet, Tom, Laurie, Beth and Chris, Ann Arbor, Mich„ spent the Easter weekend at their cottage. Miss Mary Marks and Victor Pickard, Toronto, visited ther mo- ther, Mrs. Charles Marks, from Thursday to Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Renner and David, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scotchmer, spent Easter day in Teesekter, with the Rev. and Mrs. Peter Renner. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lattimer and two children, Toronto, were at the Gemeinhardt family residence from Good Friday until Easter day. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Larson and small daughter, Sharon, Lon- don, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Larson from Saturday until Monday. Mrs. R, J. Larson, Mrs. D. Mc- Leod and Lea Ann, Mrs. William E. Parker and Mrs. E. A. Feather- ston spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold King, Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Leonard and family, Willowdale, were with" her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Featherstori, from Good Friday un- til Easter. ' Mr. and Mrs, Walter M. West- lake visited their son, Corporal Lloyd Westlake, OPP, and family, Kitchener, from Good Friday un- til Sunday. - Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Butler and daughter Lois, Mifflinburg, Pa., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Butler from Thursday to Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Turland and family returned home on Tues- day after having spent Easter with Mrs. Turland's parents at Kincar- dine. Mrs. . Fred Metwen returned home on Sunday after having spent the winter in London. Her son-in- law, Dr. R. Nichol] accompanied by Dr. R. Bradley, motored to the village' with her in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Squires and two daughters, Marie and Bever- ley, Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. William Parker, Jr., London, were Easter day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William E. Parker. Miss Jessie L, Metcalf, Detroit, is at her home here for the Eas- ter vacation. William L. Metcalf returned to Montreal on Tuesday, having come on Good Friday to his duty towards his neighbours- i Cricket had set out just as she, was; nice and clean without extra finery. She was full of good inten- tions Oil me How easily she had', been led into trouble, the volume of the singing! And .she could have had a good look at 1 was housewife's thriesmsaor:seaa,rbcolulitng, th . ite allAtnhde ansewshEeassatet was Very depressing to hear Mrs.... ket meditated on the queer, mixed- 'tairtorn-se°rbv'tfee door Qwv:sr. openedWi the rilbl etthsen e ca dr,firtclericy_deonditiou .ef the car seats, when, . up state of affairs. Look at that "Midtleiwood" Cricket really. was i woman with S. batlike a chimney , afraid that she would have to en--yet there was. np Striate .corram a fraid a plunge into, that tub in the out, so the fire must be smoulder- basement again. And so, in great big within! And the next one with humility, she crawled on her belly - a couple of roses falling over one, up. the steps and into the kitchen, ear-how fetching, but why not' Great was Cricket's relief when. let them hang over the nose for a Mrs, Housewife merely wipedeleer sweet .smelli And the one with a feet and brushed her off.' (rer,.-- branch oft leaves sticking- out in liege after alle she was learning front only invited the starlings to bow much hounds Oilfired water'.) roost thereon. Why wouldn't sortie But later in the day She. .W„ aiYuc-fema.WS 'go to church on Easter her grief when.Mrs, HoUseWite,4'iar-SUnday.unless they had 'a new, husband and young Master went creation stuck on their heads?' off to visit Aunt Lucy and left Much too, frivolous, she decided! her .at home. After _hearing Mrs` Housewifel Where was the joy in Easter for teaching young Master the cate- a. young 'beagle with naught belt ehisrne-his duty towards God and goed intentions? . I , HURON COUNTY TRAPPERS ASSOCIATION will meet in the Agricultural Office Board Room WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 8.30 p.m. PRIZES FOR BEST MUSKRAT PELTS SPEAKERS - LUNCH - FREE ADMISSION ELMER TRICK BILL CRAIG President Secretary-Treasurer . 15b - •-,- ., 7.'-'":-.,,•:-.-7.,. ' ILIW--:SP ...„. . , v..... JOHNSON'S . HARD GLOSS WAX qt. 99c EPIC and SPAN age. 37c tVIOTHER !PARKER'S INSTANT COFFEE 2 oz. 46c Dainty RICE 2 pkg. 31c SUNNY MORN COFFEE (freshly ground) lb. 7$c GIANT SIZE TIDE - (10c off) 69c IGA COOKIES (assorted flavours) 35 Cookies 33c CLARKE'S PORK and BEANS-15 oz. 4 tins 55c CRISP LARGE HEAD LETTUCE 2 heads 29c FLORIDA PASCAL CELERY STALKS ea. 25c FIRM and GREEN CABBAGE 2 pounds 190 Spanish ONIONS 2 onions 19c Mac APPLES 3 lbs. 49e GOVERNMENT 'GRADE ,.., BRANDED MEAT Short Rib Roast lb. 49c Made Roast (blade removed) lb. 55c Sausage Meat lb. 37c Tablerite Pure Pork Sausage lb. 49c Tablerite Weiners lb. 45c e SAVE IGA GOLD CASH REGISTER SLIPS - IT WILL PAY YOU ,--- Corner of Isaac and MARKET ed -' , Mary Streets - Clinton '..11111 Tif Service See them this week at CLINTON Flexsteel Lifetime Guarantee Reg, 319.00 - Sale 289.00 Kroehler Green Frieze Airfoam Reg. 309.00 - Sale 279.00, Kroehler Anniversary Special Carpet Yarn, Reg. 249.00 - Sale 229.00 Western Big M Airfoam Reg, 269.00 - Sale 239.00 Kroehler Airfoam Frieze Reg. 269.00 - Sale 239.00 Ideal Sofa Bed, Swivel Chair Special 159.00 Western Lawson design .., ..... „,, ..... Reg. 245.00 - Sale 219.00 Kroehler Red Frieze • Reg. 219.00 - Sale nom Davenport Suite (Swivel Chair) „....,..„„ .... .. „, Reg. 205.00 - Sale 169.00 3 Pe. Kroehler 1/2 Sofas and Chair Reg. 295.00 - Sale 279.00 3 re. 1/2 sofas and Chair ,,,,,,......„ ....... „„ ..... , ...... ,..„ ........ ..--......, special 139.00 Kroehler Airfoam Cushions Reg. 279.00' - Sale 259.00 Oilt-Rite Luxury Liner Reg. 225.00 Sale 188.00 For Luxurious. Comfort The following 2-Piece CHESTERFIELD SUITES in stock for immediate delivery - We invite your inspection. ALL REDUCED - 10 to 20% BEATTIE FURNITURE Dial HU 2-9521. pity our Bayfield. Correspoodeat).. Cricket, the frisky young beagle at "Middelwood" decided that she really should go to church on Sunday, When Mrs. Housewife and hus- band, arnived at their place of wor- ship on Easter morning, there was Cricket sitting on the steps wait- ing for them, T3t1it not in her taster bonnet! Oh no! Cricket had been having an altercation with one. of her enemies, And. as a result was literally covered with mud. It was therefore a great dis- appointment that Mrs. Housewife's husband locked her in the car in- stead of taking her into church.. How her voice would have swelled Mrse Reg. Francis entertained six little folk on .Monday in hon- our of her daughter Marion's seventh. birthdey.', They were Bre- nda. and Brian Makin% Karen Fit- zsimons, Lynn Brandon, Brenda Stirling and Mary Lou Castle, They hed a happy afternoon play- ing games under Mrs. Francis' direction. Included in the refresh- ments were an individual cake with a lighted candle and ice cream for each child. The large birthday cake with seven candles centered the table. While the children were enjoying refresh- ments, the s mothers present had a cup of coffee in the kitchen. Holy Week Services Last Wednesday evening the Rev. Dr. J, Semple, Egmondville, preached at a special Holy Week service' in St. Andrew's United Church, A. duet was sung by Miss C. Clark and Miss A. Westlake. The Woman's Missionary Society held their Easter Thankoffering meeting on Thursday afternoon in the church, and guests were the Varna Auxiliary. Guest speaker was Mrs. William Love; Grand Bend, aPresbyterial vice-presi- dent. President Mrs. Hohner con- ducted the platform assisted by Mrs. C. E. Peacock, vice-president; Mrs. J. Scotchmer, vice-president and Mrs. Smith, president of the Woman's Association. Mrs, Kings- bury presided at the organ. Mrs. M. Toms and Mrs. Steckle received the offering. Mrs. Gordon John- ston, Varna, gave two interesting readings. Dainty lunch was served in the Sunday School room. A Good Friday service was held in the church, when the Rev. C. E, Peacock took as his text, "It is Finished", the last word from the Cross, He had reference to Christ's work of redemption and atonement. "Calvary" was sung by Miss Claire Walker, Blyth. Miss Mavis Steepe, church organist, was at the organ. Communion service on Easter Sunday morning was well attend- ed, with over 100 receiving com- munion, Mr. Peacock took as the basis of his message, the word used by Mary at the Tomb, when she spoke to the risen Christ, "REiloboni". The anthem by the choir was an arrangement of the Lord's My Shepherd, "Crimond" by David Grant. The Sunday evening service was based on the subject, "The first Easter". The message. anthem and pictures, all had to do with that subject. • O Don't forget to win your Sun- day Groceries every Saturday night at the Drive-In, Some lucky Cust- omer wins a, !hamper of groceries every Saturday night. THURSDAY and FRIDAY April 10 and 11 "PHANTOM STAGE COACH" Wm. Bishop -- Kathleen Crowley And 'On The Same Program "INSIDE: DETROIT" Dennis O'Keefe -- Margaret Field SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE TUESDAY and ,WEDNESDAY April 15 and 16 "GIANT CLAW" Jeff Marrow -- Mara Corday And On The Sltril0 Program "THE NIGHT THE • WORLD EXPLODED" Kathy Grant -- William. Leslie Two Shows Each Night First Show at /AS PLAYGROUND Children under 12 in cars, free CONCESSION BOOTH. ,- SATURDAY and MONDAY April 12 nod 14 "MAGNIFICENT ROUGHNECKS" Jack Carson -- Mickey Rooney And On The Seine Program "HIGH SOCIETY" Bowery Boys 1 1/4 Miles East of Goderich on No. 131-lighway CALL HU 2.10/1 for Repairs to ALL MAKES of TV, RADIOS, AUTO RADIOS and ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES. We have a few new Hoover Vacuum Cleaners Reduced to Clear. LOW OVEhHEA13 LOW Pfd IC I Papa s 71I-WASDAY,, APRIL 10, 1$58 „