HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-03-27, Page 9• . - • 'RP' "." "7, "F" `1, - .. • Huron County Beef Producers Association ANNUAL MEETING Agricultural Office Board Room, Clinton Wednesday, April 2 — 8.30 p.m. MR. FRED CAMPBELL, manager of Ontario Stockyards, Toronto, will be guest speaker. • 13-b ....1110.44nuAlla.....alia.•116.4116a&a...adi. PirLf OR )10_.___,J.__-.—RFEED when ou SELL YOUR HOGS!, Ask us about the .,..,1010.4r, • Modern Meat Market May we suggest that you try a Steak or Roast from the Modern Meat Market and you'll be convinced that they specialize ONLY in the test of Meats. MODERN MEAT MARKET Sells the FINEST No. 1 GRADE RED'BRAND STEER BEEF. For This Week-end We =will have arriving at our store STRICTLY FRESH FRESH FILLETS OF SOLE LAKE ERIE PERCH and HADDOCK (Skinless) SO PLEASE ORDER YOURS EARLY AND "THE DIFFERENCE IS FRESHNESS" For an Easter Treat • We Will Again Have On Display Our Own Processed PINEAPPLE HAMS Oven Roasted Fully Cooked Any Size PHONE HIJ 2-3834 • o, STANIAM, Proprietor CLINTON — Sign of Cleanliness and Quality r- ICAUNTON NEWS-nconD 113 Print name and address clearly, • completely And correetI' on front of Parcei INK. a' Put yonr own name and address in the front upper left oorner, and ituicle parcel. Don't guess about weight have your Pao Of6re weigh.parcels, '014Am THESES suGGEsuoris AND HELP PEED VeMet AtIt l,90.,, CANADA POST OFFICI Replace them with GOODYEAR Deluxe Super-Cushion et, the frisky young :beagle et - "MicidetWood," lives '"the life of Riley"' But Cricket isn't so sure of that. • Last week, Mrs. Tionsewife: went on a visit for a few days, And young Master, having hearcia med- ical opinion that some people are too heavy for their health's sake, decided that Cricket should go on a diet to reduce in weight, The doggie rolled her eyes, sad and beseechingly in young Master's direction after she had devoured a very small portion: of .food. But it did no good! He was adamant, With Mrs. Housewife away all day, the house was rather lonely, SO Cricket decided she must do something for diversion. Politics! That was the thing! She'd go out electioneering, And she got so carried away with her ideas that she forgot to go hofne, Young Master came home from school. No - Cricket! His father came home for supper. No Crick- et! So they set out to look Or her. .,..a After considerable searching they found Cricket at a .phiee where a ' good many momentous decisions tire made—the village garage! There she was, listening to the pros and cons of the Fed- eral Election. Cricket was quite sure that Can- ada would be a very lush country in which to live, if all the promises were carried out. But somewhere in her electioneering, by expres- sing party opinions too vocifer- ously,- she had come in for some "mud-slinging", In fact, she was, plastered with it. The only bea, uty spots visible were on her nose. ber on the hated leash, and home they • went But did he give her more pod after all her effort on. behalf of the cou try? No sir-;ee! Down . cellar she Went and was dunked into one of those tubs of water and scrubbed vigorously. Quite disconcerting, to say the least! Next day, Cricket Wasn't. ciolte sure that Canada was such a free country, There she was, tied In one spot because of her opin- ions, when she could have been racing gaily around the hustings, urging people to vote properly And still there was so change in the food problem. It was hard times .alright, Then to Cricket's great delight, Mrs, Housewife came home. She suddenly cast all' thoughts of weighty matters of the country to the winds, ran aroundlo circles, did acrobatic stunts, and stood. up. on her hind legs, imploring Mrs. Housewife to take her in her arms'—which she did, And as she received her mistress' pat on the head,- two large tears rolled down her cheeks---she was crying for sheer joy, The affairs of the country took on a rosy hue. Un- der Mrs. Housewife's capable lead- ership, She was sure that the dep- ression was over—for her at least! The pennies, nickels and dimes, raised by the members of the Can- adian Junior Red Cross have pro- vided medical treatment for over 53.000 Canadian children. Your support of the annual appeal. of the Canadian Red Cross Society makes this great organization pos- LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs, Fred Yungbluti , Woodatock, -visited last weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Joseph 'Yungblut. Mrs, Robert Fairserviee and son l'/O David FairserViee, Olareholm, Alta„ who has been vacationing at his home here for the peat month, motored to Detroit on Monday where they will visit' with Miss. Ann Fairservice and David Mair and family, • William Crawford who is a stun dent at Ridgetown A4410410114 College spent the - weekend with :hia patents. Mr. and Mrs. Ted -Fothergil spec t Sunday with. Mr, and Mrs, Harvey McDowell, Westfield. Mr. and Mrs. William Bdgaent, Ingersoll, visited with Mrs. Thom- as .Fairserviee on Sunday, The Grandmothers Club met at the home of Mrs, John Scott this week, Mission Circle The March meeting of the Aim- AUBURN Knox VMS Mrs. Wightman gave the call to worship for the Woman's Mission- ary Society of Knox United Chur- ch, meeting on Tuesday, March 4. Mrs, P. Eason read the minutes and Mrs. H. Webster gave the fin- ancial report. Mrs. E, Durnin, correspondence secretary, read several Thank You notes. Mrs, H. Webster and Mrs. 130 S. Hiltz were chosen as delegates to the Huron Presbyterial, in Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, on March 27. Mrs, Oliver Anderson suggested that mite box holders be invited to the Easter thankoffering meet- ing on April 1, in the Sunday School room. Mrs, Cunningham took charge of the program, and Mrs. W. J. Craig was at the piano. Scripture was from Matthew 6, and prayer was by Mrs. Wight- man. Mrs. W. J. Craig favoured with a piano instrumental and a very interesting dialogue from t h e study book on•Japan was presen- ted by Mrs. Hiltz and Mrs. Lapp. Offering was received by Mrs. Ea•som, Mrs, Toll convened a skit on Christian Stewardship . entitled Mrs. Smith's mite box, Those taking part were Mrs. Millian, Mrs. Lapp, Mrs. J, Durnin, Mrs. E. Durnm, Mrs. H. Webster, Mrs. G. McClinchey, Mrs. F. Plaetzer and Mrs, W. J. Craig. well Mission Circle was held at the home of Mrs, Lloyd Pipe on March 17, Before the meeting op. ened a -quilt was tied to send to Vera Lyon, Plazelton, 13,C, With the president, Mrs, Clare Vincent in the chair, the meeting opened with a hymn.. Fifteen members answered the roll call,' lYfra, Lloyd Pipe reported 011 the Membership plan. Tt Was decided to share the Easter Cantata fund with the choir. The program was given by Mrs, George Wright and Mrs, Aoss Lev- ett, Their theme was on Easter: Barbara Lovett read the Scripture and led in prayer, Mrs. glen Car, ter sang a 'eblo. Barbara read the story, "Weitte seeking the Christ." Edith gave the "Legend, of the iiiaster Flower." Barbara read, "Where Were They?" 'Edith .closed the meeting with prayer and the ,benediction was repeated. Mir. Glen Carter and Mrs, Hugh Miller served lunch. RAU =Ts Province Will Continue Work On Highway 21 Estimates for work to be done, in 195$ have been released by the Ontario Department of Highway,. 1-MallY these estimates include the grading culverts and .grannlar base 1:),0 Highway 21 from St. Joseph to Bayfield, a distance of 10.5 miles. Also, to have similar work done, is 8,4 miles of Highway 86 front. Wirigham to the west end of Con. 55-87. These 18.9 miles 'of hrigb. way are part of 51 mile$ sched- uled for work, carried over front taat year, in the Stratford rict, There is no new work sch- eduled in this district. "MUMMY, KAAOH 27, MO At Dec; 1,, 1%7, „enrolment. IA grade Sttidents, an. increase of a- • anada's Universities was .estlintittl. bout 11 percent from the previous • at :86,590 .university, year. Don't um ilimarahoe boxea -- nae - corrugited cardboard cartons, 111 Use sirens wrapping paper and tie With strong cord. • KING STREET CLINTON Phone HU 2-3851 "Bill" Wells, Proprietor Small "Cricket" Dog Finds Electioneering Not All Fun (By our Reynold earresponde0) ' Some humans think that Crick- Young. Master grabbed her, put TENDER TOWNSHIP OF TUCKE SMITH Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuckersmith for the construction of the Second Concession Municipal Drain under By-law No. 12, 1957, consisting of 1060 lineal feet of tile drain, 1 catch basin, 1 field stone protection, Tile will be supplied by the township and contractor must supply all other requirements. A marked cheque for 10 percent of the amount of tender must accompany each tender, and contractor is asked to state earliest possible starting date. Tenders to be in the clerk's hands by 4 p.m. April 1st, 1958. • Plans and specifications may be seen at the clerk's office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P, CHESNEY, Clerk, R.R. 4, Seaforth, Ont. 12-13-b • • ...,1::,.*••sftMZ:?..Ke,;.;1:33 140 FOOLING, WHAT WE SAY IS TRUE WE KNOW OUR JOB AND WHAT TO DO/ ,z4.4::•,:giq„,9K.,, ' " 'CV • 'x'•:.•%. Nr"," ' 5.1.), littsb • '•^...43h ut . . ' • " '•:ss.ziXsU • W ISE PLUM 81 NG HEATING & ELECTRICAL 47M4fti-eed-- A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE 'tiring on your toughest hauling problems — Chevrolet can handle them faster for you and cut costs, too. That's because Chevrolet can match your job with exactly the truck and 'engine it needs. In every weight-class, from 5,000 to 50,000 pounds, Chevrolet oilers you .more models to choose from this year, with new :advantages in every model. And Chevrolet offers 4 a new range of nine engines ... new-design VS's and Sixes to give you unbeatable lift and thrift, .1494~ 'Every Chevrolet truck brings you a bonus too, in prestige-building good looks to do your business proud. So see your Chevrolet dealer -today. He'll give you the money-making facts ,on the exact Chevrolet truck for your job. You will find this method of hog feeding convenient and profitable. TOUR LOCAL MASTER DEALER WETTLAUFER'S FEED MILL CLINTON Tele: HU 2-9792 CLINTON Ma • ... .... Nobody knows trucks better, because . Chevrolet dealers sell and service more trucks than any other truck dealer. Have your Chevrolet Dealer give you the facts on the best truck for your job . Chevrolet! 014 .. .......... 5141411 r" rolwar, FOR THE BEST LOOKING, MOST PROFITABLE TRUCK FOR YOUR BUSINESS,SEE YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER TODAY! CHEVROLET TRUCKS SEO YOUR CHEVROLET TRUCK DEALER FOR QUICK APPRAISAL—PROMPT DEL/VERYI orne 'own of tiers.rs Limited CLINTON Phone 1.11U 29321 ONTARIO