HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-03-22, Page 5n. BORN. Wean— wanosil on the 1131> plat , tilts Wife ofMe.oast a daughter. Makin- aakiin--le on the pith inst., the wife of Mr,Jetim ItitmorT --In East Wawanosh, on the 14th Inst., the otet Mr John Elliott; a son. olterrau--At Wingham, on the 16th Inst,, the of Mr. 0:McIntyre, of Gordon J4 McIntyre, most o(lants; a Non. Win of Mr, -All%Vn h n on 5th Inst,,. tho Ji Mr. Palmerpttanonttthe 11thinst., the wife of 11/ARSII9D, Ilrsnatpv :7.#unho•-At the residence of the bride's mother, on the 19th mat„ ale. J. ilyndman, son of tho Irate C. IIlrndnton ['owlets, to Miss Sarah *k 0aulbie, oldest d nlghtes of Mrs. Gamble, Minto, sears,-emnoov•-fit the residence of the bride's father on tho 13th host 11r. Scott, of Mount Forest. Miss Gordon,,daughter of Mr. A, Gordon of Minto.. 4,Cexruubb dtoVoyr v At Myth, on 018 1901 inst.,. bny� l�t,oy. A W r•i,igo I,. 0, W. Campbell to Miss u�1ti,Nnslahfu(xluitrughter f \AtWilhin>.lonthef2lthrfnst.,. y the Roy. 11, AIcQnatrlo, airBenjamin Gibson, Seymour, to Miss Maggie McGuire, of Morris. =P. Gowns At Brampton, on the 12th inst., aftet Intense suffering,. borne with Christian resignation and fortitude, Margaret Wilkinson, Widow of the late Isaac Lowes, aged 74 years, The deceased was an aunt to Mrs. John Neelan.ts of this town, Ynttvo) At t.akelet, on the lttle Inst., 1889, at the residence: W. J, fished ly (hes wmn•fn•law), 000012220 1Y111ia,i0 Y00117.1 aged 9)yoars, 9 -months and 22 days, The (18000.01.1.sax father r to Mrs, P. Ci Spat•• ling, of this town, late rat ealerta,'. li ltan-012 liowtek, m1 the 7881 hist,. itobt Baird,. aged 67 yeard and 13 days. (30022aAHl1 Ili liowlek, on the 1203 hist,. Robert 0oahr lie, formerly of Mina, aged 62 years, 11 - months and 10 days, Bitumen—At Crossh111, on tho 210`4 inst., William 'Barbour, aged 62 veers, 5 months and 12 days. Whitochlxrcll, FORESTERS' coxflri8T.. The Foresters' conoel t . on Friday evening hva's a sueeess in every sense tbitt -a well fill :11a11, and excellent and smoothly reuclrecl programme and a pleased audience would uoustitutt: it ouch. Owing to. the Wingham ¢on• tingeot beieg a- little late lit arriving. Mr. A. 11. Musgrove, C. R. opened the l., • goliDON *IN , `The Pig Brown Anchor." ' programme with a lucid exposition of In the Mimiol),jects, mode of working ua and aehlevetilpltts of the Forebterie oro auization. Rev. R. Carson., of Whitechurch, gave, an entertaining address, ' iiito which in his own genial style, sound sense, humor and whole - 0 w H EF H .r. • V V R SPRING STOCK OF CHOICE C4-0001DS Selected with. greatest personal care in the best markets, IS NOW COMPLETE " itafforsd every department. We not believe in "blowing ,but great pleasure to be able -to say to out friends and the public that we never had greater attractions or greater inducements to offer in every line of our unusually large stook than we are now displaying. We extend a cordial invita- tion to every person in need ' of choice some counsel were., nicely blended. 0 ,a •• • � A1iss Tiffin, of LangSide, in excellent Du tv�,Qj 5s Gude. p'�g°�!iohings,_au voiceigave a scotch reading. 111iss'Clara Henderson, with Miss Sharpe, of Tees - water, as accompanist very pleasantly sang," W hen the dewdrops are falling" ;, • J. A. Cline, of Wingham, always sings l!m._i� P, ,GROCERIES expressively entertaingly and satis- factorily. He was at his very best''1'22 come right to the Anchor House; it will pay you to du so. on this omission, Miss Henderson, of Bervie, excellently playing his accompaniments.. Mr. E.C. C1arke,•ot Wingham, a member.: •:pf ': the High ' Court Exeoutive,made sonebpportune • and spiey iiiiprompturelnarlts and then entered into an, intelligent eosideration of what has been done by this organi zation for •the f} t` i'lelioratlan ;relieve - molt of suffering and the fulfilment of • I , RS noble mission Mr:, S. Gracey's . ;. _ el several reading were highly appreciat- ed and loudly ttphlanded: Rev, J. A r Anderson, B; ..A'., df `rodeiich,, spoke .. eloquently, exnestly'r'pbintedly, pract do Bots d Shoes, CLEARING SALE, jUI1 obi 01 EBSTE (so c NOW OFFER, THEIR COIIIPLET:E STOCK u iv ...L)=R COS'' CONSISTING OF Imported Worsteds and Pantings,. SCOTCH, ENGLISH, HALIFAX AND CANADIAN' TWEE -DS, , MEN'S FURNISHINGS, Underclothing, Hosiery, Ties) Collars and Cuff ade WHITE SHIRTS, 6 The very best make in, the Dominion, Warranted. a Perfect Fit REGATTA SHIRTS In the new patterns and colors. ,T S Of the best English and American makers, in the Latest Styles. A' big lot of Wool flats at 39 and 50 cents each. TAILORING GORDON & M o 1 NTY RE, I In the Best and Latest. Style under the management of A. W. W + STE R. . THE BIG BROWN ANCHOR, Wingham. —o really and host, agreeak ly,apd instruo- ! i lively on I'Lee{, and Labor." ''No i i q / ono to welcome tae home" was nicely 1 : m vie ole to tC /AN IVO ani sung by lViiss Balli,f �'htc'ullttrclt,as thoC t�M� Ca PJ B also Was "Some day. I'll wander back J agail" by Miss i4lowbray. Dr, Horsey 14aC1C���C kcis £ Wi1,� ram;- called tipbn entirely y 0 R unawares, delivered a short address which;traustioie its freedom and ease of delivery, well arranged and construct= lit. Tf3AT I HAVE T.H.E BFT ASS �R'rLn STOCK OF e, sentences, ideas 'otic seined and the:senslble" ideas' eioutailied therein WATCHES, COCKS AND JEWELLERY IN Vt'IN(aHAII�I. eompletely captured the itudiends. :o- 0 1 ll d t' l Be combatted elle idea that there Is 2nd. THAT THE QUALITY OF MY GOODS IS EQUAL TO THE BEST. any degeneracy/ of the human race . . in these modern tunes compared with 3rd, THAT MY PRICES ARE SUCH THAT IT IS SAFE AND anyperiod in the ` history past. FITABLE FOR ALL TO DEAL WITH ME, The Wingham Harmonica Band ' discoursed music, varied sweet, plea? TEST THIS POR, - ?—OT SE'i F 'simtly rendered' and ' most pleasing to the audience; 'fhe meeting closed- with the usual votes of hanks. The High Chief Ranger and ' • 'Treasurer- being called away on , important bilsiuess were unable to be present. The hall was most tastily decoratedwith evergreens— the motto "Welcome" in the centre being set off in each side, by three words, Concord, Liberty and ,B}enevolence. An adjourn - 1 thost Nixon's j merit was mace O mine 10 r . whore some 35 of the brethren and • , Visiting friends enjoyed a most sump- Tom ump c' tubus repast, ineludin,g oysters. The spread was most creditable to Mr. Nixon, Tho, Wingham. contingent • numbered nearlya eon le of dozen. Court Whrtecburch, No. 116, C. U. ail I� �. ailet N�iettsi F. was startedin 1951. It has 110W A membership of "about 80, a most , _ _ANDi tidy convenillent and commodious hall costing about $400 is about free of ` debt. T'110 organization is in a healthyFresh, Reliable and prosperous state and is likely to GROCERIES, BY CALLING ON E. F. GERSTER. PioEe�r llardare Store, FOR inner eats have a further increase in its member- ship. Yhi.StoWel. . - Mr. A. Austin has taken bis son violin into partnership with thin in :4 the foundry busitlpss.—rhe s3 ring. el' ow will he held on:.Wednesday the lrth of Aprilr•.w'Mt. Wm. Forbes temoVes to Tilsozob'org, -A. fire in the, kiln of N a 'Slog. factory on c nesday w ,a .ed in, its inc; stages, tOTO r.1 i1 T) Ai Work Warranted, and a Perfect, Easy, : Fit ► igen. WEBSTER: CO. NT TAILOR SHOP I o•,rct MR. E. G. CLAR1E, STONE BLOCK. In opening a new Tailor Shop in Wingham, respectfully so11clts'a'sbare of public patronage. It will be bis endeavor to live satisfaction to al.•`' entrusting him with their orders. Being now in running order, desire . to thank those who have favored him, and to say that no pains will be spared to give-satifaetit)n in the future. E. C. CLARKE. Wingham, January 11th, 1889. We give special attention to the following lines t IIIQN . PIPE, ALL SIZES F3t0?Ir To 3 INCA. IRON AND BRASS PIPE FITTINGS. FIRE BRICKS, MILL FILES, —" ' _ MACHINE OILS, LIQUOR Notice is horeby'giv Abi13RICAN 'WALTER 'WHITE COAL Iodine ter ilio 8600 nt OIL. the wilco Must bo read C . Com' FONOMMIgr COPOID tha r td • o m m w c• e rd 44 d) a 1.4 ▪ rstiS~ n M SI c12 *RI▪ g”. ikall H r/2 E P•4 0 We are solo agents in Wingham for the sale of Genuine Robber Paint the best in the world. All kinds of shelf and heavy Hardware at bottom prices. Land plaster in bags always on hand. than theist of April Clinton PROD There 'Will be bold b Itotel,-� NOrman's--1 23 1889, at o'clock Jo in Gotby, via t Par 46, Wingharn town pyo There are on the prei barns r orchards, etc MENSES, ESTATE OF THOMAS PFlld,� r be e ' to all fsartie,i in 'tht west Thereby ggive notice at attorney tot 3,6i . Martha ing either hotel or 'shop Trico that the said Martha Price has alslgntd all tier equor, that application ntfou for right, title and interest in said estate including her to the undarsigtiotl not later right to administration, to Mrs Alice Price, adminis- ext 1y J Pais oy, Inspector, tratrIx of the estate pf said Thomas price; and t further give notice that all sults heretMbredependn 8 lir between said Martha and Alice Price have been Settled and that said Martha Price luta now no eta* Y 'KOR SALE. upon the estate of dad Thomas Price or on arty part public�auction at the Central theree'f, i ham on Saturday March tooted at Toronto this 2Sth day -of February, A. I). gym, tho'propetty of the into is81. Bisects lots No 42, 43, 44, 45, and F 1y iiIIfGST0N1i� s 2 good containing in all 461 acres. Attorney for Martha Pries es 2 dwelling houses, 2 e and excellent property, in This is a finest Iota Ono of the finest torn: acs in the county, bsinti, but All dtbtA tine to the rkEatn of the late Thome* one mileout of tole and 'a most commanding tato, price are to be paid forthwith 00 Mrs Alice Peke et tion.attording a mato 'Scent brow 00 the town. Wht barn, otherwisb itrhu-ediate legal. protecuhil,s For full particulars pN13 to the executors will be t.01en to collect them. ItTCIi. VJ� , R E Wi a �e lett® & Co 401114Tl' -- e EI213O�T Win ham JUAN t. 'HOLMES, 16 Vieteria St. T'olcnt., 0 n, ilolitltor for :"ars Aute Pt,tc 1wi i hair, ?CU 28, .11- 'fiorollto, Ilslrl. list, A p 184g. 1