HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-03-06, Page 4w wow lam TIMER \i)\ 1..T.."..S TIME FOR u er o ts AND ver Rubbers MEN'S - BOYS' - YOUTHS' - Clothing Shoes Guaranteed areak-resistant Carnival Design illustrated dinnerware 41:2471;N. molded o Good liousexcepIng 00* a.....?...sieananaknanan...n774* • '44 I ti A-91A. Beautify your table with EVERWIAID dinnerware Evermaid - the dinnerware that keeps it's just.new sparkle for yeargl Superbly made of Melmac, Evermaid is unbelievably resistant to breaking, chipping, and crecking, it's eaty and sofa to wash by hand or automatic dishwasher - even in boiling water. Its available in a wide variety of colours and serving pieces, either in complete sets or open stock. Come 4n today. 16 pc* Starter Set WAS SUTTER-PERDUE LTD. Phone HU 2-7023 Clinton,. Ont. Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. COOKE, FLORIST Dial HU 2-7012-Clinton SUAVE CREAM r. SUAVE LIQUID SPRAY "NET-Big 11 oz. ';`13,ESDAN-Guaranteed- for Dandruff reg. $1.00 -- Sale .80 reg. .60 Sale .50 reg. 2:150 - Sale 1.65 reg. 1.50 - Sale 1.25 GET YOUR PERMANENT NOW! CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: JOHN AGULIAN, 13.Tli. 11.00 am.--"Simon-The Man of Enthusiam" 12.00 a.m.-Sunday School. 7,30 p.m.- Evangelistic Service Wednesday, 7.30 lama-Faith and Fellowship Hour A Cordial Welcome to All $7.50 $10 12.50 $15 ti Open Evenings- TUESDAYS-(Except First and Third) Every THURSDAY - Every FRIDAY 8111 PU.aindSET.- • ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA ' St. ,Youl's - Clinton REV. C. S. INDER, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Sunday, March 9 3rd Sunday in. Lent 8.30 aari.-Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer 4.30 p.m-Evening Prayer, Wed.-7,30 p.m. - Lenten Devot- ions and sermon, Wed., Mar. 12-Friendship Club will meet in the Parish Hall at 8.15 p.m. BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH I. BODENHAM, Pastor Sunday,. March 9 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship "Grafted in Contrary to Nat- ure" 7.30 p.m.-Evening Service "The 7' Steps in Salvation" Wed., 8 p.m.-Prayer Meeting "Study in the Book of Heb- rews". You are cordially invited to these services, Sunday, March 9 Sunday School 9.45 a.m. Breaking of Bread 11..00 am. Gospel Service 8.00 p.m. Speaker: Mr. John Rae, Lon- don, TUESDAY, 8 p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study. Fri„ Mar. 14-Hear Mr. Charles Shorten, missionary from Af- rica, see coloured, slides, A Hearty Welcome Awaits You" A Special Welcome Awaits You ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor-REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School, 11.00 a.m.-Worship Service 7.00 p.m.--evening Chants]. Hour TURNER'S CITURCII 2.00 p.m.- Worship Service 3.00 p.m.-4Suriday School ••• CHARLES House tof Beauty Charles D. Proctor, Prop. Phone HU 2-7065 King Street, Clinton 7 You'll find our quality hard to beat. Drop in at Anstett's today and see for yourself. Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old/story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on !...re's day as follows: 11,00 Enna -Breaking Bread 3.00 p.m.-Stinday School 7,00 pnra-Preaching the Gospel 8.00 pan,-Wednesday-Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Assistant Pastor: B. DAVIDSON Friday, March 7-- 8.00 p.m.-Christ's Ambassadors: Sunday, March 9-a 10.00 laan.-Sunday School 11,00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.-Gospel Service Tuesday, March 11- 8.00 p.m.-Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. ttleMep=alilit "tillniteb REV. J. cK B.A. (ifjli mrcbmi, MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE. Choir Director Sunday, March 9 11.00 a.m.--aindorning Worship "The ChriSian Way" 12.15 p.m-Sunday School & Bible Class. HOLMESVILLE 1.30 p.m.-Worship Service 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. Let us use the Lord's Day to strengthen our Christian Faith Christian Reformed Chuich REV. G. J. HOYTEMA, Minister 10.00 a.m.-Service in Dutch 11.30 am,-Sunday School 2.34) p.m.-Service in English Everyone Welcome Saturday 9.30 a.m.-Bible School Listen to the denominational broadcast of the Christian Re- formed Church: Back to God Hour. Every Sunday, Sarnia, Ontario, CKOC, 8.30 a.m., 1070 kcs, Windsor, Ont., an-. LW, 10.30 p.m., 800 kcs. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A,, Minister MRS. M. J, AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, March 9 9.45 a.m.-Our Church School` for all classes. 10.45 a.m.-Divine Worship: "Anyway, what's the use?" rt will do men good to worship God, All are welcome to ur ser- vice. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. L. 8WEMARD, pastor BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS HUnter 2-9727 CLINTON LPAGE .rows. N N,EWS-RECORD TlitiMPAY, MARCH 8, 148• I Members Enjoy Bus Trip To Visit Kitchener, TV and Ice Show Three more sweaters were re- ceived, by the WI for sending to the Korean children. Roll call wasanswered.' by a Valentine ver- se. Mrs. Charles Nelson and Mrs. T. O'Connell offered their services as leaders in the 4-H Homemak- ing Club project, "The Club Girl Stands on Guard." Mrs, Nelson was assisted with the topic on home economics and health by Mrs. Doucette Mrs, Nelson demonstrated mak- ing a sick bed, and Mrs. Wilfred Colciough gave a reading on the cleaning, of a cistern, Mrs. Ern- est Elips recited "He is Serious." Mrs. Mervin Batkin told about Achievement Day of the 4-H Girls' Club,and offered an invitation to the members to attend open house on March 5, at the Night School in the collegiate. ENGAGEMENTS ANP.01),NCED. Mr. And Mrs, Thomas Lavender, Hensall, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara Jean, to Alexander ,SteryWay Turner, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh King Turner, Glas- gow, Scotland, The marriage Will take place on Saturday, r April 5, 1958, at Sin Paul's Anglican, Church. 'Hensall, On- tario, 10,41a ' Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Cooper Wish to announce the engage-. anent of their youngest daugh- ter, Frances Vivian Ruth, to Harry Raymond I-Iansford, son of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Stewart Hansford, Midland. The marriage will take place an Erskine United Church, Toronto, on April 5. 10-p PARK THEATRE GODERICH NOW PLAYING: Elvis Presley "LOVING YOU" In Technicolor with 'Lizbeth Scott MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY BING CROSBY Luger Stevens & Mary Fickett All the critics are unanimous in praising this as Bing's greatest picture. A dramatic story of a home, an boy and his quarelling parents. "MAN ON FIRE" Ontario St, Ladies. Regular Meting Mrs. J, I3. Lavia, president, con-. vened the meeting, of Ontario Street United Church Woman's Association in the church parlour. on Tuesday afternoon. Devotions were by Mrs, E. Welsh on the . theme "Prayer and God Talking!' Mrs. B. 0.1de gave the secre- tary's teport and Mrs. C. Proctor gave the treasurer's report, Mrs. ElliottC. read several thank yeti's from the sick end shut-ins. 69 calls were reported by the visit- ing committee convened by Mrs, Aiken and Mrs. Swan. Mrs. C, Elliott reported for the Lookout Committee, and there were several visitors attending who it is hoped will become members, J: IVICAlurray„ reporting for the quilt committee said there were several quilts to be 'quilted soon and .quilters would be wel- come. Mrs. Ira Merrill gave a talk on Christian Stewardship in which she stressed the importan- ce of educating the young people in Christian stewardship. Highlight of a bus trip 'to Kit-. chener to see the igecapades, tak- en by the members" of Clinton Wo- men's Institute, was a bazaar where they were able to model bats unuatiai texture. Several took prizes, and the winners appeared on television on February 20. Mrs, Ernest Epps brought along ,a pot of daffodils for the oldest lady present. The ladies enjoyed the icecap- Ades and were thrilled, by 'the lights and glittering costumes, Mrs. Mervin Batkin .was lucky to win a clack radio in the lucky,. draw. 'Meeting in the agricultural of- fice board room, • the Institute members who were not able to take the trip enjoyed a report of the event given by Mrs. Hartley IVItinaghan: aBy Mrs. G. Coleman) Parr Line Farm Forum met Monday night at the home of e_Vir. and Mrs. Howard Adkins with 14 adults present. The subject for discussion was the "Low Income Farmer". Agr- cultural policies have been design- ed mainly to assist all farmers. Is there a special problem of the nlow income farmer," and should specific policies be developed 'to help him? The low income farm- er lacks capital; if capital were available at low interest rate it would be helpful for him to bet- ter himself, "We have to pay too high a price for what we buy. If we got a better price for what we sold, the low income farmer would become more independent." If farmers would organize and stand behind their organizations it would help their income to in- crease, "We believe it best to leave him on the farm." This forum believes the farmers must organize at least .85 percent. Winners in euchre were Mrs. Reichert, Mrs. Geyer, Mrs. Robin- son and John Soldan. Lunch was served by the hostess and ladies. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Love. sqtrm-MoX riArtwona ox.ovr,n rnnsnmos eekuna WINGS Squadron Leader J., A. Glover, RCAF Station Clinton, the senior Air Cadet Liaison officer, was in Stratford last week, and present- ed wings to a Stratford Air Cad- et, Allan Manuel, The occasion was No, 19 Squadron's father-son banquet, 1.1(01414NSVILLB Olin TO MEET OW MARCH 10 The monthly mgeting of the Holmesville Local Farmer Union will be held Monday evening, March 10 At 8,30 p,m. Bob Taylor, Farm Union Director of Huron will report on the highlights of the Ontario Milk Producers Cona vention held recently in Hamilton. - 0 GOOD WILL CLUB TO MEET ON MARCH 11 The Good Will Club of Wesley- Willis United Church will, meet at the manse on Tuesday evening,, March 11, at 8- p.m. Miss Elem.).- or Plumsteel will 'be the - guest speaker, London. Road Cinh February Meeting, Mrs. Rooth was hostess for the Febritary meeting of the London Road Club, when Mrs. Fred And- erson, Sr., president, presided. In answer to roll call, members read Valentines,, Cards of thanks were read from Mrs, Garnet Ilariand,, Mrs, Cann and. Mrs. Sturdy. Mrs. Green gave a donation, Mrs.. Reath, treasurer, reported on the card party, when winners were. high, Mrs. Cum-mings and Mervyn Haply; low, Mrs. Shaman arid Arthur Chap- man. A. 'blanket was won by Mrs. Thomas' Mrs. Sivvinbank sent the mystery Programs Which was wen by Mrs, Cann. Programa were planned for the coming year. Lunch was served by Mrs. Rooth and Mrs. Clare Magee. The March meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Garnet Har- land, and hostesses, will be Mrs. Cann and Mrs. Harry 'Flumsteal. Mrs. Bennett will be in charge of the program. Roll call will be an- swered by telling an Irish joke, or paying a ten-cent fine, 0 GIRLS' CLUB WILL MEET ON MARCH xt The Presbyterian Girls' Club will meet in the Sunday School room of St. Andrew's Church, on Tuesday, March 11, at 8.15 p.m. Roll Call will be answered with a Bible verse containing the word "love," 0 LADIES PC ASSOCIATION WILL MEET ON MARCH 7 The regular meeting of the Lad- ies Progressive Conservative As- sociation will be held Friday ev- ening, March 7, at the home of Mrs. Freeman, Mary Street, at 8 p.m. A good attendance is request- Personals Items about people for this column are welcomed; When Move, get a new job, attend a wedding or funeral,, have a. fain-- ily visit, at home or.- abroad, we'd like to have any item abotit it for the person4 column. Please phone MI 2-359.t,, or send along a. letter to Box '39, Clinton, with any informaa tion you wish, printed, here. SI;ould. Assist "Low Income Farmers" Decides Par Line Forum Members and Joseph Babcock. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hoggart. 0 CLINTONIAN CLUB TO MEET 'ON MARCH 13 The Clintonian Club will meet on Wednesday, March 12. in the agricultural office board room, at 2 p.m. Roll call will be answered by naming a .bulb to be planted early. Please bring an article for pantry shelf shower. Also bring your own cup and plate for lunch, ONTARIO STREET WMS TO MEET MARCH 11 Ontario Street United Church Woman's Missionary Society will meet on Tuesday, March 11, at 2,30 p,m, in the church parlour. Roll call will be answered by nam- ing "famous Bible women." THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY • 'Reach for the Sky' The British-made biography of Douglas Bader, the legless but dedicated flying ace of World War II. ;Kenneth More -- Muriel Pavlow and Alexander Knox COMING: "Darby's Rangers" Introducing Etchika Choreal' , Two humorous readings were given by. Mrs. Ray Fear and two solos were sung by Miss Jayne Mary Snell, accompanied by Mrs. E. Radford at the plena. Lunch was served by the ladies of St. James' Ward. 0 HEARTIISIDE CLUB WILL MEET ON MARCH 13 The Hearthside Club of Ontar- io Sireeti United Church, will meet Thursday, March' 13, in the church parlour, at, 8 p.m. Guest speaker will 'be Mrs. K. B. McRae. Church Men Hear New Yorker Oh Monday, March '10, in the afternoon some 150 church minist- ers and laymen of the area will gather in the First Presbyterian Church Seaford to meet the Rev. Dr. H. H. McCpnnell of the Pres- byterian Church, New York, U.S.A. Dr. McConnell is the Director for the Department of Evangel- ism of the National Council of Churches of Christ U.S.A, and comes to address the members and invited guests of Wingham and District Council of Churches on the theme of Visitation Evan- gelism. Fire Side Farm Foriun Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor were hosts to 18 adults, attend- ing the Fire Side Farm Forum meeting, to discuss the topic, "The Low Income Farmer". The forum feels that most far- mers are farmers. because they want to be . independent. At the present time the farmer is not , getting a fair share of the consumer's dollar. What lie has to buy does not' coincide with What he has to sell. This is go- ing to make him dependent if there isn't a change made, Agricultural policies are help- ing all farmers. The agricult- tural representatives are avail- able and willing to help, too. There are two types of low in- come farmers. One is the .mari who could become a good faamer if he had help. The other type usually gains nothing from the help. He should be transferred to industry, but there is also a setback there, as there are too many unemployed, now.. Suggeitions would be to elimin- ate contract farming and encour- age and train the farm young people in more 4-H Clubs, Jr. Farmers, Junior Institutes and Young peoples. Winners at progressive euchre were, Mrs. Kenneth Hulley and Oliver Anderson; lone hands, Mrs. Robert Dalton, James Jamieson; consolation, Mrs. Oliver Anderson (3 Beware! The "Telephone" Men One of the "cruelest, most cyni- cal and most Widespread" rackets being practiced in Canada today, an article in MacLean's Magazine charges, is a smooth-talking swin- dle known as the telephone game. Using "the world's biggest suck- er list, the telephone directory," this racket will probably account for a large part 'of the $150 mil- lion the Better Business Bureau estimates will' be flimflammed out of Canadians this year. And half 'the telephone subscribers in the country's dozen largest cities will probably be canvassed as titential victims at least once during the year. Ifs you get a call from a "tele- phone man," we are 'warned, "you won't recognize his as a profes- sional cheat unless you've been been forewarned beccause his voice will masquerade as a youth workers, a welfare worker's, or an executive's. Here are some of the standard telephone "promotions" he may try to stick you with. What he offers will be ostens- ibly something for your own pleasure 'or profit: tickets to a monster star-studded variety show, advertising space guaran- teed to influence thousands of ded- icated readers, or "invaluable" publications that you will consult repeatedly, The asking price will range from $3 to $300, depending on the swindle of the moment and how gullible the victim sounds, At worst the preposition will he out-and-out larceny, and at best a charity that allegedly benefits will 'be handed a pitifully small---three to ten percent-sliver of the loot. What are your chances of re- sisting the pitch? Telephone men say it takes rea more than ten calls to make WESLEY-WILLIS \VMS WILL MEET MARCH 13 The Woman's Missionary Soc- iety of Wesley-Willis United Chur- ch will meet at the Manse on Thursday evening, March 13, at 8.00 p.m. Mrs. Fingland's group is in charge. • WHY DO ALL THAT WRITING? When A Rubber Stamp will do it faster, easier, and who knows? may- be neater, too. Order one at the Clinton Hews-Record Delivery,, Within 10 days. The aircraft industry---one of Canada's newest in the large in- dustry field---made sales in 1957 in excess of $355,000,000. March 7 to 21 SPECIAL *, * S. Livermore,, and. Mrs. Livermore., London; were recent dinner guests: with the ferraeiaa. parents;. Mr, and Mrs., James Liv- erntorei. King 'Street., Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacDon- ald;, and their sone., Robin and - Randy, Paris, Ontario, spent the hatter part of last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Ronald lYranDonald. They left Monday morning for Panama,. from Mahon Airport,