HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-04-03, Page 7r
"�RSI�'it`, '.?l;L 3,. �.'9a$ . �%b17.iQI�7 N�1N�-�•? PAG7� ,��V�V
_ ) I eIRTHS
r,HFW$*RECORD ,. R A T .I* S -.
No charge for annopneemen s Qf Mrth4,
Marriages and Deat�S
Articles for Sale, rent, etc., Card of Thanks, in
' :gagewurMemvme, nxu
Boxooamm 75c,
this office 15c addition
al• Repast in.
sertlons4c a word, minirauin 50c,
CAS Ii 3ISG )Ul'I' 3/a if paid by Saturday fol,
'L W1. -A. N A-DS lowing last insertion, Billing charge of 10c :added
each time bill is Sent.
„/� C RESULTS Latest Tlwo for insertions , 12 noon Wednesday
Dial Ou 2-3448
Accommodation •For Rent Automobiles For Sale HELP WANTED FEMALE _ PASTURE FOR RENT
,2 SE LIF_,CoNTAn, \r �four room 1951 -METEOR sedan, radio, over, GIRLS TO LEARN LAUNERY WE, CAN take in -a few more
aparbnents, unfurnishgd,. IW7 2- drive, Mone HU 2-965$. 13,4-5b work. Contact Clinjon Laundry cattle for pasture J. W. Van.
96 2 I4-gand Dry Cleaners. 2-tfb Egmond}. phone HU 2-9231, 14-tf:t
1951. NASH SEPAM Al condition,
FiQUR FURNISHED ROOMS. Rel Two tone "blue. Clean upholstery. OPPORTUNITY for ambitious PASTURE FOR 15 of cat•
.asonable, ,Abstainers. WrIte box Redlining
seats,. Actual mileage on hbusewives to increase ,family ear- tle :for rent, good fencea and dots
ML Clinton News -Record, 13p--1413 speedometer. Immediate nwags, No canvassing, Flexible Of water,• building. lots .for sale
H,U 27062dffo $entad,sal,e.PPX4-pe hours, Mail replies to Box 140, on Highway 4. (hone Bruce Cann
S&2A.LL HOUSE. ROA RENT IN Clinton News Record, 14-P HU 2,3240, 1413
Clinton,, u61
.'qBlth 12,1- 1958
Ga %JV+ROI.,LV De1Ray,4-doo , year
g The London Life old steers. FOR c HEAD of Way,
1957 Volkswa en, 7 0 steers. Contact Charles
B'ARa�ER. SHOP or two offices, actual miles. 19$6 Dodge Re eat mouth, located 11/4, miles s.autb,
with five -room modern apartlrien4. V.;8, like new, 1956 Plymouth turn east �/� myle from Londesbaro,
Main street Clinton. Phone HU Plaza 4 -door, sharp 1954 Olds- Insurance - Company 14-p
2-9741, .E', R. Doucette. 14-p mobile 88 4 -door, hydraniatic and IPAS:TUoILI l s e hundred acres
.3 ROOM AP�?,IiTMJ NT, SHARE 36,000 actual Plymouth
ge has vacancies for Stanley Township,
more.,or less, a
liathraom, central .lo:cation. Furn- altxb coupe, 22,000 actual mileS. LE �£ good grass; no hills, no waste
ished Or. unfurnished, Phone ICU 1952 Meteor, 4 -door, radio. 1952 land; shade, fresh water, an paved
-2'9- 14 Chrysler, simplimatic transmission. and higY�way, Phone London 2-7633,
4 ROO'M.upstairs apartment, .fur- 195'2 Dodge, must be seen to be 13-7.4-b
niched, self-contained, available appr,,dciated, 1950 ,Plymouth 4:1.YTTS
now, phone Mrs. J. Radford IL[J door, immaculate, 2rclean 1955 TYPISTS
r7 Pet Stoat
2.3483,. 14-p pick -•ups, one Dodge one Fargo: preferably ages 17 to 25, with.
Reg. McGee and Sons, Goderich, LIVE EASTER BUNMES. As.
AA aeco�ra S,, and RENTwi phone 765. .. ' 1�b High School 5 -day
dQya Week
diploma Baird, colours and sizes. Gera
prrvate bath, Apply to Cerlel LOST and FOUND Opportunities or Advancement 1'UiRE BR M1, TINY,
"'Van Diamme in person. Commere- for DEER type
'ia i Hotel, Victoria' Street. 14-p FO.uND A black leather jacket, --excellent working conditions C3h1huahua puppies, toy class. Ap-
like new, found' on Highway 4. ---cafeteria—recreational facilities ply Ross Hoggart. Phone RU
Accommodation Wanted Owner may claim above article -=staff pension and insurance 2-9878. 1 14-p
by identifying same and paying. ,benefits. PROPERTY FOR SALE
HOUSE or downstairs apartment for this adv. Phone HU 2-9152.
b WRITE o e Personnel Depart- Clinton, 2 bedrooms, Unfurn- thPl BUILDING LOT on Princess St„
ed, Wanted by April 15 or ment; or CALL at the Head Of- East, M. McAdam. Phone HU
May 1. Phone HU 2-3411, Local CUSTOM WORK five, Dufferin and Wellington, Lon- 2-7070. 14-P
personal interview, for a don. pw '
'2 BEDROOM HOUSE, heavy duty ploughed and cultivated. Phone 8 • rooms, with small apartment,
wiring, in Gunton area, after
AP- Ken McKenzie, HU 2-9457. 14-b LEGAL NOTICES full bath upstairs, newly decora-
ril 15. Phone Sgt. Rice, HU 2- ted, new Cupboards, C. Mc-
-•3411, Local 285. 13-14-p FOR YOUR PLUMBING ANDClinchey, Hensall, Phone 114J.
Heating needs, call HU 2-9433. NgTTCE IS HERMy GIVEN ' y 1.
Hawkins Hardware. 2-tfb that the partnership heretofore P
Articles For Safe subsisting between Charles Wil-' HOUSE ON CORNER LOT in the
ASHES AND GARBAGE TO '_BE liam Nelson and John Willard Ned- village of Auburn. House remod-
ONE WiF3i= TRAILER; used taken. iwayewood buzzing, gardens iger, -and operated under the firnA elled. two years ago. Has .built
.clothing, saw 10 to 12 years. Ph- ploughed and worked, HU 2-9763. name and style of "Clinton Farm in cupboards, four piece bath, gar-
-one HU 2-9538. 14-b 14-5-6-b Supply & Machine Shop" is hereby age attached. Fine location over -
dissolved, and that the. said firm looking river. Partly destroyed by
ATTENTION FARMERS Spray- will be hereafter carried an by Ch- fire. Price reasonable. Apply to
Prompt ,photo finishing. Clinton ing cattle for lice, white washing arles William: Nelson. as a sole
Bowling Alley. 1213-1415-b and cleaningbarns. Phone Hub- Ed. Davies, Auburn. 14-b
1?" MD'CIMHOME TV with ert Cooper, Exeter, 599rJ3.IN A VERY PROSPEROUS farm -
DATED at Linton, Ontario, this
London antenna, table model, price 4 to 16-p 12th day of Marchr A.D., 1958. ing district, 250 acres of choice
•$50, Phone HU 2-99.23. P14,b AUTOMATIC SAV4' Sharpening. E. B. Menzies, clay loam land, all workable with
Saws MATIC jointed and filed Clinton, Ontario, two exceptionally good brick horn-
USE'17 17" RCA TEI.EV,1SION, ,Solicitor for Charles William Nel- es, modern conveniences, four
for $1.25. Or just filed and set 75
priced cheap. Phone HU 2-7027.
Cents. Automatic butcher knife son and John Willard Nediger. barns, down payment $10,000.
and scissor sharpener, scissors 15 r 72=3-4,13. ON THE OUTSKIRTS of Clinton
1954--•7.7" TV. General Eleetnic, cents, knives 10 cents. W. E'. on e Highway 4, goad 3 -bed -room
,excellent working condition. Ph- "Bill". Jervis; Fulton Street, Clin- home with all modern ce_ col ny
14 b ton. Phone HU 2-9664. 35p-tfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ccs, barn, double garage, ,colony
one HU 2-3381.., house, town water, priced to sell.
MAPLE SYRUP for. sale. $6 per_ 8 LITTLE, FIGS, 8 weeks old VERY WELL BUILT 4 -BED-
Employment Wanted ' room cement home. Extra large
gallon. Phone HU 2-3214, Fred J. Reder, phone HU 8-9166. 14-13• barn suitable for broilers. Hen -
ANYONE wanting apple or fruit BLACK P,ERCHER.ON MARE, 10 house. Garage. Including milk
HOME BUILT SCOOTER. frame, trees .pruned by experienced prundk, 'ivith income of
1" angle iron, includes 2' new 18" er, apply Percy Adams, Blyth, every way. Phone James Lobb, about $5,000. Full price, only $10,-
bicycle wheels, clutch, belt and phone Blyth 179. 13-14-p HU' 2-3342. 13-14-b 500, with about half cash. Milk
throttle, Price $25. Phone HU route can be bought separately
.2-7084, after4,30 p.m. 14-p Farms For Sale 20 SOWS, FIRST LITTER, DUE VERY GOOD 4 -BEDROOM BR-
to farrow in two weeks, .bred to ICK home. 3 -piece bath, base -
FUEL OIL — Stove and Furnace 125 ACRES, all workable. Good pure Yorkshire Hog. Apply to Al- ment, furnace, garage and barn.
Oil delivered anywhere. A. G, buildings, Hallett Township, terms.- pure
W. Shirray, RR 2, Hensall, Located on Ontario Street, Clint -
Grigg and Son, phone HU 2-9411, Also 150 acre grass farm, some Phone 683r11. 14-b on. Priced to sell,
43'tf1b bush, plenty 'of water, no build- • N AUCTION STALE EVERY �T i
QNE PART ROIL of 24" Kraft Ings, north of Clinton. For Furth- Fridayat 2 JOAN �� ���
er particulars, apply to Cecil. Wh- g da of 35 to 50 fresh
'Wrapping Paper, too light for cur- and springing dairy Caws and heif- REALTOR.
tomer, For sale at reduced price. eeler, Blyth. 13-14-15"P ers, Few Wen, heifers. Well mar- 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich
Clinton, News -Record, phone HU 50' ACRES HURON COUNTY, lid Holstein heifer calves at Mc- Phone Goderich 1.108
2-3443. 14-b ,good location for commuting. 1%Lelland Sale Barn, Bervie. Joseph McConnell, Seaforth-, sales -
miles east of Highway 4; 60 rod ,11 to 22-b
age, grey .tone color, and' one
barbys bouncy chair, -both in new
condition. Contact Elmer Schultz,
RR 2, Clinton, Maitland Cone-
assion.• _ 14-p
rangette, Viking, in :good working
order. • Phone HU 2-3337. 14-b
chen cabinet for sale, white. and
'black trim. Phone HU 2-7449.
"les of wedding stationery at the
'News Record office. Invitations,
thank -you cards, wedding- calve
'boxes, place cards, serviettes,
".match .books, etc. 11-tfb
MAGIC MARKERS. Will write on
anything, glass, wood, paper, etc.
Dry immediately: Seven different
colours. Good for poster work,
-signs, etc. $1.10 each, refills, 50c.
Clinton News -Record. 87-tfb
money when traded on a new
"Westinghouse washer. T. A. Dut-
"ton's Appliance Store, Brucefield,
,Fhone Olin -ton HU 2-3232.
1:1 tib
rewound and repaired. Brushes,
,,capacitors, Switches, ' bearings;
,small. appliances repaired. Used
^or reconditioned motors for sale.
Art Levett, Isaac Street at Dunlap
'Phone HU 2.6640. 44tfb
English Bone China Dinnerware,
including lovely "Cornflower". See
it and others in our window acid
get our low prices for fine china,
Counter's Jewellery, . Son
Articles Wanted
Usm PL
- Christian
Business Opportunities
Contact L. G, Winter, Beal Estate,
High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin-.
ton HU 2-6692. 1341'13
sharing, private Rtom.% RV 2.7093.
FOR ONE, err two sharing, Phone
Mrs. Bill H'anly, :RCAF Station,
24226. 14-15b ,
from paved road, 7 acres of hard-
wood bush; 25 a.cres'fall .ploughed,
Balance in alfalfa and timothy.
Main barn with attached straw
shed over pigpen and henholse.
Good well, water piped, to barn•.
Eight room house-, 3-plece bath,
furnace, hardwood floors. Mrs.
William McLean, Hensall. 1413
Livestock Wanted SEED FOR SALE_
.aaid for sick, down and disabled Mon•tcalm, barley, also one pup.
Tows and horses, also dead cows Phone Joe Gibson ICU 2-3229' 14p
ind horses.. Anything under 500
.bs, picked up free. of charge. QUANTITY OF TI1ViOTHY SEED
'all collect Ed. Andrews, .851r11, for sale. Phone Arnold. Dale HU
FARM consisting of 160 acres, Seaforth. Associated with Darling 2,9,125. ' 14-b
Consession 4, Goderich Township. and Co. of Capa'da Ltd. 26-p-tfb
120 acres, good workable land, 20 QUANTITY OF MONTCALM bar -
acres cedar swamp with never IVIR. FARMER•! ley for sale. Phone HU 2.-33 37,
failing water. balance in grazing. CASH PAID for sick, down
Good buildings, including garage, and disabled cows and horses, also
bank barn, drive shed, hen house. ,dead: cows and horses, Please QUANTITY OF GARRY OATS,
9 room dwelling house with ,dot phone promptly, 24-hour service, • cleaned ready t6 sow. Apply Bill
and cold water, pressure system hour service. Hall -and, HU 2-3245. 1445 b
in house and barn. Further in- BRUCE MARLATT,
Eormation apply, Maurice Frame, Phone Collect 56 r 7 Brussels: GAR'RY OATS, SUITABLE FOR
RU 2.-9536. 13-14'p 12-tfb seed. $40 per ton. HU 2-7438.
113., and dead cattle at value. If WE AGAIN HAVE A QUANTITY
FOR SALE OR WILL EKCHAN- dead, phone at once,, GILBERT of extra good quality beaver oats,
;e for cattle, .an Allis Chalmer, >3ROS. MINK RANCH, phone coI- suitable for seed. $ a bushel
Model C Tractor, in good shape, leot, Goderich, 1483 J 4 or 1483 J 1, cleaned at barn. Please order.
[RU 2-9005. 14-p 52 to 27-p early, Milton Pollock, RR 1, Varna,.
AASSEY-HARRIS BINDER., 7 ft. phone 687r31, Hensall, 14-5-.b
gut, good for repairs. Phone Ken- MISCELLANEOUS QUANTITY OF RODNEY OATS
r►eth Trewartha, HU 2-9293, for sale; also mixed clover hay.
14-15p SCRATCH PADS, 3 x 5 inches Phone HU 2-91.'39. 13-4-5-p
65.00 DOWN BUYS the new model Available in quantity. 5e each. 10 TIMOTHY AND RDD CLOVER
85.00Milker unit, Its bigger, pads for 40c. Clinton News -Re- seed. Phone Ken L. Thomp' son,
easier cleaned, inside entirely vis- cord. 14b 833r13 Seaforth, Olde quarter anile
:ble. New pulsator cover excludes WtiT011 REPAIR IS A JOB FOIi east of I�iivburn. 13 -14 -ib
lust and moisture. Same
safe experts. Our work assures your STOVES FOR SALE
`art "Tug and Pull" cow milking. satisfaction, Counter's Jewellery.
mall Lovell McGuire, Wingham, Huron County's Oldest .Establish-
shone S93 collect. 14.17-rb ed Jewellery Store, 14p MCCLARY Q.UEI M cook stove
:for sale, warming oven and reserv-
MAY FOR SALE SEpTX TANKS, CESS -POOLS oir, in fairly good condition. Ph -
etc., pumped and cleaned with one 45r19 Blyth, 14-Ep
FOO' BALES OF TIMOTHY AND modern equipment, • All work
alfalfa; 156 Bales of Alfalfa, sec- .guaranteed. Write or phone Louis TEACHERS WANTED
and Cu.t. Phone George, Wright, HU Blake, Alt 2'
Brussels. Phone --
-9826. 14-p 42r6, Brussels, 10 to 31-p QUALIUM PRO`< 8S)TANT tea-
Eli >pl±;>[iT 18,r,'1QA_T3iS cher for, SS 7, Hullett, duties to
g Lanvin mowers and outboard mot- tions en, e n ,5eptey e_t cted, cto
Help,, Wanted—Mole comm
J stating salary expected, to
YIARRIEi7 MAN for generalfarm ors. Factory trained mechanic,. Ebe in the harkds of the secretary
cork, House with bathroom, etc., Free, pick-up and delivery 01 town by April' 12. Mrs. Leonard Shob-
�arovided. Also milk, fu0l.and hy- and ROAF Station. Phone AU 2- brook,' secretary -treasurer, RR 1,
For further particulars ph- 9622. Ellwood Epps SportingNOTICE TO�CREIT�RS�
,ARHU 27525, 14.,13 Goads. 14-tLb
Bl bh.
ane _ 14-b
ites Manufacturer of Liquid Fart- Place your order for a. silo with In tine Estate of MICIIALL
liter expanding in Huron County, R1161 Bros. We are builders of J0 L'PII STOCIi, late of Xrohnes
courier reppresentatives in tan- concrete silos for over 25 years,
ey and Goderich townships, This For full particulars, write Elmer vilALL PERSONS claiming against
s a big field with good repeat rRagill, Clinton, Ontario, Box 40,
6 Phone I4tJ 2.9432. 12 3.4- the above estate are required to
)u ines r _ p
s s, Man required us be
m t
q particulars t
espected and highly regarded in furnish full pa s o the un-
tis community, and preferably with 'LET US REPAIR AND IVtAIiF dersigned by April 19th, 1958, af-
0gr�cultural background. 26.th your rings and jewellery litre mew, ter which date the assets of the
Diamond rings renewed and stones estate will be distributed,
rears of age. Car essential. Com- safely secured•-•-don,t take Chan_ 17nNNELLY & DONNDLLY,
ilete training given. Apply ''N'a- cos. E.."ert work done reasonable• 18 Tlih Square,
;hurl" Plant Food Co. (Canada) to your satisfaction, Watch v e- Goderich, Ontario.
Ad., 2 Langarth St. W., London, pairs and Pearl restringing. W _-Solicitors for the estate.
)ntario, 1243-14-b N, Counter, Up 12-13.14-b
to. Corporal and
on xonday, Mf
to Mr, and Mrs.
RR 2, Clinton, A
T fn St, ,Joseph's Hospital,
ndon, on Monday, March 24,
i8, to Mr. and Mrs, P.onaM
,rt (:nee Joyce Stephenson),
Thornerest Cras., Ken;al Parlt,.
tario, a_ daughter, (Janice
In Clinton. Public
on Tiuesday, A x,)J 1,
✓fir, and Mrs,. William
and .M
a son,
In ,
• an Fri
s no%INUX X. ATR Clinton
Two Shaws Nightly Wide sorven
(� nn '�fiee 'p
A tale of a"DEEP.
and .danger on the high sea.s,l plus a beautiful
romance between a naval gunnery officer and a lovely
feminine advertising executive, )filmed in, Warnercolor,
Alan L040 - Dionne Faster -- William Bendix
What happens when TV's Hal March rigs a :beauty contest,
with .A gangster's mol1 as his entry' , , the zaniest
comedy of the. year.
Hal March ..- Merry Anders - dear,) Willes
coir mg Next:
Elvis Piesloy -- Lizabeth Scott -- Wenilell Corrgy
I" 'on, c;il,ntan, a son. ,------ -- - - ----- --. -
LYON: In Clinton Public Hos:pit- CARDS OF THANKS
al, on Tuesday, April 1, 1958, 0
to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lyon, We wish to thank my employer,
RR 1, Auburn, a son, M, McAdam, Rev.. J. A, McKim,
MARTIN In Clinton Public Has- the Wesley -Willis church and
pital, on "Thursday, March 27, choir; and our many relatives and
1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey friends who have made our winter
Martin, RR 3, Bayfield, a son. In Clinton: a most pleasant stay,
Sincerely, STAN, JANE and NOR-
GRIGG-SMNCLAIR—In St. And- We wish to thank our many
rew's United Church, Kippen, friends and neighbours for all their
on Saturday, March 29, 1958, thoughtfulness and sympathy dur=
by the Rev. A. McMillan, El. ang aur recent bereavL
t. The
iza;beth Ann, daughter of Mr. 'floral tributes. cards,ersand
and Mrs. Jahn Sanclarr, RR 3, vrsrts hae been veryappre-
Kippen, to Allan Beverley Gri crated. —MxLTand A LIT -
RR 1, Goderich, son of N� TLE and GIRLS,
Vow Playing; JERRY LEWIS
with 7 hvil ,s Kirk and Peter i,orre
'Tony Martin --. Vera, L,°ilen
Zeno Marshall and Guy Middleton.
A thrifty grill of .Scots parentage
spends a $5,000 legacy on her first
trip abroad in this entertaining
musical comedy, Produced in, Eng-
an S. nice rrgg, RR 1, 1, would; like to express my sin- _W M .3EANNIE"9
Goderich. cere tihanks to obi my friends and
neighbours for their many acts 'Scope &dolor —
DEATHS of kindness; for flowers, cards and
BI CHER--Suddenly at her home treats sent me while I was con- THURSDAY, FRIDAY
in Clinton, on Saturday, March fined in bed. They were all great- -and SATURDAY
29, 1958, Agnes Elizabeth Kun- ly appreciated. Special thanks, to
eman, beloved wife of Joseph Dr. Newland'and.Mrs, Eadie John- Ronald Reagan --• Nancy Davis
Becker, in her 72nd year. Re- '&t'on, Blyth for their kind atten- Robert Arthur & Bill Leslie
quiem high mass was- Shing in ti'on.` MRS• JOSEPH WEBSTER. A graphic story of the submar-
St. Joseph's Roman Catholic ° rhes during their undersea battles
Church on Tuesday morning, Many thanks to my friends and off the 'coast of Japan: with a
April 1, by Rev. J, W. P. Gra relatives for flowers, cards and prologue narrated by Admiral
ham, and intemnent was in the treats while a patient in Clinton Chester W. Nim:itz,
Roman Catholic section of Clint- Public Hospital. Special thanks to 66����?i HELLCATS
0 r��
on Cemetery, Dr, Oakes, special nurses and the i
JACKSON --At her home in Le- staff. —MRS. J. HULLER. 14-p ®� ��� NAVY" froy, Ontario, on Wednesday,
March 26, 1958, Miss FannyM. Miss Clara Harrison would *like '
to convey her thanks to all those Also: dame Autry and his
Jackson, formerly t Clinton and who sent cards, flowers and gifts gang "WHIRLWIND"
daughter of the late David and or vicaro in sited her during her stay in
Maria Jackson, `Lorrdesrboro, in the Goderich Hospital. Special. th- Coming—
83rd year. Funeral. from anks to thg nurses. 14b
the Ball and Match funeral Ann• Blyth & Paul Newman in
home; Hight Street, Clinton, to I wish to thank Dr. Newland, "The Helen Morgan Story's
Clanton Cemetery, on Saturday Dr. Oakes and Dr. Addison for Adult Entertainment
afternoon, March. 29, by the,their attention, also the nursing
Rev. Grant .Mills, staff, while I was a patient in IN MEMORIAM
STi 'NSON—�In a Port Arthur 'Clznton Public Hospital. --J. E.
hospital, on Friday, March 28, HOWARD. 14b ELLIOTT In loving memory of
1958, Miss Emma Maude Ste- a dear wife and mother, Ada El-
phenson, Port Arthur, dau�yrter I wish to express my sincere liott who passed away three years
of the late John and Ma_iltha thanits to the nursing staff of ago, April 1, 1955:
,Stephenson, Clinton, in her 86th the Clinton Public Hospital and "In our hearts your memory -ling.
year. Funeral from Trinity Un- to- Dr. Oakes for the care received ers;
Red Church, Port Arthur, to w.hrle a ,patient there. My special Always tender, fond and true
Riverside Cemetery at that city, gratitude to the many friends, There's. not a day, dear Mother,
on Monday, March 31, 1 t relatives and organizations, who We do not think of you."
STIRLING—In Clinton Public sent such lovely cards, flowers, William J. Elliott and family,
Hospital, on Tuesday, March 25, plants and various gifts, also to 14�p
1958, Florence Stirling, young- the many friends who visited me
est daughter of D. A: "Sandy" and brightened the days, I shall- CARDS OF THANKS
.Stirling, and the late Mrs. Stirl- never forget the many acts of Many thanks to my friends and
ing, in her 44th year. Funeral kindness received, during my re- neighbours for their .flowers, cards
from the, Lodae funeral home, cent illness.. MRS. STEWART and treats, received while I was. a
,Goderich, to Maitland Cemetery, MIDDLETON. r 1413 patient in St. Joseph's Hospital,
on Thursday afternoon, March London. --Mrs, Daisy Churchill, 14p
27, .by the Rev. A. 9. Eus:tace, I would like to express y sin -
North Street United Church cbre thanks to everyone ha in We would like to express our
Goderich. " any way helped to brighten: my heartfelt thanks- for the many
hours while a patient in Clinton acts of kindness shown to us for
Public Hospital; also to those who cards, floral bouquets and' help
NOTICE TO CREDITORS so kindly remembered. me with :given to the family, during the il-
In the':estate, -of MINNIE ALICE card's, flowers and treats, Special )Mess and sad bereavement of a
PICKARD, late of the Town of thanks to Dr. Goddard axed Dr. loving husband and father. Special
Clinton in the County of Huron, Oakes and my .special nurses and thanks to Ar. Ooakes and nursing
Widow, deceased`. the nurses, on the second floor in staff of Clinton Public Hospital.
All persons having claims again- Clinton PAblic Hospital. MRS. —MRS, GLEN PrOI,�A, AND,
st the Estate of the above deeeas- LARRY DALRYMPLE. 14b FAMhLY. 14-b
ed are required to file the same
with the undersigned on or before
the 21st day of April, A.D. 1958;
after which, date the assets will
be distributed, having regard only
to the claims of which notice shall
have been given.
Dated at .Clinton, Ontario, this ar a
1st day of April, A.D. 1958.
E. B, MENZIES, Clinton,
Solicitor for the said Fstate. For Man's Leisure Hours
14 -15 -16 -gib
IN THE ^STATE OF NeIIfo Ger_ - JACKETSCrude Charlesworth, lata of the
town of Clinton in the County of
Ruron, Married Woman, Deceased 3 ''
All ,persons having claims again- Casual and Comfortable 1
it the Estate of the above deeeas- ,>; a
ad are required to. file the same CORDUROYS ---- WOOLS
Kith the undersigned Solicitor for
.he said Estate 'on or before the<::R>4
rth day of April, A.D., 1958, after
Vhrch date the assets will be dis-
Fine Fabrics.
A -bated amongst the parties en-
titled thereto; having regard only Xr,, : Ti
:o Clic claims of which notice shall �i !�' Rriced 9•(�5 u
rave been given. , Prom ................�........ 7 P
DATED at Clinton, Ontario;
,his 1$th. day of March, A.D,, 1958. r
s. B. MENMPS, Clinton, Ontario,
—Solicitor for the Estate..
Clinton Comm ulnit
kV9+ RY r+'II WAV
at 1.30 P.M.
J. CbRFY, Sales Manager
11013 M4oXAIR, Auctioneer
-It. W. COLQtMOUN, Clerk
.All Shades!
All Sizesf
.:All, Materials!
See the new RIO with
permanent pleated front.
'irckett & Campell '-
b ate
Phone FCU 2-9132 — Clinton, Ohf,