HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-02-27, Page 7LONDESBORO Mr, and. Mrs. Johnny Peckitt d family are vacationing at eir home here. vo. David Fairservice, ClareS- Ira, Alta., arrived at his home for a six weeks vacation, Gordon. Howatt returned. hemp On •TneSclay after undergoing an. operation in Toronto last Satar- day. Mr. and Mrs. Roy gasorn and Pa-My, Auburn, visited with Mr. and Mrs, George MeVittie on Sun- day. Mr. and. Mrs, Vielior Erringtoo. Dungannon, spent a couple of daYs With Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allen this 'WeOlc, HNC has made loans promptly for 2 generations Since Dad's day HFC has been making prompt leans, in privacy, to people who need money for all kinds of good reasons. At House- hold you can borrow up to $1,000, get one-day service and take up to 30 months to repay on the terms you choose. Borrow confidently from IIFC HOUSEHOLD MAIM "FM1341)AiRY 1958. muNTTION NBWSPX,Cf)ED w • Mrs, Frank Tarablyn returned bone on Satarday after spending . a two week's .holiday with Marg- aret in LeaMington., Mr. and Mrs. Gordon GarrOW,. and family, Trenton', attended the funeral of their grandmother. Mrs. Wesley Vodden iast week; Mr.' and Mrs. john-Scott w.ho have been spending a few weeks with Mr. and. Mrs, Alister foot have returned to their home. 0 0 0 Solo Margarine 2 lbs. Greene Giant Fancy Peas 15 oz. Aylmer Catsup 11 oz. 2 IGA: Beef Stew 15 oz. .2 IGA Dog House Dog Food 15 oz, 12 "tins $1 Challenger Paramount or Sockeye Salmon Velvet Flour 5 MEXICAN ORANGES-144's .„ . 3 doz 99g Cello Tube TOMATOES 29c CAULIFLOWER head 29c Tablerite Side Bacon 1 lb. 29c Tablerite Sliced Bologna 12 oz. pkg. 33c Tablerite Franks , lb. 45c "0"0".1100"..1100^^011."..Pw".•0",111.-110,-.11.0.-...--p-w-r-p-- SAVE IGA BONUS GOLD CASH REGISTER SLIPS — IT WILL PAY YOU! CLINTON Huron County Hog Producers held their annual meeting in the Legion Hall, Clinton, on Saturday last, There Was a very good at- tendance, especially considering the weather, This organization has received So much publicity in regards to their selling and direct,, ional program that Some of the other things are being overlooked, We have had bad weather which has made the collecting of hogs much slower for the tinek- ers. Along with this it. has been quite cold. These two factors have caused considerable frost damage to one load of bogs trans- ported by one tracker. The packing plant, finding this after the hogs had been slaughter- ed, docked this shipment consider- ably, This would have been a direct loss to the producer, The Marketing Agency refused this settlement on the grounds that this loss was through no fault of the producer and Payment would have to be received either from the plant or from the trucker. In this case the plant took the loss but a very definite warning went out to ;the trucker that he would have to improve his handling of hogs ,if he wished to continue transporting hogs. Thus the Mar- keting Board protects the farm- ers interests. The cost of transportation was questioned at the meeting. I pur- chased a few cattle in Kitchener last Thursday and hired a trucker from this district to bring them home. He had taken a load of hogs to the yards in Kitchener, This trucker charged me 50 cents a head more this year than what I paid last year. Whin: I asked him he said that the Hog Produc- HARRY WILLIAMS' caitte-e 9..4:41,s— • ers had reduced the amount of Money to be made from transpor- ting hogs therefore trackers, had to have more money for return loads. -This I think answers the question or transportation costs for hogs. Further farmers need to realize that hogs are sold F.O,B, from the Clinton yards. The farmer lS OnlY responsible for payment of trans- portation to the nearest Market- ing Yard. Some truckers are picking up hogs when the Clinton yard is not operating and taking the hogs to Stratford or Kitchen- er. In this case the farmer is re- sponsible for' the transportation costs to these points rather than to Clinton. While we sympathize with the truckers who may be suffering loss of income, the Hog Producer will be be producing hogs for his own financial gain or to provide the tranporter with a profitable business. Ladies Bowling League at RCAF Some Fads About Hog Marketing As Observed-By Federation 'Heldman Carl Hemingway) 0 0 0 0 0 0 fyil/CHECKftheQUALITY 11SAVE for for 47c f" 33c, 35c 53c 1/2 $ lbs, 45c 39c DELICIOUS APPLES 88's 6 for 29c OR . $3.99 a box MARKET ;OUR AUTOMATICWAY, YOU'LL LEARN, /SAVES ONE MUCH BOTHER AND CONCERN HARRY WILLIAMS FUEL OIL• MOTOR OIL 411) GASOLINE LUBRICANTS {By Mrs, Helen Mullen) Due to a station dance held in the Recreation Centre last Friday evening, the RCAF Ladies Bowl- ing League played their fifth last games of the season on Sunday, February 23, Team standings remained the same. Mrs, J. Fyvie took top honours for high triple with a , score of 641 and Mrs. S. Brown with a wore of 261 for high single lion- ours. Other ladies with scores of 200 and over: Mrs. M. Constable, 273; Mrs. M. Brawn, 253; Mrs. R. Ch- ristian, 238; Mrs. P. 'Mon, 23$; Mrs, S, England, 235; Mrs. M. Matthews, 229; Mrs. M. Leclerc, 225; Mrs. J. Lamble, 221; Mrs. J. Stamm, 221; Mrs. R. Scobel, 217; Mrs, I, Carter, 213; Mrs. Voth, 211; Mrs. S. Moffat, 209; Mrs. T. Deslandes, 208; Mrs. B. Laking, 208; Mrs. J. Hatherall, 207; Mrs, V. Lunnin, 201; Mrs, T. Hatch, 201. Mrs. K. Spillsbury of B. Divis- ion , and Mrs. M. Constable of A Division entertained their bowling teams at the home of Mrs. F. Carter on Friday night. The eve- ning was spent playing quiz games and bingo, and prizes were won by Mrs. C. Mellish, Mrs.D. Roop, Mrs. S. Johns, Mrs, E. Carter and Mrs, K. Spillsbury. A delicious lunch was• served by the hostess, TIOWN.PINFM XfIVO WIAPS one ,Col stance oorrespondet4) (By our Lendesi,orn Correspon- The Friendly Few Farm Forum met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. William Jewitt, A paper of .ques- tions, was answered. since it was review night. Progressive euchre was played and the prizes went to; high, Mrs, George Leitch and Howard Freszcator . low, Mary McGregor and Verne Dale. Mr. .and Mrs. Frank Riley in- vited the forum to their home for meeting will be at the home of the next meeting Monday night. Mr, and Mrs, Ted x linking; ,dent). Members of the Live. Wire .for p, urn met at the home of Mr, and Mrs, James McDougall, with 14 members and three ehildrert pros, ens, Bert .Shobbrook conducted the business part of the meeting. One thank you was read, Cards, and 1pnch were enjoyed. The next It. K. Fitch, Manager 33A West Street Telsphon• 1301 GODERICH DO IT TODAY DON'T WAIT 'TILL MAY! Support your local Employment Office in alleviating winter employment. Skilled labour and materials are more readily available' NOW than at any other season. Take advantage of these favourable con- ditions and get the job done. IT HAS TO BE DONE—WHY NOT—DO IT NOW! for the help you need call the National Employment Service Phone HU 2-6638 CORNER OF ISAAC AND MARY STREETS — CLINTON R.R.Z (LINTON 4404 CLEARANCE! We're Clearing the Decks $75,000 Stock Must Go ! — At Sacrifice Prices 101111MOM To complete plans for making Ball and Mutch the most modern up-to- date IHA Hardware in this area. BARGAINS are Everything Must be Sold Come Early Folks! — No Phone Orders Please — Discounts as High )as 50% EXCEPTIONAL BUYS: Discontinued Lines PAINTS NO EXCHANGE OR RETVENS BALL and MUTCH HARDWARE and FURNITURE 1111111111111111111•111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111r NOTICE TO MOTORISTS WHO HAVE NOT OBTAINED THEIR 1958 LICENCES Your 1957 driver's licence and vehicle permit will expire at midnight, March 12. After this date it will be illegal to drive with 1957 licence or plates. THE DEADLINE IS MARCH 12 Act now to avoid the last minue line-up. Heed this warning and avoid inconvenience and possible prosecution. RENEW YOUR LICENCES NOW Important R- cramd er; Be sure to take ,along your "Proof of Liability Insurance" Certificate. It will save you paying an extra $5.00 when .you secure your plates. If you do not have a certificate check with your insurance agent today. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT $5.00 a gallon $1.49 a quart 3 5c a half pint CLINTON