HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-03-06, Page 7'11•WIl‘SPAY.1 MARCH fit 1958 ,afield Area Couple Celebrate Golden Wedding Day At Ban D SS 4 VAlitair IMMIX !away `eVi? • free! Marie Eraser's new Cheese Casserole Recipes. ' Send today I DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron Street, Toronto lowest priced cars built in Canada! You're always a step ahead ' in cars of The Forward Look What's your pleasure—hardtop, sedan, two-door, four-door? Get one in a new Plyrratithr:at Ahe lowest price of any leading Canadian car. • • Yoh'fl find a ,new; and simply terrific '58 Plymouth not only costs you less, but gives yo* more! Plymouth , gives you the fresh new beauty of modern Silver- Dart styling .. . the convenientaiifll pu-biataraferqueiPlite automatic drive . . and newyelyetyeictuletTerformance, too, with your choice of the big 318-cubie-inch" Plyniontbli-8 or newly improved, extra-thrifty $ix. . And. when it etimes ta"krie,"PlYt niaifth's 188 4Yarliilari:Arkkis unequalled, even by systems that cost at least $150 extra! Stop by"and test7drive,a '58 Plymouth this week. Check price, trade-ht, and,terms. Cheek' Plymouth's, careful, trafternanShip. PLYM0u•r1,14A.IALIPtis I G itE6 AP E LOWEtT RvetY4pgic ,i4eat that goes into anew Plymouth is carefully. checked Ter tpaility:,EviirY,Step of4he Manlifacturing protest' is tjualitytton- Lr011edi tOo. :The reettit ilkaevei of-eittellente you expect only iri 4Tetpett8ive" oats, Yet Ply outh prices Are the tatee$tti Xtilitl4sLeit lionetuotoriciN OP CANADA. LI M ITRO *;itch Climax-Shower of Stars every Thursday night on TY-theok your lath! prO§ridmeitie listing for uric and channel. to ti4 htgh•st standards of outtOritotive cop8on••••01p 1111C solves over 1/2 minion money problem a year More people barrow from. HFC than any other con_ its sumer finance compariy, Reason: HFC has an 80- year reputation for helpful advice on money manage,' meet and prompt, friendly service on loans. You can lifadern 111011PY A•ertice hacked li borrow F C.wit up t hrepo ' $0 ay1n170en0ttetms by ,to yoor• of e.verienee you choose. USEHOLD FINANCE R. K. Fitch, Manager 35A West Street Telephone 1501 GODERICH Young liberal Rally COME AND HEAR Bill Cochrane Your Liberal Candidate hi Huron AND Murray Sinclair President,• West Middlesex Young Liberal Association Town Hall, Hensall Thursday Evening, March 13 at 8 o'clock Everyone Welcome! Sponsors' Huron's Young Liberal Association Published by Huron Liberal Association RgP FARM CLINIC on Pole Barns and Open-End Buildings . ZURICH COMMUNITY 'CENTRE Thursdayi March 13, 8 p.m. FILMS WILL BE SHOWN SPECIAL. SPEAKERS: • MR. BELMONT, Agricultural Engineer for Counties of Huron, Bruce and Grey. DOUGLAS' H. MILES, Agricultural 'Representative for Huron County. L G. GODDARD, from .Canada ,Creosoting Co. Ltd. AND OTHERS. Come and 'Discuss Your Problems on Housing and Feeding Cattle, Pigs and Poultry. Coffee and Doughnuts will ,be served. FREE DRAW ON CEDAR CHEST DOOR PRIM Sponsored by: Fred Kalbilenc h and Son Ltd.: GODERIH ZURICH The ST o, Goderich Town, Ship Farm Forum net at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Xra. The forum program was giYen4 nn TV with )30.4 ,Carbert. MO, The .stihjeat ""The Low Income Farmer" was tligensSed • It was decided that there should be special programs to help the farmer who is offieierit and cap- -4_1'1e enough to be suceessful when given LA.:Mumble, conditions, such as productive land and anffieient funds, Land erosion and loss of land moisture could .he prevented at the seine time if non-product- ive farm land were converted back to forest or grass land through systematic conservation. :Some younger farm people who are not satisfied quid turn to the professions if given help with education. For recreation games of "500' were played, Lunch was Served, The meeting this week will be on Thursday night. train to Kipper), and by sleigh to the farm on which they still re- side. Mr. Campbell recalls that the day before they returned the roads were impassable and there was a terrible blizzard. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell have one daughter Mary, IVIrS, Carl Barber, 'Hamilton, .and two grand- sons, Robert' and Wayne Barber. Many lovely gifts and 'cards were received by the happy couple. (By Our Constance Correspondent) The Friendly Few Farm Forum Met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley with a „geed attend-enc.?, Discussion Was on "The 140W Income Farmer". The Forum thought there should 'be specific policies to help the farmer; also special 'programs to help increase his income from the farm, -Special efforts should, be made to help the farmer who is willing to work and help himself. Progressive euchre was played and prizes went to Bill Jewitt avneti nie llewpaarled P4edszcnaotortire;nlowB,romwrns: lvithte faenrciumMrfsOr 'xiaerxit LironsdcilalyinnVigithetcl, Live Wires (By our Lendeshoro .0orrespontiont) Members of the Live,Wire farm forum met at the home of Mr. and • Mrs, Ted Hunking, with 17 members and three children pre- sent. Cards were played until 10 o'clock. They watched the broad- east being televised -over OKI\TX and two discussion groups were formed on the subject "The Low Income Farmer", 'Bert .Shelabrook conducted the business session. Thanks for card And box of fruit were received from- Gordon Howatt, A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hunking. 0 Hensall Kin See Pies. ,by W. Fritz (By our ,Hensall correspondent) Hensall Kinsmen, at their din- ner .meeting last Thursday night, decided to donate 50 metal chairs to the auditorium of the Hensel' Community Memorial Arena. They also finalized plans for the Zone Conference to be held at Exeter; Sunday, March 9. The Club is sponsoring Bill 1Vlickle, ,a past president, as a candidate for de- puty governor of the district this year; with the election to take place at that time. Ward Fritz, Zurich, showed pic- tures and narrated his recent trips to turope and California. Clif- ford Quance, Exeter, was a guest. President Jack Drysdale, who pre- sided ,for the .meeting, won the raffle prize. Federatioxx Works n Coonnitteo OverPipeline$_ KAY 4, Carl .11femingWny) have been attending meetings in Toronto for the past few days and some important information has developed. Firstly, list the February 27 is- sue of the :Seaferth Mews X learn- ed that a. pipeline ,is.' to NI con. strueted from Stratford tO Sea,. forth ,along the railway line, It is interesting to note that the line is riot being placed on Railway property. Your Federation of Agriculture Pipeline Committee h.as been warlsing .with the Minister of ,Min, es wider whose jurisdiction ,pipe- lines are listed, The Committee has been assured that the Pipelin- es Act will be studied and revised at this session, The Committe has requested that farmers be notified of the proposed pipeline and its exact location at least 90 days before the Company be allowed to our- chase easements, They have been given reason to believe that this will be granted shortly. In -the past, pipeline represen- 11.1110111.1.11111111 BILL tochiape tandidate in Huron asks why did the Conservatives force an election by dissolving Parliament? Was it, to avoid bringing"' down a budget? VOTE' LIBERAL VOTE COCHRANE (Published by Huron Liberal Association) 10-b 14.4h1.1~0 .4.414~MISIMIWOWNNK , Day and Night TAXI SERVICE Leave Your Driving Worries Parked In Your Garage Call CLINTON CAB HU 2-9012 HU 2-9036 Don Switzer - Howard Greats Night Calls HU 2-9036 tatives have suddenly arrived at the farmer's door /with 401 .ease- ment form, If the farmer didn't agree at once he was accused of -abstracting progross: In Man), cases the farmer was badgered into signing very unsatisfactory settlefnents, In the ease of damages the Committe requests that the Comm pew must accept all responsibility for any and all .damages... This seems only reasonable since far- mers could hardly be .expected to subsidize industrial ..development. Pending this revision of Leosr teamn farmers are urged not to Sign any type of agreement on this questien, Further, your Fedora" tion of Agriculture has NOT ap- proved an specific contract form. Beery situation is different and. therefore must he valued individ,, Seeondly,, Co-Qperetive Medical Service have sought the Co-apes. ation of this. Ontario Federation of Agriculture and it now seems likely that Co-operative Medical Services will ge •given representa. tion on the Provincial 0.0s1;4taliza, tion Board and it is also expected that they will have the right to handle the Government Insurance and be pail a suitable service fee, We believe this too will be gran., ted during the present session, If you have any influeneee with your local provincial member let him know that you are, interested in these two. questions. PAGg. OVEN itir. and. 'Mrs. -George • Campbell, 'Stanley Township, celebrated their .Golden "-Wedding 'Anniversary quietly' at 'their home on February • 26. . • ,Mrs.. Campbell was the former Florence Ttirner,"daughter, of the late Robert Turner and`-•Elizabeth Madge. Married in. Berlin, now Kitch- ener, the couple were attended by the groom's!sister and brOther-in- law, Mr. , and Mrs. Fred Kamp-, mann, Kitthener, When they were married, 7/14r., and Mrs. 'Campbell - travelled via ,MURPHY BR Huron Street Clinton, Ontario $* 'hone HU 29475