HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-03-22, Page 6,00014,±4,1t,ortiP1.0***41440011-1,:r„1.,
It inclispenatilble, 1 the lemon. saw her mice more in the den, Ana Ana ana raised one hand with ate And Ite paid a very agreele
wilac ttetiu Min mstilltD Very rogied the wooer. SOtiglit her out.
appearance of real dg, as if b walked home again in ea
„ Two or three clays pessed away bave been thinking about getting were chant to iiiterfere end coutradiet. mid gave himself uo fart
with great delight to Will, although a inarriedi he began abruptly ; end after But she chocked him at one, looking about the matter.
out, lie continued to *take his meal LT 01 130 wor0) engli 11°41- °Pen he'reheek* "alittjerle continued on these terms,
oppesiee /tlarjarie, and to talk with her She turned. upon biro for a eingle roo- You will perhaps have the good seeing each o her once or twice a week
and gaze upon be r in her father's pre. mut; but his radiaot, kindly appear- aragot elle said, to let me without any word vf love between
Reece . but he made no attempt to see 111100, would, under the cireunestanees, these matters for cuyeelf, Wein ; for all that time I believe
her atone, nor in any ether way have disconcerted an angel, and she Will waft put entirely out of corm- Will was nearly llePPY as a 111844
(beluga Ms eoncluct towards her from to9koa down again upon the ground tenanee by her expression and the cam he. rather stinted hitneelf the
what it had been since the begiuning, in silence. He could see her tremble. ling of her voice, He held his peace, Pleasill'e of fleeing her and he would
ed, and perhaps not unjustly, ; and yet teken aback, You ought not -about this girl beyond WS comprenene snnage, and then back again, as
if to,
Perhaps the girl was a little disappoint -1_ 1 hope you don't iniudt he went on concluding that there was some things often walk holf way over totthleiere pwaraaa
have turned it all over, and upon Won, in which he was exactly right. whet his appetite. Indeed
oue comer ef the road; ivhere he could
if it had been enough to he alwaya in T
the thoughts of another person, and so mg soul there nothing in it. We The poor.parson was quite crestfal-
see the church spire *edged into a
Pervad"ad alter Ills own life, she Should never be one wit nearer then len, He tried to prove that this was
might have been thoroughly contented. we are just aow, and, if I MU a wise no More than true lovers' tiff, which crevice of tho valley between sloping
when fir woods, With a trianguler snatch of
For she was never out of Will'a mind Man, nothing like so happy, would pass off before night, and
for ail instant. He sat over the
stream, and watched the dust of the
eddy, and the poieed fish, and the
straining weeds, he wandered out alone
into the purple even, with all the bleak
birds piping round him in the wood;
he arose earjy in the lemming, and saw
the sky turn from the gray to gold,
and the light leap upon the hilltops;
and all the while be kept wondering if
lie had ever seen such things before, or
how it was that they looked so differ-
ent now. The sound of bis own mill
wheel, or of the wind among the trees,
confounded and charmed his heart.
The west enchanting thoughts preeent.
ed themselves unforbidclen in Ms niiud,
He was so;happy that he conld not
sleep at nights, and so restless that he
could hardly sit Qat of her company.
And yet it seemed as if he avoided
her rather than eought her out,
. One day, when. he was coming home
from a ramble, he found her in the
garden picking flowers; and as be eame
up. With her, slackened his pace and
continued walking by her side.
Y.r1111110 dowers, he said.
Indeed I love them dearly, she re-
plied. Do you ?
Why no, said he, not so much
They are' very small affairs, when all
is done. cen Taney people caring
for them greatly, but not doing as you
are just now.
How '1 she asked, pausing and look-
ing. at hint..
' Plucking thee% he said. They are
a deal better off where they are, and
look a'deal prettier, if you go to that.
1 with to have them for my own. she
anrwered,to carry them near nay heart,
and keep thein in my rotate. They
tempt Inc when they grow here ; they
seem ep say, come and do sometninge
with us ; but once .1 have cut them
and put them by, the charm if, laid,
and 1 can look at them with quite an
easy heart.
Yon wish to possess them, replied
Will, in order to think no more about
then'. Its n bit like killing, the goose
with the golden eggs, TVs a bit like
what I wished to do when I was a boy.
Because I had a fancy to look over the
plain, I wished to go down there—
where couldn't look out over it any
longer. Was not that fine reasoning?
Dear, dear, if they only thought of it
all the world Would do like me; and
yon would let your( flowers alone, just
as I stay up here iti the mountains.
Suddenly he broke off sharp. By the
Lord 1 he oried. And wben she asked
him what was wrong, he turneu the
qneation off, and walked away into the
house with rather a humorous expres-
sion df face.
He was silent at the tattle tui -1
after the night had fallen aid the
stirs had Wine out overhead, he
walked up and down in the vourtyard,
and garden with an uneven pace,
There was still a light in the window
of Merjarie's room; onelittle patch of
orange in a world of dark blue hille
and silver starlighL Will's mind ran
a great deal ou the -window, but hie
thoughts were not very lover -like.
There she is ip her room, he thought,
and there nrelhe stars overhead, ; a
blessing upon both I Both were good
influences in his life ; both soothed'
and breted him his profound coin
tentrnent with the world. And what
more ebotild he desire with either.
The fat young mere and hie counsels
were so present in hie mind. that he
throw hack his head, Anil putting hiss
hand before his mouth shouted aloud
to the poptilous heavens. Whether
trent the position of his head or the
euchten strain of exertion, he
seemed to See a mornentart, shtick
among the Stela, and a cliffUsion of
frosty lights peas from one to another
along the sky. At the same instant,
mid a corner of the blind was lifted
and lowered again at Wee. He
Anginal a. loucl ho.lio. One and an-
other, thought Will. The stars trete will know best, but perhaps we should
FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1889. bystan) er ought scarce have found it having turned it all ever) I have made up at llire with a SW11t glance and an
WIT -41 0' T154 VII,L4
'1.11E MAIN` rttlt. STARS.
Will was alwayis observant in the
*witty fellow creatun's; but his
.observietion hemline almost painfully
nagee in the ease of fdarjarie. fie
listened to all the uttered, and read
her eyes, at the seine time, for the un-
spoken conimeateiee. Many kind, sina-
p e and sincere speeches found an echo
in his heart, He becatue 0014801000 of
a soul beautifully poised upon itself,
'nothing doubting, nothing desiring.
nlothed in peace, It, was not possible
to separate her thoughts from her ate-
' 'perfume. The turn of her svrist, the
still sound el her voice, the light of
her eyes, the lines of her body, fell in
tune with her grave anti gentle words,
tike the accompaniment that sustains
ttncl harmonizes the voice of the singer.
Her influence was one thing, not to
be divided or discussed, ouly to be felt
-with gratitude and joy, To Will her
presence' recalled something of his
childhood, and the though; of her took
its place, in his mind besides that of
dawn, uf running waters, and of the
earliest violets and lilacs'. It is the
property of -things seen for the first
titue, or for the first time after long,
like the flowers:in spring, to reawaken
in us the sharp edge of sense and that
impressien ' of mystic strangeness
which otherwise passes out of life
with the combo, of ; but the
sight of a lovedpfaceis what renews a
ulan's character from the fountain up-
One day after dinner, Will took a
stroll among the firs, a grave beatitude
posseseed'hirn from top to toe; and he
kept smiling to himself and the land-
scape as he went. The river ran be.
tween the stepping.stienes with a pret-
ty wimple; a bird sang loudly in the.
wood ; the hilltops 'looked, inlinensur-
Wily high, and as he, glanced at them
from time to time, seemed to contem-
plate. his nmeeneentWwith a benefieent
but awful curiosity. His way took
hint to the eminence which over -looked
the plain ; and there be sat dawn
npou a stone, and fell into deep. and
pleasant thought. The plain lay
abroad with its cities and silver rivers ;
everything was asleep, except a greet
eddy of birds which, kept rising. 'and
falling and going round and round in
the blue air, He repeated Marjarie's
nettle aloud, and the sound of it grati-
iied his ear. He shut his eyes, and
her image sprang pp before hitrequietly
Imitated and attended with good
ahouguts. The river might rue for-
ever ; the birds IV higher and higher
till they touched the stars. He saw
it was empty.bustle after all, for here,
without eterring a foot, waiting patient-
ly hone wri" nal rov valley,- he also
had titt ainedathe better Sunlight.
The:oeitt,ciay, Will male a Bert of
dee attrition e.cross the dinner.table,
whilwthe parson was til ing his pipe.
MiK8 Aladarie, he said, never
knew any one 1 likedso well as you.
am mostly cold, unkindly sort of a
meet ; not from want of hsart, but
out of strangeness in my ways of
thjnking; and people seem far away
from me, 'Ti. as if there were a circle
round me which kept every One out
bat yon,; can bear the others talk -
mg and laughing; but you come quite
close. Maybe, this is disagreeable to
you ? he asked. ,
Marjorie tnadeno answer.
Speak up, girl, said the parson,
Nay, now returned Will, I wouldn't
press her, parson. .1 teel tongue-tied
teyself, who am not used to it; and
the's a woman, Rad little more than a
child, when all is said. But for my
pa•rt, as far as I can understand, what
people means by it-, I fancy I must he
What they call in love. 1 do not wish
to be held as committing nivel( ; for
I may he wrong; hut that it how I
believe' things' are with we. Ana if
'Miss Marjorie should feel apy other,
v ise on her part, mityhttp she would
to so kind.os shake her head.
Marjaria was silent, and gave no
'sign that he had hese.
HOW is that, parson t asked Will
The girl must epeak, replied the
parson, laying down his pipe. Beres
r neighbor Who says he loves you,
stage. Do you love him, ay or no 1
I think k ao, said Marjorie, faintly.
Well, then that's all that ;could he
wig. orle'd Will heartily. And het
k h a ro-s lie table d'
For nearly three ycars, Will and
he wee, dislodged from that position, P ami yor.weacyteocif asacakpgirit,emento, vtbhitiohanhde
he went on to argue that where there greatly
moralize in before returning home-
WaS nie quarrel there could be no call
wards; and the peasants got so much
for &separation ; for the good man .
liked. both his entertainment and his t'ubt:ttigigbialthlittboaftthtntheinyg Ilgiamv4,0istre
host. It was curious to see how the
girl managed them, saying little all "me of 'Will o' the Mill's Clereer'.1
I ask your pardon, said Will etout- time, and that very quietly, and yet, At the end of the three yeare,
ly ; you do not understand my mean- twisting thenl round her finger and Majarie playecl him a sad trick hy
mg. As to whether have ever insensibly leading there wherever she suddenly marrying somebody else.
It is unnecessary to go round with
me, she saki. I very well remember
that you refused to commit yourself ;
and now that I see you,were mistaken,
and in reality have never cared for
me, 1 can only feel sad that I have
been so far mieled.
loved you or not, 1 must leave that
to others. But for one thing, my
feeling is not changed; and for an-
other, you way make it your toast
that you have made my whole life
and character something different
from what they were. / mean what.
I say ; less. I do not think gett-
ing married is worth while. I would
rather you went on living with your
father, so that I could walk over and
see you once, or maybe twice a week,
as people go to church, and then we'
should both be all the happier between.
whiles. That's any notion; but
marry you if you will, he added.
Do you know that you are ensulting
'me ? she broke out.
Not I, Majarie, said he: if there is
anything 41 a Wear convcience, not
1. 1 oiler you all my hearts best
affectiou ; you cau take it or want it,'
though I expect it's beyond either
your power or mine to change what
has once been done, and set my fancy-
free. marry you if you, if you
like ; but I tell you again and again,
it's not worth while, and we had best
stay friends. Though I am a quiet
man 1 have noticed a heap of things
in my life, Trust in me, and take
things as I propose; or, if you don't
like that, say the word,,and 1'11 marry
you out of hand,
There was a considerable pause, and
Will, who began to feel uneasy, bekan
to grow angry in consequence. •
It seems you are too proud to say
your mind, he said. _Believe me,
that's a pity. .4. clean shrift makes
simple living. Oan a man be more
downright or honorable to a woman
than nave been? I have said my
say, and given you your choice. 'Do
you want me to :marry you ? or will
you take my friendship, as I think
best? or have you had enough of me
Mr good ! Speak out •for the dear
God's sake 1 You know your father
told you that a girl should speak her
mind in those affairs,'
She seemed to recover herself at
that, turned without a word, walked
rapidly through the'garden, and dis-
appeared into, the house, leaving Will
in some confusion as to the result.
He walked'ttp and down the preen,
whistling softly to himself. Some -
theme he stopped cold contemplated
the sky and hilltops; sometimes he
went down to the tail of the weir and
sat there, looking foolishly into the
water. All this dubiety and pertur-
bation was so foreigu to Ms nature
and the life which he bad resolutely
chosen for himself, that. he began to
regret Majarie's 'arrival. After all, he
thought, I was as happy as a man
need be. I could come down. here
and watch my fishes all clay long if I
wanted ; ?tag as settled and °potent -
ed as my, old milt.
Majarie came down to dinner, look
Mg very trim and quiet; and no /Mon-
er were all three at the table than she
made her father a speech, with her
eyes fixed upon her plate, but showing
no other sign of einbarrassment or
Faber, she began, Mr Will and I
have been talking thiege over. We
see that we have each made a mistake
about our h3elinge, and he has agreed
at my requeSt, to give up all ides of
marriage, and be no more than my
very best friend, as in the past. "You
sees there la no shadow of a quarrel,
and, indeed, hope we shall see a
great deal of him in the future. for
his visits will always welsoIne to
our heuse. Of course, father, you
would by feminine tact and general. Will kept his countenance bravely,
ahip. It Scarcely seemed to have and merely remarked thet, fur as little
been her doing—it seemed aa if things as he knew of women, he had acted.
had merely so fallen out—that she YarY Prudently in not roarrying her
and her father took their departure _ himself three years before, She plain.
that same afternoon in a farineart, ly knew very little of hes own mind
and went farther down the valley, to and in spite of a deceptive roauner,
wait until their own house was ready was as fickle and flighty as the remit of
for them in another hamlet. But than. Be bad to nongratulate him -
Will had been observing closely, and self on an °nape. he said, and would
was well aware of her dexterity and
resolution. When he found himself
alone he had a great many. curious
matters to turn over in ins mind.
He was very sad and eolitary, to be-
gin with. All the interest had gone
out of his life, and be might look up
at the stars as long as he pleased, he
somehow failed to find support and
consolations, And then he was in
such a turmoil of spirit about Aida -
rite Ile had been puzzled and irrita-
ted at her behavior, and yet he could
not keep himself froin admiring it.
Re thought he recognised a tine, per-
verse angel in that still soul which he
had' never hitherto suspected; and
though he saw it was an influence
that would fit but ill with his own life
of artificial calm, he could not keep
himself from ardently desiring to
possess it. Like a man who has lived
among shadows and now meets the
sun, he was both pained and delight
As. the days went forward he pissed
front one extreme to another; now
pluming himself on the strength of
his determination, now despising his
timid and silly caution. Tho former
was, perhaps, the true thought of his
heart, and represented the regular
tenor of the IMO'S reflections ; but the
latter burst forth from time to tine
with an unruly violence, arid then he
would forget all consideration, and go
up and down his house And garden or
walk among the firavoods like one who
is beside himself with renaorse. To
equable, steady ntindecl Will this state
of 'matters was intolerahlw; and he
determined, at whatever coat, to bring
it to and end. So, one Warm summer
afternoon he put ou his best clothes,
tool; a thorn switch his hand, and
set out down the valley by the river.
As soon as he bad taken his deter-
mination, he had regained at a bound
hie customary peitee of heart, and be
enjoyed the bright weather and the
variety of the scene without any
admixture of alarm or unpleasant
eagerness . It wali nearly the same
to him how the matter turned out.
It' she accepted him he would have to
marry her this time, which perhaps
was all for the best. If she refused
Mtn, he would have done his best, and
might follow his own way in the
future with an uutroubled cnnseience.
He hoped, on the whole, she would
refuse Mtn ; and thee, again, as he
saw the brown roof which Sheltered
her peeping through some willows at
an angle of the stream, he was half
ashamed of himself for this infirmity
of purpose.
11tajarie seemed glad to see him,
and gave him her hand without affec.
Wien or delay.
I have been thinking about this
marriage, he began.
So have 1, she answered. And I
respect 'you more and more for a very
wise man, YOU understood a1f3better
than 1 understood myself; and 1 am
now quite certain that things are all
for the best as they are.
take a higher °melon of his own
wisdom in consequence. But at heart
tie wile reasonably diepleased, moped '
a'good deal for a month or two and
fell in flesb, to the astonishment of
his serving -lads.
way ayes burns brightly In Winter.
There are several reasons why Oro 7
burns so brightly in frosty weather.
First, the air being cold is denser, and
the heated air and gases from the fire
are comparatively more buoyant,
Consequently there is a greater
draught. Then the air being denser,,
contains more oxygen in an equal vol-
ume, and that gas being quickly sup.
plied, the combustion is fiercer and
mere perfect. Iii frosty weather, too,
the atmosphere is comparatively free
from moisture, which of course hasa
tendency to damp a fire.
There is a new departure in the treatment
of disease. It consists in the collection of '
the specifics used by noted specialists of
Europe and America, and bringing thent )74 -
within the- reach of all. For instance the -
treatment pursued by special physicians
who treat indigestion, stomach and liver
troubles only, was obtained and prepared. ,
The treatment of other physicians, celebra-
ted for curing catarrh were procured, and
so on till these incomparable °urea /Air
include disease of the lungs; kidneys, &male
weakness, rheumatism andnervous debility..
Ask your druggist for them, Those who
cannot procure these remedies from their
druggist may remit the price to Hospital
Remedy CIo., SO4 West Ring St,Toronto,
and the remedy will be shipped to them.
direct. (The price is one dollar !;iach).
Descriptive catalogue sent on receipt of
stamp to pay postago.
, .
Cost of Great Gune.
The following are the cOsts to the
British government of a fit' large
guns :. 100 ton Armstrong n, $88,
715 ; 80 ton muzzle-imeseer $47,055 ;
69 ton 13a in. gun $0,4;2a5; 33 ton
muzzle loader, 15,9957T
ADVICIS TO blegintte.— Are you disturbed at night
and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering mut
trying with pain of Cutting Teeth? if so send fit
ewe and get a bottle of "Mrs, lifinslOw's troething
Syrup" for Children Teething, its value is inealeul.
able. It will teliOVO the poor little sufferer
immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there is ho
mistalco about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrina,
regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind 0011[4
softens the Gums, recluons Inflammation, and glees
tone And energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Win.
slow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is
pieasent to the taste And Is the prescription of enc.*,
the oldest and best female physicians and nurses 0i
the United States, and is for sale by all druggists
throughout the world. Price twenty -fire vents ss
bettle. Do sure and ask for "3188, WiisLowes
Soaraisci Sratm," and take no other kind.
The Scientific American says i—Ole
finished antique will be as much used ,// it
as ever in the manufacture of fora- /
tune next year., It is the most popu.
lar of all the woods, and the demand /
toy it is steady, and no signs of a
change in popular favor are apparent.
Walnut is nowhere in the race with
oak for popularity, and furniture of
that richest of all materials, especially
for bedroom, boudoir,- and dining -room
remains in tl e wareruoms uncalled for
and hi no demand. Mahogany is used
At the'same time,—venttieed Will. neow, (IS it al Ways Was and will be, for
You mutat be tired, she interrupted, the finest gOOdS, and cherry takes a
glitaks t3° oafs:Int 04.11aTlei!llnaeftefretitocoliti youisstei hfclivgobr arn4dniwt'iltillitcon°tIntiestainndstil:rfettll
tee her au e t , an ) e g eR up. e- do better to lettve Mr Will s house for warm; and I wish yon not be ais-; rank for another year at least, and
CO '
hood ft for a Moment in hOth Of .his fore Heaven, what a great inagietan 1 the present. I believe, after what luta pleased with your visit. You tenet probably Inuelnilot:tglietru,rea,anzitih, emraeoeist,
wht, great seitiefaction.
p/should not Ilse
must bel Now if 1 were only a feel, passed, we should hardly be agreeable come quite often ; once a weak, if you nothing to take itt place, rot. the
you must Markt, °Warred the ar *n -a pretty way t Andnmittes for soire days.
can spare the time; 1 am always glad cheaper grades f f
ton, wowing hire pio in hiss InOtrth, ho went off eo bed, eleuekling to hire win, who had commended himself to see my friends, biroh, and thesis woods, with various,
, I, twit the tagibt sitinkto do, thfak self ; If I were only fool I wieh &Beatty from the first, broke 011, very well, thonght Will to him Staina and finishes, contintle, as they
iffird drebranded Will. The neat mornin pretby tattly he out spbn this into an articalata uoise, self. It appears I WAS right after all SIWaYs Vino in favor,