HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-03-13, Page 1The Week's Weather
mgb. Low Lose
1958 1957
39 21
35 24
34 15
31 23
36 20
50 35 52 32
Snow; 1 in, Rain: .32
Snow: .5 ins
NW. 6 36 31
7 34' 24
8 28 12
9 26 12
10 31 23 4 30 22 n 32 ZT
I nit()
Young David Wheeler, enjoyed looking at the prize exhibits
at the Huron County Seed Fair here oh Saturday. He is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wheeler, Brussels.
(News-Record Photo)
Set $50,000 Fire at Station
Sentenced to Two Years
A court martial at RCAF Stet-
ion Clinton, on Monday, sentenced
AC2 George A. Morrice, 18, to two
years imprisonment and dismissal
with disgrace from. Her Majesty's
service when lee was found guilty
of setting a $50,000 fire in one of
the quonset style .barracks at the
Station. Fire occurred on Febru-
ary 3,
Dismissal is subject to approval
of the minister- of national defen-
The mother of the accused took
the stand on her son's behalf be-
fore sentence was handed down.
She gave evidence 'di past
ses. The defence pleaded for just
The young airman from Medi-
cine Hat., Alta„ had pleaded inno-
cent, and, in defence had claimed
loss of memory on events about
the time the fire gated a barrack
President of the full-dress court
martial was Group Captain H. G.
M: Colpitts, of RCAF Station, St.
Johns, P.Q.
Other court members: W/C G.
R, Truemner, RCAF Station Cen 7
trail& S/L G. L. H. Goodall, RC-
AF Station Aylmer; F/L W, M.
Houser, RCAF Station Trenton;
F/L S. M. Keon, RCAF Station
Colts Meet Forest
In Group Final,
Here Saturday
Clinton hockey fans are assured
more good hockey this season, now
that the Colts. meet Forest in a
best three- out of five series, for
the WOAA Intermediate "B"
Group 2 championship. Forest, had
two wins' over the Colts during
the regular season's play, and put
Blackwell out in the semi-final
round. f -
The first game is in Clinton
Lions Arena Saturday night at
5,30 o'clock.
London; F/L G, V. Frosted, RCAF
Station St, Johns, P,Q.
Prosecutor was Captain A. W.
Patterson, of Camp Borden. De-
fence counsel was Hugh Harrison,
a Toronto lawyer.
Hugh, Harrison agreed that
statements made by the accused
were baffling. He said they'
"smacked against credulity like a
wet rag."
He added; "I watched in awe
and pro
as'he was led by
the prosecution through the state-
ments, admitting parts of it to
he true, rejecting some of it, ,tes
untrue and claiming he 'ebieldn't
remember other parts!'
Accused Baffled Too
Mr. Harrison said Morrice was
as baffled as anyone and honest-
ly couldn't remember certain ev-
"The accused, unknown to him-
self, was marching along like a
character in a Greek play toward
such an accounting as this."
He claimed the prosecution fail-
ed to prove the wilfullness of the
fire-setting and said that if the
court saw any possibility of lack
of intent it was duty-bound to ac=
quit him.
Capt. A, W. Patterson, of Camp
Borden, prosecutor, sought to dis-
credit alleged blackouts suffered
by the accused, AC2 George A.
Morrice, of Medicine Hat. Alberta.
"There is evidence he is a path-
ological fire - setter," the captain
said. " I say there is evidence he
is a -pathological lie teller."
The young airman claimed he
had a blackout while on fire pick-
et the morning the barrack block
was destroyed and could remem-
ber nothing about a confession
which was used as key evidence
by the prbsecution.
"If this type of reasoning was
accepted by the public, the ma-
jority of people frequently would
be having blackouts," charged the
He stressed that Morrice related
in detail events leading up to the
fire and after it, but could not re=
member things which would be de-
trimental to him.
Win Top Prizes at County Seed Fair
Showing off the silfver tray which was one,
of his rewards for high points earned at littrOn
County Seed Pair, is J. Arnold Jamieson, grand
champion of the show. His trophy was present-
ed to him by S. E. Stothert (in the Stetson),
who was the fleet agricultural representative
to serve in Huron Cottnty. At left is tob
Eroailfoot, runner-up for grand championship
and at the right is flobert Allan, •president of
the sponsoring organization, the Huron County
Soil and Crop- Improvement Association, and
also lean ling Of the County Pair. Ur. Allan'st
beans also won the grand championship at the
Chicago Livestock Exposition and CI the Royal Winter Peir last fall.
(Newe4teeord Plioto),
Na, 11—The Hume Paper With the News CIJNTON, ONTARIO( THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1958 7 Cents a Copy — $3,00 a Year
Council OK's $40 000"A ddition
505 Pupils Overcrowd School
Young Brussels "Cowboy" at Fair
• -Mr "4 U.
el'Ovvd? Having a rather direct
line with the • Chamber of Corn-
Merce . , ; we have at .hand
44019,AtitY of copies of the fishery
regolattims for 1958 „. These are
published 'each year by the De-
partment of Lands end Forests, .
arid they Make them available,
free of charge , . . to anyone in-
terested in the sport. . . Call in
and 'see them. ,
crowd? or anyone interested in
music? We also have on hand a
limited quantity of the syllabus
::for the Huron County Music Fes-
tival .
is finding things a little more dif-
ficult than usual this year. . . The
directors are attempting to lift
the Fair from a deficit which was
incurred through a couple of bad
years. and also present a Fair
which will be, acceptable in the
light of fine standards in the
past.. Their request to the rural
areas has been particularly, good
. . .The townships of Gdderich,
Hallett and Tuckersmith have in-
creased their grants substantially
. . . The town of Clinton, mean-
while, is hedging a little. and
will. continue to give their cust-
omary grant of $150. .
* *.
from exhibitors is good . . . Sup-
port by the merchants of the town,
who traditionally have lent a
strong hand to the Show. . . has
also been good . . . It seems that
the main drawback, if any, to the
Fair as it has been through re-
cent years . . is the lack of par-
ticipants from the local area .
The fame of the Show has spread
too far, apparently, and many feel
that it is useless ,to exhibit again-
st the stock which is brought here
eacheyear. Surely there is some
wayeel which-`,while. retainingthe.
fine quality of stock . . , there
could be local classes which would
attract the exhibitor from with-
in a ten mile radius of town, „
making the Clinton Show as all
others are. , is the fact that we
have no large show-building at
the fairgrounds, at which the lad-
ies can shoe/ their manufactures, ..
We have no eoultry exhibit
There is no opportunity in the
spring for vegetables, etc. . How-
ever, the Spring Show is practic-
ally the last of its kind . . . and
somehow we feel there are enough
good points, that .every effort
should be made to work from
these to build a better and more
financially stable Show .
is the finest show of horseflesh to
be seen this side of the Royal
Winter Fair and the ONE in Tor-
mete . . Nowhere else can be seen
the marvellous show of power and
grace in a four horse, six horse
and eight horse hitch, which ex-
hibitors put on for those who go
to the Spring Show. . The ex-
hibit of cattle, sheep and pigs is
!as good as can be seen any-
where, .. In these classes the com-
petition is local . . . and it is good
. , There is some lack of inter-
est on the part of the young peope
-1e, since the time of year is not
the best for the work of the 4-H
Clubs . But those who do come
out, show very fine stock. . . and
they do it very well. . .
Champion PeeWee Team in. Kinsmen League
keeltey J„oigue, these youngsters were managed
by K. W. "Danny" ColquhOUn, right. The play-
Grand champions of the Kinsmen PeeWee
Wednesday night,
offs were held h ciintom Lions Arena Test
(NewsltecOrd Photo)
Cancer Society
The Huron Unit of the Canad-
ian Cancer Society elected Mrs.
Kenneth- Johns, Eketer, president.
Mrs..-Johne' appointment follows
the sudden death of the president,
Fred Sturdy, Goderich,
Floyd Lodge, Goderich was nam-
ed first vice-president, President
of the Clinton and District branch,
Mrs. William Morlok, who pre-
sided at the special meeting, paid
tribute to Mr. Sturdy.
Farm Union Local
At Hoimesville
Holmesville Local Farm Union
met March. 10, in Holmesville
school with a fair attendance. Re-
solutions' were discussed and sev-
eral items of business were dealt
with., A report on, tile draw for a
M ottle rug held at the reeent, dan-
ce was. given , by the secretary,
Robert Taylor, County director,
who attended the Ontario: Concen-
trated Milk Producers Convention
in Hamilton, February 2.6 and 27,
gave a splendid report on the
meeting.. A brisk discussion was
held, on this re-port.
Legion Auxiliary
Accepts Three
New Members
Ladies Auxiliary of the Canad-
ian Legion Branch No, 1.40 held
their regular meeting in the leg-
ion hall on Monday night, March
10, with 40 members present.
Three new members were initiat-
ed, Mrs. Stewart Dick, Mrs. Jam-
es Graham, Mrs. George Currie
and one member Mrs. William
Chambers by transfer from the
Exeter Auxiliary.
The auxiliary is catering to a
banquet far ;the RCAF Ladies
Bowling League on April 15. An
invitation to attend the birthday
party of Seaforth Auxiliary, April
1.6, was accepted. Arrangements
for St. Patrick's dance, -March 14
were completed.
The zone card games postponed
earlier due to weather conditions,
will be held Wednesday evening,
April 9, in the Legion Hall. Any
members wishing to play euchre,
bridge or cribbage should contact
Mrs. George Knight by Saturday,
April 5.
Tickets were sold on an electric
perculator and draw made, Mrs,
Thomas Leppington Was the lucky
winner. A parcel donated by
Auxiliary members was packed for
a needy family.
• o
Stanley Township
Will Share in
Street Lights Cost
Should any hamlet in Stanley
Township decide to install street
lights, the township treasury will
pay 50 percent of the cost.
Township council, meeting at
Verne, heard from Township Clerk
Fred Watson, Hayfield, that both
Hrucefield and Varna are consid-
ering the inetallatien of street
Stanley Townehip Federation of
Agriculture was granted permis-
sion,. as requested, to erect signs
which will identify each of the 15
concessions of the township,
Appointments made: William
Ilayter as warble fly inspector;
Herbeet, Cooper as warble fly
sprayer, at 12 cents per head,
and John Aldington, 8uppli6r
of warble fly powder.
Tenders also will be called for
6,00 yardg of greetel,
Upon the request of the Olin-
ton Public School Hoard., the coun-
ell of the Town of Clinton on
Tuesday eight gave their approval
to the erection of a two room ad-
dition to the town's $350,000 pub-
lic school building. Estimated
cost of the addition is WAG,
Built in 1953, the 13,-room
school has an enrolment of 505—
just about 40 more than enrolled
last September. According to re-
search carried out by the . board,
the prospects for a steady increase
of pupils ,throughout the next four
or five years at least are good,
-Clayton Dixon, chairman of the
school board presented the situ-
ation first,- noting that serious
overcrowding was being exper-
ienced, and it 'would get worse.
(The. ideal number of pupilss in
a classroom is considered to be
30. All of the rooms at the local
school average over 40, and the
Grade 5 class has 48 students).
George Lavis, in charge of the
finance committee of the board,
presented facts and figures, The
Farmers of Huron County "took
time to look and listen and learn"
last Friday and Saturday as they
visited the 11th annual Seed Fair
held iii the auditorium of Clinton
District Collegiate Institute, Har-
ry G. Strang, Hensel', who is-pres-
ident of the Ontario Soil and Crop
Improvement Association, com-
mended thein for their attention
to soils and crops, the basic ele-
ments 'of their industry.
.Mr. Strang said that some folk
feel that "crop improvement" is
-overdone. "There is a crying
need," he said, "for increased ef-
ficiency so we can stay on our
farms doing the work we- like to
do best,"i. Robert • P. Allan, Brucefield,
-president of 'Huron County Soil
and Crop Improvement Associat-
ion, was chairman of the meeting
on Saturday afternoon. Speakers
included Warden John Morrissey,
Stephen Township; William Mc-
Bob Taynlor, president of the
Huron County Farmers Union pre-
sided for the quarterly meeting
held here in Clinton last Thurs-
day, Mrs. Gordon Hill was pian-
Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt reported on
executive meetings: Mr. Taylor
reported on various Union activ-
ities in Huron and other parts of
the province. He also stated that
en March 4, Gordan Hill and Al-
bert Cormack had met with the
agricultural committee of the pro-
vincial parliament and further
presented their brief.
Simon Halhahan, delegate to.-the
Ontario Hog Producers Conyent-
;on, held recently in Toronto, re-
ported on the meetings, and so
provincial grant this year will be
tip $10,000 over last year, making
a total of $50,350.
Cost to operate the school last
year, according to Mr. Lavis, was
$62,000. The estimate for this
year 'is $67,000, due to some $3,000
in salaries' increases, and $2,000
for other items.
Revenue from eight pupils, non-
resident, was expected to he $900.
With ,grants, all considered', it
would be necessary to raise
$11,000 for maintenance, pies
$27,000 far the debenture debt, by
means of taxes.
An esttnate of cost to erect and
furnieh rooms ready for ,use, is
$5,500 making a total of $44,000
Deeded to raise by taxes this year.
Last year it.. was necessary to
raise $47,000. Actually the town
can afford to go ahead with the
new rooms, and yet have a lower
mill rate for school purposes than
was the ease in 1957.
Mr. Lavis said, "Our thought is
to give the children of this com-
munity the hest in education. It
Kenzie, reeve of Exeter, and chair-
man of the Huron County egri.-,
cultural committee.
Special awards were made to
winners in the- Seed Fair and in
the judging competition.
"Farm, planning" was the topic
discussed by panel, whose model.--
a tor was Stan Youngblut, Goder-
suspervisor 'of the Veterans
Land Act Administration. Taking
part were Tom Lane of the soils
department, Ontario Airicultural
College, Guelph; Dr, Harvey Cald-
well, economics branch, OAC; Bill
Newton, Lotidon, with the. VIA;
Juim Clark, OAC, and two Huron
county farmers, Boyd Taylor, RR
3, Walton, and Ed. Miller, Exeter.
The theme was developed along
the idea of planning one particu-
lar farrn for best use of capital,
feed and labour, with best combin-
ation of enterprises, etc. The
OAC officials told of a service
(-Continued on Page Seven)
did Bob Armstrong, They both
urged that the Farmers. Union
give the present marketing scheme
Jail Sentence
Handed Out -to
Zurich Youths
Two Zurich youths Were each
sentenced to 45 days, in jail and
their driving 'perenite suspended
for two years- in Exeter eourt last
Felday, Charges of drunk .driv- •
ing had been, laid against them
following a Zurich accident last
The youths were charged after
an accident in which Sylvester
Kends, 17, also ef Zurich, was
Magistrate Dudley F,, Holmes,
who .paseed sentence found Clare
Regier, 19, guilty of 'impaired dri-
ving after he had 'pleaded not
guilty to the more serious charge
of drunk driving. Regier was own-
er of the car,
- Leo Zimmer, 17, was sentenced
after pleading guilty to. drunk
He had been driving the car.
The youths appeared in court to
plead, February 5. They had been
free en bail since that time await-
ing decision of the' magistrate.
New PreSident For
County Farmers Union Urged to
Support Present 'Marketing, Scheme
J. A. Jamieson Champion
1958 County Seed Fair .
is our intention to keep. e high
standard 'of teachers and equip-
Glen Gardiner, Goderich, inspec-
tor of public schools, reported that
the board already has approval,
from the Department of Educki-
tion for the two rooms, Looking.
at other alternatives, the board is
aware that if accommodation is
rented, there is no grant from the
province applicable to such class-
rooms. ,Two rooms rented would.
in all probability cost as much ix
the year, as the yearly payttent
on the debenture, and so would be
Some suggestion was to use the
auditorium for classrooms, with
temporary partitions, and mov-
able desks. Heating proved Jo be
a problem there, Heat comes from
the ceiling in, that room, and the
floor is too cold for youngsters
sitting there all day.
Mr, -Gardiner mentioned that on-
ly one room would be necessary
in the fall, but it was good busi-
ness to build two rooms at the
one time, He said that the "grow-
th need" factor was taken into
consideration in so far as grants
were concerned. "A town such as
this, with modern buildings and
ideas, is more apt to. have a grant
request looked upon with favour,
than "a town that is stagnant,"
Several of the councillors spoke
to the motion, including Robert N-
Irwin, Nelson W. Trewartha, and
urged that action be taken im-
mediately so that work could com-
manse. Approval must be obtain-
ed from the Ontario Municipal'
Board before work commences.
Council in Action
Couneillors at their regular me-
eting Tuesday -evening, postponed
decision on' continuing the annual
contribution of $170 toward the'
operation of Mid-Western -Ontario
Development Association.
Councillor H, Bridle felt that .
the Mid-WODA took a lot of cred-
it for development with which
they had nothing to do, saying
that "If they have accomplished
anything, then I have no know-
ledge of it." (Mr. Bridle was
chairman 'of the town's indust-
rial promotion committee last ye-
ar. There were no meetings of
this committee held.) Mr. Bridle.
felt that the town could use the
money to better advantage in ad-
vertising the town.
Reeve Stanley asked if council
were not more or less impelled
to contribute, Mayor Miller ex-
plained that there was only a
a trial, and a lengthy discussion moral obligation. The council (wh-
fol owed. ich was , made up of the same
Carl Gorier thanked Mr. Halle_ members as in 1958) had agreed
ban for coming to the meeting and two years ago to- go along with
greivniln:igon h. is impressions of the ,con- N
5, V. Nixon of the Nixon Labor-
atories, Orangeville, gave an in-
formative address on animal dis-
ease and prevention, and answer-
led many questions from fhe floor. Over 80 Birthday (hih Carl Dalton moved a vote of
thanks. to the- speaker,
Walton local served lunch. The
next meeting will be held on June.
5, and will start promptly at 8.30
p.m. -e
Thomas Miller, 'is celebrating
his 89th birthday today, March 13,
at the home of his son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
the scheme for a period of three
Councillor Sutter asked what the
(Continued on Page Twelve)