HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-03-15, Page 8•
��,,,...li�.. •-l.�.j,�,� 1z1��, �l ... p� KER
i� tt y � ;g11ve tt 112211 bents sl'ee It till vital tla RED O KER
do with the boy, c,tttei y i + r.
AY, litA l±.O11.1 i"}, t z3 !►.
D'Iwtgrwul t.ilvzc(+ Svperce+tible ,rho ! i `
etl'r ct would sotto be perceptible i1t artvt
crcased intelligence, courtesy rind dte-
po,tti()ti.. Tue. ('t2ttre progrataule was
heartily' enjoyed, and a hamlet -me sell 11, SPLENDID, ASSOIi,'1'M1 1a:T
jr. 1). N. .411:a d+lnaltl, a tt+:salt(+r i11 its keocteels. ?Liss fetter the
tide lne:r,liry, ltae parcliltstad the 111or' looked well to the geneted care in, , W1lteti x+111 ha sphl nt IalrLst figures,
c* o i •n' ratltin,z.•�•-M1lr. di.iaftart! ,.. ._
' dtA'"tA rlA.�liT t)lt Ci'.l)l�ltl�X1 Cit
we -
teacher, wool* ail active part, And FURNITURE ii Of i.1. it tt3s,
R..tutile s;,L;i f �1 I £ tQlltuf the lz
Ho, r"s Bele passed ell well,. Hotta a
BOSS �Rtr.,4TOa
• r •
u r. ti 1(trp•
"reg wete.e. 111 Lutltlzlrlltl 1s li titan ,
- k f I4tra*s<_s, i otutgay d.c
j t ' tl honorable- teem l r i l eitig present, ;tad good, av111 avervtitit 111 t.11t1 ultho1,tctin{i ltnp,
seed L
1 putts Welt retrain 1,
1l- 1Ft o 1, Y,"i�l; ' Soo My own ma o o •, ` ,
a. , n Ytr't3 crowd ', y
Y(!, li helve l e 12121 hit'VIi tthtlll(lt4nt iC "' + 1p tnu Lien. u1 not ordered nett will ouu 11)
y 111008 xettlizPtl--•,-Nir..J.Ve MiaeYs sale pronutand ea:ufil attar:tion, 2111 worts donu lu.
Y, '+'•d t.1 IdQi 21t'ry spErrf <,£ 1Ytirnl,--- 1 lrc olid the pidditi? $rat•elass style,
Mr Pierian I:asa s altl 11111 entire atoc c h
e,£ v `kit's by ttutitiurt rt'Y ez1 stat•l� +r l.uh w,1s f !
'i he Boundary line .Literary Society
eta lively, high to 1t 4K ltt`iYYt ;;erten or Iindp•
sly. rtnking trronrpptly ^ttendvd to at any ourRESH OYST.ERS
-, e sti ).riot hind. i tory requisite in titock Embalming a specialty
gIcy intends gang to lilanitoba lilt
'Nettie acted as 1LUCtioneer,- 1Ir John
i iltns'ey sale on the 26th ult.passed
',ff slrlel1iiieity, good prices being
le>ali': d. IIotses field for $1` 5 to
it+its.•-•`A. mime Hamm Marsh, whose
mother lives wear hare, died eery
suaadeely at Wroxeter this week. She
WAS ening hitt on'? cLly. She was
about 20 years of tike, —1L uivar marsh,
whose mother resides near here, and
whose father dropped demi a few
1al(a,1thS ago, flied very suddenly i11
Wroxeter on Saturday tneriling. e
dead been ailing less thau 24 1totws,
Niro contenip ;.ted going to lianitobm
in a few days.
At the last meeting of the Literary
sofvtiety the respective pdvtlutages of
town and country life were debated.
• The former was supported by Alex
M0Cteilteud :and .1 Proetttr and the
latter by .1 N1.001, Dr ;l'owto and 0
McOlellaud• Ater e, most interest -
inn debate Rev Mr Godfrey gave his
decision ia favor of country, life by
one point, A literary programme. is
to be given at next meeting. --Mies
M. L Hessian of \Vile 1ranl,'is at pre-
sent visiting at IVEt. Lawrence.—Hiss
Jennie Bryce, of Wingllaui is visiting
friends in B lgrave anti vieiii ty.--Mr.
Jas. \Vatsa.t,:shoemaker of this pias(,
intends removing shortly to lelyth, alud , here on Monday evening. `J`lie most
will continue in the same bile illesa. interesting part of the programme was
there. We think he is doing wrong 0,0 speaking of Dr. LLogsu, Elle Inde..
iu,N,leaving us, but wish Olin sue'officer, in charge, Captaiu Smith et
cess wherever Ile goes.--Mihss Claris, Walkerton ami Adjutant .Cousins of
who was spending a few clays W411 her Palmerston, were ai.o present as well
as Captain Welker, and a contingent
of some 'eilhteetl or twenty from
Wiu„hain. •-
\I' roxeter? ' .
Dr Oerinau, one of the ablest schol-
ars autl.naest versatile anti 'offee yve
speakers iu the Methodist eiuirch .irl;
Canada, will. deliver his , splendid.
lecture on. "Colonial Empire" in the
Methodist church 1te113 011 Friday eve-
;ling the 15tH lust.
held l tlau it open -meeting at .11r. Wm,
t . Poeta Director end I:ulhaltn- r,
tlettttet'Ibuli'S, :(lit(ar the juuetlOU) ou
Monday eveicie;; ilist:It was veil at-
te ided, l:t abSeaed 02 the l'reeidt{nt,
Mr. WIT/. 'Maxwell oeeupied the chair It e, Eve Ielj of l u ll, ' .x " 1.tsr Ti 1 ' B• `ea E S
very creditably. The programme wily' ,
ORANGES Fame 1:a C1 Nita Ti) 35 Otaarre Plea D(aZBN'.
^j L1+.1ION: a • ". 25' it RTI �r'iy
.:A a ian .`."""„'•,R .L.7 Frit 'l.1r �+uczes`
Always on hand and served in any style,
n lengthy oue. The two recitaLttous
by Miss Elnmet:Masson, were Very well
rendered rode.> 1.. Wn1, Ifeuder
son gee° a recit:atioit which was highly
appreciated. Mr. -Wm. Maxwell, sant;
two sonnet, in ,,tine style, and was,
rapturously applauded The itsti'il.- .
mental music. by .11iss Thymic., presid-
lug at tee organ, and Messree Ruteer-
ord, Jas. Fowler, James illttl:rvell,
and II. Oleeeghorn ou violins, was well
reeeiv.ed. iltr, J. rleudereon gave a
recitation with good effect.. The songs
by the - Plisses hieuderscan were highly
appreciated. Miss A . Mat4rvo,1's song
w21s well received. Miss S, McCrttek-
en gave a recitation which made a
good itepressiou. Miss A, Fowler
sang, a song with e uellent effect. The
meeting was brought to ` a close by
eint ing the, doxology,—lilt. J:`rues
Stewart sold a flue J3tctgewooel Bolt to
:.ir. J,-Tbornpsnir,who shipped hine-to
Ma,nitoa this week..
Teesevater. •
A. very 60c6CSst111 bn.nquet and jubr
lee was held by the Salvation Army''
:sister, 'Airs, F. Wheeler, has returned
to her holne.=011arles Iiiraey, has
returned from Windsor, -where he hall
bean for- some time. past.—',Mr, Heigh
McLeani'who bold his fLtrm, inta.nds
eenloving terBelgreve shortly. Aliather
added CO 'Oar list, --Tile t,ssest;Ur is
.uoav`;gpiug his rounds, so be slue (111(1
tie the poor vete dog: ate-hitid-some peri•
senst ele11411. Delft west a dollar oil hint.
- lFr, 1>,.t1thew Ferguson, has gone at
last; and took unto himself a wife.
On 11onday hest 11e proceeded to the ,., ..... .,. -...
residence of Mr. S. McCurdy, Wawa- - ' 13o f;1a.
Birr,rIn Rost Vrawanosb, an the 6th Inst., the
nosh, and without titillllibe .112? was do wileot irlr John Ns troll ; a dangliter.
ins' any'thtilg wrong, deliberately stole %+.Alt - At ilrussels, an the urn inat, the wife of
y 111' A emale , a son.
one of the iwiy?1'S of Mr. �.lcLu,Tr1 _ Attis=AtLuc,muni, ontllo7stivat,the'evileot' Dir
f`(linily, 22110,, ly, Miss ele;eie- Isle wm Atha ; a son.
Snstw s=In liinloss; on the put inet, the ,rife : of
:l3Cll proceeded to SVI1Igliain, and
got,Dlu.tsa, llaarpo; ason,
the knot tied. He is bow, We expt el-,, VS2'�rtzt>t 19.
1 AN's10N-5-D06MAN-At the resitrenao af',Ir,
c very happy n1:in, and we :.wi511 IaOttP vanatone, Winghdnr, on the I3tit. lust., 'bv ate
,i r•. and i'1:t's. It ergnSOla, alt the 11 appi. Scott, D1- £, Mr. ItabI. Vanstone, S,:weller, of 1
S°Gss this world can t,ftJt'(l. file times .torr,ta,UCasl (1115Ilinapornsay.latoof Nlit help--
ogi tisnisat;oon II.,>raa. tit thJ Dlacso, trinnnryt.
`t;E1 very {11111 round here; ,lust now, on the atheist., he the ileo. li. lntluarrie, .' . w:
ne unit/ ilio, resei.vet. We littV4 is the 1 yndorwood, to Miss :Martha Hutiiter, bath of flow-
p the front - SGLetsi1r,MLE- -lt 9oatirth, en the 6111- inst, :hyS'
9 utP.r icy Withal' 7.4 nl Nays to gcv i J Shea, D1r P J holly,. of Morris, to Miss
•'4ftd.11 Sin exceliei t prngran1 mus.. -1.111•, J Ilebocea.lane, of -orae.
Tey_le,a—SALKi:G0--•in Goderirll townsidl), by %hu
s!3'1lttlrt tt the genial proprietor Of the' I.e, Gltichardspit, on the eth ins;, 610 b'raok Xipr.
`J.eell's .hotel, W1S in the F,ireet City
he,. of Pic l.ford; Alioh, to Mtea. 1 e11Ie sal.
ltol t, of eoderieh Townaivp,
s;l.nding a weft ceatrned 1,ohciay:-itilr. tsuarvN _n4,eor�-Al ttzttford, ontlieOthinat, l,,y
Re 1V21' 7 alliu
asi ado !
, r ht 73 U set (!
t• ta•t'1r �
1', ,1 I r
,u1cl 4'1.81 D. t'ttitson of \\ tugnwbl,; ae e
B•A, otlinoa W11egJ, Toronto, De J' � Brown +)f
cite gnr'sts of Mr. John Bell,••• -J'1:111,.., s 1rlcorm, to Dla 11e, t.tird daughteY 01 Itfr williain
Eason, of st,atford•
i): Nicol, teacher In S.n•. lslta[raoN-Di0t;runs—At the residence of the
ea orris, was ill Ilensall en baturcle bride's father, eu the 11th inst, by nor 3•- m Moor.
visit tci, some friends, ilei house, Andrew l art assn, of G itiarvanosll, to Vico.
;ass, on aI beth Mat ttrtir 01 Winghnm,
:1V8 fl.r streets 12(91 irate. Say tV Ceslvtecr,- titoot:r•,-dttheresidenceof Hugh • Mo.
l.winii, ealmorston, an t110 27th alt, A 1< pitmen, of
�t,n t11Pt11 down S• toad or two .things Iiagersville, brother of the bridegroom, assisted by
its mayexpect: more tt)rtiiv rveavllt;t' Itot J M. Ault, Mr Andrew W 'Caswell, of Giettdalp,
p i Manitoba, to Miss Susan Moore; ;; elli r't daaglstor
1 -,ore of these cheery parties ; a lolLd of the lato Ifcury Moore,
of l'aCuaerstan.
:f temperalnce people to g(r to \Vest �'x� •
J ANs'roNt-In Marsrrali, MiseourC, It 9, on the XRtlt
2ieltl , .a grand 'sena Pit 111 i5. rv3. NO. 5, inat iinisy, daughter of C 11 vgtiatane, agcrrX�., l0
:11orris, on Meech 29th ; Some people years, 3 months nod i4 days, The deeeascd -wkh a
1110(.•0 of Wl11 Vanstonp, a1' lirussols.
interfere with .al-ller people's bile` +,uAa�-In Morra, 0n th0 11th lust, bar id algal,
eess, and neglect their owner'— \tr Wtt. aytd P'4 veers
SIIEAIIKS1 Its Tnrnbcrry on the 0th fust, Catlta
et is ali;nl`, tubo Wes eiieesetllaltel here rntG 3hearkev, aged 5i Y1110.•
feet year, goes, to ilialletister this sea- 1VII!IClJiil M. IIIAtUU d S.
a+an. w1NGIEAn.bfAlcu, 14, 1880
- . Corrected )1D. Dcanc,,Produce Dealer.
t�,'1tr1 . y Mourner ter 100 Lbs, • b" 2 60 to 0 50
hail 1 haat per bushel, - •
11 0 tiff 100
The young. people (tf ILol'tnos' 8011(101 (spring .
ra"ctiou, and es eetalI these to whole oar - 40 to 50
i 1lariey,.
.eta. entrusted the gettiui Up of a pro- Peas, 53 to 53
Potatos, 2u to 30
::"amlue,havege- d reasotl10 feel proud ,Appieteestate 20 to 2ii
.=r, the It0ceess that crowued their ef'. teeter per lb.,. l0 to 1l-
1 slits iter dues,, 13 to 18
forts oil Friday evening. Tile eXecoid urat<aed frogs, - 0 25 to 0 &.
1 25 to 1 li
yt? ,
,+resided with splendid teat and good NOTE L'O
n pure being exc.Ptlitlgly set in inter
the. Stock now on Maud lit
has no superior any wbe e.
The most fastidious-oan be suited in
his elegant Lines of Ts the p]dee to go if you want to get the I3ESi.' iQ17ALJTY OF GOODS
English, Sootoh, at the
Irish. east French Tweeds. lea -nest Possible ible r cos
Prices Lowest, donpa,'tible with satin•• At which they can be sold, as ,
factory goods. and
ROT , Hi LLz i+'ortuerly of rias Pop business,
•irr N
k'.*:j 0 I —Is'
Vanstone sells GolEl. lr'ille.1 Ca.Sed.\\latches on a little advance of what
LUTE FITS GtfAIZA1sTZED others sell the saute movements for in Silver Oases. Also keels an,lititatl
a Lairge Selection of
Our Own Goods Out Free of C large. WINE STONE NE 't T- RING -
a calf.
salt your
interests giving ns Alsr a -;e and ,Well Selected Stock of,
of Ptepairin4 in •Lloeks, Jewellery, Sze.. All work
x .o t leas
I. Ids
Post T3iocle, W inghani.
(le la late Boom b;z\e •na1de 'room fox- tants have an hand
A Lar ,te Sieee. 'of`
In marl
and 801 (let
e` S' 14P 'dlring as usual, and Cement ',i1is}ililn .: �1)ecill'ct,'y: I irol '
tall �l~ �arcl�t 2V�i'T'1C� � , �
j'" -"put!) -
my Oustbrn '13t1sii1etq I defy` )mrtpet`iff,ul•lhhi��,yyi Qtltllity,'Sizes,
to sell IPC,CA'SEI, AT !0040.I'I`O11 .L`rel.OJ15;'-,
.y t ',:Couttzll Hotel.
t to the. Xterfsed stattiatt of Ontario.16S7; ,
.a , .., C '.
as tale of rile patronage. Don't
i+oi'4t tllty L'lticp ()p1Xoltq t,ae
, f.. eC icn t3 the crncii ors of ltobort Ripe- sew. d free in all boots uicheeed„front ;f)r
tet 1.U. s t $,. t p
• +sinister 8iurmons, tate of the Town of avinghum, -
copal-, who c en or about toay o •
LCorutty of liuron rand Provinrp of Ontario, hotel Butter and eons taken as Cash In exchai1ge fel` goods
K I died b t tI lith
d t
3 :uuarv, A 1)1869, aro required 10 spud 10the; To-
ronto �` p
Gener'alTrusts Company, at.theOitl'blTerot1• �, wRo °J
to, County of York, 'administrators- of the said
deeeascdt on or beloro the+Sth envy' 'of April. ',A.
D., 1309, their names, addresses and doscriptions ;
the full particulars of their Biotins; - a atate11)001 of ,;. , ,
their accounts and the -..antro of securities (if any) - ;
held by them, and Motile is hereby given that the
sold administrators will immediately after the Iast P I C"l y:
mentioned day proceed to distribute the assotsof the � ',
sai deceased anions; the
parties entitled there o,
baring regard only to ttto;clairris of which they shun
then have had. notice. • - .
3, A.110 aT011,
Solicitor for Administrators,
Winghain,28thFebruary, 1S80.
820 Aoass. (i petition) o£ X+'1rstCl#tss.
Land, only rive Miles teem the
1C-•�t A 1,..'tii D O N.
The grain Minueaao is G°
of the /Torthivest.
Has a most complete. assortment of the LAT :�sT,' ClOiCAST}' it
MOST Cl3AIt`ixNGr • A1tTIC'LLS ill
Clocks, Jewelry,
Jew 1r
Tat! CAS
nd, Silver Goods.
\VAltlir���ITti�'. '
The 'above le really a deoirable rain eta wall be sold To The Lett e0 4f Ya iiithag gni av1'athdin1'3 . dontli
�`al;i utlfavur•tbtn evening did net Cheap.
+. lvaod pMY Cord,
to 93 CO A1.480 We beg to intill'lat,e that we have on band a very Complete Stook of.
p Ha nr ton 11 00
provent a goa(4 20.0002 I7r. f,tushrtlrn -� "'t y •y y q "�
�it,r 1l- a17L�A i F L
os Vitalism it note matte in favor of terry
k t v Bell'need matt, of wheotet by John Radcliff Wad 1,4 u 3 by 30 feet
"was l,1Frltlfl1l and excellent in quality5 —-- - --- nnai—n.Cine (loom Ire Proof with an X1 Shaving
j�.Cr1n1; s()Yclr remarks' ]its r' v,ranonh, 401 2610.40, and ahieh {s st du
l �\� t t 1 t1t r rt t ., Carnilti5itlg the Ci.�tOTCIrST A.I.i,TICI","�S a12�, �r,A.T:ES"l' i�1'nV'�al;.rYES,
of all who took rt and to attempt nota r T� �T���E� �i��
1)Q1N 1iP'3 y CL'tCtlt f J”' 't1j
e. A
,o . W e have net a Cur1f the 11arn(s
pertte3. are tautionod aitainat hose sting for thli
Inchi IOUs distioOtmOs would lin Wirt it rringiratti, March 181.11,10, 0.
`+ .. Containing alltl,emodern maCninery for Menthe. ew ` ' ^ cto s irety Do st ,
enol 1Srrhnl>rt 'dangroNnas. um 81(181 `" "" "P1tVC I1Nt1.Ir71]11.D1t11w. tttreh,g2'loor'1n , Nnoldinge,S �.,Doers:se Route
the sang- —wee vart('d and well
Moors attached,
Thus 'mashie property is in flret•tlass running ,
tt7vt131t11, LdTlt, ant Cal,126 9AmWb Axl) Liam,
order, aibuated 19r
.-1"recd, the'c1i91.t1gtttcas aware well 0110868, 1N natY +�t�A�riry
ilninor,M1a ..2111 for the 111rrbt part, AX+
moit'ntly portrayed. ie a Might Sty
hWtr,Is .rn'-' of those were E�irril to Any
r'4' /Rll10114.0d. Mr. A. ti 'Altai/rola] ,
andon hear that, P It station
,2011 in the heart of the manefatt urinq depot of lith
lost" tgiA •
81822' tattiah all
ort) where rt L(rrge imd 1'eoiltahlp business can ba e -56f'" "" I
�trnnerllate �osenatdori can be given. ''61808 perfect, -
o+r bili ��icultivare a 1 to 1,,
.oe Very Reasonable..
rli ft1Sn. Ajs rs),, to tut pp q t', Trim f "'� (��'`'�'"
'Vim r IA 111 el- 4 tighern P. 0,; misses B ` 1' q* 'F