HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-03-13, Page 8News of Bayfield By MISS LUCK' R,. WOODS PHONE: BA' rjEzn p 3 Phone HU 24)301 Clinton, Ont. -MLINTON NEWS-RECORD PAGE EIGeT THURSPAY, MARCH 3, .9.143 M. Emerson Heard spent Fri- day and .Saturday in London, Jim Higgins, Toronto, Caine .On Monday to spend a few daye. at Mies., Margaret Howard, Huron College,. London, was home on Sat- urday, lVir. and Mrs, Harry -Baker and .G1wen,-Lention, epept Saturdays the -village, Miss Jacqueline ChM. London Teaeher's College, was home over the weekend, Mr. 'and Mrs. William Parker, London, visited „hie parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. William E. Parker over the weeerid„ J. A. Orr, Stratford, spent the weekend at his cottage on Bay- field Terrace. Herbert Sturgeon came home on, Friday after .spending two months at Port Stanley. \AM THE HEART,OF ANY MAN TELLOF THE TIME HE ,WORKED FOR. A DOLLAR. A DAY/ Our complete, metiers', service. facilities will give you many more miles of motoring pleas- ure . . ;save you plenty of money, toe, by giving you a smoother, more economical car to operate. Mrs. A, W. Hayman nand Miss Ruth E. Hayman, London, were in the village on Sunday, Thorhas Arkell, Bay City, was with his parents, Mr, and Mrs.. F, P. Arkell over the weekend, Me, and Mrs, Ed. Flagg, Lon- don, were at their cottage on Main Street, East, over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. J, BeHiggius were in Brantford on Sunday and Mon- day, for the funeral of the latter's aunt, Mn and Mrs. Lorne Epps and Mrs. A, Seabrook, London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. PiarkeT. Mte. and Mrs. Warren P. Cook and two datighters, London, spent Saturday at their cottage on Tuy- 11 Street. Xi-. and Mrs. Fred Watson spent the weekend with their daughter Mrs. William Leeming and family, Walton, George. Lindsay accompanied by Alfred Spencer, Paris, visited his mother, Mrs. George• Lindsay; ov- er the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Corrie David and Martha visited the for- mer's brother in Stratford on Sun- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. P:asman and baby, London, visited her parents, Pastor and rs, Ivor Bodenham, over the weekend. Mrs. E, W. O'ddleifson, London, is spending this week at her house on Main Street, Mr. Oddleifson was aleb here over the weekend. George Telford, Stratford, and Betty Anne Beard, London, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Telford. Miss Marion Makins and Ken- neth Mackie, London, spent the' weekend with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Makins, Mr. and Mrs. Warner Payne, and two children, Patricia and Paul left on Monday to spend a vacation at St. Petersburg, Florida, Mr. and Mrs. David Baird have returned to London, after spending a week's vacation with her broth- er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon. Glenn Sturgeon, London, was with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Sturgeon far the weekend. Mrs. Sturgeon. is recuperating following a heart attack. The Reverend" and Mrs. F. H. Paull, returned to Listowel on Monday afternoon, after having been the guests of Miss LUdy R. Woods over S unday night, Mrs, Qenald Matthews and baby Ellen, returned to London on San- day with her husband, Miss San- dre. Ferguson and Pert Water- house who spent. the day here, Corporal Lloyd Westlake, OPP, `Wife and two children Ricky and Cathy, Kitehener, were with Mrs. Westlake's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Male= Toms, from Friday to Monday, Mrs. Robert Parker and baby Pamela, who have b4en visiting her parents at LuckneW, came on Tuesday spend' some time with her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Parker, Guests of Mrs. W. J, McLeod over the weekend were her moth- er, Mrs, D. Murray, Toronto, brother and wife, Mr, and Mrs. jack Murray, Goderich, and daughter Helen, London, Mr, and Mrs, R, Larson visited their son Clarence and family, London, on Sunday and Monday, They were accompanied by Mrs. George Reid, Varna, who visited her sister, Mrs. Len B. Smith. Mr. Eind Mrs. Stewart Cook, Nancy and. Donald, Stratford, spent the weekend at The New Ritz Hotel. They were Accompan- ied by Mr. and Mrs. Forrester and Mr, and Mrs. Leeson, also of Stratford. At the H. N. Brandon home ov- er the weekend were: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heard, Miss Shirley Brandon (student at UWO), Lon- don, Mr. and Mrs, W. Pithiado, Toronto and Bobby Brandon, Grand Bend. John R. MacLeod, Part ,Stan- ley, was with his parents. from Friday to Monday. Carson Faw- cett, London, also spent the week- end with 'his wife and baby at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. D. MacLeod, Mrs. 'David Dewar has returned to the home of Tier brother, Fred Watson, after spending six weeks with 'her -son, James Dewar and family, Kingston, and visiting a few days with Mrs. Wheatley,. .Clinton and her sister, Mrs. J. Mossop, Varna. Education week was observed in Bayfield School on Thursday af- ternoon, from 2-4 o'clock, when "Open House" was held. There was, a good attendance of parents and 'interested citizens who obser- ved the 'pupils' work and classes being conducted as usual. The Reverend and Mrs. Lorne Sparks and five daughters, Cath- erine., Beverly, Barbara, Patricia and Linda, arrived on Friday from Florida to take up residence in J. E. Howard's house on Louisa Street. Mr. Sparks recently re- signed as Pastor of the Methodist Church in Canal Point. Florida. He is taking a year's leave of ab- sence in the hope that the climate here will benefit his health, Truck Wrecked George Heard's' pick=up truck was wrecked one day last week at the Keillor Construction gravel pit. A company bulldozer in oper- ation, accidently caught the bum- per of the parked truck and ran over the machine. Heard works with the Ontario Department of Highways. WeIS Meeting There was a good attendance at the March meeting of the Wom- an's Missionary Society of the United Church, last Thursday af- ternoen, at the home of Mrs. M. Toms. The president, Mrs. H. Hohner, conducted the meeting and. Mrs. C. E. Peacock read the chapter from the study book. dealing with Christian Work in Japan. A letter of thank was read for a bale' of clothing weighing 55 0 EN HOL SE at ROWCLIFFE MOTORS SEAFORTH SEE-40Spectacular TUO-O-WAR MOVIE WATCHr-scese-o-Matio Drive Tractors Out-perform Competitive Tractors Friday, March 21 From Id a.rn. to 6 pan. Continuous Showing of Movie Each Hour During The Day llowelifie Motors PHONE 267 SEAFORTH Mrs. A. Robinson (By our Bayfield correspendent) The death occurred in the Sun- nyside Nursing Home, Kitchener. on Wednesday, February 19, 1958, of Mrs. Albert Robinson, formerly of , Varna, in her 90th year. Prior to her marriage, she was Mary Johnston, daughter of the late William Johnston and Jane Cowan. The Johnston family liv- ed for some time in Huron town- ship, Bruce County, before return- ing to Stanley Township. After her marriage to Albert Robinson, they lived just west of Varna, on the Bayfield Concession Road, North. They sold this pro- perty and moved to Elmira over 20 years ago. Mrs. Robinson was predeceased by her husband and one son Mill- ard. She is survived by a sister, Mrs. E.*Searle, Hespeler. Interment was made in Bayfield Cemetery, on Saturday, February 22. The service, was conducted by a nephew, the Reverend Gordon Searle, St. Catherines. Pallbearers were Lee Mc-Con- nell, Varna, and relatives attend- ing the funeral, amongst whom pounds destined for Overseas Re- lief, which has recently been pack- ed and shipped by members. The articles for the supply ,bale have also been brought in and are ready for shipment. Baptism The Reverend E. J. B, Harrison officiated at the baptism of -Rob- ert Morton, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Elliott, Varna, in Trin- ity Church, Bayfield, at 1.30 p.m. on Sunday. Immediate relatives who attended the service were Marten Elliott, Varna; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heard, Stratford, and Mr, and Mrs. James A. Camer- on, Bayfield. Group Committee The Group Committee to Scouts and Cubs which met in the base- ment of St, Andrew's United Church, on. Monday evening, 'was well attended. The president, Alf Scotchmer, Jr., chaired the meeting. Following the routine business the election of officers was held Alf Scotchmer withdrew as presi- dent to assist Scout Master Mer- ton Meener wth the troop. Grant Turner was elected presi- dent and Roy Fitzsimons returned to office as secretary-treasuter, The new president took the chair for the conclusion of the meeting. G. H. Jefferson, Clinton, took charge of the Senior Room of Bny- field, Public School on Tuesday. He is relieving Mrs. Reg Ball who is off duty -for a month owing to i'll-health. St. Andrew's WA The Woman's Association of St, , Andrew's United Church, met at the home of Mrs. Malcolm Tcnns on Thursday. It opened with the WA theme song. Mrs, Lindsay Smith, president, was in charge, A reading "Christ's Saving Power" was given by Mrs, Bert Greer, Mrs. Charles. Bell, secretary, read the minutes and Miss 1 Stir- ling gave the treasurer's report. Plans were completed for 'the St, Patrick's Day Social, when further pictures of Mrs. Le ROY Path's European. Trip will be shown, Following . a business discussion, talent articles were sold, The meeting. was closed with prayer, A birthday cake with lighted dandies was brought in for four ladieS—Mes, Makiee, Mrs, J. Scotchmer, Mrs, Roy Scotchmer and Mrs. C, F, Peacock, Lunch Was served by the committee, Mrs. Gorden Scotchmer (Bronson Line) Mrs, MacKenzie and Mrs. Lloyd Makins. SHORTHORN IlIIILL TO HURON COUNTY A good Shorthorn bull cane to Miran County, from the Ontario Bull Sale held recently in Toronto. Jack Peck, Kippeti, following spir- ited bidding, Was seksteeeftil iii ob- Whine', at $820, Aberfeldy Viee- rOY a heavy boned "weight for age' ton of the imported Otiros- Sie Foievetiel March. This was the third high selling bull of the entire Sale. ”THEPLACIEWHERE YOU MEYER HAVE TO c ,BLOW YOUR, HORN" CL/NTON• 71e Nu:24032 IN HURON, VOTE FOR who supports the E TE headed by LESTER B. PEARSOH SEE. AND HEAR BILL COCHRANE' CFPLTV Thursday, March 20th at 6.20 p.m. CKNVIN Friday, March 21st at 7.00 p.m. Published by Huron Liberal Association Pretty Good Seed, Eh? TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY TMDERS for CRUSHING and nevinc4x.Np 6,000 mine 'aids of gravel, pv0110 'through ,screen, 10,000 Yde., of this gravel is to be taipx# from McL,ean's pit; 1,509 cu. yds. from Ilfolenesville pit and 3,000 cu, yds, .from Keillor pit at Bayfield, .Gravel to be put on township roads to the satisfaction of the Township Road Superintendent, not later than De- toiler- 15, 1958, 11-12b Tenders to be accompanied by a certified cheque to the anicemt of 5% of tender price. Tenders, are, to he in: the hands of the township clerk not later thee. ANIL 6th, 1958, at 12 o'clock noon, Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily. accepted, (Signed) FRED WATSON, Clerk, TOWNSHIP OF STANEY cus4-4-Umbuy Two directors of the Huron Soil and Crop Improvement Association discuss the good points of one of the prize bag of oats: shown at the Huron County Seed Fair. At the left, Delbert Geiger, Hay Township representhtive, and with him is Armen McKinley, Stanley Township director. (News-Record Photo) Township of Colborne TENDERS FOR. GRAVEL SEAL ED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until 6 p.m. Monday, March 24, 1958, For the crushing and hauling of approximately 6,000 cubic yams of %" screen, gravel from the town-. ship pit, to be delivered and spread to the satisfaction of the township road superintendent, contract to be completed by June 15, 1958. A marked cheque in the amount of $200.00 must accompany all tenders, Loudest or any tender net neces- sarily accepted. B. C. STRAUGHAN, Clerk, Township of Colborne R.R. 4, Goderich, Ont. 11-12-b all 1H Tractors Parts and Accessories Power take-off and engine-drive Balers and Bale Ele- vators; Pneumatic and Steel Wheel Siderakes;. Universal Gni' fast-hitch Power Mowers; Field Harvesters; Ensilage and For- age Blowers; Harvesters; Windrowers; Bean Harvesters;- Threshers; Combines; Hydraulic, Fast-hitch and Power-lift Plows on steel or rubber; Wheel controlled or regular Disc- Harrows; Smoothing Harrows; Grain and Fertilizer. Drills, with fluted feed or double run, on steel or pneumatic tires;- Steel or Pneumatic Wheel Cultivators with hydraulic or power" lift; Row Crop Cultivators; Grader Blades; Platform Carriers; Power Loaders with hydraulic or trip bucket; Manure Spread • - ers; Wheel Barrows; Farm Wagons; Electric Washers and Dryers; Electric Drills, Bits, Tools and Wrenches; Electric Wiring Supplies; Brooder Lamps, etc4, Paints, Brushes and Oils; Washing Machine Oil; Lubricantsr . Heavy Duty and Premium Motor Oils; Hypoid Lubricants, Grease, etc.t; 'Torque and Transmission Lubricants; Anti-. Freeze; Rislone; Spark Plugs; Oil Filters; Jack-all Jacks; Calcium Chloride; Baler and Binder Twine; Roller and Regular Chains; Tractor Chains; Regular and High Grade , Steel Bolts; Capscrew Nuts, Pins and Washers, etc.; Plastic and Steel Pipe" and Fittings; Copper Tubing; Weatherhead- Fittings; V 4elts and Pulleys; Hoses; Goodyear Tractor, Track and Auto Tires. Phone 17 . ,I.WireeleeAlgAW etraweata, EALE Seaforth, Ont. This year, yuo can get 10 % More Growth on Less Feed NOW with a high level of stabilized animal fat SHUR-GAIN Super Chick Starter has a new high energy level that means even faster growth and greater feeding efficiency than ever before. Stabilized animal_ fat, providing two and a half times the energy of the highest energy grains, has been added at new high level to SHUR-GAIN Super Chick Starter making possible 10(/6 more growth on 1V( less feed per pound of growth. Drop in to the mill soon and let's discuss this new feed and what it can mean to the success of your poultry operation. SHUR-GAIN SUPER CHICK STARTER (hicks Themselves Will Tell You That SHUR GAIN Assures All These at the-tawast.f,Parsible Cost were: the Rev, and Mrs. Gordon Searle,' St. Catherines; Miss Win- nie Searle, Hespeler; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Latz and daughter Vivian, Mr, and Mrs, Ronald Lutz, Rol- and Lutz, Elmira.