The Wingham Times, 1889-03-22, Page 2r1
ott,10 Boma the libel isogon pending in publication of Olio false and malicious The Ancient Order United WOrle.
C .14 am tunes the courta asking for damages of iihel on the morning of P. dirlSien with men, halt now a membership of 10,031,
constitutes au aggravation of the h
LiIL £50, 000 Ur. Parnell sues theThoes for the abject of influencing that (liviajea' The report showed a growth of 2,088
FRIDA.Y, MARCH 21, 18E9. At00.900, and M. Campbell, 4 6 offence which even the Goverin4ent Mem ere far18880 aud 4 total be"'
secretary, another for R5,000. These are bound to notice end panish. (Hear ficiary risks $82,181,000 in Ontario,
are agatust the proprietor and printer hoer.) if the Ministry had possesseci Quebeo ited Manitoba. One hundred
bedew fixing hotel licenscis of the Teems, who, not having given a spark of the austere neutrality which and eleven death claims were FBA ill
$400, saloon licenses at $000, and evidence before the Commission, are aught to belong to the Goveranaellt' if 1888, repreeentiog $222,000. The
it had poesessed anything but tiles
Shop lionses at $800, waa carried at not ineluded in the indemnity by the meanest, moat virulent, moat vindm. number of lodges ii good working
Peterorough on a popular vote of 33. Special.Oommission AO. tire partizanship, it would have stood order was 301.
Ir is saii that in Thcennber and Tug report of the IsTational Divorce aloof and Ai% nietwspapt:tr tooprrovtoe Cottili yieottilo 'Tat rz?4bsZatVi'sY tinre,:alle:
January 318 homesteads Rua 85 pre. Reform League issued from the haeve matatiaitwilt °had norproofns. never xellowlickiu, shitou,s vitaliser is a post
emptioue were taken in Manitoba Diaartment of Labour at Washington se 1
esosiey severely censured the conduct rive cure' per sale by "r/nitlx"
alone. Th n 0. F. R. solci 84,000 society is issued and includes statistics of Attorney General Webster, which, A twelve,year old girl in 'Toronto '
acres in the provhice hi the same covering a period of twenty years— he said. would be dismissed in 4nrlitt- is SOffOrilligic from facial paralysis at.
time. from 1867 to 1887, It shows thot merit on Monday, and denounced the the result of chewing gum.
assistance given by the Government to fintten'samnisti REMEDY-tt positive cure
The Globe inaiets that Lord Stanley while the increase of population has the Times, He said he could not, for Oatarrh,Diphtherio, and Canker Mouth
must explain away the insults offered been about sixty.nine per cent, the egainst the
however, help protesting For sale by C. B. Williams.
to the leading Liberals meetly in total number of divorces granted dur- Times .baring ‘the whole fury of the A yactht can staled on a tack with.
, connection with Rideau Hall festivit- ing this period zeitehes the appalling storm.of denuneiations that came out swearing. Few men can:
rom Tory politicians, clubmen, Prim
' lea and declares that if he does not number of 828,716, an increase of I Home-stretth : over the mother's
his recall will soon be in order. about 157 per cent. involving 688,482 . , 4 ' P
wsrieb published the roost 'gi ' d knee.
gantio an
damesroso r •
Man can't settle down until after he
persons, The statistics of Canada as infamous lie of the century, knew the
THE Belfast Witness says: With the has settled up.
yet, present a gratifying contrast to dainty taste of its customers, and had
money spent on drink in Great Britian pampered it. Now these same honor- Never kick a man when he is down,
the sad state cif affairs prevailieg in
there could be maintained 600,000 . . During able customers were mortified and
the neighbouring Republic), chagrined bonnet') an again.
He may get up
missionaries at £250 a year, 500,000 , honest man had Some men are born witty, Others
the pass years only 185 cleared himself of infamous charges, have a good memory and some witty
ochool-masters at £100, 5,000 ohurches
divorces have been granted in the Do. and they were base enough to still hope friends.
at £2,000, 5,000 schools at £800. It
that something might be found out.
minion. The annual average number
would give to the world 200,000,000 All this shows, continued Mr. Morley,
of divorces in Canada during the past
shilling Bibles, 500,000,0.00 widows that Mr, Parnellewas right in being
twentyeene years, has been one itt slo re to commit his political fortunes LE
t20 a year, and 200,000. poor families
Tvlies arrive and depart ss follows: Ammo
—our glasses or our Bibles.
no a. year. Which do we value most every 11,897 of the married population. and faine to a London jury. The Mg;
low m
433 ; Ontario, one in every 32,559 ; the queetion' whether these wealthy 10;30
Dr. Goldwin Smith, asks if it be classes represented by the Tintes' cus G.IR,j,a\TD
New Brunswick, onoin every , ,
not possible for modern science to tamers SO greedy and ferocious for A. 0. 8T1tATHDEA AGENT, WINOIIAM.
and British Columbra, one in every 1, calumnies against Ireland', are • fitted
055 of the married population to make laws for Ireland. It is Through. tickets to all points in America—North.
devise some eimple and handy con-
plOepsutiaPrcieriflocutClei?, a st 'Beatgegligveia erilenekti"tthrtouluall
Quebec, shows .only one in every 62,- Home Rule controversy turns upon sa
• m. • • • . • -For Toronto.. .... ....5:85 a. m
.7D 2:15 p,oz
p. in • ..For Teeswater 8'16
trivance to increase, artiefieially the
volume of the human voice. This is ' The Irish Question.
strons that the :douse of Lords should destination. Lowest freight rates to all points.
have a decisive voice in such matter,. LEAVE WINDHAM.
TIM E 'rat E.
suggested by the fact that great voice In reviewing recent events and and Mr. Parnell no voice at' all. 0..m.Torento,ouefini,Palrn:fist
- future prospects, Mr. Morley in an Morley reminded his hearers that the llelg 1o:10 "
nower iliecessary to speak in the
P:Pl• e Clinton,
addres at St. James' Ball said : lie whole matter rested with the nation
extensive halls noW utilized at political 7:25 ,.Palmerston, ., -10:20 a.1,11,
'7:05 London &o.
never saw so great a meeting as this, and that a triumph depended upon 3:40 p.m. 7:46 p.m,
meetings and reat lung is not
g power1101' one in behalf of a nobler 0,11180, ' each one's making himself a ce a.m., .., ...Kincardine, 4zo.. 0:89 a.m.
ntro or
3:80 pan 11:10 .1
always associated the greatest wisdom bear a message from the areat chief, right, ideas. if we clo this, declar- 10:10, " 6:50 pan.
or integrity, who, despite his years, -wet& have at- ed, the time is not distant When WO -
tended this meeting had he not been shall see the false image with a front
THE .Week sayR the .discussion 011 o
entreated to spare himself. (Cheers.) of Tory brass and feet of dissentient On Farm and Town Property at %ery Lowest Rates
41aperia. Federation have not yet He would not himself . spare hiof his clay trampled in the duet under +b. and Oil Terms to suit borrowers,
cnme deevn. from the regions of poetic own free will, because he S008 the feet of the honest citizens of England, borrowere can obtain money in 5 days if
$500,000 TO LOAN.
fancy to those of,practical statesman- time rapidly, almost momentarily, Scotland, and Ireland. (Loud °beers.)
approaching when we shall, cantiously • satisfactoiy,
Ship. be great ditficulsy lies in the Beaver Block, Wingham
and deliberately, step ty step, but A Shrewd Otter.
Y, ring y, it One day BS I was standing= the shore
fact,tkatAbanacia, Australia,and the sure un a e
1 f lt • ana u 1 •
neinc nue-
AfricaWlenies have all essentially ly, t totheb ttof theseI i h
ge ) oni r s of Cranberry bog pond I saw a large flock
b has been tions wadi our committee have soon after
discovered three otters in P. MoLAREN
gages. For terms apply to,
Conference 1884 nothing
outlined or any teally pra.otical sugges. While WP4011111g thiii intineitvers Of the Wingbam, May
. went, deep feeling, and stern, resolute,
titans made,.. • Afters they started kiown the pond in a
-- deliberate pure) me of a great party,
straight lino for the ducks. The old
ICKoxowatt last week satirized the which has not'ye taken up a cense
differenqdtarests. Since London proceedings. (Oheers.) The resolu- of ducks near the middle f 1 Turnberry has about $3,000 to Donn on Mort.
framed express the deliberate' judg. front <2f me, but not near enough to shoot Tr. TREASURER, Wingharti. ABM, GlenMrrow
leader struck out lively, leaving his mates
weakness and follies of modern without carrying it through. (Cheers.) far behind, and as heneared the ducks he
eivilization,by giving an imagmin It may be that the Tories will carry dived and presently I saw one of the ,
arY Horne Rule. (Laughter.) I do not
ducks disappear beneath the surface after A
• aidress by a redskin (Indian) insinat- want to understaud Mr. Parneit's a considerable struggle, the remainder of at
ing that our government, educed n. presence tonight as bringing him and _ the flock rising and flying away ingreat 1,'srTs
and re egion is a failure inasinneh as his friends and countrymen to our commotion. The otter had gone under
party. It is a case of alliance rather the flock and selecteda certain duck and 0 ROBT. Mo/NDOO.
they have not enabled us to settle such rrius,-Enver Block. Wingham, Ont.
•than of fusion, Mr. Parnell's first Pulled him. under. A fen, minutes later
disputes as the present Jesuic question the otter made his appearance near the
duty is to Ireland. He has no right .
Money to Loan on Notes,
(11c MO=
g•IrgliX VitIDAYS10111g1/0i,
-AT T1111--, • ,
Senscriptioaprioe,s1per, year, in OKII,VaAce.,
_ . ........ - .
Space. 1 yr, i 0 :no. I 3 mo. 1 I Ine.
Ono Column $130 00 $35 or' $20 Oa kteiki
atm 4, 08 on go on , 22 oe' , cxr
iiixteleri:: 20 00 12 De 7 00 4 00
Locai and other casual a-dyer:Norm% R. per lira
for Rest insertion, and 3e, per line for each subaqua: t
, noortfon,
Local notices, in nonpareil type, 10e. for Bret in-
sertion, and tio, peeling for each subsequent ineertion,
No local notice will bo charged less than 28o,
Advertisements Of Lout, Found, Strayed, Situatione,
and Business Chances Wanted, not Oxceeding fi. Um*
nonpareil, $1 per month.
Houses and Farm for Salo, not exceeding 8 lines,.
$1 for flit month, 600, per subsequent month.
These term will be strictly fathered to.
Special rates for longer advertisements, or for
longer periods.
Advertisements without specific directions, will be
inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Trim-
eitory advertieeniente must be paid in advance.
Changes for contract advertisements intuit be in.
the office te, Wednesday noon, in order to appear
that week .
R. ErzioTr„ ..
Peoraurroirx3n Ftnisuname
, . .
1)11. 10.
Honor graduate Toronto 'University. Attendant
of New York Polyclinic.
Office and resident:a over store of Gordon & McIntyre,.
Jost:mums ST. • - WINWIAM,
Wnletrim, - ONTARIO..
Hjin A.
NaTuDalttetiol'ioronto University.
Office and Residenee--The old stand formerly °eon-.
'pied by Or. Bethnne, at the limner of Centre and.
Patrick streets, ,
Wairoi411, - ONT.
MEYER & Dichmscr.
Solicitors for the Bonk of Hamilton. Comintssionete
for taking affidavits f or Manittba. Private funds.
to. lend in straight loans at low( et rate. officer
Kent's Block Winghtin, Lucknow and Gerrie,
w. a. mime. u. DICKINSON.
.7. A. MORTON,
Wingham Ontario,
OFFICLS—Beaver Block, Wivolimit, Om,
Gonifix and BUTTS, 03m.
Private and Company funds to loan at low rates of
interest. Mortgages, town and farm property
bought and sold. Mercantile collections,a specialty.
aan making beautiful setts of
. • Artificial Gum "Teeth" for $8.00 per
Notes DisCounted ;e'
ii_4;„..z.- sett, and Plain Teeth, per sett, 'N.00.
'"'''"' Prices in all other bran,ehes of dentia- '
try in proportion.
REASONABLE RATES. Vegetable Vapor administered Mr the painlest
extraction of teeth, the only safe 'anesthetic known,
oney advanced on Mortgages at 6 per cent. with OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, °pi:oaf) nth
lege of paying at the end of any year. Notes Brunswick Hotel.
°counts collected,
without vile threats of physical force to think of our party except in vela south shore of the pond with the duckin
and bitter recriminatioes incalculably tion to Ireland. (Cheere.) But I
' •
his mouth.—Forest and Stream.'
unfurious and -utterly unbecoming. look forward to the day when, Stijl improvement in Farm 'Fools. Capital, $1,000,000. Rest, $360,000. •
• 'VT I 11"
tzfileslumeerise nal; op;illagye fatilintigehexecveiti;
sairia Maker of Vulcanite cenuioin, Alloy-,
Silva Gold, etc., etc., Mates, ranging
`tie4-• In prices from $500 upwards per set
crownng mid bridgework. Teeth ex -
tracted. without the leastipain by the use of Vital -
feed Air. Bond
Office n ••1-ia I
In consequence the Indian is naade to
statesman, Mr. Parnell will b bl
reinainino. first an „Irish leader and We hear very little about -the advance . rest.en.---011N -YEAST. gglikdOtgl-a-ye en a :t1 tha herteeCill ritt:01111nd.
'a e of improvement. in agricultural imi)le- 171,08-.aPre:Ide-IDK-1.70N. JAMES TURNER.
ask that his territory be restored. DestacaroFee
to partake and draw a united Ireland t d f
lat A. G. RA SAY JOHN PR eLaneeliki'll°0Wn 2nd and 44/I &Ma d T
M , DaTOR, CHAS. GOMM, Geo. th—Office at Whiteley's hotel. Extracting'
ONE of the most impnrtant patent to partake in the great fabric of the b n Y.' u
c, 25 cents
ranch of the industrial pursuits of the ROADS, A, T. Woof:.
decisions rendered in Canada has free. government of the Empire, of country is keeping abreast of
the times, Cashier -s. TURNBULL.
to make Ireland nevertheless. The plow of twenty-five 1 Savings Bank hours, 10 to 8 ; Saturdays, 10 to JCEN RITCHIE,which we are striving
just been given by the Commissioner
. an integral, incorporated, united Years ago is now a curiosit
y and those
howDeersite of $1 and upwards received and interest
,of Patents, in which the patent on the cannot realize how
reconei I ed, and equal mei bar whwoossomldoandod toeeoderitvetio
purposes for Special Deposits also receiyed at current
inoandescent lamp, held exclusively (Cheers.) Whatever form Horne it
which it was manufactured. And the broil:1 interest.
anadOsnollreat Britain and the United States wINGHAm,
ill the Dominion by the Edison electric Ride may take it must rest—if ib is plove of a decade since, while perhaps
light company-, has been declared null to rest upon a rock—upon a founda not so crude, :has been abandoned for a
and void, the ground of the decision tion of mutual reePeet, :Pod will, better implement. And so it is all
good understanding, good faith and througtithe list of agricultural imple- 132117IS
being failure to comply with the good intentions between the English mints and farm machinery, and in axt- FIRE AND MARINE,
pr4ent regulations, yrhieh provide that mad the Irish. (Cheers.) The Tories other quarter of a century it is possible
the articles thus patented. mast be ean never deprive the Liberals of the that the farmer will walk no more in the
lory of being the first to soothe Irish 51tivation of his farin.—St. Louis Globe -
manufactured within Canada one year I•at.
istrust, extinguish British prejudice, Democrat.
from the issue of the patent, and the ,ond t .• ftaflil 05
M 1\T
. 0 Jeffrey Very Soft Hearted. PA.VeaVX itMOPUE112.11"2"
the United States must cease within to say in the Efouse of COI= ons that ties ws te always in love. Sydney AT VERY LOW RATES.
importation oe the same patent from ship. Not many months ago I ventured Did, I know JeVreye Ono of his quell -
the condectors of the Ties ----------- Smd to talk about Jeffrey's
t wo years.
covered themselves with the deepest sevetty-two loves, and at that time put
GLAnSTONE recently said. infamy. (Cheers.) They brouglive. mo at the top of the lid. Ile was ter- 1-1,ii\ei
Until the last few days the firm and charge against an Irish member of the taiely very adoring for a time, but he
oltetent administration of degrading Rause Commons who wrote deny. C°11°111'1. °Onsequoaca of znY taste for OFFICE -OPPOSITE THE MARKET,
prison treatment to all alike by Mr.. g
' and disprovine it, and who spoke Gerinany and German literaeuro, which Iv/Nenem, oesoese 4TH, 1888,
. (being cestnplet.ely ignorant of it) he
, an t e House of Cominons *gem
Balfour, was Applauded as the trutb
u d d' ' ' TI T' could ilotdbear. He wrote absurd criti- cereiDONIAN HALL.
enymg an leproving IL le tines Oi.11118 Oil oethe, whom he treated as le The Society Meets every third Monday
at Jeffrey was This cot:mind on hall can be secured for ontdr
well-governieg of Ireland. But this !front their report of his speech the kind, generous, an excellent friend and tainments ot everyskind at a very low figure. For
secret, length diseevered. of the didnot print his letter and oinitted dernier atsurdes. month. Visitinig brethren welcome,
very day the hair-aliPPing and similiariPassage in, whieli he defended himself, had greet talents.—Saray Austin ta terms ee., aieey to
Afterwards they sank lower—a more Guizot. 'w
practiees were condemned in the
asperato exhibition of blind, head.
Reuse of 00futtiatin by 'the Ministry strong, reckless, malevolent Tolitical
"It is curious," renaarks 'William Phil.
itself, That party, which' eet the paseion. (Loud cheers.) /3" twa pot, "to observe how much more enor-
election e .ceed• d its in numbers by years a ilr 'ab journal eirettiatM tnous and outrageous we aro apt to ac -
nearly 1'10, has just- rejected a toe, . throughout the length and breadth of comet a piece of dishonesty if we our-
... the land what its oven 001111801 now selves are pinched by it. 1 thought k
duratory tall f o• the reforming
of admits to bo as gross a libel as was sad, and a heinous thing in the land,
prison tie vt lent, kit it coniil only ever written, at, auv public mart when, the other day, a roan in my neigh-
• iiroefer for the rejectinn ft tuttiorit3 (01wer$,) Before many days the borhood was dislaiorteet about an Jusur„
lions() ot a an trort$ will iso affirod to anco blismests. at ,when I disc -rd,
of 11:i ).• -17 ono who, is able to read , mos luvi been afterwards, that thiamine man lied taken
tee, le,e, n • 11 r, tinos must &aril, pronounce that the fil*
a premitim out of tny own pocket and
so" '',,' ' .' in w'lich thq Present 7. es , i not paid it over, serintlignation Ittiew " F E
'witty of preseibly 1/0140 Alld 111.41itIi011/) -
I .1. the (4. Pt crtiment mil not (1., 1 b a n htleri ittnetlerie ren '
'When St Pleats nu
at 01Ine fit Oen tore.
*98 gerrinzafoebittentE
To at once seta blleh
trade In all parts. by
placing 611, machine§
and goods *hero the peep!e can ma
thent. WO Will send rree Metal
P67110t1 In Oath IOCAllty,tha wit
13958 sewhig-meebin6 made Is
the World,WIth all the attaehntenta,
We WIII woo eend tree/ complete
lino Of Ont eoatly end elInehle art
e5mpI99. la Mu* aelt that you
she* What we eend, to Hume who
may cell at your home. and After*
menthe all Mall become rest Myla
nfarl*,';11 ArileTVIrritZ
Whlah hero run outionotote patents
NM Oat it sold for 03, With IM
elachrectite, and now eella tor
aso. Best.ltrongeet, 0100( 11*.
an swains 10 the World. Al) le
free. Na eapttal rtrrynIted. P14111
et t tpetniage.felt
what a trime Mira ea the tt tlewhigonaehreittnlif:4'„411",va„...-
0, tl.e Opplieition Will de 9081 The diotortesty teasRevalue, pit sr: eret Awl% together* AMON*.
.111{oz WAN Anflustixo MAU**
Gt portEi CntGoh rr1retteer/1;D be c etb
moderatorates 1
Wingham, Licensed Auctioneer'
ati:s of and Bret:10,7n.
on ot
Orders can be left the Tat the Tien Office.
- JOHN CURRIE, WitieuAtt,
Orders left at Timms' office promisny attended to
p. DEAN, 30., WINDHAM)
Sake attended in any pad of the Co, Chong**,
JAMES nrasmts8014,
Ltosssso Anotoarzit Conlin/al 1110110N Ana
A11 aides attended tit promptly and en the Shorted;
Oberon Motlerntennd Satilifactien Griaranteed.
1111611 .noeincele•irry arrangements can be made at the
IV13011AM. 032,
orptar. KENT'd eLocK, WIWCHAM.
Priva' fundoi t0ht,
A number of Building Leto and Iteelderi!e Duerr
ties tor .,ao
who), ties:ties * t1100 bilthe Witteluie shouitt
muinstietoto WM, rat sly Wets,
*here all mummy hitt., tt•iteun CM, b...lvt seined..