Clinton News-Record, 1958-02-27, Page 1THE NEWS-RECORD--,-77th YEAR Veteran Politician Congratulated, by Supporters Veteran of 18 years in the Federal Legie letere, Elston Cardiff, Ertistels, present member for the Progressive Conservatives in Huron rid- ing, received a unaninious nomination. in Clinton last week, With hitt are Charles Igellaughton, centre, Oesident of the Huron Progressive Con. '1 servative Asseelation, Exeter; and Zahn A. Haihi. ilton, menthe for York West; the guest speallet of the evening. (NowaAecord Photo) Clinton Hospital board. With, New President Harry Bail • '14,311ifi.,.m Members of the Clinton Public Hospital Board, meeting on Monday evening,'heir'e elected Harry Ball president. Front row, from left, G. Morley4Counter; Ernest Walton, secretary-treasurer; Judge Frank Finglaed, chairman of the finance committee; Mr. Ball; Mrs. Helen Shearing, president 'of the Women's Auxiliary to the Clinton Public Hospital, and Miss Hilda Smith, superin- tendent of the hospital. Back row, Deputy Reeve Nelson W. Trewartha; Dr. W. A. Oakes, A. M. Knight, immediate past president; Harold C. Lawson, George H. Jefferson. and W. L. Morlok, (News-Record Photo) into trig lira €01U11111=r-t: Me W. Po IF YOU I-IAPPEN TO BE FOR- turkete enough to be able to find a copy of the Farmer's Advocate dated February . , it is very interesting to read an article there entitled "from Clinton ,to COlOrnbo" . written by Vi Fret-alin, women's - editor of the rnagaelne , . • It is the story of I.Vfary Irwin, fermerly of Clinton, and her experiences as a mission-. any in India . . e e * MRS. WAIVE, RESIDING IN ;the once-again 'sunny realm of St- Petersburg, Florida , . •. tells us of the cold weather down south . • She promises nevertheless that' the residente hope to send back all our robins, none. the worse for the cold . EVerYone, she says, was placing feed boxes out for the birds . . . Mrs. Quaife tells, also; of the sad deaths by starvation which., doineStic anim- als. have suffered, since- there was no grazing, and no eheltere. . . The growing season, struck as it was by the cold, finished The cits rua fruits, but the tomatoes, straw- berries and hardier vegetables are going to make the grade She advises visiting Florida next year . . . * A report from the office of Ag- riculture Minister GoOdfellow seems to indicate that there will be .no chenge in the present meth- od of voting for marketing sch- emes , . . Same farmer groups have asked that the percentage taken should be of those voting . . not of those 'eligible' but who don't take the trouble to go to the polls . . . Mr. Goodfellow says he feels that it is in the interests of farm commodity groups that they be assured of overewhelming support if they want their plans effected with the' least possible opposition. Hospital Deficit Reduced Board Forsees Problems grug and equipment costs. Miss Hilda Smith, superintend- ent reported 1,492 admissions dur- ing the year, and this was en increase of 179 from 1956. The Year's statistics included 351 bir- the, (compared with 292 the year before), 481, operations, 1,807 x- rays (compared with '1,630 the year •before), Patient days were about the same: $13,914 but indigent patient days were reduced from Z441. in 1956 to 1,499 in 1957. Mrs. Mitchell. Shearing, chair- man of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Clinton Public Hospital, reported that this group had spent close to $1,300 on purehase of equip- ment for the emergency . operat- ing room. Harry Ball grid Frank Flag- land were re-elected for a three Year term. In a meeting of the directors after the annual meeting was ad- journed, Harry Ball was named chairman to succeed A. M. Knight who has served for the ,past four 'year. H. C. Lawson was named vice-chairman and Ernest Walton was re-appointed secretary-treas- urer. Mr. Ball predicted that special meetings would have to be called and important decisions made with regard to changes brought about by the National Health Plan, due to come into effect in 1959. William G. Cochrane Earns Huron Liberal Nomination Lean, Seaforth, former member of parliament, and candidate in the last two elections; Hugh R. Haw- kins, Clinton•„ president of the - 'Heron Liberal Associatien; Gor- don MeGavin, Walton; Cecil Blake, Dungannon; Mrs. Margaret Whyte, RR 2, Seaforth. Cal. S. W. Arch- ibald, RR 4, Seaforth, 'municipal engineer for the Township of Tuckersmith, expressed his wish to represent the riding if he were nominated, The Hon. Walter E. Harris, for- mer federal Minister of Finance for the Dominion of Canada, was the guest speaker, and he also was suggested as a nominee for the riding, which he graciously re- fused. Mr. Cochrane has been activcely at work for the Liberal Party in the riding, having been secretary of the Huron Association (prow.) for seven years, serving as first vice-president since the annual meeting. He has had six years on the council of Exeter; two years as mayor, and some time as reeve, A family man, he has three daughters, Maitha 15; Elizabeth 10 and Mary 9. He has been practising .law in Exeter where he attended public and high school, since 1946. He served four and one half years in the army, most of it overseas. In his address, he noted that he had grown up in a farming community, and had an awareness of fanning problems, Walter Harris charged that "nearly all' the public works re- cently announced. by Prime Min- ister Diefenbaker were included "in my own little blue book" six months before the Conservatives came to power. Mr, Harris said that when Dief- enbaker spoke over television, "he (continued on page ten) THE NEW ERA-93rd YEAR The deficit of $7,812,70 reported to the 'anneal meeting 'of the Clinton Public Hospital Associat- ion on Monday night is an he- .prov.enient over the situation at the end of 1956.' At that time the deficit shown was slightly ov- er $10,000, Judge Frank Finglande finance chairman, told the members that revenues for the year were pp more than $16,000 over the prev- ious year, and totalled $123.879. Expenditures were slightly higher alep due to increased salaries, Lions Big-Beef is, Nothing To Do "Beef Night" for the 'Clinton Lions Club on Tuesday night, found little wrong with the club, except that members-. felt there is not enough -activity and projects taken up by the Club, They also feel they are not being infoimed as to what is being done by the various committees. Films shown by Torn 'Murphy were from the National. Film Board. "Riches on Earth" was based on 'the creation on Earth, and Its development 'from that time. "St. John's Vallee', told the story of the, river valley from mouth to source---it is: situated at St. John's, New Brunswick. Surprising all present at the Liberal convention held in the Legion Hall, Clinton, last Th.urs- day,' except supporters in the Ex- eter district,' G. Cochrane' of .that town, was put forward as candidate for the Liberal Party in Huron riding, and was successful in earning the nomination. ,Ivan Kalbfleisch, Zurich, whose name was presented also, refused to stand for the position. Others up for nomination were A. Y. Mc- that—mainly as to who was man's best friend .. Along comes P'ogo to ask if they are still quarelling . . . Mouse: We ain't quarrelin'— we're having a dynamic intellect- ual exercise ,. •, Pogo: 'You been to nhe brink of fightin'? Flea: No, that would be• a fatal catac- lysm . we been having a pre- liminary meeting of minds Pogo: So's you can have a summit sessions . . Flea: Yeh, up to now we just been horsin' around fig- gerin' on what we'll fight about later. Pogo: How's it look? Think you'll get anything settled? Mou- se: What! and do ourselves out of a job? 0 • OUR CONGRATULATIONS TO the Exeter Times-Advocate for their success in the 1957 better weekly newspaper competitions At the provincial convention held in Toronto last week, they re- ceived first prize for best all round weekly newspaper in ,Ont- ario, published in towns with pop- ulations of 2,000 to 4,000 persons . . Congratulations also, go to the Huron Expositor, published in Seaforth, which earned top award for best use of pictures . „ No More Labels! AddressMachine Prints on Paper This week we're using an addressing Machine system, for the first time for the ad- dressing of • all newspapers. Perhaps you missed the little yellow label, whiehehas years told'you when your pap- er was due? Well, the new method of addressing your paper tells you that, also. The month, is there, and the last mender in the row of figures, indicates the year in which the paper comes due. This is done with the Elliott Addressing Machine, which was installed in the News- Record office just yesterday. It is tried and proven ad- dressing machine, and with It, there is no danger of your name coming off the paper before it reaches you. The annual meeting of the County of South Huron, Loyal Or- ange Lodge was held in Exeter on Saturday, February 22. ' County master, Kenneth Bot- tles, Winthrop; deputy county master, Borden Brown, Seaforth; county chaplian, Oliver Jacques, Hensall; county recording secret- ary, William Riehl, Clinton; coun- ty finance secretary, Harry Crich, Clinton; county treasurer, Frank Falconer, Clinton; county marsh- all, William Malwain, Bayfield; county lecturer, Fred McClymont, Varna; county deputy lecturer, Fred Jamieson, Woodharri; assoc- iate county marshall, Earl Cooper, Goderich; immediate past county master, Joe. Calwell, Grand Bend; county, auditors, Asa Deeves and Norman Sly, Cli nton. A four-paint resolution was en- dorsed by the LOL, County of South Huron, and was forwarded to Prime Minister John, Diefen- baker, Ottawa, which reads, as follows: No, 1-e-that the Union Jack be retained as a national flag of the Dominion of Canada; No. 2.—that the Union Tack be flown atop all federal and provine- ial government buildings arid inst.- itutions, public sehOols, district high echools and collegiate inst- itutes, on each and Very day- of 'business and Dominion holidays, from the hour of sunrise to the hour of sunset and that this /til- ing be etrictly enforced. No. that the Word Dominion be re-in- The Week's Weather Hifeh Low High Low 15g 1957 Feb. 20 21 4 26 20 21 31 9 31 4 22 32 20 39 21 23 N 10, 35 20 24 40 20 3' 2 1 .30 48 ,34, 30 40 3,3 Rain: .60 * * * Those who met him at the open- ing of the nurses' residence a few years ago . . will regret the passing of Eldred J. Archi- bald, the man who presided at the official opening . . . For years Mr. Archibald was on the staff of the Montreal Star as an ex- ecutive editor and editorial writer . He was born here, and attend- ed Clinton, Collegiate Institute be- fore -entering Toronto University . s. Mr. Archibald was a "comp- etent and able newspaperman wh- ose whole 'life was wrapped up in his work," so said the London Free Press, editorially . . We heartily agree with this, and feel that those who knew him will deeply mourn his death . . , * * THE DEATH OF KENNETH Whitmore, publisher of the Blyth Standard, last weekend, came as a shock to all of his many friends There is a close bond between newspaper folk at all times, but the tie between Mr. Whitmore and the News-Record was strong- er, than is usual . . . Ken apprent- iced here in 1932 , . and as he gained in knowledge and senior- ity . „ others came to the News- Record to work with him Both Laurie Colquhoun and Frank Merman learned their printing from Ken . . . and many others, who are making names for them- selves in various phases of the printing industry . . , began their training with him . . It is sin- cerely that we wish for Mrs. Whit- more and Douglas, sympathy in their loss, and good luck in the, future with their added respon- sibilities . . • • FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT read Pogo regularly . . . (I sup- pose there may be one or two of you) . We felt a recent strip Worthy or re-producing . A mouse and a flea had been spend- ing days arguing about this and "Dark Horse" in. Liberal Race Wins Honour Ivan Xalbtleisch, Zurich (left), president of Ole Huron, Liberal Association (peavinciel), and Hugh A, Hawkins, -Clinton (right), president 'the federal asswiation, here congratulate Wr COdhraile, Tgxeter lawyer, after he had received the Aleienitabee reenie4tien of the Liberals ,a Huron. gathered in C?tlinton• last week, WeWs-Record Photo) WINS PRIZES AT PAIR FOR TEVIOTIIX SEED J. A. Jamieson, RR 4, Clinton, been forwarded by the Clinton won third prize for timothy seed f Mrs, Mary Brunsdon, Londes- and Goderich branches of the Loy- shown in the Middlesex Seed Fair borte will celebrate her 91st birth- al Orange Lodge, being held this Week, :day on Friday, February 28. stated to its former use in the identification of all government buildings, departments and doc- uments. No. 4—that "God Save theQueen" be retained and be the only recognized national anthem of the Domiiiion. Forwarded through the local member L. El- ston Cardiff, • A similar resolution has already A. "Red" Garon, proprietor of the Clinton Laundry and Dry Cl- eaners, and his son Bob are leav- ing to-day by air from London for Chicago, where they will at- tend the annual meeting e, the American Laundry Institute. This is the 75th year that this instit- ute has met, and they hold one of the biggeh shows af laundry equipment anywhere in the world. It is held in the Conrad Hilton Hotel, Mr. Garon and his son, (who operates Jet Cleaners at RCAF Slatioe Clinton) are ex- pected back on Sunday evening. Hog Market Has Best Day Yet The best day yet, was recorded on Tuesday by the hog assembly yard here in the Clinton Commun- ity 'Sales Barn. Manager, Joe Corey reports that 769 hogs were eran of 18 years in the federal, 79 and a farmer at Brussels. Mr. cleared through the yards. Price house, was again the unanimous Cardiff promised to work hard was $31 FOB Clinton. Loads went choice of the Progressive Conser- 'on his own behalf, saying that he to London, Stratford, Toronto and vatives in the riding of Huron, did not expect the electors to Kitchener. at 'the nomination meeting held work for him without his own in Clinton last Friday. He was support, the only man nominated, . • I Speaking of the work in the Laundry_Men.iFilr ,sinee the. PC Government has 'House, he said ,that it cost about To Chicago Show .something definite to say. Uutil 1Mr. Pearson had taken over the leadership the opposition had not • The newly completed and now occupied Credit Union Ltd. build- ing, was officially aliened yest- erday afternoon by the Rev. Bren de Vries, rector of the Anglican Church at Blete, Mr. de Vries 'won this honour by bringing in more memberships in the Credit Union than any other member in a recent contest, Elston Cardiff, PC candidate in the forthcoming election, was on hand, as were Mayor W. J. Miller, , A, "Red" Garon, president of the Credit Union, and other directors, as well as officials of the Credit Union National Association. Cale Doucette, builder, presented the keys of the new building .to Vic Roy, manager, Throughout the afternoon int-, crested persons were given guide tours throughout the fine new building. -,made any speeches unless he had been in "power Mr. 'Cardiff has' $1,000 an hour to operate it. For at reason, he said, he had not pene y By eve B. de Vries Credit Union Now Conservatives Endorse Cardi ff Again Candidate L. Elston Cardiff, Brussels, vet- been chief 'party whip. He is 0 0 opposed the government, be said, 'hut then they delayed everything the PCs tried to do. Cardiff noted that so far the government had passed legislation for advance payments on farm- stored grain in the western prov- inces; the farm stabilization bill (may not be the best but its better than any the farmers have had yet); raised old age pensions; etc. He mentioned his unhappiness that airmen's wives who had re- turned from overseas were not On the voters lists. (they have to. be in Canada for 12 months first) "The Liberals did that, and we've not been in office long enough to change it," said Mr. Cardiff. John B. Hamilton, member for York West, Toronto, was introduc- ed by Elmer Bell, Q.C1, Exeter, as the next in line for party lead- ership. He was guest speaker, and was strong in his praise of Mr. Cardiff. "The principles of the party are the same as in the days of John A, McDonald," he went on, "Canada first; the Crown; the (Continued on page ten) Over 80 Birthday Club LOL Favours ;lion Jack/ wants 'Domini n estored No, 9—The Home Paper With, the News CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1958 7 Cents a Copy $3.00 a. Year