The Wingham Times, 1889-03-22, Page 3711181P.- TTeeswater. srs.Win. and Giro. Button habought the r t it furniture business Xr, John Button. In reetuoriain. ve Lines written upon the death or Maga Mixnrn Aneas. Lower Whlgham,who died March itch, Mb bolus ad Qi; and Mourned uy scil who know her. I iunie, dearest, thou hast lett us Item to. mourn Ana weep for thee, But we know that up ill heaven mein pain mud sorrow thou art free. Thy stay, it wan sil in anmaget WI; In youth thy tiatviour took thee home; But in (leaven thou art waiting Per thy &feuds each one to Come, Tliv iibaesa was. of long duration— Death carpe slow but sure apace; But it found thee, dearest 1kIisflie, Trusting in the Saviour's grace. We know that up in that bright matins Prom pain and sorrow then art fre Aud when we meet thee there in glor Happy will tet ineetiug be Luclknow, ,k ltir lfergh lforrieou line been cbosen revieionf ly, lieutenant of the llyd Co of the Bruce battallicn and D A Ii;o- I Ihtyre Second lieuteua.at, Culross. The long pending case of Ur, H, Colvin township treasurer, against 13, Molay, was decided by judge Falcon, bridge, awarding the plaintiff $205 and Coatis, The High Court sustaiued the verdict. St. lielellB. Mr 'phorias Todd, of St Helens, butchered an ox recently, that dressed 1147 pounds and the hide of the same animal weighed 147 pounds. -Mr T Durnin, of Dakota, and Mr Thomas Derain, of St Helens, started for Manitoba with a carload of horses on. the 12th Inst,—ll'ir, John McCoy, of Fordyce, had the misfortune of getting one his horses' legs broken in a snow drift lately.—The Temperance Organ, izatiou of St Helens hold their weekly meetings on Thursday evening. The) have about 65 members and are gett ing along nicely. %%orris. Dr. Brownlee, formerly of this place has Iocated in 1Voodstock.—gr. H. H Darroch, who has carried on the bar bering business here for nearly a year, has sold out his good will to W. H Hill, late of Attwood. Mr. Darrooh goes to•Mount Forest: Mr. Hill is a gentlemanly, 'honorable and genial man and a good worktnan. _Gorrie possess- es a young Liberal. Club also a Censer votive club. Both are flourishing. Among the first discussions the young Conservative club had was "Resolved hat Canada was better under Reform aldministratiotl thau under conserva- tive. It Was decided in the affirm.. tive." This the Liberals believe to 3)e the truth for which reason they sent a Liberal representative to Otte - e wa. Turnberrv. Wfr Archibald ;McGregor has so far recovered from his rtcent illness that he expects to return to Clinton last week to continue his studies. --Mise Jennie Bryce is visiting friends in and around Belgrave this week.—Those, who took. part in the enterteinment held iu 8 8 No 6 last Fridayy evening met in committee Wednf'sthy evening '.� 4.e!transact business. Afee a moving the paylreeme of oertnin bilis Mr G' 11 alar kwei 1, tiliss A Porter and Mr A Horhutll, one of the trusteefor the section, were appointed a comnittee t^ select n. Iibrary. There is some talk of giving another entertainment in one of the neighboring sections, but we eau state netiiing defititely at present..—Rev' Mr Moorhouse will deliver a loeture in 8 8 No 5 on Fri- day evening on the subject of "Read- ing." Half of the proceeds:. will be, devoted to something of popular inter- est in the 'section the rest to the Rectory find of the English church, of Wingliam, A short musical pro - ,gramme will be provided. Morris. A large crowd attended the spelling match which took ielcied in S 8 No 7 nn Tuesday evening. Both sides were well prepared for the fleetest and afthr spelling for about three hours, Win John Roe, on one side,, and Mary LAFinlatet•, Winifred Warwick, Annie Eleton and Jennie Warwick on the other were stilt on the floor. -Thos Abram, Geo limiter and John +(lase' more from the 2nd line,,, are going . tci seek homes we understand, in the west. We wish them[ every, sucoees. The boys of the stone school are practising foot ball every day as they are anticipating amatoli With the Blue= vale team.—Wm Caselnore rots gone to Toronto for a couple of weeks, ex- pecting to return with an artifice! foot. He intends 10 engege.in lamb belying this spring —A tea•weet ng will be :held in the 13rowntowu Methodist church on 'Thursday evening March 21st. Ten will be served from 6 to 8, after which addresses , are expected from the following Rev geatieinen: Mr Scott, M A, Wingharn, Mr Mc- o Kibbee, Riuevale, Mr Pauls, Bruieels t and Mr Godfrey, of l3elgrave, True, we mourn thy sad departure, And we wise thy merry voice ; But when we think of thee in Heaven We have reason to reioice. There's a vacancy among us, But it won't be, very long;. Semi we'll meet thee up in Ifeaven, And we'll join thy happy song. May we each live ready.Cbrietians, Till this life on earth is der ; Then we shall meet thee, dearest Min On that bright, celestial shore, Gllenfarrow, March 1$th;1889. ioa Mid B. Slaughgni leering ala si 51000 General Goods. Whitechurch, BEFORE MOVING, JiM RILEY'S CMI! TQ TOWN., Jim Biley`e come to town, boys, he's now at Par- ker's place. Itis 110os1er verso to read us, with quaintand touching, ;race; 110'e billed at Treruor,t temple--ob, how Brown - Inst a stook goes !Joan, Ae'tis repeated ea thea treat, "Jim tillers come to town:" Iiow dear bis homely measure that is here than' wordy art,. And taken the very shortest cut to reach the bu, man lheart. Tho faeIiionera of tawdry verso upon his muse may frown; A m ; for all their tinseled phrase—Minit ley's came totownl The gold of hrrmaa nature throng).. his versos glints and rtlhiues, And human heart boats aro the stops that punt• tuaw the lines; l retro• Enough of joy for us to know, Jim Riley's coine to town, Boston ;Budget, Concerning the Centipede. The centipedes that live in the 'United Enough the surety tlw is his of well deserved re- States, certainly the northern states, are,. T , A„ MILLS for the moat part, harmless. But the same cannot be said of multitudes of the Teas determined to shear out the race residing in the West judice and nie>, other warm climates, in these places whole stock of the bite of the centipede is net -Only very painful, but often dangerous. Like some DRESS GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, CARPETS, centipede is against him. Centipedes are quite ready to stand on the defensive when they are attached, and when they consider themselves in danger. Their disposition to bite renders them rather troublesome bedfellows. When they get into a bed, the least• neve- went of the sleeper over whom they may be crawling, and who can hardly fail to be disturbed by their sharp, pointed feet and claws :acting on, his skin, is ehnest euro to provoke a venomous bite, which. will be frequently repeated if the mid- night visitor is not removed from the bed. The bite of thscentipede is exceedingly painful for the moment, and iS'followed, Mr. James Charters of this pia left on, Tuesday, to take charge of his father's farm in the Turtle Mountain, district Manitoba. other ordinals, the appearance of the FLANNELSxAN , TLE ce, GOODS CLOTrIS Lucltnow. Bev Dr McVicar, of Toron preached two able and effective se mons in the Baptist church hire Sunday week. Re • was prevent from being present to open the oho a fortnight ago by the snow blocked Grey. 'Judge Doyle decided that G should pay $48 arrearages as the proportion toward the expairsee of t Fourth Division Court,' and $2 each subsequent Court, and Morris township $24 arrearage acrd $1 p court, Gr TWEEDS, BLANaETS, SHAWLS, RATS AND CAPS, FURS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND to, (}LASSWARE. f - on ----0--- ed reh HE STOOK -- [8---. Fully 1l s :1rJ rtectal ir he Call and get Bargains while the for Stock is complete, Goderiebt. The town, clerk registered. 73 births, 25 marriages and 34 deaths duriu the past year. -Sheriff Gibbers ga a supper to a number of his friends fe\v evenings ago. ` The sheriff h been ,a resident. of Huron county eye unless the wound is taken care season, by great inflammation and high fever. If the insect is a large one, and the bite is�severo, life is not infrequently lost, especially if the patient is of a deli - of in THIS IS A-- tate constitution. er Bishop Heber speaks of centipedes as i (� being very large and poisonous indif£erGgnuine ..CJearIHg\alp entpartsof India. These insects have 1,� lJ occaaionally been Drought to this country ere 'nen S say.Cvlt>tIdenot mean tnerelyto b an i have made the disease of in cargoes of hides from countries wh they are abundant, nod whore their is poisonous. Some years since, a m who waa'einployedin unloading a res in Boston, lost 'Mii ii%in consequence a bite received from a centipede brought to the country in this way.—Boston Brilliant ! .Durable! ,~; Economical !l Diamond Dyes excel all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness. Rone other are just as good, Bei ware of imitations, because they are made of cheap and inferior, materials, and give poor, weak,/ cirocky colors, To be sure of success, use only the DIAMOND DyEs for coloring Dresses, Stock- ings, Yarns, . Carpets, Feathers,; Ribbons, 84c., &c. We warrant thein to color more goods, pack -:F age for package, than any other, dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Asst. for the Diamond and take no other. A Dress Dyed' Fon, i 0 NTS.. A Child can use thCin! At Druggists and Merchants. 'Dye Book fret WELLS,' R/CXARDSON & Cast Molztrreai, P. Q. • A .Coat Colored 1 Garments Renewed •c as. • Te A. MILLS., fifty years and received . numerous hearty congratulations on: thi8 oeCa ti0k1.. Your Life In Danger. Take tiros b' the forelock ere that raspin hacky coug of yours carries you where . so unit Consumptives have preceded you; lose no time, procure a bottle of the rational remedy for Lun and Bronchial Diseases, Scott's•, Emulsion of 0 Liver Oil. with Iiypophhsphitee. It will cure yo Sold by all druggists at hoc and 31'Co. • Englishmen'are coming. over to the United "States to teach the Yankees how to make beer. A -syndicate is waking extensive purchases in Ro- chester, Chicago, Milwaukee and othe places, their investments iu brewerie amounting to •$6,000,000 or $7,000,. 000. Even though the Yankees 'men' the 'ups their beer has a big sale am she money invested a big interest Hence the .Englisbnieli's interest. Tun fay. G}so. T3, Tema, of Bourbon Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to ,`iHILog's: CONstmipTIo1 CJutu For sale by 0. 1 . Williaws. The case against the Bev. W F Wil- son, of Toronto, arrested for refusing to hove on when ordered by it police, man to do so, Was dismissed by the County Judge. .A. NAsat, INsacroa free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy, Price 60 cents. For sale by C. E. Williams, Over 700 settlers for Manitoba passed through North Bay on Wed- nesday, a considerable proportion of thorn being from 1Veeteru Ontario. Foa DalarlieBIA and Liver Complaint you hare a printed guaran.ee on every bottle of Shiioled vituilxer. It never falls to cure. For sale by C. E. \vlllia,i , - Ste of the Red Flag. g, Oat Neal Mill Opened. by but The undersigned desire to inform farm- s ere and . the people generally that they have od reopened their ant 1 JelI iii in WIngham, -'1- And are now prepared to purchase Oats in unlimited quantities and at the Highest arkct Pries. ite trop them for m tirite, anvisit/lye yaw- se' h m re+• horn again. 112EAH A e,�r I of WITS EPILEPSY or, :. PALLING SICKNESS; Alifolong stud, . I WA1tBAte.mygremedyto, Donn the worst cases, Because others have iailed'sno reason for not now receiving a cure. Bend at once for a treatise and arltsa BOTTLbl Ot ip9 INPALLIHLIr'RRMEDY. Give Ex yeas and Post OIIioe. It costa you flotillas,ai trial,. and it will eureyou. Addrese Dr, &.q•, ROOT. 87 Yonge St., Termite;. �'1N1►�i1'sgYzil,kilYaalrlaa 1119.. SoItd Gold Watch. Sold ror 10until lately, Beat 486 watch In the world. Perfect timekeeper. War- ranted. Henry S14, thole Hoisting Cases Both ,iodine and gents' meso, with work,' •' and cues of equal wane. OnePerson tneelk1.�t caltiy can setons one .faai' together with oar largo and., - noble lino of Eioneehold Samples. These 'empire, 11 well as the watch, we send Free, and after you herb kept VIM in your home for A month, and shown them to thele who may have called, they become year own proiy,,arty Thane. v.ho write at supe can be sore or Meshing Watch and Famishes. We y all, impress, freight, etc. Address Salmon es Ob.. los $12, Potsherd, Maine. Budget. • A Tenacious Memory. Up in North Georgia some .years ago there was a young farmer wlio was as poor as Job's- turkey. Ile was very norant, and did not even know his let- ters. ' One day a tourist paused to rest under a. tree where the farmer was eat ng dinner and recited a pretty poem. The young Iran was pleased with it, and the stranger gave him a written copy. But it was useless to a man who could not read, and the traveler had to go over it with his finger, pointing out each word and letter. After his friend left, the countryman went home and . took his r will supply cestotnera with the Baer first writing lesson from the written G11.11/81 ill Oat Deal, poem. Ono letter was urissing—the let- _ ter Z. The next day 11e walked five t ELDER G L EGG miles to see a neighbor who showed him how to make it, and then he wag master cl . W TN' GFI3AM - - ONT of the alphabet. Ile got aa'spelling book and a reader, and studied them bya pine knot fire. Two years later he visited It is claimed that two professore# connected with the Pasteur Institute have discovered the generative microbe' of diphtheria, and that a preventative of this disease by means of vaccine virus is expected to foliose. Crrelieve oSup#Wh pinng04,Kh anti Croon 0 riel or sale by O, lw Willianhe. Wiius is pn evening star in March, er period of'greatest brilliancy occurs n the 25th, when, as well as during whole month, elle shines like a y' ng 111oo11, casts a shadow, and id' visible at noonday In the presence of he sun himself. After that time her ight grows dim, as she rapidly ap- roaches the sun and draws near the close o£ her career as evening star, Consumption Surely Cured. t To bin Eniroa t •-l'leabe' inform your readers that I 1 halm y its timely use°th>ousaindst of hopeless " eel°ri e - boon cured, 1 shall be glad to send two bottles of ley remedy vets;; to any of your resident who have consumption it they will send int their Ex�prbeb and 11,address, Respectfully, 1)a. T. A. JLOOUM VT 0.nga St., 'Drente, Ont. 6 The Sheep breeders of Canada or- ganized themselves at a meeting held ie gui,e'il.ihuhut,, in r1'urmitts e tt WIlY will you cough when Shiloh's Cure will Ova you immediate relief'fi Price 10e, Oa, and al. For ;sale by' 0. i .Williams. The spanked child soon finds out Who has the upper hand in the douses. 1 Mercer university; at Penfield, during vacation time, and the professors showed ■ hint through the building. "Ho ques- tioned me for an hour," said the profes- sor of chemistry, "and went away lnow- ing more about the science than some young men who have studiied it two terms." "And I talked with • him an hour," said the professor of English literature, "and he extracted from me enough information to fx11 a. volume." The young feilpw had a w onderfulmem- eery It stuck to everything. Re en- tered the university and became noted for his strong, clear style and his varied attainrllents.e-Macon (Ga.) Telegraph. The liiigher Education of 'Women. , ;a rr;, ,;u,sow 1 1 i, A es w k, laXtss Moon, (they have been discussing orchids)—And now, professor, I want �7 o GY TT r.TTyou to tell ole all about the plant from ° IC NS��E'S which electricitYisAzade. S. G•RAGEY, Undertaker, Ingham. Photograph Professor Hoholpthv (agllnst?---The X611 ' which? c Miss Bacon-eYou certainly must have heard of it. Father says its high cost Long Experience, close attention ands` prevents the general use of electric light - unexcelled facilities, enables me ing—I mean the electric plant.--I3ar- • ' to turn out uniformly a glass of per's Bazar. work equal to thatof any Alaska and lits sortie. Gallery intim west, The Alaska sells have Dai nelo Sam 1`Worl of every description artiiz• *tally, promptly and satisfactorily done. CABINETS .AND FAMILY 'CIjnUPS —A. SPECIALTY., A Large Assortment of Frei -nes 00 Per for Alaska, 'which cost hi 7,000,000. Since 1870 the Alaska Commercial coin- pang herr paidtho,governnont 58,501,100 or sealtxkillecl. The customs duty (rani Alaska seat] skins dressed iniEurope have yielded in. ro'aintl numbers about 4,000,- 000. Br the View contract with the coin- alxy'thotidied States is to receive 850, - per exunn l for ten years and $6.60 hoard tor each seal taken, the annual eh to be limited to 100,000 seals.— Crank Leslie s Newspaper kept constartly on hand. Prices ha IOW as are consistent with good work eat 1VX SSC MISS MUD O MCi:IAlltl ''. cal et,:tssns 14"011. tl srlltrtrrin:�r 4111 PIANO AN re Mow; Bemis i la Br,Avlsn BlarChi, he circumfereiuco of the neck mei the :of the leg are the tone. The cir- inference of the neck equals twice the unrferenceof the Wrist. Three times• circumecrenee i tile head o eialit the t,r tau, in voice Culture and 1larah0,1), tit) itrngth of Wei, ,Nuys a 111 (18ir<5.- is the oldest and most popular scientific nod mechanical paper published and bas the largest circulation of any paper of its Masan' the world. Fully illustrated. Beat class of Wood Enemy. Inge. Published weekly. Send forspecimen copy. Price 2.3 a year. Four months' tral, 51. 511.1 MN atr C.0., PIIBLIs1Lrits, Stn Broadway, ICY. ARCHITECTS 8UHLDERQ Edition of Scientific Aulerioan. A groat success. Each issue contains colored lithographic plates of country and etty residen- cee or publto buildings. Numerous engravings: and full plans and specifications for the use of such as contemplate budding. Price t2.6e a year. 25 eta. a copy. MUNN .t C0., PUBassusuti. m be seaur- 'ed bj' �_�Aa]]�� ly- PATENTS `1G g00., W 110 hevehndooer years' expertenoo and have made over 1,000 applications for Atoeldcan and For-gn patents, Send for }landbook. Correa. pondence strictly confidential. TRADE MARKS. In case your nark Is not registered to the Pat- ent Office, apply to'MUNN & Co. and procure. Immediate protection. Bend for handbook. OOPY'RIGIITI for books, charts, maps. ` eto,. quickly procured. Address INV/NN ei: CO., Patent Solicitors. GgnzlLAL Orr= t 801 Ina/AMWAY. N. Y ^- CLUBBING ltaTES. Any of tho following Metropolitan weeklies ern h•* o` tained with the Whtghanr Tates at the figures held Sven. Balance 'of 'SS free Tu Tulsa and Globe.. miss, Mail, and Farm and Fireside, Tenn, Globe and Rural Oahadlan, .. . 2 00 Tisza and London Advertiser, 1 75 Thailtd and Montreal Witness, .. .. 1 75 Tams and Toronto Nowe, .. .. .. . 1 e.. Tines and'dalty World2 7' •'limas dndweekly News with premum, "Christ before Pilate;',. .. 1 It Also, "Fathers of Confederation." . ,. CJS,►-,.. A rtHOLSTEIN BULL ()ALF Owned by Jame* Lliiett, illuevalc. Bred by i . ltnllert, Nesel, n lt., Date of birth, AprilSire, Ilerhters end no, trod. If. tri. ti'. 132 3 1I.P Ibv X1 l' ls. - i i *' set Ont. Ihten r•- /LILir«a.,ai w... a.yd..,.0 Pomo and *ea the herd4 ry