HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-03-13, Page 7Mcomple4tim For 090t heat n Ph - 'low .. .. I. ter ­._--op.m. 11-b A ROOM ROUIM ON'MQI�IWI X .4, near •RCAF Station Clinton, ane. au 2-7021. 11-b .t*WXL FT IN down- 11_tf b FOR QUICK RESULT'S 4ANP V44,G"r.19 W41fVUA1%;U4M %R.� Marriµges and Beatles Axticles, for sale,, rent, etc., Card of Thanks, in Memoriam, '-r nimuni 5c. a, enoagem 3Q a ward yni, 7 Box No, to this office 215c additional. Repeat , in- sertions 2c a word, minimum, 50;, CASH DISCOUNT; -% if paid by Saturday fol- lowing last insertion. Billing charge of 100 added, each tune bill is'sent, Labe4t Tlm*fQr Insertlons — 19 -noop Wqdneofty HXI. 3-88" Fara! Produce For Sale REAL 1. RTATE Hensall A QUAM%TY Of CRIB' COW REAL1 0 , TATE Is our BU$=SS, for sale, Phone I -W 2-9457. 11-p. Farms, residential, , commercial, Commmity Sale summer cottages:, For dependable Prices at Hense CornmunitJ FARM EQ­UlPMi.RT_ For And capable service list your prop-. Sale March 6. 6. erty With John svold,*Wellesley Weaulings, pigs, $12.2,5 to $1$.50 ATTENO70N FARM LADIES! StreetQoderic .. )Phone I _ . chunks, $1,7 to $24; feeders, $2( jo8 Now there is available ,at a price salleomert, George McGillivray, to $31'. sows" $80 to $106; Hot• only one 'third As much, as you Lucknow; J. McConnell, $eaforth, stein cows, $140 to $175; Durban woW.d. expect to pay for an auto- 50-tfb cows,-, $176 to $190; Holstein cal. mAtle Egg Washer. The Chore- Ves, $11 to *1$; Dur -ham calves time "Egg Maid" has built-Jnwat- RED FOR SALE to , flown - * of Seaforth. Ava0le, ' eF w I r�.ejjt temperature,up and zUrch',15, ApplyloHarold Jack- �04�eatte Actual demonst on your own eggs any day. P son, phone .4%, Seafortli. 11 — for appointment, J, W. .HOUSE.IN ,KMPEN TO FENT, mond. Phone 1-1U 2-L23��.. I - a ,width garage. All modern mya4- oil heated. Nor- . 2 Apply. to 'HAY FOR SALE RYta Ltng, ,Wppen, 2-tfb 500 BALES, TIMOTHY AND Articles for Sale falfa hay; 200 bales straw for Phone Don Forbes, RU 2-7484 'USED 20D GALLON OIL TIANK, 10 .F hone HU M372. QUANTITY OF BALED :2-EXTaNOt RANGETrZ, Canad- timothy red clover and alsi can Beauty deluxe, excellent condi;- sale. Wc�;e Hugh Millar, Blyth, tiOn. Phone HU 2-13294. 10-11P $5 r 7. CUSTOM CAR FADIO, PT1ff-,1CO3-j in -good condition, will work in, Fruit For Sale Chrysler products. Phone HU 2-9241, 11_b GOOD QUAff ATY SPY APP — in cold storage At farm, * Will 12 x 12 BURAYING, FORMEALY liver in town. John Ostromlo !used, as, a hen pen. Can be easily na. phone Hu 2;.91*85. moved. _Appl�, -to phone HU 2-3872. 11-P HELP WANTED—FEMA VAWCMT OIL BURNER WWH. Gjpj�S To LEARN LAUNII autornatle blower, neftly new, Work, Contact Clinton Law kcamplete with tanks and pipes. and Dry Cleaners. Phone KU 2-3872, 10-11-b ONE WAITRESS. FOR FU FvEL ol[L — Stove and Furnace time envployment. One for p Oil delivered anywhere. A. G. time. Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. Cirigg and Son, phone HU 2-9411. 4$-tfb HOUSEKEEPER wanted fc,� home, two el-Aldren,. boy 12 swr,eER TREADLE SEWING girl S. Apply to, Lloyd %machine, in A-1 working condition, Lucknow, Phone 64r13. ;also bookcase with two glass doors. Reason for selling posted over- —Male Phone HU 2-9963. 11-2,p Help Wanted I CLEARANCE OF 1958 R C A BIPM&D SALESMAI* FOR ev 'Victor 2111 television table models. h8hed bread route. Apply in at $229, each complete with le-gs. sofi to Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. A limited quantity. T. A. Duttdn, RCA Victor, Brucefield. Dial HU :2-3232, 1142-b YOUNG MAN TO -.LEARN ing trade. Group insurance av ,GETTING MARRIEW? see samp- Able. 'Apply in person at Clin le5 of -wedding stationery at the News-ReWrd office Saturday .News -Record off -ice. Invitations, thank -you, cards wedding cake boxes, .;Place c�rds, serviettes, LIVEST CK FORSA :match books, etc. 114fb REGISTERED COW, FOUR MAOIC 11IARKERS. Will write on Old, due March 24, right in anything, glass, wood, paper, etc- way. Phone HU 2-9,241. 1 ,1:>ry immediately. Seven different •coloUrs., Good for .poster work, AN - AUCTION SALE EVE ,signs, etc. $1.10 each, refills, 50c. Friday at 2 p.m., of'35 to 50 fr Clinton. News -Record. 37-ttb and springing dairy cows and h ars. Few open, heifers. Well YOUR OLD WASHER is WORTIi iced Holstein heifer calves at money when traded on a new Lelland Sale Barn, Bervie. 'Westinghouse, washer. T, A. Dut- ton's Appliance Store, B . rucefield. 11 to ,,phone onnton HU 2-3232. 11-tfb Livestock Wanted MOTORS AND GENERATORS ATTENTION F ARMERS! Pron ,rewound -and repaired. Brushes, courteous collection ofall dead capacitors, switches, bearings; disabled farm animals and hi zmall appliances repaired. Used Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851 ,or reconditioned motors for'sale. Seaforth. Associated with Dar Art Levett, Isaac Street at Dunlop. And Co, of Canada Ltd. 26-p Phone IJU 2.6640. 44tffb OLD HORSES WANTED AT 3 sLTERAL NEW PATrERNS in lb., and dead cattle at val.ue. ,'English Bone China Dinnerware, dead; phone at once. GILBE ancluding lovely "Cornflower". See BROS. MINK RANCH, phone it and, others in our window and lect, Goderich, 148314 or1483 get our law prices for fine china, 52 to -,CDunter1i Jewellery. lip 'SEE I the NEW SURGE BUCKET Miscellaneous 'Milker with the "looking glass S7EWaXG IN&IRUMON, indi, Tinish on the inside." New lid Lial lessons, any phase, of a :,angle rhilks low, uneven, udders )?hone Clinton HU 2-3494; 'better. , Contact Lovell McGuire, 'Phone 593 Wingharn, Surge Buc- SC�RATClt PADS, 3 x 5 in Aets, Syphon Milke-ts, Parlor Available in quantity. 5c each. ',Stalls, Wash TAM% etc. pads for 40c. Clinton News 10 to 13b cord. BOARD AND 106 -Wk WA.TCH REPAIR IS A JOB ex,pe�tsi Our work assures y 'ROOMERS or BOARDERS, one satisfaction. CouAter's Jewell .alone or three sharing. Private Huron County',s Oldest Establi 'bome, with private' entrance. Ph- ed JeweRery Store. I ,one HU 2-7093. illy SEPTIC TANICS, CESS -POO - UmNd and cleaned Business Opportunities 't", P pment. A-11 w, i�U— modern equi e sMSS guaranteed. Write or phon OWN YOUR OWK Make, RR 2, Brussels. � Ph -Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, QrS, Brussels. 10 to High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- to* HU 2-6692. 13-tfb LET US REPAIR AND MA your rings and jewellery like -VARN 'EXTRA MOi� 0 Diamondrings renewed and st Aveek by selling our famous, pro- safely secured—don!t take ch Aucts. High commission and op- c0s, -Expert work done reasonalenilig in y6u'r surroundings-, WTIte to your satisfaction Watch for ftee catologue, Flamilex DeP"t. palra and Pearl reitrft�iing. -2A 1000 Delorimi0r, Montreal, N Counter. 11b CUSTOM WORK Foultry For Sole FOIL A NUMBER OF DEXALB at YOUR PLUIVIBING AND ed pullets, vaccinated for Aeating needs, call 14U 2-9433, castle and bronchitis,'ready Hawkins Hardware. 2-tfb immediate delivery at 16 and .&q*jT;NT10N FAV;Iv�l Spray- weeks d age, Price list oti, ing cattle for lice, white wa�qhffig quest, D11scdVt on latgt, Ord and cleaning barns, Phone Uub, U'00re'$ Poultry Farm, MR, ert Cooper, Exeter, 59908, Seaforth, Ontario. Phone 6 AUTOMATIC SAW Sha*dnlhg-. Property For Sale Sawt retoothed, Jointed and filed for 025. Or just filed and set 76 M;USE FOR SALr,' IN CL ceftts. Automatic butcher knife ton, to be removed from lot, Ph and scissor sharpener-, scissors 15 Jim East, T -W 2-7578, 1 A 'veg 10 cents6 ww E. ents kni "Bill?' JdMg, Fulton Street, Clin- PROPERTY WANTED ton, Phone HU 24664. 85PAI'D 2-5 to 50 ACRES, ROUGH waste land. Must have. Are FARM FOR RENT Box.329, Potrolia, Q-10�: PASTMZ VARM, Concession 5 �1. rH �Ul A Z! Noelee,� kyouurl k VW111 F. ULOVIAUXAM ate 20 head for six months. Ap. New k plicants ploass6 state rent tho Huro to pay. Elvira Chureh]111211121 wodge T Voor, Streot W., Toronto. moli!; Grc ruary 21, . ....... . .... Mover i �v Store ceeps 400 pigs and 150 head of cattic 'GRAIN, Bea�er saves NaxED Oats and and calves weresold, ation Montcalm barley. Also t*0 hone phone Joe Gibscp, H.0 2-322? % 111t9_1 AUCTION SALE I.tfb GARRY OATS; pawer cleaned and Of Farm Stock, Machinery and treated, buy direct from gralwer Household Effects, at Lot 5V COIL, ,and save. Phong Irvine Tebbutt, 5, Hullett Township, I mile south HU 2-71474. of Kinbum on AL- Tuesday sale. NOTICE, TO CREDITORS , March 18 at I p.m. IN ME ESTATE OF WJ111am Cattl,: 3 Durbam, cows-, 2 fresh .11-,p Alexander Addison, late of the and I due in April; 3- Holstein village pf Londesboro In the COUU- cows, 1 fresh and 2 due in April ty of Huron, Gentleman, Deceased And. May; 2 Jersey caws due to !4y, for Allpersons. having claims again- freshen in April and May; I part at the Estate of the above decdas- Jersey cow, fresh 6 weeks-, I COW, 11-P ed are required, to file the same n Llkin July 1; Poll Angus, wit lithe undersigned Solicitor fort. u 1 o . ld; 2 Poll Angus steers, bull, yr, the Said Estate, on or before the 10 months old; 2 Poll Angus belf- 24th day of March, A.D. 1958, ers, IQ months. Old. LXS after which date 'the assets will All you ig and exceptionally de be distributed amongst the part- good lierr var- ies entitled thereto, having regard Machinery: McCormick fertilizer -1-b only to the claims of which notice drill in Al condition; Ford tractor shall have been given. 1950, recengy overhauled; Ferg- LE DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this uson plow 12M (like new); spring 4th day of March, A.D. IM8. tooth cultivator; Massey Harris 1% B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario o side rake; drop head hay loader; dry Solicitor for th9_sal4 Estate. 'Frost & Wood mower; 4 -section l,tfb 10-1-2-b diamond harrows; McCormick electric cream separator; tam LL- NOTICE TO CREDITORS wagon and hay rack; 2 sections art- -of spring bArrows; McCormick 11b IN THE ESTATE OF John Al- re spreader; 2,000 lb, scales; bert Rath, late of the Town "'bLllu m Clinton in the County of Hux steel, stone boat; % h,p. motor On, (new); corn boak 8 milk cans; and Gentleman, Deceased Wood milking machine; I good -set inter,All persons having claims again- double harness (2, single units); 11 g st the Estate of the above deceas- 2 Iran kettles (60 gal.); iron. wat- ed are required to file the same er trough; steel water trough with the undersigned Solicitor for (new); broader house; hay fork the said Estate, on or before the rope and slings; scuffles, forks, 24th day ot March, A.D, 1958, af- chains; other articles too numer- ab- ter which date the assets will be ous to mention. per" distribifted amongst` the parties Hay and Grafin: 500 bus. of Rod - entitled thereto; regard On- nay oats; quantity baled hay, - ly Wz the claims of which notice Household Effects: 60Qk stove int, shall have been given. Wke,new); kitchen cabinet; glass ail- DATED at Clinton Ontario, this cupboard; kitchen chairs; rockers; ton 4th day of March, A.D. 1958. occasional chairs; studio couch; 2 nlY. E. B. bIEDNZIES. Clinton, Ontario, dressers; - Brown bed, springs and 11X Solicitor for the said Estate. mattress; extension table; kitchen 10 to 12-b .table. . I Terms—Cash NOTICE TO CREDITORS Herman Mastennan, Proprietor ears - IN THE ESTATE OF Frank Harold Jackson, Auctioneer every Gibbs, late -of Me Town .of Clin- E. P. •Chesney; Clerk 1-b ton in the County of Huron, Gen- No, reserve. Farm sold. 11b Ay tleman, Deceased resp All persons having claims again- eif- st the Estate o fthe above deceas- ed are required to file' the same AUCTION SALE Me- with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 0 t Household Effects in the ),21-b 24th day of March, A.D. 1958, after which date the assets will be' Villoge of Bru4efield an distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard On- Wednesday, March 19 Pt, ly to the claims of which notice at 1.80 P.M. and shall have been given. Full line Of household effects des. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this Al, 4th day of March, A.D. 1958. including a new Studio Couch, Ing El -B, NX14ZIES, Clinton, Ontario, occasional chairs, . dining room _tfb Solicitor for the said Estate. suite, kitchen, furniture, new pro - 10_1_2_b pane gas range, propane gas hea- ter, chest of drawers and bedroom 3/2 C furniture, kitchen utensils and ath. R.rIf ., NOTICE TO CREDITORS er articles too numerous to men. IN THE ESTATE OF Alexan. tion, 101- IN Milne Me Ewen, late of the J:L, Township -of Stanley in the Coun- ty TERMS CASH .p !of Huron, Yeoman, deceased Alex Aubin Proprietor . All persons hiving claims again- st the Estate of the above deceas- Haxold Jackson Auctioneer ed are required to file the same 11b d- with the undersigned Solicitor for wing. the said Estate, on or before the .1-P 24th day of March, A.D. 1958, after which date the assets will he8 be distributed amongst the parties FOR LEASE 10 entltl&i thereto, having regard on- Re- ly to the claims of which notice tf.b. I shaal have been given. By Tender OR Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this UT 4th day of March, AM, 1958. ESTABLISHED PICNIC er, E Iff, MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario y. E. . sh, Solicitor 1for the said Estate. GROUNDS and 11p 10-172-b DANCING PAVILION LS CLEARING with With Booth. rk AUCTION SALE (Known; as Jowett's Grove) Louis Of Forms. ra-mrstock and Ma- and Bayfield Pavilion) one ebiftOrY, 'At Lot 19, Maitland Con - 1 -p cession, t miles north of Holmes- Potential Unlimited for HE ville, on an Enterprising. Person ew. Wednesday, March 26 net at 12.30 pin, or Couple, an- Cattle; 25• Holstein caws- and Contact: My heiter8, some fresh, remainder due re- in spring and early summer; 2 A. GARON W. Hereford cows with calves at foot, - O -P 9 Here -ford steers, 2 yrs. old; 5 Phone HU 2-7064 Rereford'heifers, 2 Is. old; 14 Tender 6ses March 15, 1958 Hereford I161stein heifer calves; I 261stein bull, 18 6-7-9-10-11-b art. months Old. poultry; 225 Hybrid Hens, one y. for year old', 18 Machinery, Ford tractor, new- re- 13r overhauled, plow and cultivat- ers. or; 24" George White thresher,, 3. 85'bu. Cookshatt tractor spreader, .1-3, nearly now; 3 -furrow.. plow; set 1-b spring tooth. barrows; hayloader; durnlj rake; mower; 7 ft. Cock- shutt binder, rubber tired wagon and Pack; -form trailor; Zunit milking, machine; 13 cans; 220 ft. one hayfork rope; cattly dehornors; 1»b quantity hay, grain, ensilage, =t= I Farms ' Ist Parcol—L(A 22 Mait- land Con., 150 acres, -W acres 01, workable, land, remainder bush am. andgrass,; Parcel 9—Lof 23, Mait- land Con., 86 acres, 65 acres -work- able land, remainder bush and pasture, t=% t, 10(/1n down, balanoe, in *80 or days. Chattels, Cash, and 09VAL ULARE, & SON" irop, fta­ Ilarold Jackson, Atteflobetr LIlj- �b Bo- ale will be bold under eover, 11-2-b I 1956; to LAC And, 10% Earl- Hickson, WntQn, A. son.. )NG_,1A Clinton Public 150spl* cal, .6n Friday, Marph, 7. 1958,.to Corporal and Mrs. Gordon Long, Clinton' a son. D4V4)FA-1n Woodstock Geier: al Hspltal, to Air. and, Mrs.. Derek Lowder (,nee June Mur ray), on, Thursday, March 1658, a son, (B,44n Derek). URRAY-1h Chic Ubspital, Quo., On Tuesday, February 251 iw$r to Cpl. and Mrs', CT ri Murray, . BagotvWP, Que., 4 son, Gerald Kevin. Southampton Memorial Hospital, on Thursday, Mareh 6 xagin, a aaugnter (reggy Jane). MARRIAGES R-YM—VM WRVE — lo the manse of Hensall. United Chur- ch, On Saturday, Mare'll"s 1958p Mary .Anne Vanuorone, haugh ter of Cecil VanHorne and -the lateWrs, VanHorne,. Hensall, to Ger-all Taftm". IM,- f Two Shaws Nightly Wide Sere" Neer- FIRIWAY, SATURDAY "TtIUNDER'OVER ARIZONA" Bitter -conflict M s- ict between the corr mayor of a lawless W 4,e$j�ern town And the owners Of 'A rich silver mine, In WaturAma and, Tor000lor, XONI)AT, TUESDAY -and WEDNESDAY Skip HOM*Ier -- George McCready — Wallace Ford "STORY- OF MANKIND" HendrikVan 1,9-on's noted book an all-time best-seller est-Selier,_ now on the screen with, a star-studded cast, Ronald Colman — nHedy LaMarr — Vince ' 'price Coming Next: "HELLCATS OF TATE NAVV99 Ronald Reagan --Nancy Davis �' Arthur Franz ]IpperS an early vote on. the marketing Livestock Sh' Mr. and Mrs. Josepli. W, Flynn, Hensa]I, program by the Ontario produe- ers. 'Present Marketing . DEATHS ,Donald Hall, a, young producer Oxford County, suppoited Plan to L lature Tirie"nhippers brief, He Is, the co, RATH1WEUL--.In Toronto, On Tue. egis uAtY -represent VAid e n the Feder- sday, March 4, 1958, George The Ontario Livestock Shippers'0 Rathwell, Toronto (formerly Of Association h at10A of Agriculture, and said he as presented- a plan had found very few producers' in, ,Clinton) son of Mr. and Mrs. tb the agriculture committee Of his area who, favoured the Cres- ton; Rathwell, late of ClAn- the Ontario legislature, 'which, ns Plan. When the producers ton; sister of Mrs. Mabel Rath- would give farmers the option Of first voted for the plan well, Clinton, in his 83rd year. selling their. own has Or 'Using effect many of the. tnhow.ghl-nt Funeral in, Toronto on March the, official Ontario, niarli�etlng they ;,ere 70 and interment there, plan. only voting for aprom- otion and I ublic relations pro, CARDS OF THANKS The Association also favours gram, be said. I wish to thank all the friehols who sent me cards, letters and. flowers, while I was a patient in St. Joseph's, Lan don�—IVIRS. F, ............. . ...... 11-b .......... We wish toexpress our appree- iation for themany acts of kind. ness cards and floral offerings re- celv6d during the illness and sad bereavement of d loving his anol and father. Special thanks torthe nursing staff of Clinton, Public HospltaL—MRS YEOMAN ALD- WINIaR, AND FAMILY. 11-b We wish to thank all those' who We give fast, efficient at - were so kind to send cards and home service 'round the flowers Iduring our receqt ber- eavement, the death of our &other, clock, Prices are low S'Pecial thanks to Miss Thamer, Seeorth. —THEMcNALL FAMI- pa . rts guaranteed. L'y' Blyth. 11-b I wish to thank my friends- and neighbours: for their kind remem- CORRECTING TELEVISION PROBLEMS )ranee of flowers, cards and treats ,vhlle,I was a patient in Clinton ASSOONAS THEY DEVELOP Public Hospital, special thanks to Dr. W, A. Oakes and the nursing CAN SAVE YOU MONEY! Staff for their kindness . —TED I MICH. 11-p, Too often people wait until. their TV picture is so bad they can't view it any more before caning a repairman. During I A. Jamie'son this time, nerves are frayed and eyes strained. By having You set fixed right away, the cost will be lower and may Ch�mp•�®n Of hell) avoid a blown tube. Call today! County See'd Fair Your, SERVICE Dealer (Continued from Page One) riow available, where a farmer can )btain a "land use" map from the GA-RILLBRAITH, DAC, showing him where differ - RADIO — TV —iii FIDELITY .nt grades of soil exists on his ,and. - STEREOPHONIC — SOUND I Auction Sale Highlight of Saturday afternoon was an auction sale of ten bushel lots of grain by Edward W. El - 11Z, auctioneer. Firse prize bushel of Herta bar- ley, shown by Hugh A. Rundle, RR 3, Exeter, was sold to the past -president of the Huron County Federation of Agriculture, Doug- las McNeil, Carlow for $2.70. Mr. McNeil also bought the second prize winning entry of barley, Brant variety, for $2,66, shown by John Taylor, RR 5, Wingham. The top entry of oats (Garry) brought $2,60 a bushel for Morley McMichael, Wroxeter. They were -sold to Al Sherwood,. Dungannon. Gerald Orr, Goderich, paid $2.10 a bushel for Garry oats, wbick won John Taylor, RR 5, Winghem, second. pV1ze. Other top sales included: Clint. land oats-, -exhibited by Andrew Turnbull, Brussels, sold, to Delbert GelgeTi Zurich, for $1.85; Rodney Oats, shown by Ivan McOlymont, Varna, sold, for $1.50 to Anson Mc- Kenley, RR 1, Zurich; Garry oats, shown, by William Rolland, Clin- ton, -brought $1.25 from Robert P. Allan, Brucefield. The warden of Huron County, John Morrissey, Stephen Township, paid $2.10 for Lloyd Holland's entry of Garry oats, Alex McBeth, Hippen, paid $2,26 a bushel for Brant barley, shown by Robert 8roadtoot, Brucefield, the fair's reserve champion; Glenn Ruether, Brussels, paid $2.30 for a bushel of Brant barley, shown., by ,Ken Alton, RR 7, Lticknow; Del- bert Geiger,,paid $2,25 for A bush- el of Herta barley, which took fifth place at the fair by an All 5, Seaforth farmer, Lewis Coy= A half bushel of itimothy brought $7.50, and another half bushel of red clover sold for, $15. These, items, showit, by Do�iald 33adhanan, were sold to Jones, Mc� Naughton, Exeter. Exeter Man Is Thrown from Bike Hospital authorities report Syd- ney Smith, Exeter, was in satia, factory condition in South Huron 1-1o'li on Stinday. Smith suf- fered uf. fere �lad and hip injurits, In an Accident and, was found, with his bicycle Ar a ditch on Highway 4, tioar Hwlsall. PHONOGRAPH RECORDS STYLE in SWEATERS SEE THEM TODAY IN THE POPULAR SLEEVELESS 3 -:BUTTON STYLE REG. PULLOVERS from 4-95' UP SPORT COATS JACKETS SPORT SHIRTS SLACKS See Out Complete Selection of Mlv�Q SO E111 "dx front $1 iOO up PAett & Tampbell Limited Aurtow, ARM" STETSON HATS Phone HU 2-9732 — Clinton, Ont,'