HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-02-27, Page 5■. `7RUWWMAY'a ' +UAAY-'X, 1%8 N W CSA P Accommodation For Rent Articles Wanted CA'R TOP .CARRIER wanted to 2 ROOMfpriiished apartment, av- fit 195X. Chevrolet, Phone Clinton ailable March 1. .Phone HU bIT I 2:94.79 4• WILL BUY cid Canadian Goias, , IpITSB in village of Londesboro, Send Dist of dates to; J. A. Bouch - rushed. er, 715% Adelaide Street, Londo�r, .Phone HU 2 acre lot, . urur '9-10-b _ Ontario, ' $-9-p 11 3 R004V1 AiPIAR`12ENT, furnished WAN`I!F�, Wri�[TIl EGGS, w>11 ,and- heated, Available March 7. pay FreConta picked a at your .Alone HU 2-950.10, .9.,10-p, door. Contact Canada Packers Limited,. �C19.nton, Ont. Phone HU i iC7JKA.N AP'A�DNT, ground 2-9301 of HU 2-95$5, 8-9-b :floor, heated.by,oit furnace, .Ideal Automobile For Sale icor couple, .Phone HU 2-9479 or _ `� 6tfb -rLN -Ufi1H 1957 Savoy sedan -bMwE,P,0,0M heated furnished V8, automatic„ onlly 6.000 miles, Apartment, Central. location. A.v* Rope HU 2-6518 after six pin, iallable'March -'2, ,Phan 'HU, b -9005. 040 AND R06 1H0U5E'IN KIL'PFN TO REMIT, RAOIVI or BOARDERS, one xwith garage. All modern conyen� , <aences, ail heated. :Apply'to 1Nor• All or three sharing. Private Sha.' Long, Keate&. 2-tfii �'e, w t1i private entrance. Ph- one HU 2-7093. 9-b :YiU S�IIEiD+ APARTMENT For gent in the town: of Seaforth, AV, !Business Opportunities .ail:7ible March. 10. . Apply to OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS, ,old Tacksan, Phone 474, Seaforth, Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, 9`10-b Eligh Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- SM LL HOUSE, unfurnished, all ton HU 2-6692. 13-tfb wconvenlences, suitable for couple. START A YEAR-ROUND BUS. (9-n Highway 4, . near. RCAF ..Stat- iness•1 You can earn money the :eon Clinton. Norman Manning. first day. Strletly .your boss, Sell :Phone .HU 2.-9270, 9-p daily necessities in: Centralia RC- AF Station, Clinton, Dashwood FURNISHED' DUPLEX, oil fern- Goderich, Grand Bend, Seaforth, ace, 2 bedrooms and . Playroom, and surroundings. All fami'l'ies in Clinton, Huron Street near are users• of our many products. :Shipley. If owner not. on premises Write to Dept. JS—Familex ecall Goderich, 1197W. 9-b 1600 Delorimier, Station C, Mont- real, Que. 8-9.10-b "DOUBLE OFFICIO', available Mar- ch, 1; Barber shop available April CUSTOM WORK 1; located on Albert Street, -wash- I , room facilities for both offices. FOR YOUR PLUMBING' AND :Suitable for beauty salon, offices, Heating needs, call HU 2-9433. ,etc. Phone Earl R. Doucette,. Hawkins Hardware. 245 HU 2-9741, 7-tfb -- ATTENTION FARMERS! Spray- AP ARlI TENT, Available March 1. Ing cattle for lice, white washing Self-contained upper duplex, fur- and cleaning barns. Phone Hub- nished or unfurnished, Suitable for ert Cooper, Exeter, 599r3.3. -couple with one or two small ch- 4 to '16-p aldren. Ample parking space. Ap- ply to Orville Dale, N, Main. Stre g• .et, Seaforth, after six p.m. 9-p. Saws retoothed, ,,jointed and filed for.$1.25. Or just filed and set 75 cents. Automatic butcher knife Articles For Sale and scissor sharpener, scissors, -15 cents, knives 1.0 cents. W. E. "Bill" Jervis, Fulton Street, Clin- ton. DE,VEL.OPED in 24 hours. ton, Phone HU 2-9664. 35p-tEb Clinton Bowling Alley. 9-10-P CARDIGAN OR PULLOVER sw- SMALL DUOTHERM SPACE HE- eaters . and socks knitted by lady hone ater, and steel venetian' blind, size, with knitting machine. ender height, 39" width, 63%-". John mss' W. Bakelaar, 123 Spencer, g , Street, .Clinton, HU 2-3482. 8-9-b :.Plumtree. . ~ 9-10-p — _ FARM FOR RENT CEDAR FENCEPOSTS for sale. Phone James Greydanus, Phone PASTURE FARM, Concession 5; HU'23347, 4th concession, God- Goderich Township. Accommod- erieh Township. 9-'b -ate 20 head for six months. Ap- plicarLts please state rent willing 2 ELECTRIC BROODERS, WAR- to pay. Elvira Churchill, 2183 .ner make; capacity for 500 chicks, Bloor Street W., Toronto. 9-10-11- only used two,;years. Phone Lloyd 12-b .Heard, HU 2-7576. 9`p Farms For Sale DON'T MISS COUNTER'S BIG ,.Store -Wide February Jewellery LOTS 29 and 30 Concession 3, .Sale. 20% off all goods: Rings, Township of Stanley, 200 acres "Watches, Silverware, China, etc. with usual farm buildings, For Call often and save. 9-p particulars see Bell & Laughton, -Barristers and Solicitors, Exeter, iFUEL OIL — Stove and Furnace Ontario. 8-9-10-b Oil .delivered anywhere. A. G. Grigg and Son, phone HU 2-9411. FARM EQUIPMENT For Sole ' 43-tfib MIA$SSEY-114ARRIS No. 1 power '..NATIONAL MILKfNG MACH- take -off baler, 3 years old. Good ine, in good condition; electric working ,order. George Colclough, feed cooker, hydro approved, used Princess Street, Clinton, Phone ':tour years; boy's sidewalk bicycle HU 2-9585. 9-10-P ,-in good condition, Wes McBride, FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE Varna phone Hensall 687r21. HELP WANTM—FEMALE GILLS TO LEARN LAUNDRY work. 'Contact Clinton Laundry U nd Dry Cleaners, 2-tM WOMEN lVi ake money at home assembling aur items, > xperience hat necessary, Write, Mary Carol- ine Co,,. Box 64, Aurora:, Ontario, Livestock Wanted ATTENTION FARMERS! Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides, Call collect Ed. Andrews,, 851r11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd, 26-p-tfb. OLD HORSE'S WANTED AT 31h c lb., and tread cattle at value. -If dead, phone at .once.. GILBERT BROS, MINK RANCH, phone .col- lect, Goderich, 1483 J 4 or 14$3 J 1. 52 to 27-p Lost and Found , LOST, —A Set of half-inch drive snap -on sockets, lost either on Hag sway 8 or -Concession, 16, God- erich Township. Reward, Haugh - 114 .lVIEMORIAM Pi0t(Il'O4:In loving memory of a .dear brother, William, who pas- sed aw y February' 2$, I957 "Many ;lL lonely heartache often a silent tear, But always'. a .beautiful memory Of one we loved so dear," Gone but not forgotten, by his sister, Mae, Vanderburgh. 9-p WAL LJS In loving memory of our dear daughter and sister, Audrey Ilene Wallis, yho passed O 90=17. ,APt7PTiON . --,y wa. ,., +­'. L'ONC -AN In Cornyalls Ontar- Our laps cannot tell how we miss her, . io, to Mr. and- Mrs. David Long- land' (nee Lois Hanley) an Sat- Our heart cannot tell what to urday, February :8, x95$, their chosen son (Douglas George, say' God alone knows how we miss born December 9, 1957), her, zn a home that is lonesome to- QIRTMS day. B4aa<ER, -Zn Clinton Public -Has- `fie think a her silence, Her name we oft recall, pital, on Friday, Febritary 21, 1958, • to Mr, and Mrs, William There is nothing left to answer, But her picture on the wall• Bakker, RR 1, Auburn, a son, the supplying of Seven Hundred '(700) pounds of UA:IRM—rn Clinton public. Hos, "Asleep in God's beautiful gar- pltal, on Tuesday, February 25, deny 1958, to Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Free from all sorrow and pain, • 'Laird: Thedford, a .;on. And when our life's journey is I.4XWRLYNQ xn Clinton Public ended Hospital, on. Monday, February 2.4, 1,958, to 112r. and Mrs. Thom, We know we shall meet her again!' as Lawrence, 131yth, a daughter, Help �ant'etl--t�iRle la POriTER-In Clinton, Public' Hos. - -+Lovingly remembered by Daddy, pita!, on Sunday,, February 23, Mommy, Margaret, Carol, Doug - 1958, to Mr, and Mrs. Joseph las and Ruth. 9-p' Patter, RR 3, Clinton, a son. ----- DEATHS PIA13,T!RIDGEI ,In loving memory of a dear daughter and sister, Is.1 ., abel Dorothy Partridge, who pas -.I SAUDER—At his home; 10 Erv- sed away February 27, 1956; ine Street, Kitchener, on Satur- day, February 22, 1958, Eugene "What we would give if we could A. Sauder aged 70, beloved lius- . say Hello to ynu in the same old way tan's Wel ' Shop. 9-b 'band of Clara Eivin (formerly of B'ayfiefd) dear father of Bet- To, hear your voice and see your Miscellaneous ty (Mrs. Sid McLennap) and Smile Robert Mi�tc'hener. Funeral TO sit,with- you and chat awhile WE BUY OLD GOLD and geld service on Tuesday afternoon. But we've only your cherished coins, N. T. Ormandy, Jeweller, VAMMMOFX--On Sunday morn- memory Goderich, 9-10-p 'Ing, , February 23, 1958, at his To remember our whole life th- home in Blyth, Kenneth Kings- rough WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR , ton Reid Whitmore, beloved hus- But the sweetness .will linger for - experts. Our work assures your band of Gladys Blake, in his As we treasure the image of satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. 50th year. Funeral from the „ Huron County's Oldest 'Establish- Blyth United Church, by the you ed Jewellery Store. • 9-p Rey. Charles_ Scott, Sarnia, 'lovingly remembered and sadly LET US REPAIR AND MAKE (formerly of Blyth), to Clinton missed ,by Mrs. Joseph Webster +Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, and Tamil 9-b your rings and jewellery like new. February 25.. Masonic service y' Diamond rings renewed and stones was held at the Tasker funeral safely secured—don't take chan- home on Monday evening. ccs. Expert work done reasonably ESTATE to -your satisfaction. Watch re- CARDS OF THANKS pairs and Pearl restringing. W. I wish to thank all those who AUCTION SALE N. Counter. 9-p sent me cards and treats while I at ,South ban of lot 2, con. 4 $Col NOTICES was in Victoria Hospital, London, borne township,eastern division and since I came home. —MRS. NEW LOCATION for the offices FIRED BURDGE. 9-p Monday, March 3, of the HURON COLLECTION AGENCY and :WEDGE THE. Sincere thanks to those many MOVER. Above Fitzsimons Food people who so 'kindly visited me 50 acres• of clay loam land, 49 Fair. Effective February 27. • 9-p In Victoria Hospital, London, and acres workable, brick house, frame who sent cards and flowers, barn, Pet Steck -'MRS. WILLIAM V. D11NNIN, Terms: 10% down on day of Brucefield. 9-x sale, balance in 30 days, sold sub - COLLIE PUPPIES FOR SALE, 6 ject to reserve bid. weeks old. George Wise; HU I wish to thank all my friends For further particulars apply to. 2-7256. g,.b who so kindly remembered me yds, Isabelle Gardner, adminis- with cards, gifts and flowers, wh- tkatrix of the estate or to Hays 5 FOX TERRIER PUPPIES, 5 ale in Victoria Hospital, London. and Prost, solicitors of the estate. weeks old, Would like to sell Special thanks to the Rev: C. S, The estate of the late Charles them or put them in a home. Inder and Mr. and. Mrs. A. Bond. Keith Gardner. Phone HU 2-3449. 3-p - JMRS. MAURIG) FRAME 9-p PUREBRED GERMAN ,Shepherd The family of the late. Alexan- Harold Jackson, Seaforth, puppies. Any reasonable price der McEwen wish to thank their Auctioneer 8-9-b. accepted. J. W. VanE'gmond.P1-- friends and neighbours for flow - one HU 2-9231. 7-tfb ors, cards, and kindness shown al the time of their bereavement. Poultry For Sale Special thanks to Rev, D. J, Lane, A NUMBER OF DEKALB start- Dr. Walter Oakes, the Clinton ed pullets, vaccinated for New- Hospital nursing staff, and the Stanley Township road supervisor castle and bronchitis, ready for and men who cleared the roads immediate delivery at 16 and 18 9.- weeks of age. Price list on re- quest. Discount on large orders. I wish to thank my friends. and Moore's Poultry Farm, R.R. 3. neighbours, Stanley Ladies Club, Seaforth, Ontario. Phone 6.47-3. Brucefield Church WA and WMS 8-9-10-11-b and Huronic .Rebekah Lodge for their kind remembrance of flow - Property For Sale ers, cards, treats and visits while NEW 2 -BEDROOM ECONOMY I Was a patient in Clinton Public HOME; construction frame and Hospital. Also I •thank Dr. Oakes, stone; large living room; modern Dr. Addison and the nursing staff kitchen and dining area; latest for their kindness,-- IMIRS WALT- in ALTin hot Water heating with 'base- ER, MOIWAT. 9-b board convertors'. East end Prin- cess Street. Lloyd Batkin, phone TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT HU2-7057, Clinton. 8-9-b PROPERTY WANTED 1N ' Q ' g -p 8 PIGS, 87-N WEEKS OLD. One Holstein bull calf, Ross Hog- IZ,) 2-9878. 9-b a a car and can take short trips to the surrounding area. , sig: sleeper. Extra cupboards. and BOB 310NAIR, Auctioneer 300 BALES CHOICE. CLOVER drawers added. 1956 model, 36 25 to 50 ACRES, ROUGH OR The Council of tlae Towliship of 1K. W COLQUHOUN, Clerk MAGIC MARKERS. Will write on Hay. Phone HU 2-9903. 9=b waste land. Must.have stream. Hallett will receive Tenders for UP TO $1000 IN A YEAR anything, glass, wood, paper, etc. `Dry immediately. Seven different Box 329, Petrolia. 9-10-11-b the supplying of Seven Hundred '(700) pounds of 1,000 SQUARE BALES of mixed 11 EWES', and one ram. All to ting and filled with big rewards •colours. Good for poster work, -signs, etc. $1.10 each, refills, Mc' hay, good • quality. Bill Father- ingham, Phone HU 2-9196, 8-9-.pWARBLE-FLY REAL ESTATE POWDER 'D"" TOWNSHIP OF H'ULLETT IS Clinton. News -Record. 37-tfb - - RMAL ESTATE our BUSINESS. Farms, residential commercial in Fifteen 15 ( ) poupd bags and One )<Inaadreal in One "N Help �ant'etl--t�iRle la GENEF , - OUS TRADE -IN Allow- counts will please you. Please summer cottages. For dependable (100) pounds +bag's for the EDS YOUNG MAN as SALESMAN on M on .anew on your old TV on a Brand and capable service list your prop- erty with ,john Besveld, Wellesley (1) pound spraying' of cattle .for Warble -Fly in 1958. Olease -contact G. M, Swallow: New 1958 RCA Television. T. A. Brucefield, phone Clinton an established B'REA'D ROUTE, Apply in person to. BARTLIPPS Street Goderich. Phone 1108. Salesmen: Ge o r g.e McGillivray, All Tenders to be in the handsDutton, of the Clerk, March 1, 2958, The Council. of the Township of .ITU 2.3232, 36-tfb. BAKERY LTD, 9-b Lucknow;' J, McConnell, Seaforth. Lowest or any tender not neves- Hullett will receive Tenders for the SALESMEN 'YOUR OLD WASHER IS WORTH 50-tfb sarily accepted. Spraying of Cattle money when traded on a newGEO. Full or part-time, We require SCIIP,si8leii Wanted W. lerk COWAN,, Thor washer. T, A. Dutton's Ap- Store Brucefield. Phone two egressive salesmen in this — Londesboro, in sloe Township for WARBLE ,pliance ,Clinton HU 2-3232. 16.tfb area. Selling experience not es- sential but would be helpful. No PERMANENT POSITION 7-8-9-b FLY. Tenders to be so much per head per spkay for 2 sprays, Tend - MOTORS AND GENERATORS age restriction, but men over 25 preferred. We offer you better FOR CLINTON MAN Here's one of the finest oppor- ers to be 'in the ligands of the Clerk, March 1, 1958. Lowest or - rewound and repaired. Brushes, capacitorS, switches, bearings; than average' earnings and a real tunities offered to a man over 45 TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT any Tender not necessarily ac- ,n �mal1 appliances repaired. a for sale or reconditioned motors future security in return for your sincere effort and ability to. 'work who wishes to make a permanent connection with a major company r� �T ( EJ 1011 ER cepted. ,Art Lovett, Isaac Street at Dunlop. with a minimum of supervision. Applicants will, be interviewed by whose solid and steady growth now demands the services of an .l1 GEA. W. COWAN, Clerk phone HU 2-6640. 44tfb Mr, Snedden at the Brunswick additional man for the Clinton The Council of tlae Township of Londesboro. ,SEVERAL NEW PATTERNS in Hotel, Wingham, Thursday, Feb- ruary 27th, from 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. area. This is not a "here today, gone Hullett' Evill receive Tenders for the 7-8-9-b ]English Bone China Dinnerware, including lovely "Cornflower", See and 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Gail in per- son 9-b tomorrow" proposition. There's no doubt about our future. Our CRUSHING and HAULING it and others in our window and only. business will probably double and p y of approximately 12 PP y TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT LIVESTOCK FOR, SALE get our low prices for fine china, Counter's, Jewellery. 9-P redouble in the next decade, The man we -want is 45 to' 65, `��� Cubic Yards of Gravel (i ��J A'�PI,ICATI�INS neat conscientious Wn s 1VLOB7ai1C HOME, IN EXC7>1L lent condition. •Fully furnished, 8 PIGS, 87-N WEEKS OLD. One Holstein bull calf, Ross Hog- IZ,) 2-9878. 9-b a a car and can take short trips to the surrounding area. , sig: sleeper. Extra cupboards. and girth, earnings are open, depending an drawers added. 1956 model, 36 ,C,TIOCE 13,ACON-TypE YORK- ability, Ut we consider this op - feet long. Parked adjacent to shire boar, almost ready for sere- ening to be worth Shell Service Station on Highways ice, James Lobb, Ciin:ton, one UP TO $1000 IN A YEAR 8 east end of Clinton; For. fur- tlier information;n M 2-339,2, 9-p This is a full-time job . it tla- 344, Saints Motors. 8,9.10-p 11 EWES', and one ram. All to ting and filled with big rewards PAR+MERS- -•Ave YOU going to lamb in good time. Also one York hog, two years old. Wilfred,ROSS, for honest effort, including a pro- fit -sharia r 're g - eII meat plan, gen. swath your ,grain this year? If so, better talk to Ice about got- Itippen. Phare iiensall 686.32 '9p n Brous gonixs Incentivesr fret life ting a, self-propelled swather, All 4 SHORTHORN BULLS, 2 horned Insurance, hospitalization insur- ante and, above all, liberal earn - ,sizes, 8' up. Our early order dis- and 2 polled, Good rugged bulls, Ing checks mailed, weekly in ad= counts will please you. Please 11 months old in 'ordinary . f'a't, vance, phone collect morning noon or This is a good time, to replace If you thi!tk youu are our man, v'ening for appointmeftt' • J, W, your ,herd, sure. William R. Peg- Olease -contact G. M, Swallow: }ran-Vgmand, Clinton. Phone 1:3,J per, R.R, 3, Seaforth. Phone �residen% P.O, Box 789 Fort Wor- .._O 9Waf. 7-tfb Clinton :Til .2.7534. 3�p ;I1 1, Texas, 9=b +t< for the Roads in the Township, Gravel to. be chished and put The Counell of the Township of through it %-inch; screen. All UWlOtt will receive Applications gravel to be. crushed and spread � to the satisfactioai of the . Road for Oise (1) Superintendent and the Distract WARBLE 11LY INSPECTOR Engineer, Certified cheque for $, 00 must accompany each tender. for tine Township for 1058 Spray. Lowes or easy Tender hot neves- Ing t►f Cattle for Warble+Fly. sarriiy }accepted, Salary to be .85o per hour and Tenders' to Pts Ira tete !sands of .05e per !mile Wleago While work- tho Road Superinteudeaat, March big in the Township. 1, 1958. Applications to be eau the hands LEN CALOWE LL, 4f tiie Clerk, Murch 1, >1958, !toad Superintendent, 650, W. COWAN, Clerk R.R, 1, Lerldesboro. Londesboro, RO Y THEATRE Clinton Two $howls N'rohtly $4rooll NOW -r 'URS., P'EI 444 SA,.T. E SCEPTRE A � a AND. THE MA%.4L Yr j Technicolor film story of the .•,;;...., i Queens recent vsnt to Canada --a �•:'<rs �., f glimpse of history in the making, ' A1s(l''� '�'•.Y,�<<�i �'ON'y {'.. `•i Yr''�+N � i•�.:•�. {e : .tG;k'. REPj.I,iCSAL, x,�=.�,'•.y.�+x. �� y�,��.,,,r�: Tale of a two-fisted frontierst rancher who fights tirelessly :for justice --but still has k'# time for -love Guy Madison:, Kathryn Grant V611014 Farr MONHAY, TUESDAY, 'WEDNESDAY 64H4' SEER NIGHT" (Adult Entertainment) A bride almost becomes+ wwidow on her wedding night when her reporter husband goes after a ,"scoop," Leslie Nielson -- Colleen Miller -- Jay C. tlippen COMING NEXT -- "THE DEVIL'S IUIIRPIN" Cornell Wilde -- Jean Wallace •-- Mary Astor AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS from the home of Hugh Ladd, Fulton; Street, Clinton, on Saturday, March 1 :at 1.30 pan., the following: 2 occasional chairs; 2 uphol- stered bedroom chairs; upholster- ed arm chair; upholstered plat- form rocker; writing desk and stool; 4 rocking chairs; several small tables; smoking stands and pedestaAs; marble • top antique table; spool bed; 2 wooden beds; roll' -a -way bed; 2 dressers; rug and scatter rugs, foot stool; lamps; large wooden wardrobe; Supremacy `9 cu. ft. refrigerator (like new) ; Northern Electric washing machine; 'McClay elec- tric range; Simpson rangette; Findlay coal and wood riMge; Fawcett oil heater with automa- tic blower; 2 oil tanks; work bench with vice; bar room chairs; kitchen chairs; 2. lawn mowers; some carpenter's tools and garden tools; 2 silvarr tea services; dishes including some antique. Terms Cash If weather is unfavourable, sale will be under cover. Hugh Ladd, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 8-9-b ef FOR LEASE By Tender ESTABLISHED PICNIC GROUNDS and DANCING PAVILION Wllth ,$00th. , (Known as .Jowett's Grove) and Bayfield Pavilion.) Potential Unlimited for an Enterprising Person or Couple. Contact: N Phone I -TU 2-7064 Tender closes March 15, 1958 6-74-10-11-b PARK THEATRE GODERICH NOW Feb. 27, 28, March 1 THURS.:FRI. and SAT, 91%CIAL. -- "THE SCEPTRE AND THE MACE" the Royal Tour in Technicolor ALSO— "Beyond. Mombasa" In color, with ..Donna Reed and Cornea Wilde., MONDAY, TUESDAY' and WEDNESDAY "Jea e Eagles" (Adult Entertainment) The sensational biogra=phy of an actress who rocketed to Broad- way fame in the nineteen -twenties Klin Novalc -- Jeff Chandler and Agnes Moorehead THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY ELVIS PRESLEY with 1,47abeth Scott and Wendell Corey Whether you are pro or con on the subject you will enjoy this close- up of 1957's show -,biz phenomenon 66Lov' I.,)ig You" — In Technicolor COMING: Bing .Crosby in "MAN ON FIRE" WANTED. - WHITE EGGS Will Pay Premium Picked up at your door. CONTACT CANADA PACKERS LIMITED D Clinton, Ont Phone Iii! 2-9301 or kill 2-9595 ���iry@ a� � �,+ 1. �,��P� ,�+ $ �•�' ++���! .'� �. •r.•'M.>�;C; rtii?fut•�k� t;; '+•�,•T•`r�:,• )'"�'>¢:.�fi�'` l �: ,� ,' �. ,.A,R,'� 'FO , ONLY PLUS A SMALL CHARGE FOIL POSTAGE WHEN YOU AGREE TO BUY SIX AL13VMS FROM T)ElE ItCA VICTOR SOCIETY OF GREAT MUSIC 'WITlt'iIN TBE NEXT' TWELVE. MONTHS. All 9 Beethoven Symphonies, coin- plete on sevexi EV L.P. records, magnmeently played by Tosca - loci and the ' NBC Symphony Orchestra. A de luxe $34.98 album .• .. yours for Iitst $4.98! This special offbr Introduces a wonderful now money -saving way to own and enjoy the World's greatest trea- sulros of classical music, performed by the world's greatest artists: For complete details without obligation, see us today A