HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-04-03, Page 1THE RIGHT HONOURABLE JOHN DIEFENBAKER, PRIME MINISTER OF ,OANADA • Prime Minister John Diefenbaker received a mandate from the electors In Cariada,-'which was without parallel. The Progres- sive Conservative, panty now has e20.9 seats in the, House of' Commons, more than any other one party since Confederatione The Liberals' have 47; the Cele 8 and the Social Credit have none. The stunning sweep into power was termed by the Prime Minister himself as "stupefying". Bob McGregor Heads County Beef Producers Totals VILLAGE OF Poll No, 1A Poll No. 113 687 248 HENSALL . 146 71 ' . 148 85 294 156 Totals Public School Students with High. Standings tchbot studems who won proficiency 7; arid Paul Bateman, Grade, 0., At left is Sett awards made by the Clinton Lions Club were Gray, olitelpal of the scherai, Rose Brubacher, Oracle 6; Sharon Gray, Grade (Staff Photo) .ELSTON L. ,CARDIFF Veteran of 18 years at Ottawa, the representative of the Riding of Huron, followed the trend across Canada on Monday, and chalked up more of a majprity for himself and the perty, than in his previebe five elections. Results were: Cardiff, 13,885; Cochrane, Liberal, 7,238. Pictured as he stood at the main inter- section of Clinton the night of the election, the Union Jack wav- ing le the background, Mr. Cardiff was delivering his victory address. (Staff Photo) Statistics Voting Monday Compare With Last June 1958 '1958 1957 1957 P.C. Lib. P.C. Lib. Ashfield 555 235 489 Blyth 298 88 261 Brussels 316 150 ' 305 Clinton 1008 404 859 Colborne 384 164 298 Exeter 97e 500 913 Goderich 212e 891 1689 Goderich Twp 532 169 517' Grey 599 319 538 Hay 602 602 533 Hensel]. 294 156 242 Hibbert 415 349 383 Follett 588 285 523 MeXillop 438 312 388 Morris 575 231 572 Seaforth 651 5 451 491 Stanley 587 248 650 Stephen 894 611 809. Til ekerunith 638 513 • 523, Usborne e - 554 213 530 East Wawanosh 370 163 350 West Wawanosh 396 196 359 Advance P011 12 4 — -- — Totals 13,885 7,238 12,222 '8,555, Majority for P.C,s 6,647 3,667 294 97 161 519 198 462 1126 229 366 631 179 0411 337 371 261 661 295 688 • 653 231, 180 205 .•zbt,.sifirot 0111:11111;mg,.. Cardiff's Victory Speech Unrivalled Pection .Sweep7; Elston dna.John' "Carry Qn (03' M 0.) LOTS OF CROCUSES OF MR' ple, gold and white . . but who has seen a robin? SoireelloW we fed it should not he long before the cheery little fellows are out after their worms again . , the south of the county the seed, ing is pretty well along , and to judge by the dust on the et- reete of town, Spring is -officially here . ,P 4' 4' INTERESTING LIME NOTE was pinned to the outside of one of the office doors in town on Tuesday mornig . It was that of the Liberal party's chairman . We quote: "Not dead;: just resting . „ ,$ BEAU-4FM WEATHER ON eVfooday for a "dud-winter elect- ion" wasn't For some reason ,the sun seems to be shining upon `the fortunes of the prime minister and his government . . Even the weather has been good . . tOf.course the rain. fell on Mr. Diefenbaker in his home constit- uency . . •but they would have gone out to vote for him there anyway . . . Here in Ontario . . and probably in Quebec, too . the weather was wonderful . . * * LOTS OF CHANGES' GOING ON in business throughout town . . . A new garage opened on April 1 _tee new BA service station un- der the management of Don Smith . . X. W. "Danny" Colquhoun has moved into his, new quarters in the former Fred Ford seed store on Issac Street , .. Work is progressipg on the restaurant next door to us . . . The addition to the Bell Telephone exchange building is nearing completion . . Cliff Labia's new location (the for- mer Merrill Radio and Electric). is almost ready for occupancy . . There's a new front on: the old T. J. Riley grocery store, into which we hear Orville Stanley plans to move . . , All these ,changes, and more in the offing... * * ANYR3ODY WANT TO ENTER the Maple Syrup Festival at Hun- tsville on. May 19 . . . Entry form available here at this office . . . The whole thing sounds very in- teresting . . Of course one needs a gallon of pure maple syrup which one doesn't mind losing . . . One of the regulations is that the syrup becomes the property of the sponsoring organization . . . However competition is from both Canada and the United States, in fact any friendly nation . . and it could be quite interesting. Youngster Has Experience With Bunk Bed Rails Police and firemen were called to the trailer camp home of Rob- ert Wright last Wednesday night to assist in reviving the .122-month- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wright. The boy had gotten his head cau- ght in the railing on the side of his sleeping bunk, When police arrived, Mr. Wright had extricated the young lad, but he was unton- scions. Firemen were called to the scene to operate the resuscit- ator, but the machine was not needed. The boy recovered. The Week's Weather- High Low High Low 1958 1957 March 27 46 ' 31 41 30 28 48 25 42 22 29 50 32 44 28 30 51 29 42 21 31 51 32 47 19 April 1 52 34 50 83 2 55 25 49 25 No Rain Snow: 21/2 " No Snow Past Grands Night Enjoyed By Clinton I.O.O.F. 83 Following a dinner meeting, prepared under the, convepership of Harold Tyndall, 'Clinton Lodge I.0.0..F, No. 83 held- the annual Past Grands' Night on Wednes- day evening, Mareh 26. Noble Grand, Bert Rowden, was in the arge of the meeting: The Past Grancls, along with the Noble Grand and., Vice Grand, John Sangster, wher, occupied the various chair's were:'. Junior Past Grand, Clarence Green;' Noble Grand, William Mutch.; Vice Gr- and, W. M. Nediger; Recording Secretary, Benson Sutter; Finan- cial Secretary, J-01-14 A. Sutter; Treasurer, Harold Tyndall; Ward- en, CharlesVook; Conductor, Nor- man Counter; Right Supporter Noble Grand, John 'Clegg; Left Supporter Noble Grand Alvin Sh- arp; Right Supporter Vice Grand, Caryl Draper; Left Supporter Vice Grand, Edward Mittell; Right Sc- ene Supporter, John Sangster; Left Scene Supporter,' Harry W.ey: mouth; Inside Guardian, Barrett Taylor; Chaplain, Heft Rowden. This meeting was also ,the of- ficial visit of D. D. 0. M. George Falconer, who announced that the district meeting would be held in Clinton on Wednesday, April R. He also expressed 0,peseelo.tion to the Lodge for theeieuplegt given him during his term elf office, and also to those who had assisted on his installing team. 4 Details of the Annual Friend- ship Night were announced. This event will be held in the 'Christ- ian Education Hall of Ontario Street United Church on Satur- day evening, April 19,, when all lodges in the area will be invited to attend The guest speaker will be S. Herbert •Dawson, Riverside, Deputy Grand. Master of the Sue- isdietion of.,Ontario. The men of Romeo Lodge, Stratford, and the ladies of May Queen' Rebekah Lodge, London, will each put on the floor work part of their de- gree. This will be an Open Meet- ing when all Ocldfellows and their wives, Rebekahs and their hus- bands, and friends, are welcome to attend. Announcement was also made of the C. P, and T. card party to be held in the Lodge Room on Friday evening, April 11. 0 Cancer Society Gets. Ready For Annual Campaign The Clinton and District Can- cer Society executive is preparing for the house-to-house canvass campaign which will be held from April 14 to 19, Last Thursday they met in the council chamber with the president Mrs, William Morlok in the chair. Representatives froth the town and the townships of Hullett, Tuckersmith and Goderich, as well as from. RCAF Station Clinton were present. Mrs. C. A. Powell spoke for the station and ;town- ship spokesmen were Mr. Falconer and Reeve 1, Coleman, Arrangements were made for a CanvaSs by volunteers with Mayor W. J. Miller as campaign manag- er, John Livermore, town eerie treaseter, offered his services as. campaign treasurer. The meeting was informed that permission had been granted tb- rough the good Offices,of the Group Ceptain X, C. Ceeneron, Commanding Officer of nCtiar Station Clinton for a canvass on the station. Mrs. Powell and her volunteers will do this work, Boss Merrill outlined the div- isions In the area given to each grant) of workers in last year's campaign and it, was decided to follow the same for the year 1958. Provision was made to secure vol- unteer workers for each' division in this reenth'e effort. Ointett Fire Brigade extingu- ished flames in the Williams Apar- &limits, Albert Street, lase Wed. hesday evening, which had Started ftont as oil stove. Robert McGregor, RR 2, leippen, was returned as president of the Huron County Beef Producers As- sociation, last night, by 50 pro- ducers who attended the annual meeting of the group in the agri- cultural office board room. He is supported by Jack Armstrong, vice-president and directors Bob Young Lad, 'fa_ es Early Swim The first dip in Lake Huron 'at Bayfield was taken on Wed- nesday by four-year-old Barry Archer, Ottawa. The little lad was with his mother, Mrs. W. L. Archer and aunt, Miss Ruth E. Hayman at the Hayman cottage for a few hours, To him Hayfield meant bathing, and he ran ahead of his mo- ther to the shore and right out through the icy slush until the ice broke. He was in water up to his waist, before he realized that it wasn't ex- actly like summer. 0 .Cliff Epps, Clinton, Will be guest on, "IVeLady", CKNX-TV, on Mon- day, Apri17, to discuss "Spring Gardening", at 8.15 p.m. Campbell, Wilbur Hewett • and George Robertson. Carl Heming- way, secretary-treasurer, was re- appointed. The meeting indicated approval of the proposed ten-cent deduction on mature animals and five cents on calves, but requested the direc- tors to find out more about the idea of auction selling before they, endorsed this plan. Speakers included Andy Mc- Tavish, director of the Ontario Beef Producers executive, Paisley, who outlined the proposed promo- tion program and discussed the question of support prices to pre- vent disaster selling, such as had happened last fall. He stated that it was up to the producer to ad- vertise the fresh beef product. Fred Campbell, manager of the Ontario Stockyards, Toronto, re- ported that the American beef .feeder is still extremely optimistic, "In markets," he said, "there is a wide variety of quality in cattle, The wide fluctuation in cattle prices is due to the fact there is too many cattle arrive on Monday —85 percent appear in the first two days of the week. Campbell was introduced by Douglas H, Miles and was thanked by Jack Armstrong. ative, Liberal and Cc* Mr. Card- iff earned 10568 votes, and a total of 324 majority. Four yeare. later, with only Liberal oppostt- ion, he polled 10,975 votes, but increased his majority to 1,332' votes. Last year in the Juno 10 switch to PC government, he pol-' led 12,222 votes, and his majority went up to 3,667., This year the total number of vnte$. for Cardiff was 13,885 votes, to" 7,238 for W. G. Cochrane, eter lawyer and Liberal candid- ate. The majority rose again,, to 6647. The service vote has yet to be heard front: Mr. Cardiff viaas the official par- ty whip of the Progressiv Con- servatives in the last government. Mr. Cardiff's victory parade be- gan from his farm home near Brussels shortly after Mr. Cpree- rane conceded the election at about eight o'clock` He proceeded to Wingham, where hp was seen over CXNX-TV at the same time that a radio broadcast was going out over CICNX After meeting constituents in Blyth, and at, Goderich, where he and Mrs. Cardiff were carried about the square on the back of a truck, so that all of the people who wished could see him and hear hire: speak, he proceeded to ton, where hundreds of people, the Bannockbuvn Pipers and the Sea- forth brass band• were on hand. Climbing to the bumper of one of the cars parked on the street, •Carcliff spoke quietly to the or- derly crowd, promising help for every corner of the riding, He recalled his. first campaign in 1940 when he attained 40 votes more than.' his opponent R. J. Deachman. At an early hour of the morning he and the official party arrived in the village of Zurich. After- warde they left fdr Exeter and the wind-up of the evening. Poll by Poll Results CLINTON 'Cardiff Cochrane Poll No.' 21 223729, 110112 3 268 104 4 229 87 Totals 1008 404 TUCKERSMI,T6 851 11 Poll No. 21 114 87' 3. 67 56 4 101 50 5 79 44. 6 8 55 _ 49 751 12184, Totals 638 PollNo,}121ULLET77105 3 ,.. 65 4 146 5 31 6 83 7 78 49 . --- Totals .588 285 GODERICH TOWNSHIP Poll No. 1 118 35 2 91 20 3 85 39 4 85 14 5 98 42 6 75 19 Totals 552 169 STANLEY Poll No. 1. 77 2 47 48 3 68 18 4 155, 23. 5 81 25 6 82 36 7 ... 27 18 8 150 35 Holiday . Hours At Clinton Post Office Holiday hogre at the •Clinte eion Post Office haye. been nounced by poetmeeter Arthur Bail. as follows: `Ohl goo, :Fri.. day. 'the wicket wile s be open teem 3., to --On Daster Monday the wieltet will be .op- en from . 10 to i2 am. and from 1 too 3 p,ot The lobby will be open until ,6 pan, on both days. • "Cardiff' Wins Huron Again" was the headline announcing the sixth consecutive win for the 69 year-old Brussels farmer, Wheti, the results of lVionday!s Federal eieethin were totalled. He 'went back to the• House of Commons, with a flood of nearly 14,000 votes, the greatest support in hie 1$ years as .a member, In 1949 when there were three candidates; . Progressive Copserv- 513 49 32 46: 46. 19 44 THE NEW ERA-93M. YEAR THE NEWS-RECORP-77th YEAR No, 14--,The Home Paper With the News JCIAINT914, _CNTARIc r. THURSDAY, APRII, 3, 19$0 7 Cents a 'Copy $3,00 a Year Pretty Little Bluebell's at First Festival First restival ()if the Bluebells of Clinton, Was held in the council chamber of the tOW11 hall, Made festive WO pretty Bluebells themselves; the good smells of home baking; the lovely handmade flowers and •fancy work which the girls and-their supporters had provided, ,, (toff Photo):,