HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-03-06, Page 1A'
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Mar. 1 .39 ..31 .36 is t
3. 2-' '5 THE `NEW ERA -93rd YEAR THE NEW$ -RECORD -77th YEAR
4 .37 29 4 7
5 138. _31 31 10
13 No, 10- =The HoMpToper With the News 00NTON, -ONTARIO; THORSDAY, MARC" 0, 19-58 7 Cents a. copy WOO a yoor
Snow; 3. ins.
RCAF CurllknLw Rink Opened b I
Y fudge County Smed,,hir Airman Court M,. artialled Over
Upo"h's i lere n
ire In 'AF C)uonset Hut
'On M
The Uth annual -Huron Coun- Royal Canadian Air Forpe Court 246178 Aircraftsman Second class between the hours Of 0330 andt
ty Seed Fair �will open, tumor- Martial assembled at ' '10 a.m. George Alexander Morriee., 19, 05QO on the third day of February,
Wednesday at Station- Clinton, to RC4F Station Clinton wbosebome 19.58 at RCAF Station Clinton 1)1
row, when, famlers throughout
try an airman charged -with set- town is Medicine Hat, Alberta. the Province of Ontario, did will-,
the County will exhibit their
ti lcl.-i de.4myed a The particulars of the charge fully seta -fire in the ablution area
nPetition. The pg the fire which
�14 -best grain 3n Mr
station read that Xorrice "Did an act of Barrack Block 106, l
barracks block on the .9t
Fair Is held in-4he gymnasium tl ereby,
early February 3. which caused fite to occur in, a! causing the burning of Barrack,
of Calaton District Collegiate
"th Setting the fire is defence establishment in that he
Charged vvi Block 106."
institute, and includes displays,
from seed compaiiies, the agri- charge resulted from RCAF
nves i
cultural classes, of the high investigation into, the cause of the,
aebi)o1s'In. Huron,, and from the False Pretenses (harges Against TW® fire which chused damage estimat-
ed at over $50,000 to the quonset
depart 6f '%griculture.
1, barrack and- its contents.
Ille Fair weldomes, visitors, Dismissed Due to Evidence, Lack A02 Morrice Is the, son of Harry
and will be "Pell to the public
F. Morrice, 3 Fourth Street, North,
from eight,until ten O'clock on.
as oil Charges Of false pretences and Sipce then, however, said Mr. West, Medicine, Hat, Alberta. He
Ffiday evening,,�as well RCAF on
in -tent to defraud were dismissed Hays., the witnesses had become joined the
Saturday all day. September
VV here on Tuesday in magistrate's in'daiifinite in their indentification, 30, 1957, in Calgary and came to
Xr. I .o... court by Dudley Holmes, QC, due land,defefise counsel for both the Clinton December 21 after Prelim -
lent evidevoe, unary training at Na. 2 Xannlil4
to, insufficient accused, had brought "Strong" ev-
Crw,4 Attorney Glen Hays re- idence that they bad been in Lon- Depot, St. JeanIs, Quebec. He- hay
ion Ju viewedthe -at th a Grade 9 education. and served, in,'
Steps leadingup to. the don g�,tlmte Of the offence.
arrest of the two men, who were 'These charges had arisen fallow- the Canadian Army Reserve fion&
apprehended in London. They had , Ing two lng-tances in Clinton , when. September 20, 1956- until just be.;
"Tan 'ins
�p Juds
been brought to 'Goderich and men, posing as. eb ' irriney I nspea- fore joining the RCAF,
Congratulatory, . ulatory, handshake is shared by Jud- ulation size curling ice, ;waiting ronin with spec- placed in a line up, where'persoiis, tars had managed to get sums of Judge Advocate for the trial is
Group Captain tator facilities, washrooms, canteen. -and, a'$15;W'0 from dfin-ton connected with the money frorn elderly people, claim- Lieutenant Colonel M. J. Clodey;
Ige Frank Fingland, Clint6n, and i Class at, L anclon
X. C. Cameron, &ME, Commanding Officer of artificial ice plant. Gathered in •the background , alleged offence, bad Identified Ing that it was governmen:i reg- CD, from, the Judge Advocate�
RCAY Station fter the judge, threw are members of the Seaforth .Carling Clu4,who Three young .mien, :from Huron them both. ligutions that the chimney be fixed. Generals Department, attached to
tthe'first. --rdek to mark Clinton,'the opening: of the RCAF curled agsOnst RCAF stonesmen in, the first of- headquarters of Central Command
31calion-Clinton -.curling rink. The rink, in an, ficial. games in the new rink. - At far left, Rev. fCmnty -grdlYh6d, tho leading posi-
(LArmy) at Oakville, Qnt,
RCA7 -reserve building, war, contracted entirely D. J. Lane., and then Hamm :Ball. Zdl9nd the tions -among intet-county compe-
fromvpr6fits--bf.-Istation qanteens and -Institutes at Judge Is Dr., X A. Nunn, lSeaforth. titers .'for ,the Faxmers AdvocatqMorrice will be defended by 14r.
It boasts four sheets Of reg- I g s Cartoons Hugh Harrison, civilian Barrister
(RCAF �Photo) Kin En�oY"Tnn
'Trophy -at the '106dlesex County of 217 Bay Street, Toronto, and
Seed 7dir held in 'London last the prosecutor is Captain
week. 136rt"Pepper, Clintonterson, Army Headquarters,
.1. z iton, Jun- ht"
iorYarmers, 'Kelionth 'CampbellMark Civic,, Press N
RCAF New Cur',hn #40 Cam Borden.
g Rink and Larry Wbeatl�y, �both of Sea- President of the court is, Group
• forth Junior Parmers, teamed up Held in conjunction with Edum quhoun, and Gordon Platt. Captain H. G. M, Colpitts, CD
0 earn: points, and win the, cation Week, the Civic and Press -Frank X. "Timme.r" McE'%�ran RCAF Station,, St. Johns, Quebec,
U 'Inter-,County'Seeb, 'Judging COrn1— xeported- that plans'will be made
$ 3 5,000 Ice Plant I nstalled Y night of the. Kinsmen Club or Clin- The members, are Wing Cominan&
clition, ton, had as, its highlight the gifted t the, Peewee 11 , t, take All stars Pe w e team er G. R. Truemner, AFC, M, of
(By W. D. 0.) Judge Frank Fingland, Clinton, was done -under guidance of ta J., A. Jamieson, RR 4, Clinton, tongue ,and pencil, of Merle Ting- to. Mitchell on March 29, to take
PI IDES threw a cuMug stone doom Ike steering cm=ittee' chaired by placed -among the Winners at the ley, London Free.yress cartoonist, part in a tournament there, and Station Centralia; S/L G, L. H"
IMMEASED, t ice at 9 p.m. Thursday, February Flight Lieutenant P 7. XdNidhol, Middlesex, County, Seed Fair held and his trade mark. ,Luke WOrm," the boys will also take part in an Goodall, DEW, CD, Of - Station
nuy rbe.,on,,-Ahe,,way. At leas Aylmer, F/L W, N. Houser, Sta.
one large. Ixedd firm in Toronto 27, to mark the officialopening pf Construction Engineering !Officer 'in 'London, last week. Mr. Jam- "Ting" demonstrated his skill exhi)�Itlon game. On March 7, in tion, Trenton, F/L M. S. Keor6
has rannounced- a rise, from 21 to a new, four -sheet curling rink At of the Station. Committee mem- ieson came seventh with his bush- with the pencil and made cartoons (Goderich, This team is the. one Station London,.
-22 cents for.its24=ounce loaf ... RCAF Station Clinton. bers were Squadron 'Leader A. Iff. el of oats -and thifd With his hailf of sotne of the &embers. picked to,represent Minton at the
J Stinscm, Chief Thstructor of No. 1 bushel of barley. This was in Special guests for the event in- 'Young Canada Week competitions
and ItIs pos�lble. that- other firms At the opening ceremony, cur- Radar and Commudidatians the special 'district classes. eluded Group Captain X. C. Cam- held in, the county town during
may, 4011OW Suit ... lers from the Seaforth Curling
."; -I.t. -.1.,* School, Squadron Leader,,,T. R. Douglas Jami placed ekgh� exon, 9 commanding, officer of Easter Week. 'tal
Club 4ccepted a challenge from Austin, Officer in .charge Basic th ifi. the, sp eson ROAF Station Clinton; Arthur _O- Local Hospi
ATTEN- four RCAF rinks in the first night ediail 4-H Club class,
WL jLIXE TO' DRAW. of organized curling in the new Training, I R&GS, Plying (OfficeT showing.a. -.half L bq��llel of oats. Leyburne, president Of Clinton
tion ba,.. -a. new --column; -appearing G. L. Hayter, &:tation Recreation Branch, Canadian Legion; R., J.
club.... lij_pas�t yearst,, RCAF.,cur- t b A Slated, to Get
In, thq.�Xen�atc 11�d,.,. 4,�z�:W,#U, Officer and FlYing bffi�eT 'W:' -J,' - In'the C) oY6,01tbvolng-ten ears ,, Lions LIU ai
op I — "' 61d t��'*! '51 of corn, fdrst place was won •by a Bud" seboenhals, pTesiden of
ers'ffMib 136'en'gran use a. Morris, Non -Public Funds Ac- the Clinton Swimming Pool Com -
Ss Evelyn elyn Hall,.librarian in curling facilities in Seaforth and it tant Officer
-Crediton boy;. second by Garry
the gubric libm.ry here for the coull mittee; Grant Rath, Fire Chief; I UV
past 11 -;,years ., library
of ITiost is felt that the interest sVmula- Laying of ice was 'Initially dir- IFtowcliffe, Exeter, and, third * by Harold Glew, president of the onsoring Seals $8,000,in GArant
intera,st,to,boo.k-kw,orms,� and those ted by the Seaforth Club has been ected by the manufacturers of tba Glen-, Greb, `Zurldb. SP
largely responsible for the RCAF Huron Irish and Game Con-erva This year 'the Clinton, Public
undertaking. I is - Sale for Easter
interested Ili new.,boo.IV.especially -refrigeration equipment md its tion Association; J. Ross Middle- Hospital will receive a special
. . . W,-,e-.are,,loWdAg forward to preparation for curling was super- ton, president of the Clinton Lions $8,000 rehabilitation grant front
havLag more .of these; columns f... The construction of the new viied by Warrant 'Officer :Cliff -LOCAL -VDLKS To 13t Sum Club and J. A. "Bert" Gray., pria- March is the month of hope, the Province Of Ontario, based on
Miss Hall.;as, time goes on curling rink, other than the build- Park.%r and Sergeant "Knobby" 0-,K:CKNX-TV cipal of the Clinton Public Sebol. to more than. 12,500 children and the rate Of $200 per patient bed.
Ing itself, was entirely financed Cl�rk., It
Two other guests who are, pros- fileted
'teen-agers in Ontario who are in -
from station funds derived from the After the opening game, mem-, Two Clinton personalities wdll �",er �een The grant is similar to those
ALSO., WCULD IAXE�,T0 DRAW profits of the various canteens and bers of the Seaforth Curling Club, pective members in the MU leted by accident, disease or from paid in the past five years, when
alte-lition, to the Col- be guests on I.-PAMady;'I CKNX-TV Ross M. "Pinger" Colquhoun and birth, by crippling conditions. the. Clinton. hospital has received
oured, Sivpp.r p.ortable -.typewriter institutes. Tile building, a boltpd were entertained by the RCAF on Monday, Warch 10. Mrs. Car- Paul Bennett, Easter Seals go on sale March frdtn $7,000 to $10,000 each year,
on displa�y oil our front -counter steel structure, is an RCAF re- Clinton Curling Club in the lower man McPherson Will demonstrate The speaker was introduced by 6, and through the members of
lserve� one "loaned" to the station lounge of the Officers' mess, making baby ja4ket4cps, and Clif- Jack Bowman, and Was thanked b.), the Clinton Lions Club people of In addition, according to A. M,
Really a dream macNne. ,by the RCAF. - If needed in an 'It is antic' F, Wight, past president of the Qin
lovely to. 1behol-I'd, peautiful: to•.,use. I emergency the building, formerly V anticipated that the RCAJ ford Epps will bring some inter- the, Kin past president, Harry J. town call join the residents Of ton Public Hospital Board, there
111. be able to litilize the ice fdr esting gardening tips to the home- McEwen. Winners in draws made Ontario, in the vast task of making -
in storaige, can be taken dawn curling for approximately one will be an extra grant for indigent
%PEAKXNG CFr L&TTERS TO and returned to RCAF use. . month this season and, 3.2 r1hks, maker, "M'Lady" is televised at were Kenneth Willis, Clarence life better for these youngsters. patient cost, which has not as yet
the Cost of the Station project is have been organized aniong stat- 3:15 P.M. Denomme, Ray Bieman,,Ross Col- The provincial objective is $750,_ been calculated, but which will ar.
several recently ... we would like approximately $35,000 covering re- ion personnel. Wide interest is 000. -s us- rive probably Ili April. This is far
to commiant on -1he.fact that, there frigeration eqWpment for artific- being shown by service men and Money from Easter Seals . the ,year 1957 and is, based -upon
seems to be mote Copmervative t ed for treatment and training, the, number of indigent pa
lal ■ice, waiting rooms and all oth- Women in the game and ice time Vacations and especially equipped tients
letter -writers than, there are ;iib- er,facilities. The work of laying will be allotted for an Air Force Albert Cormack, ®FU President actually cared for.
eral 1p:tterAwrlters.. . . Wed like the ice and making it ready for Student's League, a Station' Cur- summer camps, and all the other .—o
to Make it 04te %Icar .that 't'llis use was done by RCAF personnel ling Club and for mixed curling benefits that the Ontario Society
for Crippled Children. has develop- r1&
paper is completely neutral with In their off-duty hours and all which will include the wives of Chosen for Prices'Advisory Board
regard to politics, .and'We w0wrne ranks pitched in to help. . service men in the area as well as ed over its 35 years of history. rublic School
letters And comment "TTom- ;;all Facilities included in the rink civilian employees or the station. Honorary president of the On- dent of the r United. Dairy and it means a chance for lads to take
parties ... neInstructionis bei g arranged for . a course at Variety Village, the
,y.are not hi,014de a waiting room -spectator n tarlo, Farmers Union, Albert V. Poultry Co-operative.
fly the views of tbis,ae.wsp9_per.,.,._._ 0Cormack, has indicated that he Mr. McCormack has indicated School sponsored and supported Open lHouse Sees
area..v�hich, when completed; will beginners. In, addition, arrange. will accept an. appointment to the that he. was uncertain whether -or by the entertainment profession,
have tbree rows of "bleacher" sty- meets are being made Whereby
BACK • F P, 0 W T 1j.Z DZE)P le - se those interested in 'learning the Federal Government's -agricultur- not he qualified for the position on where trades are taught boys, un-
-freeze", as they terqt, the state of seating for spectators, wash- al stabilization aet advisory oom- the committee, since he planned able to work at manual tasks, 90(7110Attenclance
Florida this winter, :Mr. and'Mrs. .. rooms, -a uty room to be -used game May Curl a.5 a part of the ml ttee, to sell his farm shortly, and he The Society has 22 specially tr-
.0 A:900hen, a can -teen or com_ regular Physical training program. Open. House at Clinton Public
:Clifford EPPS -report that -regard. inittee room and another housing — ------ This new Stabilization Act, understood that members of the gained nurses, five summer camps; School yesterday afternoon was
Jess of the weather, they •wAre Ja the rAftigetation'equipment. The which became effective on March committee "must " be farmers or pays for services of leading phy- the opportunity for all parents to
the stwimming P-001 WeU tky,' waiting 3,.autharizes. the Federal Govern- members ,of farming organiz-a-'sicians; and pays for many other
:Rather aghast at tbL-, state)jient, .9 Toom-portion is finished ment to set 12 -month support pri- tions." *He has, however told 1.1services, visit the building where their
W ply-*�Vmii. Ax'Livermore ccs each year, based on, average J. Taggart, federal deputy minis- Locally, send cheques to Me] y .. gaters spend the greater part
,we withheld csoxnmejal and 13`Ome �djj�s . td. n of the curling rink of their waking day. About go
:moments- later, Cliff relented ,and txue 0� A prices during the preceeding ten ter Of agriculture, that he Is wild, Crich, Chairman of Easter Seals percent of the parents took advan-
;sald, "Of course, there was no Wins A In
,water in it!" AppamxMy the 4pi N2 Huron Juniors gain years. Ing to join the committee. Committee, Clinton,
The other one of two Ontario tage of the opportunity and were
ly way they could enjo� tbe�wam farmers named to the committee able, to interview teachers, discuss
-son of the south, •was*r6 ;&o ilow.Use Outario Loans Photo Contests was G. A. McCigue, Harrist0h, Credit Union Office Bright and R001nV -problems of, the youngsters, and
ft.0 the empty swimming POOL' Young mewiwlluron County are vice-president of the United Coy view special displays put up for
,where the cold winds -OPWA not tolOng advantage, -of the plan by Albert Livermore has once again operatives of Ontario and presi- the occasion.
xgach. . . and there they actuld the Ontario Goveignment to set Up brought laurels to District No,, 8 This is education week, and an
)basic In the sun it ;actually and ImOrave -V*ir holdings on the of the Ontario Horticultural As'. open house at the public school
,wu,quite hot.. laod. O�Oior farmer loans In the gociation having won two second was, the method chosen by the
prizes i� two Classes of the pho» board and teathers, to emphasize
,e.onnty tota4ed$,J;59,7;310, making
ABOUT THE ONLY CROPS XX this the most money to be loaned TograPaY Competition, held by the 510 Members Now the impoIrtanee of "education.,,
,the sate of Florida which were to any count in ftj� -province, -group, 0. A. Ran4, Brussels also Mrs. Bert Gray served tea to
not hurt by frost, according to Ur, -Till$ j%�eopy -wej4 ,to 61 the district, placed fjrsl� in the teachers ift the teachers lour- differ Paid Up In . . . . .
)i7vps, wits the cabbage The salt young Zien. Class 2, f9r best view of a Pr ge following the departure Of the
potatoftWere practically all ruin- Bruce (4 visitors.
Counts was. ,SMOno With perty from the street, V,
with frost Oranges i:§0 Juniors getOng loans 'up to Mr. 141VOI-Anore, placed second In Igo ita. 'ar"t
ed, black 60 1 Auxilm'
are dried up . . . even the paler 'Odss- 2, and also Won second In, P Admits Error In
trees look 4'09 if someone had been The Junior Va erg *Y
Class -fOr'best view of any On, With 510 naembers to date, the
rM au in -
at tbem, with a blow torch," said terest rate :of Xopx pere&4 tQln ,the tarlo, Scenery. The Pictures w#N� tadles Auxiliary to the Clinton
Exeter Colart
Cliff, , loans Coloured slides, Public Hospital, is off to a good
Results of the competition were start this year. They ftii�t on
In Magistrate's court in &k&tor
announced by Clifford Epps, dfr- Tdoiday evening in the, Nurses
on Wednesday afternoon, the 6&t•
Or of this Paper, miss Wilma bin-
nin, admitted error in comment-
'Horticultural Association sponsors president, fti charge. "m 'bie
'at 8, Residence; with Mrs. Shearing
At ettOr of bigirl The Ontario Rest 1i
Hog Mark....,., Stead at $31
V&r!OIL% 0OMPetit!"s 0voring dlf.;, Mrs. Wesley Raddy reported, an :in editorially on a case Still
20-79% Th' h Co fOrAht Phases. of their activities, plans for tag day, and the Auxil-
fore the court, Magistrate Dud;.
IF bruar JLA� A11
" PU 10 further prbmote this int�,regt, lary will request the' town council Y ley Holmes, G,1 C., Warned that the
the'Disttidt Director donates spec. and, the AOAV Station Clinton for error was a serious one, since such
hogs blbh� closo.
4? price of bog from last week
permission to Sell, "Pital Day N Comment, Could cause considerable
- -ion to the Prod lary 11 IAI prizes in addition day, lAebivary 17 and %ursdd
Y, In the same period F�bri
February 20 was st to 20, the Wdhnipeg markettags, pressure oil the o-ouff in the ft.
oady at $31 rgjl� vjn6al VA266," -Al-Alf the
between $28-50 and $19 Cal- nint Odes for the PtOlOhdo will be Mrs, D..1; Lane reported that a of a pending ease, IfAd
Pet hundred at 13 of the 14 r4ar- ged
keting points of tho Ontatio Hog gory $V.85 to $29, and )&G�h shown ;at
the Convention to be memorial,plaqUe will be oft
hand a JUrybeen, involved, It would bave
Producers Cb-oporadvej Charles $2840 to $28,05 Montreal 'West held, at tb,0 Royal Connaught Ho. for the.'April meeting. been More serious and might have
Cie I rd,
lieInnig, PrOsIdent, it=OU"04 to- was 0i tiff 0-50 With OL feW at tel, Han -Alton, Oil March 13 and 14, 1&s, Shearing urged attendartae The spacious and bright ot-ifice8 of the Clinton Cornmunifty resulted ill h CorittnIpt •bf oWt
day, At Leltr1m, the 14th mar- W.50, Anyone Wlihing to attend is W61. at the regional meeting, soon to Credit talon Ltd. were opened officially last Wednesday, and eharXe,
ket , Ing-po rice, ranged
, int the, 'pri - -6d bei Duo 'to lmd rad -0ondiflowi; In come to do go, visitors to the building Were greatly with its Appoint-
tween, sR.69,and $32.0.0 With Most ftd guest 9peak, be held at 9L Jos Hospital, meats; Modern 16-W ebUbtett, filing Cabinets aigid S.PeeW stoolg 1%6� doouftlg finding lit the gfttl�-
of IM hogs� Yh4ving at .. the bigbor Ohtarla this week, rhatkotings er will bte, TtAbWl Bernard Bamdn, and after tv social half hour' rnem-� for Use when doitig ledger Work, make the office a Pleasant place YnOr-ROgier case, was fufthet ad-
price early in th�g week were tibilormally ith-miltbij., on the Subject "ThoTen bert cohtivued the work of rdalr. Por employees, And lfhprovft service foi, customers. This view IS, joumied to Priday, March 7, 1A tho
tn.�, $31.00 prw was up $I-00 low., b4t 4 good ruddovelopod WiSd8t 50.Yibg$ $P0keWby'Men,I1 ling 0ancef, dressiho, Own the employee Side of the countor. (Staf f Moto) txoter court,