HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-03-27, Page 7U -
A, f 0,
N 00-p4#00000-000**01
BIRTHS R A T,6 'MTrr _ 1,11
'S - Clinton. 11 Raify TiffATRpr 111;n ft
Hospital, on, Thursday, March
P^r n mrnf-Amo"to nf Rirthq
:Accommodation for Roat
10, AbstAlners. Write box
.1,30 Clinton News -Record, 13-44
=,,gtJ,y furnished, Phone
Clinton, near down -
One _IZVO-BEDROOM airy apartment,
:Private.,bath,, plenty closet space.
iquie"t SU Plenty
Avqilabl�e. Ap-
. rroUl4ng
-1% 1. Phone HU `2,%78. 13,P
'3 ROOM APARTMENT, furnished
-,arA heated., available now. Apply
.-A. F, ',Harris,, 'Huron Street, one
-door west' of Clliiton Baptist Chur-
'Jeh. 13-6
Accommodation Wanted
,2 BEDROOM HOUSE, he�oAw duty
wiring, in Clinton area, after Apli
rn 15. Phone, t Rice, HU
'U11, , Local 285. 13-14--ip
Articles For Sale
FILAM DMCLOPED in. 24 hour.-.
TWOMpt Photo finishing, Clinton
'Bawling: Alley, 12-13-14-15-b
'MAPLE SYRUP for sale. $6 per
&, Phone HU 2-3214, Fred
-X4caymont and Sons, Varna. 13p
UPRIGI-IT, PIANO, need's tuning,
,.Wyl,l sell cheap. Phone HU 2-9092.
hvtwL olm — Stove and Furnace
toll delivered anywhere: A. G.
Grigg and Son, Phone HU 2-9411.
rONM PART ROLL of 24' Kraft
Wrappingr Paper, too light for cus-
,tamer. For sale at reduced price.
'Clinton News -Record, phone HU
12-3443. 13-b
;rxF,TT1Nrx MARRIED? See samp-
'les of wedding stationery at the
'News -Record office.. Invitations,
thank-myou cards, wedding cake
'boxes, place cards, Aerviettes,
-match books, etc. 114fb
MAGIC MARKERS. Will write on
thing,, glass, wood, paper, e
wry immediately. Seven dif-fere
.colours, 00d for poster work,
regi-, e - $1.10 ea , refills, 50c.
inton'News-Record. 37-tfb
money when traded on a new
Westinghouse washer. T. A. Dut-
ton's Appliance Store, Brucefield.
:Phone Clinton HU 2-3232, -
rewound and repaired, Brushes;
,capacitors, switches, bearings;
,small appliances repaired. Used
�or recouditioned ' motors for sale.
Art Levett Isaac Street at Dunlop.
'Phone HU 2-6640.
English Bone China Dinnerware,
;lVeluding lovely "Cornflower".
it and others In our window and
get our. low prices for fine china.
:Counter's Jewellery. .13,p
-table andfour chairs, also chrome
'kitchen table and four chairs.;
.5,plece bedroom suite; Moffatt el-
ectric range with oven, controls,
like new; Krgehler chesterfield
and one chair. Phone HU 2-9892
-after six P.m. 13�b
'Milker with the '�looking glass
-Ximish on the inside. " New 'lid
,angle milks low, uneven, udders
better. Contact Lovell McGuire,
Phone 593 'Wingliarn. Surge Buc-
kets, qyphon. Milkers, Parlor
:Stalls, Wash Tanks, etc. 10 to 13b
Articles Wanted
an good condition with springs.
Also chest of drawers and a car
seat, Phone X -W 2-9879. 1.3-b
Automobiles for. Sale
:L951 METEOR sedan, radio, over -
,drive, Ph -one HU 2A658. 13-4-5b
'1946 PLYNDUM X . sedan
with radio. In running Condition.
New. 1511 tires. , Will sell, cheap.
�Phone HU 2-W41. I&b
19,533 Chevrolet
,Above Averagq 131 Every Way
No Finance byarges
Only $295 down
'Two years -to pay, on
yearly crop 'payments.
Will Demonstrate
At your Door
-Ward Fritz
'Phone 123, Zurich, On*.
10, $5.00; 2 coats, size 3 to 4, red
and gol& $2.50F each; one Witty
'green Ce6ked, 101 01
ft ohne glyth 28M. 13-b.
Ous!"Oss opport""Ities
Contact i,. Q, Winter, Real Estate,
high Street, Clinton, Phone
2-6692. 1911;
own boss? Serve customers stomers with
4, large line' of household
I I necessit-
ies W your surromilogs. W-0 of -
you. a
ter YOU'a P11, Rsaut .and paying a
trial , hit 0,tirl"cllisslon. and 30 day
T GARONE�R,, Dept, 25,
Station C, 1600 Delorimler, Mmt-
EAVM.R0UQH1NG and roofing,
Harold East, Clinton, phone, HU
2-7578, 12-13-p
Heating needs, call NU 2,9433,
Hawkins Hardware, 2-tfb
cattle for lice white washing
and cleaning barns. PhoxieF'Hub-
ert Cooper, iliceter, 5WrT3,
4 to 16-p
Saws retoothed, jointed and filed
for $1.25. Or just filed and set 75
cents. Automatic butcher knife
and scissor sharpener, scissors 15
cents, knives 1.0 cents. W. F�- -
"Bill!, Jervis, Fulton, Street, Clin-
ton, Phone HU 2-9664. 35p-tZb
Employment Wanted
ANYONE wanting apple or fruit
trees pruned 'N1 ed prun-
er, apply Percy Adams,
phone Blyth 1�79.
Forms'For Sale
115 AGRES excellent grass land,
seeded "in permanent pasture,
abundant water supply, in Clinton
vicinity. Apply Box No. 122, Clin-
ton News�Record. 1213b
125 * ACRES, all workable.. Good
buildings, Hullett Township, terms.
,Uso 150 acre grass farm, some
bush, plenty of water, no build -
north of Clinton. For furth-
er particulars, apply to 'Cecll Wh-
eeler, Blyth,. 13-14-15-p
15 acres bush. 4 bedroom home,
large kitchen, bathroom, living -
room, barn, garage. Located near
highway, about five. miles from
Clinton. Price $5,500, down pay-
ment $2,000. This is an exception-
ally good buy. John BDsveld, real -
tor, 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich,
phone 1108. 12-3-b
ing district, 250 acres of choice
clay loam land, all workable with
two exceptionally good- brick bom-
es, modern, conveniences, 'four
barns, doN�n payment $10,000.
on Highway, 4, good 3 -bedroom
home with all modem convenien-
ces, barn, double garage, colony
house, town water, priced ,to sell.
John Bosveld, 40 Wellesley Street
Goderich Ontario. Phone '1108.
PARM consisting of 160 acres-,
Consession 4, Goderich Township,
120; acres,, good- workable land, 20
acres cedar swamp with never
I vater.,balance in grazing.
6il 'g w'
Good buildings, including garage,
bank barn, drive shed, hen house.
9 room dwelling house with hot
and cold water, pressure system
in house and barn, Further In-
formation apply, Maurice Frame,
HU 2�-9536. 13-14,p
QUANTITY OF choice second out
clover hay, square -b"aied. 50c per
bale. James, Landsborough, Ph-
one Seaforth 665r16, 163-p
work. Contact Clinton, Laundry
and Dry Cleaners, 2.tfb
Help Wanted—Male
M" to prune a%ie trees, Percy
J. Gibbings, RR 1, Clinton, phone
HU 269925.
County to develop as area man-
ager. Excel -lea remuneration,,
group insurance, Worthwhile and
commendable work, Teaching o
sales background valuable-. Write
J. Shepard, 900 Valetta, London,
Ontario, giving age, education, ex-
perience and phone number,
LARGE,. CanacUan and United S.t
,4,tes Manufacturer of Liquid Vert-
Ilizer oxpanding in Huron. County,
requires representatives in Stan -
1,6,y and Godolich townships, INS
is & big field With good repeat
business. Man required Must be
respected and -highly regarded In
his community, and preferably with
agricultural background. . 26-50
years of age. Cal! essential. Com-
plete training given. Apply "Na-
Churs" Plant Food Co. (Canada)
Ltd., 2 Langarth St, W., Mon,
Ontario, 12- P14 -b
LOST--Purbred Scotob collie dog
In tralmeaville area. No tag,'V
front teeth missing, ON
n AAnP__ 14 6 1.
Mvriazes And Deaths
Articles for sale, rent, etc., Card In
Memoriam u
engagements, $a 4 word, minim pn 75C.
Box No, to this
Is office 15.,c adclitional. Repeat $A-
sertions 2o 4 word, mIniMt= 00c.
CASH DISCOUNT: 1/3 if paid by Saturday fol-
lowing last Insertion, . �P, A charge Of 10c Added
each time bill is sent. 1111ing
Latest Time tqr Insertions — 19 noon Wednesday
Dial JW _�-_340
- John
'TWP, $how$ Nightly W144 Sao"
17 great recording, stars, ;21 lilt tunes and 19 top disc jpcl�,Pys
,givo you the inside story of the musical- world, poptxlar.style;
Kay Medford -- Fats Domino — Count Bass
e -
on ;�ia.curoay, 44aren =, poo,
to Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn,;
TWO HOLSTE4W H=Wns,. due C141INWAND OAW, $1,per,&ai1i:, ClIntop, 8, son, "S0MET1RNG,-()FVALUE9�
to freshen first of April, Ken Tyn- e�, out Of WA. These oats got DEATHS
dall.'Phon HU 2,7460, :(3-10 second prize at the clinton
e Seed QkMME8W0ATH Tn London,
Fair, APPI Adult XntertalWnont
Y WAIII41n, Sunday, March- 2$, .19
BLACK PFaCfMRQN iqAMO 10 phone OWS Myth. Bakker, 00 58, The sensational JaQV01 of Man -Mau terror --now more powerxul
Margaret Bell MOLem beloved
yea,M old, reliable and right in of Leo -0. Charlesworth than before,
I , " 'TEACHERS WAN __ ""i'o Charlesworth, Rock Hudson Wendy Hiller Sidney Poitier
every way,, Phone J=0 Lobb, TIE 1 -Strathroy, in iter 7
$th Year,
HU 2:4W. rtmeral. 'from the Box funeral
PROTESTANT TEAOREP, wail- chapel, Seaforth, to I 1
TWO' HEiFERS, W�Ed$TEW One ed for SS No. 5, Goderich, Vgmond- Coining Noxt-o,
due. An, a week, one ue'lii �1_r cb, duties, ville Cemetery, on Wednesday
to commence September 1058, Ap- afternoon,
weeks. I.,een. Rehorst, RR, 5, C011" ply stating salary, and q ift, t- March 26,
lon., HU 2-9M. 1$-b loM- to ual M 4CKSON—At her home' in Lefw "IDEEPSIM9
Argyle Lockhart, RR, 11 ray, Ontario, on Wednesday,
AN AUC1110N .SALE Eviny
Goderich, phone IWSWS. 1243-b March 26, 1958, Miss Panhy. Alan Ladd Dianne Foster,- William Ben&x
Friday at Jackson, in. her $3rd Year, -
jrat 2 P.m., of 35 to 5D fresh Ar1T;pjkCNVE POSITION offered Rineral from. the Ball, and
;I. nging dairy cows and licit experienced ring experienced teacb0r, Protestant, in-
s. 'a -n heifers. Well mar- - M funeral home, High St ESTATE
ens, open n�g grades 4 to 8. School Murch fune Comet -
n reet, Clinton, to Clinton
ked Holstein heifer calves at gc; 'ate -9 to town,. - Modern facilit- AUCTION 'SALE
Lelland, Sale Barn, Bervie, ery on Saturday afternoon
les, Duties to commence 'Septem- at , lar" Estate Auction Sale of farm, PARK ♦THEATRE
ch 29, 'commencing p.m.
1*1 to 22--b ber 1. 'W. P. Roberts, sec, treas., by the Rev. Orant Mills. ' Farm Stock and X*cldnery, will G'0 D E R I C H
Tuckersmith School Area Board, Clinton, on. Satur- be hold at lot 21 and 22 Conces-
livestock Wanted RR 3, Seafortiv Ontario. ' 12-13-b day, March 22, Clinton, 195 8, Glen Ray slon 14 McKillop Twp., I mil
i_ ' Now Playing:
Pickard; beloved husband of Is. south of Walton and I mile east
ATTENTION FARMERS;! ..Cash abol Oakes year. oft CARDS OF THANKS
paid for sick, down and disabled al from the
his 42nd CAMPBELL%
the Ball and Mat- Tuesday, April I P9
cows and horses, also dead. cows. Many thanks to my friends and ch funeral, borne, High Street, at 12:0 . 0 o'clock sharp KINGDOM
and horses. Anything under 506 neighbours for their flowers, cards Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on #--In Technicolor—
lbg, picked- up free of charge. and treats, while a patient in CUn� Tuesday, 25, Cattle; 15 Hereford, cows with
Call collect Ed. Andrews 851r11, ton Public Hospital-, MRS, _m afternoon. March calves at foot and due to freshen Dirk Rogarde
CLARENCE BALL. , in April; 17 Hereford, * year old in a tale of the Canadian West
Seaforth. Associated with Darling 46D CLEARING steers and -heifers, a number ready
and Co. of Canada, Ltd, 26-p-tfb I wish to thank all my friends,
relations for their gifts, flowers AUCTION SALE for market; Registered Hereford MONDAY, TUESDAY
MR. FARMER! and, visits, wbide I was a patient Clearing Auction, Sale of Farm bull, 8 yrs. Old. and
CASH PAID for ick, down in the Clinton Public Hospital. N"hinety, at lot 10, Con. 21 Stan- Pigs: 2 York sows with litter; 2 WEDNESDAY
and disabled cows and horses, also Spealaa thanks to the nursing ley Twp., JI/ South "THE BLACK
4 and 11/4 miles York. sows bred; 18 York � chunks,
Machinery: No. 40 Cockshutt
dead-c-ows and horses, Ple4tse staff and Dr. J. A. Addisom—ROB, west of Brucefield, on -
phone promptly, ERT R. MLIOTT 13-P Saturday, April 5 tractor; Willy's Jeep, 1955; 12 ft.
hour se ne; 6 ft. one PION"
24�hour service. 1955 'Cockshutt combi
We wish- to express appreciation at I P.M. ckshutt 8 ft, tractor
BRUCE MARLATT, to our friends for their kindness Machinery: Massey Harris 44 dis . 10 ft. ultipacker; New Hol- Adult ll�ntertainment
Phone Collect 56r7 Brussels during the bereavement of our tractor, with starter and lights,in 11 A volcanic eruption in Mexico,
forage. harvester with hay releases a science- fiction scare.
12-tf-b son, David, Keith. Special thanks A-1 condition; 3 furrow McCorm- an corn attachments;. New H017 thriller that could keep you on
OLD HORSES WANTED AT 31Y2C to Dr. Addison and Dr. Thompson.
ick plow; MaCormiek tractor disli; land hay and ensilage blower; 7 ft, the edge of your chair.
Ib., and dead cattle at value. If and MTs. KEW WILL18 :L,3b McCormick stiff tooth cultivator; power mower; power side rake-
dea4, -phone at once. GILBERT 6 section of harrows; McCormick Diamond harrows; manure loader,! Richard Denning - Mara Corday
BROS. MINK_P.ANCH, phone col- IN MEMORIUM tractor spreader (like new); side snow blower; tractor manure and Mario Navarro
Ject, Goderich, 1483 J 4 or 1483 J I. JOHNST.ON—In, loving memory rake (like new); McCormick pow- spreader; 3 furrow plow; 16 disc
52 to 27-P Of a dear husband and father, er drill (like new). 3 drum roller; fertilizer drill; Spraymotor weed THURSDAY, FRIDAY
Edward Johnston who passed a. 2 Massey -Harris. corn scuffier; sprayer; stationary power plant and SATURDAY
MISCELLANEOUS way one year ago, March 29,:1957- Gehl hammer mill; power grain 45 HR; Forage -harvester; 4 sea- Jerry Lewis -- Phyllis Hirk
— "You suffered', much in silence • gainder; -White silo 4-Iller, com- tion drag -harrows; 2 steel water David Wayne -- Peter Lorre,
SCRATCH PADS, 3 x 5 inches Your spirit did not bend. plete; 24-46 White thrashing troughs; wagon, unloaded; heavy
Available in quantity. 5c each. 10 You faced your task with courage, machine with cutter; Biddle bean duty farm wagon and -box; 2 for: A riotous, fun show about all
pacts for 40c. Clinton News -Re- Until the. very end, machine; 2 bein cookers; I eleC- age harvester racks with unload. army misfit who involves two' un -
At times when we are lonely, tric, I wood; 2 drive belts; 1,20 Ing aprons. Hammei mill and willing buddies in some mikhty
cord.13-b, Your anifte it seems to say and 40 feet; 2,000 lb. scales;' 1% drive belt; milking machine; hilarious adventures.
WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR 'Dont grieve for me, my loved H.P. motor (like new); drop head Cream seperator; ensilage cart; 66rV"
experts. Our work assures your hay loader; quantity of lumber; 2 R.SAD SA Er"
straw cart; scales; grain auger juL CAV
satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. I'am with you all the way'." rubber tired wagon; 2-16 ft.• flat and motor; fanning mill; extens-
Huron County's Oldest Est9blish- —Always lovingly remembered by hay racks. other articles too num- ion ladder; tilt bench saw and
ed Jewellery Store. 13-p -�.dfe Gladys and family. 13-iP erous to mention. motor; electric drill; full line Coming:
Terms: Cash mechanic tools (The above mach- "WEE JEANNIE"
SEPTIC TANKS, CESS: POOLS AUCTION SALE Proprietor, John Murdoch inery is practically like new),
etc,, pumped and cleaned with Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Grain: 700 bushels spring grain, with.'Tony. Martin, and Vera Ellen
modern equipment, All work Stock, Machinery and Household Clerk, E. P. Chesney wheat, Red Clover seed, Ray.
,guaranteed. Write or plione-,Lauls Effects� at lot 6, Con. 5, Hullett 12.43-b ]Farm: Consisting of 160 acres
Blake, RR 2, Brussels. Phone Twp., I mile south of Constance, more or -less, good clay loam, and ESTATE
42r6, Brussels. 10 to a, -,p 5 miles East of Clinton and 21/4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS exceptionally well drained. 1112 AUCTION SALE
ATTENTION FARMERS ., ' north, on! IN THE ESTATE' OF Nellie Ger- storey frame house covered with Estate Auction Sale of Farm,
Place your order for a silo with Friday, March 28 trude Charlesworth, late of the asphalt shingles, large bank barn, F arm t Y, t
u Town, of Clinton In the County of silo, garage, hen house, new steel Stock and "Machinery, a
Hug) Bros. Bros. We are builders of at 1.00 p.m, "Sharp Lot 25, Bayfield Road, -2 miles
Cattle: 31 Durham p.mm,
and Hereford Huron, Married Woman, Deceased drive shed, hydro, good water sup -
concrete silos for over 25 years, A I'l west of Brucefield, on
, steers, 3 to 7 cwt. lbs.; 13 Durham "" persons, having. claims again- ply. Terms 10% down, balance in
Por full -particulars, write Eynex - Wednesday, April 2 at I P.m.
Rugial, Clinton, Ontario, P.- t the Estate of the above deceas- 30 days, sold subject to reserve Cattle: 3 Holstein cows, due in
p� 40, and Hereford heifers, 4 to 6 cwt r5
Phone HU 2-9432. 12-3-4,p lbs,; 6 calves; 4 Durham steers ed are required to file the same bid, April; I Holstein cow fresh with
cwt. with the undersigned Solicitor for Chattels Cash
aiiUS REPAIR AND MAKE Pigs: 2 young sows, due May 28; the said Estate, on or before the Proprietor, estate of late Lind- calf at foot; I Jersey cow, due In
your rings and jewellery like new. 2 young sows, bred March 5- 2 7th day of April, AM., 1958, after say Sitewart, May; I Durham cow, due in May;
Diamond rings renewed and stones sows, one due May 25; registered which date the assets will be dis- Solicitor, McConnell -Stewart I Brindle cow, due in May; Hol -
safely secured—don't take than- hog 6"/-. months old. (turnbull tr�buted amongst the, parties en- Auctioneer. Harold Jackson stein farrow cow; -2 Hereford heif�
breed); 7 York chunks, 10 week ars, bred; 4 Holstein heifers some
cas, Expert work, done reasonably titled thereto, having regard only Clerk. E. P. Chesney
to your satisfaction. Watch re- old. to the claims of which notice shall fresh, others due time of sale.
pairs and Pearl restringing. W , - Hay and Grain: Baled Hay and have been, Machinery: 8 ft. MM Combine,
N. counter. 13-p straw; 100 bus, Loraine oats. 75 DATED Tlt�enClintan •a Ontario, NOTICE TO CREDITORS with motor, fully equipped; Oliver
Dus, 1-4o. 2, Wheat; few cull beans. this 18th day of Mareb,`A.D., 1958. n rubber; Ford tractor
I R B. MENZMS, Clinton, Ontario, AND OTHERS and new Ford plow; spring tooth
MONEY WANTED Machinery: 15 run fertilizer _ In the Estate of MICHAEL tractor cultivator; Diamond bar-
drill; International 3 furrow plow; Solicitor for the Estate..
several Firs I
'W , CAN PLACE 12--3-14-b XOSUPH STOCK, late of Holmes- rows; 1-2 raw ford 'cultivator;
First International Super C Farmall *Ville. Massey -Harris 4 bar side rake; 6
Mortgages,. some up to $6,000, On tractor and scuffler,i 8 ft. Massey- Tr 0 ALL PERSONS claiming against ft mower; rubber tired wagon:
business and residential properties Harris binder; Massey-11�rris side the -above estate are required to grain -box; Chevrolet truck with
In Clinton. * 7% Interest. Good rake; Mas5ey,Harris mower No. en Club furnish full Particulars, to the un- grain box; bean cooker,.,. 2 col -
investments. All enquiries kept 37 pp
, with tractor hitch; (above dersigned by April 19th, 1958; af- ony houses; 2 electric brooders;
confidential. Apply to K. W. machinery is like new); D. Case
Colquhoun, Real Estate 'Broker, tractor; Friday Shoot ter Which date the, assets of the Hinman milking machine 2 single,
International manure estate will be distributed -units; 3 milk cans; 9 -palls; Emery
Phone Clinton 14U 2-9747. 12-3-;b spreader; International 32 plate DONNELLY & DONNELLY, 12 ft plywood boat; 4 to 5 Out-
disc- rubber tired wagon, McCor- (By our Heasall Correspondent) 18 The Square, board motor; forks; shovels;
LEGAL NOTICES mick horse mower, Bain wagon Kippen Gun Club are holding
their anual Got* Friday shoot, • Goderich, Ontario. chains and other articles too num-
with IS HEREBY GIVEN with grain, box; -harrows; h"Ay on Sunday, -March 30 at 1.30 p.m.. —Solicitors for the estate. emus to mention.
that the partnership heretofore loader and stretchers. 2 rollers,' A London Winery trophy is being 12-13-14-b Hay and Grain:. 500 bus. Rodney,
subsisting between Charles Wil- 2 raw bean, puller; Lex grinder; put up for a two-man, team shoot, oats; quantity baled hay,
.new grain grinder; flat hay rack; 25-16 yard event, A 25-�,bird, handi- Farm: farm will be offered for
Ilam Nelson and John Willard Ned- cutting box; Massey -Harris No. 9 cap event will be featured and their baliots this weer for condi- sale if not Previously sold. 90 ac-
iger, -and operated under the fIrM cream separator,, fanning mill other events, time permitting. dates in the DomlrAon, election, res more or less, clay loam, good
name and style of "Clinton Farm with bagger; set light sleighs, bug -
Supply & Machine Shop" is hereby ; cutter; root palper- steel • 'Mere are 2,340 eligible to vote. water supply, bank barn; cement
gy sflo- hen house�, frame house with
dissolved, and that -the said firm wheel barrow; set scales,'2 Coal Voting began at the station, on
will be -hereafter carried on by Ch- brooder staves, with hoovers ; , Service Men Are Monday at 10 pm. and will con- Asphalt shingles, furnace, bath
axles William Nelson a:s a sole shelters; 2 lar . ge water fountains; Vo a rin-I * -Week tinue until Saturday at 4 p.m. . room.
proprietorship. Terms: Chattles cash; property,
1, automatic water fountain; num- ting This The figure does not in-clulde d-- 10 percent down, balance 30 days.
DAUED at Clinton, Ontario, this ber feeder troughs* snow fence; pendents of service personnel, Estate of late yeoman Aldwinkie
12th day of arch, A.D., 1958. iron pig troughs; iron kettle; hay Armed service personnel at the since their vote Is not a matter Auctioneer, Harold Jackson
E. B. Menzies, fork; hay knife; slings and block ROAN Station Clinton are casting for the service authorltle�, Clerk, E. P, Chesney
Clinton, Ontario, and ropes; cedar Posts; 811 tile; 4
Solicitorfor Charles William Nel- gallon tank sprayer; stone boat,
son and John Willard Nediger, electric motor, drive belt; 150 ft,
12-3-4,b of cable; fertilizer planks; hen
nests; Woods. *at roller; I horse N -
PASTURE FOR RENT motor. electric fencer; 30 ft. lad V
PASTURE — one hundred acres -der; other - articles too numerous
to mention,
more or less, Stanley Township, . Household Effects: Dining room
good grass, no hills, no waste be suite; 2 couches;
water, on paved suite;
' d I
and 'Shade, fresh SL" heater;
fernery; antique wri-
i London. 2-7633. al a -
a -14-b desk; eight day clock; I pair
It tes size
men- -a , ze FOR EASTE Ile
Proprietor, Ellwood Clarke
HOUSE FOR SALE IN OUNTON Auctioneer, Harold Jackson
--,-to be removed from lot. Also Clerk, E, P. 01164ney
colony house for sale. Phone Jim No Reserve ftrW Sold Choose your new EASTER
East, HU 2-7578. 13 -ib 12-13-b WARDROBE now from our
Street, Clinton, three -bedrooms,
bathroom, -hardwood floors,' built- SUITS — SPOPvT COATS
In cupboards, sun porch, garage SPORT 1,41IMTS — JACKETS
and full basement. call evenings
SLACKS, etc.
WANTED TO $UV, house in Clirk-
ton Single, residence or apart-
rne�t house. C, McClincheY, Rens.
all. Phone IQ�J.. Pickett & Campbell
SEED FOR SALE Coininwi1ty Limited
for sale. PhqtW HU 2-9180. 13:14- MCI H0 2-9732
sale, suitable for seed. * Phone 14U
at 1.30
TIMOTHY AND i�gb cLo-vnR j. COV.EY, Sales Manager
seed, Phone Xen L. Tbompso-nj nou MeNAM, Auctioneer
833rl,�- Seaforth, one quarter mile It, W, COLQUROUX, CIftky lam,
east hanourn. a - 1.