HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-03-27, Page 5Connie Smith. The biggest thrill of the event came when the Brownies saw the birthday cake beautifully decorated by Bartliffs with the Brownie World Flag. :Cyr! S SERVICE SM Lit "5" "—ME AVERAGE MAA! MOWS AS MUCH Aeourrite INOR046 11 BONS AS i,16 DOES Asovr rAX FORM/ " HE ALWAYS LOOKS SO SMART " .SPEcIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS. THIS- WEEK oney.: Saving Specials! BRYLCREEM Special Offer! Tube with pi/co COMB for regular price 69c COLGATE DENTAL CREAM Two 35e tubes plus 35c Tooth Brush (1.05 value) 70e Competitive Prices Plus Personal lervic0 IDA DRUG STORES COLGATE BRISK FLUORIDE TOOTH PASTE Two 35c tubes plus 35e Tooth Brush (1.05 value) 70e IDAMALT r Save 27c on I.D.A. Extract of Malt Richard Hudnut IVIINERAL and Cod Liver EGG 0 I L CREME HeaVy grade, odor- 1 lb. 2 lb. 4 lb. less, tasteless oil. Reg. Rag. Reg, SHAMPOO 16 oz. 40 oz. 79e 1.29 2.29 1.25 'Size . Reg. 55c Reg. 1.10 63c 98c 1.69 98c 43c 87c Johnson's • • BABY SHAMPOO 69c size 2 for 1.19 S rim.g Tonics and Blood Purifiers Andrews Liver Salt 45c, 79c . Burdock Blood Bitters 1.59 Dr. Chase Nerve Food 89c, 2.23 Enerjets 3.95 Eno Fruit Salt 69c, 1,09 Fellows Syrup - '175 Frosst NCF Capsules 1.95, 3.45, 7.65 Liquid 1.85, 3.95, 6.85 Special! iD.A. EPSOM SALT 16 ounce, regular 25c , 19c Geritol 1.35, 3.29, 5.49 Wampole's Cod' Liver Extract 1.50, 2.75 Kkovah Salt , „ ........ ..... 35c, 59c, 89c Vita Diet with B-12 1.95,,_4.50 I.D.A. BRAND BEEF, IRON and WINE 1.00 CRE-O-TONE 1.50 HEALTH SALTS 59c' IDAPHOS GENERAL TONIC 1.50; IDATON E 1.60 UNIQUE PHOTO SERVICE F. B. PENNEBAKER DRUGGIST HUnter 2-6626 .,ZOIEREIMEMEMEHI gillallillIEWEIMMISMILUMEMEMERIffEEMIEEMER111MILIEMEEDI EEfillumapaullumo gE EE ES EE EE ES == Ea EE tg gg EE EE EE EE == IH Don't Miss The SELECT ANY 6 ITEMS FOR ONLY $5.00 - GADGET • SPREE CONSULT OUR HANDBILL FOR DETAILS MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY MARCH 31 TO APRIL 5 Sutterii•Perdue Ltd. QUALITY HARDWARES AND HOUSEVVARES CLINTON DIAL Ire 24023 I I P I I I I I 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 11 1 11 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 I EVERY ITEM AN OUTSTANDING VALUE- MAIM 27,1.95$ MINTON NEA4rS•04CORD PM rivr Paige Phillips who representO Olintbn I:XS:Wet Collegiate jnstrit- 'C- in the -School Queen Club, is the daughter of 'Mr.. and Mrs. .Phallm WW1, • At 174 She is A ,first elas$, honor .student and Winner of a, Grade 13 bil,r4arY• ActliVe also, in .W4% She is a Member of the schOol volley,. ball ,.4114 basketball 'teams a had- Minton ,chs timion,. member of the Sttklerit's tCoi icil, the Girl's-Sports giub-and the school choir, - She -450 '41.14s time to, teaCh 411fie School Queen js co-sporiSor- ed by the Vulvel'SitY- of Wester On- tario and the London Free Press. Below, Paige discusses' '"Univer- on graduation unlimited opportun- Thies are ' awn to the engineer, scientist or, lawyer in industry as well as many other fields. Unern, ployment is slow to wreak its vengeance upon one privileged to possess a university degree. A feeling of accomplishment cannot he bought, but- with the victorious exit from :college, many will face the world invigorated and refresh- ed, haying experienced the jax of Widened horizons, of increased per- spicacity and of literature and art, There is one more consideration to be' contemplated before atterap, Clinton Brownies have been very busy during the past two months. Golden Baratwere earned 'and pre- sented to Mary Mien Andrews', Cathy Draper, Dianne Elliott and Glenda Merrill. Service stars were presented to Mary Jean Neilans, one year, and Carol Anne Thomp- son, two years. Gordan Sutcliffe, employee of the Clinton Post Office, taught the Brownies how to tie and ad- dress a parcel properly. Those working on their golden hand, lat- er mailed a parcel to Mr. Sutcliffe in order to pass their test. Carol Ann Thompson, having passed all tests, will receive her Golden Hand, ' The first and fourth Clinton Brownie Packs joined together for their skating party at Clinton Lions Arena, This proved very successful and Mrs. L. ,5. Thomp- son was present to test for skat-, er's proficiency badges. The two Packs were together again at their meeting place, Clan- ton Legion Hall, to celebrate the birthday of the movement's foun- ders, Lord and Lardy Baden Pow- ell. This is known as "Thinking Day" to Brownies and Guides all over the world, The girls displayed their talents individually and. in groups, Mrs. L. G,, Winter judged them, and presented' prizes accordingly. • Lunch was eagerly devoured by the Brownies, when. they were ser- ved by "Packies" Joanne Cudmore, Elma Wonch, Dianne Murphy and . Although Canada's .total agric- ultural production has been stead- ily increasing, over the past ten years the number of farm workers has, declined by an average -of 30,000 persons annually. The.-Bible Today AdvOrtUarr).045 in daily news-' papers. are being •used In 101a to publish portions f the Bible in serial form, it has been reported by the Bible, society in, India and Ceylon. Selections .such as the Sermon on the Mount have been printed in . instalments through subscription given for this purpose by.Indian aviation% creating wide interest in the Bible. With the' Support of the British and Foreign Bible Society close' to a million copies of Scripture were circulated in India last year, but this does not begin to meet the demand that comes from a PON- lotion of 400 million people. In fact, the circulation 'of the. Bible IS. falling tragically behind the annual increase in population, Newspaper 'advertising is being tried as: an -experiment in reach. ing a wider reading public,. ' Suggested readings for next week: Sunday - Psalms 84: 1-12• Monday Psalms. -85: 1-13 Tuesday 'Psalms 86: 1.17 Wednesday Isaiah 12: 1., 6 Thursday Luke 4: 1.32 Friday Luke 6: 126 Saturday Luke 6:27-4g 0- About. 7,500,000 Canadians are owners of life insurance pOlicies.- Life insurance in' force now. totals. about $34.5, billion. Stafford Johnson Earns, Honour • in 'Conipetition ,st40,03 3.10Aort, .staff writer • of the Stratford 13eaaon.,Hersld re- ceived honour*e mention for a series of stories written about Hur- on county. Mr. Johnston earned thementlion in the ninth annual. 41.1.11111mmummk National. Newspaper Awards for. work done in 'Mt i'stistfu as he is known to thop.ri-' in agricultural groups and other' organizations in this area, where' he is often to be seen with pen,. pencil and camera, writes a pop—ular weekly column 'Vueen,'S 131.141 Now", Wall, combines his- torical facts' with the newsy items. about present day folk, which be' gathers while covering news .eisr—enls iA this area 4 1 001 ueen Chosen ollegie at, Rubber Stdmp will do it faster, easier, and who' knows? may- be neater, too. Order one at the Clinton News-Record ' Delivery, Within . , 10 days. vat tling,nniversity. The most import- ant factor towards, success or fail- ure is our own attitude. What we obtain from a university education depends upon, what we bring to it, if we bring a dislike for books and all they represent, if we bring dull, unobservant minds, if we bring a lazy,- indifferent attitude, we shall derive nothing worthwhile. If we bring eyes and ears that are wide open and an-intense respect for nowledge wherever it is found, if we bring • an eager, unselfish spirit, we shall receive the great- est of rewards—an education. sity or no A university 04os-tient .shOnld he the, gopl of every' capable -Ol- den*, In no other -enolcatienal In- stitution are equal challenges ,pre-- rented to the Miind eager for know- ledge, In no other field are the benefits ,equally rewarding.. Tier spool:, financial ,gain -and most 1.1nr, portant, self,esteehl. are the 'bar- Vests open to a -university grad- irate, The foundation for .college. and the attairunent of these: Mar-. vests: Is laid in high SehQ01,. Here we realize that education -cannOt think for us, It cannot create, but only develop a latent natural a- bility to think. Let us now 'Cont- emplate the drawbacks and -belle, fits of a university education. 'The most frequently cited dis, advantage connected with obtain- lag a is the fin- ancial .difficulty which is-encount.. erect alleviate this situation, the. Governinent has recently inst ituted interest-free loans • to rani versitty udents, as well as the bursarie‘ that it already sponsors. Other financial aids to students 'are available from scholarships of- fered by industry an& service or- ganizations. The quoted adage, "Where there's .a will, there's a way," is certainly 'applicable to anyone hesitating to undertake a financial burden -to secure a college degree,. Besides the financial issue, a university student lacks, an. in- come 'for four more years, making him. financially dependent on his family for the added length of time. * * The lists of benefits far out- weighs any disadvantages which might have 'to be surmounted to secure •a university education. Up- WHY DO ALL THAT WRITING? When A Sunset nR 11/4 Miles ,East of (Roderick on No. 8 Highway Gala Opening Night Thursday April 3 1 5 Come and win your Easter Ham... The Lucky License Number will win a Delicious Ham on Opening. Night THURSDAY - FRIDAY — APRIL 3-4 "HOLD BACK THE NIGHT" John Payne -- Mona Freeman Visit ,our concession booth for coffee, hot dogs, popcorn, and candy. The concession booth is heated for cool. nights, Box Office Opens at 7 p.m. — First Show at Dusk Children Under 12, In Cars, Free • • ' Br-ownies Qualify For High Awards Golden Hand Presented to Some $119 with trade-in of your old washer T.A. Dutton "Your WestinghouseDealer" BRUCEFIELD . Phone Clinton .11U,2-32,32 Ammousimmum. tLINT014:443i.e.14U 1240totic..1. Periodic cleaning by Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaning gives your clothes the welt- groomed appearance you wish... Try our modern dry- cleaning service today, This Week the Lucky No. is 1837 Check your Calendar... If the number matches, take the Calendar to our office and claim your $3.00 credit. For Your Convenience Use Our Down Town Office on King Street (formerly Simpsons-Sears) 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111101111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111011111111111111111111111011111111111HillImmum 0111111 011111111 1111111 1 1111111111111111111111 11111 11011111 In 1 111111111111 IHIIIHH or' 111111111111111111111111111111 111011 111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 111111111 11111111 111111 HIII 0111 11 1111111111111101101111111111111 1111111111111111111111 111110 01 111111111111111 WWI 0111 11