HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-03-06, Page 8Pre-Season — Limited Sale
Farm Tractors & Farm Machines
- at Dealer Costs
1—Ace Bottom 2-Furrow, 3-
Point Illitch Plow.
1—Ace Bottom, 3-Furrow Fast_
Hitch Plow.
1—Aco 'Bottom, 4-Furrow, Hy-
' draulic Lift Plow, on rubber.
2-16-run Double Rise Fertiliz-
er Drills.
3— Sections, Flexible Tooth
1-200 Field Harvester, with
Hay and Row Crop At-
1—Row Crop Fast Hitch Cul-
1—Fast Hiteh Carryall.
1-7-ft. Stiff Tooth Cultivator,
on rubber.
1—A 101 Fertilizer Attachment.
1—ZDD 1762 Bean Attachment
for No. 164 Combine.
1—Grader Blade Attachment
for Power Loaders.
1-8-ft. Tractor Disc Harrow.
1—No. 45 Baler with Bale Ch-
ute, etc.
1—B250 Diesel Tractor with
Standard Equipment.
1—B900 Front-End Loader. •
1—Farman 230 Tractor.
1—No. 6 Harrunermill.
3—No. 21-1.T 7-ft. Tractor Mow-
2-4-Bar Side Rakes, on steel.
1-17-ft. Ringwise Bale Elev-
1-58092D Power Take Off for
TD6 Crawler.
Plus Many Other items too numerous to mention
Full Company Warranty on all These Machines
TERMS: CASH —No Trades on These Offers
Phone 17 DEALER seaforth, Ont.
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Budget Plan Available
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Phone HU 2-9211 BRUCEFIELD, ONT.
Degree Conferred;
Murphy Lodge
Prepares for 12th
Murphy Loyal Orange, Ledge.
met Thursday, February 27, and
the officers conferred the second
degree. Present at the meeting
was Rt. Wor. Brother Hammond,
representative of the Orange In-
surance who reported on the act-ivity of his department, Further arrangements h a v e
been made for the celebration on
Saturday, July 12, And the 3.00th
anniversary of the organization of
the Murphy Lodge,
Committees APPOinted as fol-lows: entertainment and sports,
Mel Crich, Charles Cooper, Len
Coale, William Fuaferd, Barry Wat-
kins; parade committee, Melvin
Sehoenhals, Mervin Falconer, Eir!
mer Johnston; advertising, A.
Deeves, George Falconer, Frank
Falconer, Charles Nelson; decora-
tion, Frank Falconer, David Corn-
Isla Mervin Falconer, Art Groves,
with Mrs. Donald Haines auction-
eer and Mrs. Ed Davies treasurer,
Lunch was served by Mrs,
Liam Straughn, Mrs. A. Kirkeonnel,
Mrs. S. McCliuehey and Mrs. J.
C. Stoltz.
Of approximately 280,000 im-
migrants admitted to Canada last
year, the largest group was Brit-
John Diefenbaker Deserves
A Clear Mandate
T Fin s The J
• Agricultural Price Support Bill
Related to Costs of Production
• Realistic Pension and Social
Security Program
• $300,000,000 for Housing.
• Tight Money Relaxed,Benefitting
Farmers and Small Businessmen.
a A Positive Approach to• Trade Problems.
`Carryon; Elston and John'
Published by Authority of Huron Progressive Coal-stem-We Association
pc =GM zizws.gEconv
4V.fr. and Mrs, Frank. Hill are
ialting their relatives in the corn-
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hill, St.
Catherines, spent the weekend
-with relatives here.
Murray Hill. has been accepted
for the London Police Force and
began his duties on Monday,
The death of Thomas J. Stin-
scila, Clinton, formerly, of Varna,
tool place in Victoria Hospital,
;London, en Saturday last
George Coleman, Douglas Rob-
union and Miss Margaret MeCly-
mont, all of Toronto, visited frien,
Oa and relatives over athe week-
-Miss Margery Webster, stud-
ent-teacher at the Stratford Tea-
chers" College has been attending
a Convention in Toronto over the
• past weekend.
William MeAsh, Elmer Hayter,
John Keys and Fred 1WeClyinont
attended- the United Church El-
ders and Stewards ..trieetirig . in
igintOn last Wednesday evening.
\ The Woman's Missionary Sec-
4ety of the United Church will
hold its regular monthly meeting.
ori Thursday afternoon of this
-week at the. home of Mrs. William
Many residents attended the
luneral,of the late Yeoman Aid-
wiuekle on Sunday last. He was
well known and greatly liked in
the community. Much sympathy
la felt for the widow and family.
Thomas Stinson passed away in
Victoria. Hospital on Sunday after
a long illness, He was a familiar
figure in the village before he
went to the County Home,. .SYm-
pathy is extended to his relatives,
The United Church annual con-
gregational meeting was held last
Monday evening in the Church.
Goo reports were heard from the
various departments of the church,
A hearty vote of appreciation was
tendered to Rev. and Mrs. T. J.
Pitt for their untiring work dar-
ing the year.
WA Meeting
The • February meeting of the
Varna United Church Woman's
Association' was held on the .2.6th.
Mrs. Robert Stirling conducted
devotions, assisted by Mrs. Fred
1VIOClymont and Mrs. Gordon Hill,
The president. Mrs, Lee McColl-
Del took charge of the business
period. Fifteen members brought
a gift for the bazaar in answer
to the roll call, A "thank You"
card was read from Mrs,, Coultas,
and it was decided to send some
fruit to Mrs. Thelma Workinan
who is ill. The treasurer was in-
structed to send -$15 to the' Polio
fund. The business period closed
with the WA prayer.
An interesting reading was giv-
en by Mrs, T. J. Pitt, after which
lunch was served.
Alex. M. jVicEwen,
Alexander M. Mc seen, passed
away in Clinton Public Hospital
on February :14, 1958, at the age
of $2.
A. native of Stanley township he
was the second son of Duncan.
McZwen and Mary Lines,. and he
farmed the homestead which they
had occupied during their lifetime,
on the second concession of the
Be was a member of long stand-
ing in St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Chard), Clinton, and a member of
the Kirk Session for 32 years, and
for many years he showed his in-
terest in the youth of the corn-
rannity by superintending the Sun-
day School, conducted in Baird's
His wife ,the former Minnie
Weir, predeceased him in Feb-
ruary 1953.
Mr. 112c Ewe had a family of
five daughters, all of whom sur-
vive him, Marion (Mrs. M. Lar-
amie) Kincardine Collegiate Insti-
tute staff; Jean, Toronto Teaching
Staff; Eleanor (Mrs. H. J. Run-
nails) Timmins; Bessie (Mrs.
Charles Boyd) Walton; and Mar-
jorie (Mrs, John Broadfoot)
Brueefeld, There are 12 grand-
children, and one great-grandson
also surviving.
John H. McEwen, Stanley town-
ship is a brother, and two sisters,
Mrs. 0. L. Paisley, Clinton, and
Mrs. William Tebbutt, Goderich,
are well known members of 'the
family circle,
Funeral service was conducted
from the Ball and Mutch funeral
home, on Wednesday, February 19,
by Rev. D. J. Lane of St. Andrew's
church, and temporary enfanh-
ment was made in the Clinton
Mausoleum, from which the re-
mains will be conveyed to their
final resting place in Baird's cem-
Pallbearers were five neighbors
of the deceased, John McGregor,
Clifford Stewart, Donald Glen,
Raymond Cantelon, John McFar-
lane and a grandson, Robert
Mrs. W. J., Dignan.
(By our Hensel' correspondent)
Public funeral service was held
for the late Mrs. William J, Dig-
nan, frorti the Bonthron funeral
chapel, Hensall, on Tuesday, Mar-
ch , 4, with Rev. C. D. Daniel of-
ficiating. Burial was in Exeter
'Mrs. Dignan, who was in her
86th year, passed away in Clin-
ton on Sunday, March 2. The for-
mer Emily Troyer, she was born
in Hay Township and had been a
resident of Hensell for some 15
years. She was a member of Hen-
sall United Church.
Her husband predeceased her in
'July 1949 Surviving is one sister
Mrs. William Hyde, Hensel], and
a number of nieces and nephews.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott vis-ited ,friends in London last week.
Mr, and Mrs, Armond and two
girls, Toronto, were recent visitors
with Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Robison.
Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Carter and
family, Port Elgin, spent the week
end with their aunt Miss Sadie Carter,
Miss Mary Asquith, Sarnia, Sp-
ent a few days with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, C. E, Asquith,
Miss Ruth Peer, Atwood, was
a recent visitor with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Daer.
Mrs, Coleman, Alberta, is visit-
ing her cousins, Mrs. John Hous-
ton and Mrs. C. M. Straughan.
The many friends of .Albert
Campbell will be sorry to learn
he is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bothwell
and Michael, St. Catherines, spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Gordoh Taylor.
Miss Patricia Yungblut, Wing-
ham, was a weekend visitor with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Major
Four cartons of good used cloth-
ing were packed last week by the
Wornen's Institute for the Unit-
arian Relief.
Women's Association
The Woman's Association of
Knox United Church met Wednes-
day evening. February 26 with
Loyal Hearts in charge of the pro-
gram, The devotional period was
led by Mrs. W. T. Robinson with
Mrs. George Millian at the piano.
The Scripture was read by Miss
Margaret Jackson. Mrs. Fred Tall
read the meditation and led in
prayer. Mrs. George Wilkin sang
a solo accompanied by Mrs. W. J.
Rev. R. S. Hiltz introduced the
Rev, Doctor Semple, Egniondville,
whose theme was "The Church
and its Relation, to the Offender".
He had spent a year working and
talking with the boys at the Re-
formatory at Guelph and told of his experiences while there,
Mrs, ,Charles. Strauglian thanked
.1>r. Semple for his address, The
offering was received by Mrs. 01-
iver Anderson and Mrs. Alvin
Plunkett, Mrs. Maurice Bean pre-sided for the .business period.
The rainbow group will have
charge of the 'March meeting,
Women's Institute
Mrs, George Millian presided
for the February meeting of the
Women'a Institute held in the Or,-
ange Hall on Tuesday. Mrs. Bert
Craig read the minutes and gave
'the financial report. Mrs. Millian
spoke of the article which had
been brought in for the Unitarian Relief,
Mrs. Fred Plaetzer, Mrs, Fred
Ross and Mrs. Donald Haines were
named a nominating committee
to bring in a slate of officers at
the March meeting, Mrs, Alf Nes-
bit was appointed leader with Mrs.
Ed Davies assistant of the 4-H
Club project "The Club Girl Stan-
ds on Guard". Mrs. Nesbit spoke
on the Achievement Day in Wing-
ham and displayed two wool skirts
the girls had made,
There was a demonstration of
home made mats Which- some of
the ladlea had hooked, Roll call
was answered by giving the na-
me of a town or city and 'its in-
dustry. An accordian number was
given bar Mrs. S. McClinchey. A
paper on the motto "Home and
Youth goes hand in hand", was
given by Mrs. A. Kiricconnell.
Tre district president, Mrs. Wes
Bradnock gave a talk on Institute
work, Announcement was made on
the District Rally in Auburn in
April. Mrs. T. Haggett, Mrs. Ed
Davies, Mrs, J. Raithby and Mrs.
A, Craig were appoiated to look
after the lunch. ti
Mrs. Keith Maehan,,convener 'of
Agriculture and Canadian Indust-
ries gave a paper.
A successful auction was held
Bruce Holland, Williarn", COC4;, canvassing, a M. klanly„ A, DeeVa
es; police, A, .Shaddick; Mee*.
SiOns, T. Peeves, W. Glazier, r.
Henderson; program, H. 'Slorlaall, Crieh, J. Turner; centennial,
D. Freeman, G, Cornish; celebra
tion secretory,. William MOIL
First member 'listed on all com-
mittees will serve as chairman and
they are requested to have all -comanitttea members :assigned iq
them present at the ,next - regidar
meeting on Thursday, March 1,3,
for fnrther plans.
A PaSt master's night will be
held in Clinton on Thursday, Mar-
27, when the royal arch degree
will be conferred.
\ Candidate in Huron
says: Vote Liberal on March a
and enjoy the benefits of the far-
seeing Liberal program, as well as
lower taxes,
(Published by Huron Liberal
ews of Varna News of Auburn
Vorrosp.ondent , VArfa ROSS
P4ono PM1F4Wileri 8 1.7 10
Clinton Memorial Shop
Thomas Steep, Clinton Representative'
— Phones —
Bus., HU 2-6606 - - Res., HU 2-3869