Clinton News-Record, 1958-03-20, Page 8FARMERS, We are i,sitinning eatto every monday for United Co-operative of Qatari° and solicit year patro4agft, We pick them up at your farm. Plegsg Pf.IONZ COLLECM .pot later than Saturday nights. 4, S. Bunt Shipper .Sea4forth Farmers Co,operative 'Phone '173 45-tib A Why Local Merchants and Manufacturers should Advertise in the Home Town Paper I, Newspaper reading is a universal habit; newspaper odvertiisng there- fore reaches virtually all who buy. 2. Newspaper advertising is the life-blood of local trade because it touch- es all consumer sources in every opportunity for complete consumer appeal in any locality. 3. Newspaper advertising cuts selling costs because it entails no waste in locality of circulation. Manufacturers use it to cover markets where it is profitable to do business. 4, Newspaper advertising assures quick, thorough and commercial dealer distribution and dealer goodwill because retailers are willing to sell products advertised direct to their own consumers, 5. Newspaper J:idvertisiing enables manufacturers to tell where their pro- ducts may be bought. 6, Newspaper advertising can be'started or stopped overnight, can be pre- pared lb meet sudden developments and to obtain immediate results, 7, Newspaper advertising reaches the people Who want to see it. 8, Newspaper advertising costs less than any other. kind. Clinton News-Record "The Home Paper With the News" READ BY OVER 8,000 PROSPECTIVE CUSTOMERS EVERY WEEK IN THE YEAR - ,IpAcizr ,44 6440, ',MI,URSDiteae, 1VIAROg FYI, 1%iP News of Bayfield igggi W0913.$ KTQN;- I3AYFMT,1).45 r 3 Westou's Store Bought By Cliff Utter Fo4ester Buys Utter's Garage Mr, and, Mrs. James Fisher, Larry and Frank, Kitchener, were in the village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ames Beillie and eon,. left last week to live In EX eter,. Mr, and Mrs, S, Bryant, Byron, were ,eletheir cottage -from Satur- day eetil Weelneedeeec Mrs. Douglas Carswell and two boys left on Sunday to- spend mouth at Saskatoon, Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Lenge, and two children,Southemptoe, :have moved into Arlington 'Atte wood's house on Keith Crescent. Mrs, R. H. Middleton, Hensall, viisted her sister and uncle, Miss 'Lucy, R. Woods and 3. L. Buchan, from Wednesday to Saturday, Harry Baker, London, is ,stay- ing at his cottage "Wheel In" at night, while working in this die- triet this week. William Parker, Mrs Robert Parker and baby Pamela, and Mrs. Jack Fraser spent Wednes- day in London. Gordon Heard, London, is stay- ing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernmersoni Heard, while engaged in construction work on the new Blue Water HighWay.--- Rehert -MacLeod and daughter Cathy, Byron, and Carson Faw- cett, Lotidon, were et the home of Mr. and Mrs. L, H. 1Vieefeeod, for the weekend, The birds are gradually coming back from the not-too-sunny south this'year, Mrs. J. E. Howard re- ports 'hearing a Kildeer on Mon- day and a blue bird on Tuesday. M. Charles Bell was a patient in -Clinton Public Hosiptal from Tuesday to Friday last, where she underwent surgery, She is recup- erating at the home of her daugh- 11 111111111111111 II 1111111 III I11111 III I I Township of Colborne TENDERS FOR GRAVEL S EALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until 6 p.m. Monday, March 24, 1958, For the crushing and hauling of approximately 6,000 cubic yards of 3/4 ' screen gravel from the town- ship pit, to be delivered and spread to the satisfaction of the township road • superintendent, contract to be completed by June 15, 1958. A marked cheque in, the amount of $200.00 must accompany all tenders. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. B. C. STRAUGHAN, Clerk, Township of Colborne R.R. 4, Goderich, Ont. 11-12-b II ter, Mrs* Alan Galbraith, Clinton, T,hqs.e who listen to morning de- velem* over QKN.X on Monday heard and inspiring service cont ducted by the Reverend C. Pee- Cock, St. Andrew's United Ohne- eir, Bayfield, Miss eJessie Metcalf, - Detroit, was here over Friday night, on her return on Saturday afternoon, she was -eccell•Panied by Mrs, ,/". MacKenzie, who visited in Detroit apd•Wirgpor for a coeple of days before going to her daughter, Mese M. Thompson and. &II-1111Si,, Chleago: Mr. and Mrs, V. A. Featherston arrived home at noon on Tuesday, after having enjoyed a trip to Florida, which extended for four weeks. They had a good trip home but were held up a day at Lottieville Kentucky, with the snow. Mr, and Mrs. Colin Campbell, spent Thursday and Friday, at the home farm on the Bronson Liee, with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Camp- bell. During their absence, Ws. Sherlock Keys, Varna, cared for her mother, Mrs, D. MacKenzie, Sr, Grass JJ'ire.. The Bayfield Fire Department answered a call to the. farm of Miss Gertrude McGee on Tuesday morning, at about eleven o'clock. By the time they arrived a grass fire had been extinguished. Baptism The Reverend E. B, Harrison, rector of Trinity Church officiated at the baptism of Nancy Louise, infant daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Carson Fawcett, on Sunday after- noon at two o'clock, The god parents were Mrs, R. H, F. Gaird- leer, Miss Dorothy, Ann lefeLeod End Robert MacLeod. Owing to the indisposition of the baby's grandfather, L. H, D. MacLeod, the service was held at his home, so that he could be present. Brother !files Spencer Efivine received word of the death of his brother, Clarence Ervine, 45, Who died suddenly at Penitanguiehene on March 12, 195$. The funeral was held from the Lodge Funeral -Rome, Goder- ich. on Saturday, March 15, and interment was in Maitland' Cem- etery. Attending - the funeral from Bayfield were: Mr: and Mrs. Spen- der ,Ervine, Charles and John Scotchmer and Leslie Elliott, Scouts Auxiliary Appoint Member To Connuittee at the home of Mrs, Lloyd. Scotch, mer, with 11 membere. present. Cameron presided, 'Ibe secretary's and Scouts met Tuesday evening, The „president, Mrs, James A. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Cubs report and roll gall were given by ,Mrs, Roy Fit4simoris, The treae, ueer's statement was presented by Mrs. Wilfred Castle, Vire, Reg, Francis representative to the group! committee .asked to be relieved of that office, A mot- ion was passed that Mrs, Lloyd Seotclunee would be the represen- tative, with Mrs, 3, A, Cameron, There was some discussion regar- ding the Scout course in Licari on Wednesday, 11/ferch The president thanked Mrs. Scotehrner for her hospitality, Next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 20, at the home of Mrs. Wil- fred Castle, After closing with the Scout Mother's Benediction, the hostess servefl lunch, of Mrs. R. J. Larson, on. Tuesday evening, March 11, Mrs, Percy Weston presided for the quiet business session. Nine members were present. In the absence of Mrs. Merton Merrier, Mrs. Roy Fitzsimons act- ed as secretary arid Mrs, Fred Weston gave the treasurer's re- port. Severe], articles were 'turn- ed in for the bazaar. The rector closed the meeting with prayer, after which the hos- tess served refreshments. Fair Board Harold Penhale, president, chaired the Meeting of the direc- tors of the Bayfield Agricultural Society in the Town Hall, on Monday evening. The annual dance to be held in ,Easter week was left to the en- tertainment committee to arran- ge: The convener is Orval Me- Clinchey. It is expected that Field Crop Competition in oats will be spon- sored by the society this year. The committee in charge is Allen Armstrong, Grant Stirling and Ben Rathwell. Collectors were appointed to so- Melt advertisers in the District, Willing Workers The monthly meeting of the Willing Workers of St. Andrew's United Church was held on Wed- nesday, March 12, at the home of Mrs. Robert Blair. Thirteen mem- bers and two. visitors were pres- ent. The meeting opened with the Willing Workers prayer said in unison. The president, Mrs. Arnold Mak- ins chose as her topic "God Talk- ing",followed by prayer. The gift far the day was brought by Mrs. Logan Cleave and was won by Mrs. Reg, Francis. It was decided to carry the Round Robin Supper, plan through 1958, A letter was read from Mrs. Fred Simian at Capreol, Ontario, thanking the group for a box of used clothing sent• to them for distribution from the school car. An auction sale was conducted with Mrs. Logan Cleave • as auc- tioneer. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction and lunch was served by the hostess, The April meeting will be held on the ninth, at the home of Mrs. Reg. Francis. 0 Everyone Reads and Uses the WANT ADS VIERIPMEK51.11 1."-' our :M91104 ePri:e0R94000t) For the past 24 years, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weston have operated the little drug store on gam They are well known to vilag ors and summer visitors alike, Many people have enjoyed chatting with them while restieg on the bench on the platform .aTter walk- ing up or down for the morning or evening paper in the summer heat. November they decided that time had come te retire from this business and Foo sold it to 1. V laam a On n ev,vaanerage.:net active November Weston, :noi:Metprras.thfollf,tabuFd!nrtoevetrro.erre, Gregor Square, Last Monday they com- menced to build a cottage on Clan settled. reew abode and tcokaten buPiledrincy Westong andbusinpeusrschafereonid the the 114nerya: iDtrelernarie Estate, and en- Henry Drehamann, a tailor had lost his home and shop in the dis- astrous fire on Main Street which levelled three buildings in Novem- ber 1922. He purchased the cern- era block building erected and used by Dr, G. W. M. Smith for some years as his office (Die Smith joined the armed forces when war broke out in 1914, and remained in Britain at the con- clusion of hostilities). Here, in addition to his tailoring business', Henry Drehmann stock- ed proprietory medicines and gifts, etc, This was the beginning of busin- ess what under Mrs. Weston's manage- ment.grew into- a thriving In greeting the public• arid serv- ing their need, she has watched a whole generation of children choose a scribbler, a pencil or stu- dy the various- jars containing cane dy before making a decision to buy. Now the children of those young- sters whom she first served are following in their parents foots- teps-the only difference being that in most cases it' now takes purchase. Their of pennies far the Their meny friends wish them happiness in their retirement and also extend a welcome to their successors, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Ut- ter, as Bayfield retail merchants. Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Utter took possession of the business on Mon- day and are busy re-modelling the the shop, and dwelling. They also are quite well known here, having operated the Cities Service Gas Station and luncheroom,for almost HARRY WILL'IAM‘g- WIENRIMOMINOIMINIMMIEMISMINSISISMIUMP six and half yeAr$. Prior to that' they managed a tourist home at Bright's Grove for an' American firm, Forrester, Goderich, form-erly Of Luelmow, has 'taken over the management of the Cities Ser- vice Gas - Station. He formerly worked with the ComPally as a truck d4rgiv?e,r. We welcome him to, I Rubber Stamps and Marking Devices of every description Also , Stamp Pads Sold by _Clinton News-Record .4,91NONINP414141 4141,11VOINNO NOTICE to FARMERS Interested In A CASH GR 0 P CONTRACTS TO GROW CUCUMBERS for the H. J. HEINZ Company of Canada Ltd. are still Available. MARKET and PRICES Are GUARANTEED. For further information or Contract, contact Leonard Dawson, Teeswater, Phone Collect Teeswater 131 r 3 12p neeeeeeee.e.,...,....e.emeeeeeee YOUR CITIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR Phone HU 2-9053 Western. Ontario Consignment Sale Shorthorn Cattle 25 HEAD - 13 BULLS AND 12 FEMALES WEDS ESDAY, MARCH 26th EXHIBITION GROUNDS, STRATFORD Bonus will be paid to purchasers of bulls. All cattle have been inspected for the sale. Females include cows with calves by side, bred heifers, same choice open hei fern. SALES MANAGER, L. J. WHITE, St. Marys, Box 241, Ontario Mar p Wag. air e is Goingg MOW ‘1 NE/6//80oRe,7; DffiNfiriaif 0 #00yesioav 046 ' meAramm MAtraAre IMFOAV 60/Aff TO 1:f/Olg AIR ANEW 006S ui 4'4' 6" Isem374,- VES-S/REEE FRIENDS, pm itEASOil OT ENTERTAINIMP YOU 1$ Akt illeN,Ehe t :Venni BE SEEIAIS Alt NI fr711:AOSF JACK SCRUTON e MgUna Knox WMS The Women's Missionary Soc- iety of Knox Presbyterian Chur- ch, met on Wednesday afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. J. J. Richardson. Mrs. W. R. Talbot, president, conducted the opening exercises, Mrs* Milton Heard read the Scrip- ture. Routine business session follow- ed the chapter of the study book on Japan, with all members tak- ing part. •The hostess served tea, Trinity Guild The Reverend E. J. B. Harrison opened the meeting of Trinity In, Church Guild, held at the home Victoria Street, Clinton RT. 4111910V,41 FOR EVERYTHING IN PETROLEUM PRODUCTS MENNO MARTIN, R.R. 2, Zurich, Phone 698 r 3 Henson #4444-4.4-.4-44-44+-4-.4....4-41444444.44-.4444.44-44*-444444.+44•4444-04-• Tenders are invited by the Township. of Tuckersmith for the construction of the Second Concession Municipal Drain under Byelaw No, 12, 1957, consisting of 1060 lineal feet of tile drain, 1 catch basin, 1 field stone protection, Tile Will be supplied by the township and contractor must supply all other requirements. A marked cheque for 10 percent of the amount of tender must accompany each tender, arid contractor is asked to state earliest possible starting date. Tenders to be in the clerk's hands by 4 p.m. April 1st, 1958, Plans and specifications may be seen at the clerk's office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, R.R. 4, Seaforth, Ont. 12-13-b TENDER TOWN SHIP OF TUCKERSMITH thank you who patronized me last year, and Solicit your enntinned patronage. (Signed) THE FRENCH CANADIAN STALLION Deland De Cap Rouge Will again stand at stud oh the farm of the undersigned On Lot 7, Concession 12, Stanley. Anyone interested in raising horses, With whom I was not In contact laSt year, Should get in touch with one by mail, at RH 2, Zurich, Or by telephone at 698 r 81, Denson. expect to take him on the read a, couple of days Oath Week dniisig ,hone and July, health permitting, reach- ing the vicinities of Bayfield, Varna, Brueefield, Kippen, DaaltwOod and Zurich. THE,H1614 GRADE OIL WE PROUDLY SEND, IS ALWAYS BOUND TO MAKE A FRIEND Phone RV 2-665P 111111111111111111111111111 11 111111111 COWER/ACTS Are Now Available For Barley Montealm and. Kindred Oats - Rodney and Garry Fertilizer Supplied SEED GRAIN Registered - -Certified - Commercial BRANT BARLEY, GARY & RODNEY OATS At Attractive Prices SEED BEANS We also Have Michigan No. 1 Certified ' SAN ILAC SEED ORDER NOW! Avoid Disappointment Later On Cook Bros. Milling Co. PHONE 24 Limited HENSALL 12-14-16-b 11111111111111111111111111111111M111111111111111111111111111111111 111 1 11 11 1111111 III 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111 111111111 II 1111111111111 I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 11