HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-03-20, Page 5'MN:WOW 3,05$ NOTICE OF MEETING Clinton Progressive-Conservative Association Committee Room (Former NewiceMbe's „Drug Store) FRJDAY, MARCH 21,8.30 p.m. ELSTON CARDIFF„ Candidate, WILL ATTEND Everybody. Welcome FUONE HU 2-$383 Published by' Clinton. Progressive Conservative Association Wesley-Willis Stresses Itish Theme St. Patrick Is Honoured At Bazaar erF PAGE. PPM. 7r. 11,7•1!".' Spring jewellery Lovely new creations by DAFRI haye arrived and are On display in our window. New Earrings, Necklets, Pins, Medallions, Twin--Ups, Bracelets and Ropes, oll at attractlyely low prim. For the Younger $et, we have the latest in LONG CHAIN MEDALLIONS:in a variety of.. new styles. Be sure to see them soon! ounteris Jewellery IF CLOTHES COULD TALK, they would tell you about the care that went into their making. YOUR CLOTHES would tell you, too, *about the importance of dry cleaning; how it helps clothes retain that fresh-from-the-tailor look. MODERN DRY CLEANING is odourless and gentle; won't harm .the most delicate silks nod woollens and actually makes clothes last longer. YOU CAN GIVE YOUR CLOTHES the care they deserve by taking them to our plant regularly. We will give you fast, friendly expert service. WE CARE ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES Or -4. • 'CLINTON LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANING CLINTON Dial 1-11U 2-7061 417":"."1 Clark's Beans with Pork 20 oz. I.G.A. or Aylmer Peas 15 oz. Simoniz Paste Wax Robin Hood family size Cake Mix Chocolate or Del Monte Tomato Juice Kadana Tea Bags 100s Produce CARROTS, 2 bags 25c PINEAPPLES, 12s, 3 .for 8/c DELICIOUS APPLES 88's 5 for 29c FLORIDA ORANGFAS 252s, doZ. ..... ...... 37c lb. White 48_ oz. 2 for 33c 2 for 23c 73c 31c 27c 73c SAVE IGA BONUS GOLD CASH REGISTER SLIPS — IT WILL PAY YOUI CLINTON MARKET CIOUNVE OF ISAAC AND .MART. slatEnTs CLINTON • al Meats : IN Tablerite ROUND STEAK, or RUMP ROAST, lb. 69c -BONE, SIRLOIN or WING STEAKS, lb. 79c Tablerite SIDE BACON No. 1 Rindiess, lb. pa l o. Tablerite Sliced BOLOGNA, pkg. 33c VAI14YWEARA{4 OVERCOATl INSIDE—W[1EN EXPERT HEATING te, OUR PRIDE? EXTRA ENERGY EXTRA ESISTANCE Clinics for crippled children, are a very im- portant function in the program that is conduc- ted by the Easter Seal service Clubs in Ontario arid the Ontario' Society for Crippled. Children. Ilundreds of parents are able to have their child- ren examined by specialists at these clinics and receive expert advice that they might not nor- Melly have the privii,ige of receiving. Easter Seal dollars make these clinics possible. The campaign rims until April 6th and has as proV- inoial Objective of $750,000, Send Your Donations to Mel trith, Box 242, Clinton, Ont„ Treasurer of Clinton Lions Club Easter Soo! Committee. Unbreakable Durable plastic $3.98 Three sizes, handy for all MIX. Mg jobs. Wide lips on each side for easy spill-proof pour- ing, Colorful, sanitary--so easy to clean. Sutter-Perdue LIMITED "Your reigidalre Dealer" PHONE HU 24023 Albert Street -- Clinton The Ws tare Association of Wesley' Willis United Church held a successful St, pgplek's bazaar and. tea, On, Saturday afternoon, March 15, from three to six O'clock. Mrs. J. Az'MQ.Kinl., honorary ore., Sident and, 'lgr&. 'rank Andrews. president, recolyed the guests at the entrance to the lecture room where boothse were set up for home baking, aprons, novelties and homemade candy, Mrs: Merritt Nedtger was hostess for the tea rem,' • ..'k5.1,e 'baiting booth was convened by Mrs. 1\Tediger and Mrs, liar. old Adams, assisted by Mrs. E. Sliiipley,•Mrs, E. Hug 1,11, Mrs, Cam- eron, Mrs, G. Wallis, Miss Luella Walkinshaw, The novelty and apron booth, was convened by Mrs. Nelsen, as- sisted by Mrs, F, Potter, Mrs. A,. Uvermore, Mrs. D, Cornish, Mrs. R. Jenkins and Mrs. S. Doucette. The social committee conveners were; Mrs, M. • Steepe, Mrs. G. Beattie, 1VIra. G. Manning and Mrs. MeLarn, Pouring tea at the charmingly arranged table set with white lin, en, tall green tapers, daffodils and puesyWillows, were:. Mrs. N, Steep- MARCONI TV herd, Mrs. D. Traidlaw, WS, -Cox- less and Mrs, W. Nott, - 'rabies for fear arranged with centres of spring flowers. were in liargo of Mrs. D. Andrews, Mrs. C. .Hugill, Mrs. W, Holland, Mrs. D. .Bartliff, Mrs, P. Livermore; Mrs, W. Jervis, Mrs. D. Bisback, Mrs, G, Smith and Dorcthy Stir.. ling* Kitchell helpers were: Mrs. G. Manning, Mrs., Jean Sinclair, Mrs, Steep, Mrs.I). Miller, Mrs. T.,e4 Xneehtel, No. Beatty, Mrs. J. McLaren, Mrs, Pinning, Mrs. )3, Riley, Mrs, M. Addison, and -Mrs. DenMson. Decorating was in charge of Mrs, rFed Potter, The candy both for the Mission Band was in the charge of Mrs. Lowe and Mrs. Dennison, assisted by Linda Dales, Mary MeKim, Doug, .Currie and Jim COX. A table of cancer information was. supervised by Mrs. D. Pegg and Mrs. D. Ball, - A. Y. MoL,ean, Seaforth, was the guest speaker at a Young Liberals Rally, held in the town hall, Hen- sail, on Friday night. George Re- they, Exeter, was chairman of the meeting, and others taking part were Hugh Hawkins, Clinton, pre- sident of the Huron Liberals As- sociation, W. G, Cochrane, Exeter, Liberal candidate in the March al election and James Taylor. Hensall. In openig the meeting, Mr. Re- aler urged the younger generation to organize, and take more inter- est •in politics. He asked all young people to look ahead, and think which party can do the most good Summerhill. Club Plan Future 'Events; Play Bingo The SummerhiII Ladies Club met at the home of Mrs. Charles Merrill, with 22 members and six visitors present. Thank you notes were read from Mrs, William Lov- ett, Mrs. Johnston, the Vodden family and the Children's Aid Soc- iety. A letter was read from Bob McLean from Germany. Mrs. Percy Gibbings and Mrs. Charlie Merrill gave a report on the hospital auxiliary meeting they attended. Mrs. William Jenkins and Mrs. .Nornian Wright are to attend the April meeting. The club decided to replace the shield for the Mullett Music Festi- val. They made plans to hold a card party on April 8, with each member inviting a, couple. They made ,d6natieri a $10 to the Easter seal Campaign. • The pro- gram consisted of four games of binge by Mrs. Ivan Hoggart, a reading by Mrs. Russell Good, and a -contest by Mrs, Chester Far- quhar,' The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. William Murch. Those on the program are Mrs. Wes Hoggart, Mrs. William Jen- kins, Mrs. Ross Lovett and Mrs. Donald McLean. Lunch commit- tee Mrs. Clark Ball, Mrs. Dennis Penfound, Mrs. Ezra Ellis and Mrs. Peter Westerhout. MINISTER TO APPEAR ON KITCHENER, TV Rev. Thomas Rutherford, Kitch- ener, formerly of Clinton, will ap- pear on CKCO, channel is, Kitch- ener on the Minister's Study pro- gram at 1.30 p.m. from March 24 to March 28, Rediefeemethe Mrs.. A. To • .Funeral service was held. on Tharsclay, February 'V, at the And M!,Itch funeral home, ajn., ton, for .Hanna .Elizabeth C4011, widow of the late Amos Town- sand, who passed away in Tucker- smith Township, on Tuesday, Feb, ruary 25. The p,ev, Grant Kills, Clinton, minister of Turner's VP-ited Church, of which the de- ceased was a member, conducted the service, Pall-bearers were Herman and nelson Crich, Alec Townsend, Hem. neth Lane, Lloyd Walters and Tiob- ert Campbell, Interment was fn Turner's Church cemetery. Born in .Tuckersmitil Township, the son of George Crieh and Ann Cep Per, Mre. Towneend lived in that township for all .of her 82 years, In 1894 she married Amos Townsend, who died 20 years ago. Surviving are two sons, Elmer, Tuckersmith and Raymond, Sea- forth; one daughter, ,Mrs, Frank (Ili) Waiters, FeR. 5, Clinton; 15 grandchildren and 15 great grand- children. Another brother Joseph, predeaceased her two years ago. for them. Mr. McLean told of the active part 'young Liberals have • been taking in the organization of the Cochrane campaign. He described the enthusiastic support that was being received by electors of the riding, and how excellent a cam- paign Bill Cochrane was carrying out. After condeming the actions of the Diefenbaker government, Mr. McLean said, "This election is one of the most important ever called in the Dominion of Canada, and the prosperity of the country depends upon its verdict," He ur- ged all young Liberals to get their friends out and vote in sup- port of the Liberal party. Hugh Hawkins, president of the Huron Liberal Association, told of the importance of having a young candidate such as Bill Cochrane, and the great success they were having through the riding, Bill Cochrane, the candidate in the forthcoming election, thanked the people for the confidence shown in, him, and asked for the help of all young Liberals. He also told of the interest being shown by the younger people throughout the riding, and stated that with the leadership of a man like Lester B. Pearson, the Liberal party could not fail. •CLUelTON NEWS.n.mop,ri aboOt,your clothes MODEL 10111.7 17" Set Available With Matching Base The Citation Series 'You're in for a pleasant surprise when you look at the price tag on this pop- ular series! Never before have you had the oppor- tunity to get so many qual- ity features,, to enjoy such superb performance, Clinton Electric Shop D. W. CORNISH, Proprietor Your WESTINGHOUSE Dealer HU 2-6646 — CLINTON makes food preparation so easy Young Liberals Hear A. Y. McLean Guest Speaker at Hensall Meeting taCISSMEISSI=E•Milm•••=•czsmz• WAMPOLE .E VITAMIN MINERAL CAPSULES For extra energy . for extra pro- tection against colds . ask your druggist for Wampole . al•Fer Vita- rein Mineral capsules, Start your fam- ily taking VLCal-Fer regularly today. IDA SPECIALS March 17 - 22 A.S.A. TARS, 100 19e 300 ..„ ....... 490 COD 'LIVER OIL CAPSULES Reg. $1.19 - 89e COLD CREAM 1 lb: jar 69c 1'IUDNUT EGG CREME Shampoo, reg. $1.25 98c HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, 4 oz 15c 8 oz, 23c 16 oz. 39c JACK AND JILL SPECIAL 98e and Free Chest Rub J. Sz J BABY POWDER Reg. 39c, 2 for 69c LUSTRE mom SHAMPOO Reg. 98c, 'Me "LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE Reg. 55c, 2 for 79c AQUAMARINE LOTION Reg. $2.00, for $1.25 PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM Reg. 65c, ............ ....„ 55c SUAVE HAIR DRESSING Reg. 60c, 2 for 89c DU BARRY All Large Sizes 25% OFF BRE,CK SHAMPOO with Creme Rinse $1.00 AVER DRY DEODORANT Stick or Cream Reg. $1.25 75e HALO SHAMPOO Reg. $98c .......... . 79c rwrotIE PHOTO r v. SERVICE DRUGGIST KER 2.6626 H [inter