HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-03-13, Page 10 VALUES CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedan, fully equip- ped, with automatic transmission $2,495 CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedan, fully equip- ped $2,495 2-1956 PONTIACS, Deluxe Sedan. and Coach, automatic, fully equipped $2,095 2-1956 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDANS, auto- matic ' fully equipped $2,095 1956 FORD CUSTOM LINE SEDAN, auto- matic, fully equipped $1,995 1954 CHEVROLET DELUXE COACH, power glide $1,450 1954 CHEVROLET STANDARD SEDAN„ $1,295 1954 DODGE Regent Sedan $1,395 1954 METEOR 2-Door Hardtop, automatic transmission, fully equipped $1,495 -4.1953 METEOR COACH $1,095 1953-.,METEOR SEDAN, automatic $1,295 1953 FORD SEDAN $1,095 1952 PONTIAC COACH $ 795 1951 CHEVROLET, automatic, fully equip- ped, hard top $ 750 TRUCKS 1954 G.M.C. 1/2 TON $ 795 1950 G.M.C. 1/2 TON $ 250 MANY OTHER OLDER MODELS Number of 1950 and 1951 1/2 TON PANEL TRUCKS, various models Cars can be Driven Away at the Prices Listed in this Advertisement. Brussels Motors Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealer BRUSSELS, ONT. PHONE 73X 1957 1957 1957 $2,295 PONTIAC DELUXE, automatic, fully equipped aunty Farm Forums TI-KMACkiAX,, MARCH 13, 19084 lerlendlf VOW (Ay Mrs. F. The Friendly ; Few Farm ;Forum Met at the home; of Mr, and Mrs. Jewitt, with a good at- tendance The discussion was on Women ins Organizations, .The, Forum, thought women should be in organizations and in Constance community they are. , They won- dered why a woman has , to be 50 percent better than a man to hold office and agreed the men want the women to be in the farm organizations, The Junior Institute is in the community and it is good training for the yoUng students. They - stand side by side with the. Jun- ior FarmerS. Girls are .takirig "part in calf .clubs, Farmers' dau- ghters can grow up in an interest of the farm and farm organizations as well as the capable housewife and mother. • Progressive euchre Was 'played and prizes went to, high, Mrs, Frank Riley and Verne Dale; low, Mrs: Howard Preszcatore and Mar- garet McGregor, Mr. and Mrs; Verne Dale invited the forum to. their home for the next meet- ing..Mrs. Kenneth. Preszcator will serve .lunch. • Total commercial meat output Tin Canada. during 1957 .amounted' to .35,000,000 pounds or five per- cent . over 1956. - • SS 4 VATA4 f'ernra, •(3y rdrs. Tra Merrill) The Farm Forum topic for last week was "Ladies and Gentlemen"' and the SS 4 Goderich Township Forum met on Thursday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Lai) for the TV program, which consisted of a very lively debate between ladies and gentlemen, with Mrs, G. Greig, president of Huron Farm. Forum and vice-pres- ident of the Provincial Forum tak- ing part. • The forum members believe that men and women should work tn- gether in their organizations. It was suggested that a type of nursery service for the meetings would enable the young mothers to attend. If the young people were inter- eked the organizations would have more vitality. Meetings. should be. well advertised and women should be "cordially invited" so that they would feel welcome. For recreation "500' was played. Lunch was served. The • next meeting will be Thursday night at the home .of Mr, and Mrs, Bert Lobb. , Labor department authorities report that more than 30,000 new ;jobs were created in the construc- tion industry in Canada during 1957. (WAKE Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Reid and family, London, spent the weekend with Mr,. and Mrs. Luther San,ncl* ers, Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Dexter visited Mr, and Mrs, Austin Dex- ter on Monday.. Mr, and Mrs, Robert Woods and' Debbie, Ajax, visited the lady's. parents', Mr, and Mrs, Frank Riley and: Douglas over the weekend, 'Mr. and Mrs, Howard Ptreszcat- or and family spent the weekend With. relatives in Exeter, 'Miss Muriel Dale, Brampton, visited ber'parents, r. arid 'Mrs, Verne Dale over the weekend. Miller Adams is a patient in Clin- ton Public Hospital.. Congratulations to Miss Joyce Brown; in receiving 87 on her grade 1 music. theory,;exam,' Joyce is a pupil of Mrs. William Collins. Seaforth. Farm experts estimate a 45,- 000,000-bushel loss to Canada in wheat • sales in the current crop year as a result of Amenican wh- eat "dumping" in export markets where Canada heretofore has sold, The ()marl,: Wheat producers annual meeting was held in the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, March 5, Reg, Myers, Chatham 'Was re turned as president and Russell Bolton, _RR 1, Dublin, as zone dir- ector for Rpm, Perth, Brnee. and Grey counties, Edgar Lemon, Owen Sound, elected director at large for this area, The allocation. of. delegates, ;for the present, is on the number of .acres sown but as soon AS, statistics are available on the number of bushels sold the al- location will be made on that bas- is, probably two years hence. Mn Myers, in his address,- s tated that unless something is done within the next two years agri- culture in the ,United Mates will be controlled by large torporat- iOnS. We, in Canada will soon be in tile same position if we fail ;to make use of the marketing legis, According to Mr. *Myers the per- centage of the consumers food dollar that the producers receives• has dropped from 56 percent to 40 percent in the past five years. Any increase in efficiency that has been gained by the farmer has re- sulted in a reduced price to the consumer rather than an increase in income to the farmer. Mr. Myers also suggested that there was need for improved grad- ing regulations at the producer level. Compensation should be .ar, ranged so that storage costs pan be added whether the grain is stored on the farm or in an Oh ^vAtOr. -One thing, urgently need- ed is producer-owned or at least producer: controlled storage, Freight subsidies on western grain are working A re+41.11,Etrdsi# on Ontario producers of wheat but perhaps the greatest weakness of the past has been the flack of ac- curate statistics on production and sale of this product, As soon as the Marketing Boaril begins open, ating,; this information will become available and will, prove very val- uable when the Board negotiates a price, 0 Predict 100 Percent Open Market Hog Sales Soon Predictions that 100 percent of Ontario hogs would be moving through the marketing points of Ontario bog producers were made at the two-day annual meeting of the Ontario Hog Producers' Assoc- iation and Marketing Board; held in; Toronto, March 3 and 4. Charles W. McInnes, president of the association, and Eldred Aik- en, chairman of the Marketing Board, reported that about 80 per cent of Ontario hOg production is now moving through marketing points. and .the other 20 percent would very likely be directed through these points by the end of 1958. General-manager Jake Kohler, and Secretary James Boynton placed heavy emphasis on need for continuing information to produc- ers. now that a large percentage of Ontario hogs are moving through marketing points. A feature of the two-day session was a panel discussion dealing with vertical' integration. Mem- bers of the panel discussed the trend towards contact farming and pointed up, the; many dangers which faced producers in this type of farming. The meeting called for research in the field of transportation and the matter of establishing mark- eting points at economic locations. Delegates at the meeting were ur- ged to consider the possibility of establishing. co-operative market- ing points which are; owned and controlled by farmers themesleves. The Burford marketing point was cited as an example of this form of co-operative effort. Notice Regarding Pipe Line In view of the pipe line, crossing the township of TuckerStrith, the Federation advises farmers before signing a contract, to contact the Federation of Agrioul- twre. Signed, BILL ROGERSON, Presidiont JOHN BROADFOOT, Seo.:Treos. TUCKERSMITH FEDERATION OF 'AGRICULTURE, 3.0-11-b _ _........4 PAGE TRN CLINTON IMWS-RIMORP, Federation Heldman Comments On Wheat Producers Annual Meeting (By ,Y. Carl Hemingway) The Sunday School held a social evening in the church on Wednes- day evening of last week. Owing to sickness and exams the attend- ance was small, Tern Allan, Lon- desboro showed colored 'slides that' were very interesting' along with a local program. Mrs, James Dale, who has been a patient in - Seaforth Hospital for the last four months returned lation which our Provincial and to her home on Saturday, Federal Governments have made available to us. USE AUTOMATIC LAUNDRY APPLIANCES live better. ELECTRICALLY Enjoy new freedom—let modern automatic electric 'home laundry's appliances help you with one of your biggest jobs. An electric water heater gives you plenty of hot water ... an electric washer washes your clothes cleaner, quicker—automatically. Whatever the weather, 'an electric dryer dries your clothes sunshine fresh—no heavy loads to carry ... and then electric ironing adds the finishing touches. You'll have the extra time you want to devote to your family, when you live better .. . electrically. ri4E DIZEAriV OW ITS WAY, BE SIRE YOUR FLIRMACIE I S O.K. STRATFORD 'TEACHERS' COLLEGE ONE-YEAR AND TWO-YEAR COURSES are offered leading te an Interim Elementary-School Teacher's' Certificate, valid in the elementary schools of Ontario. TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 9, 1958. Descriptive book- let "Teaching in the Elementary Schools of Ontario," free on request. ACADEMIC REQUIREMENT FOR ADMISSION: ONE-YEAR COURSE: Standing in eight Grade 13_ pqpers, one of which shall, be English Composition or English Literature. TWO-YEAR COURSE: Secondary School Graduation Diploma of the General Course. INTERVIEWS WITH APPLICANTS are conducted by the Committee of Selection. Secondary school students interested in entering Teachers' College should apply for interview through the principal of their secondary school. Other applicants should write to: THE PRINCIPAL, STRATFORD TEACHERS' COLLEGE WATER STREET ELECTRICITY DOES SO MUCH . r . COSTS SO LITTLE \NS Alliffilling 111111111111MMIIMMIIIIMMIIII111111111111111111111111ME111111111101111111111M111111111111111111111111111 HOG . -A.- 1 We Supply E- :T_-• E ' _ Purchase 1-- .._ . : We =2 HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY a- . :.-----E ' ONLY --__.- : Canada .., = W Phone A LIMITED Will USING Call TO Your HU , - FEED YOUR Lis .. CT ' Packers NUMBER4 Pay. A 2-9301 ANTED, OWN At ogs Awn U For LARGE , NUMBER CAPITAL Once OF HOGS TO and Hogs Them OF BE FED — Clinton ACTS Limiteil t: HOGS and Feed -WITHOUT - ...-- .,.-. _ _ - ' . . isommummumumminm mom modummonn 910 mommull mounamommommummommomm