HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-04-10, Page 3Come in and see the Remington-Mali Silver Lo master CHAIN SAW This is a new lighteweight, easy to handle saw; You can make real time with this one, either cutting your own wood, or that of your neighbour, The Silver Logmaster has many new features including the ROL- LER BEARING on the outer end of the Cutting Bar. ALSO, the Model 4MG, which, is a very fine 'CHAIN SAW. BIG REDUCTIoil" Fitacks ThiS Next Week Silver tAiginaster $245.00 , •Model 41V.tG 085.00 PAGE TIMM See •the Smith-Corona Portable Display at News-Record Office 9"/RetifiXe SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS THIS WEEK I.P.A. Specials April' '7th - 12th Bayer's Aspirin 1,00's + NASAL SPRAY Itte Cold Cream Soap 2 for 25c — 6 tor '73e Colgate Special 2 x 85e MOM PASTE and 35c TOOTH BRUSH 70e Hudnut Egg Creme Shampoo Reg, 1.25 for 89e, Idasal Tablets 300's — 590 Wax Paper 28c — 2 for 55c Halo Shampoo Reg. 98c — '79c . Listerine Tooth Paste Reg. 55c — 2 fox 79e TRIG. NEW MEN'S DEODORANT 1.25 more spray $175 Palmolive Shave BOMB — Reg. 98c — 79e Lustre Creme Shampoo Reg. 98c — '79e Ontario St. WNIS .Invites Guests To Thankoffering The 'Easter Thankoffering meet- ing of ,Ontario Street Woman's Missionary Society was held in the education. room on Tuesday even- ing, Guests were present from Holmesville and Turner's churches, President Mrs, W. S. R. Holmes presided for the meeting. Mrs, Schoenhals told the "Story of the First Easter," A double trio .freni Ontario Street nehoir gave a musical num- ber, Readiege and mesical num- bers were given by each of the visiting .societies. A film showing the work of Mrs, Watari, who represents. the, United Church of Lchniet in Japan .was , much enjoyed, Mrs, ..Grant Mills gave a short outline of Mrs. Walt- arra lire and work. A social half hour was enjoyed. it brings forth spring prints and, bonnets. Be prepared. Have your dresses, snits and coats cleaned now. Our (ine- quality work is priced right. This Week the Lucky No. is' 1280 Check your Calendar,., If the number matches, take the Calendar to our office and claim your 83.00 credit. Foi Your Convenience Use Our Down Town Office on King Street (formerly Simpsons-Sears) Canada Packers Ltd. F er ilizer Order your Fertilizer now and Avoid the Rush! WE CARRY A WAREHOUSE STOCK AT ALL TIMES. Call Cliff. Cooper now at HU 2,9565 ice" Don't Forget to ,see the, Marvellous Soto-Egg Ekk Wisher Ro BERNINA ODELS START AS Leek As Si 894° Clinton Farm Supply and MACHINE SHOP is the world's most -completely automatic sewing machine! Brilliantly designed to combine two machines in one . A Straight Stitch-and-Zigzag and an Automatic Embroidery Machine performing with the Precision of a Swiss Watch! BERINI1NA sews straight and zigzag, makes buttonholes, sews on buttons, blindstitcheS,pnd embroiders completely automatically! MADt IN SWITZVNLANo" 'CHARLES NELSON phone HU 2-9613 , PREE ARM PORTABLg Rat>tel Don't be confused! • MINTON NEWS-RECORD C'WL Names Mrs. • P. Blake Leader For Year 1958 The Catholic Women's League of St. Joseph's Parish, met on Monday night in the Parish Hall for the first monthly meeting of the year. Elected• to the position of president was Mrs. Joseph. Bl- ake. Vice-presidents are Mrs. Arnold Dale, Mrs. William Managhan and Mrs. Alvin Sharp; treasurer, Mrs. Joseph Flynn and secretary, Mrs. William Watkins. Press reporters are Mrs. Jack Scruton and Mrs. James Wilson. Mrs. John Anstett, Mrs. C. Trott, Mrs. Frank VanAltena are on the visiting committee for Mar- ch. Mrs, Clement Reynolds won the mystery prize. A very successful year has been enjoyed 'by the society, and special thanks go to Mrs. Frank VanAlt- ena, past president, arid her ex- ecutive for their splendid work in 1957. N11171.imminimintrani:mammi... ' IA = 4IES! eITTST for YOU! Mrs. Gwen Chamberlain NECCIII Representative Will Be were In Person DEMONSTRATING 2 TIMES DAILY SATURDAY and MONDAY April 12 and 14 0.30 to 11.30 aan. 2,00 to 6.00 p.m. WMS find WA The Wornanls Missionary Society of Hohnesville United Church held their April meeting at the home of Mrs. J. A. MoKirn, the Wesley- Willis United Church manse. Mrs. E. Potter was in charge of the program, which opened with the hymn, "There Is a Green Hill Far .Away," Mrs. N. Heard, Ihe.presi- dent, conducted the business; Mrs, Heard, Mrs, Potter, Mrs. Tebbutt, Mrs, .1-, Yeo and Mrs. L. Jervis were appointed to make plans for the WYLS Thankofferieg service on Sunday, April 20, when the guest speaker will be Mrs. S. RCAF Ladies Have Final Bowl; Plan for Banquet With the advent of Easter and the hustle and bustle of spring shoppers, the RCAF Ladies Bowl- ing League held the playoff finals on Monday evening, March 31. Ex- citement and stispense remained until the last ball was thrown. After maintaining first place all season, the Buttons won top hen- ours with 2,420 points while the Hornets with 2,412 points came to a very, close second; then Krazy Kats took third place with 2,350 points, All three teams were in A division. Mrs. M. Brawn took top hon- ours for high triple with a score of 598 while Mrs, K. Garneau took high single honours with 254. Oth- ,.1 er ladies with scores of 200 and over: Mrs. K. Banville e57, Mrs. ag. Leclerc 230; Mrs. K. Spillsbury 203, Mrs. J. Fyvie 202, Mrs. L. Hardy 200. High average for the year was won by Mrs. K. Banville, 205, and high single for the year, Mrs. M. Sutton, 345; high triple for the year, Mrs. K. Spillsbury,757. The, bowling banquet will be held on Tuesday, April 15 at 7.30 p.m. in the Legion Memorial Hall, Kirk Street, 'Clinton, 0 TIOLIVIESVILLE OFU TO (MEET ON APRIL 14 The Holmesville Local Furriers Union regular meeting will be held on Monday evening, April 14 at 8.30 in Holmesville school. 0 Lansford-Cooper Pink and white snapdragons, blue iris and daffodils, amid light- ed candelabra formed the spring- time setting for a wedding in Er- skine United ‘Church, Toronto, on Saturday, April 5, when Frances Vivian Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil H. Cooper, Clinton, be- came the bride of Harry Raymond Hansford, Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart Hansford, Midland, The Rev. Francis Stev- ens, Toronto, conducted the cer- emony. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore ballerina length white French cotton lace over sat- in, with, scalloped sabrina neckline, fashioned along princess lines with a very full skirt. Her waist length veil of French tulle illusion cas- caded from a beaded coronet and she carried lilyaf-the-valley, white gardenias and white and blue carn- ations. Mrs. Frank Jones, Toronto, was matron of honour in waterfall green sheath of peau de soie with contrasting green organzia over- skirt. She wore a matching pic- ture hat and a cascade of yellow roses. Barbara Elizabeth Jones, Tor- onto, was flower girl in white ny- lon with yellow sash, and embroid- ered flowers of green, blue and yelllow bordering the skirt. She carried yellow daffodils, cornflow- ers, narcissus and yellow daisies. Groomsman was Lawrence Jon- es, St. Catherines and ushers were Prank Jones, Toronto, and Clay- ton C., Cooper (brother of the bride, als'o of Toronto. At the reception held at The Pickf air, Toronto ,lighted candle- labra decked the bride's table and there were centerpieces of yellow daisies, narcissus, cornflower and lily-of-the-Valley. T h e bride's mother received in romance 'blue sheath of guipure lace, fashioned with keyhole neckline and she wore a corsage of white carnations land blue hyacinth petals. For travelling the bride donned a Dior blue suit and white acces- sories and an orchid corsage, and she wore the groom's gift of pearl earrings and neckline lace. After a wedding trip to the United States the young couple will live at DOWTISVieNv. Miners formerly Cora Trewartba, of the village. Mrs, K. Harris gave a note on temperance and Mrs. W. R, Lobb read an article on Christian Stew- ardship. Miss Cathie Potteraalayed a piano accordion solo. Reporting on the recent Presbyterial were W, Norman for the morning session and Mrs. V. Grigg for the afternoon. Mrs, F. Mulholland read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. C. Teb- butt led in prayer. A duet was sung by Mrs. L. Jervis and Mrs. E. ZwAlhoa, with Mrs. W. Yeo at Mrs. K. Harris read all Easter poem "Two Pieces of Wood" while Mrs. Yeo played the piano very softly. Mrs, E. Potter read a pas- sage of Scripture and Mrs. E. A. Yeo gave a talk on it, followed by Prayer, ,The Meeting closed with the hYlnxa. King", andp "Rraeyjeoriceb,y, tigs,Lpoodtterris The Woman's Association meet- ing followed, with the• president, Mrs. S. ,Farquhar in the chair, Audi reading the Scripture lesson and giving the comments. The treasur- er's report was given by Mrs. B. Grigg. A motion was passed to turn over 8600 to the Board of Stewards towards the repairs be- 'frig made at the church. Plans are underway for a strawberry social, with Mrs. M. Jones, Mrs. C. Tebbutt, Mrs. W. Norman, Mrs. B. Walter and Mrs. H. Cudmore 'in charge of it The meeting closed with • the hymn, "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" and prayer by Mrs. Farquhar. Hostesses for the day were Mrs. K. Harris, Mrs, W. Norman and Mrs. H. Williams. CKACH May beWarrimq Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest or that tired-out and heavy-headed feeling may soon follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. 51 111-WE.SDAY, AMU 10A 3,5£3 Huron Progressive-Conservative Nominating -Convention FOR THE PROVINCIAL BY-ELECTION Wednesday, April 16 8.30 P.M. Clinton. Legion Hall GUEST SPEAKER: The .Hon. W. A6 Goodfellow Ontario Minister of Agriculture Everybody Welcome Published by Authority of Huron Progressive Conservative Association News of Hoimesville Vomspontleut 111tS, F, mootax,ollon VhOne HU 2-741C8 ''WHEN APRIL COMES sir* UNIQUE PHOTO SERVICE 1 G E-A-S-Y TERMS! Buy at WELLS AUTO ELECTRIC oleo oie The Modern Way I Terms to fit YOUR. 13udget- as low as 1O% down. Balance in payments to snit y6 POWER MOWERS GARDEN TRACTORS dOMOINATION TILLERS AND MOWERS TIRES and BATTERIES Welts Auto Electric Karon., "„00..f,AIVO, CePANMSA) 11403 rAM4 4A.5, Clinton Electric Shop ICING STREET CLINTON Phone HU 2-3851 "sill" Wells, Proprietor "Buy Where You're Sure of Set 44-44-444-40++44-44-4-4-.44-444-444-44-44444-4-1HP-4-44-1-41-4-44.44+444-*-4.44-00-44-4-4+44.